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This article reviews the issues and controversies relevant to the treatment of advanced prostate cancer with androgen deprivation therapy. Initially, diethylstilbestrol was used for achieving androgen deprivation, but was replaced by luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LHRH). Adverse events associated with LHRH agonists include the flare phenomenon, hot flashes, loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, depression, muscle wasting, anemia, and osteoporosis. Intermittent therapy has been advocated to reduce morbidity of treatment. The addition of an antiandrogen provides maximum androgen blockade. There remains controversy regarding the timing of the addition of an antiandrogen. Secondary hormonal therapies include antiandrogens, adrenal androgen inhibitors, and estrogens.  相似文献   

Among the issues discussed at this year's meeting on prostate cancer in Vail, Colorado, were several that specifically relate to the patient with advanced disease. Dr. E. David Crawford addressed the issue of the timing of hormone therapy, specifically reviewing several important trials that give a glimpse at the potential outcome of aggressive treatment in stage D1.5. The efficacy of antiandrogens, flutamide, bicalutamide, and nilutamide, when combined with chemical or surgical castration, was reviewed. Dr. Arturo Mendoza-Valdes reviewed the rationale behind intermittent (versus continuous) total androgen blockade, especially as related to quality of life. Dr. Paul Miller gave an update on the role of bisphosphonates as adjuvant therapy for prostate cancer. Also discussed was an important new agent for androgen deprivation, Abarelix, a sustained-release GnRH antagonist with low histamine-releasing potential which avoids testosterone and other hormone surge and flare.  相似文献   

Summary Laboratory studies have suggested therapeutic synergy between alpha-interferons and various cytotoxic agents. The present study set out to monitor the toxicity of giving a standard cytotoxic drug regimen with a well evaluated, low-dose, schedule of lymphoblastoid interferon. The combined treatment resulted in significantly greater leucopenia than was seen with cytotoxics alone and two patients developed severe infections. Although total numbers were small there was no evidence of increased therapeutic response in the combined treatment group. We would therefore suggest caution in future studies combining cytotoxic drugs and interferons as dose reductions of one or other modality is probably necessary.  相似文献   

Rates of growth and protein turnover in the breast muscle of young chicks were measured in order to assess the roles of protein synthesis and degradation in the regulation of muscle mass. Rates of protein synthesis were measured in vivo by injecting a massive dose of L-[1-14C]valine, and rates of protein degradation were estimated as the difference between the synthesis rate and the growth rate of muscle protein. In chicks fed on a control diet for up to 7 weeks of age, the fractional rate of synthesis decreased from 1 to 2 weeks of age and then changed insignificantly from 2 to 7 weeks of age, whereas DNA activity was constant for 1 to 7 weeks. When 4-week-old chicks were fed on a protein-free diet for 17 days, the total amount of breast-muscle protein synthesized and degraded per day and the amount of protein synthesized per unit of DNA decreased. Protein was lost owing to a greater decrease in the rate of protein synthesis, as a result of the loss of RNA and a lowered RNA activity. When depleted chicks were re-fed the control diet, rapid growth was achieved by a doubling of the fractional synthesis rate by 2 days. Initially, this was a result of increased RNA activity; by 5 days, the RNA/DNA ratio also increased. There was no evidence of a decrease in the fractional degradation rate during re-feeding. These results indicate that dietary-protein depletion and repletion cause changes in breast-muscle protein mass primarily through changes in the rate of protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Serum levels of adiponectin were measured in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia and prostate cancer of pT2 and pT3 stage. Adiponectin ELISA assay, immunohistochemistry, and selected metabolic and biochemical parameters measurement was performed in 25 patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia and 43 with prostate cancer (17 patients with organ-confined and 26 patients with locally advanced disease). Serum adiponectin levels did not differ between prostate benign hyperplasia and cancer clinical stage T2, but was significantly higher in pT3 relative to pT2 group (14.51+/-4.92 vs. 21.41+/-8.12, P = 0.003). Tissue immunohistochemistry showed enhanced staining in neoplastic prostate glands and intraepithelial neoplasia relative to benign prostatic hyperplasia without distinction between disease grade and stage. Serum adiponectin levels are higher in locally advanced relative to organ-confined prostate cancer and may thus serve as an auxiliary marker providing further improvement for discrimination between pT2 and pT3 stages.  相似文献   

