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凤尾蕨属植物具有较高的观赏价值和药用价值。弄清其在我国的分布状况,有利于资源的开发利用。本文报道了台湾凤尾蕨Pteris taiwanensis Ching ex Ching et S. H. Wu为中国大陆分布新记录,另外11种凤尾蕨属植物为省新记录,分别是海南凤尾蕨、指叶凤尾蕨、多羽凤尾蕨、大明凤尾蕨、细弱凤尾蕨、线羽凤尾蕨、栗柄凤尾蕨、单叶凤尾蕨、细羽凤尾蕨、三叉凤尾蕨和鸡冠凤尾蕨。并证实凤仪凤尾蕨Pteris dalhousiae Hook.没有分布至中国。  相似文献   

香港蕨类植物分布新记录和名称修订(二)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了香港地区蕨类植物17种,其中分布新记录9种,即疏裂凤尾蕨、栗柄凤尾蕨、假粉背蕨、星毛蕨、福建铁角蕨、太平鳞毛蕨、圆基条蕨、披针骨牌蕨和阔叶石韦;名称修订6种,即线羽凤尾蕨、碎米蕨、毛轴碎米蕨、绿秆铁角蕨、假大羽铁角蕨和华南耳蕨,以及珍稀濒危蕨类2种,即乌轴蕨和多羽瘤蕨。  相似文献   

江西蕨类植物新记录   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了10种新记录蕨类植物,包括仙霞铁线蕨、光脚短肠蕨、阔片短肠蕨、毛柄短肠蕨、粤紫萁、广东团扇蕨、雨蕨、顶果膜蕨、线羽凤尾蕨、舌蕨等,其中包括江西新记录科雨蕨科和极度濒危的珍稀蕨类植物粤紫萁.引用的标本均存放于湖南科技大学标本馆(HUST).  相似文献   

以竹芋科和蕨类室内盆栽植物各10种为试验材料,分别置于体积为1.0 m×1.0m×0.8m密封玻璃箱内,甲醛起始浓度均设置为15 mg/m3,连续观察7d.结果表明:卷叶巢蕨(Neottopteris nidus cv.Volulum)、矩叶肖竹芋(Calathea lubbersiana)对甲醛抗性最强(Ⅰ级);银线竹芋(C.ornata)、银羽斑竹芋(C.setosa)、翠叶竹芋(C.freddy)和彩虹竹芋(C.roseo-picta)抗性较强(Ⅱ级);巢蕨(N.nidus)、傅氏凤尾蕨(Pteris fauriei)、银脉凤尾蕨(P.ensi formis cv.Victoriae)、银心大叶凤尾蕨(P.cretica cv.Albolineata)、肾蕨(Nephrolepis cordifolia)、华南毛蕨(Cyclosorus parasiticus)、乌毛蕨(Blechnum orientale)、花叶竹芋(Maranta bicolor)和天鹅绒竹芋(C.zebrina)抗性最差(Ⅳ级).甲醛处理后,密封玻璃箱内甲醛浓度均呈递减变化,递减最快都集中在试验后1~3 d之间.吸收甲醛最快的植物是天鹅绒竹芋和星蕨(Microsorum punctatum),最慢的是华南毛蕨、银脉凤尾蕨、卷叶巢蕨和银羽斑竹芋.对甲醛处理产生伤害反应少或较少,而吸收能力强的前8种植物是:巢蕨、青苹果竹芋(C.rotundfolia)、银心大叶凤尾蕨、银线竹芋、二歧鹿角蕨(Platycerium bifurcatum)、卷叶巢蕨、彩虹竹芋和翠叶竹芋,可作为甲醛净化专用植物应用推广.  相似文献   

