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Most bacteria live in colonies, where they often express different cell types. The ecological significance of these cell types and their evolutionary origin are often unknown. Here, we study the evolution of cell differentiation in the context of surface colonization. We particularly focus on the evolution of a ‘sticky’ cell type that is required for surface attachment, but is costly to express. The sticky cells not only facilitate their own attachment, but also that of non-sticky cells. Using individual-based simulations, we show that surface colonization rapidly evolves and in most cases leads to phenotypic heterogeneity, in which sticky and non-sticky cells occur side by side on the surface. In the presence of regulation, cell differentiation leads to a remarkable set of bacterial life cycles, in which cells alternate between living in the liquid and living on the surface. The dominant life stage is formed by the surface-attached colony that shows many complex features: colonies reproduce via fission and by producing migratory propagules; cells inside the colony divide labour; and colonies can produce filaments to facilitate expansion. Overall, our model illustrates how the evolution of an adhesive cell type goes hand in hand with the evolution of complex bacterial life cycles.  相似文献   

Russian Journal of Developmental Biology - The problem of the origin of the metazoan life cycle is analyzed on the base of various hypotheses on the origin of multicellular animals. According to...  相似文献   

简要介绍了蝶类与蛾类的区别以及蝶类生命周期的分期,即卵期、幼虫期、蛹期、成虫期和休眠期,并比较详细地介绍了蝶类的卵、幼虫、蛹和成虫的形态、生态和生物学特性。  相似文献   

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a candidate for cellulosic bioenergy feedstock development. Because biomass yield is the most important biological factor limiting the commercial development and deployment of switchgrass as a cellulosic bioenergy feedstock efforts must be undertaken to develop improved cultivars. The objectives of this study were (1) to conduct two cycles of within-family selection for increased biomass yield in WS4U switchgrass and (2) to simultaneously evaluate progress from selection relative to the mean of the original WS4U population. Each of the 150 WS4U families was subjected to phenotypic selection for vigor, seed production, and disease resistance. The mean of all families increased relative to the original WS4U population by 0.36 Mg ha?1 cycle?1 for biomass yield and 3.0% cycle?1 for ground cover. Gains were uniform across two diverse evaluation locations, indicating that selection gains were robust relative to some variation in Hardiness Zone and soil type. Two cycles of within-family selection led to a homogenization of the diverse families, creating novel recombinations and reducing the family genetic variance to near zero. It is hypothesized that selection and recombination has led to replication of favorable alleles across pedigrees with differing genetic backgrounds, increasing the likelihood of including these favorable alleles in the progeny of future selections. The rate of genetic progress is expected to increase in future cycles of selection with a combination of within-family phenotypic selection and half-sib progeny testing of selected families.  相似文献   

Cycles are abundant in most kinds of networks, especially in biological ones. Here, we investigate their role in the evolution of a chemical reaction system from one self-sustaining composition of molecular species to another and their influence on the stability of these compositions. While it is accepted that, from a topological standpoint, they enhance network robustness, the consequence of cycles to the dynamics are not well understood. In a former study, we developed a necessary criterion for the existence of a fixed point, which is purely based on topological properties of the network. The structures of interest we identified were a generalization of closed autocatalytic sets, called chemical organizations. Here, we show that the existence of these chemical organizations and therefore steady states is linked to the existence of cycles. Importantly, we provide a criterion for a qualitative transition, namely a transition from one self-sustaining set of molecular species to another via the introduction of a cycle. Because results purely based on topology do not yield sufficient conditions for dynamic properties, e.g. stability, other tools must be employed, such as analysis via ordinary differential equations. Hence, we study a special case, namely a particular type of reflexive autocatalytic network. Applications for this can be found in nature, and we give a detailed account of the mitotic spindle assembly and spindle position checkpoints. From our analysis, we conclude that the positive feedback provided by these networks'' cycles ensures the existence of a stable positive fixed point. Additionally, we use a genome-scale network model of the Escherichia coli sugar metabolism to illustrate our findings. In summary, our results suggest that the qualitative evolution of chemical systems requires the addition and elimination of cycles.  相似文献   

