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Autophagy is an intracellular trafficking pathway sequestering cytoplasm and delivering excess and damaged cargo to the vacuole for degradation. The Atg1/ULK1 kinase is an essential component of the core autophagy machinery possibly activated by binding to Atg13 upon starvation. Indeed, we found that Atg13 directly binds Atg1, and specific Atg13 mutations abolishing this interaction interfere with Atg1 function in vivo. Surprisingly, Atg13 binding to Atg1 is constitutive and not altered by nutrient conditions or treatment with the Target of rapamycin complex 1 (TORC1)-inhibitor rapamycin. We identify Atg8 as a novel regulator of Atg1/ULK1, which directly binds Atg1/ULK1 in a LC3-interaction region (LIR)-dependent manner. Molecular analysis revealed that Atg13 and Atg8 cooperate at different steps to regulate Atg1 function. Atg8 targets Atg1/ULK1 to autophagosomes, where it may promote autophagosome maturation and/or fusion with vacuoles/lysosomes. Moreover, Atg8 binding triggers vacuolar degradation of the Atg1-Atg13 complex in yeast, thereby coupling Atg1 activity to autophagic flux. Together, these findings define a conserved step in autophagy regulation in yeast and mammals and expand the known functions of LIR-dependent Atg8 targets to include spatial regulation of the Atg1/ULK1 kinase.  相似文献   

The conserved Ser/Thr kinase target of rapamycin (TOR) serves as a central regulator in controlling cell growth-related functions. There exist two distinct TOR complexes, TORC1 and TORC2, each coupling to specific downstream effectors and signaling pathways. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, TORC2 is involved in regulating actin organization and maintaining cell wall integrity. Ypk2 (yeast protein kinase 2), a member of the cAMP-dependent, cGMP-dependent, and PKC (AGC) kinase family, is a TORC2 substrate known to participate in actin and cell wall regulation. Employing avo3(ts) mutants with defects in TORC2 functions that are suppressible by active Ypk2, we investigated the molecular interactions involved in mediating TORC2 signaling to Ypk2. GST pulldown assays in yeast lysates demonstrated physical interactions between Ypk2 and components of TORC2. In vitro binding assays revealed that Avo1 directly binds to Ypk2. In avo3(ts) mutants, the TORC2-Ypk2 interaction was reduced and could be restored by AVO1 overexpression, highlighting the important role of Avo1 in coupling TORC2 to Ypk2. The interaction was mapped to an internal region (amino acids 600-840) of Avo1 and a C-terminal region of Ypk2. Ypk2(334-677), a truncated form of Ypk2 containing the Avo1-interacting region, was able to interfere with Avo1-Ypk2 interaction in vitro. Overexpressing Ypk2(334-677) in yeast cells resulted in a perturbation of TORC2 functions, causing defective cell wall integrity, aberrant actin organization, and diminished TORC2-dependent Ypk2 phosphorylation evidenced by the loss of an electrophoretic mobility shift. Together, our data support the conclusion that the direct Avo1-Ypk2 interaction is crucial for TORC2 signaling to the downstream Ypk2 pathway.  相似文献   

