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The spatial distribution of worker honeybees in colonies of two African subspecies ( Apis mellifera capensis and Apis mellifera scutellata ), as well as their natural hybrids, was determined in five observation colonies, each containing one frame. The queens were allowed to roam freely throughout the hive during the initial phase of the experiment, and were observed on both sides of the frame in all colonies. In the second phase of the experiment the queen was caged on one side of the frame in three of the observation colonies, the other two colonies serving as controls. Queen caging significantly affected the distribution of worker bees, with more A. m. scutellata workers being attracted to the queen and more A. m. capensis worker bees being repelled by the presence of the queen. The hybrid workers were also repelled, but to a lesser extent. Queens thus not only attract workers to form a retinue or during swarming but also repel workers in the nest. Evasion of the reproductive suppression by the queen pheromones may be a typical behavior for workers with a high reproductive potential.  相似文献   

The occurrence and distribution of pests of honeybee (Apis mellifera L.) in Jordan were surveyed during the agricultural seasons of 1999 and 2000. A total of 800 colonies in 112 apiaries were chosen from different geographical regions that support beekeeping in Jordan. Honeybee colonies are attacked by 21 pest species in different areas of Jordan. The most distributed pests which cause considerable damage are Varroa destructor, Vespa orientalis, Galleria melonella, Dorylus fulvus, Braula orientalis, Merops apiaster, Hirundo rustica, Hirundo daurica and Merops orientalis. Other pests of minor importance to beekeeping were also recorded. Most of the recorded pests were appeared in both the Jordan Valley and Irbid regions.  相似文献   

Lomaev GV  Bondareva NV 《Biofizika》2004,49(6):1118-1120
It was found using SQUID-magnetometry that the dependence of the magnetization of a bee on the intensity of the applied magnetic fields has the form of a hysteresis loop. By using the parameters of the loop, the magnetic phases were identified and their characteristics were determined. It was found that the diamagnetic component is significant and has a susceptibility = -1,3335 x 10(-8) Gs x cm3/Oe. The ferromagnetite phase is represented by a multidomain magnetite with the coercive force of 70-80 Oe and magnetic saturation momnts of 4 x 10(-5) EMU (Gs x cm3) and residual moment of 3.07 x 10(-6) EMU.  相似文献   

The COI-COII intergenic region of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) was studied in local honeybee (Apis mellifera mellifera) L. populations from the Middle and Southern Urals. Analysis of bee colonies in these regions revealed apiaries enriched in families descending from A. m. mellifera in the maternal lineage. These results confirm the suggestion of preservation of A. m. mellifera refuges in the Urals and provide grounds for work on the preservation of the gene pool of this bee variety, valuable for all Russia.  相似文献   

American foulbrood (AFB) is one of the severe infectious diseases of European honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) and other Apis species. This disease is caused by a gram-positive, spore-forming bacterium Paenibacillus larvae. In this paper, a compartmental (SI framework) model is constructed to represent the spread of AFB within a colony. The model is analyzed to determine the long-term fate of the colony once exposed to AFB spores. It was found out that without effective and efficient treatment, AFB infection eventually leads to colony collapse. Furthermore, infection thresholds were predicted based on the stability of the equilibrium states. The number of infected cell combs is one of the factors that drive disease spread. Our results can be used to forecast the transmission timeline of AFB infection and to evaluate the control strategies for minimizing a possible epidemic.  相似文献   

A hallmark of eusociality is cooperative brood care. In most social insect systems brood rearing labor is divided between individuals working in the nest tending the queen and larvae, and foragers collecting food outside the nest. To place brood rearing division of labor within an evolutionary context, it is necessary to understand relationships between individuals in the nest engaged in brood care and colony growth in the honey bee. Here we examined responses of the queen, queen-worker interactions, and nursing behaviors to an increase in the brood rearing stimulus environment using brood pheromone. Colony pairs were derived from a single source and were headed by open-mated sister queens, for a total of four colony pairs. One colony of a pair was treated with 336 μg of brood pheromone, and the other a blank control. Queens in the brood pheromone treated colonies laid significantly more eggs, were fed longer, and were less idle compared to controls. Workers spent significantly more time cleaning cells in pheromone treatments. Increasing the brood rearing stimulus environment with the addition of brood pheromone significantly increased the tempo of brood rearing behaviors by bees working in the nest resulting in a significantly greater amount of brood reared.  相似文献   

Honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) have an extreme polyandrous mating system. Worker offspring of 19 naturally mated queens was genotyped with DNA microsatellites, to estimate male reproductive success of 16 drone producing colonies. This allowed for estimating the male mating success on both the colony level and the level of individual drones. The experiment was conducted in a closed population on an isolated island to exclude interferences of drones from unknown colonies. Although all colonies had produced similar numbers of drones, differences among the colonies in male mating success exceeded one order of magnitude. These differences were enhanced by the siring success of individual drones within the offspring of mated queens. The siring success of individual drones was correlated with the mating frequency at the colony level. Thus more successful colonies not only produced drones with a higher chance of mating, but also with a significantly higher proportion of offspring sired than drones from less successful colonies. Although the life cycle of honeybee colonies is very female centred, the male reproductive success appears to be a major driver of natural selection in honeybees.  相似文献   

