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Passage through mitosis resets cells for a new round of chromosomal DNA replication [1]. In late mitosis, the pre-replication complex - which includes the origin recognition complex (ORC), Cdc6 and the minichromosome maintenance (MCM) proteins - binds chromatin as a pre-requisite for DNA replication. S-phase-promoting cyclin-dependent kinases (Cdks) and the kinase Dbf4-Cdc7 then act to initiate replication. Before the onset of replication Cdc6 dissociates from chromatin. S-phase and M-phase Cdks block the formation of a new pre-replication complex, preventing DNA over-replication during the S, G2 and M phases of the cell cycle [1]. The nuclear membrane also contributes to limit genome replication to once per cell cycle [2]. Thus, at the end of M phase, nuclear membrane breakdown and the collapse of Cdk activity reset cells for a new round of chromosomal replication. We showed previously that protein kinase A (PKA) activity oscillates during the cell cycle in Xenopus egg extracts, peaking in late mitosis. The oscillations are induced by the M-phase-promoting Cdk [3] [4]. Here, we found that PKA oscillation was required for the following phase of DNA replication. PKA activity was needed from mitosis exit to the formation of the nuclear envelope. PKA was not required for the assembly of ORC2, Cdc6 and MCM3 onto chromatin. Inhibition of PKA activity, however, blocked the release of Cdc6 from chromatin and subsequent DNA replication. These data suggest that PKA activation in late M phase is required for the following S phase.  相似文献   

Recently we showed that the Schizosaccharomyces pombe ddb1 gene plays a role in S phase progression. A mutant S. pombe strain lacking expression of the ddb1 gene exhibited slow replication through both early and late regions causing a slow S phase phenotype. We attributed the phenotypes in the ddb1 strain to an increased activity of the replication checkpoint kinase Cds1. However, the basis for a high basal Cds1 activity in the ddb1 strain was not clear. It was shown that Ddb1 associates with the Cop9/signalosome. Moreover, the phenotypes of the Deltaddb1 strain are remarkably similar to the Deltacsn1 (or Deltacsn2) strain that lacks expression of the Csn1 (or Csn2) subunit of the Cop9/signalosome. Cop9/signalosome cooperates with Pcu4 to induce proteolysis of Spd1, which inhibits DNA replication by inhibiting ribonucleotide reductase. Therefore, we investigated whether Ddb1 is required for the proteolysis of Spd1. Here we show that a S. pombe strain lacking expression of Ddb1 fails to induce proteolysis of Spd1 in S phase and after DNA damage. Moreover, deletion of the spd1 gene attenuates the Cds1 kinase activity in cells lacking the expression of ddb1, suggesting that an accumulation of Spd1 results in the increase of Cds1 activity in the Deltaddb1 strain. In addition, the double mutant lacking spd1 and ddb1 no longer exhibits the growth defects and DNA damage sensitivity observed in the Deltaddb1 strain. Our results establish an essential role of Ddb1 in the proteolysis of Spd1. In addition, the observation provides evidence for a functional link between Ddb1 and the Cop9/signalosome.  相似文献   

Oh M  Choi IS  Park SD 《Nucleic acids research》2002,30(18):4022-4031
The deletion of the top3+ gene leads to defective nuclear division and lethality in Schizosaccharo myces pombe. This lethality is suppressed by concomitant loss of rqh1+, the RecQ helicase. Despite extensive investigation, topoisomerase III function and its relationship with RecQ helicase remain poorly understood. We generated top3 temperature-sensitive (top3-ts) mutants and found these to be defective in nuclear division and cytokinesis and to be sensitive to DNA-damaging agents. A temperature shift of top3-ts cells to 37°C, or treatment with hydroxyurea at the permissive temperature, caused an increase in ‘cut’ (cell untimely torn) cells and elevated rates of minichromosome loss. The viability of top3-ts cells was decreased by a temperature shift during S-phase when compared with a similar treatment in other cell cycle stages. Furthermore, the top3-ts mutant was not sensitive to M-phase specific drugs. These results indicate that topoisomerase III may play an important role in DNA metabolism during DNA replication to ensure proper chromosome segregation. Our data are consistent with Top3 acting downstream of Rqh1 to process the toxic DNA structure produced by Rqh1.  相似文献   

