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首次报道绒瘦足蝇属Rainieria在我国大陆有2种分布,描述新种三鬃绒瘦足蝇Rainieria triseta sp.nov.,重新描述亮翅绒瘦足蝇Rainieria lencochira Czerny,并编制我国绒瘦足蝇属分种检索表.三鬃绒瘦足蝇,新种Rainieria triseta sp.nov.(图5~8,11~12)新种独特,头部具3根眶鬃,容易与本属其他种区分.正模♂,辽宁宽甸大华山,2009-07-13,王俊潮采.副模1♂,黑龙江帽儿山,1984-06-23.词源:新种种名意指头部眶鬃数目.  相似文献   

首次记述中国瘦足蝇科秀瘦足蝇属2种,其中包括1新种.新种模式标本保存在中国农业大学昆虫博物馆.华山秀瘦足蝇,新种Compsobata(Trilophyobata)huashanica sp.nov.(图7~12,15 ~16)该种的鉴别特征为头部具2根弱额鬃.胸部褐色,翅侧片黄褐色;中后足股节基部具1宽但不明显的棕色环.雄虫第6腹片,在第5腹片生殖叉之间具一些小的突起.正模雄,陕西华阴县华山,1957-06-16.副模1雌,同正模.词源:新种种名源自采集地点华山.  相似文献   

记述中国瘦足蝇科裸瘦足蝇属Cliobata Enderlein 2新种:浅褐裸瘦足蝇Cliobata ecruis sp. nov.和周氏裸瘦足蝇Cliobata choui sp. nov.。浅褐裸瘦足蝇的鉴别特征为体浅褐色,胸部褐色具黄色斑;翅近端部具宽的透明带;生殖叉褐色,其臂部几乎与基部等长,臂基部中央具新月形凹陷。周氏裸瘦足蝇的鉴别特征为体黑色;翅近端部透明带窄;生殖叉黑褐色,其臂部长于基部,臂基部中央具半圆形凹陷。新种模式标本保存在中国农业大学昆虫博物馆。  相似文献   

中国阳蝇属一新种记述(双翅目,蝇科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道了采自我国西藏自治区蝇科阳蝇属HelinaR.-D.1新种,命名为赘叶阳蝇Helina appendifolia sp.nov..新种模式标本保存于沈阳师范大学昆虫研究所标本室.赘叶阳蝇,新种Helina appendifolia sp.nov.(图1~3)正模♂,西藏林芝,海拔3000 m,2003-08-05,王明福采.新种与华夏阳蝇Helina huaxia Feng,1999近缘,但后者腹侧片鬃1:2,前缘刺约与r-m横脉等长;后胫前腹鬃4,前背鬃2,具2列(8根)后腹鬃等即可与新种区别.词源:种名意指雄性肛尾叶末端内侧突细而长,呈赘生状,故此得名.  相似文献   

记述了采自陕西秦岭山区的棒腹蚜蝇属2新种:四鬃棒腹蚜蝇Sphegina quadrisetae sp.nov.及太白棒腹蚜蝇Sphegina taibaishanensis sp.nov..模式标本保存于陕西理工学院陕西省资源生物重点实验室.1四鬃棒腹蚜蝇,新种Sphegina quadrisetae sp.nov.(图1~3)本种以其小盾片后缘具4根黑色长鬃而明显区别于本属的其它种.雌性末知.♂体长8 mm,翅长6mm.正模♂,眉县(红河谷,海拔2 000m),2002-09-05,霍科科采.2太白棒腹蚜蝇,新种Sphegina taibaishanensis sp.nov.(图4~13)本种外形上近似Sphegina sibrica Stack,但新种外生殖器不对称,结构复杂,与Sphegina sibrica Stack显著不同.雌性末知.♂体长8 mm,翅长6mm.正模♂,眉县(太白山,海拔2 300m),2003-07-24,霍科科采.  相似文献   

本文记述分别采自山西省和湖南省厕蝇属2新种,多突厕蝇FanniapolystylataWangetXue,sp.nov,新种与FanniaFuscinataChillcott,1961近缘,但触角第3节长为宽的2.5倍,盾片具暗褐色纵条,前中鬃呈2列,腋瓣淡黄色,各足股、胫节黄色,后股无后腹鬃列等即可区别。正模♂,山西省沁水,1991-06-16,王明福采、裂叶厕蝇FanniascissifoliaXue,WangetHuang,sp.nov.,新种与FanniaedentulaNishda,1973近缘,但复眼裸,触角第3节长为宽的2.5倍,盾片无纵条,腋瓣黄色,中胫后背鬃3,后面观侧尾叶上枝较直,其内侧具齿状利等即可区别。正模♂,湖南省常德,1984-03-11,黄耀明采;副模3♂♂,同正模。模式标本保存于沈阳师范学院昆虫研究所。  相似文献   

