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高杰  何肖龙  曹虹 《微生物学报》2018,58(11):1938-1949
肝硬化是慢性肝炎发展的终末阶段,患者出现有不同程度的肠道菌群失调,并伴有肠道屏障功能的缺失和菌群移位,是引发肝硬化并发症的重要原因。尽管益生菌能在多个层面保护肠道屏障功能,但其在肝硬化肠道菌群紊乱中的疗效并不明确。现在的研究发现一些益生菌的组分或代谢产物有着与益生活菌类似的益生功效,包括稳定肠道菌群、加强肠上皮屏障功能和调节肠黏膜免疫反应等,其重要的优点是具有明确的分子结构和显著的生物活性,可能是未来调节肝硬化肠道菌群及疾病进程的新方向。本文主要总结了肝硬化肠道菌群失调对于肝硬化并发症及疾病进程的影响,探讨了益生菌的作用及局限性,并重点讨论后生元在调控肝硬化肠道菌群及疾病进程中的应用前景。  相似文献   

肠道黏膜屏障具有防止致病性抗原侵入、维护肠道健康的功能。而肠道菌群是肠道黏膜屏障的重要构成部分,肠道菌群失调会导致肠道黏膜屏障的损伤,引起炎性肠病、肠易激综合征及肝、肾等多种疾病的发生发展。因此,本文从肠道黏膜的结构与功能及肠道菌群对其的影响等方面归纳总结肠道菌群对屏障系统的调控作用,从调节肠道微生态平衡、促进黏液分泌、影响紧密连接和肠道上皮通透性、激发肠黏膜免疫、调控肠上皮凋亡、影响肠上皮DNA稳定性及产生特殊代谢产物等方面阐述其作用机制,为临床胃肠道疾病及其并发症的治疗提供新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

摘要:人类肠道中微生物群与肠道环境相互作用以维持机体健康。肠黏膜屏障主要由黏液层、肠道菌群、肠道免疫系统和肠上皮细胞本身的完整性等构成。肠道作为直接与大量菌群接触的器官,其屏障功能在肠道健康中的作用尤为显著。肠道菌群与肠道屏障相互作用,保持肠道菌群与肠道屏障相对稳定,肠道菌群参与肠道免疫反应的建立,共同建立机体天然防御系统,在保持肠道免疫的动态平衡中具有重要作用。当两者之间的平衡被打破时,可诱发功能性胃肠病(如肠易激综合征)及免疫相关性疾病(如炎症性肠病)。本文主要阐述肠黏膜屏障与肠道菌群之间的相互关系以及与肠道屏障功能障碍相关的肠道疾病。  相似文献   

肠易激综合征(IBS)是一种常见的功能性胃肠道疾病,其特征是反复发作的腹痛,伴随排便频率与大便性状的改变。腹泻为主的肠易激综合征(IBS-D)是其主要亚型,主要表现是腹痛和腹泻。目前IBS-D的发病机制尚不完全明确,但大量的研究提示可能与胃肠道动力紊乱、黏膜通透性和肠上皮屏障功能改变、内脏高敏感性增加、"脑-肠-菌"轴失调、肠道感染与炎症反应激活、精神心理因素异常等有关。随着研究的不断深入,发现肠道菌群与IBS-D的关系密切,调节肠道菌群的益生菌干预成为缓解IBS-D相关症状的手段之一。本研究就近十余年来肠道菌群情况与IBS-D关系的研究现状作一综述。  相似文献   

随着人们对于肠道菌群种类以及作用认识的逐渐深入,我们发现作为人体庞大而又复杂的微生态系统,肠道菌群的结构及和菌群分布有紧密联系的肠屏障功能的改变与人体的健康息息相关。中药作为传统医学的一种治疗方法,其对人体的治疗作用是十分显著的,而活血化瘀法是使用具有消散作用及攻逐体内淤血作用的药物来治疗人类各种疾病的一种方法,这种方法对于肠道菌群以及肠屏障功能也产生了深远的影响。本文围绕肠道菌群结构改变及肠黏膜屏障功能的变化,对近十年关于肠道菌群与活血化瘀方药的相关文献进行综述,探究活血化瘀法(中药及中药复方)对于肠道菌群的影响,为临床治疗提供新思路。  相似文献   

益生菌促进胃肠道健康的机制及应用   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
人体胃肠道内生活着大量微生物,它们影响着宿主的健康.益生菌是一种活的微生物,对维持肠黏膜屏障功能、调节免疫功能和促进营养物质的代谢吸收等具有重要作用;对肠道菌群紊乱、功能性消化不良、肠胃炎、腹泻、便秘、肠绞痛、肠易激综合征、炎症性肠病以及幽门螺杆菌感染等胃肠道疾病具有良好的应用.本文对益生菌与胃肠道健康的影响作简要概述...  相似文献   

