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Several agri-environment schemes aim to improve pollinator diversity and abundance, including the sowing of wildflower areas. These seed mixes are often either low in floral diversity and target few pollinator species (mainly social bees), or high in floral diversity but with limited evidence of good establishment of the component species. In order to support a greater diversity of wild bees in farmland, we need more diverse seed mixes, containing species shown to support a wide diversity of insect pollinators, with good establishment and long flowering periods. Here we trialled two typical seed mixes, a low-diversity Fabaceae-heavy mix (FAB) and a more diverse wildflower mix (WF), against two novel wildflower mixes, one based on literature sources (LT), and one based on first-hand surveys of pollinator attraction to flowers growing on a wildflower farm (WB). Both new mixes were focussed on plants attractive to wild bee species. Replicated field plots were set up on two farms and monitored over three years. Our novel wildflower mixes had higher floral diversity and abundance than the FAB mix, and began flowering earlier, reaching their floral peak before the FAB mix, potentially providing forage for a broader range of pollinators or those with earlier flight seasons. The high floral abundance in LT and WB was driven by annuals in the first year, and then multiple perennials in the second and third year. We identified five perennials from four families (Daucus carota, Leucanthemum vulgare, Geranium pyrenaicum, Lotus corniculatus and Trifolium hybridum) that established well on both farms, are known to be attractive to a diversity of bee species, and thus could be considered as providing a more taxonomically diverse base for creating future mixes. However, the mixes provided few floral resources in April (needed by early-flying wild bees), and more research is required in this area.  相似文献   

The Value of Uncropped Field Margins For Foraging Bumblebees   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The intensification of agriculture has led to declines in species diversity and abundance within groups of certain flora and fauna. Bumblebees (Bombus spp.) are one group where a decline has been documented, and it is thought to be attributable to a decrease in forage resources and potential nest sites. As bumblebees play an important role in the pollination of many entomophilous crops, this decline could impact on agricultural productivity. We examined the role of naturally regenerated field margins in providing forage plants on land where nectar resources are otherwise impoverished. The following question was addressed – Are naturally regenerated unsprayed field margins more attractive to foraging bumblebees and honeybees than cropped field margins managed as conservation headlands? Significantly more bees visited naturally regenerated field margins than cropped field margins. Honeybees (Apis mellifera), Bombus terrestris, and Bombus lapidarius were the most commonly observed bee species. Different wildflower species within the naturally regenerated margins varied greatly in relative number of visits received, and bumblebee species were found to prefer different flower species to honeybees. The potential role that naturally regenerated field margins could play in the conservation of bumblebee species, and the implications for other species of flora and fauna, are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract: In selected foraging habitats of an agricultural landscape flower visits of bumblebees and community structure of foraging bumblebees were studied, with special regard to the role of crops as super-abundant resources. Most crops represent temporal foraging habitats with high abundance of bumblebees but mainly with low diversity in the bumblebee forage community, in contrast to permanent foraging habitats such as, for example, a hedgerow. The high numbers of bumblebees in the monoculture of crop plantations consisted mainly of short-tongued bumblebee species. The role of foraging distances for the visitation rate of foraging habitats was studied by performing capture–recapture experiments with natural nests of Bombus terrestris , Bombus lapidarius and Bombus muscorum . Differences were found on the species as well as the individual level. The foraging distances of B. muscorum were more restricted to the neighbourhood of the nesting habitat than the foraging activity of B. terrestris and B. lapidarius . High percentages of B. terrestris workers were recaptured while foraging on super-abundant resources in distances up to 1750 m from the nest. Isolated patches of highly rewarding forage crops, in agricultural landscapes, are probably only accessed by bumblebee species with large mean foraging distances, such as the short-tongued B. terrestris . Species like the rare, long-tongued B. muscorum depend on a close connection between nesting and foraging habitat. A restricted foraging radius might be one important factor of bumblebee species loss and potential pollinator limitation in modern agricultural landscapes. Furthermore, long-distance flights of bumblebee pollinators have to be considered in the present discussion on gene flow from transgenic plant species on a landscape scale.  相似文献   

