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P Tarroux  P Berreur 《Biochimie》1983,65(2):105-114
Poly A (+)mRNA synthesis was analyzed during the nymphal stage and the diapause in the wing discs of the Lepidopteran Pieris brassicae. The main events of differentiation, i.e. scale formation, adult cuticle elaboration and pigment deposition, occurred during the period studied. We only detected one phase of synthesis for poly A (+)mRNA molecules, 48-72 hours after the nymphal moult. This synthesis was found to be related to that of late proteins at 120-140 hours. Examination of mRNA metabolism in discs treated with cordycepin (3' dA) showed a decline in mRNA stability. This decline corresponded to a turn-over phase followed by a period of stabilization which preceded mRNA translation. In diapausing animals, poly A (+)mRNA metabolism was unexpectedly high, and many messengers were synthesized and rapidly destroyed. These messengers were found to be slightly heavier than the mRNAs produced during normal development, suggesting a blocking at some step in their maturation. We developed a mathematical model for mRNA metabolism which enabled us to calculate the effects of synthesis and degradation on the quantity of mRNAs, from the poly A (+)mRNA concentration and the turnover time in the mRNA pool. In addition determination phases associated with embryological events and terminal differentiation are clearly distinguished. This feature offers opportunities to investigate the commitment events which take place during the end of the larval stage and the beginning of the nymphal stage.  相似文献   

The tissue and developmental distribution of the various myosin subunits has been examined in bovine cardiac muscle. Electrophoretic analysis shows that a myosin light chain found in fetal but not in adult ventricular myosin is very similar and possibly identical to the light chain found in fetal or adult atrial and adult Purkinje fiber myosins. This light chain comigrates on two-dimensional gels with the bovine skeletal muscle embryonic light chain. Thus, this protein appears to be expressed only at early developmental stages in some tissues (cardiac ventricles, skeletal muscle) but at all stages in others (cardiac atria). The heavy chains of these myosins have been examined by one- and two-dimensional polypeptide mapping. The ventricular and Purkinje fiber heavy chains are indistinguishable. They are, however, different from the heavy chain found in cultured skeletal muscle myotubes, in contrast to the situation concerning the embryonic/atrial light chain.  相似文献   

The intracellular location of the mRNA for the testis-specific isozyme of phosphoglycerate kinase-2 (PGK-2) has been determined for two spermatogenic cell types. The mRNA activity for PGK-2 from the polysomal and nonpolysomal fractions of pachytene primary spermatocytes or round spermatids has been assayed by cell-free translation with the polypeptide products monitored by immunoprecipitation, followed by one-dimensional or two-dimensional electrophoresis and fluorography. The results reveal that the majority of PGK-2 mRNA activity of round spermatids was present in the polysomal fraction while the relatively less abundant PGK-2 mRNA of pachytene primary spermatocytes was present in the nonpolysomal fraction. No PGK-2 mRNA activity was observed in the cytoplasmic RNA from primitive type A spermatogonia or prepubertal Sertoli cells. These data indicate that mature PGK-2 mRNA first appears in the cytoplasm of spermatogenic cells during the prophase of meiosis and increases in amount after meiosis. Although mature PGK-2 mRNA is present in meiotic cells it is not actively translated until after meiosis has been completed. Thus, mRNA accumulation and translational mechanisms are involved in the control of phosphoglycerate kinase-2 synthesis during spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

The nucleosomal core histones H2A, H2B, and H3 of the chicken can be resolved by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of nonionic detergents into two primary structure variants each, which occur in different relative amounts in various adult tissues. Quantitative analysis of the histone components throughout embryonic development and posthatching maturation of the chicken revealed that the proportions of the three pairs of variants change independently. Thus, the two H2A variants occur in similar proportions throughout embryonic development and in all adult tissues. In contrast, only one variant each of H2B and H3 is detectable at the earliest stages (primitive streak). The second variant of these histones becomes detectable and increases gradually during somite formation (2-12 days of incubation) to reach a plateau at a level of about 3 and 10% of total H2B and H3 histones, respectively. After hatching, the relative amounts of the minor H2B and H3 variants remain at embryonic levels in those tissues which maintain a high mitotic activity such as blood-forming tissues, but increase with different kinetics in tissues which essentially stop cell division in adults (e.g., liver, kidney, etc.). However, while H2B.2 remains a very minor component in all tissues, H3.3 increases at a relatively high rate for more than a year to become the predominant H3 variant in the liver and kidney of older chickens. The changes in chicken core histone variant proportions appear to be related to changes in growth rate rather than cell differentiation. The extensive change of H3 variant proportions in nondividing adult tissues is most likely due to replication-independent incorporation of H3.3 into nucleosomes.  相似文献   

