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A method for the evaluation of Paramecium caudatum motility was proposed as a tool for the investigation of magnetobiological as well as other physical and chemical effects. The microscopically observed movement of paramecia is recorded and processed using a special software program. The protozoan motility is determined as a function of their mean velocity in a definite time. The main advantages of the method are that it is easily modified for determining various characteristics of the motor activity of paramecia and that the video data obtained can be reused.  相似文献   

Holospora obtusa is a macronucleus-specific bacterium of the ciliate Paramecium caudatum. Three types of P. caudatum cells (H. obtusa-free cells, cells bearing the reproductive form of H. obtusa and cells bearing the predominantly infectious form of H. obtusa) cultured at 25 degrees C were transferred to 4, 10, 25, 35 and 40 degrees C and their swimming velocities were measured by taking photomicrographs with two-second exposures. The H. obtusa-free cells almost ceased swimming at both 4 and 40 degrees C, while cells bearing the reproductive form and those bearing the predominantly infectious form actively swam even at these temperatures. These results show that the host cell can acquire heat-shock resistance when infected by H. obtusa in the macronucleus. This is the first evidence to show that the endonuclear symbiont Holospora contributes to maintain the ciliary movement of the host even at temperatures unsuitable for the host growth.  相似文献   

The qualitative and quantitative composition of the microflora of the large intestine has been studied in 31 healthy adults and in 137 patients with acute viral hepatitides A and B. A set of quantitative tests ensuring the complete characterization of the microbiocenosis under study has been proposed. The results obtained in this investigation have been processed by means of a computer with the use of the principles of numeric taxonomy, thus making it possible to obtain the objective criterion of the state of the microflora of the large intestine, expressed by the similarity index.  相似文献   

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Variation in the progeny of a single exconjugant of Paramecium caudatum

I obtained the monoclonal antibody 93A against a micronuclear antigen of the ciliate Paramecium caudatum . Immunocytochemical observations showed that the antigen 93A appeared in some portion of the micronucleus in every stage of life cycle. In dividing micronuclei, the antigen appeared mainly in their both poles and in fibrous structures between the poles. These results suggest that the micronuclear antigen 93A may be a component of microtubule organizing center and spindles. During nuclear differentiation in P. caudatum , four among eight postzygotic micronuclei differentiate new macronuclear anlagen and one becomes a new micronucleus and the remaining three degenerate. The micronuclear antigen 93A appeared in all of the eight nuclei in the early stage of macronuclear differentiation but then disappeared in the four macronuclear anlagen and eventually persisted only in the new micronucleus, showing that the newly developing macronuclear anlagen lose the micronuclear antigen 93A during their differentiation.  相似文献   

Millot L  Kaltz O 《Cryobiology》2006,52(1):161-165
We investigated cryopreservation of horizontal transmission stages of Holospora undulata, a micronucleus-specific bacterial parasite of Paramecium caudatum. Unlike in previous studies on related Holospora species, protocols using glycerol as cryoprotectant failed entirely. In contrast, freezing with dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) conserved infectiousness of nearly all replicate inocula, although infection success was considerably lower than that of fresh inocula. Infection probability was enhanced by increasing the Me2SO concentration from 5 to 10%, and by freezing at -196 degrees C rather than -80 degrees C. Prolonged storage of up to 3 months had no significant effect on the viability of the inocula.  相似文献   

Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics - The  effect  of  adrenaline  in  various  concentrations  and  dopamine  at...  相似文献   

