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Protein ubiquitination is involved in many cellular processes, such as protein degradation, DNA repair, and signal transduction pathways. Ubiquitin‐conjugating (E2) enzymes of the ubiquitination pathway are associated with various cancers, such as leukemia, lung cancer, and gastric cancer. However, to date, detection of E2 activities is not practicable for capturing the pathological conditions of cancers due to complications related to the enzymatic cascade reaction. To overcome this hurdle, we have recently investigated a novel strategy for measuring E2 activities. Artificial RING fingers (ARFs) were developed to conveniently detect E2 activities during the ubiquitination reaction. ARFs were created by grafting the active sites of ubiquitin‐ligating (E3) enzymes onto amino acid sequences with 38 residues. The grafting design downsized E3s to small molecules (ARFs). Such an ARF is a multifunctional molecule that possesses specific E2‐binding capabilities and ubiquitinates itself without a substrate. In this review, we discuss the major findings from recent investigations on a new molecular design for ARFs and their simplified detection system for E2 activities. The use of the ARF allowed us to monitor E2 activities using acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL)‐derived cells following treatment with the anticancer drug bortezomib. The molecular design of ARFs is extremely simple and convenient, and thus, may be a powerful tool for protein engineering. The ARF methodology may reveal a new screening method of E2s that will contribute to diagnostic techniques for cancers.  相似文献   

Here, we describe a new muscle LIM domain protein, UNC-95, and identify it as a novel target for the RING finger protein RNF-5 in the Caenorhabditis elegans body wall muscle. unc-95(su33) animals have disorganized muscle actin and myosin-containing filaments as a result of a failure to assemble normal muscle adhesion structures. UNC-95 is active downstream of PAT-3/beta-integrin in the assembly pathways of the muscle dense body and M-line attachments, and upstream of DEB-1/vinculin in the dense body assembly pathway. The translational UNC-95::GFP fusion construct is expressed in dense bodies, M-lines, and muscle-muscle cell boundaries as well as in muscle cell bodies. UNC-95 is partially colocalized with RNF-5 in muscle dense bodies and its expression and localization are regulated by RNF-5. rnf-5(RNAi) or a RING domain deleted mutant, rnf-5(tm794), exhibit structural defects of the muscle attachment sites. Together, our data demonstrate that UNC-95 constitutes an essential component of muscle adhesion sites that is regulated by RNF-5.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin‐conjugating (E2) enzymes of protein ubiquitination are associated with various diseases such as leukemia, lung cancer, and breast cancer. Rapid and accurate detection of E2 enzymatic activities remains poor. Here, we described the detection of E2 activity on a signal accumulation ISFET biosensor (AMIS sensor) using an artificial RING finger (ARF). The use of ARF enables the simplified detection of E2 activity without a substrate. The high‐sensitivity quantitative detection of E2 activities was demonstrated via real‐time monitoring over a response range of femtomolar to micromolar concentrations. Furthermore, the monitoring of E2 activities was successfully achieved using human acute promyelocytic leukemia cells following treatment with the anticancer drug bortezomib, which allowed the assessment of the pathological conditions. This strategy is extremely simple and convenient, and the present detection could be widely applied to specific E2s for various types of cancers. Copyright © 2017 European Peptide Society and John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

RING proteins constitute the largest class of E3 ubiquitin ligases. Unlike most RINGs, AO7 (RNF25) binds the E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme, UbcH5B (UBE2D2), with strikingly high affinity. We have defined, by co-crystallization, the distinctive means by which AO7 binds UbcH5B. AO7 contains a structurally unique UbcH5B binding region (U5BR) that is connected by an 11-amino acid linker to its RING domain, forming a clamp surrounding the E2. The U5BR interacts extensively with a region of UbcH5B that is distinct from both the active site and the RING-interacting region, referred to as the backside of the E2. An apparent paradox is that the high-affinity binding of the AO7 clamp to UbcH5B, which is dependent on the U5BR, decreases the rate of ubiquitination. We establish that this is a consequence of blocking the stimulatory, non-covalent, binding of ubiquitin to the backside of UbcH5B. Interestingly, when non-covalent backside ubiquitin binding cannot occur, the AO7 clamp now enhances the rate of ubiquitination. The high-affinity binding of the AO7 clamp to UbcH5B has also allowed for the co-crystallization of previously described and functionally important RING mutants at the RING-E2 interface. We show that mutations having marked effects on function only minimally affect the intermolecular interactions between the AO7 RING and UbcH5B, establishing a high degree of complexity in activation through the RING-E2 interface.  相似文献   

