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Parents and family doctors were questioned about the management of 150 infants with acute illness before their admission to hospital. When 108 of the children were first assessed the family doctor did not consider that admission was necessary, but follow-up was arranged in only 14 of these cases. Thus in 94 cases the initiative for recall was left to the parents, who in 44 cases already wanted their child to be admitted. Forty-eight infants were referred because the doctors thought that the parents could not cope. The parents of 31 of the children delayed in seeking help. As over half the children were ill for more than three days before they were admitted to hospital, regular follow-up could have been arranged. Doctors should normally retain the initiative for this rather than leave it to the parents'' discretion.  相似文献   

J. Caplan 《CMAJ》1969,101(7):93-passim



Existing research and media reports convey conflicting impressions of trends in the prevalence of mental illness. We sought to investigate trends in the prevalence of symptoms of mental illness in a large population-based cohort of Canadian children and adolescents.


We obtained population-based data from the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth. Every 2 years, participants completed self-reported measures of mental illness indicators, including conduct disorder, hyperactivity, indirect aggression, suicidal behaviour, and depression and anxiety. We analyzed trends in mean scores over time using linear regression.


We evaluated 11 725 participants aged 10–11 years from cycles 1 (1994/95) through 6 (2004/05), 10 574 aged 12–13 years from cycles 2 (1996/97) through 7 (2006/07), and 9835 aged 14–15 years from cycles 3 (1998/99) through 8 (2008/09). The distribution of scores on depression and anxiety, conduct and indirect aggression scales remained stable or showed small decreases over time for participants of all ages. The mean hyperactivity score increased over time in participants aged 10–11 years (change per 2-year cycle: 0.16, 95% CI 0.02 to 0.12) and those aged 12–13 years (0.13, 95% CI 0.09 to 0.18). Over time, fewer participants aged 12–13 years (0.40% per cycle, 95% CI −0.78 to −0.07) and aged 14–15 years (0.56% per cycle, 95% CI −0.91 to −0.23) reported attempting suicide in the previous 12 months.


With the exception of hyperactivity, the prevalence of symptoms of mental illness in Canadian children and adolescents has remained relatively stable from 1994/95 to 2008/09. Conflicting reports of escalating rates of mental illness in Canada may be explained by differing methodologies between studies, an increase in treatment-seeking behaviour, or changes in diagnostic criteria or practices.Popular media tends to perpetuate the idea that the prevalence of mental disorders is increasing. However, research supporting this position has been inconsistent. Several studies have shown increases in recent years,1,2 including among adolescents.37 These studies have included parent reports from population samples3,4 and physician diagnoses from electronic medical records.6 In contrast, other studies have reported that the rates of mental illness have decreased or remained stable over time.811 To appropriately plan services and policies, a proper understanding of trends in adolescent mental health is crucial. This is particularly relevant in Canada, where policy regarding mental health is currently being reconsidered under such frameworks as the Mental Health Commission of Canada’s 2012 mental health strategy, “Changing Directions, Changing Lives.”12Many methodologic challenges make it difficult to draw conclusions regarding trends in mental illness. The conflicting reports of changing rates of mental illness in the population may be partially explained by changes in diagnostic criteria, differences in assessment methods or variations in official reporting practices.4 For example, one study found that while diagnosed depression decreased, the incidence of depressive symptoms noted by health professionals increased by threefold from 1996 to 2006.13 These changes may not represent a real change in the rates of depression or depressive symptoms, but rather a change in clinical practice.Canada’s National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth repeatedly included a series of questions from 1994/95 to 2008/09 relevant to many aspects of mental health in children and adolescents, including assessments of conduct disorder, hyperactivity, aggression, depression and anxiety, and suicidal thinking and behaviour. Our primary objective was to investigate trends in the prevalence of symptoms in these areas in 3 specific age groups: 10–11, 12–13 and 14–15 years.  相似文献   

The most important epistemological problem in psychiatry is the detection of malingering. This is a consequence of the fact that there is no objective way to confirm any psychiatric diagnosis. Psychiatric diagnosis is based on subjective complaints. The discovery of objective markers for psychiatric diagnosis is problematic because it presupposes we can tell valid from faked subjective symptoms. But this is the difficulty. If we use pervasive irrationality as a sign of mental illness, we encounter the problem of identifying pervasive irrationality. To understand someone's behaviour, we have to assume it is largely rational. This precludes us from using behaviour to separate genuine from faked mental illness. There are a number of strategies used to solve any epistemological problem, and the most successful is the hypothetico-deductive method. If we use this, we can solve our epistemological problem. Genuine mental illness can be identified when it is the best explanation of the person's overall behaviour. Consilience of inductions is critical in supporting the validity of such explanations. This implies that it is merely a hypothesis that mental illness exists, and that we might discover that many mental illnesses, perhaps all, do not exist. We must embrace this possibility--only if we take a risk will we gain any knowledge.  相似文献   

