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High dose tolerance to either bovine serum albumin (BSA) or fowl γ-globulin (FGG) was induced in CBA mice by neonatal injection. Tolerance to BSA lasted about 9 weeks, and that to FGG, about 18 weeks. Splenic B-cell function was analyzed using quantitative in vivo assays and in vitro limiting dilution analysis. Tolerogen-specific IgM- and non-IgM-producing B cells are depleted at least threefold in the spleens of tolerant mice. Tolerogen-specific T-helper-cell function was examined by immunization with haptenated antigens. Analysis of the recovery from tolerance indicates that the return to normal function in the tolerogen-specific B-cell and T helper fractions coincides with the return to normal responsiveness by the whole animal.  相似文献   

Mice were rendered tolerant to bovine serum albumin (BSA) or fowl γ-globulin (FGG) by neonatal injection. Spleen and thymus cells from tolerant mice were able to suppress responsiveness of normal adult spleen cells, but only if tolerant donor mice were between the ages of 6 weeks and the age at which mice were no longer tolerant (10 weeks for BSA tolerance and 20 weeks for FGG tolerance). To determine whether T-cell-dependent suppression was obligatory for the maintenance of tolerance, neonatal nude and euthymic littermate mice were injected with tolerizing doses of FGG. FGG-specific B-cell tolerance in nude mice lasted until the mice were 8 weeks of age. In sharp contrast, B-cell tolerance in euthymic littermates lasted until 22 weeks of age. These results are consistent with a “fail-safe” role of T-cell-dependent immune suppression in the maintenance of tolerance.  相似文献   

Suppressive factors were detected in culture supernatants of the guinea pig B-cell L2C leukemia. Dialyzed culture supernatants (DCS) inhibited the blastogenic response of sensitized lymph node cells (LNC) to a wide dose range of the sensitizing antigen (ovalbumin or PPD) but failed to inhibit the proliferative response to PHA or Con A. In addition, DCS inhibited the response of blast cells to preformed T-cell growth factor (TCGF). The inhibitor(s) in DCS was noncytotoxic, heat stable (30 min at 80 °C), resistant to treatment with trypsin, and exerted its effect subsequent to activation of sensitized LNC by antigen. Washing of DCS-treated cells restored normal reactivity to a subsequent antigen challenge. The target cell for the inhibitor may be cells responding to amplification signals produced by activated T cells. KCl (3 M) extracts of L2C cells behaved like DCS in inhibiting only antigen responses. Both undialyzed culture supernatants (UCS) and leukemic sera inhibited mitogen, allogeneic, and antigen-stimulated proliferative responses by greater than 80%. These soluble factors may participate in the depression of cell-mediated immunity associated with lymphoid malignancies.  相似文献   

A radioautographic immunolabeling technique has been developed to detect pre-B cells bearing cytoplasmic mu chains among populations of bone marrow lymphoid cells identified by conventional hematologic stains. 125I-Anti-mu antibody was applied either to fixed marrow smears, labeling total mu chains both in the cytoplasm (c mu) and at the cell surface (s mu), or to cell suspensions, labeling s mu alone. In stained radioautographs the incidence of c mu+ s mu- pre-B cells was derived both indirectly by subtracting values for s mu+ cells from those for total mu+ cells of various sizes in normal mice and directly by the total mu chain labeling in mice depleted of s mu+ cells by anti-IgM treatment in vivo. Binding specificity was demonstrated by the displacement of labeling by nonradioactive anti-mu antibody. The c mu+ s mu- cells showed a bimodal size distribution. They accounted for 40% of the large lymphoid cells and 30% of the small lymphocytes in the marrow. A further 50% of the small lymphocytes were B lymphocytes (s mu+) and 8% were T lymphocytes (Thy 1.2+). Thus, the technique demonstrates the presence of c mu+ s mu- pre-B cells among both proliferating large lymphoid cells and nondividing small lymphocytes, as classically defined in marrow smears. In addition, the results reveal a broad size distribution of mu- lymphoid cells, including a subset of small lymphocytes which lack c mu, s mu, and Thy 1.2 and thus cannot be assigned to either B or T lineage by these criteria. The findings suggest that in addition to B cells the marrow may produce other types of lymphoid cells, yet to be defined.  相似文献   