The importance of androgens and androgen receptors (AR) in primary prostate cancer is well established. Metastatic disease is usually treated with some form of androgen ablation, which is effective for a limited amount of time. The role of AR in prostate cancers that recur despite androgen ablation therapy is less certain. Most of these tumors express prostate specific antigen (PSA), an androgen-regulated gene; moreover, AR is generally highly expressed in recurrent prostate cancer. We propose that AR continues to play a role in many of these tumors and that it is not only the levels of AR, ligands, and co-regulators, but also the changes in cell signaling that induce AR action in recurrent prostate cancer. These pathways are, therefore, potential therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

A series of 17 symmetrical substituted imidothiocarbamate and imidoselenocarbamate derivatives has been synthesized by reacting appropriately substituted acyl chlorides with alkyl imidothiocarbamates and alkyl imidoselenocarbamates. The antitumoral activities of the compounds were evaluated in vitro by examining their cytotoxic effects against human prostate cancer cells (PC-3). Five compounds showed interesting activity levels and 3p (IC50 = 1.85 μM) was 7.3 times more active than the standard etoposide used in the treatment of prostate cancer and emerges as the most interesting compound.  相似文献   

Androgen, acting via the androgen receptor (AR), is central to male development, differentiation and hormone-dependent diseases such as prostate cancer. AR is actively involved in the initiation of prostate cancer, the transition to androgen independence, and many mechanisms of resistance to therapy. To examine genetic variation of AR in cancer, we created mice by germ-line gene targeting in which human AR sequence replaces that of the mouse. Since shorter length of a polymorphic N-terminal glutamine (Q) tract has been linked to prostate cancer risk, we introduced alleles with 12, 21 or 48 Qs to test this association. The three “humanized” AR mouse strains (h/mAR) are normal physiologically, as well as by cellular and molecular criteria, although slight differences are detected in AR target gene expression, correlating inversely with Q tract length. However, distinct allele-dependent differences in tumorigenesis are evident when these mice are crossed to a transgenic prostate cancer model. Remarkably, Q tract variation also differentially impacts disease progression following androgen depletion. This finding emphasizes the importance of AR function in androgen-independent as well as androgen-dependent disease. These mice provide a novel genetic paradigm in which to dissect opposing functions of AR in tumor suppression versus oncogenesis.  相似文献   

Although approved for the treatment of pancreatic cancer, the chemotherapeutic agent ifosfamide is not an effective therapy for this type of tumour. Ifosfamide must be activated by cytochrome P450 (P450) enzymes in the liver, initially to a short lived intermediate and then to toxic metabolites that are subsequently distributed by the circulatory system. Particularly for pancreatic cancer, this liver-mediated conversion results in relatively high systemic toxicities and poor therapeutic concentrations at the liver-distant site of the tumour. Activation of ifosfamide at the site of the tumour may allow lower doses to be used, while increasing the therapeutic index due to the resultant active concentrations generated locally. A cell-based therapy has been conceived where encapsulated, 293-derived cells genetically modified to overexpress a cytochrome P450 enzyme, are implanted near solid tumours. The cells are encapsulated in polymers of cellulose sulphate in order to provide a means of immunoprotection in vivo as well as to physically constrain them to the vicinity of the tumour. A major advantage of this strategy is that it allows one standard cell line to be applied to all patients and this approach can be extended to the treatment of other tumour types. After proof of principle studies in animal models, a phase I/II clinical trial was initiated in patients with stage III/IV nonresectable pancreatic cancer. Encapsulated cells were angiographically placed into the tumour vasculature of 14 patients and followed by systemic low dose ifosfamide treatment. Angiographic delivery of encapsulated cells proved feasible in all but one patient, and was well tolerated with no capsule or ifosfamide treatment-related adverse events. Four of the treated patients showed tumour regressions after capsule delivery and ifosfamide treatment in computer-tomography scans. The other 10 patients showed no further tumour growth (i.e. stable disease) during 20 weeks observation period. The median life expectancy of the patient collective was extended two fold as compared to age and status matched historical controls, with a 3-fold improvement in one year survival being attained. Evidence for a clinical benefit of the treatment was also obtained on the basis of standard parameters for quality of life. This approach has been evaluated by the European Medicines Evaluation Agency (EMEA) and orphan drug status has been granted. A pivotal clinical trial is now being planned with the help of the EMEA. Taken together, the data from this clinical trial suggest that encapsulated cytochrome P450-expressing cells combined with chemotherapy may be useful for the local treatment of a number of solid tumours and support the performance of further clinical studies of this new treatment.  相似文献   

