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The growth forms of bi- and pluriennial central European plant species were analyzed and summarized systematically by means of a dichotomous key. Ten growth forms are distinguished according to vegetative morphological characters of the plants: holoparasitic erosulate, (simple) erosulate, floating semirosette, succulent semirosette, tufted semirosette, (simple) semirosette, storage root semirosette, tuber semirosette, storage root rosette, and (simple) rosette bi- or pluriennial plants. Only very few species are strictly biennial or pluriennial. Each individual plant can be assigned to only one growth form system according to the life span (the system of bi-and pluriennials in the present case). However, several species include individuals that behave as annuals as well as biennials/pluriennials and/or periennials. The term "hapaxanthic" is discussed concerning to its reference level in relation to the plant organism. Three types of hapaxanthy can be distinguished in this context: Genet hapaxanthy with and without vegetative reproduction and ramet hapaxanthy.  相似文献   

Optimal plant growth form should vary across environments. We examined the potential for mutations causing large changes in growth form to produce new optimal phenotypes across light environments. We predicted that the upright growth form would be favoured in a light limiting environment as leaves were in a position to maximize light interception, while a rosette (leaves in a basal position) growth form would be favoured in a high light environment. Growth form genotypes of Brassica rapa (upright wild-type and rosette mutants) and Arabidopsis thaliana (large rosette wild-type and increasingly upright growth form mutants) were grown in a greenhouse in control (ambient) and filtered (low) light treatments. Compared to upright genotypes, rosette genotypes had relatively high fitness in control light but had a relatively large fitness reduction in filtered light. Our results demonstrate the potential importance of rapid growth form evolution in plant adaptation to new or changing environments.  相似文献   

Question: Which factors determine diversity of native and alien vascular plant species in semi‐natural dry grasslands? Location: Northern limestone Alps to the southern rim of the Bohemian massif in northern Austria. Methods: In 70 randomly chosen dry grassland patches (0.008 ha ‐ 7 ha) we sampled a complete inventory of vascular plant species at each site. We analysed the correlation between species diversity of natives, archaeophytes (pre‐1500 aliens) and neophytes (post‐1500 aliens). We used GLM to study the relationship of species number (natives, neophytes, archaeophytes) to five explanatory variables (altitude, within habitat diversity, habitat diversity of adjacent areas, within land‐use diversity and land‐use in adjacent areas). Orthogonal components of these variables were derived with a PCA and used in the models. We also tested the influence of minimum residence time (MRT) and the covariables origin, mode of introduction and life form on the number of grassland sites with neophytes with analogous GLMs. Results: Native species diversity species was positively correlated with the species diversity of new, but not old invaders. GLM explains 70% of the variance in the number of native species. Patch size explained the largest part of the variation in the number of native species. PCA axes 1 and 3 were significantly related to the number of native species. Axis 1was related to on‐site habitat and land‐use diversity. The GLM of the archaeophyte diversity explains 18% of the variance. Altitude and presence of fields and grassland in the neighbourhood mainly explained archaeophyte species diversity. The GLM of neophyte diversity explains 12% of the variance. The number of neophytes was positively related to that of archaeophytes. Only PCA axis 3, which is mainly influenced by adjacent land‐use types, showed a relationship with neophytes. MRT, mode of introduction and region of origin (but not life form) were significantly related to the number of grassland sites invaded by neophytes, explaining 35% of the variance. Conclusion: Most factors governing native species diversity are not significantly related to alien species diversity. Additional determinants of the local scale diversity of alien species exist such as region of origin and historical factors (MRT, mode of introduction).  相似文献   

Diversity and distribution of trees [≥5 cm diameter at breast height (dbh)], shrubs and herbs was assessed in thirty 0.05‐ha (10 × 50 m) plots of a tropical high forest in the Ssese islands of Lake Victoria, central Uganda. The aim was to determine the floristic richness and composition of the forests. We recorded 179 species belonging to 70 families and 146 genera. Of these, nine families had five species or more. Rubiaceae was the richest with fourteen species followed by Euphorbiaceae (thirteen), Apocynaceae (ten) and Moraceae (nine). The majority of the families (35) were represented by one species each. Fifty‐eight herbaceous species, 39 lianas, ten shrubs and 72 species of trees were recorded. The commonest species recorded in the forest included: Uapaca guineensis Mull. Arg., Tabernaemontana pachysiphon Stapf., and Aframomum luteoalbum (K Schum.) K. Schum. Among the rare species encountered were Ficus densistipulata De Willd., Englerophytum oblanceolatum (S. Moore) Pennington, and Afromomum zambeziacum (Bak.) K. Schum. The present study has shown that the Ssese islands are floristically rich in species and compare well with other mainland forests. Species richness, rarity and uniqueness of habitats can be considered as approaches in the prioritization of conservation sites within the fragmented forests of Ssese islands.  相似文献   