Cellular genes that are homologous to the transforming genes of certain RNA tumor viruses are suspected to play a functional role during normal developmental processes. To investigate this further, we are studying the expression of the cellular homolog of the Rous sarcoma virus transforming gene (c-src) during embryogenesis of fish, frog, and chicken by quantitative determination of the activity of the c-src encoded protein kinase (pp60c-src). The kinase activity from embryos of fish, frog, and chicken displays the same enzymatic characteristics as the kinase from adult animals: It phosphorylates only tyrosine residues in protein substrates, and its activity is relatively insensitive to inhibition by the diadenosine nucleotide Ap4A. During the course of development, the varying kinase activity level reflects differential expression of the c-src gene product. The kinase activity is low during early development, increases dramatically during organogenesis, and decreases thereafter to the level found in adult animals. The kinase activity displays an organ specificity, with brain showing the highest activity in embryos as well as in adults. Muscle, however, shows high activities during organogenesis, but no or barely detectable activity in adult animals. Our data suggest, therefore, that the c-src gene product plays more of a role in differentiation than in proliferation processes during embryogenesis, and that it may act as a pleiotropic effector.  相似文献   

Early embryogenesis was monitored in Xenopus, Rana (anurans), and Ambystoma (urodele) eggs which were inverted at various times between fertilization and first cleavage. The pattern of cleavage furrow formation, site of involution, and extent of organogenesis were observed. In several instances, pattern formation was dramatically altered. The small/large blastomere pattern was, for example, reversed in some inverted embryos. Developmental arrest at early organogenesis usually followed pattern reversal. By employing a series of tissue transplantations, it was possible to establish that the activity of the primary embryonic organizer of inverted embryos was diminished drastically. The developmental competence of the prospective ectoderm of inverted embryos was, however, reversed. Incomplete organogenesis in inverted embryos is therefore probably due to either abnormal mesoderm formation or defective tissue interactions.  相似文献   

The specific activity of the enzyme choline acetyl transferase (CAT) in chick neuroretinas was investigated during in ovo development and in monolayer cultures. The enzyme activity was barely detectable on the 6th day of incubation but increased markedly between the 7th and 11th days. The activity increased sharply between the 15th and 17th days and then slowly until hatching. When cell suspensions from 6- to 7-day neuroretinas were cultured as monolayers, CAT specific activity increased rapidly. After 4–5 days in culture, the activity of the enzyme was identical to that found in the neuroretina on the 11th day of incubation. Cells from 9-day neuroretinas also differentiate in monolayer cultures, but with a more irregular pattern. These data show that cholinergic neurons from chick embryo neuroretina differentiate in monolayer cultures without a lag and at the same rate as in vivo.  相似文献   

Cells from intraembryonic mesenchyme, yolk sac, bursa of Fabricius, and thymus from chicken embryos at different stages of development were studied for the presence of IgG Fc receptors by EA-rosette formation and binding of heat-aggregated chicken IgG (agg IgG). Cells with Fc receptors were found in high frequency in the intraembryonic mesenchyme as early as on the third day of incubation, in the yolk sac on the 7th day, in the bursa on the 10th day, and in the thymus on the 16th day of embryonic development. In the bursa the number of agg IgG binding cells increased with the age of the embryo and remained high after hatching, whereas in the thymus the peak value (76%) was observed on the 16th embryonic day, and after hatching only about 10% of the cells expressed the agg IgG receptors. The results also suggest that the appearance of IgG Fc receptors precedes the expression of B-L (Ia-like) antigens and of cytoplasmic and surface immunoglobulins on early lymphoid cells of the chicken embryo.  相似文献   

