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报道越南地蛛科硬皮地蛛属1新种,三岛硬皮地蛛Calommata tamdaoensissp.nov..模式标本保存在中国科学院动物研究所.@.三岛硬皮地蛛,新种Calommata tamdaoensis sp.nov.(图1~8)新种近似于梅氏硬皮地蛛Calommata megae Fourie,Haddad &Jocqué,2011,但新种触肢胫节极度膨大,而梅氏硬皮地蛛正常,无膨大;新种引导器粗壮,梅氏硬皮地蛛引导器开始狭窄过半后慢慢变宽;引导器远侧端具有1个很大的齿,但梅氏硬皮地蛛具1个小齿.正模♂,越南永福省三岛国家自然公园,2003年6月7日,范鼎飒采.词源:新种种名源自模式产地.  相似文献   

报道了越南蜘蛛1新纪录科,开普蛛科Caponiidae。描述了越南1新纪录种:刚毛老挝蛛Laoponia saetosa Platnick & Jager,2008和1新种:拟刚毛老挝蛛L.pseudosaetosa sp.nov.。这2个种的雄性触肢器的形状基本相同,但是触肢器生殖球的大小差异十分显著,该结构在拟刚毛老挝蛛中显著小于刚毛老挝蛛(P<0.05)。标本采集于越南北部的3个国家公园:库风国家公园(Cuc Phuong National Park),吉婆岛国家公园(CatBa National Park)和三岛国家自然公园(Tam DaoNational Park)。拟刚毛老挝蛛,新种Laoponia pseudosaetosa sp.nov.(图6~8,10,13)正模♂,副模20♂♂,越南永丰省三岛国家公园,2007-04-01至2008-03-31,范鼎飒采。词源:新种因生殖器结构与刚毛老挝蛛Laoponiasaetosa Platnick & Jager,2008相似而得此名。  相似文献   

记述采自越南菊芳国家公园的幽灵蛛属1新种,黎氏幽灵蛛Pholcus lexuancanhi sp.nov.,模式标本保存于中国科学院动物研究所。黎氏幽灵蛛,新种Pholcus lexuancanhisp.nov.(图1~15)新种与棒斑幽灵蛛P.clavimaculatus Zhu&Song,1999相似,但新种具短的附器,钩状突的形状和跗前突端部结构的形状可与后者相区别。正模♂,越南,菊芳国家公园,天宫洞(20°18’N,105°40’E;海拔256m),2008-07-21,李枢强采。词源:新种种名源自越南科学院LEXuan-Canh博士的姓名;名词。  相似文献   

中国吻额蛛属一新种(蜘蛛目:皿蛛科:微蛛亚科)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文描述了作者1986年采自湖北省神农架林区的吻额蛛属Aprifrontalia一新种:膨大吻额蛛,新种Aprifrontalia afflata sp.nov.。目前,除本新种外,世界仅报道过1种:Aprifrontalia mascula,本新种雄蛛最显著的特征是:其额向前突呈吻状,触肢胫节前端甚膨大。外雌器形成一斜向下方的突起。模式标本保存于白求恩医科大学生物教研室。  相似文献   

记述中国园蛛科新园蛛属3新种:朱氏新园蛛Neoscona zhui sp.nov.,黄色新园蛛N.flavescenssp.nov.和崇左新园蛛N.chongzuoensis sp.nov.模式标本保存在河北大学博物馆。文中测量单位为mm。朱氏新园蛛,新种Neoscona zhuisp.nov.(图1~9)正模♀,福建武夷山自然保护区,2003年7月17日,张超采。副模1♂,福建武夷山自然保护区,2003年7月17日,张超采。新种与多褶新园蛛N.multiplicans(Chamberlin,1924)近似,区别为:1)新种雌蛛的外雌器基部窄,垂体较长;2)新种外雌器垂体的的侧隆起位于中部,而多褶新园蛛的侧隆起位于垂体的末端;3)新种触肢器的引导器有1骨质化的裂片,而多褶新园蛛无裂片;4)两者中突齿的位置不同;5)新种基节Ⅳ具1肉质的小瘤状突起,而多褶新园蛛无小突起。新种与类青新园蛛N.scylloides(B senberg & Strand,1906)近似,区别为:1)新种雌蛛外雌器的垂体短;2)新种中突相对较小;3)新种触肢器的顶突基部具1凹陷,而类青新园蛛无凹陷;4)两者胫节Ⅱ的刚毛数不同。词源:新种...  相似文献   