Murine histocompatibility antigens were solubilized from the spleens and lungs of C57BL/6 (H-2b) animals with hypertonic salt (3 M KC1). Aggregate-free soluble antigens were incubated with nonadherent lymph node cells from BALB/c (H-2d) mice for 18 hr prior to their use as responder cells in the mixed-lymphocyte reaction (MLR). It was found that the generation of cytotoxic cells was suppressed while the proliferative response was not affected. The observed suppression was not due to a shift in the kinetics of the generation of cytotoxicity as determined throughout a 10-day culture period. The suppression was specific in that the response in MLR to unrelated H-2f stimulator cells and the subsequent generation of cytotoxic cells were unchanged. Using various H-2 recombinant strains as target cells in the assay of cell-mediated lympholysis, suppression of cytotoxicity was observed when the D end, but not the K end, was shared with the C57BL/6 strain from which the antigens were derived.  相似文献   

When MEL cells are reexposed to DMSO after an interruption in inducer treatment, they can initiate commitment to differentiation without the lag period observed after the primary exposure to inducer. This property is known as memory. Here we have employed metabolic inhibitors to analyze the basis of the memory response. Treatment of cells with cycloheximide or cordycepin during the inducer withdrawal period causes memory erasure. Cells must recapitulate an entire lag period upon reexposure to DMSO. The memory response is maintained, however, if cells are treated with metabolic inhibitors in the presence of DMSO. Our results suggest that the capacity of MEL cells for memory requires the synthesis of cell components which are normally stable in the absence of DMSO. Experiments involving reciprocal shifts between two different inhibitors have been performed. Evidence is presented that the process leading to the initiation of commitment is composed of at least three components acting in sequence.  相似文献   

Two monoclonal antibodies specific for different rat T-cell subpopulations, the anti-helper-T-cell antibody, W3/25, and the OX8 suppressor cell antibody were used to investigate lectin-stimulated T-lymphocyte differentiation of F-344 rat bone marrow cells in culture. Cytofluorometric analysis of freshly isolated lymphocytes from thymus and spleen revealed that these tissues contained both W3/25? and OX8-positive populations but differed with respect to the number of cells and receptor density distribution. By contrast, bone marrow-derived lymphocytes exhibited negligible W3/25? or OX8-associated fluorescence. However, several days after stimulation of bone marrow lymphocytes with phytohemagglutinin (PHA), cells appeared bearing these markers. Two-parameter histogram analysis of light scatter measurements with cell surface immunoflu-orescence indicated that this phenomenon represented the appearance of a new population of cells, presumably mature T cells, bearing an increased density of marker. These findings suggest an induction of differentiation of bone marrow T precursor cells by nonthymic factors (PHA) since lymphocytes lacking mature T-cell marker expression developed this characteristic after several days in culture.  相似文献   

Introduction of the xid genetic mutation into strains of mice (NZB, MRL/1, BXSB), which are normally susceptible to a lupus-like disorder, significantly delays the onset of disease and reduces the polyclonal B-cell activation characteristic of the lupus-prone strains. Evidence is presented here which shows that B cells from NZB and MRL/1 mice which carry the xid mutation have drastically reduced responses to T-cell-derived B-cell-growth- and differentiation-inducing activities. These results are in accord with a theory that acceleration of lupus onset may be due to overproduction of and/or increased responsiveness to B-cell activation signals.  相似文献   

