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The dinucleosome is an informative unit for analysis of the higher-order chromatin structure. DNA fragments forming stable dinucleosomes were screened from a dinucleosome DNA library after the reconstitution of nucleosomes in vitro and digestion with micrococcal nuclease. Reconstituted dinucleosomes showed a diversity of sensitivity to micrococcal nuclease, suggesting that the biochemical stability of a dinucleosome depends, in part, on the DNA fragments. The DNA fragments after the screening were classified into three groups represented by clones bf10, af14 and af32 according to the sensitivity to micrococcal nuclease. Mapping of the nucleosome boundaries by Southern blotting of the DNA after restriction digestion and by primer extension analysis showed that each nucleosome position of clone af32 was fixed. Analysis of reconstituted dinucleosomes using mutant DNA fragments of clone af32 revealed a unique property characteristic of a key nucleosome, given that the replacement of a DNA fragment corresponding to the right nucleosome position resulted in marked sensitivity to micrococcal nuclease, whereas the replacement of the other nucleosome fragment had almost no effect on sensitivity as compared to the original af32 construct. The mutant construct in which the right nucleosome was removed showed multiple nucleosome phases, suggesting that the right nucleosome stabilized first each mononucleosome and then the dinucleosome. An oligonucleotide bending assay revealed that the DNA fragment in the right nucleosome included curved DNA, suggesting that the positioning activity of the nucleosome was attributed to its DNA structure. These results suggest that information for forming stable dinucleosome is embedded in the genomic DNA and that a further characterization of the key nucleosome is useful for understanding the building up of the chromatin structure.  相似文献   

Recent mapping of nucleosome positioning on several long gene regions subject to DNA methylation has identified instances of nucleosome repositioning by this base modification. The evidence for an effect of CpG methylation on nucleosome formation and positioning in chromatin is reviewed here in the context of the complex sequence-structure requirements of DNA wrapping around the histone octamer and the role of this epigenetic mark in gene repression.  相似文献   

DNA methylation occurs on CpG sites and is important to form pericentric heterochromatin domains. The satellite 2 sequence, containing seven CpG sites, is located in the pericentric region of human chromosome 1 and is highly methylated in normal cells. In contrast, the satellite 2 region is reportedly hypomethylated in cancer cells, suggesting that the methylation status may affect the chromatin structure around the pericentric regions in tumours. In this study, we mapped the nucleosome positioning on the satellite 2 sequence in vitro and found that DNA methylation modestly affects the distribution of the nucleosome positioning. The micrococcal nuclease assay revealed that the DNA end flexibility of the nucleosomes changes, depending on the DNA methylation status. However, the structures and thermal stabilities of the nucleosomes are unaffected by DNA methylation. These findings provide new information to understand how DNA methylation functions in regulating pericentric heterochromatin formation and maintenance in normal and malignant cells.  相似文献   

Yeast has proven to be a powerful system for investigation of chromatin structure. However, the extent to which yeast chromatin can serve as a model for mammalian chromatin is limited by the significant number of differences that have been reported. To further investigate the structural relationship between the two chromatins, we have performed a DNA topological analysis of pRSSVO, a 5889 base-pair plasmid that can replicate in either yeast or mammalian cells. When grown in mammalian cells, pRSSVO contains an average of 33 negative supercoils, consistent with one nucleosome per 181 bp. This is close to the measured nucleosome repeat length of 190 bp. However, when grown in yeast cells, pRSSVO contains an average of only 23 negative supercoils, which is indicative of only one nucleosome per 256 bp. This is dramatically different from the measured nucleosome repeat length of 165 bp. To account for these observations, we suggest that yeast chromatin is composed of relatively short ordered arrays of nucleosomes with a repeat of 165 bp, separated by substantial gaps, possibly corresponding to regulatory regions.  相似文献   

Exponentially growing human erythroleukemia K562 cells were permeabilized and the dose dependent decrease of DNA synthesis rate was measured after ultraviolet (UV B, 290 nm) irradiation. Cells were able to overcome 2 and 5 J/m2 UV doses, partial recovery was observed at 15 J/m2, while at high (25 J/m2) UV dose replicative DNA synthesis remained suppressed. K562 cells were subjected to synchronization prior to and after UV irradiation (24 J/m2) and 18 fractions were collected by centrifugal elutriation. Cell cycle analysis by flow cytometry did not show early apoptotic cells after UV irradiation. The gradual increase in DNA content typical for non-irradiated cells was contrasted by an early S phase block between 2.2 and 2.4 C-values after UV irradiation. Cell cycle dependent chromatin changes after ultraviolet irradiation were seen as a fine fibrillary network covering the mainly fibrous chromatin structures and incompletely folded primitive chromosomes. Based on observations after UV irradiation and on earlier results with cadmium treatment and gamma irradiation, we confirm that typical chromatin changes characteristic to genotoxic agents can be recognized and classified.  相似文献   