The C4 protein from Curtovirus is known as a major symptom determinant, but the mode of action of the C4 protein remains unclear. To understand the mechanism of involvement of C4 protein in virus–plant interactions, we introduced the C4 gene from Beet severe curly top virus (BSCTV) into Arabidopsis under a conditional expression promoter; the resulting overexpression of BSCTV C4 led to abnormal host cell division. RKP, a RING finger protein, which is a homolog of the human cell cycle regulator KPC1, was discovered to be induced by BSCTV C4 protein. Mutation of RKP reduced the susceptibility to BSCTV in Arabidopsis and impaired BSCTV replication in plant cells. Callus formation is impaired in rkp mutants, indicating a role of RKP in the plant cell cycle. RKP was demonstrated to be a functional ubiquitin E3 ligase and is able to interact with cell-cycle inhibitor ICK/KRP proteins in vitro . Accumulation of the protein ICK2/KRP2 was found increased in the rkp mutant. The above results strengthen the possibility that RKP might regulate the degradation of ICK/KRP proteins. In addition, the protein level of ICK2/KRP2 was decreased upon BSCTV infection. Overexpression of ICK1/KRP1 in Arabidopsis could reduce the susceptibility to BSCTV. In conclusion, we found that RKP is induced by BSCTV C4 and may affect BSCTV infection by regulating the host cell cycle.  相似文献   

In a yeast two-hybrid screen, RING finger protein 1 (RFP-1) and UBR1 were identified as potential binding partners of C. elegans UBC-1, a ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme with a high degree of identity to S. cerevisiae UBC2/RAD6. The interaction of RFP-1 and UBC-1 was confirmed by co-immunoprecipitation experiments. Yeast interaction trap experiments mapped the region of interaction to the basic N-terminal 313 residues of RFP-1. The acidic carboxy-terminal extension of UBC-1 was not required for the interaction with RFP-1. Western blot analysis and indirect immunohistochemical staining show that RFP-1 is present in embryos, larvae, and adults, where it is found in intestinal, nerve ring, pharyngeal, gonadal, and oocyte cell nuclei. Double-stranded RNA interference experiments against rfp-1 indicate that this gene is required for L1 development, vulval development, and for egg laying. By contrast, RNA interference against ubc-1 gave no obvious phenotype, suggesting that ubc-1 is nonessential or is functionally redundant.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis COP1 is a negative regulator of photomorphogenesis, which targets HY5, a positive regulator of photomorphogenesis, for degradation via the proteasome pathway in the absence of light. COP1 and its interactive partner CIP8 both possess RING finger motifs, characteristic of some E3 ubiquitin ligases. Here we show that CIP8 promotes ubiquitin attachment to HY5 in E2-dependent fashion in vitro. CIP8 exhibits a strong interaction with the E2 enzyme AtUBC8 through its N-terminal domain. Phosphorylation of HY5 by casein kinase II requires the beta subunit 2, but does not affect HY5's susceptibility to ubiquitination. The RING domain of CIP8 is required but is not sufficient for ubiquitin ligase activity. Although the RING domain of CIP8 interacts with the RING domain of COP1, addition of recombinant COP1 fails to affect CIP8's ubiquitin ligase activity towards HY5 in vitro. However, recombinant COP1 can pull-down native CIP8 from the extract of dark-grown seedlings, but not from the extract of light-grown seedlings in a column-binding assay, implying a requirement for light-regulated modification in vivo. Our data suggest that CIP8 can form a minimal ubiquitin ligase in co-operation with the E2 enzyme AtUBC8. It is possible that the AtUBC8-CIP8 module might interact with COP1 in vivo, thereby participating in proteasome-mediated degradation of HY5.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a cellular catabolic process in which various cytosolic components are degraded. For example, autophagy can mediate lipolysis of neutral lipid droplets. In contrast, we here report that autophagy is required to facilitate normal levels of neutral lipids in C. elegans. Specifically, by using multiple methods to detect lipid droplets including CARS microscopy, we observed that mutants in the gene bec-1 (VPS30/ATG6/BECN1), a key regulator of autophagy, failed to store substantial neutral lipids in their intestines during development. Moreover, loss of bec-1 resulted in a decline in lipid levels in daf-2 [insulin/IGF-1 receptor (IIR) ortholog] mutants and in germline-less glp-1/Notch animals, both previously recognized to accumulate neutral lipids and have increased autophagy levels. Similarly, inhibition of additional autophagy genes, including unc-51/ULK1/ATG1 and lgg-1/ATG8/MAP1LC3A/LC3 during development, led to a reduction in lipid content. Importantly, the decrease in fat accumulation observed in animals with reduced autophagy did not appear to be due to a change in food uptake or defecation. Taken together, these observations suggest a broader role for autophagy in lipid remodeling in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Intestinal cells of C. elegans show an unexpectedly high complexity of cytoplasmic intermediate filament (IF) proteins. Of the 11 known IF genes six are coexpressed in the intestine, i.e. genes B2, C1, C2, D1, D2, and E1. Specific antibodies and GFP-promoter constructs show that genes B2, D1, D2, and E1 are exclusively expressed in intestinal cells. Using RNA interference (RNAi) by microinjection at 25 degrees C rather than at 20 degrees C we observe for the first time lethal phenotypes for C1 and D2. RNAi at 25 degrees C also shows that the known A1 phenotype occurs already in the late embryo after microinjection and is also observed by feeding which was not the case at 20 degrees C. Thus, RNAi at 25 degrees C may also be useful for the future analysis of other nematode genes. Finally, we show that triple RNAi at 20 degrees C is necessary for the combinations B2, D1, E1 and B2, D1, D2 to obtain a phenotype. Together with earlier results on genes A1, A2, A3, B1, and C2 RNAi phenotypes are now established for all 11IF genes except for the A4 gene. RNAi phenotypes except for A2 (early larval lethality) and C2 (adult phenotype) relate to the late embryo. We conclude that in C. elegans cytoplasmic IFs are required for tissue integrity including late embryonic stages. This is in strong contrast to the mouse, where ablation of IF genes apparently does not affect the embryo proper.  相似文献   