Multicellular organisms depend on developmental programs to coordinate growth and differentiation from single cells, but the origins of development are unclear. A possible starting point is stochastic phenotypic variation generated by molecular noise. Given appropriate environmental conditions, noise-driven differentiation could conceivably evolve so as to come under regulatory control; however, abiotic conditions are likely to be restrictive. Drawing from an experimental system, we present a model in which environmental fluctuations are coupled to population growth. We show that this coupling generates stable selection for a single optimal strategy that is largely insensitive to environmental conditions, including the number of competitors, carrying capacity of the environment, difference in growth rates among phenotypic variants, and population density. We argue that this optimal strategy establishes stabilizing conditions likely to improve the quality and reliability of information experienced by evolving organisms, thus increasing opportunity for the evolutionary emergence of developmental programs.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. Two centrioles, an old one and a new one, are always present in the resting cell. From prophase onward two new ones and two old ones are present. Beginning with the resting stage, five types of centriole life cycles are described and compared with one another: In type 1, both centrioles are elongate; in type 2, the old one is long and the new one, which is short, elongates in prophase; in type 3, both are short, both elongate in prophase, and both, except for their anterior tips, degenerate in late telophase; in type 4, both are long but in prophase their distal ends become free of the rest of the centrioles, these ends migrate to center or posterior end of cell, where, after they produce the achromatic figure and it completes its function in nuclear division, they degenerate; in type 5, both are short and neither elongates at any stage of its life cycle.
New centrioles are produced by the anterior ends of old ones. In their first generation, centrioles produce only extranuclear organelles (flagella, parabasals, axostyles, etc.); in their second and later generations, they produce only the achromatic figure (gametogenesis in Trichonympha and reorganization in Barbulanympha and Rhynchonympha are exceptions to this rule).
The distal ends of centrioles in some types of cycles are surrounded by centrosomes; in others they are not. In one type of centriole life cycle a small central spindle is present in the resting cell in two genera; in the other types this is not the case.  相似文献   

I. M. Hastings 《Genetics》1991,129(4):1167-1176
Population geneticists make a distinction between sexual and asexual organisms depending on whether individuals inherit genes from one or two parents. When individual genes are considered, this distinction becomes less satisfactory for multicellular sexual organisms. Individual genes pass through numerous asexual mitotic cell divisions in the germline prior to meiosis and sexual recombination. The processes of mitotic mutation, mitotic crossing over, and mitotic gene conversion create genotypic diversity between diploid cells in the germline. Genes expressed in the germline whose products affect cell viability (such as many "housekeeping" enzymes) may be subjected to natural selection acting on this variability resulting in a non-Mendelian output of gametes. Such genes will be governed by the population genetics of the sexual/asexual life cycle rather than the conventional sexual/Mendelian life cycle. A model is developed to investigate some properties of the sexual/asexual life cycle. When appropriate parameter values were included in the model, it was found that mutation rates per locus per gamete may vary by a factor of up to 100 if selection acts in the germline. Sexual/asexual populations appear able to evolve to a genotype of higher fitness despite intervening genotypes of lower fitness, reducing the problems of underdominance and Wright's adaptive landscape encountered by purely sexual populations. As might be expected this ability is chiefly determined by the number of asexual mitotic cell divisions within the germline. The evolutionary consequences of "housekeeping" loci being governed by the dynamics of the sexual/asexual life cycle are considered.  相似文献   

Methanosarcina mazei S6 and LYC were used to study the structure and differentiation of the aggregating methanogens. Cultures harvested under various conditions are described at the ultrastructural level. Cells of strain S6 are enclosed by a layer 12 nm thick in contact with the plasma membrane. In sarcinal colonies, cells are held in close association by a fibrous matrix up to 60 nm thick. Colony maturation was examined in strain S6 over a period of 1 year. Changes occurred in the shape and staining of individual cells. Also, various inclusion bodies were observed that either persist throughout colony maturation or are only found at certain growth stages. Two types of cores that are composed of double membranes in M. mazei S6 are described. One has a 90-nm diameter and contains electron-dense granules similar to those found in the cytoplasm. The other core type does not contain granules, is more numerous, and is found in older cultures. Two life cycles are described for M. mazei based on electron microscope examinations. A complex life cycle involving the release of single cells is described with two variations for strains S6 and LYC. When released cells of strain S6 are placed in fresh medium they can repeat the cycle. In addition, a limited cycle is described for both strains of M. mazei. This limited cycle contains the only sarcinal morphotypes observed in M. barkeri. When M. mazei S6 remains in the limited cycle and does not disaggregate in stationary phase, several types of possible resting forms are found.  相似文献   



DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1065/lca2006.04.017

Background, Aims and Scope

Social impacts in supply chains and product life cycles are of increasing interest to policy makers and stakeholders. Work is underway to develop social impact indicators for LCA, and to identify the social inventory data that will drive impact assessment for this category. Standard LCA practice collects and aggregates inventory data of the form \units of input or output (elementary flow) per unit of process output.\ Measurement of social impacts within workplaces as well as host communities and societies poses new challenges not heretofore faced by LCA database developers. Participatory measurement and auditing of social impacts and of workplace health issues has been shown to provide important benefits relative to external auditor-based methods, including greater likelihood of detecting rights abuses, and stronger support of subsequent action for improvement. However, nonstandardized auditing and metrics poses challenges for the supply chain-wide aggregation and comparison functions of LCA. An analogous challenge arises in the case of resource extractive processes, for which the certification of best management practices provides an important and practical environmental metric. In both the social and resource extraction examples, it may be that attributes of the process are more valuable metrics to measure and incentivize than measured quantities per unit of process output. But how to measure, how to aggregate across life cycles, how to compare product life cycles, and how to incentivize progress as with product policy?


A methodology is presented and demonstrated which estimates the health impacts of economic development stemming from product life cycles. This methodology does not introduce new social indicators; rather, it works with the already common LCA endpoint of human health, and introduces and applies a simplified empirical relationship to characterize the complex pathways from product life cycles' economic activity to health in the aggregate.


