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Two-photon (2P) ratiometric redox fluorometry and microscopy of pyridine nucleotide (NAD(P)H) and flavoprotein (FP) fluorescence, at 800-nm excitation, has been demonstrated as a function of mitochondrial metabolic states in isolated adult dog cardiomyocytes. We have measured the 2P-excitation spectra of NAD(P)H, flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD), and lipoamide dehydrogenase (LipDH) over the wavelength range of 720-1000 nm. The 2P-excitation action cross sections (sigma2P) increase rapidly at wavelengths below 800 nm, and the maximum sigma2P of LipDH is approximately 5 and 12 times larger than those of FAD and NAD(P)H, respectively. Only FAD and LipDH can be efficiently excited at wavelengths above 800 nm with a broad 2P-excitation band around 900 nm. Two autofluorescence spectral regions (i.e., approximately 410-490 nm and approximately 510-650 nm) of isolated cardiomyocytes were imaged using 2P-laser scanning microscopy. At 750-nm excitation, fluorescence of both regions is dominated by NAD(P)H emission, as indicated by fluorescence intensity changes induced by mitochondrial inhibitor NaCN and mitochondria uncoupler carbonyl cyanide p-(trifluoromethoxy) phenyl hydrazone (FCCP). In contrast, 2P-FP fluorescence dominates at 900-nm excitation, which is in agreement with the sigma2P measurements. Finally, 2P-autofluorescence emission spectra of single cardiac cells have been obtained, with results suggesting potential for substantial improvement of the proposed 2P-ratiometric technique.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. NAD(P)H dehydrogenase from rabbit liver was purified to electrophoretic homogeneity using a procedure also found applicable for the rat liver enzyme.
  • 2.2. Rabbit and rat liver enzymes showed different behaviour in isoelectric focusing and different Km values and turnover numbers.
  • 3.3. Both enzymes were inhibited to similar extents by warfarin.
  • 4.4. The rabbit enzyme is composed of two subunits of mol. wt 27,000 and contained 1 FAD group per subunit.
  • 5.5. Some absorption and circular dichroism properties of the rat enzyme are shown.


Defined as the transition conditions in which the organism(s) performs simultaneous aerobic and anaerobic respiration or fermentation, microaerobic conditions are commonly present in the nature. Microaerobic metabolism of microorganisms is however poorly characterized. Being extremely sensitive to the change in cellular electron-accepting mechanisms, NAD(P)H fluorescence provides a useful ways for online monitoring of microaerobic metabolism. Its application to studies of microbial nitrate respiration and particularly, denitrification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is reviewed here, centering on four topics: (1) online monitoring of anaerobic nitrate respiration by NAD(P)H fluorescence, (2) effects of denitrification on P. aeruginosa phenotypes, (3) microaerobic denitrification of P. aeruginosa in continuous culture, and (4) correlation between NAD(P)H fluorescence and denitrification-to-respiration ratio. Online NAD(P)H fluorescence is shown to sensitively detect the changes of cellular metabolism. For example, it revealed the intermediate nitrite accumulation in C-limited Escherichia coli performing anaerobic nitrate respiration via dissimilative ammonification, by exhibiting two-stage profiles with intriguing fluorescence oscillation. When applied to continuous culture studies of P. aeruginosa (ATCC 9027), the online fluorescence helped to identify that the bacterium conducted denitrification even at DO > 1 mg/l. In addition, the fluorescence profile showed a unique correlation with the fraction of electrons accepted by denitrification (out of all the electrons accepted by aerobic and anaerobic respiration). The applicability of online NAD(P)H fluorescence in monitoring and quantitatively describing the sensitive microaerobic state of microorganisms is clearly demonstrated.