In autophagy, a cup-shaped membrane called the isolation membrane is formed, expanded, and sealed to complete a double membrane-bound vesicle called the autophagosome that encapsulates cellular constituents to be transported to and degraded in the lysosome/vacuole. The formation of the autophagosome requires autophagy-related (Atg) proteins. Atg8 is a ubiquitin-like protein that localizes to the isolation membrane; a subpopulation of this protein remains inside the autophagosome and is transported to the lysosome/vacuole. In the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Atg1 is a serine/threonine kinase that functions in the initial step of autophagosome formation and is also efficiently transported to the vacuole via autophagy. Here, we explore the mechanism and significance of this autophagic transport of Atg1. In selective types of autophagy, receptor proteins recognize degradation targets and also interact with Atg8, via the Atg8 family interacting motif (AIM), to link the targets to the isolation membrane. We find that Atg1 contains an AIM and directly interacts with Atg8. Mutations in the AIM disrupt this interaction and abolish vacuolar transport of Atg1. These results suggest that Atg1 associates with the isolation membrane by binding to Atg8, resulting in its incorporation into the autophagosome. We also show that mutations in the Atg1 AIM cause a significant defect in autophagy, without affecting the functions of Atg1 implicated in triggering autophagosome formation. We propose that in addition to its essential function in the initial stage, Atg1 also associates with the isolation membrane to promote its maturation into the autophagosome.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C-related protein kinases (PRKs) are effectors of the Rho family of small GTPases and play a role in the development of diseases such as prostate cancer and hepatitis C. Here we examined the mechanism underlying the regulation of PRK2 by its N-terminal region. We show that the N-terminal region of PRK2 prevents the interaction with its upstream kinase, the 3-phosphoinositide-dependent kinase 1 (PDK1), which phosphorylates the activation loop of PRK2. We confirm that the N-terminal region directly inhibits the kinase activity of PRK2. However, in contrast to previous models, our data indicate that this inhibition is mediated in trans through an intermolecular PRK2-PRK2 interaction. Our results also suggest that amino acids 487-501, located in the linker region between the N-terminal domains and the catalytic domain, contribute to the PRK2-PRK2 dimer formation. This dimerization is further supported by other N-terminal domains. Additionally, we provide evidence that the region C-terminal to the catalytic domain intramolecularly activates PRK2. Finally, we discovered that the catalytic domain mediates a cross-talk between the inhibitory N-terminal region and the activating C-terminal region. The results presented here describe a novel mechanism of regulation among AGC kinases and offer new insights into potential approaches to pharmacologically regulate PRK2.  相似文献   

The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) Ser/Thr kinase signals in at least two multiprotein complexes distinguished by their different partners and sensitivities to rapamycin. Acute rapamycin inhibits signaling by mTOR complex 1 (mTORC1) but not mTOR complex 2 (mTORC2), which both promote cell growth, proliferation, and survival. Although mTORC2 regulation remains poorly defined, diverse cellular mitogens activate mTORC1 signaling in a manner that requires sufficient levels of amino acids and cellular energy. Before the identification of distinct mTOR complexes, mTOR was reported to autophosphorylate on Ser-2481 in vivo in a rapamycin- and amino acid-insensitive manner. These results suggested that modulation of mTOR intrinsic catalytic activity does not universally underlie mTOR regulation. Here we re-examine the regulation of mTOR Ser-2481 autophosphorylation (Ser(P)-2481) in vivo by studying mTORC-specific Ser(P)-2481 in mTORC1 and mTORC2, with a primary focus on mTORC1. In contrast to previous work, we find that acute rapamycin and amino acid withdrawal markedly attenuate mTORC1-associated mTOR Ser(P)-2481 in cycling cells. Although insulin stimulates both mTORC1- and mTORC2-associated mTOR Ser(P)-2481 in a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent manner, rapamycin acutely inhibits insulin-stimulated mTOR Ser(P)-2481 in mTORC1 but not mTORC2. By interrogating diverse mTORC1 regulatory input, we find that without exception mTORC1-activating signals promote, whereas mTORC1-inhibitory signals decrease mTORC1-associated mTOR Ser(P)-2481. These data suggest that mTORC1- and likely mTORC2-associated mTOR Ser-2481 autophosphorylation directly monitors intrinsic mTORC-specific catalytic activity and reveal that rapamycin inhibits mTORC1 signaling in vivo by reducing mTORC1 catalytic activity.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a conserved catabolic process that utilizes a defined series of membrane trafficking events to generate a de novo double-membrane vesicle termed the autophagosome, which matures by fusing to the lysosome. Subsequently, the lysosome facilitates the degradation and recycling of the cytoplasmic cargo. In yeast, the upstream signals that regulate the induction of starvation-induced autophagy are clearly defined. The nutrient-sensing kinase Tor inhibits the activation of autophagy by regulating the formation of the Atg1-Atg13-Atg17 complex, through hyperphosphorylation of Atg13. However, in mammals, the ortholog complex ULK1-ATG13-FIP200 is constitutively formed. As such, the molecular mechanism by which mTOR regulates mammalian autophagy is unknown. Here we report the identification and characterization of novel nutrient-regulated phosphorylation sites on ATG13: Ser-224 and Ser-258. mTOR directly phosphorylates ATG13 on Ser-258 while Ser-224 is modulated by the AMPK pathway. In ATG13 knock-out cells reconstituted with an unphosphorylatable mutant of ATG13, ULK1 kinase activity is more potent, and amino acid starvation induced more rapid ATG13 and ULK1 translocation. These events culminated in a more rapid starvation-induced autophagy response. Therefore, ATG13 phosphorylation plays a crucial role in autophagy regulation.  相似文献   

