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1. Chloroplasts have been preilluminated by a sequence of n short saturating flashes immediately before alkalinization to pH 9.3, and brought back 2 min later to pH 7.8. The assay of Photosystem II activity through dichlorophenolindophenol photoreduction, oxygen evolution, fluorescence induction, shows that part of the centers is inactivated and that this part depends on the number of preilluminating flashes (maximum inhibition after one flash) in a way which suggests identification of state S2 as the target for alkaline inactivation.2. As shown by Reimer and Trebst ((1975) Biochem. Physiol. Pflanz. 168, 225–232) the inactivation necessitates the presence of gramicidin, which shows that the sensitive site is on the internal side of the thylakoid membrane.3. The electron flow through inactivated Photosystem II is restored by artificial donor addition (diphenylcarbazide or hydroxylamine); this suggests that the water-splitting enzyme itself is blocked. The inactivation is accompanied by a solubilization of bound Mn2+ and by the occurrence of EPR Signal II “fast”.4. Glutaraldehyde fixation before the treatment does not prevent the inactivation which thus does not seem to involve a protein structural change.  相似文献   

The photoinactivation (also termed photoinhibition or photodamage) of Photosystem II (PSII) and the counteracting repair reactions are fundamental elements of the metabolism and ecophysiology of oxygenic photoautotrophs. Differences in the quantification, parameterization and terminology of Photosystem II photoinactivation and repair can erect barriers to understanding, and particular parameterizations are sometimes incorrectly associated with particular mechanistic models. These issues lead to problems for ecophysiologists seeking robust methods to include photoinhibition in ecological models. We present a comparative analysis of terms and parameterizations applied to photoinactivation and repair of Photosystem II. In particular, we show that the target size and quantum yield approaches are interconvertible generalizations of the rate constant of photoinactivation across a range of incident light levels. Our particular emphasis is on phytoplankton, although we draw upon the literature from vascular plants. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Photosystem II.  相似文献   

Photosystem II preparations poised in the S(2)...Q(A) state produce no detectable intermediate during straightforward illumination at liquid helium temperatures. However, upon flash illumination in the range of 77-190 K, they produce a transient state which at -10 degrees C advances to S(3) or after rapid cooling to 10 K gives rise to a 116 G wide metalloradical EPR signal. The latter decays with half-times on the order of a few minutes, presumably by charge recombination, and can be regenerated repeatedly by illumination at 10 K. The constraints for Tyr Z oxidation are attributed to the presence of excess positive charge in S(2). Elevated temperatures are required presumably to overcome a thermal barrier in the deprotonation of Tyr Z(+) or most likely to allow secondary proton transfer away from the base partner of Tyr Z. Treatment with 5% (v/v) MeOH appears to remove the constraints for Tyr Z oxidation, and a 160 G wide metalloradical EPR signal is produced by illumination at 10 K, which decays with a half-time of ca. 80 s. Formation of the metalloradical signals is accompanied by reversible changes in the Mn multiline signal. The intermediates are assigned to Tyr Z(*) magnetically interacting with the Mn cluster in S(2), S(2)Y(Z)(*). A molecular model which extends an earlier suggestion and provides a plausible explanation of a number of observations, including the binding of small molecules to the Mn cluster, is presented.  相似文献   