记述了中国湖南省节板蛛科Liphistiidae七纺蛛属Heptathela1新种:莽山七纺蛛Heptathela mangshan sp.nov.。新种与Heptathela sinensis Bishop and Crosby,1932相似,但有如下区别:前者的引导器仅1齿,而后者的引导器具2个大齿和1个小齿;两者的反盾片都有齿,但后者在基部有2个分离的齿,前者没有;两者的插入器形状不同。新种以模式产地而命名。模式标本保存于湖南师范大学生命科学学院。  相似文献   

我国南方巨蟹蛛属六新种(蜘蛛目:巨蟹蛛科)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文记述了湖南省、广西壮族自治区、云南省和江西省产的巨蟹蛛属蜘蛛六新种,并绘制有外雌器和触肢器结构图。模式标本保存在湖南省生物研究所。种名:铃形巨蟹蛛新种Hete-ropoda campanacea sp.nov.;鳞片巨蟹蛛,新种Heteropoda squamaceasp.nov.;庐山巨蟹蛛,新种Heteropoda lushanensissp.nov.;细刺巨蟹蛛,新种Heteropoda spiculatasp.nov.;城步巨蟹蛛,新种Heteropoda chengbuensis sp.nov.;锯齿巨蟹蛛,新种Heteropoda serratasp.nov.  相似文献   

记述产自贵州省荔波县茂兰自然保护区的类球蛛科小类球蛛属1新种,命名为宋氏小类球蛛Nesticella songi sp.nov..模式标本保存在贵州茂兰自然保护区管理局和河北大学生命科学学院.正模♂,副模1♂,2♀♀,贵州荔波县茂兰自然保护区水拔水洞,2001年7月7日,陈会明采.鉴别特征新种近似于台湾小类球蛛Nesticella taiwan Tso et Yoshida,2000,但其雄蛛触肢器的引导器基部中间突起呈三角形,副跗舟具5个分叉;雌蛛外雌器垂体呈舌状而不同于后者.  相似文献   

中国泰莱蛛属一新种记述(蜘蛛目:泰莱蛛科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
记述了采自贵州荔波县茂兰自然保护区的泰莱蛛属1新种:凉席泰莱蛛Telema liangxi sp.nov..新种与Telema dongbei Wang et Ran,1998近似,但螯肢齿堤无齿,雄蛛触肢器生殖球梨形,插入器长,雌蛛纳精囊末端膨大呈梨形,可与之区别.正模♂,贵州荔波县茂兰自然保护区凉席洞,1999年11月5日,陈会明采;副模2♀♀,同正模.模式标本保存在河北大学生命科学学院.  相似文献   

记叙我国隙蛛属一新种:微光隙蛛Coelotes nitidus sp. nov..微光隙蛛,新种Coelotes nitidus sp.nov. (图1~4)新种与双刃隙蛛Coelotes bicultratus Chen, Zhao and Wang, 1991 近似, 但外雌器外部和内部形态都有明显区别.新种模式标本采集地是位于湖北省恩施地区利川市城区南10 km处的腾龙洞.距洞口约2*!km处生存数百只蝙蝠,当地人称为蝙蝠厅.模式标本采自蝙蝠厅底部两侧的石缝中.因此处仅有微光,故命名为微光隙蛛.  相似文献   