The publication of The Quest for Therapy in Lower Zaire (University of California Press) by John M. Janzen (with the collaboration of William Arkinstall), and African Therapeutic Systems (Crossroads Press), edited by Z. A. Ademuwagun, John A. A. Ayoade, Ira E. Harrison and Dennis M. Warren, calls attention to recent research findings which indicate that mentally ill persons, particularly schizophrenics, may recover more rapidly and fully in non-industrialized societies than they do in industrialized ones. The books by Janzen and Ademuwagen et al. will be examined as contributions to a growing body of information on native African therapeutic practices. Evidence relating to the apparently benign course of psychosis in Africa will be examined, and various explanations for this pattern will be evaluated. Finally, some guidelines for future research will be suggested.  相似文献   

BackgroundSevere mental illness (SMI; schizophrenia, bipolar disorders (BDs), and other nonorganic psychoses) is associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and CVD-related mortality. To date, no systematic review has investigated changes in population level CVD-related mortality over calendar time. It is unclear if this relationship has changed over time in higher-income countries with changing treatments.Methods and findingsTo address this gap, a systematic review was conducted, to assess the association between SMI and CVD including temporal change. Seven databases were searched (last: November 30, 2021) for cohort or case–control studies lasting ≥1 year, comparing frequency of CVD mortality or incidence in high-income countries between people with versus without SMI. No language restrictions were applied. Random effects meta-analyses were conducted to compute pooled hazard ratios (HRs) and rate ratios, pooled standardised mortality ratios (SMRs), pooled odds ratios (ORs), and pooled risk ratios (RRs) of CVD in those with versus without SMI. Temporal trends were explored by decade. Subgroup analyses by age, sex, setting, world region, and study quality (Newcastle–Ottawa scale (NOS) score) were conducted. The narrative synthesis included 108 studies, and the quantitative synthesis 59 mortality studies (with (≥1,841,356 cases and 29,321,409 controls) and 28 incidence studies (≥401,909 cases and 14,372,146 controls). The risk of CVD-related mortality for people with SMI was higher than controls across most comparisons, except for total CVD-related mortality for BD and cerebrovascular accident (CVA) for mixed SMI. Estimated risks were larger for schizophrenia than BD. Pooled results ranged from SMR = 1.55 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.33 to 1.81, p < 0.001), for CVA in people with BD to HR/rate ratio = 2.40 (95% CI: 2.25 to 2.55, p < 0.001) for CVA in schizophrenia. For schizophrenia and BD, SMRs and pooled HRs/rate ratios for CHD and CVD mortality were larger in studies with outcomes occurring during the 1990s and 2000s than earlier decades (1980s: SMR = 1.14, 95% CI: 0.57 to 2.30, p = 0.71; 2000s: SMR = 2.59, 95% CI: 1.93 to 3.47, p < 0.001 for schizophrenia and CHD) and in studies including people with younger age. The incidence of CVA, CVD events, and heart failure in SMI was higher than controls. Estimated risks for schizophrenia ranged from HR/rate ratio 1.25 (95% CI: 1.04 to 1.51, p = 0.016) for total CVD events to rate ratio 3.82 (95% CI: 3.1 to 4.71, p < 0.001) for heart failure. Incidence of CHD was higher in BD versus controls. However, for schizophrenia, CHD was elevated in higher-quality studies only. The HR/rate ratios for CVA and CHD were larger in studies with outcomes occurring after the 1990s. Study limitations include the high risk of bias of some studies as they drew a comparison cohort from general population rates and the fact that it was difficult to exclude studies that had overlapping populations, although attempts were made to minimise this.ConclusionsIn this study, we found that SMI was associated with an approximate doubling in the rate ratio of CVD-related mortality, particularly since the 1990s, and in younger groups. SMI was also associated with increased incidence of CVA and CHD relative to control participants since the 1990s. More research is needed to clarify the association between SMI and CHD and ways to mitigate this risk.

Amanda Lambert and co-workers study associations between severe mental illness and cardiovascular disease outcomes over time.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To measure needs for care of patients aged 18-65 years with major mental illness. DESIGN. Identification of everyone in one area seen by a health professional within the previous five years because of a psychotic disorder. Interview of a one in three sample of patients and their main carers with the cardinal needs schedule. SETTING--Hamilton, a socially deprived district of Scotland. SUBJECTS--71 subjects were interviewed from the original sample of 263 patients. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--"Cardinal problems" in seven clinical and eight social areas of functioning; these are defined as problems requiring action. "Needs"-cardinal problems for which suitable interventions exist but have not been tried recently. RESULTS--High levels of morbidity were found. 30 interviewed patients (42%; 95% confidence interval 31% to 54%) had one or more clinical needs. 35 (49%; 38% to 61%) had one or more social needs. Skills to deal with all but seven needs in the sample were available at the time of investigation. Patients not being seen by the community mental health team were similar in severity and levels of need to those who were on the community team''s caseload. Care was unequivocally and severely inadequate for four patients. Shortcomings in service delivery usually arose from failure to monitor some patients at home. Problems were not due to shortage of acute psychiatric beds nor the absence of an elaborate assertive community care team. CONCLUSIONS--Systematic assessment of needs with research instruments can give valuable insights into the successes and failures of community care of people with major mental illness. Most needs could be dealt with in these patients but in our area (and probably most other parts of the United Kingdom) this would entail diversion of resources from people with less severe disorders.  相似文献   

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