A model for the photochemical apparatus of photosynthesis is presented which accounts for the fluorescence properties of Photosystem II and Photosystem I as well as energy transfer between the two photosystems. The model was tested by measuring at - 196 degrees C fluorescence induction curves at 690 and 730 nm in the absence and presence of 5mMMgCl2 which presumably changes the distrubution of excitation energy between the two photosystems. The equations describing the fluorescence properties involve terms for the distribution of absorbed quanta, alpha, being the fraction distributed to Photosystem I, and beta, the fraction to Photosystem II to Photosystem I, KT(II yields I). The data, analyzed within the context of the model, permit a direct comparison of alpha and kt(II yields I) in the absence (minus) and presence (+) of Mg-2+ :alpha minus/alpha-+ equals 1.2 and k-minus t)II yields I)/K-+T(II yields I) equal to 1.9. If the criterion that alpha + beta equal to 1 is applied absolute values can be calculated: in the presence of Mg-2+, alpha-+ equal to 0.27 and the yield of energy transfer, phi-+ t(II yields I) varied the presence of Mg-2+, alpha-+ equal to 0.27 and the yield of energy transfer, phi-+ t(II yields I) varied from 0.065 when the Photosystem II reaction centers were all open to 0.23 when they were closed. In the absence of Mg-2+, alpha-minus equal to 0.32 and phi t(II yields I) varied from 0.12 to 0.28. The data were also analyzed assuming that two types of energy transfer could be distinguished; a transfer from the light-harvesting chlorophyll of Photosystem II to Photosystem I, kt(II yields I), and a transfer from the reaction centers of Photosystem II to Photosystem I, kt(II yields I). In that case alpha-minus/alpha+ equal to 1.3, k-minus t(II yields I)/k+ t(II yields I)equal to 1.3 and k-minus t(II yields I) equal to 3.0. It was concluded, however, that both of these types of energy transfer are different manifestations of a single energy transfer process.  相似文献   

Geijer P  Morvaridi F  Styring S 《Biochemistry》2001,40(36):10881-10891
Here we report an EPR signal that is induced by a pH jump to alkaline pH in the S(3) state of the oxygen-evolving complex in photosystem II. The S(3) state is first formed with two flashes at pH 6. Thereafter, the pH is changed in the dark prior to freezing of the sample. The EPR signal is 90-100 G wide and centered around g = 2. The signal is reversibly induced with a pK = 8.5 +/- 0.3 and is very stable with a decay half-time of 5-6 min. If the pH is changed in the dark from pH 8.6 to 6.0, the signal disappears although the S(3) state remains. We propose that the signal arises from the interaction between the Mn cluster and Y(Z), resulting in the spin-coupled S(2)Y(Z)(*) signal. Our data suggest that the potential of the Y(Z)(*)/Y(Z) redox couple is sensitive to the ambient pH in the S(3) state. The alkaline pH decreases the potential of the Y(Z)(*)/Y(Z) couple so that Y(Z) can give back an electron to the S(3) state, thereby obtaining the S(2)Y(Z)(*) EPR signal. The tyrosine oxidation also involves proton release from Y(Z), and the results support a mechanism where this proton is released to the bulk medium presumably via a close-lying base. Thus, the equilibrium is changed from S(3)Y(Z) to S(2)Y(Z)(*) by the alkaline pH. At normal pH (pH 5.5-7), this equilibrium is set strongly to the S(3)Y(Z) state. The results are discussed in relation to the present models of water oxidation. Consequences for the relative redox potentials of Y(Z)(*)/Y(Z) and S(3)/S(2) at different pH values are discussed. We also compare the pH-induced S(2)Y(Z)(*) signal with the S(2)Y(Z)(*) signal from Ca(2+)-depleted photosystem II.  相似文献   

1. 3,3'-Diaminobenzidine was shown to serve as an electron donor to photosystem 1 in the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea. In Tris-treated chloroplasts diaminobenzidine serves as an electron donor to photosystem 1 and to photosystem 2; the latter is sensitive to 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea. 2. Addition of diaminobenzidine to Tris-treated chloroplasts causes an increase in fluorescence yield. 3. Diaminobenzidine-dependent electron transport mediated by photosystem 2 is coupled to synthesis of ATP even in the absence of an electron acceptor. This phosphorylation which is presumably supported by cyclic electron flow, is sensitive to 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea. 4. Diaminobenzidine-dependent ATP formation, in Tris-treated chloroplasts exhibits the red-drop phenomenon. 5. The diaminobenzidine-induced cyclic photophosphorylation (mediated by photosystem 2) is resistant to a large extent to KCN-treatment which is known to inhibit reactions catalyzed by photosystem 1. On the other hand ATP formation supported by electron transport from diaminobenzidine to methyl viologen [in the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea] is largely inhibited by KCN-treatment. This observation suggests that there are two coupling sites of ATP formation, one catalyzed by diaminobenzidine as a donor to photosystem 1 (in the presence of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea), and the other supported by diaminobenzidine which acts both as a donor to photosystem 2 (in Tris-treated chloroplasts) and as an acceptor (in its oxidized form) from a carrier located between the two photosystems.  相似文献   

