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Correspondence of phases of electrogenesis, photocycle transitions, and proton transfer with the proton transporting groups of bacteriorhodopsin was studied. The structure of bacteriorhodopsin was considered by the file 1c3w and projections of sites of the proton movement pathway onto the normal to the purple membrane were measured. The dielectric permeability of the terminal site of the semichannel Schiff base external surface of the purple membrane was noticeably higher than in the center of the membrane.Translated from Biokhimiya, Vol. 69, No. 12, 2004, pp. 1725–1728.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2004 by Khitrina, Ksenofontov.  相似文献   

菌紫质(BR)是嗜盐菌紫膜中的唯一蛋白质,野生型的BR分子含有248个氨基酸残基,其中一个视黄醛通过希夫碱基连结在第216位赖氨酸上,它具有质子泵的功能.光照下,BR进行光循环,光循环又与质子泵过程相关联.菌紫质的结构和功能方面的研究已有很大进展,但其光循环途径和质子泵的机理还不太清楚.文章概述了近年来对菌紫质结构,光循环和质子泵机理研究的进展,尤其对争论较大的菌紫质光循环途径的四类模型作了较详细的介绍.  相似文献   

This review begins with a brief history of early studies on the involvement of lipids in certain bacteriorhodopsin (BR) properties. Such properties include the regulation of the pK for the purple to blue transition caused by deionization, and the reformation of trimers from monomers after exposure of the purple membrane to Triton X-100. Most of the review is devoted to newer studies which indicate an important role for the neutral lipid squalene in the functional stability of the fast-decaying M-intermediate, for its decay through a pathway involving the O-intermediate, and for the regulation of the relative amounts of slow-decaying and fast-decaying forms of M. Participation of a peripheral acidic amino acid in the overall expression of fast-decaying M is also discussed. Initial studies suggest that the acidic amino acid may be Asp36 and/or Asp38.  相似文献   

A large share of the current ideas about the mechanism of proton transport by bacteriorhodopsin has emerged from studies of site-specific mutants. This review is an attempt to check some of these ideas against the natural variability in the primary structure of the protein.  相似文献   

细菌视紫红质的质子传输机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
细菌视紫红质(bR)是嗜盐菌紫膜中的唯一蛋白质成分, 具有质子泵、电荷分离和光致变色功能. bR分子中的发色团视黄醛通过质子化席夫碱以共价键与Lys216相连. bR分子受可见光照射后, 视黄醛发生从全-反到13-顺式构型的异构化, 导致席夫碱的去质子化,继之以可极化基团位置的改变. 力场的变化引起包括蛋白质三级结构在内的诸多变化, 这些变化促进并保证了质子从细胞质侧向细胞外侧的定向传输.  相似文献   

Bacteriorhodopsin (BR) is a retinal protein that functions as a light-driven proton pump. In this study, six novel mutants including K41E and D102K, were obtained to verify or rule out the possibility that residues Lys41 and Asp102 are determinants of the time order of proton release and uptake, because we found that the order was reversed in another retinal protein archaerhodopsin 4 (AR4), which had different 41th and 102th residues. Our results rule out that possibility and confirm that the pK a of the proton release complex (PRC) determines the time order. Nevertheless, mutations, especially D102K, were found to affect the kinetics of proton uptake substantially and the pK a of Asp96. Compared to the wild-type BR (BR-WT), the decay of the M intermediate and proton uptake in the photocycle was slowed about 3-fold in D102K. Hence those residues might be involved in proton uptake and delivery to the internal proton donor.  相似文献   

A method for synthesis of retinal analogs labeled with electron-density groups is suggested. The interaction of these polyene compounds with bacterioopsin in apomembrane of Halobacterium salinarum was tested. A retinal analog containing a crown-ether receptor group is able to interact readily with bacterioopsin giving rise to rapid formation of a pigment with absorption maximum at 460 nm. This pigment is capable of undergoing cyclic photoconversion. The crown-bacteriorhodopsin photocycle is extremely slow and its quantum efficiency is very low (3% of that in native bacteriorhodopsin). This photocycle includes an M-like intermediate with a differential absorption maximum at 380 nm. A retinal analog in which the -ionone ring is replaced by ferrocene moiety forms a stable chromoprotein with the main absorption band at 483 nm and a shoulder near 590-610 nm.  相似文献   

