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The contact toxicity of eight insecticides to adults of four parasitoids of the sweetpotato whiteflyBemisia tabaci was evaluated in the laboratory. Two common Texas species,Eretmocerus sp. andEncarsia pergandiella Howard, and two exotic species,Eretmocerus mundus Mercet from Spain andEncarsia formosa Gahan from Greece were tested. Insecticides, applied as sprays to greenhouse-grown cotton plants at recommended rates were amitraz (Ovasyn®), azinphosmethyl (Guthion®), bifenthrin (Capture®), buprofezin (Applaud®), cypermethrin (Ammo®), methyl parathion and thiodicarb (Larvin®), with a water control. Parasitoid adults were confined on discs cut from leaves (1) sprayed the same day and (2) sprayed two days previously. Survival in both treatments was measured two and four days following exposure. Significant differences in toxicity were detected among the insecticides. Buprofezin was not toxic to any of the four parasitoids. When caged on leaves sprayed two days previously, only amitraz of the remaining compounds allowed significant general parasitoid survival after two days.E. mundus exhibited the greatest overall tolerance to insecticides, with 40% or more surviving 48 hr after confinement on leaves sprayed with amitraz, thiodicarb and cypermethrin. Survival was generally much reduced after 96 hr. In a separate test, fresh residues of endosulfan (Thiodan®) were highly toxic at the two rates tested, but two day old residues at the lower rate allowed 76.7% survival ofE. mundus and 35% survival ofE. pergandiella after 48 hrs.  相似文献   

Sedimentary and water column evidence from 45 boat-accessible and eight backcountry lakes was used to investigate the distribution of Bythotrephes longimanus in northeast Minnesota, USA, and adjacent Ontario, Canada. The results expand the documented range of Bythotrephes in Minnesota from Lake Superior, Island Lake, and Saganaga Lake to Flour Lake, Greenwood Lake, McFarland Lake, Pine Lake, and Caribou Lake as well as to Saganagons Lake in Ontario. The latter three lakes are located in roadless landscapes without motorized boat access. Results confirm that Bythotrephes is no longer present in Boulder Lake or Fish Lake (St. Louis County, Minnesota), providing the first evidence of range compression (extinction following introduction) of this species in North America. Distributional expansion was confined to a corridor along the international border between northeast Minnesota and Ontario. Lakes along the invasion corridor were deeper, more transparent, and had lower chlorophyll concentration, on average, compared to other lakes studied. The pattern of range expansion provided an opportunity to test the predictions of a forecasting model for Bythotrephes occurrence (MacIsaac et al. 2000 Archiv für Hydrobiologie 149: 1–21) based on habitat characteristics. The model predicted 51% of the surveyed inland lakes to be susceptible to invasion, however, only 13% were actually invaded, implying strong dispersal constraints. Application of the forecasting model to a broader set of 179 Minnesota lakes predicted that 41% may be vulnerable to establishment by Bythotrephes based on habitat characteristics, offering an estimate of the state’s overall lake susceptibility (i.e., fundamental niche) to invasion. The results of this study provide evidence for the importance of a low-light refuge where Bythotrephes can minimize vulnerability to fish predation as a key habitat feature not considered by the forecasting model.  相似文献   

The North American historic phytogeographic distribution of mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) and Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum), two invasive perennial species introduced from Eurasia and East Asia respectively, was recreated using herbarium records. The putative initial introduction of these two species differs by c.a. 400 years, but their patterns of geographic distribution, introduction pathways, and local dispersal pathways are similar. Both species showed the expected logistic growth relationship between range size and the time following introduction, with lag phases of nearly 400 and 50 years for mugwort and Japanese knotweed respectively. The intrinsic growth rate was greater in Japanese knotweed than mugwort for the US, Canada, and North America. Both species were frequently found along waterway, railroad, and road rights-of-way. Introduction pathways differed, with Japanese knotweed commonly labeled as an ornamental escape (151 collections), while mugwort was commonly cited as an inadvertent component of ship ballast (20 collections). These potential founding populations were located across the final distribution for both species, suggesting anthropogenic large-scale dispersal across North America with local secondary spread. Range expansion appears to be active for both species in the US while nearing the carrying capacity in Canada. Managers of mugwort and Japanese knotweed can make use of this information on their range expansion dynamics and dispersal pathways by reducing anthropogenic dispersal and focusing resources on satellite populations and invasion corridors.  相似文献   