K. Satoh  R. Strasser  W.L. Butler 《BBA》1976,440(2):337-345
Photosystem I activity of Tris-washed chloroplasts was measured at room temperature as the rate of photoreduction of NADP and as the rate of oxygen uptake mediated by methyl viologen in both cases using dichlorophenolindophenol plus ascorbate as the source of electrons for Photosystem I. With both assay systems the rate of electron transport by Photosystem I was stimulated approx. 20 % by the addition of 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethylurea which caused the Photosystem II reaction centers to close. Photosystem I activity of chloroplasts was measured at low temperature as the rate of photooxidation of P-700. Chloroplasts suspended in the presence of hydroxylamine and 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1, 1-dimethylurea were frozen to ?196 °C after adaptation to darkness or after a preillumination at room temperature. The Photosystem II reaction centers of the frozen dark-adapted sample were all open; those of the preilluminated sample were all closed. The rate of photooxidation of P-700 at ?196 °C with the preilluminated sample was approx. 25 % faster than with the dark-adapted sample. We conclude from both the room temperature and the low temperature experiments that there is greater energy transfer from Photosystem II to Photosystem I when the Photosystem II reaction centers are closed and that these results are a direct demonstration of spillover.  相似文献   

Evans MC  Ball RJ  Nugent JH 《FEBS letters》2005,579(14):3081-3084
Ammonia and methanol both bind to the water oxidising complex of photosystem II during its turnover, possibly at sites where water binds during the normal water oxidation process. We have investigated the interaction between these two water analogues at the S2 state of the water oxidising cycle using electron magnetic resonance techniques. We find evidence that ammonia displaces methanol from its binding site.  相似文献   

Diatoms host chlorophyll a/c chloroplasts distinct from green chloroplasts. Diatoms now dominate the eukaryotic oceanic phytoplankton, in part through their exploitation of environments with variable light. We grew marine diatoms across a range of temperatures and then analyzed their PSII function and subunit turnover during an increase in light to mimic an upward mixing event. The small diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana initially responds to increased photoinactivation under blue or white light with rapid acceleration of the photosystem II (PSII) repair cycle. Increased red light provoked only modest PSII photoinactivation but triggered a rapid clearance of a subpool of PsbA. Furthermore, PsbD and PsbB content was greater than PsbA content, indicating a large pool of partly assembled PSII repair cycle intermediates lacking PsbA. The initial replacement rates for PsbD (D2) were, surprisingly, comparable to or higher than those for PsbA (D1), and even the supposedly stable PsbB (CP47) dropped rapidly upon the light shift, showing a novel aspect of rapid protein subunit turnover in the PSII repair cycle in small diatoms. Under sustained high light, T. pseudonana induces sustained nonphotochemical quenching, which correlates with stabilization of PSII function and the PsbA pool. The larger diatom Coscinodiscus radiatus showed generally similar responses but had a smaller allocation of PSII complexes relative to total protein content, with nearly equal stiochiometries of PsbA and PsbD subunits. Fast turnover of multiple PSII subunits, pools of PSII repair cycle intermediates, and photoprotective induction of nonphotochemical quenching are important interacting factors, particularly for small diatoms, to withstand and exploit high, fluctuating light.  相似文献   

