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Permethrin-treated pieces of netting and simulated bednets were evaluated against Anopheles gambiae Giles and Aedes aegypti (L.) in the laboratory. When female mosquitoes were allowed to feed on a human arm through pieces of impregnated netting fastened at the end of tubes, doses above 2 g/m2 were required to stop blood-feeding of both An. gambiae and Ae. aegypti. A much lower dose prevented Ae. aegypti from feeding on mice through impregnated netting. When mosquitoes were released in a room and a human subject sat under a permethrin-impregnated (0.2 g/m2) bednet with an arm pressed against the net (mesh 1.5 mm), mosquitoes failed to bite through the net. All the mosquitoes trying to bite through or entering the net through holes cut in it were knocked down within 30 min of release and ultimately died. Permethrin-impregnated wide-mesh (4 or 8 mm) bednets similarly prevented entry and caused high mortality-rates of An. gambiae.  相似文献   

The response of Anopheles gambiae complex mosquitoes to men sleeping under insecticide-impregnated or untreated bednets in six verandah trap huts was studied during the dry season in The Gambia. With this type of hut it was possible to collect live and dead indoor-resting mosquitoes and estimate the number of wild mosquitoes which entered, bloodfed on man, and exited each night. Bednets were treated with emulsions targetted to leave deposits of 25 mg/m2 lambda-cyhalothrin, or 5, 50 or 500 mg/m2 permethrin, diluted from emulsifiable concentrates (EC), or a blank formulation similar to the EC except that the permethrin was omitted; the sixth net was left untreated. Nets and sleepers were rotated between huts on different nights, the design being based on a series of Latin squares and conducted double-blind. Permethrin-impregnated bednets deterred mosquitoes from entering the huts. The degree of deterrency was proportional to the dosage of permethrin. This effect was also caused by the blank formulation and therefore attributed to other components of the formulation, rather than to the permethrin itself. The net impregnated with 500 mg permethrin per square metre gave the best individual protection, reducing mosquito bloodfeeding by 91% compared with untreated nets. However, lambda-cyhalothrin was proportionately more insecticidal than permethrin at doses of equivalent deterrency. At this stage of research, it remains conjectural whether chemical deterrency or killing of malaria vectors is better for community protection.  相似文献   

Understanding density dependence in the transmission of lymphatic filariasis is essential for assessing the prospects of elimination. This study seeks to quantify the relationship between microfilaria (Mf) density in human blood and the number of third stage (L3) larvae developing in the mosquito vectors Aedes polynesiensis Marks and Culex quinquefasciatus Say (Diptera: Culicidae) after blood-feeding. Two types of curves are fitted to previously published data. Fitting a linearized power curve through the data allows for correction for measurement error in human Mf counts. Ignoring measurement error leads to overestimation of the strength of density dependence; the degree of overestimation depends on the accuracy of measurement of Mf density. For use in mathematical models of transmission of lymphatic filariasis, a hyperbolic saturating function is preferable. This curve explicitly estimates the Mf uptake and development at lowest Mf densities and the average maximum number of L3 that can develop in mosquitoes. This maximum was estimated at 23 and 4 for Ae. polynesiensis and Cx. quinquefasciatus, respectively.  相似文献   

Gambhir M  Michael E 《PloS one》2008,3(8):e2874


The current global efforts to control the morbidity and mortality caused by infectious diseases affecting developing countries—such as HIV/AIDS, polio, tuberculosis, malaria and the Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs)—have led to an increasing focus on the biological controllability or eradicability of disease transmission by management action. Here, we use an age-structured dynamical model of lymphatic filariasis transmission to show how a quantitative understanding of the dynamic processes underlying infection persistence and extinction is key to evaluating the eradicability of this macroparasitic disease.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We investigated the persistence and extinction dynamics of lymphatic filariasis by undertaking a numerical equilibrium analysis of a deterministic model of parasite transmission, based on varying values of the initial L3 larval density in the system. The results highlighted the likely occurrence of complex dynamics in parasite transmission with three major outcomes for the eradicability of filariasis. First, both vector biting and worm breakpoint thresholds are shown to be complex dynamic entities with values dependent on the nature and magnitude of vector-and host specific density-dependent processes and the degree of host infection aggregation prevailing in endemic communities. Second, these thresholds as well as the potential size of the attractor domains and hence system resilience are strongly dependent on peculiarities of infection dynamics in different vector species. Finally, the existence of multiple stable states indicates the presence of hysteresis nonlinearity in the filariasis system dynamics in which infection thresholds for infection invasion are lower but occur at higher biting rates than do the corresponding thresholds for parasite elimination.