Tourism and recreation are large industries employing millions of people and contribute over US$2.01 trillion to the global economy. Unfortunately they also have diverse and sometimes severe environmental impacts affecting many species, including those that are rare and threatened. To assess the extent to which these industries threaten vascular plants, we reviewed data in the IUCN Red List for 462 Critically Endangered, Endangered and Vulnerable European species. Tourism and recreation were listed as threatening 42 % (194 species) of these species from across 50 families, mostly herbs (70 %). They were listed as threatening plants in 9 of the 10 bioregions in Europe and in 25 of the 40 countries assessed. Popular tourism destinations such as the Canary Islands (41 species) and mainland Spain (40 species) had the greatest diversity of species listed as threatened by tourism and recreation. The most common of these threats were trampling (61 species), plant collection (59), the maintenance/construction of tourist infrastructure (43) and habitat degradation due to the urbanisation of tourist sites (13). Additional species assessments and more research on the impacts of tourism and recreation may add to these values. It is clear that these industries pose an important threatening process on plants in Europe based on the IUCN Red List data and hence deserve greater recognition in terms of research, conservation and management.  相似文献   

Summary Net annual productivity and annual carbon budgets were determined for populations of Littorella uniflora var. americana and Isoetes macrospora in a mesotrophic and oligotrophic lake in northern Wisconsin, to assess the contribution of Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM) to annual productivity of the species in their natural environment. Nocturnal carbon accumulation (CAM), daytime uptake of external CO2 via the C3 mechanism, and refixation of endogenously generated CO2 from daytime respiration were the sources of carbon income. CAM activity as diurnal acid rhythms reached maxima of 89 to 182 eq·g-1 leaf fresh weight for the various populations.Maximum rates of daytime 14C uptake ranged from 0.56 to 1.46 mg C·g-1 leaf dry wt.·h-1 for the study populations. Refixation of daytime respired CO2 averaged 37% for the four populations. Carbon loss was due largely to dark respiration, during the day and night. Nocturnal carbon accumulation, daytime CO2 uptake and 24-h dark respiration were of similar magnitude, indicating dark respiration was equivalent to 50% of gross photosynthesis.Net annual production was measured for each population by following leaf turnover. Turnover rates for the Littorella populations were 1.56 and 1.72·yr-1, and for the Isoetes populations, 0.85 and 1.00·yr-1. Measured net annual productivity and calculated net annual productivity (based on carbon exchange) agreed within an average of 12% for the four populations. While CAM activity was greater for the more productive population of each species, the results suggest that the contribution of CAM to annual productivity is greater for the less productive population of each species. CAM contributed 45 to 55% of the annual carbon gain for the study populations.  相似文献   

Plant invasion is a major threat to the integrity of an ecosystem. Exceptionally successful invaders in Europe are the American species of Solidago genus. In this study we examined growth, reproduction, and phenology of Solidago species, of American origin, growing in central Europe (S. altissima, S. canadensis, S. gigantea, S. graminifolia). These taxa were compared with two native species: Solidago virgaurea and Tanacetum vulgare. We observed high differentiation in height, number of shoots, and biomass production between individuals within taxa. Generally, the invasive species produced substantially (two to five times) more biomass than the native ones, being statistically significant in the comparison of alien Solidago graminifolia and S. gigantea versus native S. virgaurea and T. vulgare. The ratio of biomass of reproductive parts to overall biomass varied considerably among years, but generally the lowest one was for Solidago altissima, and the highest for S. graminifolia. It shows a lack of a clear pattern of differentiation between alien and native species in terms of biomass investment in reproduction. We observed a general tendency of allocation of a major part of biomass in rhizomes by phalanx species (S. graminifolia and S. gigantea), while species with guerrilla strategy (S. altissima and S. canadensis) invested more biomass in stems and leaves. However, because of the high variability there was no clear, stable pattern of statistically significant differences between these two groups. The results suggest that S. graminifolia reveals a strong potential of invasion, in spite of its, so far limited, distribution in Europe.  相似文献   

Ontogenetic shifts in interactions among annual plants   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  

Annual plants are common in disturbed habitats. It is frequently assumed that because these habitats often have low-plant density, competition is not important in shaping the ecological strategies of annual plants. We test for competitive strategies in genotypes of the short-lived annual plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Genotypes were grown in treatments with or without conspecific competitors. We measured size at reproduction and fitness (fruit production) at final development. We estimated competitive ability in each genotype at first reproduction (the ability to maintain size in the presence of competitors) and at final development (the ability to maintain fruit production in the presence of competitors). Genotypes showed relatively high competitive ability measured as fruit production at final development, but most genotypes had low competitive ability measured as size at reproduction. Our results suggest that competition has been important in the evolution of strategies in these genotypes but vegetative size is not a strong predictor of competitive ability. Rather, competitive ability is determined by the capacity to reproduce efficiently in the presence of competitors. The competitive strategies expressed across these genotypes suggest that competition has been a selective force in these plants, and that a fast life history is not equivalent to an “r-strategy.”  相似文献   

