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Summary Bovine liver aminolaevulate dehydratase (ALAD) has been chemically attached to Sepharose 4B and its properties have been studied. The optimal conditions for coupling have been determined. It was found that the immobilized enzyme retained a significant percentage of the activity of the free enzyme. The coupling yield was rather high. The insolubilized enzyme requires both anaerobiosis and a thiol activator for maximal activity. It can be stored at 4 °C for long periods with little loss of activity and it can be repeatedly used without alteration of its enzymic capacity. Attachment of ALA-D to the gel has led to an enhanced thermal stability. pH optima of free and bound enzyme was the same while a small decrease in the Km of the matrix bonded ALA-D as compared to that of the soluble enzyme was observed. The use of the fixed-ALA-D for the preparation of PBG is described.Dedicated to Professor Luis F. Leloir on occasion of his 70th Birthday.  相似文献   

The high levels of delta-aminolevulinate synthetase (ALA-S) in Rhodopseudomonas palustris cells grown anaerobically in the light (Ph) decrease to those found in cells grown aerobically in the dark (A), when the former cultures were vigorously oxygenated; simultaneously bacteriochlorophyll (Bchl) synthesis abruptly halted leading to diminished steady-state specific Bchl content. When flushing oxygen was interrupted, enzymic activity increased, whether chloramphenicol was present or not in the medium; if the protein synthesis inhibitor was added when oxygenation started, ALA-S declined in the same fashion as in its absence, but thereafter reactivation of the enzyme was lower than before. Succinyl-CoA-synthetase and ALA-dehydratase activities were also measured under the conditions described, and no changes at all have been observed. The existence of different forms of ALA-S in R. palustris depending on growth conditions is postulated along with the formation of low molecular weight factors which can modulate ALA-S activity by binding to the enzyme; a widespread mechanism in the adaptation of micro-organisms to changes in environment. It is also proposed that this particular regulatory phenomenon, could be referred to as a switch off/on mechanism controlling ALA-S activity in R. palustris.  相似文献   

The chalcone-flavanone isomerase from soya bean seed has been purified 8300-fold. A molecular weight of 15,600 plus or minus 1000 has been determined for the enzyme. Effects of iodoacetamide and sodium tetrathionate on the enzyme, and pH dependence of the catalytic step, indicate that a sulphydryl group is not involved in the reaction mechanism and the catalytic group is probably an imidazole side chain in the basic form. The kinetics of the isomerisation of isoliquiritigenin to liquiritigenin have been examined and show that at pH 7.6 the reaction is reversible with an equilibrium constant of 37 in favour of flavanone. A number of flavonoid compounds competitively inhibit the reaction, suggesting a possible regulatory role for this enzyme in flavonoid biosynthesis.  相似文献   

A Chinese hamster ovary auxotroph requiring glycine + adenosine + thymidine (CHO AUXB1) was shown by us previously to lack several folylpolyglutamate synthetase (FPGS) type activities. Two revertants of AUXB1 (one spontaneous and one Pt(S04)2 induced) have been isolated and found to contain altered forms of this enzyme. The revertant enzymes are more sensitive to heat inactivation (37 °C, pH 7.4 or 9.0) than the parent CHO enzyme. Increased sensitivity of revertant FPGS is observed irrespective of whether one assays the specific catalysis of radioactive tetrahydropteroyldi- or tetraglutamate synthesis. ATP and MgCl2 protect both revertant and parent CHO FPGS against rapid heat denaturation at pH 9.0, but not at pH 7.4. A genetically related auxotroph (CHO AUXB3) contains one-fifth the parent amount of FPGS. AUXB3 FPGS shows a normal sensitivity to 37 °C heat inactivation, but it has an altered substrate saturation and specificity pattern when assayed for tetrahydropteroyldi[U-14C]glutamate synthesis. Also, unlike the FPGS from parent CHO and a genetically unrelated mutant requiring only glycine (CHO AUXB2), the AUXB3 enzyme specifically lacks tetrahydropteroyltetra[U-14C]glutamate synthetase activity. These findings and polyethylene glycol fusion data with AUXB2 indicate that AUXB1 and AUXB3 each carry a mutation in the structural gene for a CHO FPGS that catalyzes tetrahydropteroyldi- as well as tetraglutamate formation. The altered form of FPGS in AUXB3 is responsible for its glycine + adenosine auxotrophy under standard culture conditions.  相似文献   