中国蕨类植物孢子形态的研究IV. 金星蕨科2   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
利用扫描电镜对中国产金星蕨科Thelypteridaceae 14属50种植物孢子形态进行了研究。孢子单裂缝,两侧对称,极面观为椭圆形、阔椭圆形或近圆形,赤道面观为肾形或圆形。极轴长为16.8-40.5 um,赤道轴长为12.8-58 um。根据表面纹饰,孢子可分为7种类型。(1)平滑:周壁表面光滑,少纹饰,如延羽卵果蕨Phegopteris decursive-pinnata。(2)网状纹饰:周壁外层形成绳索状条纹交织成网,如紫柄蕨属Pseudophegopteris。(3)环状纹饰:周壁外层形成由绳索状丝构成的环,排列在周壁表面呈网状、不规则网状或分散的网状。如方秆蕨属Glaphyropteridopsis和针毛蕨属Macrothelypteris的针毛蕨M. oligophlebia。(4)具流苏的翅状纹饰:周壁向外形成薄片状翅,翅的边缘流苏状或具齿,片连接成网状或拟网状。如金星蕨属Parathelypteris的海南金星蕨P. subimmersa、光脚金星蕨P. japonica、钝角金星蕨P. angulariloba,钩毛蕨属Cyclogramma的耳羽钩毛蕨C. auriculata,针毛蕨属Macrothelypteris的大部分种类和毛蕨属Cyclosorus的部分种类。(5)具穿孔的脊状纹饰:周壁向外形成高或低、窄或宽的脊状纹饰连接成网状或拟网状,脊上具大小不一的穿孔。如金星蕨属、龙津蕨属Mesopteris、凸轴蕨属Metathelypteris和卵果蕨P. connectilis。(6)鸡冠状纹饰:周壁形成的短翅或短的片状脊,呈鸡冠状。如毛蕨属Cyclosorus的大部分种类。(7)刺状纹饰:周壁表面形成各种刺状纹饰,如茯蕨属Leptogramma、圣蕨属Dictyocline、沼泽蕨属Thelypteris、普通假毛蕨Pseudocyclosorus subochthodes、钩毛蕨属的大部分种类和毛蕨属Cyclosorus的部分种类。根据孢子形态特征,对本科的一些属的关系进行了探讨。  相似文献   

湖南丹霞地貌区蕨类植物多样性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
丹霞地貌是有别于石灰岩地貌和花岗岩地貌的特殊地貌类型,发育着较为独特的植被类型和植物区系。我们于2007-2010年间对湖南新宁崀山、茶陵浣溪、平江石牛寨、资兴程江口、浏阳达浒、通道万佛山、沅陵五强溪夸父山、溆浦思蒙等地丹霞地貌的蕨类植物进行了广泛调查,报道了湖南丹霞地貌区蕨类植物31科66属183种的详细名录。其中,无腺姬蕨(Hypolepis polypodioides)、隐囊蕨(Notholaena hirsuta)、仙霞铁线蕨(Adiantum juxtapo-situm)、百山祖短肠蕨(Allantodia baishanzuensis)、肉质短肠蕨(A.succulenta)、骨碎补铁角蕨(Asplenium ritoense)、钝齿耳蕨(Polystichum deltodon var.henryi)、无盖耳蕨(P.gymnocarpium)、单羽耳蕨(P.simplicipinnum)、二型肋毛蕨(Ctenitis dingnanensis)等9种为湖南新记录种。湖南丹霞地貌的蕨类植物种类组成主要有鳞毛蕨科、蹄盖蕨科、水龙骨科、金星蕨科、卷柏科、铁角蕨科等较大科及鳞毛蕨属(Dryopteris)、卷柏属(Selaginella)、铁角蕨属(Asplenium)、短肠蕨属(Allantodia)和凤尾蕨属(Pteris)等较大属。生态适应特点分析表明丹霞地貌既有喜钙质土的种类,也有喜酸性土的种类,仙霞铁线蕨和无盖耳蕨可能是丹霞地貌的特有植物,因而具有石灰岩地貌蕨类植物区系和花岗岩地貌蕨类植物区系之间的过渡性特点。建议将垫状卷柏(Selaginella pulvinata)、福建观音座莲(Angiopterisfokiensis)、仙霞铁线蕨、骨碎补铁角蕨、鞭叶蕨(Cyrtomidictyum lepidocaulon)、无盖耳蕨等种类列为丹霞地貌蕨类植物中的优先保护种类,将通道万佛山三十六湾、湖南沅陵夸父山列为丹霞地貌蕨类植物的优先保护地区。  相似文献   

荷叶铁线蕨等位酶分析初步研究   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
荷叶铁线蕨 ( Adiantum reniforme var.sinense)是铁线蕨科铁线蕨属肾叶铁线蕨的一个变种〔1〕,分布于重庆市万县、石柱等县的沿江近 1 0 0 km长的狭长地段 ,分布高度局限于海拔 80~ 430 m之间 〔2〕。受其自身生物学、生态学习性的局限和人为的破坏 ,该物种正濒于灭绝的边缘。三峡工程修建后 ,库区内1 75m线以下的地区将被淹没 ,将更加剧该物种的濒危程度。为了挽救这一物种已经采取了许多措施 ,迁地保护是其中的重要措施之一 ,中国科学院武汉植物研究所在这一方面已经做了一些工作 〔3~ 5〕。为了有效地实施迁地保护 ,保存该物种的大部…  相似文献   