Defined as the transition conditions in which the organism(s) performs simultaneous aerobic and anaerobic respiration or fermentation, microaerobic conditions are commonly present in the nature. Microaerobic metabolism of microorganisms is however poorly characterized. Being extremely sensitive to the change in cellular electron-accepting mechanisms, NAD(P)H fluorescence provides a useful ways for online monitoring of microaerobic metabolism. Its application to studies of microbial nitrate respiration and particularly, denitrification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa is reviewed here, centering on four topics: (1) online monitoring of anaerobic nitrate respiration by NAD(P)H fluorescence, (2) effects of denitrification on P. aeruginosa phenotypes, (3) microaerobic denitrification of P. aeruginosa in continuous culture, and (4) correlation between NAD(P)H fluorescence and denitrification-to-respiration ratio. Online NAD(P)H fluorescence is shown to sensitively detect the changes of cellular metabolism. For example, it revealed the intermediate nitrite accumulation in C-limited Escherichia coli performing anaerobic nitrate respiration via dissimilative ammonification, by exhibiting two-stage profiles with intriguing fluorescence oscillation. When applied to continuous culture studies of P. aeruginosa (ATCC 9027), the online fluorescence helped to identify that the bacterium conducted denitrification even at DO > 1 mg/l. In addition, the fluorescence profile showed a unique correlation with the fraction of electrons accepted by denitrification (out of all the electrons accepted by aerobic and anaerobic respiration). The applicability of online NAD(P)H fluorescence in monitoring and quantitatively describing the sensitive microaerobic state of microorganisms is clearly demonstrated.  相似文献   

Vanadate-stimulated oxidation of NAD(P)H   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vanadate stimulates the oxidation of NAD(P)H by biological membranes because such membranes contain NAD(P)H oxidases which are capable of reducing dioxygen to O2 and because vanadate catalyzes the oxidation of NAD(P)H by O2, by a free radical chain mechanism. Dihydropyridines, such as reduced nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMNH), which are not substrates for membrane-associated NAD(P)H oxidases, are not oxidized by membranes plus vanadate unless NAD(P)H is present to serve as a source of O2. When [NMNH] greatly exceeds [NAD(P)H], in such reaction mixtures, one can observe the oxidation of many molecules of NMNH per NAD(P)H consumed. This reflects the chain length of the free radical chain mechanism. We have discussed the mechanism and significance of this process and have tried to clarify the pertinent but confusing literature.  相似文献   

This work presents a yeast-cell vitality-assessment method based on on-line intracellular fluorescence measurement. The intracellular NAD(P)H fluorescence of a cell suspension is recorded during transition from aerobic to anaerobic conditions and the output signal is evaluated as a measure of yeast vitality (quality). This fluorescence method showed a highly satisfactory correlation with even low dead cell numbers where the acidification power test could not be applied.  相似文献   

Fluorometric determination of cytosolic calcium, [Ca2+]c, using Indo-1 in intact tissue, is limited by problems in obtaining calibration parameters for Indo-1 in vivo. Therefore, the goal of this study was to calibrate Indo-1 using in vitro constants, obtained from protein-containing reference solutions designed to produce similar Indo-1 spectral properties to those in vivo. Due to wavelength-dependent tissue light absorbance, the in vitro constants had to be absorbance-corrected using a novel method. The correction factor was calculated from the relationship between the Indo-1 fluorescence intensities at the two detection wavelengths. A mixture of proteins at approximately 28 mg/ml had a similar Indo-1 isosbestic wavelength (430 nm) to that found in vivo (427 nm), and a similar fluorescence ratio maximum with saturating Ca2+ to that found in vivo (after absorbance correction). Using calibration constants from this protein mixture, calculated [Ca2+]c in a Langendorf perfused rat heart was 187 nM during diastole, and 464 nM in systole. This new calibration method circumvented the considerable experimental problems of previous methods which required measurements with the cytosol fully depleted and fully saturated with Ca2+.  相似文献   

The culture fluorescence of Alcaligenes eutrophus JMP 134 was determined on-line by an Ingold Fluorosensor and correlated to the intracellular concentrations of reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (phosphate). The data were obtained from aerobic cultures of the strain growing chemostatically on phenol, phenol+sodium formate and fructose, as well as from aerobic/anaerobic transitions and substrate pulse experiments. The total culture fluorescence was corrected to take into account the inner filter effect of cells. Upon analysing the intracellular concentration of the dinucleotides using HPLC, it became evident that both NADH and NADPH contribute significantly to the fluorescence signal. A linear relationship between the sum of NAD(P)H and the net culture fluorescence was obtained from these data with a correlation factor of r=0.82. These investigations indicate that the measurement of culture fluorescence is a practicable tool for monitoring the redox state of a cellular culture, provided the total fluorescence signal is adjusted and the investigations are supported by direct measurements of intracellular levels of reduced dinucleotides.The authors are very grateful to the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for supporting this work (B1 345/I-2) and to Prof. T. Scheper (Institute of Biochemistry, University of Münster) for his generous assistance.  相似文献   