Qing Dong 《Carbohydrate research》2010,345(11):1622-1626
Uridine diphosphate glucose (UDP-Glc) serves as a glucosyl donor in many enzymatic glycosylation processes. This paper describes a multiple enzyme, one-pot, biocatalytic system for the synthesis of UDP-Glc from low cost raw materials: maltodextrin and uridine triphosphate. Three enzymes needed for the synthesis of UDP-Glc (maltodextrin phosphorylase, glucose-1-phosphate thymidylytransferase, and pyrophosphatase) were expressed in Escherichia coli and then immobilized individually on amino-functionalized magnetic nanoparticles. The conditions for biocatalysis were optimized and the immobilized multiple-enzyme biocatalyst could be easily recovered and reused up to five times in repeated syntheses of UDP-Glc. After a simple purification, approximately 630 mg of crystallized UDP-Glc was obtained from 1 l of reaction mixture, for a moderate yield of around 50% (UTP conversion) at very low cost.  相似文献   

A substantial degree of purification, up to 3200-fold, with recoveries of 8-11% of phosphoribosylpyrophosphate (P-Rib-PP) synthetase from Giardia intestinalis extracts was achieved by the high resolution techniques of anion exchange chromatography and chromatofocusing columns on a fast protein liquid chromatography system. A Mono P chromatofocusing column gave rise to an enzyme peak eluting from the column at pH 4.5, indicating that the enzyme has an isoelectric point (pI) at approximately this value. The molecular weight of the enzyme was found to be 150,000 from a Sephacryl S-200 column. Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the purified enzyme gave a single protein band with a subunit molecular weight of 38,000, indicating that the enzyme existed as a tetramer. The properties of G. intestinalis P-Rib-PP synthetase in terms of pH optimum, isoelectric point, subunit structure, phosphate requirement, metal and nucleotide specificity, appear to be very similar to those of the enzyme from other sources.  相似文献   

Glutamate and glutamine were produced when intact proplastidsof in vitro cultured tobacco cells were incubated with nitriteand -ketoglutarate. ATP stimulated the production to a considerableextent. While glutamate was the main product of incubation inthe complete medium, glutamine production surpassed glutamateproduction when proplastids were incubated without -ketoglutarate.These facts suggests the operation of the glutamine synthetase/glutamatesynthetase pathway in the proplastids. This suggestion was substantiatedby the demonstration of both glutamine synthetase and glutamatesynthetase activities in the proplastid fraction. (Received December 24, 1976; )  相似文献   

The activities of four intracellular enzymes of collagen biosynthesis were assayed in freshly isolated rat peritoneal macrophages and mast cells and compared with the same enzymes in freshly isolated chick-embryo tendon cells. The macrophages were found to contain activities of all four enzymes, those of prolyl and lysyl hydroxylase being 7 and 12% respectively of those in the tendon cells when expressed per cell or 3 and 4% when expressed per unit of soluble cell protein. The corresponding values for hydroxylysyl galactosyltransferase and galactosylhydroxylysyl glucosyltransferase activities were about 82 and 68% or 32 and 24% respectively. When the macrophages were incubated in suspension with [(14)C]proline, they synthesized a small but significant amount of non-diffusible hydroxy[(14)C]proline. The synthesis per cell was only about 0.1% of that formed by the tendon cells, and its distribution between the cells and the medium also differed from that in the tendon cells. The hydroxy[(14)C]proline synthesized by the macrophages may be present in the Clq subcomponent of the complement, but its amount was too small to allow any characterization of the protein. All four enzyme activities, and in particular the two hydroxylysyl glycosyltransferase activities, seem to be present in macrophages in a large excess compared with the very low rate of synthesis of hydroxy-proline-containing polypeptide chains. The mast cell extract was found to inhibit all four enzyme activities, but even when corrected for this inhibition, prolyl and lysyl hydroxylase activities in the mast cells were less than 0.08% and the two hydroxylysyl glycosyltransferase activities less than 1% of those in the tendon cells. The intracellular enzyme pattern of collagen biosynthesis in the mast cells is thus completely or virtually completely repressed.  相似文献   