Androgen-ablation therapy is an effective method for treating prostate cancer. However, prostate tumors that survive long-term androgen-ablation therapy are classified as androgen-independent as they proliferate in the absence of androgens, and they tend to be enriched for neuroendocrine (NE) cells. Androgen withdrawal causes androgen-dependent prostate cancer cells to adopt a pronounced NE phenotype, suggesting that androgen receptor (AR) represses an intrinsic NE transdifferentiation process in prostate cancer cells. In this report we show that short interfering RNA-induced AR silencing induced a NE phenotype that manifested itself in the growth of dendritic-like processes in both the androgen-dependent LNCaP and androgen-independent LNCaP-AI human prostate cancer cells. Western blot analysis revealed that neuronal-specific enolase, a marker of the neuronal lineage, was increased by AR knockdown in LNCaP cells. The expression levels of the neuronal-specific cytoskeletal proteins beta-tubulin III, nestin, and glial acidic fibrillary protein were also characterized in AR knockdown cells. Most interestingly, AR silencing induced beta-tubulin III expression in LNCaP cells, while AR knockdown increased glial acidic fibrillary protein levels in both LNCaP and LNCaP-AI cells. Lastly, AR silencing reduced the proliferative capacity of LNCaP and LNCaP-AI cells. Our data demonstrate that AR actively represses an intrinsic NE transdifferentiation process in androgen-responsive prostate cancer cells and suggest a potential link between AR inactivation and the increased frequency of NE cells in androgen-independent tumors.  相似文献   

Despite earlier detection and recent advances in surgery and radiation, prostate cancer is second only to lung cancer in male cancer deaths in the United States. Hormone therapy in the form of medical or surgical castration remains the mainstay of systemic treatment in prostate cancer. Over the last 15 years with the clinical use of prostate specific antigen (PSA), there has been a shift to using hormone therapy earlier in the disease course and for longer duration. Despite initial favorable response to hormone therapy, over a period of time these tumors will develop androgen‐independence that results in death. The androgen receptor (AR) is central to the initiation and growth of prostate cancer and to its response to hormone therapy. Analyses have shown that AR continues to be expressed in androgen‐independent tumors and AR signaling remains intact as demonstrated by the expression of the AR regulated gene, PSA. Androgen‐independent prostate cancers have demonstrated a variety of AR alterations that are either not found in hormone naïve tumors or found at lower frequency. These changes include AR amplification, AR point mutation, and changes in expression of AR co‐regulatory proteins. These AR changes result in a “super AR” that can respond to lower concentrations of androgens or to a wider variety of agonistic ligands. There is also mounting evidence that AR can be activated in a ligand independent fashion by compounds such as growth factors or cytokines working independently or in combination. These growth factors working through receptor tyrosine kinase pathways may promote AR activation and growth in low androgen environments. The clinical significance of these AR alterations in the development and progression of androgen‐independent prostate cancer remains to be determined. Understanding the changes in AR signaling in the evolution of androgen‐independent prostate cancer will be key to the development of more effective hormone therapy. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Although chemotherapy is an important treatment for advanced prostate cancer, its efficacy is relatively limited. Ultrasound-induced cavitation plays an important role in drug delivery and gene transfection. However, whether cavitation can improve the efficacy of chemotherapy for prostate cancer remains unclear. In this study, we treated RM-1 mouse prostate carcinoma cells with a combination of ultrasound-mediated microbubble cavitation and paclitaxel. Our results showed that combination therapy led to a more pronounced inhibition of cell viability and increased cell apoptosis. The enhanced efficacy of chemotherapy was attributed to the increased cell permeability induced by cavitation. Importantly, compared with chemotherapy alone (nab-paclitaxel), chemotherapy combined with ultrasound-mediated microbubble cavitation significantly inhibited tumor growth and prolonged the survival of tumor-bearing mice in an orthotopic mouse model of RM-1 prostate carcinoma, indicating the synergistic effects of combined therapy on tumor reduction. Furthermore, we analyzed tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes and found that during chemotherapy, the proportions of CTLA4+ cells and PD-1+/CTLA4+ cells in CD8+ T cells slightly increased after cavitation treatment.  相似文献   