Exponentially growing human erythroleukemia K562 cells were synchronized by centrifugal elutriation prior to and after Co60 γ-irradiation (4 Gy). Forward scatter flow cytometry used for size analysis revealed the increase of an early apoptotic cell population ranging from lower (0.05 C-value) to higher DNA content (∼1 C) as the cells progressed through the S phase. The increase in cellular DNA content expressed in C-values correlated with apoptotic chromatin changes manifested as many small apoptotic bodies in early S phase and larger but less numerous disintegrated apoptotic bodies in late S phase. Most significant changes after exposure to γ-irradiation took place in early S phase resulting in an increase of nuclear size by more than 50%. Cell fractions containing irradiated cells showed enhanced growth arrest at 2.4 C-value, which was accompanied by apoptosis. Apoptotic cell cycle arrest near to the G1/G0 checkpoint and apoptotic changes indicate that the radiation resistance of K562 cells is related to the bypass of the early stage of the p53 apoptotic pathway. Apoptotic changes in chromatin structure induced by γ-irradiation indicate that these injury-specific changes can be identified and distinguished from chromatin changes induced by UV radiation or heavy metals.  相似文献   

In order to further characterize the previously observed disruptive effect of the RNA polymerase I promoter sequence (Pol I) from Acanthamoeba castellanii on tandemly repeated 5S rDNA positioning sequences from sea urchin (Lytechinus variegatus), we compared the histone-binding ability of the isolated 199-bp Pol I promoter region to that of the 208-bp 5S rDNA and that of nucleosome core particle sequences isolated from chicken erythocytes. We found the 5S rDNA positioning sequence to be more efficient at forming nucleosomes than the RNA polymerase I promoter sequence. Nevertheless, examination of the free-DNA half-depletion points during the titrations suggested that twice as much histone had bound to RNA polymerase I promoter sequence as to the 5S nucleosome-positioning or core particle sequences. DNA bending analysis suggested two potential DNA bending loci in the RNA polymerase I promoter, whereas only one such locus was predicted for the 5S positioning sequence. Such mixed bending signals on the RNA polymerase I promoter could favor non-nucleosomal deposition of histones on these sequences.  相似文献   

Analysis of the structure of chromatin in cereal species using micrococcal nuclease (MNase) cleavage showed nucleosomal organization and a ladder with typical nucleosomal spacing of 175–185 bp. Probing with a set of DNA probes localized in the authentic telomeres, subtelomeric regions and bulk chromatin revealed that these chromosomal regions have nucleosomal organization but differ in size of nucleosomes and rate of cleavage between both species and regions. Chromatin from Secale and Dasypyrum cleaved more quickly than that from wheat and barley, perhaps because of their higher content of repetitive sequences with hairpin structures accessible to MNase cleavage. In all species, the telomeric chromatin showed more rapid cleavage kinetics and a shorter nucleosome length (160 bp spacing) than bulk chromatin. Rye telomeric repeat arrays were shortest, ranging from 8 kb to 50 kb while those of wheat ranged from 15 kb up to 175 kb. A gradient of sensitivity to MNase was detected along rye chromosomes. The rye-specific subtelomeric sequences pSc200 and pSc250 have nucleosomes of two lengths, those of the telomeric and of bulk nucleosomes, indicating that the telomeric structure may extended into the chromosomes. More proximal sequences common to rye and wheat, the short tandem-repeat pSc119.2 and rDNA sequence pTa71, showed longer nucleosomal sizes characteristic of bulk chromatin in both species. A strictly defined spacing arrangement (phasing) of nucleosomes was demonstrated along arrays of tandem repeats with different monomer lengths (118, 350 and 550 bp) by combining MNase and restriction enzyme digestion.  相似文献   