记述采自中国云南景洪的果实蝇属3新种和中国1新纪录种:滇黑寡鬃实蝇Bactrocera(Bactrocera)nigrifacia sp.nov.,哈迪氏果实蝇B.(B.)hardyisp.nov.,景洪果实蝇B.(B.)jinghongensis sp.nov.和黑颜面实蝇Bactrocera(Zeugodacus)vultus(Hardy,1973),3新种均符合DrewetHancock(1994)对桔小实蝇复合体的定义。模式标本保存于福建农林大学益虫研究所。滇黑寡鬃实蝇,新种Bactrocera(Bactrocera)nigrifacia sp.nov.(图1~4)新种与黑胫实蝇B.(Bactrocera)nigr of emoralis Whiteet Tsuruta相近,颜均为黑色,与后者的区别在于:2条平行的缝后侧黄色条终止于翅内鬃之前,第2腹背板橙棕色且前缘具黑色横带。正模♂,云南景洪,2010-09-02,Cue-lure引诱,张南南采。副模3♂♂,同正模。词源:新种种名根据颜面黑色而命名。哈迪氏果实蝇,新种Bactrocera(Bactrocera)hardyisp.nov.(图5~7)新种与印尼实蝇Bactrocera(Bactrocera)indonesiae Drewet Hancock相近,与后者的区别为:第3~5腹背板黑褐色,前足腿节黄褐色,且端部具黑褐色斑,中足和后足腿节为黄褐色,且端部具很短的黑褐色条纹。正模♂,云南景洪,2010-09-04,Cue-lure引诱,张南南采。副模3♂♂,同正模。词源:新种种名以双翅目分类专家DilbertE.Hardy的姓氏命名。景洪果实蝇,新种Bactrocera(Bactrocera)jinghongensis sp.nov.(图8~11)新种与基纳巴卢实蝇Bactrocera(Bactrocera)kinabalu Drewet Hancock相近,与后者的区别在于:缝后侧黄色条终止于翅内鬃之前,中足腿节端部1/2黑色。正模♂,云南景洪,2010-09-04,Cue-lure引诱,张南南采。副模4♂♂,同正模。词源:新种种名以模式产地命名。  相似文献   

记述了我国果实蝇属2新纪录亚属,爪哇果实蝇亚属Javadacus和巴布亚果实蝇亚属Papuodacus;1新纪录种,三条果实蝇B.(J.)trilineata(Hardy);及2新种,端黄果实蝇Bactrocera(Javadacus)apiciflava Yu,HeetChen,sp.nov.和中华果实蝇Bactrocera(Papuodacus)sinensisYu,BaietChen,sp.nov.。新种模式标本保存于中国检验检疫科学研究院动植物检疫所,北京。端黄果实蝇,新种Bactrocera(Javadacus)apiciflavaYu,HeetChen,sp.nov.(图1~6)背侧片全黄;前股外侧黑亮,内侧黄;翅端扩大成斑。正模♂,云南河口,2008-09,和万忠采。副模3♂♂,同正模。词源:新种种名据其特征小盾片端部黄而定名。中华果实蝇,新种Bactrocera(Papuodacus)sinensisYu,BaietChen,sp.nov.(图12~16)小盾片黄,端部具黑斑;股节端部具黑斑;翅前缘带达R2+3;腹部3~5背板具黑中纵条。正模♂,云南勐腊,2009-08,白永华采。副模:1♂,同正模;1♂,2010-08-15,其他数据同正模。词源:新种种名据其分布地中国而定名。  相似文献   

