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Cross-correlations between stimuli and neuronal discharges yield information about synaptic events at the investigated neuron. In this paper it is shown that the time course estimated by a cross-correlogram, the cross-correlation function (ccf), represents the input current that upon injection into the perfect integrator model evokes spike sequences that are (almost) identical to those used for estimation of the ccf. Thus, the shape of a ccf may be regarded as an estimate of the underlying postsynaptic current, if the neuron investigated behaves, at least to a first approximation, like a perfect integrator model.  相似文献   

Neurofilaments and glial filaments   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The structure of neurofilaments and glial filaments are compared. Both filaments are composed of three subunits-a globule, interconnecting crossbar and side-arms. These elements form a tubular arrangement and their dimensions are given. Since the subunits of both filaments have a similar arrangement but differ in size, it is concluded that they represent different proteins.  相似文献   

Postsynaptic densities (PSDs) have been isolated from cerebral cortex, midbrain, cerebellum, and brain stem by the Triton X-100 method previously used in the isolation of cerebral PSDs (Cohen et al., 1977, J. Cell Biol. 74:181). These PSDs have been compared in protein composition, protein phosphorylation, and morphology. Thin-section electron microscopy revealed that cerebral cortex and midbrain PSDs were identical, being approximately 57 nm thick and composed of apparent aggregates 20-30 nm in diameter. Isolated cerebellar PSDs appeared thinner (33 nm) than cerebral cortex PSDs and lacked the apparent 20- to 30-nm aggregates, but had a latticelike structure. In unidirectional and rotary-shadowed replicas, the cerebrum and midbrain PSDs were circular in shape with a large central perforation or hole in the center of them. Cerebellum PSDs did not have a large perforation, but did have numerous smaller perforations in a lattice like structure. Filaments (6-9 nm) were observed connecting possible 20- to 30-nm aggregates in cerebrum PSDs and were also observed radiating from one side of the PSD. Both cerebral cortex and midbrain PSDs exhibited identical protein patterns on SDS gel electrophoresis. In comparison, cerebellar PSDs (a) lacked the major 51,000 Mr protein, (b) contained two times less calmodulin, and (c) contained a unique protein at 73,000 Mr. Calcium plus calmodulin stimulated the phosphorylation of the 51,000 and 62,000 Mr bands in both cerebral cortex and midbrain PSDs. In cerebellar PSDs, only the 58,000 and 62,000 Mr bands were phosphorylated. In the PSDs from all brain regions, cAMP stimulated the phosphorylation of Protein Ia (73,000 Mr), Protein Ib (68.000 Mr), and a 60,000 Mr protein, although cerebrum and midbrain PSDs contained very much higher levels of phosphorylated protein than did the cerebellum. On the basis of the morphological criteria, it is possible that PSDs isolated from cerebrum and midbrain were derived from the Gray type I, or asymmetric, synapses, whereas cerebellum PSDs were derived from the Gray type II, or symmetric, synapses. Since there is some evidence that the type I synapses are involved in excitatory mechanisms while the type II are involved in inhibitory mechanisms, the role of the PSD and of some of its proteins in these synaptic responses is discussed.  相似文献   

Postsynaptic densities (PSDs) isolated from porcine cerebral cortices are large aggregates consisting of more than 30 different proteins. Inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometric analyses revealed that isolated PSDs contained zinc at a concentration of 4.1 nmol per mg protein. Treatment with 8 m urea lead to dissociation of the PSDs into small components and, concomitantly, depletion of most of their bound zinc. After removal of the urea by dialysis, urea-dissociated PSD proteins did not reassemble into aggregates by themselves. Adding ZnCl2 to urea-treated PSD samples resulted in the assembly of urea-dissociated proteins into large aggregates with morphology and protein composition closely resembling those of the original PSDs. Mg2+, Ca2+, Co2+, Cd2+, Cu2+, Mn2+, Fe3+, K+ and Na+ ions at higher concentrations also induced the aggregation of urea-dissociated PSD protein. The structures of the K+-, Na+-, Mg2+- and Ca2+-induced aggregates were distinct from that of the original PSDs. Our results indicate that the structure of the PSD could be disassembled and reassembled under in vitro conditions. They further suggest that Zn2+ ions, by binding to certain zinc-binding proteins, play an important role in the formation and maintenance of the structure of the PSD.  相似文献   