Phagophore-derived autophagosomes deliver cytoplasmic material to lysosomes for degradation and reuse. Autophagy mediated by the incompletely characterized actions of Atg proteins is involved in numerous physiological and pathological settings including stress resistance, immunity, aging, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases. Here we characterized Atg17/FIP200, the Drosophila ortholog of mammalian RB1CC1/FIP200, a proposed functional equivalent of yeast Atg17. Atg17 disruption inhibits basal, starvation-induced and developmental autophagy, and interferes with the programmed elimination of larval salivary glands and midgut during metamorphosis. Upon starvation, Atg17-positive structures appear at aggregates of the selective cargo Ref(2)P/p62 near lysosomes. This location may be similar to the perivacuolar PAS (phagophore assembly site) described in yeast. Drosophila Atg17 is a member of the Atg1 kinase complex as in mammals, and we showed that it binds to the other subunits including Atg1, Atg13, and Atg101 (C12orf44 in humans, 9430023L20Rik in mice and RGD1359310 in rats). Atg17 is required for the kinase activity of endogenous Atg1 in vivo, as loss of Atg17 prevents the Atg1-dependent shift of endogenous Atg13 to hyperphosphorylated forms, and also blocks punctate Atg1 localization during starvation. Finally, we found that Atg1 overexpression induces autophagy and reduces cell size in Atg17-null mutant fat body cells, and that overexpression of Atg17 promotes endogenous Atg13 phosphorylation and enhances autophagy in an Atg1-dependent manner in the fat body. We propose a model according to which the relative activity of Atg1, estimated by the ratio of hyper- to hypophosphorylated Atg13, contributes to setting low (basal) vs. high (starvation-induced) autophagy levels in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Although the human ULK complex mediates phagophore initiation similar to the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Atg1 complex, this complex contains ATG101 but not Atg29 and Atg31. Here, we analyzed the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe Atg1 complex, which has a subunit composition that resembles the human ULK complex. Our pairwise coprecipitation experiments showed that while the interactions between Atg1, Atg13, and Atg17 are conserved, Atg101 does not bind Atg17. Instead, Atg101 interacts with the HORMA domain of Atg13 and this enhances the stability of both proteins. We also found that S. pombe Atg17, the putative scaffold subunit, adopts a rod-shaped structure with no discernible curvature. Interestingly, S. pombe Atg17 binds S. cerevisiae Atg13, Atg29, and Atg31 in vitro, but it cannot complement the function of S. cerevisiae Atg17 in vivo. Furthermore, S. pombe Atg101 cannot substitute for the function of S. cerevisiae Atg29 and Atg31 in vivo. Collectively, our work generates new insights into the subunit organization and structural properties of an Atg101-containing Atg1/ULK complex.  相似文献   

In higher eukaryotes, growth factors promote anabolic processes and stimulate cell growth, proliferation, and survival by activation of the phosphoinositide 3-kinase (PI3K)/Akt pathway. Deregulation of PI3K/Akt signaling is linked to human diseases, including cancer and metabolic disorders. The PI3K-dependent signaling kinase complex mTORC2 (mammalian target of rapamycin complex 2) has been defined as the regulatory Ser-473 kinase of Akt. The regulation of mTORC2 remains very poorly characterized. We have reconstituted mTORC2 by its assembly in vitro or by co-expression its four essential components (rictor, SIN1, mTOR, mLST8). We show that the functional mTOR kinase domain is required for the mTORC2 activity as the Ser-473 kinase of Akt. We also found that mTOR by phosphorylation of SIN1 prevents its lysosomal degradation. Thus, the kinase domain of mTOR is required for the functional activity of mTORC2, and it controls integrity of mTORC2 by maintaining the protein stability of SIN1.  相似文献   