Polo-like kinase (Plk)1 is required for mitosis progression. However, although Plk1 is expressed throughout the cell cycle, its function during S-phase is unknown. Using Xenopus laevis egg extracts, we demonstrate that Plx1, the Xenopus orthologue of Plk1, is required for DNA replication in the presence of stalled replication forks induced by aphidicolin, etoposide or reduced levels of DNA-bound Mcm complexes. Plx1 binds to chromatin and suppresses the ATM/ATR-dependent intra-S-phase checkpoint that inhibits origin firing. This allows Cdc45 loading and derepression of DNA replication initiation. Checkpoint activation increases Plx1 binding to the Mcm complex through its Polo box domain. Plx1 recruitment to chromatin is independent of checkpoint mediators Tipin and Claspin. Instead, ATR-dependent phosphorylation of serine 92 of Mcm2 is required for the recruitment of Plx1 to chromatin and for the recovery of DNA replication under stress. Depletion of Plx1 leads to accumulation of chromosomal breakage that is prevented by the addition of recombinant Plx1. These data suggest that Plx1 promotes genome stability by regulating DNA replication under stressful conditions.  相似文献   

The genome of the geminivirus tomato golden mosaic virus (TGMV) consists of two single-stranded circular DNAs, A and B, that replicate through a rolling-circle mechanism in nuclei of infected plant cells. The TGMV origin of replication is located in a conserved 5' intergenic region and includes at least two functional elements: the origin recognition site of the essential viral replication protein, AL1, and a sequence motif with the potential to form a hairpin or cruciform structure. To address the role of the hairpin motif during TGMV replication, we constructed a series of B-component mutants that resolved sequence changes from structural alterations of the motif. Only those mutant B DNAs that retained the capacity to form the hairpin structure replicated to wild-type levels in tobacco protoplasts when the viral replication proteins were provided in trans from a plant expression cassette. In contrast, the same B DNAs replicated to significantly lower levels in transient assays that included replicating, wild-type TGMV A DNA. These data established that the hairpin structure is essential for TGMV replication, whereas its sequence affects the efficiency of replication. We also showed that TGMV AL1 functions as a site-specific endonuclease in vitro and mapped the cleavage site to the loop of the hairpin. In vitro cleavage analysis of two TGMV B mutants with different replication phenotypes indicated that there is a correlation between the two assays for origin activity. These results suggest that the in vivo replication results may reflect structural and sequence requirements for DNA cleavage during initiation of rolling-circle replication.  相似文献   

Budding yeast Dpb11 (human TopBP1, fission yeast Cut5) is an essential protein required for replisome assembly and for the DNA damage checkpoint. Previous studies with the temperature-sensitive dpb11-1 allele, truncated at amino acid 583 of the 764-amino acid protein, have suggested the model that Dpb11 couples DNA replication to the replication checkpoint. However, the dpb11-1 allele shows distinct replication defects even at permissive temperatures. Here, we determine that the 1-600-amino acid domain of DPB11 is both required and sufficient for full replication function of Dpb11 but that this domain is defective for activation of the principal checkpoint kinase Mec1 (human ataxia telangiectasia and Rad3-related) in vitro and in vivo. Remarkably, mutants of DPB11 that leave its replication function intact but abrogate its ability to activate Mec1 are proficient for the replication checkpoint, but they are compromised for the G(2)/M DNA damage checkpoint. These data suggest that replication checkpoint defects may result indirectly from defects in replisome assembly. Two conserved aromatic amino acids in the C terminus of Dpb11 are critical for Mec1 activation in vitro and for the G(2)/M checkpoint in yeast. Together with aromatic motifs identified previously in the Ddc1 subunit of 9-1-1, another activator of Mec1 kinase, they define a consensus structure for Mec1 activation.  相似文献   