Edges between forest and non-forest habitats often have significant effects on forest microclimate and resource availability, with corresponding effects on species composition and abundance. Exotic species are often increased in abundance near forest edges. This increase in abundance could be either because of the increase in resource availability near edges, or because of increased dispersal into forest edges. We measured species composition and a set of geospatial variables on transects at 66 edges in the North Carolina Piedmont in an attempt to distinguish between these two factors. Mantel tests show that species composition is significantly different in forest edges than in the forest interior, but that this effect only penetrates about 5 m into the forest. Indicator species analysis finds several species that are indicative of edge communities, including trumpet vine (Campsis radicans), two drought-tolerant oak species (Quercus stellata and Q. falcata), a serviceberry (Amelanchier arboreum), and a common exotic species, tree-of-heaven (Ailanthus altissima). Poisson regression techniques showed that in both the seedling and tree strata of the forest, exotic species increased in abundance on flat sites with a high potential seed source. Mapping predicted exotic species abundance onto the landscape. We find that large-scale variation in exotic species abundance is due mostly to variation in potential seed sources, while small-scale variation relates more to edaphic factors. Our results stress that both dispersal and environmental filters are important for determining exotic species abundance, but potentially the filters operate at different spatial scales.  相似文献   

Husen  Jia  Dequan  Li 《Photosynthetica》2002,40(1):139-144
The responses to irradiance of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation and photosystem 2 (PS2) electron transport were simultaneously studied by gas exchange and chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence measurement in two-year-old apple tree leaves (Malus pumila Mill. cv. Tengmu No.1/Malus hupehensis Rehd). Net photosynthetic rate (P N) was saturated at photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) 600-1 100 (mol m-2 s-1, while the PS2 non-cyclic electron transport (P-rate) showed a maximum at PPFD 800 mol m-2 s-1. With PPFD increasing, either leaf potential photosynthetic CO2 assimilation activity (Fd/Fs) and PS2 maximal photochemical activity (Fv/Fm) decreased or the ratio of the inactive PS2 reaction centres (RC) [(Fi – Fo)/(Fm – Fo)] and the slow relaxing non-photochemical Chl fluorescence quenching (qs) increased from PPFD 1 200 mol m-2 s-1, but cyclic electron transport around photosystem 1 (RFp), irradiance induced PS2 RC closure [(Fs – Fo)/Fm – Fo)], and the fast and medium relaxing non-photochemical Chl fluorescence quenching (qf and qm) increased remarkably from PPFD 900 (mol m-2 s-1. Hence leaf photosynthesis of young apple leaves saturated at PPFD 800 mol m-2 s-1 and photoinhibition occurred above PPFD 900 mol m-2 s-1. During the photoinhibition at different irradiances, young apple tree leaves could dissipate excess photons mainly by energy quenching and state transition mechanisms at PPFD 900-1 100 mol m-2 s-1, but photosynthetic apparatus damage was unavoidable from PPFD 1 200 mol m-2 s-1. We propose that Chl fluorescence parameter P-rate is superior to the gas exchange parameter P N and the Chl fluorescence parameter Fv/Fm as a definition of saturation irradiance and photoinhibition of plant leaves.  相似文献   