In the last few years, detailed structural information from high-resolution x-ray diffraction has been added to the already large body of spectroscopic and mutational data on the bacteriorhodopsin proton transport cycle. Although there are still many gaps, it is now possible to reconstruct the main events in the translocation of the proton and how they are coupled to the photoisomerization of the retinal chromophore. Future structural work will concentrate on describing the details of the individual proton transfer steps during the photocycle.  相似文献   

The L to M reaction of the bacteriorhodopsin photocycle includes the crucial proton transfer from the retinal Schiff base to Asp85. In spite of the importance of the L state in deciding central issues of the transport mechanism in this pump, the serious disagreements among the three published crystallographic structures of L have remained unresolved. Here, we report on the X-ray diffraction structure of the L state, to 1.53-1.73 A resolutions, from replicate data sets collected from six independent crystals. Unlike earlier studies, the partial occupancy refinement uses diffraction intensities from the same crystals before and after the illumination to produce the trapped L state. The high reproducibility of inter-atomic distances, and bond angles and torsions of the retinal, lends credibility to the structural model. The photoisomerized 13-cis retinal in L is twisted at the C(13)=C(14) and C(15)=NZ double-bonds, and the Schiff base does not lose its connection to Wat402 and, therefore, to the proton acceptor Asp85. The protonation of Asp85 by the Schiff base in the L-->M reaction is likely to occur, therefore, via Wat402. It is evident from the structure of the L state that various conformational changes involving hydrogen-bonding residues and bound water molecules begin to propagate from the retinal to the protein at this stage already, and in both extracellular and cytoplasmic directions. Their rationales in the transport can be deduced from the way their amplitudes increase in the intermediates that follow L in the reaction cycle, and from the proton transfer reactions with which they are associated.  相似文献   

Liu Y  Qu J  Yu SS  Hu YC  Huang XZ 《Steroids》2007,72(4):313-322
Seven new steroidal glycosides, cynaforrosides K (1), L (2), M (3), N (4), and Q (7), based on a 13,14:14,15-disecopregnane-type aglycone, and cynaforrosides O (5) and P (6) with a 14,15-secopregnane-type aglycone, were isolated from the 95% ethanol extract of the roots of Cynanchum forrestii Schlechter. The structures of new compounds were determined on the basis of spectroscopic and chemical evidence. The sugar units of cynaforrosides K-P contained two moieties of glucoses with the mode of 1-->4 linkage and those of cynaforrosides K-O contained six moieties of sugars.  相似文献   

In contrast to cereals or other crops, legumes are known to acidify the rhizosphere even when supplied with nitrates. This phenomenon has been attributed to N2 fixation allowing excess uptake of cations over anions; however, as we have found previously, the exposure of the shoot to illumination can cause rhizosphere acidification in the absence of N2 fixation in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp). In this study, we examined whether the light-induced acidification can relate to photosynthetic activity and corresponding alterations in cation-anion uptake ratios. The changes of rhizosphere pH along the root axis were visualized using a pH indicator agar gel. The intensity of pH changes (alkalization/acidification) in the rhizosphere was expressed in proton fluxes, which were obtained by processing the images of the pH indicator agar gel. The uptake of cations and anions was measured in nutrient solution. The rhizosphere was alkalinized in the dark but acidified with exposure of the shoots to light. The extent of light-induced acidification was increased with leaf size and intensity of illumination on the shoot, and completely stopped with the application of photosynthesis inhibitor. Although the uptake of cations was significantly lower than that of anions, the rhizosphere was acidified by light exposure. Proton pump inhibitors N,N'-dicyclohexyl carbodimide and vanadate could not stop the light-induced acidification. The results indicate that light-induced acidification in cowpea seedlings is regulated by photosynthetic activity, but is not due to excess uptake of cations.  相似文献   

