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Marine organisms, in particular invertebrates, have proved to be a major source of unique fatty acid (FA) structures originating from unusual biosynthetic pathways. Among them, non-methylene-interrupted (NMI) FA occur in various molluscs in the wide ranges of concentrations (up to 20%), such as the most often encountered 20:2 Δ5,11, 20:2 Δ5,13, 22:2 Δ7,13 or 22:2 Δ7,15. Such NMI FA have also been reported from algae, echinoderms, sponges, tropical rays, and many other invertebrates. The most intriguing marine invertebrates seem to be sponges that commonly contain very long-chain Δ5,9 FA. A third double bond can occur in the NMI FA as reported in some marine organisms, such as 20:3 Δ7,13,16 or 30:3 Δ5,9,23. Lipids of invertebrates from deep-sea hydrothermal and cold-seep vents gave rise to an intense research activity including reports on unprecedented NMI polyunsaturated FA. The bivalve molluscs are able to synthesize de novo the NMI FA but their precise biological interest is presently not well-known, although structural and functional roles in biological membranes have been suggested, in particular a higher resistance to oxidative processes and microbial lipases. Biosynthetic pathways of Δ5,9 FA in sponges were demonstrated up to C26 FA structures and include particular elongation and desaturation steps. Recently, intense research effort has been conducted to investigate the biomedical potential of these unusual FA. Thus, Δ5,9 FA displayed interesting antiplasmodial activity. The most promising FA topoisomerase I inhibitors to date seem to be the long-chain Δ5,9 FA. This inhibitory activity is probably partially responsible for the toxicity displayed by some of the Δ5,9 FA towards cancer cell lines.  相似文献   

1. On electrophoresis in dissociating conditions the tropomyosins isolated from skeletal muscles of mammalian, avian and amphibian species migrated as two components. These were comparable with the alpha and beta subunits of tropomyosin present in rabbit skeletal muscle. 2. The alpha and beta components of all skeletal-muscle tropomyosins contained 1 and 2 residues of cysteine per 34000g respectively. 3. The ratio of the amounts of alpha and beta subunit present in skeletal muscle tropomyosins was characteristic for the muscle type. Muscle consisting of slow red fibres contained a greater proportion of beta-tropomyosin than muscles consisting predominantly of white fast fibres. 4. Mammalian and avian cardiac muscle tropomyosins consisted of alpha-tropomyosin only. 5. Mammalian and avian smooth-muscle tropomyosins differed both chemically and immunologically from striated-muscle tropomyosins. 6. Antibody raised against rabbit skeletal alpha-tropomyosin was species non-specific, reacting with all other striated muscle alpha-tropomyosin subunits tested. 7. Antibody raised against rabbit skeletal beta-tropomyosin subunit was species-specific.  相似文献   

A new procedure was developed to purify tropomyosin. The procedure was an adaptation of that described for purification of myosin. By eliminating troponin before precipitating with (NH4)2 SO4, it was possible to obtain pure tropomyosin from the same preparation from which myosin was purified. When tropomyosin was subjected to isoelectrofocusing two tropomyosins were present, having similar isoelectric points of pH 5.4 and 5.6; two tropomyosin subunits were resolved in the presence of 6 M urea. The two subunits had very similar isoelectric points, pH 4.7 and 5.0. According to Ouchterlony analyses the tropomyosins from canine skeletal and cardiac tissue were immunologically identical when incubated with goat gammaG antitropomyosin (cardiac).  相似文献   

A chemical comparison of tropomyosins from muscle and non-muscle tissues.   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Tropomyosins from six different calf tissues: aorta (smooth muscle), skeletal muscle, heart, brain, pancreas and platelets have been isolated, as well as a tropomyosin from mouse fibroblasts. The three muscle tropomyosins have identical polypeptide molecular weights (35,000), paracrystal periodicity and fine structure, and very similar peptide maps. The four non-muscle tropomyosins also have identical polypeptide molecular weights (30,000), paracrystal periodicity and fine structure, and very similar peptide maps. All tropomyosins examined have the same C-terminal amino acid, isoleucine and a blocked N terminal. These findings indicate that muscle and non-muscle tropomyosins are grouped into two similar but non-identical classes of protein. The two classes have at least ten peptide differences out of 31 total peptides, each group having several peptides not found in the other group. This suggests that the two classes of tropomyosins are coded for by different gene classes. It is likely that both gene classes evolved from an ancestral gene by a process involving gene duplication.Peptide maps of skeletal muscle tropomyosins from rabbit, calf and chick, and of non-muscle tropomyosins from rabbit, mouse and calf show few species differences. This suggests that tropomyosin is a highly conserved molecule.  相似文献   