Summary. Many of the highly organized microtubular arrangements in ciliates are located in the cortical area containing membrane vesicles and vacuoles. In Tetrahymena thermophila and Paramecium caudatum, immunofluorescence microscopy with the monoclonal antibody TU-06, directed against β-tubulin, revealed distinct staining of this cortical region alone, while the cilia and other microtubular structures were unstained. The specificity of the antibody was confirmed by immunoblotting and by preabsorption of the antibody with purified tubulin. Double-label immunofluorescence with antibodies against γ-tubulin, detyrosinated α-tubulin, and centrin showed that the TU-06 epitope is localized outside the basal body region. This was also confirmed by immunogold electron microscopy of thin sections. Proteolytic digestion of porcine brain β-tubulin combined with a peptide scan of immobilized, overlapping peptides disclosed that the epitope was in the β-tubulin region β81–95, a region which is phylogenetically highly conserved. As known posttranslational modifications of β-tubulin are located outside this area, the observed staining pattern cannot be interpreted as evidence of subcellular sequestration of modified tubulin. The limited distribution of the epitope could rather reflect the dependence of TU-06 epitope exposition on conformations of tubulin molecules in microtubule arrangements or on differential masking by interacting proteins. Correspondence and reprints: Institute of Molecular Genetics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Vídeňská 1083, 14220 Prague, Czech Republic.  相似文献   

During conjugation of Paramecium caudatum, nuclear determination occurs soon after the third postzygotic division: one of the four anterior nuclei becomes the micronucleus and the remaining three degenerate, while four posterior nuclei differentiate into macronuclear anlagen. Macronuclear differentiation is supposed to be dependent on a cytoplasmic differentiation factor. In this study, postzygotic cells were subjected to heat shock for 30 min and nuclear changes were observed by staining with carbol fuchsin solution. When heat shock was initiated during the period from metaphase to telophase of the third postzygotic division, cells showed an excess of macronuclear anlagen and were typically amicronucleate. Abnormal nuclear localization around the end of the third (last) postzygotic division may explain the origin of these kinds of cells. A similar phenomenon appeared after treatment with actinomycin D or emetine. Since heat shock did not inhibit macronuclear differentiation but destroyed the formation of micronuclei, some factor(s) probably plays an essential role in nuclear determination, especially in the protection of the micronuclei.  相似文献   

The duration of ciliary reversal of Paramecium caudatum in response to changes in external ionic factors was determined with various ionic compositions of both equilibration and stimulation media. The reversal response was found to occur when calcium ions bound by an inferred cellular cation exchange system were liberated in exchange for externally applied cations other than calcium. Factors which affect the duration of the response were (a) initial amount of calcium bound by the cation exchange system, (b) final amount of calcium bound by the system after equilibration with the stimulation medium, and (c) concentration of calcium ions in the stimulation medium. An empirical equation is presented which relates the duration of the response to these three factors. On the basis of these and previously published data, the following hypothesis is proposed for the mechanism underlying ciliary reversal in response to cationic stimulation: Ca++ liberated from the cellular cation exchange system activates a contractile system which is energized by ATP. Contraction of this component results in the reversal of effective beat direction of cilia by a mechanism not yet understood. The duration of reversal in live paramecia is related to the time course of bound calcium release.  相似文献   

Infection experiments were performed incubating Paramecium caudatum with non-infectious free-living bacteria or weakly infectious intracellular bacteria together with the infectious Holospora obtusa. Two of four non-infectious free-living bacteria (Enterobacter aerogenes and Klebsiella pneumoniae) were found to get into the nuclei when added to Paramecium together with H. obtusa. The endonuclear bacterium Nonospora macronucleata that is weakly infectious by itself increases its infectivity when presented together with the infectious holosporas. The results provide evidence that H. obtusa may facilitate entry of other, non-infectious bacteria into the nuclei of Paramecium.  相似文献   