The predacious phytoseiid mite Neoseiulus fallacis (Garman) is an important agent for the biological control of spider mites in deciduous fruit orchards in North America and Canada. It would be helpful to monitor the fate of released individuals to improve the results of introductions of the predators in biological control trials. We have used two types of genetic markers, pyrethroid resistance and allozymes, for indirect estimation of the survival of N. fallacis introduced in an apple orchard in Ontario, Canada. Mite samples were submitted to toxicological tests. The polymorphism of four enzymes was studied in individual females using an isoelectric focusing technique. A mite sample was taken from the field, mass-reared in the laboratory, and selected for permethrin resistance. This strain was released on several apple trees treated with permethrin, and mite samples were collected from the same trees 10 to 90 days later. The genetic composition and the insecticide resistance level of this sample were compared to those of two other samples from trees where mites had not previously been released, either in the same orchard or in a neighboring block. A control susceptible strain was compared using mites collected earlier from trees on the same site but outside the present experiment. The mites collected from the release trees and those from the strain used for the releases were found to be genetically closely related, as judged from a small genetic distance, and from similar levels of insecticide resistance in both samples. The control samples from the nonrelease trees were genetically distant from these and displayed low resistance levels. These results indicate that the released genotypes established and persisted in the release trees for the period of the experiment. The utility of the two approaches in assessing the fate of released natural enemies is discussed.  相似文献   

Four partulid tree snail species are known from American Samoa. In 1998, we surveyed the recently established National Park (units on three islands: Tutuila, Tau, Ofu) and neighboring areas for partulids. On Tutuila, Samoana abbreviata, previously considered probably extinct, was extremely rare (15 snails seen); Samoana conica was more common (288 snails) but still rare; Eua zebrina was the most common (1102 snails), at one locality perhaps near its natural abundance. The species have similar distributions within the Park. All three have declined dramatically since the 1920s. Before 1980, when the predatory snail Euglandina rosea was introduced, habitat destruction, and perhaps rat predation and shell collecting, probably caused the decline. The Park provides protection to the Tutuila partulids by protecting habitat, although development is still a potential problem. But predation by E. rosea may yet cause their extinction. On Ofu (only outside the Park), 12 live Samoana thurstoni were found; 31 have now been recorded by western science. Also, an apparently robust population of E. zebrina, previously considered a Tutuila endemic, was found. Euglandina rosea is not on Ofu, so these populations are important remnants of the fauna. No partulids were found on Tau; none has ever been recorded there.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring populations of immature and adultGeocoris punctipes,adultColeomegilla maculataand immature coccinellids were monitored on field-grown tomato lines susceptible and resistant toManduca sextaandHelicoverpa zea. Helicoverpa zeaandHeliothis virescenseggs and small larvae that serve as prey for these predators also were monitored. MoreH. zeaandH. virescenseggs and small larvae were found on resistant than on susceptible plant lines. However, similar populations of largeH. zeaandH. virescenslarvae were found on resistant and susceptible plants. The number of adultGeocoris punctipes,adultColeomegilla maculataand immature coccinellids on resistant plants was always as high or higher than the number on susceptible plants. The data demonstrate no incompatibility of host-plant resistance with biological control provided by these predaceous insects, but indicate that the number ofG. punctipesand coccinellids required to provide effective biological control may develop too late in the season to be of practical value. Large populations of stilt bugs (Jalysus wickhami,Hemiptera: Berytidae) and spiders were observed to occur earlier in the growing season than eitherG. punctipesor coccinellids and may be a significant source of mortality forH. zeaeggs and small larvae.  相似文献   

Freshwater crayfish are key members of aquatic communities due to their large size and abundance. Although most commonly regarded as herbivores and detritivores, they are also selective predators. The crayfish plague fungus Aphanomyces astaci (Schikora) led to the elimination of a stock of white-clawed crayfish, Austropotamobius pallipes (Lereboullet) from Lough Lene, Co. Westmeath, in 1987. Samples taken of the flora and benthic communities of two Irish lakes, one (Lough Bane) formerly containing crayfish and the other (Lough Lene) immediately following a plague outbreak, were compared to similar samples taken a year later and ecological shifts were noted and compared to laboratory feeding results. Over time, Chara strands increased in mean length, and molluscs became more abundant.  相似文献   