The alterations of the microsomal aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase system in mice during riboflavin depletion and repletion have been examined. During the development of riboflavin deficiency, there was a decrease in the activity of the flavoprotein NADPH-cytochrome c reductase accompanied by an increase in cytochrome P-450 concentration. The aryl hydroxylase activities of the deficient animals were only slightly lower than the controls when isolated microsomes were used for the assay and the extent of decrease was more pronounced when liver homogenates were used for the assay. Upon repletion of flavin to the deficient mice, there were sharp rises in both the NADPH-cytochrome c reductase and aryl hydroxylase activities and a moderate decrease in cytochrome P-450 concentration in the first 2 days. The aryl hydroxylase activity of the microsomes of deficient mice can be elevated by preincubating with FAD or FMN, suggesting that the flavin coenzyme and hence the holo-reductase is rate limiting for the overall hydroxylation. During the recovery from riboflavin deficiency, the aryl hydroxylase can be induced by 3-methylcholanthrene to a greater extent than with the controls. The implications of these observations are discussed.  相似文献   

Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed non-skin cancer and the third leading cause of cancer mortality in men. In the initial stages, prostate cancer is dependent on androgens for growth, which is the basis for androgen ablation therapy. However, in most cases, prostate cancer progresses to a hormone refractory phenotype for which there is no effective therapy available at present. The androgen receptor (AR) is required for prostate cancer growth in all stages, including the relapsed, "androgen-independent" tumors in the presence of very low levels of androgens. This review focuses on AR function and AR-target genes and summarizes the major signaling pathways implicated in prostate cancer progression, their crosstalk with each other and with AR signaling. This complex network of interactions is providing a deeper insight into prostate carcinogenesis and may form the basis for novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Neuroendocrine (NE) cells may play a role in prostate cancer progression. Both androgen deprivation and cAMP are well known inducers of NE differentiation (NED) in the prostate. Gene-expression profiling of LNCaP cells, incubated in androgen stripped medium, showed that the Cbeta isoform of PKA is up-regulated during NE differentiation. Furthermore, by using semi-quantitative RT-PCR and immunoblotting analysis, we observed that the Cbeta splice variants are differentially regulated during this process. Whereas the Cbeta2 splice variant is down-regulated in growth arrested LNCaP cells, the Cbeta1, Cbeta3 and Cbeta4 variants, as well as the RIIbeta subunit of PKA, are induced in NE-like LNCaP cells. The opposite effect of Cbeta expression could be mimicked by androgen stimulation, implying the Cbeta gene of PKA as a putative new target gene for the androgen receptor in prostate cancer. Moreover, to investigate expression of PKA subunits during prostate cancer progression, we did immunoblotting of several prostatic cell lines and normal and tumor tissue from prostate cancer patients. Interestingly, multiple Cbeta subunits were also observed in human prostate specimens, and the Cbeta2 variant was up-regulated in tumor cells. In conclusion, it seems that the Cbeta isoforms play different roles in proliferation and differentiation and could therefore be potential markers for prostate cancer progression.  相似文献   

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