Since photosystem II (PS II) performs the demanding function of water oxidation using light energy, it is susceptible to photoinactivation during photosynthesis. The time course of photoinactivation of PS II yields useful information about the process. Depending on how PS II function is assayed, however, the time course seems to differ. Here, we revisit this problem by using two additional assays: (1) the quantum yield of oxygen evolution in limiting, continuous light and (2) the flash-induced cumulative delivery of PS II electrons to the oxidized primary donor (P700(+)) in PS I measured as a 'P700 kinetics area'. The P700 kinetics area is based on the fact that the two photosystems function in series: when P700 is completely photo-oxidized by a flash added to continuous far-red light, electrons delivered from PS II to PS I by the flash tend to re-reduce P700(+) transiently to an extent depending on the PS II functionality, while the far-red light photo-oxidizes P700 back to the steady-state concentration. The quantum yield of oxygen evolution in limiting, continuous light indeed decreased in a way that deviated from a single-negative exponential. However, measurement of the quantum yield of oxygen in limiting light may be complicated by changes in mitochondrial respiration between darkness and limiting light. Similarly, an assay based on chlorophyll fluorescence may be complicated by the varying depth in leaf tissue from which the signal is detected after progressive photoinactivation of PS II. On the other hand, the P700 kinetics area appears to be a reasonable assay, which is a measure of functional PS II in the whole leaf tissue and independent of changes in mitochondrial respiration. The P700 kinetics area decreased in a single-negative exponential fashion during progressive photoinactivation of PS II in a number of plant species, at least at functional PS II contents ≥6?% of the initial value, in agreement with the conclusion of Sarvikas et al. (Photosynth Res 103:7-17, 2010). That is, the single-negative-exponential time course does not provide evidence for photoprotection of functional PS II complexes by photoinactivated, connected neighbours.  相似文献   

The rate coefficient of repair of photosystem II after photoinactivation   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
During photosynthesis, photoinactivation and repair of photosystem II (PSII) occur simultaneously, resulting in a net loss of functional PSII under a given irradiance. This study determines the rate coefficients for the partial processes, allowing the calculation of the partial rates at any concentration of functional/non-functional PSII. The rate coefficient of photoinactivation was obtained from the onset of photoinactivation of PSII in leaf segments of Capsicum annuum L. in the absence of repair, and was in turn used to obtain the rate coefficient ( k r) of repair of PSII when repair was occurring. The value of k r was found to be near maximum at an irradiance as low as 29 µmol photons m−2 s−1 and peaked at or somewhat above the growth irradiance; however, it declined on further increasing the irradiance, possibly due to oxidative stress. The value of k r was considerably decreased by elevating the CO2 to about 1%, particularly at low irradiance, probably due to acidification of the stroma to a pH outside the range that is optimal for protein synthesis. The method of determining k r is convenient to apply, not relying on radiolabelling and pulse-chase experiments.  相似文献   

Proton matrix ENDOR was performed to investigate the protons close to the manganese cluster in oriented samples of photosystem II (PS II). Eight pairs of ENDOR signals were detected in oriented PS II membranes. At an angle of θ = 0° between the membrane normal vector n and the external field H0, five pairs of ENDOR signals were exchangeable in D2O medium and three pairs were not exchangeable in D2O medium. The hyperfine splitting of 3.60 MHz at θ = 0° increased to 3.80 MHz at θ = 90°. The non-exchangeable signals with 1.73 MHz hyperfine splitting at θ = 0°, which were assigned to a proton in an amino acid residue, were not detected at θ = 90° in oriented PS II or in non-oriented PS II. Highly resolved spectra show that only limited numbers of protons were detected by CW-ENDOR spectra, although many protons were located near the CaMn4O5 cluster. The detected exchangeable protons were proposed to arise from the protons belonging to the water molecules, labeled W1-W4 in the 1.9 Å crystal structure, directly ligated to the CaMn4O5 cluster, and nearby amino-acid residue.  相似文献   

The effects of UV radiation on the low temperature fluorescenceand primary photochemistry of PSII and PSI of spinach chloroplastswere studied. Fluorescence induction curves at –196°Cwere measured at 695 nm for PSII fluorescence and at 730 nmfor PSI fluorescence to determine both the initial Fo and finalFM levels. The primary photochemistry of PSII was measured asthe rate of photoreduction of C-550 at – 196°C, thatof PSI as the rate of photooxidation of P700 at –196°C.The results were analyzed in terms of a model for the photosyntheticapparatus which accounts for the yields of fluorescence andprimary photochemistry. According to this analysis UV radiationincreases nonradiative decay processes at the reaction centerchlorophyll of PSII. However, the effect of UV radiation isnot uniform throughout the sample during irradiation so thataccount must be taken of the fraction of PSII reaction centerswhich have been irradiated at any given time. UV radiation alsoinactivates P700 and causes a slight increase in nonradiativedecay in the antenna chlorophyll of PSI. All fluorescence ofvariable yield, FV = FM–Fo, at 730 nm is due to energytransfer from PSII to PSI so that the sensitivity of Fv to UVradiation is the same at 730 and 695 nm. 1Present address: Department of Biology, Faculty of Science,Toho University, Narashino, Chiba 275, Japan. 2Present address: Central Research Laboratories, Fuji PhotoFilm Co., Ltd., 105 Mizonuma, Asaka-Shi, Saitama 351, Japan. (Received September 10, 1975; )  相似文献   