H Masai  T Miyake    K Arai 《The EMBO journal》1995,14(13):3094-3104
Degenerate oligonucleotide-directed polymerase chain reaction was conducted to clone a possible Schizosaccharomyces pombe homologue [hsk1 for a putative homologue of CDC7 (seven) kinase 1] of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Cdc7 kinase. The cloned cDNA for hsk1+ contains an open reading frame consisting of 507 amino acids with predicted mol. wt of 58,370 that possesses overall amino acid identity of 46% (65% including similar residues) to CDC7. In addition to conserved domains for serine-threonine kinases, the predicted primary structure of Hsk1 contains three 'kinase insert' sequences characteristic to Cdc7 at the positions identical to those of Cdc7. Whereas the length and sequences of the kinase inserts are diverged between the two yeast species, 58% identity (76% including similar residues) is detected within the kinase conserved domains. The hsk1+ gene, which is present as a single copy on the S.pombe chromosome, contains two introns within the coding frame. Disruption of the hsk1+ gene by insertion of the ura4+ gene is lethal to growth. Analysis of the DNA content of germinating spores that contain hsk1 null alleles indicates that DNA replication is inhibited in the mutant. The morphology of these mutant spores after germination indicates abnormal nuclear division in some population of germinating spores, suggesting either that Hsk1 may be required for inhibition of mitosis until completion of S phase or that it may also be involved in proper execution of mitosis. Our results suggest that hsk1+ is a strong candidate for the functional fission yeast homologue of budding yeast CDC7 and that a mechanism through which initiation of chromosomal replication is regulated may be conserved between the two yeast species.  相似文献   

A yeast origin of replication is activated late in S phase   总被引:42,自引:0,他引:42  
The mechanism that causes large regions of eukaryotic chromosomes to remain unreplicated until late in S phase is not understood. We have found that 67 kb of telomere-adjacent DNA at the right end of chromosome V in S. cerevisiae is replicated late in S phase. An ARS element in this region, ARS501, was shown by two-dimensional gel analysis to be an active origin of replication. Kinetic analyses indicate that the rate of replication fork movement within this late region is similar to that in early replicating regions. Therefore, the delayed replication of the region is a consequence of late origin activation. The results also support the idea that the pattern of interspersed early and late replication along the chromosomes of higher eukaryotes is a consequence of the temporal regulation of origin activation.  相似文献   

We show that DNA topoisomerase II (topo II) is continuously required for mitotic chromosome changes in Schizosaccharomyces pombe. We constructed cold-sensitive (cs) or temperature-sensitive (ts) strains mutated in the genes coding for topo II (top2) and beta-tubulin (nda3). The ATP-dependent activity of the top2cs gene product is cs in vitro. The cloned top2cs gene sequence predicts an amino acid substitution. A cs top2-cs nda3 double mutant at 20 degrees C shows long, entangled chromosomes, which condense and separate upon the shift to permissive temperatures. If spindle formation is prevented at permissive temperatures, the chromosomes condense but do not separate. Thus topo II is required for final chromosome condensation; moreover, pulse-shift experiments show that topo II is required for chromatid disjuction. Experiments with ts top2-cs nda3 cells show that topo II is also required for chromosome separation in anaphase: inactivation of topo II and activation of beta-tubulin allow normal spindle formation but result in "streaked" chromosomes.  相似文献   

DNA polymerase ε (Pol ε) participates in the synthesis of the leading strand during DNA replication in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Pol ε comprises four subunits: the catalytic subunit, Pol2, and three accessory subunits, Dpb2, Dpb3 and Dpb4. DPB2 is an essential gene with unclear function. A genetic screen was performed in S. cerevisiae to isolate lethal mutations in DPB2. The dpb2-200 allele carried two mutations within the last 13 codons of the open reading frame, one of which resulted in a six amino acid truncation. This truncated Dpb2 subunit was co-expressed with Pol2, Dpb3 and Dpb4 in S. cerevisiae, but this Dpb2 variant did not co-purify with the other Pol ε subunits. This resulted in the purification of a Pol2/Dpb3/Dpb4 complex that possessed high specific activity and high processivity and holoenzyme assays with PCNA, RFC and RPA on a single-primed circular template did not reveal any defects in replication efficiency. In conclusion, the lack of Dpb2 did not appear to have a negative effect on Pol ε activity. Thus, the C-terminal motif of Dpb2 that we have identified may instead be required for Dpb2 to fulfill an essential structural role at the replication origin or at the replication fork.  相似文献   