Stabilization of casein mRNA by prolactin and glucocorticoids.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Prolactin injected into pseudopregnant rabbits led to a parallel enhancement of casein synthesis and casein mRNA concentration. When this stimulation was followed by a withdrawal of prolactin obtained by injections of bromocriptine, the rate of casein synthesis progressively diminished. In the presence of endogenous prolactin after the initial stimulation, the decline of casein synthesis was delayed. Hydrocortisone acetate injected with bromocriptine after the initial stimulation by prolactin was able to maintain a high rate of casein synthesis. Measurements of casein mRNA concentration by hybridization with casein cDNA indicated that in all cases the amount of casein mRNA was correlated with the magnitude of casein synthesis. This suggests that the lactogenic hormones, prolactin and glucocorticoids, which were previously demonstrated to be responsible for the enhancement of casein mRNA concentration are involved in their stabilization.  相似文献   

H S Shepherd  G Ledoigt  S H Howell 《Cell》1983,32(1):99-107
Light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b protein (LHCP) synthesis is highly regulated during the cell cycle in light-dark synchronized C. reinhardi cells. LHCPs are a family of cytoplasmically synthesized proteins which are imported into the chloroplast. LHCPs are derived from at least two precursor proteins (32 kd and 30 kd) that are synthesized in vitro and immunoprecipitated by antiserum against chlorophyll-protein complex II proteins. A DNA copy of the mRNA encoding a 32 kd LHCP precursor was cloned from cDNA synthesized from poly(A) RNA obtained from mid-light-phase synchronous cells. Using cloned cDNA (pHS16) as a hybridization probe, we found that a single 1.2 kb RNA complementary to pHS16 accumulates in a wave-like manner during the mid-light phase of the 12 hr light-12 hr dark cycle and correlates with the pattern of chlorophyll synthesis. Light, during the light phase in the light-dark cycle, is required for accumulation of this RNA.  相似文献   

The messenger RNA (mRNA) coding for myosin heavy chain from the 16-day-old chick embryonic cardiac tissue was purified by a rapid isolation procedure and characterized. The mRNA can be translated with fidelity under optimally chosen conditions. The protein synthesized in response to the RNA was a polypeptide of 200,000 molecular weight, identical to the authentic myosin heavy chain from the homologous chick heart tissue. The purity of the mRNA was assessed by electrophoresis in denaturing gels, by immunoprecipitation of the translation product, and by analysis of the kinetics of hybridization with the complementary DNA (cDNA). The cDNA reassociated with myosin heavy-chain mRNA with kinetics characteristic of a pure mRNA. The sequence complexity data indicated that in the 16-day-old chick embryonic heart cells there is a single mRNA sequence coding for myosin heavy chain in contrast to two different mRNA sequences reportedly present in the skeletal muscle cells (M. Patrinou-Georgoulas and H. A. John, 1977, Cell12, 491).  相似文献   

Types of myosin light chains and tropomyosins present in various regions and at different developmental stages of embryonic and posthatched chicken breast muscle (pectoralis major) have been characterized by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. In the embryonic muscle all areas appear to accumulate both slow and fast forms of mysoin light chains in addition to α and β forms of tropomyosin. During development regional differences in myosin and tropomyosin expression become apparent. Slow myosin subunits become gradually restricted to areas of the anterior region of the muscle and finally become localized to a small red strip found on its anterior deep surface. This red region is characterized by the presence of slow and fast myosin light chains, α-fast, α-slow, and β-tropomyosin. In all other areas of the muscle examined only fast myosin light chains, β-tropomyosin and the α-fast form of tropomyosin, are found. In addition, β-tropomyosin also gradually becomes lost in the posterior regions of the developing breast muscle. In the adult, the red strip area represents less than 1% of the total pectoralis major mass and of the myosin extracted from this area approximately 15% was present as an isozyme that comigrated on nondenaturing gels with myosin from a slow muscle (anterior latissimus dorsi). The red region accumulates therefore fast as well as slow muscle myosin. Thus while the adult chicken pectoralis major is over 99% fast white muscle, the embryonic muscle displays a significant and changing capacity to accumulate both fast and slow muscle peptides.  相似文献   