Murine protein serine-threonine kinase 38 (MPK38) is a member of the AMP-activated protein kinase-related serine/threonine kinase family, which acts as cellular energy sensors. In this study, MPK38-induced PDK1 phosphorylation was examined to elucidate the biochemical mechanisms underlying phosphorylation-dependent regulation of 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1 (PDK1) activity. The results showed that MPK38 interacted with and inhibited PDK1 activity via Thr(354) phosphorylation. MPK38-PDK1 complex formation was mediated by the amino-terminal catalytic kinase domain of MPK38 and the pleckstrin homology domain of PDK1. This activity was dependent on insulin, a PI3K/PDK1 stimulator, as well as various apoptotic stimuli, including TNF-α, H(2)O(2), thapsigargin, and ionomycin. MPK38 inhibited PDK1 activity in a kinase-dependent manner and alleviated PDK1-mediated suppression of TGF-β (or ASK1) signaling, probably via the phosphorylation of PDK1 at Thr(354). In addition, MPK38-mediated inhibition of PDK1 activity was accompanied by the modulation of PDK1 binding to its positive and negative regulators, serine/threonine kinase receptor-associated protein and 14-3-3, respectively. Together, these findings suggest an important role for MPK38-mediated phosphorylation of PDK1 in the negative regulation of PDK1 activity.  相似文献   

Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a member of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-related kinase (PIKK) family and is a major regulator of translation, cell growth, and autophagy. mTOR exists in two distinct complexes, mTORC1 and mTORC2, that differ in their subunit composition. In this study, we identified KIAA0406 as a novel mTOR-interacting protein. Because it has sequence homology with Schizosaccharomyces pombe Tti1, we named it mammalian Tti1. Tti1 constitutively interacts with mTOR in both mTORC1 and mTORC2. Knockdown of Tti1 suppresses phosphorylation of both mTORC1 substrates (S6K1 and 4E-BP1) and an mTORC2 substrate (Akt) and also induces autophagy. S. pombe Tti1 binds to Tel2, a protein whose mammalian homolog was recently reported to regulate the stability of PIKKs. We confirmed that Tti1 binds to Tel2 also in mammalian cells, and Tti1 interacts with and stabilizes all six members of the PIKK family of proteins (mTOR, ATM, ATR, DNA-PKcs, SMG-1, and TRRAP). Furthermore, using immunoprecipitation and size-exclusion chromatography analyses, we found that knockdown of either Tti1 or Tel2 causes disassembly of mTORC1 and mTORC2. These results indicate that Tti1 and Tel2 are important not only for mTOR stability but also for assembly of the mTOR complexes to maintain their activities.  相似文献   

By transporting serotonin (5-HT) into neurons and other cells, serotonin transporter (SERT) modulates the action of 5-HT at cell surface receptors. SERT itself is modulated by several processes, including the cGMP signaling pathway. Activation of SERT by cGMP requires the cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG). Here we show that in HeLa cells lacking endogenous PKG, expression of PKGIα or PKGIβ was required for 8-bromoguanosine-3',5'-cyclic monophosphate (8-Br-cGMP) to stimulate SERT phosphorylation and 5-HT influx. Catalytically inactive PKG mutants and wild-type PKGII did not support this stimulation. However, a mutant PKGII (G2A) that was not myristoylated substituted for functional PKGI, suggesting that myristoylation and subsequent membrane association blocked productive interaction with SERT. PKG also influenced SERT expression and localization. PKGI isoforms increased total and cell surface SERT levels, and PKGII decreased cell surface SERT without altering total expression. Remarkably, these changes did not require 8-Br-cGMP or functional kinase activity and were also observed with a SERT mutant resistant to activation by PKG. Both PKGIα and PKGIβ formed detergent-stable complexes with SERT, and this association did not require catalytic activity. The nonmyristoylated PKGII G2A mutant stimulated SERT expression similar to PKGI isoforms. These results suggest multiple mechanisms by which PKG can modulate SERT and demonstrate that the functional difference between PKG isoforms results from myristoylation of PKGII.  相似文献   