Prenatal stress applied during the last trimester of pregnancy has been shown to alter fetal development and influence adult sexual behavior. Since androstenedione (Δ4) has the potential to participate in differentiation processes, this study was designed to assess the effect of prenatal stress on maternal and fetal Δ4 titers. Restraint/illumination/heat (environmental stress) or ACTH injections were used to stress pregnant rat dams beginning on Day 14 of pregnancy. Blood samples and organ weights were obtained from nonpregnant animals, pregnant rats on Days 5, 10, 15, 18, and 20 of pregnancy, and fetuses on Days 18 and 20 of gestation. Maternal and male and female fetal Δ4 titers were determined by radioimmunoassay. ACTH and environmental stress significantly reduced fetal body weight and male anogenital distance. Environmental stress also significantly reduced the size of 20-day fetal adrenals and testes. Each treatment caused significant short-term (1 hr after treatment) and long-term (16 hr after treatment) elevation of maternal plasma Δ4 on Days 15 and 18 of gestation, but only short-term elevation of Δ4 titers on Day 20. ACTH treatment did not cause long-term elevation of fetal Δ4 although both ACTH treatment and environmental stress generated a significant short-term increase in fetal Δ4 titers. Environmental stress produced long-term elevation of fetal Δ4 in 18-day fetuses of both sexes and in 20-day female fetuses. It is concluded that maternal stress and exogenous ACTH significantly elevate maternal and fetal Δ4 titers during the prenatal period postulated to be critical in sexual differentiation of the rat brain.  相似文献   

The influence of T cells on the production of prostaglandins (PGE2) and on PGE2-mediated regulation of natural killer (NK) activity was studied. Supernatants from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and from PBMC depleted of T cells ((PBMC)-T), both of which had been incubated in plastic petri dishes overnight, contained similar amounts of PGE2, as detected by radioimmunoassay and by their potential to inhibit NK activity of peripheral blood mononuclear cells in a 51Cr release assay with K 562 cells as the target population. However, the NK activity of PBMC was inhibited significantly more strongly (P less than 0.005) by PGE2-containing supernatants than was the NK activity of (PBMC)-T. In further assays, in which synthetic PGE2 in concentrations of 10(-4) and 10(-5)M was added, a significant inhibition of NK activity was observed in PBMC populations (P less than 0.05), but not in (PBMC)-T. Thus, T cells did not seem to be involved in the control of PGE2 production, but their presence was necessary for PGE2-mediated inhibition of NK activity.  相似文献   

Two suppressor cell populations that interact to down-regulate in vivo development of the cytolytic T-cell (CTL) response to trinitrophenyl-modified syngeneic spleen cells (TNP-SC) have been further characterized. Suppressor cells induced by the iv injection of trinitrophenyl-modified syngeneic spleen cells possess Thy 1.2 antigen. Their precursors are insensitive to pretreatment of host animals with cyclophosphamide (CY). Suppressor cells that arise after dermal sensitization with trinitrochlorobenzene are also Thy 1.2 antigen positive but their precursors are sensitive to pretreatment with CY. These characteristics of the two suppressor T cells (Ts) are identical to those of the two Ts that are generated by similar methodologies and that together suppress contact sensitivity (CS) to picryl chloride. Neither the CS nor CTL response was suppressed when host animals possessed only one set of Ts. In contrast to suppression of CS at the efferent phase, development of CTL was suppressed only when the two Ts were present early during sensitization (afferent phase). Since the results point to several similarities between the two sets of Ts that are active in the down-regulation of the CS and CTL responses, it is suggested that the two dissimilar immune responses directed to the same hapten, namely CS and CTL, may be controlled by the same suppressor cells. Since it appears that the two sets of Ts interact to affect different phases of the CS and CTL responses, down-regulation of each must be accomplished through different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) against alloantigens can be induced by sc immunization with allogeneic cells. The induction of DTH can be suppressed by iv preimmunization of the mice with similar allogeneic spleen cells, provided the cells are irradiated before injection. This suppression is mediated by T cells. The suppressor activity can be induced not only by H-2-and non-H-2-coded antigens, but also by H-2 subregion-coded antigens. Suppression induced by K, I, or D subregion-coded antigens is specific for that particular subregion as well as for its haplotype. I-J-coded alloantigens were found to not be necessary for the induction of antigen-specific suppressor T cells. After restimulation of suppressor T cells by the "specific" alloantigens, the DTH to simultaneously administered third-party alloantigens becomes suppressed as well. This nonspecific suppression of DTH to third party "bystander" alloantigens also occurs when the specific and the third-party antigens are presented on separate cells, provided that both cell types are administered together at the same site. The simultaneous presentation of both sets of alloantigens during the induction phase of DTH only is sufficient to prevent the normal development of DTH to the third-party antigens.  相似文献   