化疗不仅导致肠黏膜炎和5-羟色胺(5-HT)水平的异常,也会诱发肠道菌群失衡。平衡状态下的微生物是一道生物屏障,菌群失衡可加剧肠道炎症。近期研究发现,5-HT的水平受肠道菌群的调节。因此,化疗引起的5-HT水平改变可能与肠道菌群的异常有关。本研究主要探讨肠道菌群通过何种途径影响化疗后肠黏膜炎和5-HT水平,为临床上以益生菌调节肠道菌群来改善化疗后的胃肠道反应提供依据。  相似文献   

肠道菌群与人体的健康或疾病状态息息相关,在营养摄取、免疫与内分泌调节、药物代谢中都起着重要的作用,并能通过微生物群-肠-脑轴影响中枢神经系统的发育与功能。流行病学数据显示,肠道菌群的组成变化与多种中枢系统疾病相关。其中,孤独症是一类以社交障碍、刻板行为、兴趣狭隘为主要临床特征的神经发育障碍性疾病。由于孤独症与胃肠道疾病之间联系紧密且其发病率正逐年上升,人们愈发关注肠道菌群在孤独症发病过程中的作用。研究发现,肠道菌群能够影响孤独症患者的中枢神经系统发育,导致异常的行为表现并诱发胃肠症状等。本文总结了影响肠道菌群组成的因素,并从微生物群-肠-脑轴的角度讨论了肠道菌群影响孤独症的方式,同时介绍了孤独症患者肠道菌群疗法的有效性与临床前景。  相似文献   

人类的肠道菌群种类及数量众多,目前被认为是人体的一个特殊器官。肠道菌群在维持肠道的正常生理功能和机体免疫功能方面发挥了重要作用,肠道微生态失衡与炎症性肠病、代谢综合征、肝病、心血管疾病、精神疾病、关节炎等多种肠内外疾病密切相关,纠正肠道微生态失衡将有助于上述疾病的治疗。粪菌移植(fecal microbiota transplantation,FMT)是指将健康人粪便中的功能菌群移植到患者胃肠道内,重建具有正常功能的肠道菌群,以达到治疗肠道和肠道外疾病的目的。目前报道FMT已应用于艰难梭菌感染、炎症性肠病、肠易激综合征、代谢综合征等多种疾病的治疗中。本文就FMT的临床应用现状作一综述。  相似文献   

人体的胃肠道菌群构成一个庞大、复杂的微生态系统,并且随着年龄的增长而发生动态变化,成年后菌群的结构达到动态平衡。胃肠道菌群具有参与物质代谢、促进机体免疫系统的发育和抑制病原菌定植等生理作用。菌群失调会导致各种疾病的发生,如肠易激综合征、炎症性肠病、肥胖症、1型糖尿病、肠道恶性肿瘤等。本文就胃肠道菌群与肿瘤发生发展关系的最新研究作一综述,并根据最新提出的Alpha-Bug学说和driver-passenger学说,论述了肠道菌群促进大肠癌发生的机制。为阐明胃肠道肿瘤的发生机制提供新的思路。  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen species (ROS; free radical form O2•−, superoxide radical; OH, hydroxyl radical; ROO, peroxyl; RO, alkoxyl and non-radical form 1O2, singlet oxygen; H2O2, hydrogen peroxide) are inevitable companions of aerobic life with crucial role in gut health. But, overwhelming production of ROS can cause serious damage to biomolecules. In this review, we have discussed several sources of ROS production that can be beneficial or dangerous to the human gut. Micro-organisms, organelles and enzymes play crucial role in ROS generation, where NOX1 is the main intestinal enzyme, which produce ROS in the intestine epithelial cells. Previous studies have reported that probiotics play significant role in gut homeostasis by checking the ROS generation, maintaining the antioxidant level, immune system and barrier protection. With current knowledge, we have critically analysed the available literature and presented the outcome in the form of bubble maps to suggest that the probiotics help in controlling the ROS-specific intestinal diseases, such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and colon cancer. Finally, it has been concluded that rebooting of the gut microbiota with probiotics, postbiotics or faecal microbiota transplantation (FMT) can have crucial implications in the structuring of gut communities for the personalized management of the gastrointestinal (GI) diseases.  相似文献   

Kelly D  King T  Aminov R 《Mutation research》2007,622(1-2):58-69
The mammalian gastrointestinal tract harbors a complex microbiota consisting of between 500 and 1000 distinct microbial species. Comparative studies based on the germ-free gut have provided clear evidence that the gut microbiota is instrumental in promoting the development of both the gut and systemic immune systems. Early microbial exposure of the gut is thought to dramatically reduce the incidence of inflammatory, autoimmune and atopic diseases further fuelling the scientific viewpoint, that microbial colonization plays an important role in regulating and fine-tuning the immune system throughout life. Recent molecular diversity studies have provided additional evidence that the human gut microbiota is compositionally altered in individuals suffering from inflammatory bowel disorders, suggesting that specific bacterial species are important to maintaining immunological balance and health. New and exciting insights into how gut bacteria modulate the mammalian immune system are emerging. However, much remains to be elucidated about how commensal bacteria influence the function of cells of both the innate and adaptive immune systems in health and disease.  相似文献   