广州蕨类植物增补   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
报道了广州蕨类植物新记录种38种,隶属于18科25属。其中莲座蕨科(Angiopteridaceae),膜蕨科,裸子蕨科(Gymnogrammaceae)等3科为广州新记录科,莲座蕨属(Angiopteris)。团扇蕨属(Gonocormus)。粉叶蕨属(Pityrogramme),假蹄盖蕨属(Athyriopsis)。针毛蕨属(Macrothelypteris)。狗脊属(Woodwardia),黑桫椤属(Gymnosphaera)。沙皮蕨属(Hemigramma)。线蕨属(Colysis)等9属为新记录属。  相似文献   

蕨类植物的资源开发越来越受到重视,但目前的孢子繁殖技术还不够成熟,已成为其市场扩大的制约因素。本研究对4种有代表性的资源型蕨类植物乌毛蕨(Blechnum orientale)、荚果蕨(Matteuccia struthiopteris)、假鞭叶铁线蕨(Adiantum malesianum)和水蕨(Ceratopteris thalictroides)进行了孢子繁殖研究,详细观察并记录了繁殖过程中配子体发育各阶段出现的特征和时间。其中以水蕨的发育周期最短,从播种到形成幼孢子体约33天;假鞭叶铁线蕨发育周期最长,约73天;乌毛蕨和荚果蕨的发育周期介于二者之间。结合过去已发表的相关观察资料,对4种蕨类的孢子萌发、原叶体、性器官以及幼孢子体形成等四个生长关键点所出现时间的培养条件进行了分析,结果表明:(1)光照时间越长,孢子萌发天数越短;(2)光照强度越大,原叶体发育天数越长;(3)配子体发育速率在20~25℃范围内与温度无显著相关性。本研究可为进一步探究蕨类植物适宜的繁殖技术体系和开发蕨类资源提供指导。  相似文献   

适宜北方栽培蜈蚣草   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王耘 《生命世界》2003,(3):35-35
蕨类植物在环境绿化和盆栽观赏中越来越受人们青睐。但大部分观赏蕨耐寒性较差,在北方越冬困难,也不适北方干燥的气候和碱性水土。而蜈蚣草以它耐寒性强,耐干燥气候和喜生石灰质土壤的特性,成为适宜北方栽培的优良观赏蕨类植物。蜈蚣草(Pteris vittata)凤尾蕨科凤尾蕨属,株高30—90厘米,叶簇生。叶柄深禾秆色,叶片黄绿色,倒披针形,长20—70厘米,宽10—25厘米。一回羽状复叶,羽片可达45对,线状披针形,叶纸质,两面光滑。孢子囊线形,沿羽片背面缘内着生,囊群盖同形、膜质。蜈蚣草叶形别致,切叶可做插花配材,效果毫不亚于肾蕨。株型优雅,盆栽亦…  相似文献   

We report six species of pteridophytes as new records for Quintana Roo, Mexico:Adiantum villosum, Cheilanthes microphylla var.fimbriata, Pteris grandifolia, Nephrolepis biserrata, Salvinia minima, andThelypteris augescens. The last one is also a new record for Mexico.  相似文献   

