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The hemodynamic response to maximal exercise was determined in rats that were subjected to high-intensity sprint training (HIST) and rats that served as sedentary controls. Training consisted of five 1-min bouts of treadmill running at work loads (15% grade, 97 m/min) in excess of the animals' maximal O2 uptake (VO2max) interspersed with 90 s of rest. Training was performed 6 days/wk for 6 wk. After the training regimen, all rats were acutely instrumented with catheters in the right carotid artery and right ventricle. O2 uptakes, hemodynamic parameters, arterial and mixed venous O2 concentrations, blood gases, and acid-base status were determined at rest and during submaximal and maximal exercise. Results demonstrated that VO2max of HIST rats was significantly greater than that found for sedentary control rats. This increase in VO2max was due to an increase in maximal cardiac output (Qmax), since maximal arteriovenous O2 difference was similar between trained and sedentary rats. The increase in Qmax was due to an increase in maximal stroke volume (SVmax), because maximal heart rate in trained rats was similar to that in sedentary control rats. Citrate synthase and phosphofructokinase activities measured in the white gastrocnemius, plantaris, and soleus muscles of trained and sedentary rats were similar. These results suggest that the increase in VO2max produced with HIST in rats is strongly linked to an increase in central cardiac function as indicated by an increase in Qmax and SVmax.  相似文献   

Previous research has indicated that short-duration, high-intensity work intervals performed at velocities associated with maximal oxygen uptake (vVO2max) combined with active recovery intervals may be effective in eliciting improvements in endurance performance. This study was designed to characterize selected physiological responses to short-duration (< or = 60 seconds) interval work performed at velocities corresponding to 100% of vVO2max. Twelve men participated in 3 randomized trials consisting of treadmill running using work (W)/recovery (R) intervals of 15 seconds W/15 seconds R (15/15); 30 seconds W/15 seconds R (30/15); and 60 seconds W/15 seconds R (60/15). Work intervals were performed at 100% of vVO2max, whereas R intervals were performed at 50% of vVO2max. A fourth trial consisting of continuous work (C) at 100% of vVO2max was also performed. All subjects completed the 15/15 and 30/15 trials; however, only 5 of the 12 completed the 60/15 trial. The percentage of VO2max (mean +/- SD) during 15/15 (71.6 +/- 4.2%) was significantly lower (p < or = 0.05) than the percentages during 30/15 (84.6 +/- 4.0%), 60/15 (89.2 +/- 4.2%), or C (87.9 +/- 5.0%). Similar results were found for heart rate and perceived exertion. Blood lactate concentrations following exercise were significantly lower (p < or = 0.05) in 15/15 (7.3 +/- 2.4 mmol x L(-1)) than in the other trials. No significant differences (p > 0.05) existed among 30/15 (11.5 +/- 1.8 mmol x L(-1)), 60/15 (12.5 +/- 1.8 mmol x L(-1)) or C (12.1 +/- 1.8 mmol x L(-1)). High intensity, short-duration 2:1 W/R intervals appear to produce responses that may benefit both aerobic and anaerobic energy system development. A 4:1 W/R ratio may be an upper limit for individuals in the initial phases of interval training.  相似文献   

高强度间歇训练(high-intensity interval training,HIIT)己被证明是一种省时、高效的运动策略.与传统的中、低强度有氧运动相比,它可以提供类似甚至更好的健康效益.近年来一些研究表明,HIIT可作为一种有前途的运动康复疗法来改善肥胖、糖尿病、中风、痴呆等疾病引起的认知功能受损.因此,本文综...  相似文献   

[背景]肠道菌群和运动均与人体健康息息相关,但高强度间歇性训练对人体肠道菌群干预效果的认识还十分有限.[目的]探讨高强度间歇性训练对人体肠道菌群的影响,为全民体质健康及肠道菌群相关疾病的防治提供参考.[方法]招募68名志愿者进行每周3次、为期12周的高强度间歇性训练,运动前后分别获取新鲜粪便,利用16SrRNA基因高通...  相似文献   

Strength training and determinants of VO2max in older men   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effects of strength training on maximal aerobic power (VO2max) and some of its determinants were studied in 12 healthy older men (60-72 yr). They underwent 12 wk of strength conditioning of extensors and flexors of each knee with eight repetitions per set, three sets per session, and three sessions per week at 80% of the one repetition maximum (1 RM). Left knee extensors showed a 107% increase in 1 RM, a 10% increase in isokinetic strength at 60 degrees/s, and a 23% increase in total work performed during 25 contractions on an isokinetic dynamometer. Strength measurements of the untrained left elbow extensors showed no change. Leg cycle ergometer VO2max per unit fat-free mass increased by an average 1.9 ml (P = 0.034) whereas arm cycle VO2max was unchanged. Pulmonary function, hemoglobin concentration, erythrocyte volume, plasma volume, and total blood volume did not change. Biopsies of the vastus lateralis showed a 28% increase in mean fiber area, no change in fiber type distribution, a 15% increase in capillaries per fiber, and a 38% increase in citrate synthase activity. The data suggest that the small increase in leg cycle VO2max in older men may be due to adaptations in oxidative capacity and increased mass of the strength-trained muscles.  相似文献   