描述了采自中国西藏的池蝇属Limnophora 3新种:棕胫池蝇Limnophora brunneitibia sp.nov.,瘦板池蝇Limnophora leptosternita sp.nov.,黑瓣池蝇Limnophora nigrisquama sp.nov..棕胫池蝇L.brunneitibia sp.nov近似于突出池蝇L. prominens Stein,1904,但前者额较宽,间额宽为一侧额的3倍,下眶鬃2(后者6~7),上眶鬃3(后者1~2);前胫具1中位后鬃,中胫带棕色,后胫略带棕色,中股基部后腹鬃1(后者3);前气门黄色(后者褐色);腹部第3、4背板斑不达前缘;第5腹板侧叶末端尖,向内弯曲等.瘦板池蝇L.leptosternita sp.nov.近似于西藏池蝇L.tibetana Xue et Zhang,1996,但前者间额为一侧额宽的2.0~2.5倍,侧颜为触角第3节宽的1.3倍,颊高为眼高的1/5:腹部第4、5背板斑达前缘,雄第5腹板瘦长,肛尾叶端部尖等.黑瓣池蝇L.nigrisquama sp.nov.近似于L.aureifrons Shinonaga et Kano,1977,但间额黑色,具少数暗棕色粉被,侧额、侧颜粉被棕色;腋瓣暗棕色;腹部正中粉被条狭;体形较小等.模式标本均保存在沈阳师范大学昆虫研究所.  相似文献   

在整理美蓝蚜蝇属标本时发现2新种:缺纹美蓝蚜蝇Melangyna evittata sp.nov.,秦岭美蓝蚜蝇Melangyna qinlingensis sp.nov.,模式标本保存于陕西理工学院资源生物重点实验室,文中列出中国已知种的检索表。 缺纹美蓝蚜蝇,新种Melangyna evittata sp.nov.(图1 ~3) 雌性 未知。 ♂体长12mm;翅长10mm。 正模♂, 2004-05-05,陕西长安(太兴森林公园) ,霍科科采。 本种近似于Melangyna olsufjevi Violovitsh,但新种颜面暗棕褐色,缺黑色条纹,各足胫节棕褐色,缺亚端暗色环。新种以颜面暗棕褐色,缺暗色条纹命名,取拉丁字e(x)-(失去)和(vittatus)(具条纹的)构成新种名。 讨论新种颜面不具暗色条纹,符合亚属Meligramma特征,但后足基节后腹端角具毛簇,与该亚属特征不符;另一方面,后足基节后腹端角具黑色毛簇,符合亚属Melangyna特征,但颜面无黑色中条,与该亚属特征不符。所以其特征介于亚属Melangyna和Meligramma之间,其分类地位还有待进一步研究。 秦岭美蓝蚜蝇,新种Melangyna qinlingensis sp.nov.(图4 ~11) 雌性 未知。 ♂体长9.5mm;翅长9mm。 正模♂, 2002-07-07,陕西眉县(太白山) ,霍科科采。 本种近似于Melangyna olsufjevi Violovitsh,但新种复眼裸,颜面中条伸达触角基部,宽,小盾片被毛全黑色,足主要黑色,尾器不同。 新种以模式产地命名。  相似文献   

Entomological Review - Data on the life history and morphology of the larvae of the fly genus Rainieria are presented, viz. R. hennigi Krivosheina et Krivosheina, 1996 and R. latifrons (Loew,...  相似文献   

Eight aeolid opisthobranch molluscs of the subfamilies Facelininae, Favorininae, and Herviellinae are reported from Tanzanian waters, and two species from Northwestern India. New records from Queensland, Australia greatly extend the range of two species reported from Tanzania. Phidiana militaris (Alder & Hancock) and P. indica (Bergh) are shown to be distinct and a species from New Zealand, originally identified as P. militaris , is shown to be new. P. bourailli (Risbec), previously reported only from New Caledonia, is described from Tanzania, as is a new species of Phidiana. Favorinus japonicus Baba is reported from Tanzania, the first published record outside Japan, a new species of Godiva is described from Tanzania and Queensland, and three new species of Sakuraeolis are described, one from India and two from Tanzania. A new species of Herviella is described from Tanzania.  相似文献   

A new species belonging to the Dothideomycete genus Acanthostigma is described from bark of two Nothofagus species from Argentina. Its identity as a new species is based on both morphology and molecular sequence data. Acanthostigma patagonica differs from other species in the genus by having larger ascomata and setae and wider, asymmetrical ascospores. An amended key to Acanthostigma species is provided along with a discussion of other species previously described from South America.  相似文献   

A new species of Spauligodon , Spauligodon latasticola n. sp., from the intestines of Latastia longicaudata (Lacertidae) from Kenya is described and illustrated. Spauligodon latasticola represents the 47th species assigned to the genus and the 8th species from the Ethiopian region. The new species differs from all but 2 other species assigned to Spauligodon by the presence of a conically tapering tail in the female. The new species is separated from the 2 similar species, Spauligodon garciaprietoi and Spauligodon goldbergi, by the position of the vulva, which is anterior to the esophageal bulb in the new species, at the level of the esophageal bulb in S. goldbergi, and posterior to the esophageal bulb in S. garciaprietoi.  相似文献   