The embryonic precursors of the avian slow (type I and III) and fast (type II) fibers can be distinguished from each other early in muscle formation (stage 28, V. Hamburger and H. L. Hamilton, J. Morphol, 88, 49-92, 1951) on the basis of the differential sensitivity of their myosin ATPases. To test the neural dependence of fiber type differentiation, the source of motor innervation was eliminated by excision of the brachial neural tube at stages 16-18 before muscles are innervated. Removal of the brachial neural tube did not affect the number of primary myotubes in a sample muscle of the forelimb (ulnimetacarpalis dorsalis, UMD) up until stage 36. Myosin ATPase staining at a variety of pHs revealed the typical patterns of fiber types in muscles of neural-tube free embryos in stages 35-37. These muscles included the anterior latissimus dorsi, brachialis, and UMD which showed presumptive type III staining (type IIIEMB), the pronator superficialis and flexor carpi ulnaris which showed embryonic type II staining (type IIEMB), and the triceps brachii muscles which showed characteristic arrangements of both type IEMB and type IIEMB fibers. The normal patterns of type IEMB and type IIEMB myotubes were also seen in muscles containing a heterogeneous mixture of fiber types such as the biceps brachii, extensor metacarpi radialis, and adductor indicis muscles, although the intensity of acid-stable ATPase staining of the type IEMB myotubes in these muscles was lower than in innervated muscles. It is concluded that the earliest differentiation of muscle fiber types is independent of the nervous system.  相似文献   

Transfer RNA with methionine acceptor activity isolated from two distinct physiological stages of the developing posterior silkgland of the silkworm, Bombyx mori, was examined. The tRNA from both stages could be fractionated on benzoylated DEAE-cellulose colum into two iso-accepting species, tRNA1Met and tRNA2Met. The molar quantity per gland of tRNA1Met species, which was also formylatable with the E. coli enzymes, increased twelve-fold as the gland differentiates to produce a large amount of a single protein, silk-fibroin. Since methionine is not a part of silk-fibroin, the preferential increase in tRNA1Met content would reflect the increased biological activity and the rapid rate of protein synthesis during the terminal differentiation of posterior silkgland.  相似文献   

Total clone banks of cDNAs synthesized from poly(A)-RNA obtained from three stages of the developing mouse were constructed. The stages chosen were 13-day-old embryo, neonatal, and fully grown adult. To have as complete a bank as possible, large numbers of individual clones were generated ~400,000 for the 13th day embryo and neonatal mouse and ~610,000 for the adult bank. In each case the clone bank was constructed by inserting double stranded cDNA into the PstI site of pBR322 by the “G-C tailing” method. Sequences cloned in this way could be separated from the plasmid host DNA by treatment of the resultant total chimeric plasmid population with PstI. Aliquots of the cloned cDNA material were labeled with 32P by “nick translation” using Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I for the preparation of hybridization probes. Back-hybridization of these probes to the total clone banks allowed the determination of the sequence diversity among the above three very different developmental stages. The use of such clone banks should allow the identification of developmental stage specific mRNAs.  相似文献   

The response of the microsomal heme oxygenase in the testis to metal ions distinctly differed from that of the ovarian source. The activity of the ovarian enzyme in rats treated with Co2+ (250 mumol/kg, 24 h) responded in consonance with that of the liver and the kidney, i.e., heme oxygenase activity was elevated. In contrast, similar treatments did not increase the activity of testicular heme oxygenase. In addition, other metal ions, such as Cu2+, Sn2+, Pb2+, and Hg2+, known for their potency to increase heme oxygenase activity, were ineffective in increasing the enzyme activity in the testis. The unprecedented response of heme oxygenase in the testis to metal ions did not reflect an unusual nature of the enzyme protein insofar as it displayed a similar cofactor requirement and inhibition by known inhibitors of the enzyme activity, such as KCN and NaN3. Moreover, the apparent Km's for oxidation of hematoheme by the testicular and ovarian microsomal fractions were comparable and measured 2.3 and 1.4 microM, respectively. In the testis of Co2+-treated rats, the concentration of cytochrome P-450 in the rough and smooth endoplasmic reticular fractions was significantly decreased. The decrease in the hemoprotein level, however, did not reciprocate the activity of heme oxygenase in the fractions. The inability of metal ions to induce heme oxygenase activity in the testis did not represent the general refractory nature of the enzymes of heme metabolism to metal ions in this organ, since in rats treated with Co2+ the activity of delta-aminolevulinate synthetase was significantly decreased 24 h after treatment. However, the activities of uroporphyrinogen-I synthetase, delta-aminolevulinate dehydratase, and ferrochelatase and the content of porphyrins were not altered in the testis of rats treated with Co2+. The response of delta-aminolevulinate synthetase in the ovarian tissue to Co2+ treatment contrasted that of the testis. In the ovary, the enzyme activity significantly decreased 6 h after treatment. This decrease was followed by a rebound increase at 24 h after administration of Co2+. The presently described inability of metal ions to induce testicular heme oxygenase activity suggests that the activity of the enzyme in the testis is controlled by factor(s) which differ from those regulating the enzyme activity in other organs, including another steroidogenic organ, the ovary.  相似文献   