A new technology from Quanterix called SiMoA (single molecule array) which employs a fully automated system capable of ultrasensitive sandwich based ELISA detection was explored. Our studies focused upon the inhibition of the autophagy initiating kinase ULK1 by measuring the both total Atg13 and the phosphorylation of Atg13(pSer318) from control and following compound treatment in either overexpressing or wild type tissue culture samples. The results show linear protein concentration dependence over two orders of magnitude and provide an assay window of 8- to 100-fold signal to background for inhibition of phosphorylation for both wild type and overexpressed samples, respectively. Moreover, overexpressed samples displayed 17-fold pSer318-Atg13 above wild type levels of with no apparent differences in compound potency. Lastly, the inhibition of ULK1 from mouse derived wild type xenografts also demonstrated loss of pSer318-Atg13 upon ULK1 inhibitor treatment that compared favorably to Western blot. These results show that the SiMoA technology can detect quantitatively low levels of endogenous biomarkers with the ability to detect the loss of pSer318-Atg13 upon ULK1 inhibition.  相似文献   

Phagophore-derived autophagosomes deliver cytoplasmic material to lysosomes for degradation and reuse. Autophagy mediated by the incompletely characterized actions of Atg proteins is involved in numerous physiological and pathological settings including stress resistance, immunity, aging, cancer, and neurodegenerative diseases. Here we characterized Atg17/FIP200, the Drosophila ortholog of mammalian RB1CC1/FIP200, a proposed functional equivalent of yeast Atg17. Atg17 disruption inhibits basal, starvation-induced and developmental autophagy, and interferes with the programmed elimination of larval salivary glands and midgut during metamorphosis. Upon starvation, Atg17-positive structures appear at aggregates of the selective cargo Ref(2)P/p62 near lysosomes. This location may be similar to the perivacuolar PAS (phagophore assembly site) described in yeast. Drosophila Atg17 is a member of the Atg1 kinase complex as in mammals, and we showed that it binds to the other subunits including Atg1, Atg13, and Atg101 (C12orf44 in humans, 9430023L20Rik in mice and RGD1359310 in rats). Atg17 is required for the kinase activity of endogenous Atg1 in vivo, as loss of Atg17 prevents the Atg1-dependent shift of endogenous Atg13 to hyperphosphorylated forms, and also blocks punctate Atg1 localization during starvation. Finally, we found that Atg1 overexpression induces autophagy and reduces cell size in Atg17-null mutant fat body cells, and that overexpression of Atg17 promotes endogenous Atg13 phosphorylation and enhances autophagy in an Atg1-dependent manner in the fat body. We propose a model according to which the relative activity of Atg1, estimated by the ratio of hyper- to hypophosphorylated Atg13, contributes to setting low (basal) vs. high (starvation-induced) autophagy levels in Drosophila.  相似文献   

Autophagy is an evolutionarily conserved cellular process which degrades intracellular contents. The Atg17- Atg31-Atg29 complex plays a key role in autophagy induction by various stimuli. In yeast, autophagy occurs with autophagosome formation at a special site near the vacuole named the pre-autophagosomal structure (PAS). The Atg17-Atg31-Atg29 complex forms a scaffold for PAS organization, and recruits other autophagy-related (Atg) proteins to the PAS. Here, we show that Atg31 is a phosphorylated protein. The phosphorylation sites on Atg31 were identified by mass spectrometry. Analysis of mutants in which the phosphorylated amino acids were replaced by alanine, either individually or in various combinations, identified S174 as the functional phosphorylation site. An S174A mutant showed a similar degree of autophagy impairment as an Atg31 deletion mutant. S174 phosphorylation is required for autophagy induced by various autophagy stimuli such as nitrogen starvation and rapamycin treatment. Mass spectrometry analysis showed that S174 is phosphorylated constitutively, and expression of a phosphorylation-mimic mutant (S174D) in the Atg31 deletion strain restores autophagy. In the S174A mutant, Atg9-positive vesicles accumulate at the PAS. Thus, S174 phosphorylation is required for formation of autophagosomes, possibly by facilitating the recycling of Atg9 from the PAS. Our data demonstrate the role of phosphorylation of Atg31 in autophagy.  相似文献   