The redox state of mitochondrial pyridine nucleotides is known to be important for structural integrity of mitochondria. In this work, we observed a biphasic oxidation of endogenous NAD(P)H in rat liver mitochondria induced by tert-butylhydroperoxide. Nearly 85% of mitochondrial NAD(P)H was rapidly oxidized during the first phase. The second phase of NAD(P)H oxidation was retarded for several minutes, appearing after the inner membrane potential collapse and mitochondria swelling. It was characterized by disturbance of ATP synthesis and dramatic permeabilization of the inner membrane to pyridine nucleotides. The second phase was completely prevented by 0.5 microM cyclosporin A or 0.2 mM EGTA or was significantly delayed by 25 microM butylhydroxytoluene or trifluoperazine. The obtained data suggest that the second phase resulted from oxidation of the remaining NADH via the outer membrane electron transport system of permeabilized mitochondria, leading to further oxidation of the remaining NADPH in a transhydrogenase reaction.  相似文献   

Emphysema is currently a leading cause of mortality with no known effective therapy to attenuate progressive loss of lung function. Previous work supports that activation of nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) is protective to the lung through induction of hundreds of antioxidant genes. In models of lung injury, the expression of NAD(P)H:quinone oxidoreductase 1 (NQO1) is upregulated in a manner dependent on Nrf2 and human emphysema is associated with reduced levels of NQO1. However, the functional role of NQO1 in emphysema remains unknown. In this study, we demonstrate the protective role of NQO1 in the development of emphysema using mouse models. NQO1-deficient animals demonstrated premature age-related emphysema and were more susceptible to both elastase and inhaled lipopolysaccharide models of emphysema. The absence of NQO1 was associated with enhanced markers of oxidant stress. Treatment of NQO1-deficient animals with the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine reversed the NQO1-dependent emphysematous changes. In vitro studies utilizing either inhibition or induction of NQO1 demonstrated a potent antioxidant role of NQO1 in macrophages, suggesting a role for macrophage-derived oxidants in the pathogenesis of emphysema. These novel findings support a functional role for NQO1 in protecting the lung from development of emphysema.  相似文献   

Three NAD(P)H dehydrogenases were found and purified from a soluble fraction of cells of the purple non-sulfur bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus, strain B10. Molecular mass of NAD(P)H, NADPH and NADH dehydrogenases are 67 000 (4 · 18 000), 35 000 and 39 000, and the isoelectric points are 4.6, 4.3 and 4.5, respectively. NAD(P)H dehydrogenase is characterized by a higher sensitivity to quinacrine, NADPH dehydrogenase by its sensitivity to p-chloromercuribenzoate and NADH dehydrogenase by its sensitivity to sodium arsenite. In contrast to the other two enzymes, NAD(P)H dehydrogenase is capable of oxidizing NADPH as well as NADH, but the ratio of their oxidation rates depends on the pH. All NAD(P)H dehydrogenases reacted with ferricyanide, 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol, benzoquinone and naphthoquinone, but did not exhibit transhydrogenase, reductase or oxidase activity. Moreover, NADH dehydrogenase was also capable of reducing FAD and FMN. NAD(P)H and NADH dehydrogenases possessed cytochrome-c reductase activity, which was stimulated by menadione and ubiquinone Q1. The activity of NAD(P)H and NADH dehydrogenases depended on culture-growth conditions. The activity of NAD(P)H dehydrogenase from cells grown under chemoheterotrophic aerobic conditions was the lowest and it increased notably under photoheterotrophic anaerobic conditions upon lactate or malate growth limitation. The activity of NADH dehydrogenase was higher from the cells grown under photoheterotrophic anaerobic conditions upon nitrate growth limitation and under chemoheterotrophic aerobic conditions. NADPH dehydrogenase synthesis dependence on R. capsulatus growth conditions was insignificant.  相似文献   

NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (EC purified from rat liver cytosol revealed three discrete bands, of mol.wts. about 27000, 18000 and 9000, when subjected to polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate. Elution of the bands from the gel and individual re-electrophoresis on separate gels showed that the 27000-mol.wt. band yielded three bands similar to those obtained with the intact enzyme, whereas the 18000-mol.wt. band retained its characteristic mobility. Amino acid analysis of native enzyme and protein extracted from each of the three bands from sodium dodecyl sulphate/polyacrylamide gels suggests that the native enzyme is composed of two subunits and that each subunit consists of two dissimilar non-covalently bound polypeptides, so that altogether the enzyme is composed of four polypeptides, two of mol.wt. 18000 and two of mol.wt. 9000. NAD(P)H dehydrogenase was active over a wide pH range with no sharp optimum. The same K(m) value for NADH but different values for V(max.) were obtained for the enzyme purified from Sprague-Dawley and Wistar rats. In immunodiffusion, however, the enzymes from the two rat strains showed a reaction of complete identity. NAD(P)H dehydrogenase was effectively inhibited by thiol-blocking reagents, indicating that the activity is dependent on free thiol group(s). By amino acid analysis six cysteine residues were found per mol of enzyme. Guanidino-group- and amino-group-selective reagents had only moderate inactivating effects on the enzyme activity.  相似文献   

Despite the extensive interest in NADPH:quinone oxidoreductase (NQO1, DT-diaphorase), there is little immunohistochemical information regarding its distribution in either normal human tissues or in human tumors. Using immunohistochemistry (IHC), we have examined cell-specific expression of NQO1 in many normal tissues and tumors as a step toward defining the distribution of NQO1 in humans. NQO1 was detected by IHC in respiratory, breast duct, thyroid follicle, and colonic epithelium, as well as in the corneal and lens epithelium of the eye. NQO1 was also detected by IHC in vascular endothelium in all tissues examined. NQO1 could also readily be detected in the endothelial lining of the aorta but was not detected using immunoblot analysis in the myocardium. Adipocytes stained positive for NQO1, and the enzyme was also detected by both IHC and immunoblot analysis in parasympathetic ganglia in the small intestine and in the optic nerve and nerve fibers. NQO1 was not highly expressed in five different human liver samples using immunoblot analysis, whereas studies using IHC demonstrated only trace NQO1 staining in isolated bile duct epithelium. NQO1 expresion was also examined by IHC in a variety of solid tumors. Marked NQO1 staining was detected in solid tumors from thyroid, adrenal, breast, ovarian, colon, and cornea and in non-small cell lung cancers. The NQO1 content of many solid tumors supports the use of NQO1-directed anticancer agents for therapeutic purposes, but the distribution of NQO1 in normal tissues suggests that potential adverse effects of such agents need to be carefully monitored in preclinical studies.  相似文献   

The respiratory chain of plant mitochondria differs from that in mammalian mitochondria by containing several rotenone-insensitive NAD(P)H dehydrogenases. Two of these are located on the outer, cytosolic surface of the inner membrane. One is specific for NADH, the other for NADPH. Only the latter is inhibited by diphenyleneiodonium (DPI). Both of these enzymes are normally dependent upon Ca2+ for activity and this constitutes a potentially important mechanism by which the cell can regulate the oxidation of cytosolic NAD(P)H via the concentration of free Ca2+. This and other potential regulatory mechanisms such as the substrate concentration and polyamines are discussed.  相似文献   