The human gut microbiota has been the interest of extensive research in recent years and our knowledge on using the potential capacity of these microbes are growing rapidly. Microorganisms colonized throughout the gastrointestinal tract of human are coevolved through symbiotic relationship and can influence physiology, metabolism, nutrition and immune functions of an individual. The gut microbes are directly involved in conferring protection against pathogen colonization by inducing direct killing, competing with nutrients and enhancing the response of the gut-associated immune repertoire. Damage in the microbiome (dysbiosis) is linked with several life-threatening outcomes viz. inflammatory bowel disease, cancer, obesity, allergy, and auto-immune disorders. Therefore, the manipulation of human gut microbiota came out as a potential choice for therapeutic intervention of the several human diseases. Herein, we review significant studies emphasizing the influence of the gut microbiota on the regulation of host responses in combating infectious and inflammatory diseases alongside describing the promises of gut microbes as future therapeutics.  相似文献   

The normal intestinal microflora (microbiota) represents a complex, dynamic, and diverse collection of microorganisms, which usually inhabit the gastrointestinal tract. Normally, between this flora and the human host a mutually beneficial long-term symbiotic relationship is established, where the host contributes essential nutrients necessary for the survival of the microbiota and the latter fulfils multiple roles in host nutrition and development. Several achievements have recently converged to renew interest in studying the normal gut microbiota: the development of molecular methods of studying the microbial communities, the improved understanding of host-microbe interactions in health and disease, and the potential for therapeutic manipulation of the microbiota. We present recent data concerning the molecular technologies of studying the microbiota and new findings regarding the composition of the normal flora. We underline the beneficial activities of the gut flora on the human host. We emphasize the recent findings in the alterations of the microbiota in various medical conditions (celiac disease, irritable bowel syndrome, obesity, colorectal cancer, allergic disorders, and especially inflammatory bowel diseases). The results of these new studies suggest that changes of the microbiota could be linked to the etiopathogenesis of these diseases. These outstanding findings could be used for further diagnostic tools and/or therapy.  相似文献   

The gastrointestinal tract is a complex ecosystem that associates a resident microbiota and cells of various phenotypes lining the epithelial wall expressing complex metabolic activities. The resident microbiota in the digestive tract is a heterogeneous microbial ecosystem containing up to 1 x 10(14) colony-forming units (CFUs) of bacteria. The intestinal microbiota plays an important role in normal gut function and maintaining host health. The host is protected from attack by potentially harmful microbial microorganisms by the physical and chemical barriers created by the gastrointestinal epithelium. The cells lining the gastrointestinal epithelium and the resident microbiota are two partners that properly and/or synergistically function to promote an efficient host system of defence. The gastrointestinal cells that make up the epithelium, provide a physical barrier that protects the host against the unwanted intrusion of microorganisms into the gastrointestinal microbiota, and against the penetration of harmful microorganisms which usurp the cellular molecules and signalling pathways of the host to become pathogenic. One of the basic physiological functions of the resident microbiota is that it functions as a microbial barrier against microbial pathogens. The mechanisms by which the species of the microbiota exert this barrier effect remain largely to be determined. There is increasing evidence that lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which inhabit the gastrointestinal microbiota, develop antimicrobial activities that participate in the host's gastrointestinal system of defence. The objective of this review is to analyze the in vitro and in vivo experimental and clinical studies in which the antimicrobial activities of selected lactobacilli and bifidobacteria strains have been documented.  相似文献   

The intestinal tract is home to nematodes as well as commensal bacteria (microbiota), which have coevolved with the mammalian host. The mucosal immune system must balance between an appropriate response to dangerous pathogens and an inappropriate response to commensal microbiota that may breach the epithelial barrier, in order to maintain intestinal homeostasis. IL-22 has been shown to play a critical role in maintaining barrier homeostasis against intestinal pathogens and commensal bacteria. Here we review the advances in our understanding of the role of IL-22 in helminth infections, as well as in response to commensal and pathogenic bacteria of the intestinal tract. We then consider the relationship between intestinal helminths and gut microbiota and hypothesize that this relationship may explain how helminths may improve symptoms of inflammatory bowel diseases. We propose that by inducing an immune response that includes IL-22, intestinal helminths may enhance the mucosal barrier function of the intestinal epithelium. This may restore the mucosal microbiota populations from dysbiosis associated with colitis and improve intestinal homeostasis.  相似文献   

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