Hendry G  Wydrzynski T 《Biochemistry》2002,41(44):13328-13334
The first direct evidence which shows that both substrate-water molecules are bound to the O(2)-evolving catalytic site in the S(2) state of photosystem II (PSII) is presented. Rapid (18)O isotope exchange measurements between H(2)(18)O incubated in the S(2) state of PSII-enriched membrane samples and the photogenerated O(2) reveal a fast and a slow phase of exchange at m/e 34 (which measures the level of the (16)O(18)O product). The rate constant for the slow phase of exchange ((34)k(1)) equals 1.9 +/- 0.3 s(-1) at 10 degrees C, while the fast phase of exchange is unresolved by our current experimental setup ((34)k(2) >or= 175 s(-1)). The unresolvable fast phase has left open the possibility that the second substrate-water molecule binds to the catalytic site only after the formation of the S(3) state [Hillier, W., and Wydrzynski, T. (2000) Biochemistry 39, 4399-4405]. However, for PSII samples depleted of the 17 and 23 kDa extrinsic proteins (Ex-depleted PSII), two completely resolvable phases of (18)O exchange are observed in the S(2) state of the residual activity, with the following rate constants: (34)k(1) = 2.6 +/- 0.3 s(-1) and (34)k(2) = 120 +/- 14 s(-1) at 10 degrees C. Upon addition of 15 mM CaCl(2) to Ex-depleted PSII, the O(2) evolution activity increases to approximately 80% of the control level, while the two resolvable phases of exchange remain the same. In measurements of Ex-depleted PSII at m/e 36 (which measures the level of the (18)O(18)O product), only a single phase of exchange is observed in the S(2) state, with a rate constant ((36)k(1) = 2.5 +/- 0.2 s(-1)) that is identical to the slow rate of exchange in the m/e 34 data. Taken together, these results show that the fast phase of (18)O exchange is specifically slowed by the removal of the 17 and 23 kDa extrinsic proteins and that the two substrate-water molecules must be bound to independent sites already in the S(2) state. In contrast, the (18)O exchange behavior in the S(1) state of Ex-depleted PSII is no different from what is observed for the control, with or without the addition of CaCl(2). Since the fast phase of exchange in the S(1) state is unresolved (i.e., (34)k(2) > 100 s(-1)), the possibility remains that the second substrate-water molecule binds to the catalytic site only after the formation of the S(2) state. The role of the 17 and 23 kDa extrinsic proteins in establishing an asymmetric dielectric environment around the substrate binding sites is discussed.  相似文献   

Photosystem II in green plant chloroplasts displays heterogeneity both in the composition of its light-harvesting antenna and in the ability to reduce the plastoquinone pool. These two features are discussed in terms of chloroplast development and in view of a proposed photosystem II repair cycle.  相似文献   