About 65% of DNA in the chicken W chromosome has been shown to consist ofXhoI andEcoRI family repetitive sequences. These sequences showed remarkable delay in the electrophoretic mobility at low temperature on a polyacrylamide gel. Three dimensional structures of the 0.7-kbXhoI and the 1.2-kbEcoRI family repeating units were estimated to be irregular solenoids using a computer program based on wedge angles of all the 16 dinucleotide steps. Fluorescencein situ hybridization demonstrated that these two family sequences were localized in a major heterochromatic body in an interphase nucleus. Incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine into the W chromosome in the synchronous culture of MSB-1 cells occurred about 1 h later than the peak of S phase. The chromatin structure formed alongXhoI andEcoRI family sequences was suggested to be different from the total chromatin or chromatin containing the β-actin gene sequence in that the linker DNA lengths of the former were significantly longer. Fractionation of theHaeIII-digested MSB-1 nuclei yielded a chromatin fraction in whichXhoI family sequences were partially enriched. Several DNA-binding proteins showing higher affinity for theXhoI family sequence were present in this fraction.  相似文献   

Paramutation is the transfer of epigenetic information between alleles that leads to a heritable change in expression of one of these alleles. Paramutation at the tissue‐specifically expressed maize (Zea mays) b1 locus involves the low‐expressing B′ and high‐expressing B‐I allele. Combined in the same nucleus, B′ heritably changes B‐I into B′. A hepta‐repeat located 100‐kb upstream of the b1 coding region is required for paramutation and for high b1 expression. The role of epigenetic modifications in paramutation is currently not well understood. In this study, we show that the B′ hepta‐repeat is DNA‐hypermethylated in all tissues analyzed. Importantly, combining B′ and B‐I in one nucleus results in de novo methylation of the B‐I repeats early in plant development. These findings indicate a role for hepta‐repeat DNA methylation in the establishment and maintenance of the silenced B′ state. In contrast, nucleosome occupancy, H3 acetylation, and H3K9 and H3K27 methylation are mainly involved in tissue‐specific regulation of the hepta‐repeat. Nucleosome depletion and H3 acetylation are tissue‐specifically regulated at the B‐I hepta‐repeat and associated with enhancement of b1 expression. H3K9 and H3K27 methylation are tissue‐specifically localized at the B′ hepta‐repeat and reinforce the silenced B′ chromatin state. The B′ coding region is H3K27 dimethylated in all tissues analyzed, indicating a role in the maintenance of the silenced B′ state. Taken together, these findings provide insight into the mechanisms underlying paramutation and tissue‐specific regulation of b1 at the level of chromatin structure.  相似文献   

MacroH2A is a novel nucleosomal core histone that contains a large nonhistone region and a region that closely resembles a full length histone H2A. We have cloned a cDNA that contains the entire coding region of macroH2A1.2, one of the two identified subtypes of macroH2A1. MacroH2A1.2 was found to differ from the other known subtype, macroH2A1.1, in a single segment of the nonhistone region. MacroH2A1 specific antibodies revealed relatively high levels of both subtypes in adult liver and kidney. MacroH2A1.1 was much lower in fetal liver and kidney in comparison to their adult counterparts, and was not detected in adult thymus and testis, tissues with active cell division and differentiation. Both subtypes were present at very low levels or absent from mouse embryonic stem cells maintained in an undifferentiated state by growth in the presence of leukemia inhibitory factor. MacroH2A1.2 increased when the embryonic stem cells were induced to differentiate in vitro, while macroH2A1.1 remained undetectable. These results support the idea that macroH2A1.1 and macroH2A1.2 are functionally distinct, and suggest that changes in their expression may play a role in developmentally regulated changes in chromatin structure and function. J. Cell. Biochem. 65:107–113. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Glycophorins of human erythroleukemic K562 cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Glycophorins related to alpha glycophorin, of the human erythrocyte membrane, were isolated from human erythroleukemic K562 cells. The glycophorins were purified using sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)/trichloroacetic acid fractionation and Folch and hot phenol extractions. 0.1-0.2 micrograms was obtained/10(8) cells, or approximately a 15% yield. SDS-gel electrophoresis revealed a pattern similar to erythrocyte alpha glycophorin except for the slower mobility of the glycophorin monomer. Two populations of K562 glycophorins, present in nearly equivalent amounts, were distinguished by their binding to Lens culinaris lectin agarose. The two populations exhibited similar gel electrophoretic patterns except for the presence of delta-like glycophorin exclusively in the population that did not bind to L. culinaris lectin. Immunoblotting revealed a lack of reaction of the major alpha and delta-like glycophorin bands in all K562 glycophorins with M or N erythrocyte glycophorin-specific monoclonal antibodies. Only minor species of intermediate electrophoretic mobility in glycophorins not binding to L. culinaris showed a reaction with these antibodies. Both populations of glycophorins incorporated radiolabeled glucosamine, mannose, and fucose and contained O-glycosidically linked tri- and tetrasaccharides, present in a ratio of approximately 1:1 indicating a significant degree of hyposialylation when compared to erythrocyte alpha glycophorin. No precursor/product relationship was demonstrated between the major forms of two populations. K562 cell surface labeling with lactoperoxidase revealed that only the glycophorins that exhibited binding to L. culinaris were accessible to iodination and could be the only species expressed at the cell surface.  相似文献   