Immobilization of mold aminoacylase (N-acylamino acid amidohydrolase, EC was investigated by covalently binding the enzyme to halogenoacetylcelluloses. As a result, the iodoacetylcellulose was found to be the best carrier among the halogenoacetylcelluloses. The yield of activity of the insoluble aminoacylase relative to that of the native aminoacylase used was 40–50%, and the specific activities of both enzyme preparations were the same within the limits of error of the estimation.  相似文献   

Dialyzed sonicates from Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) and V-79 lung cells catalyze the addition of l-[U-14C]glutamate to tetrahydrofolate (H4PteGlu). Catalysis is optimal between pH 8.5 and 10.2 and is dependent on Mg2+ and a purine nucleotide triphosphate. Cobalamins do not stimulate the system even when the cells are grown in the absence of cyanocobalamin (CN-Cbl). Incubations with dl-H4-[G-3H]PteGlu + l-[U-14C]glutamate show that the product routinely assayed by DEAE-cellulose chromatography is tetrahydropteroyldiglutamate (H4PteGluGlu). Higher reduced folylpolyglutamates are formed when the standard assay level of dl-H4PteGlu is decreased from 100 μm to 1–5 μm. Using either dialyzed extracts or a 25-fold purified enzyme fraction, dATP is 1.6 times more effective than ATP. The folyl specificity for diglutamate synthesis is H4PteGlu > H4-homofolate > 5-formyl-H4PteGlu > 5-MeH4 PteGlu. dl-5-MeH4PteGlu is only about 15% as active as dl-H4PteGlu. Extracts from a CHO mutant AUXB1 (requiring glycine + adenosine + thymidine) and a V-79 mutant ght-1 (requiring glycine + hypoxanthine + thymidine) have <3% of their respective parent cell amounts of H4PteGluGlu synthetase activity. CHO AUXB1 and V-79 ght-1 extracts are also inactive with the other three reduced folyl compounds cited above and PteGlu. Twelve out of 16 revertant clones that were isolated from CHO AUXB1 in media lacking glycine + adenosine + thymidine contained 44–66% of the wild-type level of H4PteGluGlu synthetase activity. Both parent CHO and V-79 extracts catalyzed the conversion of H4PteGluGlu and tetrahydropteroyl triglutamate to higher glutamyl conjugates. The AUXB1 and ght-1 mutant extracts again lacked these catalytic properties. In contrast, revertants of AUXB1 with about 50% of the wild-type H4PteGluGlu synthetase activity displayed a proportionate ability to synthesize higher polyglutamyl conjugates. From our findings and published genetic data, we conclude that in cultured hamster cells a single synthetase can successively add at least three glutamates to H4PteGlu. Loss of its function in certain mutants is responsible for their triple auxotrophy.  相似文献   

1. Radioactivity from [3H]glucosamine is rapidly incorporated into cellular fractions of lens epithelial cells cultured in vitro. The incorporated isotope appears largely in glycoproteins of the cell surface that are exposed to trypsin and are released into a soluble form by proteolysis of intact cells. Glycoproteins are also secreted by cultured cells and can be recovered in the culture fluids. Sodium dodecysulphate-polyacrylamide gell electrophoresis shows that a range of glycoproteins with apparent molecular weights from approximately 14000 to 120000 are present. The relationships of these glycoproteins to collagen and the non-collagenous glycoproteins of lens basement membranes are discussed. 2. A plasma membrane fraction obtained from non-trypsinised lens epithelial cells contains one major glycoprotein of apparent molecular weight 120000. A major non-glycosylated polypeptide of molecular weight about 38000 detectable by Bloemendal et al. (1972) in plasma membranes of differentiated lens fibre cells was not prominent in lens epithelial cell membranes. 3. Examination of lens basement membranes extracted in various ways failed to reveal major glycoproteins of low molecular weight. Higher molecular weight glycoproteins, some of them related to collagen, were present.  相似文献   

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