Tipin was originally isolated as a protein interacting with Timeless/Tim1/Tim (Tim), which is known to be involved in both circadian rhythm and cell cycle checkpoint regulation. The endogenous Tim and Tipin proteins in human cells, interacting through the N-terminal segment of each molecule, form a complex throughout the cell cycle. Tipin and Tim are expressed in the interphase nuclei mostly at constant levels during the cell cycle, and small fractions are recovered in the chromatin-enriched fractions during S phase. Depletion of endogenous Tipin results in reduced growth rate, and this may be due in part to inefficient progression of S phase and DNA synthesis. Knockdown of Tipin induces radioresistant DNA synthesis and inhibits phosphorylation of Chk1 kinase caused by replication stress, as was observed with that of Tim. Knockdown of Tipin or Tim results in reduced protein level and relocation to the cytoplasm of the respective binding partner, suggesting that the complex formation may be required for stabilization and nuclear accumulation of both proteins. Furthermore, both Tipin and Tim may facilitate the accumulation of Claspin in the nuclei under replication stress, whereas nuclear localization of Tipin and Tim is unaffected by Claspin. Our results indicate that mammalian Tipin is a checkpoint mediator that cooperates with Tim and may regulate the nuclear relocation of Claspin in response to replication checkpoint.  相似文献   

Sld2 is essential for the initiation of DNA replication, but the mechanism underlying its role in replication is not fully understood. The S-phase cyclin dependent kinase (S-CDK) triggers the association of Sld2 with Dpb11, and a phosphomimetic mutation of Sld2, Sld2T84D, functionally mimics the S-CDK phosphorylated state of Sld2. We report that Sld2T84D binds directly to the single-stranded (ss) DNA of two different origins of replication, and S-CDK phosphorylation of Sld2 stimulates the binding of Sld2 to origin ssDNA. Sld2T84D binds to a thymine-rich ssDNA region of the origin ARS1, and substitution of ARS1 thymines with adenines completely disrupts binding of Sld2T84D. Sld2T84D enhances the ability of origin ssDNA to pulldown Dpb11, and Sld2 binding to origin ssDNA may be important to allow Sld2 and Dpb11 to associate with origin DNA. We also report that Sld2T84D anneals ssDNA of an origin sequence. Dpb11 anneals ssDNA to low levels, and the addition of Sld2T84D with Dpb11 results in higher annealing activity than that of either protein alone. Sld2-stimulated annealing may be important for maintaining genome stability during the initiation of DNA replication.  相似文献   

Enterovirus 71 is an enterovirus of the family Picornaviridae. The 2C protein of poliovirus, a relative of enterovirus 71, is essential for viral replication. The poliovirus 2C protein is associated with host membrane vesicles, which form viral replication complexes where viral RNA synthesis takes place. We have now identified a host-encoded 2C binding protein called reticulon 3, which we found to be associated with the replication complex through direct interaction with the enterovirus 71-encoded 2C protein. We observed that the N terminus of the 2C protein, which has both RNA- and membrane-binding activity, interacted with reticulon 3. This region of interaction was mapped to its reticulon homology domain, whereas that of 2C was encoded by the 25th amino acid, isoleucine. Reticulon 3 could also interact with the 2C proteins encoded by other enteroviruses, such as poliovirus and coxsackievirus A16, implying that it is a common factor for such viral replication. Reduced production of reticulon 3 by RNA interference markedly reduced the synthesis of enterovirus 71-encoded viral proteins and replicative double-stranded RNA, reducing plaque formation and apoptosis. Furthermore, reintroduction of nondegradable reticulon 3 into these knockdown cells rescued enterovirus 71 infectivity, and viral protein and double-stranded RNA synthesis. Thus, reticulon 3 is an important component of enterovirus 71 replication, through its potential role in modulation of the sequential interactions between enterovirus 71 viral RNA and the replication complex.  相似文献   