Relationships between soil invertebrate populations and primary production of a tallgrass prairie were investigated using the insecticide-nematicide carbofuran and a range of mowing intensities to manipulate invertebrate densities and resource quantity and quality. The trophic composition of nematode populations was monitored through each of two growing seasons. Earthworm and macroarthropod densities and primary production were assessed at the end of the second season. Invertebrate densities were generally reduced in carbofuran-treated plots, although individual weights of surviving macroarth-ropod herbivores increased significantly (p<0.05). Carbofuran failed to affect estimates of above- or belowground plant biomass after two years of treatment. Changes in resource quantity and quality resulted in rapid responses by dominant invertebrate consumer populations. A 28% reduction in live root mass and a 24% increase in root detritus following two years of mowing was associated with a 54% decrease in herbivorous nematode densities, a 47% increase in microbivorous nematode densities, and a 41% increase in native earthworm biomass.  相似文献   

Resistance to the organophosphorus insecticide malathion in genetically related strains of the Australian sheep blowflyLucilia curprina was examined. Separate lines of blowflies were established by homozygosis of the fourth chromosome of the parental RM strain. Both the RM and the derived resistant (der-R) strains are approximately 100 times more resistant to malathion than the related susceptible der-S strain, resistance being correlated with a 45- to 50-fold increase in a malathion carboxylesterase (MCE) activity. MCE has a pH optimum ranging between 6.6 and 8.0 and is strongly inhibited by the carboxylesterase inhibitors triphenyl phosphate, paraoxon, and diiospropylfluorophosphate. Subcellular fractionation revealed that MCE was localized predominantly to the cytosol and mitochondria in both resistant and susceptible blowflies. A single MCE was purified to homogeneity from RM blowflies. It has a pI of 5.5, is a monomer of 60.5 kDa, and hydrolyzes malathion with aV max of 755 nmol/min/mg protein and aK m of 11.0 µM. L. cuprina have thus evolved a remarkable MCE which is faster and more efficient at hydrolyzing a specific insecticide than any other insect esterase yet described.  相似文献   

The glassy-winged sharpshooter, Homalodisca vitripennis Germar (=H. coagulata Say) (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae), invaded Tahiti in 1999 and spread rapidly to the main island groups of French Polynesia becoming an important pest. It threatened agriculture, native biodiversity, and created serious social and recreational problems. Further, massive uncontrolled populations on Tahiti presented an elevated invasion threat to other South Pacific nations. In 2004, a classical biological control program against H. vitripennis was initiated in French Polynesia using the highly host-specific egg parasitoid Gonatocerus ashmeadi Girault (Hymenoptera: Mymaridae). After risk assessment studies indicated an acceptably low level of risk to non-target species, 13,786 parasitoids were released at 27 sites in Tahiti between May and October 2005. Here we present the results of G. ashmeadi and H. vitripennis population surveys during the first year of their interaction in French Polynesia (until mid-May 2006). The impact of G. ashmeadi on H. vitripennis was extremely rapid and high. Parasitism of H. vitripennis egg masses by G. ashmeadi has averaged 80–100% in Tahiti since the introduction of the parasitoid, and populations of H. vitripennis nymphs and adults have decreased by more than 90% since December 2005. Populations of H. vitripennis have been successfully maintained at this low level for more than 1 year. The same results were obtained in nearby Moorea where the parasitoid was probably spread by the unregulated transport of plants infested with parasitized H. vitripennis eggs. Population monitoring continues in order to determine if a stable equilibrium between the pest and the parasitoid has been reached.  相似文献   

Lathrolestes nigricollis(Thomson) and Grypocentrus albipes Ruthe,Palearctic specialist parasitoids of thebirch-leafmining sawfly Fenusa pusilla(Lepeletier), were imported from central Europe andreleased at three locations in Edmonton, Alberta,Canada during 1994–1996. Parasitoids becameestablished at two locations, L. nigricollis atboth and G. albipes at one, and were recoveredfor 3–5 years after release. Lathrolestesnigricollis has dispersed throughout most ofEdmonton, and at least 13 km from release sites, butG. albipes has been recovered only 400–500 mfrom one release site. Five years after introductionat one site, percent parasitism by L.nigricollis was 78% and 84% for the first andsecond generations, respectively, and about 48% ofparasitoid eggs were encapsulated.  相似文献   