E3 ubiquitin ligases target a growing number of pro- and anti-apoptotic proteins, including tumour suppressor p53, caspases, and the Bcl-2 family. The core apoptosis pathway is well conserved between mammals and Caenorhabditis elegans, but the extent to which ubiquitin ligases regulate apoptotic cell death is not known. To investigate the role of E3 ligases in apoptosis, we inhibited 108 of the 165 predicted E3 ubiquitin ligase genes by RNA interference and quantified apoptosis in the C. elegans germline after genotoxic stress. From this screen, we identified the homologous to E6-associated protein C terminus-domain E3 ligase EEL-1 as a positive regulator of apoptosis. Intriguingly, the human homologue of EEL-1, Huwe1/ARF-BP1/Mule/HectH9, has been reported to possess both pro- and anti-apoptotic functions through its ability to stimulate Mcl-1 and p53 degradation, respectively. Here, we demonstrate that eel-1 is required to promote DNA damage-induced germ cell apoptosis, but does not have a role in physiological germ cell apoptosis or developmental apoptosis in somatic tissue. Furthermore, eel-1 acts in parallel to the p53-like gene cep-1 and intersects the core apoptosis pathway upstream of the Bcl-2/Mcl-1 orthologue ced-9. Although ee1-1 mutants exhibit hypersensitivity to genotoxic stress they do not appear to be defective in DNA repair, suggesting a distinct role for EEL-1 in promoting damage-induced apoptosis in the germline.  相似文献   

细菌介导的RNA干扰对C.elegans中par-3基因的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设计并构建了针对par-3基因的发夹RNA载体,将构建好的质粒转入大肠杆菌HT115,25℃喂食Caenorhabditis elegans(C.elegans)野生型虫体,24h后观察par-3(RNA干扰)celegans的胚胎发育情况。结果显示通过喂食形成发夹结构dsRNA的细菌可以对celegans中par-3基因进行RNA干扰,干扰率可以达到60%以上。干扰后的早期胚胎发育丧失第一次卵裂的不对称性,第二次卵裂的纺锤体方向发生改变,与par-3突变体的观察结果一致,为进一步在mex-3转基因虫体中通过RNA干扰研究基因表达打下了基础。  相似文献   