Rainfall effects on rare annual plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Protochlorophyll forms in roots of dark-grown plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Protochlorophyll was found in roots of dark-grown plants of seven species investigated. It was identified by absorbance and fluorescence spectra of acetone and ether extracts. Chlorophyll was also found in roots of one pea species. The concentration of protochlorophyll was usually highest in young root tips and decreased upwards along the roots. The maxima of the in vivo absorbance spectra of the species studied varied between 634 and 638 nm. Low temperature in vivo fluorescence emission spectra had two maxima, one at ca 633 and the other at ca 642 nm, when the wavelengths of the excitation light were 440 and 460 nm, respectively. In vivo fluorescence excitation spectra displayed a shift of the excitation maximum from 438 to 445 nm, when emission varied from 620 to 647.5 nm. Deconvolution of these three types of spectra into Gaussian components made it possible to identify two spectral forms of protochlorophyll: protochlorophyll629–633 and protochlorophyll638–642.  相似文献   

药用植物野生资源的保护正受到学界乃至全社会的广泛关注。本研究通过收集华中地区(包括湖南、湖北和河南三省)的49个国家级自然保护区的科学考察报告、多样性研究报告以及其他相关文献资料, 结合第四次全国中药资源普查数据, 建立了华中地区国家级自然保护区内药用维管植物数据库, 并评估了这些保护区对华中地区药用维管植物的保护成效。研究发现: 华中地区国家级自然保护区内分布有6,071种药用维管植物, 就地保护比例为81.93%; 其中特有、受威胁和常用药用植物物种数分别为1,479种、224种和448种, 三者受保护比例分别为87.98%、78.87%和91.80%。有32.16%的药用维管植物(2,383种, 特有、受威胁和常用药用植物物种数分别为644种、119种和69种)仅分布于1-5个自然保护区中。森林生态系统类型的自然保护区对不同类群药用植物的保护效果均最好。神农架、金童山、莽山、星斗山及湖南舜皇山5个保护区是所有、特有以及受威胁药用植物物种多样性的热点地区, 是华中地区药用植物保护的重要区域。总体上, 华中地区现有国家级自然保护区较好地覆盖了该地区的药用维管植物, 但药用维管植物的就地保护仍不容懈怠。建议加强对该区域保护空缺物种的野外动态监测和保护。  相似文献   

The central Australian flora currently contains 78 alien species, of which 17 are predominantly summer-growing, 19 are southern winter-growing species reaching roadsides, stockyards and watercourses in the southern Northern Territory and 42 are at present confined to gardens in Alice Springs. A further 11 species reach the far north of South Australia or die far southwest of Queensland but not the Northern Territory. The central Australian alien flora may be classified by growing season and drought-tolerance, or broadly categorized on the basis of habitat and dispersal agent into 'garden weeds', 'tourist weeds' and 'stock weeds'. Present ecological knowledge of central Australian aliens is limited, but indicates that whilst some will probably remain confined to better-watered habitats, many are likely to spread into the arid areas, becoming obvious only after a succession of wet years. The central Australian alien flora is increasing at present and this increase is expected to continue.  相似文献   

Secretory tissues in vascular plants   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:15  

Signal transduction in vascular plants   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We review current evidence for the presence and activity in plants of several paradigmatic components of transmembrane signal transduction systems. Components considered include the second messengers calcium, inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate, and cyclic AMP; protein kinases and protein phosphatases; and G-proteins. At the current stage of development of the field of plant signal transduction, broad similarities between plant and the more well-studied animal systems are apparent. However, there also exist considerable differences in detail.  相似文献   

In this article, the life forms of Apiaceae species growing in central Russia are described, classified and discussed. Different biomorphological parameters are used. In general, the spectrum of life forms on this family is not that large. Based on such features as life span, number of fruitings and structure of underground organs, 14 biomorphological types could be distinguished. Short rhizomatous polycarpic or monocarpic plants with a tap root, or also adventive roots, and a sympodial semi‐rosette shoot system with di‐polycyclic shoots dominate. Vegetative mobility is weakly expressed: nearly 85% of plants are monocentric. The main strategy for dispersal is by seed propagation. Life forms of many Apiaceae are evolutionary labile: all possible transitions from perennial polycarps to typical annuals and subsequent returns to perennial life style, not only in different species but sometimes also in one and the same species, can be observed. Poly‐variation is found also in plant morphology. The obtained data allowed to work out biomorphological diagnoses, i.e. analogies of systematical diagnoses that can be applied in studies of the systematics, ecology or economical use of the taxa.  相似文献   

The catalogue of extinct plants in Spain, comprising 27 taxa is updated. Included are four species not previously classified as extinct in Spain: Cyclamen purpurascens, Grammitis quaerenda, Stratiotes aloides and Vallisneria spiralis. We analyze the causes of extinction and explore the possible influence of botanical collections in species loss. The obtained data suggest that habitat loss has been the main cause of extinction and the impact of collecting is demonstrated to be irrelevant. We list the 21 species that have been designated as extinct in previous catalogues but which no longer have that status, 14 of them having been recovered thanks to botanical exploration and collection works.  相似文献   

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