Agro-ecosystems have recently experienced dramatic losses of biodiversity due to more intensive production methods. In order to increase species diversity, agri-environment schemes provide subsidies to farmers who devote a fraction of their land to ecological compensation areas (ECAs). Several studies have shown that invertebrate biodiversity is actually higher in ECAs than in nearby intensively cultivated farmland. It remains poorly understood, however, to what extent ECAs also favour vertebrates, such as small mammals and their predators, which would contribute to restoring functional food chains within revitalised agricultural matrices. We studied small mammal populations among eight habitat types—including wildflower areas, a specific ECA in Switzerland—and habitat selection (radiotracking) by the Barn Owl Tyto alba, one of their principal predators. Our prediction was that habitats with higher abundances of small mammals would be more visited by foraging Barn Owls during the period of chicks’ provisioning. Small mammal abundance tended to be higher in wildflower areas than in any other habitat type. Barn Owls, however, preferred to forage in cereal fields and grassland. They avoided all types of crops other than cereals, as well as wildflower areas, which suggests that they do not select their hunting habitat primarily with respect to prey density. Instead of prey abundance, prey accessibility may play a more crucial role: wildflower areas have a dense vegetation cover, which may impede access to prey for foraging owls. The exploitation of wildflower areas by the owls might be enhanced by creating open foraging corridors within or around wildflower areas. Wildflower areas managed in that way might contribute to restore functional links in food webs within agro-ecosystems.  相似文献   

The rapid decline in bumblebee populations within Europe has been linked to habitat loss through agricultural intensification, and a consequential reduction in the availability of preferred forage plants. The successful introduction of four European Bombus species to the South Island of New Zealand from England (in 1885 and 1906) provides an opportunity to determine how important different forage plants (also introduced from the U.K.) are to two severely threatened European bumblebee species (Bombus ruderatus and B. subterraneus). In January 2003 we conducted a survey of bumblebee populations across 70 sites in the central and southern South Island, recording which plant species were being used as pollen and nectar sources for each Bombus species. All four bumblebee species showed a clear preference for plants of European origin. Only B. terrestris, the most polylectic species, was recorded feeding on native plant species. The longer-tongued bumblebees, B. hortorum, B. ruderatus, and B. subterraneus, foraged predominantly on just two plant species; Trifolium pratense for both nectar and pollen, and Echium vulgare for nectar. These plant species are now declining in abundance in the U.K. Our results provide support for the hypothesis that the loss of flower-rich meadows, particularly those containing populations of Fabaceae species with long corollae, is responsible for the decline of bumblebee species across Europe. Comparison with earlier bumblebee surveys suggests that long-tongued bumblebees may also be in decline in New Zealand, particularly B. subterraneus which is now very localised and scarce.  相似文献   

Coexistence in bumblebee communities has largely been investigated at local spatial scales. However, local resource partitioning does not fully explain the species diversity of bumblebee communities. Theoretical studies provide new evidence that partitioning of space can promote species coexistence, when species interact with their environment at different spatial scales. If bumblebee species possess specific foraging ranges, different spatial resource utilisation patterns might operate as an additional mechanism of coexistence in bumblebee communities. We investigated the effects of the landscape-wide availability of different resources (mass flowering crops and semi-natural habitats) on the local densities of four bumblebee species at 12 spatial scales (landscape sectors with 250–3,000 m radius) to indirectly identify the spatial scales at which the bumblebees perceive their environment. The densities of all bumblebee species were enhanced in landscapes with high proportions of mass flowering crops (mainly oilseed rape). We found the strongest effects for Bombus terrestris agg. and Bombus lapidarius at large spatial scales, implying foraging distances of 3,000 and 2,750 m, respectively. The densities of Bombus pascuorum were most strongly influenced at a medium spatial scale (1,000 m), and of Bombus pratorum (with marginal significance) at a small spatial scale (250 m). The estimated foraging ranges tended to be related to body and colony sizes, indicating that larger species travel over larger distances than smaller species, presumably enabling them to build up larger colonies through a better exploitation of food resources. We conclude that coexistence in bumblebee communities could potentially be mediated by species-specific differences in the spatial resource utilisation patterns, which should be considered in conservation schemes.  相似文献   