T. Luongo  L.Q. Ma 《Plant and Soil》2005,277(1-2):117-126
This research was conducted to understand the mechanisms of arsenic hyperaccumulation in Pteris vittata by comparing the characteristics of arsenic accumulation in Pteris and non-Pteris ferns. Seven Pteris (P.vittata, P. Cretica Rowerii, P. Cretica Parkerii, P. Cretica Albo-lineata, P. Quadriavrita, P. Ensiformis and P. Dentata) and six non-Pteris (Arachnoides simplicor, Didymochlaena truncatula, Dryopteris atrata, Dryopteris erythrosora, Cyrtomium falcatum, and Adiantum hispidulum) ferns were exposed to 0, 1 and 10 mgL−1 arsenic as sodium arsenate for 14-d in hydroponic systems. As a group, the Pteris ferns were more efficient in arsenic accumulation than the non-Pteris ferns, with P. vittata being the most efficient followed by P. cretica. When exposed to 10 mg L−1 As, arsenic concentrations in the fronds and roots of P. vittata were 1748 and 503 mg kg−1. Though not all Pteris ferns were efficient in accumulating arsenic, none of the non-Pteris ferns was an efficient As accumulator (the highest concentration being 452 mg kg−1). The fact that frond arsenic concentrations in the control were highly correlated with those exposed to As (r 2 = 0.76–0.87) may suggest that they may be used as a preliminary tool to screen potential arsenic hyperaccumulators. Our research confirms that the ability of P. vittata to translocate arsenic from the roots to the fronds (73–77% As in the fronds), reduce arsenate to arsenite in the fronds (>50% AsIII in the fronds), and maintain high concentrations of phosphate in the roots (48–53% in the roots) all contributed to its arsenic tolerance and hyperaccumulation.  相似文献   

A field survey was conducted to search for Pb accumulation in fern species at Bo Ngam Pb mine, Thailand. Eleven fern species including Pteris vittata accumulated Pb in the range of 23.3–295.6 mg kg?1 in the aboveground parts. Hydroponic, pot, and field trial experiments were carried out to investigate Pb-accumulation ability in ferns; including P. vittata and the ornamental species, Pityrogramma calomelanos, Nephrolepis exaltata cv. Gracillimum, and N. exaltata cv. Smirha. In hydroponic experiment, Pi. calomelanos accumulated the highest concentration of Pb (root 14161.1 mg kg?1, frond 402.7 mg kg?1). The pot study showed that P. vittata, Pi. calomelanos, and N. exaltata cv. Gracillimum grew well when grown in soil Pb at 92900 mg kg?1. N. exaltata cv. Gracillimum accumulated the highest Pb concentration in the frond (5074 mg kg?1) and P. vittata accumulated the highest Pb concentration in the root (16257.5 mg kg?1). All fern species exhibited TF values less than 1 in both hydroponic and pot experiments. When P. vittata and Pi. calomelanos were grown at mine soils for 6 months, P. vittata tolerated higher soil Pb (94584–101405 mg kg?1) and accumulated more Pb in frond (4829.6 mg kg?1) and showed TF > 1 after 2 months of growth. These results indicated that P. vittata can be potentially useful for phytoremediation of Pb-contaminated soil.  相似文献   

To better understand the mechanisms of plant tolerance to high concentration of arsenic, we characterized two antioxidant enzymes, glutathione reductase (GR) and catalase (CAT), in the fronds of Pteris vittata, an arsenic-hyperaccumulating fern, and Pteris ensiformis, an arsenic-sensitive fern. The induction, activation and apparent kinetics of GR and CAT in the plants upon arsenic exposure were investigated. Under arsenic exposure (sodium arsenate), CAT activity in P. vittata was increased by 1.5-fold, but GR activity was unchanged. Further, GR was not inhibited or activated by the arsenic in assays. No significant differences in Km and Vmax values of GR or CAT were observed between the two ferns. However, CAT activity in P. vittata was activated by 200 μM arsenate up to 300% compared to the control. Similar but much smaller increases were observed for P. ensiformis and purified bovine liver catalase (133% and 120%, respectively). This research reports, for the first time, the activation of CAT by arsenic in P. vittata. The increased CAT activities may allow P. vittata to more efficiently mediate arsenic-induced stress by preparing the fern for the impeding production of reactive oxygen species resulting from arsenate reduction to arsenite in the fronds.  相似文献   

为了探讨喀斯特地区常见蕨类植物种对石灰土高钙环境的适应方式, 以茂兰国家级自然保护区及其附近区域的11种常见蕨类植物为研究对象, 通过对比其根际土及植株钙素的含量特征, 分析了这11种植物对土壤钙素的吸收情况, 以及钙素在植株各器官间的运转和分配情况。研究显示, 在酸性土区, 肾蕨(Nephrolepis auriculata)根际土的钙有效度显著高于其他10种蕨类植物; 受酸性土钙含量低的影响, 厌钙植物种的植株钙含量显著低于专性钙生植物种; 除肾蕨和金星蕨(Parathe- lypteris glanduligera)外, 酸性土区各植物种的植株各器官中钙含量为成熟叶>根>幼叶, 石灰土区植株各器官的钙含量为根>成熟叶>幼叶, 广布种凤尾蕨(Pteris cretica var. nervosa)的植株器官钙含量特征在石灰土和酸性土间存在差异; 各专性钙生植物种的植株钙含量有显著的种间差异。以上结果表明, (1)肾蕨可通过富集、活化根际土钙素的方式来满足自身的需求; (2)土壤供钙条件会影响植株钙含量, 且在不同土壤钙环境下, 植株各器官钙含量特征的差异与其对土壤钙含量变化的适应行为有关; (3) 5种专性钙生植物种对钙素的需求有差异, 且其面对高钙环境起主导作用的适应方式也有所不同, 柳叶蕨(Cyrtogonellum fraxinellum)、贯众(Cyrtomium fortune)、蜈蚣草(Pteris vittata)具有嗜钙或喜钙的特性, 而铁线蕨(Adiantum capillus-veneris)属于低钙植物种。  相似文献   