To quantify the relative contributions of convective and peripheral diffusive components of O2 transport to the increase in leg O2 uptake (VO2leg) at maximum O2 uptake (VO2max) after 9 wk of endurance training, 12 sedentary subjects (age 21.8 +/- 3.4 yr, VO2max 36.9 +/- 5.9 ml.min-1.kg-1) were studied. VO2max, leg blood flow (Qleg), and arterial and femoral venous PO2, and thus VO2leg, were measured while the subjects breathed room air, 15% O2, and 12% O2. The sequence of the three inspirates was balanced. After training, VO2max and VO2leg increased at each inspired O2 concentration [FIO2; mean over the 3 FIO2 values 25.2 +/- 17.8 and 36.5 +/- 33% (SD), respectively]. Before training, VO2leg and mean capillary PO2 were linearly related through the origin during hypoxia but not during room air breathing, suggesting that, at 21% O2, VO2max was not limited by O2 supply. After training, VO2leg and mean capillary PO2 at each FIO2 fell along a straight line with zero intercept, just as in athletes (Roca et al. J. Appl. Physiol. 67: 291-299, 1989). Calculated muscle O2 diffusing capacity (DO2) rose 34% while Qleg increased 19%. The relatively greater rise in DO2 increased the DO2/Qleg, which led to 9.9% greater O2 extraction. By numerical analysis, the increase in Qleg alone (constant DO2) would have raised VO2leg by 35 ml/min (mean), but that of DO2 (constant Qleg) would have increased VO2leg by 85 ml/min, more than twice as much. The sum of these individual effects (120 ml/min) was less (P = 0.013) than the observed rise of 164 ml/min (mean). This synergism (explained by the increase in DO2/Qleg) seems to be an important contribution to increases in VO2max with training.  相似文献   

Objectives:To evaluate the effects of different intensity exercises on maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max and levels of components, namely brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), tyrosine kinase receptor B (TrKB), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), peroxisome proliferator activated receptor-gamma coactivator (PGC-1α), and irisin.Methods:Thirty-six male participants were divided into control (CNT), low-intensity (LIIT), and high-intensity interval training (HIIT) groups. LIIT and HIIT groups consisted of 8 exercises (20 s work and rest in each repetition, respectively) conducted for 4 weeks. VO2max and protein component levels were determined pre- and post-training. VO2max capacity was also determined using the Yo Yo Intermittent Recovery Test-1 (Yo Yo IR-1). Statistical analysis was conducted to determine significance of the differences observed.Results:According to the YoYo IR-1, VO2max, serum BDNF, VEGF, PGC1α, irisin, and TrkB data obtained in the study, a statistically significant difference between the groups was observed (p<0.05). While the interaction effect was found to be statistically significant in the study using PGC1α, VEGF, and TrkB data (p<0.05), it was not found to be statistically significant using YoYo IR-1, VO2max, serum BDNF, or irisin data (p>0.05).Conclusion:HIIT and LIIT improved all study parameters, while HIIT showed a greater effect than LIIT.  相似文献   

Before the start and after 4, 8, and 12 wk of a treadmill training program male rats were randomly selected and tested for running performance, maximum O2 consumption (VO2 max), running economy (VO2 submax), and skeletal muscle oxidative capacity (QO2). Data were compared with values from untrained weight-matched control rats. Maximum running time to exhaustion increased significantly (P less than 0.01) by 4 wk and again at 12 wk (P less than 0.01). Submaximal running endurance increased by 120 (4 wk), 320 (8 wk), and 372% (12 wk) (P less than 0.01). VO2 max was increased only at 12 wk (86.0 +/- 2.7 vs. 75.5 +/- 1.9 ml O2.kg-1.min-1); VO2 submax was decreased at 4 and 8 wk but not at 12 wk. Soleus QO2 was unchanged after 4 wk of training and increased by 50% at 8 wk and by 77% at 12 wk. This study is the first to show a dissociation in both the time course and the magnitude of longitudinal changes in VO2 max, VO2 submax, QO2, and maximal and submaximal running performance. We conclude that factors other than those measured explain the improvement in running performance that resulted from endurance training in these rats.  相似文献   