Smooth and non-muscle tropomyosins were found to produce a 2-3-fold Ca-insensitive stimulation of the ATPase activity of reconstituted skeletal muscles actomyosin at normal MgATP concentrations and physiological ratios of myosin to actin. Under the same conditions skeletal muscles tropomyosin had no effect. Similar effects of these three tropomyosins were observed for the low myosin/F-actin ratios necessary for kinetic measurements. Since it could be established that this actomyosin system, with or without tropomyosin, obeyed Michaelian kinetics, the tropomyosin effects could be interpreted in terms of their influence on maximal turnover (V) or on the affinity of myosin for actin (Kapp). Accordingly, gizzard tropomyosin had practically no effect on the affinity and reduced only slightly the value of V, compared to pure actin. In contrast to gizzard tropomyosin, brain tropomyosin produced an approximately twofold increase in both Kapp and V; i.e. it increased the turnover rate but decreased the affinity. It is apparent from the data that brain tropomyosin acts as an uncompetitive activator with respect to pure actin, while having the same V as the actin plus gizzard tropomyosin complex. Further studies on these tropomyosins show that only skeletal and smooth muscle tropomyosin have similar functional properties with respect to troponin inhibition and the activation of the ATPase at low ATP concentrations. It is suggested that the noted increases in V by tropomyosin are caused by the acceleration of the dissociation of the myosin head from actin at the end point of the cross bridge movement.  相似文献   

The data on the absorption and bactericidal function of macrophages are presented. It was shown in vivo that bioglycans 42 and 106 had a stimulating action on phagocytosis of Y. pseudotuberculosis and S. typhimurium capable of persisting in macrophages for prolonged periods. Addition of the bioglycans to the cultures of the macrophages from intact animals increased the absorption activity of the macrophages and somewhat potentiated their bactericidal activity. Under the action of the bioglycans the level and rate of the carbon clearance in the blood flow increased. The results of the study are promising for adequate control of infections caused by intracellularly located pathogens.  相似文献   

The pH of the body fluids of 25 species of marine invertebrates from nine phyla was determined at temperatures to which these animals were acclimated. The gastrovascular fluid of several coelenterates and one species of flatworm was found to have pH values approximating to that of sea water. The coelomic fluid of nemertine, sipinculid, echiuroid, and annelid worms, as well as the heart fluid of several molluscs and the sternal sinus fluid of decapod crustaceans, were characterized by more alkaline pH values. Echinoderm polian vesicle fluid was characterized by slightly acidic pH values. The importance of the pH of the body to the respiratory physiology of marine invertebrates is discussed.  相似文献   

Marine invertebrates may be rapidly fixed for histological examination using microwave irradiation generated by household microwave ovens. Ten-second irradiation of whole intact clams gave tissue fixation equal or superior to standard procedures using formaldehyde solutions and eliminated the need for that hazardous chemical. We suggest that invertebrates can be fixed while relaxed in sea-water baths, without having to remove or open the shell, and that invertebrates in bottom sediment cores also may be fixed in situ without being disturbed.  相似文献   

The information on the carbohydrate specificity and molecular organization of some carbohydrate-binding proteins (lectins) of marine invertebrates is reported. Antiviral activity of some of the lectins against human immunodeficiency virus has been studied. Lectins of marine invertebrates are promising tools for studying natural glycoconjugates and cell effectors in vitro.  相似文献   

The inhibitory analysis of the spontaneous ("ultraweak") and the luminole-induced chemiluminescence of marine Sycon sponges and Aiptasia actinias supports the idea that ultraweak photon emission of marine invertebrates is a consequence of Ca(2+)-dependent processes related to the interaction of reactive oxygen species with some endogenous fluorophore substrates.  相似文献   