The variable dynamic nature of thresholds and parasite system resilience reflecting both initial conditions and vector species-infection specificities, and the existence of hysteresis loop phenomenon, suggests that eradication of filariasis may require taking a more flexible and locally relevant approach to designing elimination programmes compared to the current command and control approach advocated by the global programme.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Human infection with Wuchereria bancrofti causes a disabling parasitic disease known as lymphatic filariasis, which is a major public health and socio-economic problem in many parts of the world. At the onset of the study, little was known of the distribution of filariasis and its current importance as a public health problem in Nepal. METHODS: Epidemiological mapping was undertaken to determine the prevalence of infection by Wuchereria bancrofti in 37 districts of Nepal between July to December 2001. The study population above 15 years of age was selected, and the immunochromatographic test (ICT Filariasis) was used to screen for circulating filarial antigen (CFA). RESULTS: The overall prevalence of lymphatic filariasis from a 4,488-sample population was 13% and 33/37 districts were found to be endemic. On the basis of geographical data, the highest number of cases was found at altitudes between 500-700 m; however, a substantial number of infected individuals were found in the highly populated Kathmandu valley, at altitudes between 900-1,500 metres where transmission appears to take place. Prevalence rates above 20% were found in 11 districts (with the highest rate of 40%), 6-19% were found in 15 districts, and 0.1-5% were in 7 districts.Information on people's knowledge, attitudes and behaviour towards filariasis was also collected by means of a structured questionnaire, which is presented and discussed in the study. CONCLUSIONS: This is the most extensive study of lymphatic filariasis undertaken to date in Nepal. The study indicates that the prevalence of infection is far greater that was previously reported and that lymphatic filariasis should be a much higher health priority than currently given.  相似文献   

The lymphatic filariases, Wuchereria bancrofti, Brugia malayi, and B. timori, infect nearly 100 million people throughout the tropics, but mainly in Africa and southeast Asia. Over 900 million people live in endemic, areas at risk to the infection. The filarial parasites reproduce slowly, whereas their mosquito vectors are quickly-reproducing opportunists. Thus, although vector control can reduce the risk of transmission, the parasite itself would seem a more vulnerable target for prolonged attack. In this article, Felix Partono discusses the clinical diagnosis of f lariasis and argues that the disease can be effectively controlled by attacking the parasites in infected communities, using diethyl-carbamazine (DEC) as the drug of choice.  相似文献   

A laboratory investigation was carried out into the effects of light and heat on the feeding and resting behaviour of Glossina morsitans morsitans Westwood. Flies placed in small cages on the ears of rabbits were tested for feeding responsiveness at light intensities of 0, 10, 100, 1000 and 25 000 lux. Feeding occurred at the same rate in darkness as it did in light at up to 1000 lux, but at 25 000 lux was largely inhibited. At 26° C, flies flew to and settled in the light end of a 1.2 m-long choice chamber. As the temperature was raised (by 10° C/hour) they eventually took off and flew directly to the dark end. The temperature at which this skototaxis occurred was strongly negatively correlated with the light intensity: each log unit increase in light intensity (in lux) caused a 2.2° C fall in take-off temperature. Skototaxis occurred at higher temperatures in recently fed female flies than in starved ones.  相似文献   