Twelve middle-distance runners, each having recently completed a competitive track season, were divided into two groups matched for maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), 2-mile run time and age. Group 1 trained for 3 wk at Davis, PB = 760 mmHg, running 19.3 km/day at 75% of sea-level (SL) VO2max, while group 2 trained an equivalent distance at the same relative intensity at the US Air Force Academy (AFA), PB = 586 mmHg. The groups then exchanged sites and followed a training program of similar intensity to the group preceding it for an additional 3 wk. Periodic near exhaustive VO2max treadmill tests and 2-mile competitive time trials were completed. Initial 2-mile times at the AFA were 7.2% slower than SL control. Both groups demonstrated improved performance in the second trial at the AFA (chi = 2.0%), but mean postaltitude performance was unchanged from SL control. VO2max at the AFA was reduced initially 17.4% from SL control, but increased 2.6% after 20 days. However, postaltitude VO2max was 2.8% below SL control. It is concluded that there is no potentiating effect of hard endurance training at 2,300-m over equivalently severe SL training on SL VO2max or 2-mile performance time in already well conditioned middle-distance runners.  相似文献   

The purpose of these experiments is to test the hypothesis that exercise-induced hypoxemia at sea level in highly trained athletes might be exacerbated during acute hypoxia and therefore result in correspondingly larger decrements in maximal O2 uptake (VO2max) compared with less trained individuals. Thirteen healthy male volunteers were divided into two groups according to their level of fitness: 1) trained endurance athletes (T) (n = 7), with a VO2max range of 56-75 ml.kg-1.min-1 and 2) untrained individuals (UT) (n = 6), with a VO2max range of 33-49 ml.kg-1.min-1. Subjects performed two incremental cycle ergometry tests to determine VO2max under hypoxic conditions [14% O2-86% N2, barometric pressure (PB) = 760 Torr] and normoxic conditions (21% O2-79% N2, PB = 760 Torr). Tests were single blind, randomly administered, and separated by at least 72 h. Mean percent oxyhemoglobin saturation (%SaO2) during maximal exercise under hypoxic conditions was significantly (P less than 0.05) lower in the T group (77%) compared with the UT group (86%). Furthermore, the T group exhibited larger decrements (P less than 0.05) in VO2max (normoxic-hypoxic) compared with the UT group. Finally, a significant linear correlation (r = 0.94) existed between normoxic VO2max (ml.kg-1.min-1) and delta VO2max (normoxic-hypoxic). These data suggest that highly T endurance athletes suffer more severe gas exchange impairments during acute exposure to hypoxia than UT individuals, and this may explain a portion of the observed variance in delta VO2max among individuals during acute altitude or hypoxia exposure.  相似文献   

Glycemic control is essential to reduce the risk of complications associated with metabolic syndrome (MetS) and type 2 diabetes (T2D). Aerobic and resistance exercise performed alone or in combination improve glycemic control in both conditions. However, perceived lack of time and commitment are considered principal barriers to performing exercise regularly. High intensity interval training (HIIT) and sprint interval training (SIT) can be performed in a fraction of the time required for continuous aerobic exercise. A substantial scientific evidence indicates that HIIT/SIT improve glycemic control to a similar or greater extent than aerobic exercise in populations without MetS or T2D. Likewise, growing evidence suggest that HIIT/SIT improve the glycemic control during MetS and T2D. The aim of this review is to discuss the effects of interval training protocols on peripheral markers of glucose metabolism in patients with MetS and T2D.  相似文献   