In embryonic development of the leech Helobdella triserialis, each of the four paired positionally identifiable, ectodermal teloblasts (N, O, P, and Q) generates a bandlet of blast cell progeny that merges with ipsilateral bandlets into a germinal band. Left and right germinal bands coalesce into the germinal plate which gives rise to the segmental tissues of the leech and wherein the progeny of each teloblast generate a characteristic pattern of epidermal and neuronal cells. Experiments reported here show that the positionally identified O teloblast sometimes generates the P pattern and vice versa. The reversal of these teloblasts' generative identities was shown to correspond to the formation of chiasmata by their blast cell bandlets, so that the positions of their bandlets in the germinal band are reversed as well. Thus it is the position of the bandlet in the germinal band, rather than the position of the parent teloblast, which correlates with the fate of o and p blast cells. Moreover, two types of ablation experiments have shown that, in the absence of generative P teloblast progeny, those cells which would normally generate the O pattern take on a new fate and give rise to the P pattern in the nervous system, both at the gross pattern level in the segmental ganglia, and at the level of identified neurons in the peripheral nervous system. If related, these phenomena suggest that the O and P teloblasts, which derive from the symmetric cleavage of the OP proteloblasts, have a common developmental pluripotency. And in that case, the fates of their progeny are determined hierarchically on the basis of relative position in the nascent germinal band, with P-type fate being preferred.  相似文献   

In embryonic development of the leech Helobdella triserialis, each of the four paired ectodermal teloblasts contributes some progeny to a characteristic dorsal or ventral territory of the epidermis. To ascertain the relative roles of cell lineage and cell interactions in generating the highly regular epidermal distribution pattern of the various ectodermal cell lines, a series of experiments was carried out in which the ablation of particular teloblasts was combined with the intracellular injection of cell lineage tracers. The results showed that, after the ablation of an OP proteloblast, or of an O, P, or Q teloblast, the epidermal progeny of the remaining ipsilateral and contralateral teloblasts spread into the territory normally occupied by the epidermal progeny of the ablated teloblast. In this spreading process, cells may cross the ventral midline but not the dorsal midline. The spread of epidermal progeny of one teloblast in response to ablation of another teloblast is contrasted with the failure of the neuronal progeny of one teloblast to replace any missing neural tissue. It appears, therefore, that all epidermal cell lines are of equal developmental potential, regardless of their teloblast of origin, with the eventual location of any epidermal cell in the body wall being governed by interactions between cells within the developing epidermis.  相似文献   

The effects of monoclonal antibody to the T200 antigen on murine mixed-lymphocyte cultures (MLC) and on the generation of alloreactive cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) are investigated. Addition of monoclonal anti-T200 without complement to MLC results in a late suppression of the proliferative response preceded in some cases by an early enhancement. These modulations require the presence of allogeneic stimulator cells; no effects are seen when antibody is added to responders alone. A similar effect is seen on the generation of CTL. Compared to controls without antibody, cultures carried out in the presence of anti-T200 show reduced levels of cytotoxicity measured against allogeneic targets by Day 5. The kinetics of the suppressive effects differ from those seen with anti-Lyt-2, and no suppressive effects are seen with monoclonal antibodies to other cell surface molecules.  相似文献   