Sown wildflower areas are increasingly recommended as an agri-environmental intervention measure, but evidence for their success is limited to particular insect groups or hampered by the challenges of establishing seed mixes and maintaining flower abundance over time. We conducted a replicated experiment to establish wildflower areas to support insect pollinators in apple orchards. Over three years, and across 23 commercial UK orchards with and without sown wildflowers, we conducted 828 transect surveys across various non-crop habitats. We found that the abundance of flower-visiting solitary bees, bumblebees, honeybees, and beetles was increased in sown wildflower areas, compared with existing non-crop habitats in control orchards, from the second year following floral establishment. Abundance of hoverflies and other non-syrphid flies was increased in wildflower areas from the first year. Beyond the effect of wildflower areas, solitary bee abundance was also positively related to levels of floral cover in other local habitats within orchards, but neither local nor wider landscape-scale context affected abundance of other studied insect taxa within study orchards. There was a change in plant community composition on the sown wildflower areas between years, and in patterns of flowering within and between years, showing a succession from unsown weedy species towards a dominance of sown species over time. We discuss how the successful establishment of sown wildflower areas and delivery of benefits for different insect taxa relies on appropriate and reactive management practices as a key component of any such agri-environment scheme.  相似文献   

Wildflower plantings are an important mitigation tool within agri-environmental schemes to counter insect decline in resource-scarce agricultural landscapes. Effectiveness of wildflower plantings for insect conservation is typically studied at the community or species level. It is the individual, however, that is subject to changing abiotic and biotic conditions, not the species per se. Accordingly, functional traits of individuals, i.e., the intraspecific functional diversity within species, likely mediate responses to wildflower resources and landscape context. Here we focused on the ecologically and economically important wild insect pollinator Bombus terrestris to study its intraspecific functional diversity and plant-pollinator individual interactions in wildflower plantings. We found considerable trait variation among flower-visiting B. terrestris workers. Locally, this variation could be attributed to flowering plant traits, with larger workers visiting larger inflorescences and individuals with longer tongues preferentially feeding on zygomorphic but not radially symmetrical flowers. In addition, wildflower plantings with high floral abundance attracted individuals with larger pollen baskets. At the landscape scale, increasing proportion of arable land resulted in smaller B. terrestris individuals in wildflower plantings, and a decrease in the overall size diversity of workers. These findings highlight the so far little considered role of intraspecific variation in functional traits of wild pollinators, which can mediate the trait-matching between plants and pollinator individuals. Landscape simplification from agriculture threatens intraspecific pollinator diversity, with potential harmful effects for pollinator fitness and plant reproduction. Tailored wildflower plantings can thus serve as an important tool to increase intraspecific variation in simplified landscapes. When designing seed mixtures for these plantings, high complementarity in plant traits is key for promoting high intraspecific trait diversity of bumblebees and potentially of other associated insect species.  相似文献   

Greenways have recently been established in some intensively farmed areas of South Sweden in order to enhance recreation opportunities and biodiversity, but the effects of these green structures on biodiversity have not yet been determined. In this study, greenways and experimental sown wildflower strips were investigated for butterfly and bumblebee diversity. In total, 1,769 butterflies of 18 species and 1,216 foraging bumblebees of eight species were recorded. Sown wildflower strips proved to support much higher abundances and species numbers of butterflies and bumblebees than greenways, with 86% of all butterflies and 83% of all bumblebees being observed in the sown flower strips. However, in both types of green structure mostly common species were found. Counts of flower visits showed that Knautia, Centaurea and Cirsium were the most commonly visited plant species. The greenways studied did not seem to fulfil their function of enhancing biodiversity—at least not for butterflies and bumblebees. However, these greenways could easily be improved for common bumblebee and butterfly species by sowing wildflower strips along their margins.  相似文献   