The Western blot procedure has been adapted to detect the reassembly of a two-subunit glycoprotein, urinary human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), directly on the nitrocellulose. This glycoprotein is composed of two nonidentical subunits, alpha and beta. A simple procedure using immunoblotting has been developed to detect reassembly of the monomers to dimer. Three monoclonal antibodies were required for the development of this method: A109, which binds the alpha subunit or hCG; B105, which binds the beta subunit or hCG; and B107, specific for the intact hCG dimer. The alpha subunit and beta subunit of hCG were each electrophoresed and transferred to nitrocellulose, and the transfer was then incubated with the appropriate complementary subunit; reassembly of the dimer was determined by the binding of the monoclonal antibody B107. Evidence that the reassembly occurs directly on the nitrocellulose comes from the fact that B107 immunoreactivity is detected at the molecular weight position of the subunit and not at the dimer molecular weight. A genetically expressed recombinant form of the alpha subunit was also tested for its ability to recombine with the opposite subunit to produce the dimer. The recombinant alpha subunit was determined to have additional carbohydrate which interfered with the binding of the beta subunit. N-Glycanase digestion of the recombinant alpha subunit produced a form which, when incubated with the beta subunit, did recombine on the nitrocellulose and could be recognized by B107.  相似文献   

Enzyme cytochemistry was used to determine when acid phosphatase (AcPase) becomes associated with the digestive vacuoles (DVs) of axenically grown Paramecium caudatum that were pulsed with latex beads for 2–3 min. When cells were incubated in the Gomori medium, AcPase was not observed in the discoidal vesicles, the acidosomes, and the newly released DVs up to 3 min old or in most DVs 3–6 min old. The number of AcPase-positive DVs increased to 56% when DVs were 12–18 min old. Similar results were obtained using the napthol AS-TR phosphate-hexaotized rosanilin method at the light microscopic level where hundreds of DVs were scored though the maximal level of positive DVs obtained by this method was lower. In addition to DVs of specific ages, AcPase was found in ER, in some Golgi vesicles, and small vesicles similar in diameter to Golgi vesicles which may represent primary lysosomes in this ciliate. Larger vesicles abundant near the DV-II were only partially filled with reaction product. These vesicles, which could be identified by their paracrystalline sheets and a prominent glycocalyx lining the luminal surface of their membranes, fit the definition for secondary lysosomes. These results, which indicate that lysosomes fuse with DVs only after they have attained a certain age, suggest the existence of specific recognition factors on the membranes of secondary lysosomes as well as DV-II.  相似文献   

Transmission of parasites to new hosts crucially depends on the timing of production of transmission stages and their capacity to start an infection. These parameters may be influenced by genetic factors, but also by the environment. We tested the effects of temperature and host genotype on infection probability and latency in experimental populations of the ciliate Paramecium caudatum, after exposure to infectious forms of its bacterial parasite Holospora undulata. Temperature had a significant effect on the expression of genetic variation for transmission and maintenance of infection. Overall, low temperature (10 degrees C) increased levels of (multiple) infection, but arrested parasite development; higher temperatures (23 and 30 degrees C) accelerated the onset of production of infectious forms, but limited transmission success. Viability of infectious forms declined rapidly at 23 and 30 degrees C, thereby narrowing the time window for transmission. Thus, environmental conditions can generate trade-offs between transmission relevant parameters and alter levels of multiple infection or parasite-mediated selection, which may affect evolutionary trajectories of parasite life history or virulence.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The reproductive form of a macronucleus-specific symbiont Holospora obtuse , when harbored by the macronucleus of the ciliate Paramecium caudatum , selectively synthesized a 63-kDa protein which is immunologically related to GroEL, or HSP60, of Escherichia coli. Heat shock treatment of isolated cells of the reproductive and infectious form of the bacterium also induced the synthesis of the GroEL homolog. Immunoblotting showed that the amount of this protein per cell, whether the reproductive or infectious form, is roughly constant. Cloning and sequencing of a gene coding for the GroEL homolog suggested that the protein is 55.2% identical to GroEL of E. coli at the amino acid sequence level, and that the gene is preceded by an open reading frame which encodes a protein 39.6% identical to GroES of E. coli. Northern blot hybridization showed that the GroEL homologous gene is highly expressed in the reproductive form, but only in a trace amount in the intermediate and infectious form. Immunoelectron microscopy revealed that the GroEL homolog is localized in the cytoplasm of the reproductive and infectious form.  相似文献   

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