The response of the steady-state level of mitochondrial NAD(P)H of individual cardiac myocytes to substrate and to pharmacological alteration of intracellular calcium was investigated using a defined pacing protocol. Rapid pacing (5 Hz) reversibly decreased the NAD(P)H level and increased oxygen consumption whereas phosphocreatine and ATP levels did not change significantly. Verapamil plus NiCl2 blockade of calcium channels abolished contractions. Ryanodine, which prevents calcium-induced calcium release, also stopped cell contraction. NAD(P)H levels do not change in the absence of contraction. Blockade of sarcolemmal K+ channels did not stop contraction, and NAD(P)H levels reversibly decreased during rapid pacing. Thus rapid contractions are associated with a reversible decrease in NAD(P)H levels. Ruthenium red blockade of Ca2+ entry into mitochondria did not block contraction but significantly decreased NAD(P)H levels in both slowly paced (0.5 Hz) and rapidly paced cells. The simplest explanation of these data is that the steady-state reduction of NAD(P)H is strongly dependent on the rate of ATP utilization and not on sarcoplasmic Ca2+ levels when the oxygen and substrate supplies are not limiting and the intracellular calcium regulation is maintained. An effect of intracellular Ca2+ on NAD(P)H is observed only when Ca2+ entry into mitochondria is blocked with ruthenium red.  相似文献   

Summary.  The aim of this work was to study the activity of NAD(P)H:(quinone acceptor) oxidoreductase 1 (EC in the regeneration of lipophilic antioxidants, alpha-tocopherol, and reduced-coenzyme Q analogs. First, we tested whether or not two isoforms of the NAD(P)H:(quinone acceptor) oxidoreductase 1 designated as “hydrophilic” and “hydrophobic” (H. J. Prochaska and P. Talalay, Journal of Biological Chemistry 261: 1372–1378, 1986) show differential enzyme activities towards hydrophilic or hydrophobic ubiquinone homologs. By chromatography on phenyl Sepharose, we purified the two isoforms from pig liver cytosol and measured their reduction of several ubiquinone homologs of different side chain length. We also studied by electron paramagnetic resonance the effect of NAD(P)H:(quinone acceptor) oxidoreductase 1 on steady-state levels of chromanoxyl radicals generated by linoleic acid and lipooxygenase and confirmed the enzyme's ability to protect alpha-tocopherol against oxidation induced with H2O2-Fe2+. Our results demonstrated that the different hydrophobicities of the isoforms do not reflect different reactivities towards ubiquinones of different side chain length. In addition, electron paramagnetic resonance studies showed that in systems containing the reductase plus NADH, levels of chromanoxyl radicals were dramatically reduced. Morever, in the presence of oxidants, alpha-tocopherol was preserved by NAD(P)H:(quinone acceptor) oxidoreductase 1, supporting our hypothesis that regeneration of alpha-tocopherol may be one of the physiologic functions of this enzyme. Received May 20, 2002; accepted September 20, 2002; published online May 21, 2003 RID="*" ID="*" Correspondence and reprints: Departamento de Biología Celular, Fisiología e Inmunología, Facultad de Ciencias, Edificio Severo Ochoa, Campus de Rabanales, Universidad de Córdoba, 14014 Córdoba, Spain.  相似文献   

Two-photon excitation fluorescence microscopy (TPEFM) permits the investigation of the topology of intercellular events within living animals. TPEFM was used to monitor the distribution of mitochondrial reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD(P)H) in murine skeletal muscle in vivo. NAD(P)H fluorescence emission was monitored (~460 nm) using 710–720 nm excitation. High-resolution TPEFM images were collected up to a depth of 150 μm from the surface of the tibialis anterior muscle. The NAD(P)H fluorescence images revealed subcellular structures consistent with subsarcolemmal, perivascular, intersarcomeric, and paranuclear mitochondria. In vivo fiber typing between IIB and IIA/D fibers was possible using the distribution and content of mitochondria from the NAD(P)H fluorescence signal. The intersarcomeric mitochondria concentrated at the Z-line in the IIB fiber types resulting in a periodic pattern with a spacing of one sarcomere (2.34 ± 0.17 μm). The primary inner filter effects were nearly equivalent to water, however, the secondary inner filter effects were highly significant and dynamically affected the observed emission frequency and amplitude of the NAD(P)H fluorescence signal. These data demonstrate the feasibility, and highlight the complexity, of using NAD(P)H TPEFM in skeletal muscle to characterize the topology and metabolic function of mitochondria within the living mouse.  相似文献   

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