Various postulated indices of central dopaminergic activity - cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) dopamine (DA), dihydroxy-phenylacetic acid (DOPAC), homovanillic acid (HVA), noradrenaline (NA), plasma NA, serum prolactin, serum dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DBH), and platelet monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity - were measured in 30 drug-free inpatients. The mean values and the ranges were similar to those described in the literature. Plasma NA showed significant positive correlation with age. Significant positive correlation was found between CSF DA and its metabolites DOPAC and HVA. Serum DBH activity showed a slight but significant inverse correlation with CSF DA and its two metabolites. CSF NA showed a significant positive correlation with CSF DOPAC, but only in females. Serum DBH activity had no significant correlation either with CSF or with plasma NA levels. These findings suggest that either CSF HVA or DOPAC and DA may be useful indicators of DA metabolism in humans. Serum DBH activity may be in relationship with the central dopaminergic functions.  相似文献   

Mouse lymphoid cells and tumor cell lines were employed as target cells for the investigation of the mechanism of heterocytotoxicity in human serum samples. It was shown that the heterocytotoxic effects were due to two differing mechanisms. Cytotoxicity was mediated in part, by activation of the alternative complement pathway on target cell membrane, a process which was antibody-independent. A second mechanism of cytotoxicity was induced by natural antibodies to a target cell, which probably mediated activation of the classical complement pathway. These data may shed light on the frequently observed cytotoxicity in mammalian sera for various target cells.  相似文献   

Human serum induces cytolysis of mouse thymus and thymoma cells, and cytostasis of mouse bone marrow and spleen cells, and various methylcholanthrene-induced tumour cells. The latter was manifested by deficient metabolic activity when cultured in the presence of fresh human sera. Decomplementation procedures demonstrated that these heterocytotoxic effects are mediated in part via activation of the alternative complement pathway in human serum samples. The presence of properdin and C3 on the target cell surface was confirmed by immune adherence and indirect immunofluorescent tests. Activation of the alternative complement pathway was elicited by incubation of the human serum with the relevant target cells, resulting in the appearance of the cathodal migrating fragment of the factor B, denoting complement activation. The following publication will present evidence that activation of the alternative complement pathway takes place via an antibody-independent mechanism acting at the cell surface. These and other observations in the literature raise the possibility that activation of the alternative complement pathway by surface cell receptors on tumour cells represents a mechanism of natural immunity versus tumours.  相似文献   

Solid-state 2H NMR spectroscopy gives a powerful avenue to investigating the structures of ligands and cofactors bound to integral membrane proteins. For bacteriorhodopsin (bR) and rhodopsin, retinal was site-specifically labeled by deuteration of the methyl groups followed by regeneration of the apoprotein. 2H NMR studies of aligned membrane samples were conducted under conditions where rotational and translational diffusion of the protein were absent on the NMR time scale. The theoretical lineshape treatment involved a static axial distribution of rotating C-C2H3 groups about the local membrane frame, together with the static axial distribution of the local normal relative to the average normal. Simulation of solid-state 2H NMR lineshapes gave both the methyl group orientations and the alignment disorder (mosaic spread) of the membrane stack. The methyl bond orientations provided the angular restraints for structural analysis. In the case of bR the retinal chromophore is nearly planar in the dark- and all-trans light-adapted states, as well upon isomerization to 13-cis in the M state. The C13-methyl group at the “business end” of the chromophore changes its orientation to the membrane upon photon absorption, moving towards W182 and thus driving the proton pump in energy conservation. Moreover, rhodopsin was studied as a prototype for G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) implicated in many biological responses in humans. In contrast to bR, the retinal chromophore of rhodopsin has an 11-cis conformation and is highly twisted in the dark state. Three sites of interaction affect the torsional deformation of retinal, viz. the protonated Schiff base with its carboxylate counterion; the C9-methyl group of the polyene; and the β-ionone ring within its hydrophobic pocket. For rhodopsin, the strain energy and dynamics of retinal as established by 2H NMR are implicated in substituent control of activation. Retinal is locked in a conformation that is twisted in the direction of the photoisomerization, which explains the dark stability of rhodopsin and allows for ultra-fast isomerization upon absorption of a photon. Torsional strain is relaxed in the meta I state that precedes subsequent receptor activation. Comparison of the two retinal proteins using solid-state 2H NMR is thus illuminating in terms of their different biological functions.  相似文献   

Familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by recurrent attacks of fever and serositis. Mutations in the Mediterranean fever gene (MEFV) localized on the short arm of chromosome 16 cause FMF. Over 90 MEFV missense/nonsense mutations have been identified so far in FMF patients, mostly in the 10th exon of the gene.  相似文献   

Redox transients of chlorophyll P700, monitored as absorbance changes ΔA810, were measured during and after exclusive PSI excitation with far-red (FR) light in pea (Pisum sativum, cv. Premium) leaves under various pre-excitation conditions. Prolonged adaptation in the dark terminated by a short PSII + PSI− exciting light pulse guarantees pre-conditions in which the initial photochemical events in PSI RCs are carried out by cyclic electron transfer (CET). Pre-excitation with one or more 10 s FR pulses creates conditions for induction of linear electron transport (LET). These converse conditions give rise to totally different, but reproducible responses of P700 oxidation. System analyses of these responses were made based on quantitative solutions of the rate equations dictated by the associated reaction scheme for each of the relevant conditions. These provide the mathematical elements of the P700 induction algorithm (PIA) with which the distinguishable components of the P700+ response can be resolved and interpreted. It enables amongst others the interpretation and understanding of the characteristic kinetic profile of the P700+ response in intact leaves upon 10 s illumination with far-red light under the promotive condition for CET. The system analysis provides evidence that this unique kinetic pattern with a non-responsive delay followed by a steep S-shaped signal increase is caused by a photoelectrochemically controlled suppression of the electron transport from Fd to the PQ-reducing Qr site of the cytb6f complex in the cyclic pathway. The photoelectrochemical control is exerted by the PSI-powered proton pump associated with CET. It shows strong similarities with the photoelectrochemical control of LET at the acceptor side of PSII which is reflected by release of photoelectrochemical quenching of chlorophyll a fluorescence.  相似文献   

The channel proteins of gap junctions are encoded by two distinct gene families, connexins, which are exclusive to chordates, and innexins/pannexins, which are found throughout the animal kingdom. Although the relationship between the primary structure and function of the vertebrate connexins has been relatively well studied, there are, to our knowledge, no structure-function analyses of invertebrate innexins. In the first such study, we have used tryptophan scanning to probe the first transmembrane domain (M1) of the Drosophila innexin Shaking-B(Lethal), which is a component of rectifying electrical synapses in the Giant Fiber escape neural circuit. Tryptophan was substituted sequentially for 16 amino acids within M1 of Shaking-B(Lethal). Tryptophan insertion at every fourth residue (H27, T31, L35, and S39) disrupted gap junction function. The distribution of these sites is consistent with helical secondary structure and identifies the face of M1 involved in helix-helix interactions. Tryptophan substitution at several sites in M1 altered channel properties in a variety of ways. Changes in sensitivity to transjunctional voltage (Vj) were common and one mutation (S39W) induced sensitivity to transmembrane voltage (Vm). In addition, several mutations induced hemichannel activity. These changes are similar to those observed after substitutions within the transmembrane domains of connexins.  相似文献   

A phosphoprotein (P) is found in all viruses of the Mononegavirales order. These proteins form homo-oligomers, fulfil similar roles in the replication cycles of the various viruses, but differ in their length and oligomerization state. Sequence alignments reveal no sequence similarity among proteins from viruses belonging to the same family. Sequence analysis and experimental data show that phosphoproteins from viruses of the Paramyxoviridae contain structured domains alternating with intrinsically disordered regions. Here, we used predictions of disorder of secondary structure, and an analysis of sequence conservation to predict the domain organization of the phosphoprotein from Sendai virus, vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) and rabies virus (RV P). We devised a new procedure for combining the results from multiple prediction methods and locating the boundaries between disordered regions and structured domains. To validate the proposed modular organization predicted for RV P and to confirm that the putative structured domains correspond to autonomous folding units, we used two-hybrid and biochemical approaches to characterize the properties of several fragments of RV P. We found that both central and C-terminal domains can fold in isolation, that the central domain is the oligomerization domain, and that the C-terminal domain binds to nucleocapsids. Our results suggest a conserved organization of P proteins in the Rhabdoviridae family in concatenated functional domains resembling that of the P proteins in the Paramyxoviridae family.  相似文献   

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