A Mathematical Evaluation of the Core Conductor Model   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
This paper is a mathematical evaluation of the core conductor model where its three dimensionality is taken into account. The problem considered is that of a single, active, unmyelinated nerve fiber situated in an extensive, homogeneous, conducting medium. Expressions for the various core conductor parameters have been derived in a mathematically rigorous manner according to the principles of electromagnetic theory. The purpose of employing mathematical rigor in this study is to bring to light the inherent assumptions of the one dimensional core conductor model, providing a method of evaluating the accuracy of this linear model. Based on the use of synthetic squid axon data, the conclusion of this study is that the linear core conductor model is a good approximation for internal but not external parameters.  相似文献   

In this paper, we show that surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) can be sustained by a single row of holes periodically drilled on a perfect electric conductor surface. These SPPs can be strongly confined in the transverse plane and they possess an excellent modal shape. In the terahertz regime, large propagation length is available for highly confined SPPs on a real-metal surface waveguide. As the dispersion characteristics of such SPPs can be controlled by the surface geometry, unusual total reflection phenomenon occurs when waves travel along a nonuniform surface waveguide with gradually increasing hole depths.  相似文献   

Formulations of axisymmetric equilibrium problems are presented in orthogonal flux coordinates with boundary conditions that do not assume fixation of the boundary shape for both levitron-type traps with a plasma-embedded conductor and conductor-free configurations, including a tokamak. Illustrative examples of numerical solutions of these problems are presented. For traps with a conductor, it is demonstrated how the geometry of the equilibrium with an isodynamic magnetic surface can be found using flux coordinates.  相似文献   

A model is presented for the calculation of single myelinated fiber action potentials in an unbounded homogeneous medium and in nerve cuff electrodes. The model consists of a fiber model, used to calculate the action currents at the nodes of Ranvier, and a cylindrically symmetrical volume conductor model in which the fiber's nodes are represented as point current sources. The extracellular action potentials were shown to remain unchanged if the fiber diameter and the volume conductor geometry are scaled by the same factor (principle of corresponding states), both in an unbounded homogeneous medium and in an inhomogeneous volume conductor. The influence of several cuff electrode parameters, among others, cuff length and cuff diameter, were studied, and the results were compared, where possible, with theoretical and experimental results as reported in the literature.  相似文献   

A large amplitude surface plasma wave (SPW) propagating over a conductor–vaccum interface with Gaussian intensity profile transverse to the direction of propagation ( $ \widehat{z} $ ) and surface normal ( $ \widehat{x} $ ) is shown to undergo periodic self-focusing due to ponderomotive nonlinearity. The ponderomotive force on electrons arises due to the rapid decline in surface wave amplitude with the depth inside the conductor. In case of plasma, this leads to ambipolar diffusion of plasma, whereas in metals, only electron displacement occurs until the space charge balances the ponderomotive force on electrons. For a surface plasma wave, having Gaussian amplitude profile in y, the maximum electron density depression occurs on the axis (y?=?0) and the effect weakens as |y| increases. The axial portion of SPW thus travels with slower phase velocity than the nonaxial portion leading to self-focusing.  相似文献   