Whether or not various cytosolic protein kinases (and especially the type I cAMP-dependent protein kinase) of rat ventral prostate are specifically regulated with respect to total activity or specific activity by androgen has been investigated. Following androgen deprivation, the total activity per prostate of cAMP-dependent protein kinase (with histone as substrate) changed little at 24 h, declining by about 20% at 96 h. Under these conditions, its specific activity remained unaltered at 24 h, but was markedly enhanced at 96 h postorchiectomy. Type II cAMP-dependent protein kinase in rat ventral prostate cytosol was the only form of cAMP-dependent protein kinases present as determined by measurement of catalytic activity as well as [32P]-8-N3-cAMP binding to the regulatory subunits. There was no alteration in the distribution of the isoenzymes of cAMP-dependent protein kinases or the response of these kinase activities to cAMP owing to castration of animals. The prostatic cytosol also contains free regulatory subunit (with molecular weight similar to that of regulatory subunit R1) which coelutes with type II cAMP-dependent protein kinase. This finding was confirmed by using [32P]-8-N3-cAMP photoaffinity labeling of cAMP-binding proteins. With respect to cAMP-independent protein kinase (measured with dephosphophosvitin as substrate), a decline of 31% in its specific activity was observed in cytosol of prostates from rats castrated for a period of 24 h without significant further change at later periods following castration. However, there was a marked progressive reduction in total activity of this enzyme per prostate (loss of 72% at 96 h postorchiectomy). The increase in specific activity of cAMP-dependent, but not cAMP-independent, protein kinase in the face of decreasing total activity in the cytosol at later periods of castration (e.g., at 96 h) may reflect a slower loss of the former enzyme protein than the bulk of the cytosolic proteins. Administration of testosterone to castrated animals prevented these changes. These data do not indicate a specific regulation by steroid of the type I cAMP-dependent protein kinase in the prostate. Rather, the cAMP-independent protein kinase (with dephosphophosvitin as substrate) appears to be modulated by the androgenic status of the animal.  相似文献   

The formation of the valvular and septal primordia of the embryonic heart depends upon the migration of endocardial cushion tissue mesenchyme (CT) to populate the cardiac jelly (CJ) in specific heart regions (e.g., atrioventricular (AV) pads). It has been proposed that the migration of CT may be directed by macromolecules of the CJ. In this study, [3H]thymidine-labeled endocardial (EC) and CT cells were transplanted onto intact pre- and postmigratory AV pads in vitro to test whether the compositional or structural changes known to occur in the cardiac jelly during development influence the migration of cushion tissue cells. After transplantation of labeled donor cells, host AV pads were fixed, embedded, and sectioned, and autoradiography was performed to determine the distribution of labeled donor cells within the host CJ. The experiments indicate that transplanted mural EC cells remain primarily at the AV pad surface, while grafted CT cells of all developmental ages rapidly invade both developmentally young and older AV pads. Furthermore, CT cells readily migrate in a direction opposite to that of cells in vivo when transplanted to inverted AV pads from which the myocardium has been removed. It is concluded that the CJ matrix, which is clearly a suitable framework for CT cell migration, provides no direct cues to determining the polarity or extent of migration.  相似文献   

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