The use of nontoxigenic strains of Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus in biological control effectively reduces aflatoxin in peanuts when conidium-producing inoculum is applied to the soil surface. In this study, the movement of conidia in soil was examined following natural rainfall and controlled precipitation from a sprinkler irrigation system. Conidia of nontoxigenic A. flavus and A. parasiticus remained near the soil surface despite repeated rainfall and varying amounts of applied water from irrigation. In addition, rainfall washed the conidia along the peanut furrows for up to 100 meters downstream from the experimental plot boundary. The dispersal gradient was otherwise very steep upstream along the furrows and in directions perpendicular to the peanut rows. The retention of biocontrol conidia in the upper soil layers is likely important in reducing aflatoxin contamination of peanuts and aerial crops such as corn and cottonseed. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

(1) The genetics of malathion resistance in two strains of the flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, was investigated. In CTC-12, resistance is polygenic, while in Kano, it is due to a dominant allele at a single autosomal locus. Reciprocal hybrids with the susceptible control strains bb and pp showed an overdominant response in particular when Kano was the male parent in the original cross. (2) Three possible genetic mechanisms to explain these results are discussed. The model which best explains the genetic results, particularly the difference between the reciprocal crosses, assumes a modifier resistance allele on the Y chromosome. (3) The levels of activity of total esterases, carboxyesterases, mixed-function oxidases, epoxide hydrase, and glutathione transferase in the parent strains and their hybrids were measured quantitatively. Although total esterase activity may not be relevant for the breakdown of malathion, it was inhibited by the pesticide. The activity of the microsomal enzymes was high in CTC-12, low in bb, and intermediate in the hybrids, while carboxyesterases were very active in Kano as well as in the hybrids with bb and low in the latter. These patterns agree with the genetics of resistance in the two strains. A higher level of GSH transferase in the Kano×bb hybrids than in Kano seems to indicate a possible biochemical mechanism for their overdominant resistance.  相似文献   

The invasion of non-indigenous plants is considered one of the primary threats to rare and endangered species as well as to the integrity and function of North American ecosystems. However, many of the suspected negative ecosystem impacts are based on anecdotal evidence. For example, there is almost unanimous agreement among natural resource managers of the detrimental ecological impacts of species such as Lythrum salicaria (purple loosestrife), Phragmites australis (common reed) and Alliaria petiolata (garlic mustard) but convincing documentation is scarce. Experimental and theoretical ecology predicts large ecosystem impacts of the most widespread invasive species. However, it is difficult to prioritize control of species that occur at intermediate densities. Long-term monitoring before and during the invasion as well as before, during and after any control attempts can provide valuable ecological information. In particular, it is important to understand how changes in the abundance of species influence ecosystem properties and processes which, in turn, will help guide management decisions. Ideally, this monitoring has to go beyond 'simple impacts on plant communities, involve cross-disciplinary teams of scientists and should incorporate many different taxa and their interactions. Monitoring design and data collection should be sophisticated enough to allow statistically sound data analysis. The available information will be paramount in (1) developing new political and scientific guidelines in invasive species management, (2) helping resolve potential conflicts of interest and (3) helping change public attitudes regarding growth, sale, and control of non-indigenous species.  相似文献   

The biology and host range of the cerambycid beetle Aerenicopsis championi Bates, a potential biological control agent for the weed Lantana camara L., were studied. A. championi is a univoltine species associated with L. camara, L. urticifolia, and L. hirsuta in Mexico and Central America. In Mexico, adult emergence occurred in May and June at the start of the rainy season. Larvae fed within the stems over a 9- to 12-month period and caused damage to the plant. The insect was imported into Australia, where a procedure for rearing it in the laboratory was developed. Host-range tests indicated that adults oviposited and larvae commenced development in L. camara and L. montevidensis but not in any of 57 other species tested. A CLIMEX model indicated that most areas infested with lantana in Australia would have a favorable climate for A. championi. Permission to release this insect in Australia was obtained and three small releases were made in southern Queensland in February 1995.  相似文献   