Polyclonal antibodies were prepared to the subunits of the spinach photosystem II fraction (PS II): p47, p43, p27, p33, p24, and p17. (The protein nomenclature refers to Mr). p47 and p43 are the subunits of reaction center complex, and p27 is light-harvesting chlorophyll protein. p33, p24, and p17 are extractable from PS II with 1 M Tris, and p24 and p17 with 1 M NaCl. With untreated PS II fractions, the antibody to p24 inhibited the photosynthetic oxygen-evolving activity, but not the DCPI-photoreduction activity in the presence of DPC, indicating that p24 played an important role in the former activity. Bindings of the respective antibodies to the PS II treated with sodium dodecyl sulfate were regarded as 100%. To untreated PS II, the bindings were 20-30% for p47, p43, and p27, about 50% for p33, and 70-80% for p24 and p17. To NaCl-washed PS II, the binding to p33 increased by 9%, indicating that p33 was adjacent or bound with p24 or/and p17. To Tris-washed PS II, the binding to p43 increased by 7%, indicating that p43 was adjacent or bound with p33. To PS II treated with 3% of Brij 58, only the binding to p27 increased appreciably. To PS II treated with 1% of octyl glucoside, the binding to p47 was still lower than 50%, whereas those to the other subunits were 74-91%. These values could be a measure of the extents to which the subunits were exposed to the aqueous phase, because of the nature of polyclonal antibodies. These results suggest that in intact PS II, p47, p43, and p27 were in most part buried in the inside, p47 being located at the most central and p27 at the outermost part, whereas p33, p24, and p17 were exposed to the outside by 50-75%.  相似文献   

Previously, we showed that ascorbate (Asc), by donating electrons to photosystem II (PSII), supports a sustained electron transport activity in leaves in which the oxygen-evolving complexes were inactivated with a heat pulse (49°C, 40 s). Here, by using wild-type, Asc-overproducing, and -deficient Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutants (miox4 and vtc2-3, respectively), we investigated the physiological role of Asc as PSII electron donor in heat-stressed leaves (40°C, 15 min), lacking active oxygen-evolving complexes. Chlorophyll-a fluorescence transients show that in leaves excited with trains of saturating single-turnover flashes spaced 200 ms apart, allowing continual electron donation from Asc to PSII, the reaction centers remained functional even after thousands of turnovers. Higher flash frequencies or continuous illumination (300 μmol photons m(-2) s(-1)) gradually inactivated them, a process that appeared to be initiated by a dramatic deceleration of the electron transfer from Tyr(Z) to P680(+), followed by the complete loss of charge separation activity. These processes occurred with half-times of 1.2 and 10 min, 2.8 and 23 min, and 4.1 and 51 min in vtc2-3, the wild type, and miox4, respectively, indicating that the rate of inactivation strongly depended on the Asc content of the leaves. The recovery of PSII activity, following the degradation of PSII proteins (D1, CP43, and PsbO), in moderate light (100 μmol photons m(-2) s(-1), comparable to growth light), was also retarded in the Asc-deficient mutant. These data show that high Asc content of leaves contributes significantly to the ability of plants to withstand heat-stress conditions.  相似文献   

The presence of ferredoxin, PMS, pyocyanine or FMN in the preincubationmixture completely protected chloroplast fragments from photoinactivationof the activity associated with photosystem I of photosynthesis.Neither ferredoxin, plastocyanin, ferredoxin-NADP reductasenor the cytochromes contained in chloroplast fragments werethe site of photoinactivation. The site and mode of photoinactivationin system I of photosynthesis are discussed. (Received September 3, 1969; )  相似文献   

The kinetics of the photoreduction of cytochrome b-559 and plastoquinone were measured using well-coupled spinach chloroplasts. High potential (i.e, hydroquinone reducible) cytochrome b-559 was oxidized with low intensity far-red light in the presence of N-methyl phenazonium methosulfate or after preillumination with high intensity light. Using long flashes of red light, the half-reduction time of cytochrome b-559 was found to be 100 +/- 10 ms, compared to 6-10 ms for the photoreduction of the plastoquinone pool. Light saturation of the photoreduction of cytochrome b-559 occurred at a light intensity less than one-third of the intensity necessary for the saturation of ferricyanide reduction under identical illumination conditions. The photoreduction of cytochrome b-559 was accelerated in the presence of dibromothymoquinone with a t 1/2 = 25-35 ms. The addition of uncouplers, which caused stimulatory effect on ferricyanide reduction under the same experimental conditions resulted in a decrease in the rate of cytochrome b-559 reduction. The relatively slow photoreduction rate of cytochrome b-559 compared to the plastoquinone pool implies that electrons can be transferred efficiently from Photosystem II to plastoquinone without the involvement of cytochrome b-559 as an intermediate. These results indicate that it is unlikely that high potential cytochrome b-559 functions as an obligatory redox component in the main electron transport chain joining the two photosystems.  相似文献   

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