The subfamily Chloropinae comprises about 442 described species, with only one species recorded from the Brazilian Amazon. The genus Bricelochlorops Paganelli was represented by a unique species from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The species Urubambina rufa (Duda) is the only species of the genus Urubambina Paganelli and has been recorded only from Peru. A new species of Bricelochlorops, B. celutae sp. nov., is described here and Urubambina rufa is recorded for the first time in Brazil. Both species were collected in the state of Acre. A key to species of Bricelochlorops is provided.  相似文献   

中国热带黏菌的已知种类   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国广东、广西、云南和台湾4省区的南部及海南、香港和澳门全境均在北回归线以南,属于地理上的热带。为了全面系统地开展我国热带地区黏菌资源的多样性和分类学研究,文中通过标本采集、鉴定和复核以及文献考证研究了已知的发生于中国热带地区的黏菌种类,对一些物种分类地位和名称变化进行了更新,同时记述了每个物种的生境和在我国热带地区的分布。结果表明:中国热带地区现知黏菌6目13科35属160种,其中,广东南部为23种,广西南部为61种,海南为33种,云南南部为67种,台湾南部为26种,香港为66种,澳门为10种。从黏菌的目级水平来看,中国热带地区现知黏菌鹅绒菌目1种,刺轴菌目5种,无丝菌目22种,团毛菌目32种,绒泡菌目73种,发网菌目27种。  相似文献   

Question: Several mechanisms have been proposed that control the spatio‐temporal pattern of species coexistence. Among others, the species pool hypothesis states that the large‐scale species pool is an important factor in controlling small‐scale species richness through filtering of species that can persist within a species assemblage on the basis of their tolerance of the abiotic environment. Because of the process of environmental filtering, co‐occurring species that experience similar environmental conditions are likely to be more taxonomically similar than ecologically distant species. This is because, due to the conservatism of many species traits during evolutionary diversification, the ability of species to colonize the same ecological space is thought to depend at least partially on their taxonomic similarity. The question for this study is: Under the assumption of trait conservatism, does environmental filtering lead to nonrandom species assemblages with respect to their taxonomic structure? Methods: The significance of taxonomic filtering in regulating species coexistence is tested using data from 15 local species assemblages from the urban flora of Rome (Italy). To find out whether the taxonomic structure of the selected’ local’ species assemblages was significantly different from random, we used a Monte Carlo simulation in which for each local species assemblage, the actual taxonomic diversity was compared to the taxonomic diversity of 1000 virtual species lists of the same size extracted at random from a larger ‘regional’ species pool. Results: We found that in most cases the local species assemblages have a higher degree of taxonomic similarity than would be expected by chance showing a phenomenon of ‘species condensation’ in a small number of higher‐level taxa. Conclusions: Our observations support the species pool hypothesis and imply that environmental filtering is an important mechanism in shaping the taxonomic structure of species assemblages. Therefore, the incorporation of taxonomic diversity into landscape and community ecology may be beneficial for a better understanding of the processes that regulate species coexistence.  相似文献   

Entomelas duellmani n. sp. (Rhabditida: Rhabdiasidae) from the lungs and Skrjabinodon cortagoensis n. sp. (Oxyurida: Pharyngodonidae) from the intestines of Mesaspis monticola (Sauria: Anguidae) are described and illustrated. E. duellmani is the sixth species assigned to the genus and is the third species described from the Western Hemisphere. It is easily separated from other neotropical species in the genus by pre-equatorial position of its vulva. Skrjabinodon cartagoensis is the 24th species assigned to the genus and differs from other neotropical species in the genus by female tail morphology.  相似文献   

A new species of Planthopper, Nogodina chiapaneca sp. nov. from the Mexican Chiapas amber (southeast Mexico) is described. The new species belongs to Nogodinidae: Nogodinini: Nogodinina. This is the second nogodinid species described from Mexican amber. Both species belong to Nogodinina, a taxon with a Neotropical distribution. The only recent species of Nogodina, N. reticulata, ranges from Honduras to Brazil and is unknown from Mexico yet.  相似文献   

The number of species of planthoppers (excluding Delphacidae) known from Delaware is updated from 7 (in 4 families) to 62 species (in 9 families). Specimen abundance is tallied by county and seasonally by two week intervals. The Chao1 abundance estimator suggests that the true fauna may be 74 species, although species incidence tallied from adjacent states (MD, NJ, PA and DC) suggests that a total fauna of approximately 100 species may be possible. An artificial key is presented to genus and select species with photos of most included taxa.  相似文献   

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