During leaf senescence, resources are recycled by redistribution to younger leaves and reproductive organs. Candidate pathways for the regulation of onset and progression of leaf senescence include ubiquitin‐dependent turnover of key proteins. Here, we identified a novel plant U‐box E3 ubiquitin ligase that prevents premature senescence in Arabidopsis plants, and named it SENESCENCE‐ASSOCIATED E3 UBIQUITIN LIGASE 1 (SAUL1). Using in vitro ubiquitination assays, we show that SAUL1 has E3 ubiquitin ligase activity. We isolated two alleles of saul1 mutants that show premature senescence under low light conditions. The visible yellowing of leaves is accompanied by reduced chlorophyll content, decreased photochemical efficiency of photosystem II and increased expression of senescence genes. In addition, saul1 mutants exhibit enhanced abscisic acid (ABA) biosynthesis. We show that application of ABA to Arabidopsis is sufficient to trigger leaf senescence, and that this response is abolished in the ABA‐insensitive mutants abi1‐1 and abi2‐1, but enhanced in the ABA‐hypersensitive mutant era1‐3. We found that increased ABA levels coincide with enhanced activity of Arabidopsis aldehyde oxidase 3 (AAO3) and accumulation of AAO3 protein in saul1 mutants. Using label transfer experiments, we showed that interactions between SAUL1 and AAO3 occur. This suggests that SAUL1 participates in targeting AAO3 for ubiquitin‐dependent degradation via the 26S proteasome to prevent premature senescence.  相似文献   

Ligand stimulation promotes downregulation of RTKs, a mechanism by which RTKs, through the ubiquitination pathway are removed from the cell surface, causing a temporary termination of RTK signaling. The molecular mechanisms governing RTK trafficking and maturation in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)/Golgi compartments are poorly understood. Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor‐2 (VEGFR‐2) is a prototypic RTK that plays a critical role in physiologic and pathologic angiogenesis. Here we demonstrate that Ring Finger Protein 121 (RNF121), an ER ubiquitin E3 ligase, is expressed in endothelial cells and regulates maturation of VEGFR‐2. RNF121 recognizes newly synthesized VEGFR‐2 in the ER and controls its trafficking and maturation. Over‐expression of RNF121 promoted ubiquitination of VEGFR‐2, inhibited its maturation and resulted a significantly reduced VEGFR‐2 presence at the cell surface. Conversely, the shRNA‐mediated knockdown of RNF121 in primary endothelial cells reduced VEGFR‐2 ubiquitination and increased its cell surface level. The RING Finger domain of RNF121 is required for its activity toward VEGFR‐2, as its deletion significantly reduced the effect of RNF121 on VEGFR‐2. Additionally, RNF121 inhibited VEGF‐induced endothelial cell proliferation and angiogenesis. Taken together, these data identify RNF121 as a key determinant of angiogenic signaling that restricts VEGFR‐2 cell surface presence and its angiogenic signaling.   相似文献   

Chloride influx through GABA-gated Cl(-) channels, the principal mechanism for inhibiting neural activity in the brain, requires a Cl(-) gradient established in part by K(+)-Cl(-) cotransporters (KCCs). We screened for Caenorhabditis elegans mutants defective for inhibitory neurotransmission and identified mutations in ABTS-1, a Na(+)-driven Cl(-)-HCO(3)(-) exchanger that extrudes chloride from cells, like KCC-2, but also alkalinizes them. While animals lacking ABTS-1 or the K(+)-Cl(-) cotransporter KCC-2 display only mild behavioural defects, animals lacking both Cl(-) extruders are paralyzed. This is apparently due to severe disruption of the cellular Cl(-) gradient such that Cl(-) flow through GABA-gated channels is reversed and excites rather than inhibits cells. Neuronal expression of both transporters is upregulated during synapse development, and ABTS-1 expression further increases in KCC-2 mutants, suggesting regulation of these transporters is coordinated to control the cellular Cl(-) gradient. Our results show that Na(+)-driven Cl(-)-HCO(3)(-) exchangers function with KCCs in generating the cellular chloride gradient and suggest a mechanism for the close tie between pH and excitability in the brain.  相似文献   

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