Recognition and repair of damaged DNA occurs within the context of chromatin. The key protein components of chromatin are histones, whose post-translational modifications control diverse chromatin functions. Here, we report our findings from a large-scale screen for DNA-damage-responsive histone modifications in human cells. We have identified specific phosphorylations and acetylations on histone H3 that decrease in response to DNA damage. Significantly, we find that DNA-damage-induced changes in H3S10p, H3S28p and H3.3S31p are a consequence of cell-cycle re-positioning rather than DNA damage per se. In contrast, H3K9Ac and H3K56Ac, a mark previously uncharacterized in human cells, are rapidly and reversibly reduced in response to DNA damage. Finally, we show that the histone acetyl-transferase GCN5/KAT2A acetylates H3K56 in vitro and in vivo. Collectively, our data indicate that though most histone modifications do not change appreciably after genotoxic stress, H3K9Ac and H3K56Ac are reduced in response to DNA damage in human cells.  相似文献   

It has been established that the precise positioning of nucleosomes on genomic DNA can be achieved, at least for a minority of them, through sequence-dependent processes. However, to what extent DNA sequences play a role in the positioning of the major part of nucleosomes is still debated. The aim of the present study is to examine to what extent long-range correlations (LRC) are related to the presence of nucleosomes. Using the wavelet transform technique, we perform a comparative analysis of the DNA text and of the corresponding bending profiles generated with curvature tables based on nucleosome positioning data. The exploration of a number of eukaryotic and bacterial genomes through the optics of the so-called "wavelet transform microscope" reveals a characteristic scale of 100-200 bp that separates two regimes of different LRC. Here, we focus on the existence of LRC in the small-scale regime (10-200 bp) which are actually observed in eukaryotic genomes, in contrast to their absence in eubacterial genomes. Analysis of viral DNA genomes shows that, like their host's genomes, eukaryotic viruses present LRC but eubacterial viruses do not. There is one exception for genomes of poxviruses (Vaccinia and Melamoplus sanguinipes) which do not replicate in the cell nucleus and do not exhibit LRC. No small-scale LRC are detected in the genomes of all examined RNA viruses, with the exception of retroviruses. These results together with the observation of LRC between particular sequence motifs known to participate in the formation of nucleosomes (e.g. AA dinucleotides) strongly suggest that the 10-200 bp LRC are a signature of the sequence-dependence of nucleosome positioning. Finally, we discuss possible interpretations of these LRC in terms of the physical mechanisms that might govern the positioning and the dynamics of the nucleosomes along the DNA chain through cooperative processes.  相似文献   

张旭  李晴 《生命科学》2014,(11):1176-1186
真核生物中的DNA复制,不但要保证DNA编码的基因组信息高保真复制,也要保证染色质结构所蕴含的表观遗传组稳定传递,这个过程对于维持基因组的完整性和稳定性至关重要。时至今日,人们对DNA复制的机制已经有了深入的认识,但是对染色质复制以及表观遗传信息传递的了解才刚刚开始。组蛋白是染色质结构中最主要的蛋白组成部分,其上面丰富的转录后修饰是表观遗传调控的核心方式之一。从最近几年组蛋白的修饰研究进展入手,主要综述在DNA复制过程中组蛋白修饰如何参与染色质复制的调控。  相似文献   