In this study, we found that high-performance hydroponics of arsenic hyperaccumulator fern Pteris vittata is possible without any mechanical aeration system, if rhizomes of the ferns are kept over the water surface level. It was also found that very low-nutrition condition is better for root elongation of P. vittata that is an important factor of the arsenic removal from contaminated water. By the non-aeration and low-nutrition hydroponics for four months, roots of P. vittata were elongated more than 500 mm. The results of arsenate phytofiltration experiments showed that arsenic concentrations in water declined from the initial concentrations (50?μg/L, 500?μg/L, and 1000?μg/L) to lower than the detection limit (0.1?μg/L) and about 80% of arsenic removed was accumulated in the fern fronds. The improved hydroponics method for P. vittata developed in this study enables low-cost phytoremediation of arsenic-contaminated water and high-affinity removal of arsenic from water.  相似文献   

Low‐molecular‐weight thiol (LMWT) synthesis has been reported to be directly induced by arsenic (As) in Pteris vittata, an As hyperaccumulator. Sulphur (S) is a critical component of LMWTs. Here, the effect of As treatment on the uptake and distribution of S in P. vittata was investigated. In P. vittata grown under low S conditions, the presence of As in the growth medium enhanced the uptake of SO42?, which was used for LMWT synthesis in fronds. In contrast, As application did not affect SO42? uptake in Nephrolepis exaltata, an As non‐hyperaccumulator. Moreover, the isotope microscope system revealed that S absorbed with As accumulated locally in a vacuole‐like organelle in epidermal cells, whereas S absorbed alone was distributed uniformly. These results suggest that S is involved in As transport and/or accumulation in P. vittata. X‐ray absorption near‐edge structure analysis revealed that the major As species in the fronds and roots of P. vittata were inorganic As(III) and As(V), respectively, and that As–LMWT complexes occurred as a minor species. Consequently, in case of As accumulation in P. vittata, S possibly acts as a temporary ligand for As in the form of LMWTs in intercellular and/or intracellular transport (e.g. vacuolar sequestration).  相似文献   

F-actin organization in the tip-growing cells of fern protonematawas investigated by rhodamine-phalloidin staining in two species:Adiantum capillus-veneris and Pteris vittata. Circular arrangementof cortical F-actin was found around the subapical region ofprotonemal cells in both species. In rhizoids, such structureswere absent and the axial filaments appeared to fan out fromthe tip. (Received May 22, 1989; Accepted September 6, 1989)  相似文献   

Protoplasts were successfully isolated for the first time fromthe filamentous protonemal cells of ferns after the cells werecultured in contact with both air and medium. Sterilized sporesof Adiantum capillus-veneris and Pteris vittata were inoculatedon a piece of nylon mesh (40- {diaeresis}m mesh) placed on amat of polyester fibers which was soaked in liquid culture medium,and the spores were illuminated from above with continuous redlight. Protonemal cells, exposed to the air during this procedure,could be stained with Calcofluor White, a dye that binds tocell walls. Protoplasts were easily isolated from these protonemalcells by digestion of the cell wall with cellulase and pectinase.A total of 0.8–1.9 x 104 and 0.6–2.0 x 104 protoplastswere obtained from protonemata that originated from 10 mg ofdry spores of Adiantum and of Pteris respectively. Viability,as judged by staining with fluorescein diacetate was more than90% for both species. Staining with 4'6-diamidino-2-phenylindole(DAPI) revealed that about half of the protoplasts of both speciescontained a nucleus. (Received May 22, 1989; Accepted September 5, 1989)  相似文献   

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