The global initiatives to eliminate lymphatic filariasis as a public health problem by the year 2020 have generated a great deal of debate in India, the largest endemic country. This has led to a shift in the focus from control to elimination of the disease. Although the campaign to eliminate filariasis has begun, much more needs to be done. Several recent research studies have provided an insight into various operational issues and prospects of elimination of lymphatic filariasis. In this article, the current scenario, recent research results, logistics and the prospects of eliminating lymphatic filariasis in India will be discussed.  相似文献   

The economic burden of lymphatic filariasis in India   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Lymphatic filariasis affects 119 million people living in 73 countries, with India accounting for 40% of the global prevalence of infection. Despite its debilitating effects, lymphatic filariasis is given very low control priority. One of the reasons for this is paucity of information on the economic burden of the disease. Recent studies in rural areas of south India have shown that the treatment costs and loss of work time due to the disease are considerable. Based on the results of these studies, Kapa Ramaiah et al. here estimate the annual economic loss because of lymphatic filariasis for India and discuss the implications of their findings.  相似文献   

Abstract. Recently the sandfly Phlebotomus guggisbergi was found to be a vector of Leishmania tropica causing cutaneous leishmaniasis in the Laikipia focus, Kenya, but extensive searches have shed no light on the identity of the rural reservoir host(s). In order to discover more about the biology of the vector, a host feeding preference study was conducted on wild sandflies in their natural cave environment over a 6-month period. Solid state Army miniature (SSAM) traps, without light bulb, were suspended over cages with potential hosts or an empty cage control. The animals tested included sheep, goat, dog, cat, hamster, rabbit, giant rat (Cricetomys gambianus), crested rat (Lophiomys imhausi) and rock hyrax (Procavia capensis), all of which (except hamsters) are normally found in the vicinity of the study site. Sandfly collections from traps baited with goat, sheep, cat, dog, rabbit, or wild rodent species were significantly higher than the control, whereas trap collections with hamster and rock hyrax were not significantly different from the control. Numbers of sandflies collected from the goat, sheep and cat were significantly greater than from the rabbit and rodents. The sex ratio also varied between collections: larger animals attracted a higher proportion of female P.guggisbergi than did the smaller animals (P>0.05). Therefore greater emphasis should be placed on surveying larger animals to assess their status as reservoir hosts for L.tropica in Kenya.  相似文献   

A survey of 166 hummingbird species reveals novel associations of bill-length sexual dimorphism (BLSD) with plumage and breeding behaviours. Across all species, female bills become proportionately longer than male bills (higher female-to-male BLSD ratio) as sexual dichromatism increases. However, male bills are proportionately longer (lower female-to-male BLSD ratio) in both lekkers (traditional group display) and clustered breeders (female harems or colonial nests) compared with dispersed breeders. The overall positive association of plumage with BLSD suggests that social status determines priority of access to nectar-providing flowers. Furthermore, the distinctive BLSD associated with breeding aggregations may arise from behaviours that impose constraints on the usual male priority at flowers: female dominance over males around nest colonies and male residence on lek-mating territories. These various factors appear to alter plumage and bill characters of both sexes to produce the range of dimorphisms within the various dispersed and aggregated breeding system categories. Feedback loops caused by ecological consequences of breeding behaviour may alter the evolutionary dynamics of breeding systems, bird-plant interactions, and competing pollinators, as well as help explain the lek paradox.  相似文献   



Papua New Guinea is the only endemic country in the Western Pacific Region that has not yet introduced a countrywide programme to eliminate lymphatic filariasis. However, on Misima Island in Milne Bay Province, government and private sectors have collaborated to implement a pilot elimination programme. Although interim evaluation indicated that the programme has been parasitologically successful, an appreciation that sustainable health gains depend on understanding and accommodating local beliefs prompted this qualitative study.


We investigated Misima community members knowledge and attitudes about lymphatic filariasis and the elimination programme. A combination of focus groups and key informant interviews were used to explore participants perceptions of health; knowledge of the aetiology and symptoms of filariasis, elephantiasis and hydrocele; attitudes towards the disease and mass drug distribution; and the social structure and decision-making protocols within the villages.