Dynamics of the neuronal intermediate filaments   总被引:8,自引:6,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
We have analyzed the dynamics of neuronal intermediate filaments in living neurons by using the method of photobleaching of fluorescently- labeled neurofilament L protein and immunoelectron microscopy of incorporation sites of biotinylated neurofilament L protein. Low-light- level imaging and photobleaching of growing axons of mouse sensory neurons did not affect the rate of either axonal growth or the addition of intermediate filament structures at the axon terminal, suggesting that any perturbations caused by these optical methods would be minimal. After laser photobleaching, recovery of fluorescence did occur slowly with a recovery half-time of 40 min. Furthermore, we observed a more rapid fluorescence recovery in growing axons than in quiescent ones, indicating a growth-dependent regulation of the turnover rate. Incorporation sites of biotin-labeled neurofilament L protein were localized as numerous discrete sites along the axon, and they slowly elongated to become continuous arrays 24 h after injection. Collectively, these results indicate that neuronal intermediate filaments in growing axons turn over within the small area of the axoplasm possibly by the mechanism of lateral and segmental incorporation of new subunits.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2022,121(1):157-171
The assembly of functional biomolecular condensates often involves liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS) of proteins with multiple modular domains, which can be folded or conformationally disordered to various degrees. To understand the LLPS-driving domain-domain interactions, a fundamental question is how readily the interactions in the condensed phase can be inferred from interdomain interactions in dilute solutions. In particular, are the interactions leading to LLPS exclusively those underlying the formation of discrete interdomain complexes in homogeneous solutions? We address this question by developing a mean-field LLPS theory of two stoichiometrically constrained solute species. The theory is applied to the neuronal proteins SynGAP and PSD-95, whose complex coacervate serves as a rudimentary model for neuronal postsynaptic densities (PSDs). The predicted phase behaviors are compared with experiments. Previously, a three SynGAP/two PSD-95 ratio was determined for SynGAP/PSD-95 complexes in dilute solutions. However, when this 3:2 stoichiometry is uniformly imposed in our theory encompassing both dilute and condensed phases, the tie-line pattern of the predicted SynGAP/PSD-95 phase diagram differs drastically from that obtained experimentally. In contrast, theories embodying alternate scenarios postulating auxiliary SynGAP-PSD-95 as well as SynGAP-SynGAP and PSD-95-PSD-95 interactions, in addition to those responsible for stoichiometric SynGAP/PSD-95 complexes, produce tie-line patterns consistent with experiment. Hence, our combined theoretical-experimental analysis indicates that weaker interactions or higher-order complexes beyond the 3:2 stoichiometry, but not yet documented, are involved in the formation of SynGAP/PSD-95 condensates, imploring future efforts to ascertain the nature of these auxiliary interactions in PSD-like LLPS and underscoring a likely general synergy between stoichiometric, structurally specific binding and stochastic, multivalent “fuzzy” interactions in the assembly of functional biomolecular condensates.  相似文献   

A method has been developed for binding calmodulin, radioiodinated by the lactoperoxidase method, to denaturing gels and has been used to attempt to identify the calmodulin-binding proteins of cerebral cortex postsynaptic densities (PSDs). Calmodulin primarily bound to the major 51,000 Mr protein in a saturatable manner; secondarily bound to the 60,000 Mr region, 140,000 Mr region, and 230,000 Mr protein; and bound in lesser amounts to a number of other proteins. The major 51,000 Mr calmodulin-binding protein is one of unknown identity. Binding of iodinated calmodulin to these proteins was blocked by EDTA, EGTA, chlorpromazine, and preincubation with unlabeled calmodulin. Calmodulin iodinated by the chloramine-T method, which inactivates calmodulin did not bind to the PSD but bound nonspecifically to histone. Calmodulin did not bind to proteins from a variety of sources for which calmodulin interactions have not been found. Except for three proteins, all of the proteins of synaptic membranes that bind calmodulin could be accounted for by proteins of the PSD which are a part of the synaptic membrane fraction. The major 51,000 M, protein and the corresponding iodinated calmodulin binding were greatly reduced in cerebellar PSDs and this difference between cerebral cortex and cerebellar PSDs is discussed in light of the possible function of calmodulin in synaptic excitatory responses.  相似文献   