Three DNA polymerases, alpha, delta, and epsilon are required for viability in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We have investigated whether DNA polymerases epsilon and delta are required for DNA replication. Two temperature-sensitive mutations in the POL2 gene, encoding DNA polymerase epsilon, have been identified by using the plasmid shuffle technique. Alkaline sucrose gradient analysis of DNA synthesis products in the mutant strains shows that no chromosomal-size DNA is formed after shift of an asynchronous culture to the nonpermissive temperature. The only DNA synthesis observed is a reduced quantity of short DNA fragments. The DNA profiles of replication intermediates from these mutants are similar to those observed with DNA synthesized in mutants deficient in DNA polymerase alpha under the same conditions. The finding that DNA replication stops upon shift to the nonpermissive temperature in both DNA polymerase alpha- and DNA polymerase epsilon- deficient strains shows that both DNA polymerases are involved in elongation. By contrast, previous studies on pol3 mutants, deficient in DNA polymerase delta, suggested that there was considerable residual DNA synthesis at the nonpermissive temperature. We have reinvestigated the nature of DNA synthesis in pol3 mutants. We find that pol3 strains are defective in the synthesis of chromosomal-size DNA at the restrictive temperature after release from a hydroxyurea block. These results demonstrate that yeast DNA polymerase delta is also required at the replication fork.  相似文献   

P Charneau  M Alizon    F Clavel 《Journal of virology》1992,66(5):2814-2820
We recently reported that human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) unintegrated linear DNA displays a discontinuity in its plus strand, precisely defined by a second copy of the polypurine tract (PPT) located near the middle of the genome (P. Charneau and F. Clavel, J. Virol. 65:2415-2421, 1991). This central PPT appears to determine a second initiation site for retrovirus DNA plus-strand synthesis. We show here that mutations replacing purines by pyrimidines in the HIV-1 central PPT, which do not modify the overlapping amino acid sequence, are able to significantly slow down viral growth as they reduce plus-strand origin at the center of the genome. One of these mutations, introducing four pyrimidines, results in a 2-week delay in viral growth in CEM cells and abolishes plus-strand origin at the central PPT. The introduction in this mutant of a wild-type copy of the PPT at a different site creates a new plus-strand origin at that site. This new origin also determines the end of the upstream plus-strand segment, probably as a consequence of limited strand displacement-synthesis. Our findings further demonstrate the role of PPTs as initiation sites for the synthesis of the retroviral DNA plus strand and demonstrate the importance of a second such origin for efficient HIV replication in vitro.  相似文献   

RPA is an initiation factor for human chromosomal DNA replication   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The initiation of chromosomal DNA replication in human cell nuclei is not well understood because of its complexity. To allow investigation of this process on a molecular level, we have recently established a cell-free system that initiates chromosomal DNA replication in an origin-specific manner under cell cycle control in isolated human cell nuclei. We have now used fractionation and reconstitution experiments to functionally identify cellular factors present in a human cell extract that trigger initiation of chromosomal DNA replication in this system. Initial fractionation of a cytosolic extract indicates the presence of at least two independent and non-redundant initiation factors. We have purified one of these factors to homogeneity and identified it as the single-stranded DNA binding protein RPA. The prokaryotic single-stranded DNA binding protein SSB cannot substitute for RPA in the initiation of human chromosomal DNA replication. Antibodies specific for human RPA inhibit the initiation step of human chromosomal DNA replication in vitro. RPA is recruited to DNA replication foci and becomes phosphorylated concomitant with the initiation step in vitro. These data establish a direct functional role for RPA as an essential factor for the initiation of human chromosomal DNA replication.  相似文献   

Alkylating agents, such as methyl methanesulfonate (MMS), damage DNA and activate the DNA damage checkpoint. Although many of the checkpoint proteins that transduce damage signals have been identified and characterized, the mechanism that senses the damage and activates the checkpoint is not yet understood. To address this issue for alkylation damage, we have reconstituted the checkpoint response to MMS in Xenopus egg extracts. Using four different indicators for checkpoint activation (delay on entrance into mitosis, slowing of DNA replication, phosphorylation of the Chk1 protein, and physical association of the Rad17 checkpoint protein with damaged DNA), we report that MMS-induced checkpoint activation is dependent upon entrance into S phase. Additionally, we show that the replication of damaged double-stranded DNA, and not replication of damaged single-stranded DNA, is the molecular event that activates the checkpoint. Therefore, these data provide direct evidence that replication forks are an obligate intermediate in the activation of the DNA damage checkpoint.  相似文献   

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