1. Maximum oxygen consumption has been measured by means of three different exercises: cycle ergometry, treadmill running and uphill walking with a 20 kg-load. 2. Loaded walking allowed to reach a VO2 max level in average 2% greater than running and 13% greater than bicycling. 3. This finding suggest that VO2 max may depend on peripheral factors.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the validity of the desktop CardioCoach metabolic system to measure VO2max and VEmax. Sixteen subjects (mean age = 19.5 +/- 3.2 years) completed 2 maximal graded exercise tests following the same protocol before and after 7 and 14 weeks of endurance training. Subjects' VO2max and VEmax were measured by either the CardioCoach or the ParvoMedics TrueOne 2400 metabolic measurement system (TrueOne). An alpha level of significance of p < 0.05 was maintained for all statistical analyses. The time to test completion and the final treadmill grade of the exercise tests performed by both the CardioCoach and the TrueOne increased over the 3 testing periods, confirming an improvement in cardiorespiratory fitness resulting from the 14 weeks of training. A linear growth curve analysis indicated that there were statistically significant differences between VO2max (ml x kg(-1) x min(-1)) as measured by the TrueOne and the CardioCoach before (44.4 +/- 5.0 and 49.3 +/- 5.4) and after 7 weeks (46.0 +/- 5.2 and 48.2 +/- 5.4) of training but not after 14 weeks of training (47.8 +/- 5.6 and 48.4 +/- 5.2). Significant differences also existed in VEmax (L x min(-1)) as measured by the TrueOne and the CardioCoach before (76.8 +/- 17.7 and 71.9 +/- 13.7), after 7 weeks (81.4 +/- 16.2 and 72.8 +/- 14.1), and after 14 weeks (86.8 +/- 19.4 and 74.2 +/- 13.1) of training. Although significant growth of VO2max (0.24 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) x wk(-1)) and VEmax (0.71 L x min(-1) x wk(-1)) was measured by the TrueOne over 14 weeks of training, the CardioCoach was unable to detect growth in VO2max (-0.02 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) x wk(-1)) or VEmax (0.17 L x min(-1) x wk(-1)). This study indicates that the CardioCoach did not accurately measure or monitor changes in VO2max or VEmax resulting from training.  相似文献   



Sarcopenic obesity, associated with greater risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and mortality in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), may be related to dysregulated muscle remodeling. To determine whether exercise training could improve remodeling, we measured changes in inter-relationships of plasma galectin-3, skeletal muscle cytokines, and muscle myostatin in patients with RA and prediabetes before and after a high-intensity interval training (HIIT) program.


Previously sedentary persons with either RA (n = 12) or prediabetes (n = 9) completed a 10-week supervised HIIT program. At baseline and after training, participants underwent body composition (Bod Pod®) and cardiopulmonary exercise testing, plasma collection, and vastus lateralis biopsies. Plasma galectin-3, muscle cytokines, muscle interleukin-1 beta (mIL-1β), mIL-6, mIL-8, muscle tumor necrosis factor-alpha (mTNF-α), mIL-10, and muscle myostatin were measured via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. An independent cohort of patients with RA (n = 47) and age-, gender-, and body mass index (BMI)-matched non-RA controls (n = 23) were used for additional analyses of galectin-3 inter-relationships.


Exercise training did not reduce mean concentration of galectin-3, muscle cytokines, or muscle myostatin in persons with either RA or prediabetes. However, training-induced alterations varied among individuals and were associated with cardiorespiratory fitness and body composition changes. Improved cardiorespiratory fitness (increased absolute peak maximal oxygen consumption, or VO2) correlated with reductions in galectin-3 (r = ?0.57, P = 0.05 in RA; r = ?0.48, P = 0.23 in prediabetes). Training-induced improvements in body composition were related to reductions in muscle IL-6 and TNF-α (r < ?0.60 and P <0.05 for all). However, the association between increased lean mass and decreased muscle IL-6 association was stronger in prediabetes compared with RA (Fisher r-to-z P = 0.0004); in prediabetes but not RA, lean mass increases occurred in conjunction with reductions in muscle myostatin (r = ?0.92; P <0.05; Fisher r-to-z P = 0.026). Subjects who received TNF inhibitors (n = 4) or hydroxychloroquine (n = 4) did not improve body composition with exercise training.


Exercise responses in muscle myostatin, cytokines, and body composition were significantly greater in prediabetes than in RA, consistent with impaired muscle remodeling in RA. To maximize physiologic improvements with exercise training in RA, a better understanding is needed of skeletal muscle and physiologic responses to exercise training and their modulation by RA disease–specific features or pharmacologic agents or both.

Trial registration

ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02528344. Registered on August 19, 2015.