Focus group discussions proved inferior to key informant interviews for gathering rich data. Study participants did not consider lymphatic filariasis ("pom") a major health problem but were generally positive about mass drug administration campaigns. A variety of conditions were frequently and incorrectly attributed to filariasis. Participants expressed the belief that individuals infected with filariasis always had visible manifestations of disease. A common misconception was that taking drugs during campaigns provided long-term immunity against disease. The role of mosquito vectors in transmission was not generally appreciated and certain clinical presentations, particularly hydrocele, were associated with supernatural forces. Multiple adverse events were associated with mass drug administration campaigns and most study participants mentioned community members who did not participate in campaigns.


Important issues requiring educational intervention and elimination activity modification in the Misima region were identified during this study. Research outcomes should assist Papua New Guinea in developing and implementing a national elimination strategy and inform discussions regarding the appropriateness of current elimination strategies.  相似文献   

Studies on the effect of a juvenoid, DPE-28 (2,4-dinitrophenyl-2',6'-di-tertiarybutyl phenyl ether) on biology and behaviour of Cx. quinquefasciatus showed that the developmental duration, sex ratio, mating success and blood feeding were considerably affected by the exposure of larvae and pupae to the compound. Exposure of fourth instar larvae to 0.007 (EI90) and 0.0019 (EI50) ppm of DPE-28 prolonged the duration of pupation by 58.6 and 52.4 hr and delayed the adult emergence by 35.4 and 17.7 hr in males and 36.8 and 21.1 hr in females respectively. Exposure of freshly ecdysed pupae to 10 and 5 ppm delayed the adult emergence with respect to the control by 54.3 and 32.4 hr in males and 55.2 and 33.2 hr in females respectively. The sex ratio of the adults emerged from treated larvae and pupae was also affected. The female mosquitoes that survived from the exposed fourth instar larvae and pupae exhibited a low blood engorgement ratio. This depression in blood feeding was more pronounced in adults emerged from treated pupae than that of treated fourth instar larvae. A significant proportion of adults emerged from treated larvae and pupae were able to feed only partially. Mating success of the treated populations declined considerably when crosses were made between the males and females emerged from treated fourth instar larvae and pupae. The adults emerged from treated larvae and pupae showed a significant reduction in the oviposition.  相似文献   

The larval parasites of the pantropical lymphatic filariasis exhibit two types of circadian behaviour. Typically, they only appear in the human bloodstream at nighttime, synchronised with their mosquito vectors. In Polynesia and parts of Southeast Asia, free of nocturnal vectors, they are found at all hours, and each population biorhythm differs. Through a geometrical approach, we explain this circadian diversity by a single, dominant mutation: the clocks of individual parasites are set at midnight (ubiquitous) or at 2 p.m. Compared to other circadian genes, this mutation must be very old, as it is shared by four biologically remote genera of parasites. This seniority sheds new light on several theoretical and practical aspects of vector-parasite temporal relations.  相似文献   

The effects of housing, feeding time and diet composition on the behaviour of the laboratory rabbit were examined. The animals were caged individually in single or double metal cages with perforated metal floors, metal walls, and bars in the front, or kept as a group in floor pens. The light/dark cycle was 12/12 h with light from 04:00 to 16:00 h and 30 min twilight. One experiment compared feeding equal energy levels of a high energy diet (10.1 MJ/kg) and with a low energy diet (7.0 MJ/kg) at 08:00 h. The second experiment compared feeding the high energy diet at 08:00 h and at 14:00 h. In both studies the behaviour of the rabbits was recorded between 08:00 and 14:00 h and between 16:00 and 22:00 h. Feeding the animals at 14:00 h reduced abnormal behaviour during the dark period compared to feeding at 08:00 h, whereas no difference in behaviour could be detected between feeding a high-energy and a low-energy diet at 08:00 h. Animals in floor pens generally showed less abnormal behaviour than caged animals. The results indicate that the welfare for caged rabbits can be improved by feeding the animals in the afternoon rather than in the morning.  相似文献   

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