We demonstrate the effects of a new quantitative trait locus (QTL), designated pln3, that was mapped in a backcross population derived from strains of bees selected for the amount of pollen they store in combs. We independently confirmed pln3 by demonstrating its effects on individual foraging behavior, as we did previously for QTLs pln1 and pln2 (Hunt et al. 1995). QTL pln2 is very robust in its effects on foraging behavior. In this study, pln2 was again shown to affect individual foraging behavior of workers derived from a hybrid backcross of the selected strains. In addition, pln2 was shown to affect the amount of pollen stored in combs of colonies derived from a wide cross of European and Africanized honeybees. This is noteworthy because it demonstrates that we can map QTLs for behavior in interstrain crosses derived from selective breeding and study their effects in unselected, natural populations. The results we present also demonstrate the repeatability of finding QTLs with measurable effects, even after outcrossing selected strains, suggesting that there is a relatively small subset of QTLs with major effects segregating in the population from which we selected our founding breeding populations. The different QTLs, pln1, pln2, and pln3, appear to have different effects, revealing the complex genetic architecture of honeybee foraging behavior.  相似文献   

An account is given of the mating responses of free-flying drones towards a queen, and of the pheromones controlling these responses.  相似文献   

通过单次饲喂高浓度茚虫威药液以及连续饲喂亚致死浓度茚虫威药液进行染毒,记录和分析急性慢性经口毒性试验中,意大利蜜蜂的中毒症状和死亡情况;测定慢性毒性试验中意大利蜜蜂每天药液消耗量,并计算危害商值进行初步风险评价。结果表明,98%茚虫威原药对意大利蜜蜂的半致死剂量48 h-LD_(50)为0.399μg a.i./bee,每日半数致死剂量240 h-LDD_(50)为0.0233μg a.i./bee/day,其中慢性毒性试验中1.66 mg a.i./L处理组的意大利蜜蜂死亡率在144 h之后呈现显著性的增加,240 h达到70%,且该处理组意大利蜜蜂的摄食量为17.6μL,少于对照组和其他处理组。此外,茚虫威根据目前推荐使用剂量计算出的危害商值基本大于50。茚虫威对意大利蜜蜂急性毒性(48 h)是高毒,存在较高的风险;亚致死浓度在144 h后会对意大利蜜蜂造成较大的威胁。  相似文献   

Progeny from different honeybee queens that were reared in, and foraged from, the same colony sometimes differed in their floral preferences, confirming that these are to some extent innately determined.  相似文献   

Pheromones mediate social interactions among individuals in a wide variety of species, from yeast to mammals. In social insects such as honey bees, pheromone communication systems can be extraordinarily complex and serve to coordinate behaviors among many individuals. One of the primary mediators of social behavior and organization in honey bee colonies is queen pheromone, which is produced by multiple glands. The types and quantities of chemicals produced differ significantly between virgin and mated queens, and recent studies have suggested that, in newly mated queens, insemination volume or quantity can affect pheromone production. Here, we examine the long-term impact of different factors involved during queen insemination on the chemical composition of the mandibular and Dufour''s glands, two of the major sources of queen pheromone. Our results demonstrate that carbon dioxide (an anesthetic used in instrumental insemination), physical manipulation of genital tract (presumably mimicking the act of copulation), insemination substance (saline vs. semen), and insemination volume (1 vs. 8 µl) all have long-term effects on mandibular gland chemical profiles. In contrast, Dufour''s gland chemical profiles were changed only upon insemination and were not influenced by exposure to carbon dioxide, manipulation, insemination substance or volume. These results suggest that the chemical contents of these two glands are regulated by different neuro-physiological mechanisms. Furthermore, workers responded differently to the different mandibular gland extracts in a choice assay. Although these studies must be validated in naturally mated queens of varying mating quality, our results suggest that while the chemical composition of Dufour''s gland is associated with mating status, that of the mandibular glands is associated with both mating status and insemination success. Thus, the queen appears to be signaling both status and reproductive quality to the workers, which may impact worker behavior and physiology as well as social organization and productivity of the colony.  相似文献   

Zheng A  Li J  Begna D  Fang Y  Feng M  Song F 《PloS one》2011,6(5):e20428
The honeybee pupae development influences its future adult condition as well as honey and royal jelly productions. However, the molecular mechanism that regulates honeybee pupae head metamorphosis is still poorly understood. To further our understand of the associated molecular mechanism, we investigated the protein change of the honeybee pupae head at 5 time-points using 2-D electrophoresis, mass spectrometry, bioinformatics, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and Western blot analysis. Accordingly, 58 protein spots altered their expression across the 5 time points (13-20 days), of which 36 proteins involved in the head organogenesis were upregulated during early stages (13-17 days). However, 22 proteins involved in regulating the pupae head neuron and gland development were upregulated at later developmental stages (19-20 days). Also, the functional enrichment analysis further suggests that proteins related to carbohydrate metabolism and energy production, development, cytoskeleton and protein folding were highly involved in the generation of organs and development of honeybee pupal head. Furthermore, the constructed protein interaction network predicted 33 proteins acting as key nodes of honeybee pupae head growth of which 9 and 4 proteins were validated at gene and protein levels, respectively. In this study, we uncovered potential protein species involved in the formation of honeybee pupae head development along with their specific temporal requirements. This first proteomic result allows deeper understanding of the proteome profile changes during honeybee pupae head development and provides important potential candidate proteins for future reverse genetic research on honeybee pupae head development to improve the performance of related organs.  相似文献   

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