Long-term immunization of rabbits with postsynaptic densities (PSD) from bovine brain produced an antiserum specific for PSD as judged by binding to subcellular fractions and immunohistochemical location at the light and electron microscope levels. (a) The major antigens of bovine PSD preparations were three polypeptides of molecular weight 95,000 (PSD-95), 82,000 (PSD-82), and 72,000 (PSD-72), respectively. Antigen PSD-95, also present in mouse and rat PSDs was virtually absent from cytoplasm, myelin, mitochondria, and microsomes from rodent or bovine brain. Antigens PSD-82 and PSD-72 were present in all subcellular fractions from bovine brain, especially in mitochondria, but were almost absent from rodent brain. The antiserum also contained low-affinity antibodies against tubulin. (b)Immunohistochemical studies were performed in mouse and rat brain, where antigen PSD-95 accounted for 90 percent of the antiserum binding after adsorption with purified brain tubulin. At the light microscope level, antibody binding was observed only in those regions of the brain where synapses are known to be present. No reaction was observed in myelinated tracts, in the neuronal cytoplasm, or in nonneuronal cells. Strong reactivity was observed in the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus, stratum oriens and stratum radiatum of the hippocampus, and the molecular layer of the cerebellum. Experimental lesions, such as ablation of the rat entorhinal cortex or intraventricular injection of kainic acid, which led to a major loss of PSD in well- defined areas of the hippocampal formation, caused a correlative decrease in immunoreactivity in these areas. Abnormal patterns of immunohistochemical staining correlated with abnormal synaptic patterns in the cerebella of reeler and staggerer mouse mutants. (c) At the electron microscopic level, immunoreactivity was detectable only in PSD. The antibody did not bind to myelin, mitochondria or plasma membranes. (d) The results indicate that antigen PSD-95 is located predominantly or exclusively in PSD and can be used as a marker during subcellular fractionation. Other potential uses include the study of synaptogenesis, and the detection of changes in synapse number after experimental perturbations of the nervous system.  相似文献   

Isolation and characterization of glial filaments from human brain   总被引:14,自引:7,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
Intermediate (8--9 nm) filaments of human central nervous system astrocytes were isolated from the gliosed white matter of cases of adrenoleukodystrophy (ALD). This hereditary lipidosis is characterized pathologically by demyelination, loss of axons, and replacement of the white matter of the caudal cerebrum by a glial scar. Glial filaments were composed largely of a single protein component with a mol wt of about 49,000 daltons. Smaller components (44,000--39,000 daltons) were detected in some samples, and appear to represent degradation products of the filament protein. Human neurofilaments were isolated from the normal frontal white matter of ALD cases by the standard myelin-free axon technique. Isolated glial and neurofilament proteins comigrated during acrylamide gel electrophoresis in SDS. Polypeptides resulting from cyanogen bromide cleavage of the two filament proteins were the same. Both proteins reacted with rabbit antisera raised against isolated bovine neurofilament protein and human glial fibrillary acidic protein.  相似文献   

Glial cells are not passive spectators during nervous system assembly, rather they are active participants that exert significant control over neuronal development. Well-established roles for glia in shaping the developing nervous system include providing trophic support to neurons, modulating axon pathfinding, and driving nerve fasciculation. Exciting recent studies have revealed additional ways in which glial cells also modulate neurodevelopment. Glial cells regulate the number of neurons at early developmental stages by dynamically influencing neural precursor divisions, and at later stages by promoting neuronal cell death through engulfment. Glia also participate in the fine sculpting of neuronal connections by pruning excess axonal projections, shaping dendritic spines, and secreting multiple factors that promote synapse formation and functional maturation. These recent insights provide further compelling evidence that glial cells, through their diverse cellular actions, are essential contributors to the construction of a functionally mature nervous system.  相似文献   

Several cultures established from biopsies of apparently normal adult human glial material showed no cells positive for glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFA) when examined after seven or more cumulative population doublings (CPD), although the established glioma line U251 MG showed approximately 3% GFA-positive cells, and U333 CG/343 MG clone 3 showed greater than 98% GFA-positive cells. Both the human glia delivered cultures and the glioma lines were positive when assayed with sera specific for vimentin. We therefore investigated the expression of GFA as a function of cumulative population doublings after the establishment of primary cultures. Under our experimental conditions, although GFA-positive cells were clearly present in the primary cultures accounting for some 3%-14% of the cells present, the GFA marker was subsequently lost, and the proliferating cultures expressed only the vimentin type of intermediate filament. Those cells that were GFA-positive also appeared to be vimentin-positive. GFA expression was not reinduced in cultures that had lost the GFA marker by treatment with dibutyryl cyclic AMP. We discuss two alternate hypotheses for the origin of the GFA-negative cells: (1) the cultures area of astrocyte origin but lost the ability to express GFA on culturing; (2) the cultures originate from cells of nonastrocyte origin present in the primary material.  相似文献   