Autologous rosette-forming cells (auto-RFC) were characterized with monoclonal antibodies to various cell surface antigens using a technique combining immunofluorescence and rosette formation. In peripheral blood, auto-RFC were T cells (Leu 1+/OKT3+) the majority being derived from the helper/inducer subset (Leu 3a+/OKT4+). A small proportion of the circulating auto-RFC were Leu 2a+/OKT8+ and virtually none of them bore T10, T6, and DR antigens or peanut agglutinin (PNA) receptors. In the elderly, the percentages of Leu 3a+ auto-RFC increased significantly along with the augmentation of the Leu 3a+ circulating pool. After Con A stimulation of peripheral blood lymphocytes the autorosette population was expanded and therefore their phenotype was again that of helper cells. In the thymus, high levels of autorosettes are found (30 to 50%). Simple or double labeling of the rosetting cells with various monoclonal antibodies permitted the confirmation of the existence of distinct thymocyte subpopulations and moreover to identify the location of the auto-RFC in the intrathymic differentiation scheme. Nearly 70% of the rosetting cells were derived from common thymocytes, those cells defined by the coexpression of T10, T6, T4, and T8 antigens whether or not they were also stained by OKT3 antibodies. The remaining auto-RFC were found with similar frequency among the T4+ and T8+ mature thymocytes. In the spleen low percentages of auto-RFC were found and the majority resided in the Leu 3a+/OKT4+ population, similarly to peripheral blood autorosettes. Taken together, these data suggest that the expression of autologous erythrocyte receptors is acquired in the thymus and is gradually lost during T-cell maturation.  相似文献   

Male Balb/c mice inoculated with a heart-adapted variant of coxsackievirus, group B, type 3 (CVB3M) develop severe myocarditis characterized by extensive focal lesions of inflammatory cells and necrosis of the myocardium. Females generally develop minimal myocarditis except when infected during the first and third trimesters of pregnancy. Enhanced myocarditis is usually accompanied by elevations in virus concentrations in the heart, virus-specific antibody titers, and lymphocyte mediated cytolytic activity to both uninfected and CVB3M-infected myocytes in vitro. As previously shown in males, T-lymphocyte-depleted pregnant female mice inoculated with the virus do not develop significant myocarditis indicating that immune rather than virus-mediated myocyte damage is important in myocarditis. Progesterone increases during gestation reaching maximum concentrations during the third week when heart disease is most severe. Administration of progesterone to castrated male and female mice prior to virus inoculation resulted in increased virus concentrations, cellular and humoral CVB3M-specific immunity, and myocarditis. Two hypotheses for exacerbation of the disease with elevated progesterone concentrations have been postulated: the hormone either indirectly increases cellular immune responses by enhancing virus replication, or independently enhances both T-cell responses and virus replication.  相似文献   

S-adenosylhomocysteine (SAH) is known to be a potent inhibitor of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM)-mediated reactions, of which SAH itself is a product. The immediate metabolic fate of SAH involves its hydrolysis to adenosine and L-homocysteine by the enzyme SAH hydrolase, but the reversibility of this reaction and its extremely low Keq in the hydrolytic direction suggest that under certain conditions of adenosine excess, SAH might accumulate with significant cytotoxic effects. We have used a model system consisting of cultured S49 mouse lymphoma cells together with the adenosine deaminase (ADA) inhibitor, erythro-9-(2-hydroxy-3-nonyl) adenine (EHNA), to determine whether SAH is a mediator of adenosine cytotoxicity.Cells rendered resistant to adenosine-induced pyrimidine starvation by the addition of exogenous uridine or by the mutational loss of adenosine kinase are still sensitive to adenosine at concentrations >15 μM. We find that this effect is appreciably enhanced by the addition of L-homocysteine thiolactone to the culture medium. Cytotoxic concentrations of adenosine also cause significant elevations in intracellular levels of SAH, which are increased an additional several fold by 100μM exogenous L-homocysteine thiolactone. A fair correlation exists between a single time point determination of intracellular SAH and the degree of growth inhibition after 72 hr, but complicated time-dependent variations in SAH make it difficult to compare results obtained in the absence and presence of exogenous L-homocysteine thiolactone.In vivo DNA methylation in S49 cells is markedly inhibited by exposure of cells to concentrations of adenosine known to cause uridine-resistant cytotoxicity. This inhibition of methylation has been measured with short-term pulses of radiolabel, and correlates well with intracellular concentrations of SAH at all tested combinations of adenosine and L-homocysteine thiolactone. The results suggest that the uridine-resistant cytotoxic effects of adenosine on ADA-inhibited S49 cells are secondary to the inhibition of SAM-mediated methylation reactions by the adenosine metabolite SAH.  相似文献   

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