Two European gall-producing insects,Urophora affinisFrfld. (Diptera: Tephritidae) andMetzneria paucipunctella(Zeller) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) were introduced into Virginia in 1986 for biological control of spotted knapweed (Centaurea maculosaLam.). Adults ofU. affinis(n = 2625) andM. paucipunctella(n = 450) were released at two sites in Montgomery County, Virginia, and their populations were monitored yearly by dissecting spotted knapweed flower heads. Beginning in 1992, knapweed samples collected at various distances from the release sites were checked for dispersal.U. affinisis well established and is spreading slowly. The number of larvae per flower head and the seed numbers are inversely related as plants with the greatest number of larvae per spotted knapweed head had the lowest number of seeds. Knapweed density has declined at one of the release sites which had the highest rate of infestation byU. affinis.Establishment of the moth,M. paucipunctella,is less certain as it has been recovered at a very low level from only one site.  相似文献   

Native snakeweeds, especially Gutierrezia sarothrae (Pursh) Britton and Rusby and Gutierrezia microcephala (DC.) A. Gray, are among the most widespread and damaging weeds of rangelands in the western United States and northern Mexico. The genus long ago spread to southern South America, where further speciation occurred. We have found several species of insects in Argentina that damage other species of snakeweeds there and are possible candidates for biological control in North America. The first of these, the root-boring weevil, Heilipodus ventralis (Hustache), was tested in Argentina and then sent to the USDA-ARS Insect Quarantine Facility at Temple, Texas, for host specificity testing on North American plants. We tested H. ventralis on 40 species of the family Asteraceae, in 19 tests of five types, using 686 adults and 365 larvae. Host specificity increased from adult feeding, to ovipositional selection, to larval development. At Temple, adults fed mostly on 6 species of the closely related genera Grindelia, Gutierrezia, and Gymnosperma, but with substantial feeding on four other genera of the two preferred subtribes Solidagininae and Machaerantherinae and on Baccharis in the tribe Baccharidinae, with lesser feeding on the subtribe Asterinae, all in the tribe Astereae, and on 1 species in the tribe Anthemideae. Females oviposited primarily on the same 6 species but very little on plants outside the 2 preferred subtribes. Larvae developed only on 9 of the 29 U.S. plant species tested, 6 within the two preferred subtribes and on Brickellia and Aster in other tribes. Only 5 species of three genera appear to be potential true hosts of H. ventralis in North America, on which all stages of the life cycle, adult feeding, oviposition, and larval development, can take place; these are Gymnosperma glutinosum (Spreng.) Less., Gutierrezia grandis Blake, Gut. microcephala, Gut. sarothrae, and Grindelia lanceolata Nutt. None of these genera contain species of economic or notable ecological value; the few rare species appear to be protected by habitat isolation from attack by H. ventralis. H. ventralis, therefore, appears sufficiently host specific for field release in North America. This is the first introduced biocontrol agent to be approved for release in a continental area to control a native weed.  相似文献   

R. J. Dysart 《BioControl》1990,35(3):307-313
Anaphes diana (Girault) (=Patasson lameerei Debauche), a mymarid egg parasite ofSitona spp., was introduced from Europe beginning in 1976 and is now tentatively established in the United States. Techniques are described for the separation of eggs ofSitona spp. from soil, using a series of fine-mesh sieves, water, and a saturated salt solution. Data from 9 years of sampling in an alfalfa field at Newark, Del. (>19,300 host eggs extracted), showed that the mean peak density of viable overwintering eggs ofSitona hispidulus (F.) was 14.6 per 100 cm3 of 1 cm deep surface soil. At the study site,Sitona egg densities consistently increased during the fall as a result of oviposition, peaked during January and February and decreased during the spring as a result of egg hatch. Although the incidence of parasitism byA. diana remained surprisingly low (0.29%), the fact that the species was recovered during 3 years and up to 7 years after the last release, indicates that it has colonized at the Delaware release site.   相似文献   

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