Evidence is presented for the existence of a newly discovered double-projection spinal neuronal system, the spinocervical tract-dorsal column postsynaptic neurons. The neurons are characterized by axonal bifurcation in the cervico-thoracic junction, by branched axons traveling in the dorsal column and the dorsolateral funiculus, and by double projection to the dorsal column nuclei and the lateral cervical nucleus. The neurons, with longitudinally distributed dendritic trees and local axon collaterals, primarily originate in laminae III-V of the dorsal horn and receive innocuous and noxious inputs transmitted along the A-beta primary afferents from the periphery. These neurons are thought to be an intersection of the spinocervical tract and the dorsal column postsynaptic neurons, and to function as a nonlemniscal system in mediation and modulation of ascending sensory information, including pain.  相似文献   

M Str?mqvist 《FEBS letters》1987,213(1):102-106
The effect of brain spectrin (fodrin) on actin has been studied using viscometry and fluorimetry. Brain spectrin resembles erythrocyte spectrin tetramer in its action on actin. Both proteins crosslink actin filaments giving rise to a large increase in the viscosity but fluorimetry shows that neither affects actin polymerization significantly. In addition, brain spectrin as well as erythrocyte spectrin fragments preformed actin filaments. Actin filaments incubated in the presence of either of the two proteins incorporate actin monomers at a much higher rate showing that more filament ends are generated.  相似文献   

The neuronal (GlyT2) and glial (GlyT1) glycine transporters, two members of the Na(+)/Cl(-)-dependent neurotransmitter transporter superfamily, differ by many aspects, such as substrate specificity and Na(+) coupling. We have characterized under voltage clamp their reactivity toward the membrane impermeant sulfhydryl reagent [2-(trimethylammonium)-ethyl]-methanethiosulfonate (MTSET). In Xenopus oocytes expressing GlyT1b, application of MTSET reduced to the same extent the Na(+)-dependent charge movement, the glycine-evoked current, and the glycine uptake, indicating a complete inactivation of the transporters following cysteine modification. In contrast, this compound had no detectable effect on the glycine uptake and the glycine-evoked current of GlyT2a. The sensitivities to MTSET of the two transporters can be permutated by suppressing a cysteine (C62A) in the first extracellular loop (EL1) of GlyT1b and introducing one at the equivalent position in GlyT2a, either by point mutation (A223C) or by swapping the EL1 sequence (GlyT1b-EL1 and GlyT2a-EL1) resulting in AFQ <--> CYR modification. Inactivation by MTSET was five times faster in GlyT2a-A223C than in GlyT2a-EL1 or GlyT1b, suggesting that the arginine in position +2 reduced the cysteine reactivity. Protection assays indicate that EL1 cysteines are less accessible in the presence of all co-transported substrates: Na(+), Cl(-), and glycine. Application of dithioerythritol reverses the inactivation by MTSET of the sensitive transporters. Together, these results indicate that EL1 conformation differs between GlyT1b and GlyT2a and is modified by substrate binding and translocation.  相似文献   

The metabolism of phospholipids in separated glial and neuronal cells has been reviewed in this paper. Lipids are more abundant in glia; on the other hand, in vivo experiments performed with labeled precursors have indicated that lipid turnover is faster in neurons (with the possible exception of oligodendroglia). Biosynthetic and catabolic enzymes of lipid metabolism have been studied in separated cells (mainly in neurons and astroglia) and have been shown to be almost always more active in neurons. Also base exchange is probably more active in these cells. Therefore the results of in vitro and in vivo experiments indicate that neurons are more active than astroglia in metabolizing glycerophospholipids.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody designated M2 arose from the fusion of mouse myeloma cells with splenocytes from a rat immunized with particulate fraction from early postnatal mouse cerebellum. Expression of M2 antigen was examined by indirect immunofluorescence on frozen sections of developing and adult mouse cerebellum and on monolayer cultures of early postnatal mouse cerebellar cells. In adult cerebellum, M2 staining outlines the cell bodies of granule and Purkinje cells. A weaker, more diffuse staining is seen in the molecular layer and white matter. In sections of newborn cerebellum, M2 antigen is weakly detectable surrounding cells of the external granular layer and Purkinje cells. The expression of M2 antigen increases during development in both cell types, reaching adult levels by postnatal day 14. At all stages of postnatal cerebellar development, granule cells that have completed migration to the internal granule layer are more heavily stained by M2 antibodies than are those before and in process of migration. In monolayer cultures, M2 antigen is detected on the cell surface Of all GFA protein-positive astrocytes and on more immature oligodendrocytes, that express 04 antigen but not 01 antigen. After 3 days in culture, tetanus toxinpositive neurons begin to express M2 antigen. The same delayed expression of M2 antigen on neurons is observed in cultures derived from mice ranging in age from postnatal day 0 to 10.  相似文献   

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