Bumblebees of Bombus terrestris are essential pollinators in natural and managed ecosystems. Their foraging ability relies on the individual morphology, task allocation within the colony, and external factors, such as light intensity. The foraging activities of commercial bumblebees can sometimes be impaired, especially in the artificial and weak light intensities of greenhouses at high altitudes. Here we investigated whether the eagerness (or willingness) to forage of bumblebee colonies in different light conditions is correlated with the light sensitivity of bumblebees colonies and/or different external morphological parameters. The initial foraging capacity of bumblebee colonies correlated with their light sensitivity. However, light sensitive bumblebee colonies did not necessarily had a higher foraging activity at lower light intensities. Differences in initial foraging capacity and light sensitivity among colonies could not be explained by the external morphological parameters. In conclusion, our data illustrated that the recruitment to forage in artificial low light is less impaired in light sensitive colonies, and that not only the external morphology parameters determine the light sensitivity of bumblebees and their eagerness to forage in weak light conditions. The data obtained here create a better understanding of which criteria are able to select towards light sensitive bumblebees and their link with the foraging capacity of these bumblebees.  相似文献   

Many bumblebee species are declining at a rapid rate in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. This is commonly attributed to the decline in floral resources that has resulted from an intensification in farming practices. Here we assess growth of nests of the bumblebee, Bombus terrestris, in habitats providing different levels of floral resources. Experimental nests were placed out in conventional farmland, in farmland with flower-rich conservation measures and in suburban areas. Nests gained weight more quickly and attained a larger final size in suburban areas compared to elsewhere. The diversity of pollens gathered by bees was highest in suburban areas, and lowest in conventional farmland. Nests in suburban areas were also more prone to attack by the specialist bumblebee parasite Aphomia sociella, suggesting that this moth is more abundant in suburban areas than elsewhere. Overall, our results demonstrate that gardens provide a greater density and diversity of floral resources than farmland, and probably support larger populations of B. terrestris. Contrary to expectation, schemes deployed to enhance farmland biodiversity appear to have little measurable impact on nest growth of this bumblebee species. We argue that B. terrestris probably forage over a larger scale than that on which farms are managed, so that nest growth is determined by the management of a large number of neighbouring farms, not just that in which the nest is located.  相似文献   

Changes in agricultural practice across Europe and North America have been associated with range contractions and local extinction of bumblebees (Bombus spp.). A number of agri‐environment schemes have been implemented to halt and reverse these declines, predominantly revolving around the provision of additional forage plants. Although it has been demonstrated that these schemes can attract substantial numbers of foraging bumblebees, it remains unclear to what extent they actually increase bumblebee populations. We used standardized transect walks and molecular techniques to compare the size of bumblebee populations between Higher Level Stewardship (HLS) farms implementing pollinator‐friendly schemes and Entry Level Stewardship (ELS) control farms. Bumblebee abundance on the transect walks was significantly higher on HLS farms than ELS farms. Molecular analysis suggested maximum foraging ranges of 566 m for Bombus hortorum, 714 m for B. lapidarius, 363 m for B. pascuorum and 799 m for B. terrestris. Substantial differences in maximum foraging range were found within bumblebee species between farm types. Accounting for foraging range differences, B. hortorum (47 vs 13 nests/km2) and B. lapidarius (45 vs 22 nests/km2) were found to nest at significantly greater densities on HLS farms than ELS farms. There were no significant differences between farm type for B. terrestris (88 vs 38 nests/km2) and B. pascuorum (32 vs 39 nests/km2). Across all bumblebee species, HLS management had a significantly positive effect on bumblebee nest density. These results show that targeted agri‐environment schemes that increase the availability of suitable forage can significantly increase the size of wild bumblebee populations.  相似文献   

1. The local insect composition may be as important as the local floral composition for bumblebees' foraging behaviour. However, little is known about how the local abundance of insects affects the foraging patterns of individuals. 2. Using field observations, we studied the relationships between the local density of previous and simultaneous foragers and the local foraging behaviour of Bombus pascuorum, Bombus lucorum/B. terrestris and Bombus lapidarius while pollinating Centaurea jacea. 3. The number of bumblebees foraging in the plots was positively related to the number of new individuals arriving at these plots. The number of inflorescences contacted and the duration of visits were negatively related to the number of simultaneous foragers, but only in B. lucorum/B. terrestris. The effects of previous foragers on the behaviour of other bumblebees were species‐specific and variable in their direction. Such contrasting effects can be explained in terms of bumblebee species' abundances and functional similarity. In some cases, the effect of previous foragers increased with Centaurea density. 4. The local abundance of previous and simultaneous foragers affected the foraging behaviour of particular bumblebee individuals in complex ways. Future studies on local foraging behaviour might benefit from including the abundance of co‐foragers.  相似文献   