The extracellular potentials of a single myelinated nerve fiber in an unbounded volume conductor were studied. The spatial distribution of the transmembrane potential was obtained by integrating the system of partial differential equations characterizing the electric processes in the active myelinated nerve fiber. The spatial distribution of the extracellular potentials at various radial distances in the volume conductor were calculated using the line source model. Up to a certain radial distance (500 m) the discontinuity of the action potential propagation is reflected in the extracellular potentials, while further in the volume conductor the potentials are smooth. The effect of the fiber diameter and the internodal distance on the volume conductor potentials as well as the changes in the magnitude of the extracellular potential (in the time domain) between two adjacent nodes at various radial distances were studied. The radial decline of the peak-to-peak amplitude of the extracellular potential depends on the radial coordinater of the field point and increases with the increase ofr.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the accurate and rapid calculation of extracellular potentials and currents from an active myelinated nerve fiber in a volume conductor, under conditions of normal and abnormal conduction. The neuroelectric source for the problem is characterized mathematically by using a modified version of the distributed parameter model of L. Goldman and J. S. Albus (1968, Biophys. J., 8:596-607) for the myelinated nerve fiber. Solution of the partial differential equation associated with the model provides a waveform for the spatial distribution of the transmembrane potential V(z). This model-generated waveform is then used as input to a second model that is based on the principles of electromagnetic field theory, and allows one to calculate easily the spatial distribution for the potential everywhere in the surrounding volume conductor for the nerve fiber. In addition, the field theoretic model may be used to calculate the total longitudinal current in the extracellular medium (I0L(z)) and the transmembrane current per unit length (im(z)); both of these quantities are defined in connection with the well-known core conductor model and associated cable equations in electrophysiology. These potential and current quantities may also be calculated as functions of time and as such, are useful in interpreting measured I0L(t) and im(t) data waveforms. An analysis of the accuracy of conventionally used measurement techniques to determine I0L(t) and im(t) is performed, particularly with regard to the effect of electrode separation distance and size of the volume conductor on these measurements. Also, a simulation of paranodal demyelination at a single node of Ranvier is made and its effects on potential and current waveforms as well as on the conduction process are determined. In particular, our field theoretic model is used to predict the temporal waveshape of the field potentials from the active, non-uniformly conducting nerve fiber in a finite volume conductor.  相似文献   

In this pilot study the authors present the group members' assessment of their conductor in group analysis--the treatment conducted in accordance with concept >group-as-a-whole< of S. H. Foulkes. There will be presented the results obtained by scale for evaluation of characteristics of the group therapist. In the scale, developed by the authors of the study, there were 30 items and by factorial analysis it gave three interpretable factors: authenticity, empathy and distrust. By self-evaluation the members of three small groups, i.e. 20 patients, ranked characteristics of their conductor. The patients, assessing the degree of their accordance with 30 items of the evaluation scale, expressed whether and how much they experienced their conductor as an authentic, empathic and trustworthy person. While in the beginning of the group analytic process the conductor's role was important, his importance decreased as the group-as-a-whole developed. Group experience became more important than the conductor. In other words, the group itself became the therapist, what is one more the proof of the Foulkes' concept of >the group-as-a-whole<.  相似文献   

Indium‐tin‐oxide (ITO) free polymer solar cells prepared by ink jet printing a composite front electrode comprising silver grid lines and a semitransparent PEDOT:PSS conductor are demonstrated. The effect of grid line density is explored for a large series of devices and a careful modeling study enabling the identification of the most rational grid structure is presented. Both optical and light beam induced current (LBIC) mapping of the devices are used to support the power loss model and to follow the evolution of the performance over time. Current generation is found to be evenly distributed over the active area initially progressing to a larger graduation in areas with different performance. Over time coating defects also become much more apparent in the LBIC images.  相似文献   

Electrical Transmission at the Nexus between Smooth Muscle Cells   总被引:23,自引:4,他引:19  
The hypothesis that nexuses between cells are responsible for the core conductor properties of tissues was tested using smooth muscle preparations from the taenia coli of guinea pigs. Action potentials recorded from small diameter preparations across a sucrose gap change from monophasic to diphasic when a shunt resistor is connected across the gap. This indicates that transmission between smooth muscle cells is electrical, because the resistor only allows current to flow. Nexal fusion of cell membranes occurs especially where one cell sends a large bulbous projection into a neighbor. Hypertonic solutions rupture the nexuses between smooth muscle cells. Hypertonicity also increases the resistance of a bundle across the sucrose gap and blocks propagation of action potentials. Thus the structural and functional changes in smooth muscle due to hypertonicity correlate with the hypothesis.  相似文献   

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