Under normal growth conditions the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) negatively regulates the central autophagy regulator complex consisting of Unc-51-like kinases 1/2 (Ulk1/2), focal adhesion kinase family-interacting protein of 200 kDa (FIP200) and Atg13. Upon starvation, mTORC1-mediated repression of this complex is released, which then leads to Ulk1/2 activation. In this scenario, Atg13 has been proposed as an adaptor mediating the interaction between Ulk1/2 and FIP200 and enhancing Ulk1/2 kinase activity. Using Atg13-deficient cells, we demonstrate that Atg13 is indispensable for autophagy induction. We further show that Atg13 function strictly depends on FIP200 binding. In contrast, the simultaneous knockout of Ulk1 and Ulk2 did not have a similar effect on autophagy induction. Accordingly, the Ulk1-dependent phosphorylation sites we identified in Atg13 are expendable for this process. This suggests that Atg13 has an additional function independent of Ulk1/2 and that Atg13 and FIP200 act in concert during autophagy induction.  相似文献   

Under normal growth conditions the mammalian target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1) negatively regulates the central autophagy regulator complex consisting of Unc-51-like kinases 1/2 (Ulk1/2), focal adhesion kinase family-interacting protein of 200 kDa (FIP200) and Atg13. Upon starvation, mTORC1-mediated repression of this complex is released, which then leads to Ulk1/2 activation. In this scenario, Atg13 has been proposed as an adaptor mediating the interaction between Ulk1/2 and FIP200 and enhancing Ulk1/2 kinase activity. Using Atg13-deficient cells, we demonstrate that Atg13 is indispensable for autophagy induction. We further show that Atg13 function strictly depends on FIP200 binding. In contrast, the simultaneous knockout of Ulk1 and Ulk2 did not have a similar effect on autophagy induction. Accordingly, the Ulk1-dependent phosphorylation sites we identified in Atg13 are expendable for this process. This suggests that Atg13 has an additional function independent of Ulk1/2 and that Atg13 and FIP200 act in concert during autophagy induction.  相似文献   

Cell cycle dysregulation is a critical event in virus infection-associated tumorigenesis. Previous studies have suggested that hepatitis C virus NS5B modulates cell cycle progression in addition to participating in RNA synthesis as an RNA-dependent RNA polymerase. However, the molecular mechanisms have thus far remained unclear. In this study, a HepG2 Tet-On NS5B stable cell line was generated to confirm the effect of NS5B on the cell cycle. To better understand the role of NS5B in cell cycle regulation, yeast two-hybrid assays were performed using a human liver cDNA library. The cyclin-dependent kinase 2-interacting protein (CINP) was identified. The interaction between NS5B and CINP was further demonstrated by in vivo and in vitro assays, and their association was found to be indispensable for S phase delay and cell proliferation suppression. Further experiments indicated that NS5B relocalized CINP from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Directly knocking down CINP by specific siRNA resulted in a significant alteration in the DNA damage response and expression of cell cycle checkpoint proteins, including an increase in p21 and a decrease in phosphorylated Retinoblastoma and Chk1. Similar results were observed in cells expressing NS5B, and the effects were partially reversed upon ectopic overexpression of CINP. These studies suggest that the DNA damage response might be exploited by NS5B to hinder cell cycle progression. Taken together, our data demonstrate that NS5B delays cells in S phase through interaction with CINP and relocalization of the protein from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. Such effects might contribute to hepatitis C virus persistence and pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a central cell growth regulator. It resides in two protein complexes, which in mammals are referred to as mTORC1 and mTORC2. mTORC1, which is directly inhibited by rapamycin, promotes cell growth by stimulating protein synthesis and inhibiting autophagy. A wide range of extra and intracellular signals, including growth factors, nutrients, energy levels, and various stress conditions, regulates mTORC1. Dysregulation of mTORC1 contributes to many human diseases, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, autoimmunity, and metabolic disorder. In this study, we identified MARK4, an AMP-activated kinase-related kinase, as a negative regulator of mTORC1. In Drosophila S2 cells and mammalian cells, knockdown of MARK family member increased mTORC1 activity, whereas overexpression of MARK4 in mammalian cells significantly inhibited mTORC1 activity. Interestingly, MARK4 selectively inhibits mTORC1 activation by Rag GTPases, which are involved in amino acid signaling, but does not inhibit the effect of Rheb, which directly binds to and activates mTORC1. In addition, we found that MARK4 phosphorylates Raptor, a key component of mTORC1, and this phosphorylation may interfere with Raptor-Rag interaction. Our data demonstrate MARK4 as a new negative regulator of mTORC1.  相似文献   

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