There are approximately 29,000 ha of grass buffer strips in the UK under Agri-Environment Schemes; however, typically they are floristically poor and as such are of limited biodiversity value. Introducing a sown wildflower component has the potential to increase dramatically the value of these buffer strips for a suite of native species, including butterflies. This study investigates management practices aiming to promote the establishment and maintenance of wildflowers in existing buffer strips. The effectiveness of two methods used to increase the establishment of wildflowers for the benefit of native butterfly species were tested, both individually and in combination. The management practices were: (1) the application of a selective graminicide (fluazifop-P-butyl) which reduces the dominance of competitive grasses; and (2) scarification of the soil which creates germination niches for sown wildflower seeds. A wildflower seed mix consisting of nine species was sown in conjunction with the scarification treatment. Responses of wildflowers and butterflies were monitored for two years after establishment. Results indicate that the combined scarification and graminicide treatment produced the greatest cover and species richness of sown wildflowers. Butterfly abundance, species richness and diversity were positively correlated with sown wildflower species richness, with the highest values in the combined scarification and graminicide treatment. These findings have confirmed the importance of both scarification as a means of introducing wildflower seed into existing buffer strips, and subsequent management using graminicides, for the benefit of butterflies. Application of this approach could provide tools to help butterfly conservation on farmland in the future.  相似文献   

We investigated the abundance and species richness of heteropteran bugs and explored environmental factors which influence bug diversity in three types of semi-natural habitats (wildflower areas, extensively used meadows, extensively grazed pastures). To cover this topic, it is essential to know how much the relatively young wildflower areas contribute to biodiversity compared with well-established extensive meadows and pastures. Total bug species richness and phytophagous bug species richness were significantly higher in wildflower areas and meadows than in pastures. In wildflower areas, we found the highest number of zoophagous bug species and species overwintering in the egg-stage. Species overwintering as adults were most abundant in meadows. Total number of bug species as well as species richness in either trophic groups and overwintering strategies were significantly positively correlated with vegetation structure. Except for overwintering strategies, the same was true to bug abundance. The bug community based on the number of individuals per species was significantly explained by flower abundance and vegetation structure, accounting for 18.4 and 16.8% of the variance, respectively. Our results indicate that vegetation structure and flower abundance are key factors for bug species richness, abundance and bug species composition. Since wildflower areas and meadows clearly increased bug species richness and contained several specialised bug species that did not occur in pastures, we recommend the promotion of wildflower areas and extensively used meadows in order to restore both high heteropteran diversity and overall insect biodiversity in agricultural landscapes.  相似文献   

The potential of fallow lands to favor farmland bird conservation is widely recognized. Since fallows provide key resources for birds within the agricultural matrix, such as nesting sites, shelter and forage, complete understanding of the effect of field-management strategies on vegetation structure and food is essential to fulfill bird requirements and improve habitat management. In this study we experimentally compare the most common field practices (ploughing, shredding, herbicide application and cover cropping) on fallow lands by assessing the resources they provide for birds in terms of vegetation structure and food resources (leaf and seed availability), as well as the economic costs of their implementation. Fallow management treatments are ranked for six target species in a lowland area of the north-eastern Iberian Peninsula, according to the available information on their requirements. The different agronomic practices offer various quantities and types of resources, highlighting the importance of fallow management in bird conservation. Shredding and early herbicide application (February) are estimated to be good practices for Little Bustard (Tetrax tetrax) and Calandra Lark (Melanocorypha calandra), providing both favorable habitat and foraging conditions, while being economical. Meanwhile, superficial tillage in spring is found to be optimum for the rest of the species tested, despite being among the poorest food providers. Alternating patches of the best treatments would improve the effectiveness of agri-environmental schemes by maximizing the harboring habitat for the endangered species.  相似文献   