Approximately 40 viruses are known from marine sponges; turbellarian and monogenetic flatworms; cephalopod, bivalve, and gastropod mollusks; nereid polychaetes; and isopod and decapod crustaceans. Most of the viruses can be tentatively assigned to the Herpesviridae, Baculoviridae, Iridoviridae, Adenoviridae, Papovaviridae, Reoviridae, Birnaviridae, Bunyaviridae, Rhabdoviridae, and Picornaviridae. Viruslike particles found in oysters might be representatives of the Togaviridae and Retroviridae. Enveloped single-stranded RNA viruses from crustaceans have developmental and morphological characteristics intermediate between families, and some show evidence of relationships to the Paramyxoviridae as well as the Bunyaviridae or Rhabdoviridae. Certain small viruses of shrimp cannot be assigned, even tentatively, to a particular family. Some viruses cause disease in wild and captive hosts, others are associated with disease states but may not be primary instigators, and many occur in apparently normal animals. The frequency of viral disease in natural populations of marine invertebrates is unknown. Several viruses that cause disease in captive animals, with or without experimental intervention, have also been found in diseased wild hosts, including herpeslike viruses of crabs and oysters, iridovirus of octopus, and reolike and bunyalike viruses of crabs. Iridolike viruses have been implicated in massive mortalities of cultured oysters. Baculoviruses, and IHHN virus, which is of uncertain affinities, cause economically damaging diseases in cultured penaeid shrimp. Double or multiple viral infection is common in crabs. For example, a reolike virus and associated rhabdolike virus act synergistically to cause paralytic and fatal disease inCallinectes sapidus. Information on host range, most susceptible stage, and viral latency is available only for viruses of shrimp. One baculovirus attacks five species of New World penaeid shrimp. IHHN virus infects three species ofPenaeus and causes catastrophic mortalities inP. stylirostris, but usually exhibits only inapparent infection inP. vannamei. Some shrimp viruses apparently are latent in larvae, causing disease only when shrimp have reached the postlarval or juvenile stages. Others are equally or more pathogenic in larvae. Studies of shrimp viruses and iridovirus-associated disease in cultured oysters point up the need for rapid and accurate diagnostic methods. Until appropriate cell cultures from marine invertebrates are devised, the viral identifications necessary for understanding of epizootiology, rapid containment of epizootics in cultured animals, and decisions regarding introductions of exotic species will be difficult or impossible.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate-binding proteins of marine invertebrates   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The information on the carbohydrate specificity and molecular organization of some carbohydrate-binding proteins (lectins) of marine invertebrates is reported. Antiviral activity of some of the lectins against human immunodeficiency virus has been studied. Lectins of marine invertebrates are promising tools for studying natural glycoconjugates and cell effectors in vitro.  相似文献   

Palaeoecology uses the numerical abundance and the occurrence of species to evaluate the dynamics of past communities, but biomass – the quantity of soft tissue – is the critical currency needed to capture the flow and role of nutrients in modern ecosystems. Acquiring biomass data from fossil assemblages has, however, remained challenging, thus limiting the analysis of net secondary production in palaeocommunities. Prior models relate shell size or shell biovolume to fossil biomass. These models neglect shell fragments and, moreover, use units of biovolume (cm3) that are not directly related to those of biomass (g), making the models difficult to tune and the coefficients highly specific. To remedy these shortcomings, I evaluate skeletal mass as a means of estimating the soft tissue biomass of fossil taxa, using ratios among biomass, skeletal mass and the total wet mass of living representatives of extant species, so that skeletal mass alone can be used to estimate grams of organic biomass. Data on total wet mass, organic carbon mass, and shell mass were acquired from more than 80 live‐collected individuals from eight families in three major, shelly macrobenthic groups (Mollusca, Brachiopoda, Arthropoda) and supplemented with counterpart data from the literature to increase taxonomic breadth. This new shell‐mass model provides more accurate and precise biomass estimates than models based on the linear dimensions of shells, expanding our ability to examine the interplay between organisms and their environments.  相似文献   

One hundred eighteen samples (21 species) of wild marine invertebrates were collected from western and southern coastal area of Korean Peninsula. Four of 78 (18 species) samples collected at Namhae (South) area were positive for nodavirus in nested PCR test. Of the 40 samples (5 species) collected at Hwanghae (West) areas, all samples were negative for nodavirus in both RT-PCR and nested PCR tests. Positive nested PCR results were obtained from the following species: Charybdis bimaculata Charybdid crab; Pandalus hypsinotus Southern humpback shrimp and Mytilus galloprovincialis Mediterranean mussel. Phylogenetic analysis based on the partial nucleotide sequence (177 bases) of the RNA2 coat protein gene showed that the four strains were highly homologous (100%) and closely related to that of the known betanodaviruses, redspotted grouper nervous necrosis virus (RGNNV). These results indicate that nodavirus is present from wild marine invertebrates in the southern coastal areas of Korean Peninsula. These subclinically infected marine invertebrates may constitute an inoculum source for betanodavirus infection and cause mortality in cultured fishes in Korea.  相似文献   

Sixty products, derived from marine organisms, typical of the Bulgarian Black Sea coast, were examined for inhibitory activity on the reproduction of influenza viruses in tissue cultures. The antiviral effect was investigated by the reduction of virus infectivity. Using representative strains of influenza virus it was shown that apparently the inhibitory effect was strain-specific. The most effective products were further studied in fertile hen's eggs and in experimental influenza infection in white mice.  相似文献   

M Fingerman 《Life sciences》1974,14(6):1007-1018
The objective of this minireview is to summarize the recent advances made in the area of marine invertebrate endocrinology, with special emphasis on the literature published in 1972 and 1973. Most of the pertinent publications in these two years have dealt with crustaceans. Nevertheless, significant contributions have also been made with representatives of other groups of marine invertebrates.  相似文献   

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