A simple case study indicates that the health benefits of economic development impacts in product life cycles have the potential to be very significant, possibly even orders of magnitude greater than the health damages from the increased pollution. While the simple macro model points up the dramatic importance of socio-economic pathways to health in product life cycles, it lacks any sensitivity to the vitally important, contextspecific attributes of the economic development associated with each process. This result begs the question of how to measure, aggregate, compare, and stimulate society-wide improvement of context-dependent attributes within and across product life cycles in LCA.


Before attempting an answer to the question noted above, a brief reconsideration is offered concerning life cycle assessment. Namely, where does it come from, and what does it bring?

Recommendations and Outlook

Finally, the paper concludes by sketching a life cycle approach to promoting localized assessments, to summarizing their results over supply chains and life cycles, and to comparing product life cycles in terms of their results. Often, localized assessments will yield information on the attributes of a process, rather than (or in addition to) the traditional form of life cycle inventory information, which is \units of something per unit of process output.\ The methodology can enable product policy users to promote reporting of basic attributes of processes within supply chains, together with local measurement and reporting of context-relevant impacts. For attributes linked to progress on impacts of local and global concern, promotion of these attributes within supply chain processes will bring strong benefits. In addition, over time it may be possible for researchers to develop and refine models that estimate, based on cross-sectional and time series analysis of attributes and impacts, relationships between attributes and impacts. In any case, while local impacts across supply chains may not be precisely knowable – let alone controllable – by a microdecision maker at the time of their product-related decision, life cycle attribute analysis may give such decision makers an opportunity to empower progress throughout life cycles and supply chains, which is after all a motivating goal of LCA.

Satellite RNAs usually lack substantial homology with their helper viruses. The 356-nucleotide satC of Turnip crinkle virus (TCV) is unusual in that its 3′-half shares high sequence similarity with the TCV 3′ end. Computer modeling, structure probing, and/or compensatory mutagenesis identified four hairpins and three pseudoknots in this TCV region that participate in replication and/or translation. Two hairpins and two pseudoknots have been confirmed as important for satC replication. One portion of the related 3′ end of satC that remains poorly characterized corresponds to juxtaposed TCV hairpins H4a and H4b and pseudoknot ψ3, which are required for the TCV-specific requirement of translation (V. A. Stupina et al., RNA 14:2379-2393, 2008). Replacement of satC H4a with randomized sequence and scoring for fitness in plants by in vivo genetic selection (SELEX) resulted in winning sequences that contain an H4a-like stem-loop, which can have additional upstream sequence composing a portion of the stem. SELEX of the combined H4a and H4b region in satC generated three distinct groups of winning sequences. One group models into two stem-loops similar to H4a and H4b of TCV. However, the selected sequences in the other two groups model into single hairpins. Evolution of these single-hairpin SELEX winners in plants resulted in satC that can accumulate to wild-type (wt) levels in protoplasts but remain less fit in planta when competed against wt satC. These data indicate that two highly distinct RNA conformations in the H4a and H4b region can mediate satC fitness in protoplasts.  相似文献   

Metamorphosis is often characterized by profound changes in morphology and physiology that can affect the dynamics of species interactions. For example, the interaction between a pathogen and its host may differ depending on the life stage of the host or pathogen. One pathogen that infects hosts with complex life cycles is the emerging fungal pathogen of amphibians, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd). We sought to determine how conditions at the larval stage can affect variation in development and patterns of Bd infection across amphibian life stages. We used outdoor experimental mesocosms to simulate natural pond habitats and manipulated the presence of Bd, the larval density, and the number of host species in larvae of two co-occurring amphibian species (Rana cascadae and Pseudacris regilla). We found that infection differed between species throughout development; P. regilla consistently had higher infection severity compared to R. cascadae. Additionally, while up to 100% of larvae were infected, only 18.2% of R. cascadae and 81.5% of P. regilla were infected after metamorphosis. This indicates that amphibians have the ability to recover from Bd infection as they undergo metamorphosis. Higher larval densities in P. regilla led to a shorter larval period, and individuals with a shorter larval period had lower infection severity. This led to a trend where P. regilla larvae reared at high densities tended to have lower infection prevalence after metamorphosis. We also found that exposure to Bd increased larval mortality and prolonged the larval period in P. regilla, indicating that P. regilla are susceptible to the negative effects of Bd as larvae. This study demonstrates that host density, species composition, and pathogen exposure may all interact to influence development and infection in hosts with complex life cycles.  相似文献   

The themes, problems and challenges of developmental systems theory as described in Cycles of Contingency are discussed. We argue in favor of a robust approach to philosophical and scientific problems of extended heredity and the integration of behavior, development, inheritance, and evolution. Problems with Sterelny's proposal to evaluate inheritance systems using his `Hoyle criteria' are discussed and critically evaluated. Additional support for a developmental systems perspective is sought in evolutionary studies of performance and behavior modulation of fitness.  相似文献   

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