Habitat loss has led to fragmentation of populations of many invertebrates, but social hymenopterans may be particularly sensitive to habitat fragmentation due to their low effective population sizes. The impacts of fragmentation depend strongly on dispersal abilities, but these are difficult to quantify. Here, we quantify and compare dispersal abilities of two bumblebee species, Bombus muscorum and Bombus jonellus , in a model island system. We use microsatellites to investigate population genetic structuring, dispersal and spatial patterns in genetic diversity. Populations of both species showed significant structuring, and isolation by distance, but this was markedly greater in B. muscorum (θ = 0.13) than in B. jonellus (θ = 0.034). This difference could reflect a higher effective population size in B. jonellus compared to B. muscorum , but this is not consistent with the observed abundance of the two species. We argue that it is more likely that B. jonellus has a higher propensity to disperse than B. muscorum . This will influence their relative susceptibility to habitat fragmentation and may in part explain differential declines of mainland populations of these and other bumblebee species.  相似文献   

To test many predictions of “optimal foraging theory” it is necessary to calculate the rate of net energy intake of a foraging animal. Equations are derived for the calculation of the rate of net energy intake of a foraging bumblebee. The assumptions that form the basis of these energy equations are discussed. As examples, the rates of net energy intake are calculated for Bombus flavifrons workers foraging on neighboring patches of Aconitum columbianum and Delphinium barbeyi. If the bumblebees forage optimally, their net rates of energy intake in the two patches should be equal. The observed rates are consistent with this hypothesis. The application of an optimality approach to pollination biology is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The Hillesden experiment, established in 2005/2006 to test the delivery of biodiversity benefits under Environmental Stewardship, covers c. 1000 ha of arable farmland in central lowland England. It is a randomized block experiment with five replicates of three treatments: (1) CC: cross compliance, the control; (2) ELS: 1% of land removed from production for wildlife habitat provision; and (3) ELS‐X: 5% of land used for wildlife habitat, each treatment being applied to contiguous areas of 70–80 ha. Bird usage of winter food patches, comprising three different seed mixes, was monitored through the winter and was also related to seed yield. Winter and breeding season bird/territory abundance was recorded before and after the provision of the winter food patches. Bird use of the patches differed between seed mixes. There was large variation between individual patches in both seed yield and bird numbers and between individual bird species in their use of different seed mixes, suggesting that the availability of a range of patch types would be beneficial. Use of all patch types declined sharply in late January to February, indicating depletion and/or inability of birds to access shed seed. Winter bird abundance at a farm scale for all species combined, granivorous species and nine individual species increased for all monitored species when seed patches were available. At a treatment level, the increases tended to be greater in ELS‐X, where most of the patches were located. In the breeding season at a farm scale, the numbers of territories for all species combined and granivorous species increased significantly when seed patches had been available in the previous winter. There was little evidence of a treatment‐scale response. The provision of winter food appeared to increase winter bird abundance and to follow on into an overall increase in the breeding population, but if the latter effect is to be reflected elsewhere, this requires that sufficient breeding habitat is available to accommodate an increase.  相似文献   

Modifications of landscape structure and composition can decrease the availability of floral resources, resulting in the decline of many pollinator species, including bumblebees. These declines may have significant ecological consequences, because bumblebees pollinate a large range of plant species. Our study was carried out in heathlands, open semi-natural habitats that have decreased considerably due to human activities. We analysed how floral resources affect bumblebee communities throughout the colony lifetime at three scales: plot scale, heathland patch scale, and landscape scale. Floral density at the plot scale and spruce plantations at the landscape scale influenced bumblebee communities. The abundance of bumblebees on ericaceous species was higher when the landscape included a substantial proportion of unsuitable foraging habitat (i.e., spruce plantations). Both life history traits and colony life cycle stage influenced bumblebee responses to the availability of floral resources. Bumblebees were more affected by floral resources during the colony development phase than during the nest-foundation or mating phases. Moreover, bumblebees of species that form large colonies needed larger quantities of favourable foraging habitat, compared with small-colony bees, and their proportion decreased in habitats dominated by spruce plantations. In conclusion, the conservation of plant–bumblebee interactions will require management at a larger spatial scale than the restricted protected habitats. Moreover, at the landscape scale, both quantity of favourable foraging patches and their ecological continuity are important to conserve both small- and large- colony species.  相似文献   

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