A naturally occurring methylation inhibitor isolated from rabbit liver and named methinin inhibits a number of methyltransferases. Methinin is a low-molecular-weight compound (1,400) that has an active amine group. This compound inhibits the DNA methyltransferase of human erythroleukemia cells (K562) in vitro. When the K562 cells were grown in medium containing methinin, fetal hemoglobin was produced. Small but detectable amounts of adult hemoglobin were also produced. Methinin was not toxic to these cells. The overall rate of genomic DNA methylation was reduced by 60% in cells grown in medium containing methinin. Southern blots of genomic DNA from methinin-treated cells and untreated cells hybridized to a 32P-labeled globin gene probe showed that one site in the globin gene region was hypomethylated. Methinin is a naturally occurring compound which inhibits DNA methylation both in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

Recently, Pérez-Montero and colleagues (Developmental cell, 26: 578–590, 2013) described the occurrence of a new histone H1 variant (dBigH1) in Drosophila. The presence of unusual acidic amino acid patches at the N-terminal end of dBigH1 is in contrast to the arginine patches that exist at the N- and C-terminal domains of other histone H1-related proteins found in the sperm of some organisms. This departure from the strictly lysine-rich composition of the somatic histone H1 raises a question about the true definition of its protein members. Their minimal essential requirements appear to be the presence of a lysine- and alanine–rich, intrinsically disordered C-terminal domain, with a highly helicogenic potential upon binding to the linker DNA regions of chromatin. In metazoans, specific targeting of these regions is further achieved by a linker histone fold domain (LHFD), distinctively different from the characteristic core histone fold domain (CHFD) of the nucleosome core histones.  相似文献   

The growing list of mutations implicated in monogenic disorders of the developing brain includes at least seven genes (ARX, CUL4B, KDM5A, KDM5C, KMT2A, KMT2C, KMT2D) with loss-of-function mutations affecting proper regulation of histone H3 lysine 4 methylation, a chromatin mark which on a genome-wide scale is broadly associated with active gene expression, with its mono-, di- and trimethylated forms differentially enriched at promoter and enhancer and other regulatory sequences. In addition to these rare genetic syndromes, dysregulated H3K4 methylation could also play a role in the pathophysiology of some cases diagnosed with autism or schizophrenia, two conditions which on a genome-wide scale are associated with H3K4 methylation changes at hundreds of loci in a subject-specific manner. Importantly, the reported alterations for some of the diseased brain specimens included a widespread broadening of H3K4 methylation profiles at gene promoters, a process that could be regulated by the UpSET(KMT2E/MLL5)-histone deacetylase complex. Furthermore, preclinical studies identified maternal immune activation, parental care and monoaminergic drugs as environmental determinants for brain-specific H3K4 methylation. These novel insights into the epigenetic risk architectures of neurodevelopmental disease will be highly relevant for efforts aimed at improved prevention and treatment of autism and psychosis spectrum disorders.  相似文献   

Recently, Pérez-Montero and colleagues (Developmental cell, 26: 578–590, 2013) described the occurrence of a new histone H1 variant (dBigH1) in Drosophila. The presence of unusual acidic amino acid patches at the N-terminal end of dBigH1 is in contrast to the arginine patches that exist at the N- and C-terminal domains of other histone H1-related proteins found in the sperm of some organisms. This departure from the strictly lysine-rich composition of the somatic histone H1 raises a question about the true definition of its protein members. Their minimal essential requirements appear to be the presence of a lysine- and alanine–rich, intrinsically disordered C-terminal domain, with a highly helicogenic potential upon binding to the linker DNA regions of chromatin. In metazoans, specific targeting of these regions is further achieved by a linker histone fold domain (LHFD), distinctively different from the characteristic core histone fold domain (CHFD) of the nucleosome core histones.  相似文献   

We have mapped in vitro nucleosome positioning on the sheep β-lactoglobulin gene using high-throughput sequencing to characterise the DNA sequences recovered from reconstituted nucleosomes. This methodology surpasses previous approaches for coverage, accuracy and resolution and, most importantly, offers a simple yet rapid and relatively inexpensive method to characterise genomic DNA sequences in terms of nucleosome positioning capacity. We demonstrate an unambiguous correspondence between in vitro and in vivo nucleosome positioning around the promoter of the gene; identify discrete, sequence-specific nucleosomal structures above the level of the canonical core particle—a feature that has implications for regulatory protein access and higher-order chromatin packing; and reveal new insights into the involvement of periodically organised dinucleotide sequence motifs of the type GG and CC and not AA and TT, as determinants of nucleosome positioning—an observation that supports the idea that the core histone octamer can exploit different patterns of sequence organisation, or structural potential, in the DNA to bring about nucleosome positioning.  相似文献   

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