The effects of in-season, high-intensity interval training on professional male soccer players' running performances were investigated. Twenty-two subjects participated in 2 consecutive training periods of 10 weeks. The first period was considered a control period and was compared with a period where 2 high-intensity interval training exercises were included in the usual training program. Intermittent runs consisted of 12-15 runs lasting 15 seconds at 120% of maximal aerobic speed alternated with 15 seconds of rest. Sprint repetitions consisted of 12-15 all-out 40-m runs alternated with 30 seconds of rest. Results from the high-intensity interval training have shown that maximal aerobic speed was improved (+8.1 +/- 3.1%; p < 0.001) and that the time of the 40-m sprint was decreased (-3.5 +/- 1.5%; p < 0.001), whereas no change in either parameters were observed during the control period. This study shows that improvements in physical qualities can be made during the in-season period.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the influence of 3 different high-intensity interval training regimens on the first and second ventilatory thresholds (VT(1) and VT(2)), anaerobic capacity (ANC), and plasma volume (PV) in well-trained endurance cyclists. Before and after 2 and 4 weeks of training, 38 well-trained cyclists (Vo(2)peak = 64.5 +/- 5.2 ml.kg(-1).min(-1)) performed (a) a progressive cycle test to measure Vo(2)peak, peak power output (PPO), VT(1), and VT(2); (b) a time to exhaustion test (T(max)) at their Vo(2)peak power output (P(max)); and (c) a 40-km time-trial (TT(40)). Subjects were assigned to 1 of 4 training groups (group 1: n = 8, 8 x 60% T(max) at P(max), 1:2 work-recovery ratio; group 2: n = 9, 8 x 60% T(max) at P(max), recovery at 65% maximum heart rate; group 3: n = 10, 12 x 30 seconds at 175% PPO, 4.5-minute recovery; control group: n = 11). The TT(40) performance, Vo(2)peak, VT(1), VT(2), and ANC were all significantly increased in groups 1, 2, and 3 (p < 0.05) but not in the control group. However, PV did not change in response to the 4-week training program. Changes in TT(40) performance were modestly related to the changes in Vo(2)peak, VT(1), VT(2), and ANC (r = 0.41, 0.34, 0.42, and 0.40, respectively; all p < 0.05). In conclusion, the improvements in TT(40) performance were related to significant increases in Vo(2)peak, VT(1), VT(2), and ANC but were not accompanied by significant changes in PV. Thus, peripheral adaptations rather than central adaptations are likely responsible for the improved performances witnessed in well-trained endurance athletes following various forms of high-intensity interval training programs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of acute plasma volume expansion (APVE) on oxygen uptake (V(O2)) kinetics, V(O2peak), and time to exhaustion during severe-intensity exercise. Eight recreationally active men performed "step" cycle ergometer exercise tests at a work rate requiring 70% of the difference between the gas-exchange threshold and V(O2max) on three occasions: twice as a "control" (Con) and once after intravenous infusion of a plasma volume expander (Gelofusine; 7 ml/kg body mass). Pulmonary gas exchange was measured breath by breath. APVE resulted in a significant reduction in hemoglobin concentration (preinfusion: 16.0 +/- 1.0 vs. postinfusion: 14.7 +/- 0.8 g/dl; P < 0.001) and hematocrit (preinfusion: 44 +/- 2 vs. postinfusion: 41 +/- 3%; P < 0.01). Despite this reduction in arterial O(2) content, APVE had no effect on V(O2) kinetics (phase II time constant, Con: 33 +/- 15 vs. APVE: 34 +/- 12 s; P = 0.74), and actually resulted in an increased V(O2peak) (Con: 3.90 +/- 0.56 vs. APVE: 4.12 +/- 0.55 l/min; P = 0.006) and time to exhaustion (Con: 365 +/- 58 vs. APVE: 424 +/- 64 s; P = 0.04). The maximum O(2) pulse was also enhanced by the treatment (Con: 21.3 +/- 3.4 vs. APVE: 22.7 +/- 3.4 ml/beat; P = 0.04). In conclusion, APVE does not alter V(O2) kinetics but enhances V(O2peak) and exercise tolerance during high-intensity cycle exercise in young recreationally active subjects.  相似文献   

We studied the acute effect of high-intensity interval exercise on biventricular function using cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in nine patients [age: 49 ± 16 yr; left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction (EF): 35.8 ± 7.2%] with nonischemic mild heart failure (HF). We hypothesized that a significant impairment in the immediate postexercise end-systolic volume (ESV) and end-diastolic volume (EDV) would contribute to a reduction in EF. We found that immediately following acute high-intensity interval exercise, LV ESV decreased by 6% and LV systolic annular velocity increased by 21% (both P < 0.05). Thirty minutes following exercise (+30 min), there was an absolute increase in LV EF of 2.4% (P < 0.05). Measures of preload, left atrial volume and LV EDV, were reduced immediately following exercise. Similar responses were observed for right ventricular volumes. Early filling velocity, filling rate, and diastolic annular velocity remained unchanged, while LV untwisting rate increased 24% immediately following exercise (P < 0.05) and remained 18% above baseline at +30 min (P < 0.05). The major novel findings of this investigation are 1) that acute high-intensity interval exercise decreases the immediate postexercise LV ESV and increases LV EF at +30 min in patients with mild HF, and this is associated with a reduction in LV afterload and maintenance of contractility, and 2) that despite a reduction in left atrial volume and LV EDV immediately postexercise, diastolic function is preserved and may be modulated by enhanced LV peak untwisting rate. Acute high-intensity interval exercise does not impair postexercise biventricular function in patients with nonischemic mild HF.  相似文献   

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