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小杜鹃对强脚树莺的巢寄生及其卵色模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yang CC  Cai Y  Liang W 《动物学研究》2010,31(5):555-560
于1999-2009年的鸟类繁殖季(4-8月)对贵州宽阔水自然保护区内的强脚树莺(Cettia fortipes)的繁殖进行监测,并采用光纤光谱仪,通过主成分分析、反射光谱、罗宾逊投射等方法对强脚树莺的卵色与小杜鹃(Cuculus poliocephalus)对其寄生的卵色模拟程度进行分析。研究结果表明,强脚树莺的繁殖成效在不同年份间均无显著差异,但其巢被捕食率和巢被寄生率都较高,分别为49.26%和9.18%。通过反射光谱分析,表明小杜鹃卵在色调和色度上高度模拟强脚树莺的卵,但其亮度高于宿主卵,而且在人眼无法探测的紫外光部分存在差异。  相似文献   

于1999-2009年的鸟类繁殖季(4-8月)对贵州宽阔水自然保护区内的强脚树莺(Cettia fortipes)的繁殖进行监测,并采用光纤光谱仪,通过_芏成分分析、反射光谱、罗宾逊投射等方法对强脚树莺的卵色与小杜鹃(Cuculuspoliocephalus)对其寄生的卵色模拟程度进行分析.研究结果表明,强脚树莺的繁殖成效在不同年份间均尤显著差异,但其巢被捕食率和巢被寄生率都较高,分别为49.26%和9.18%.通过反射光谱分析,表明小杜鹃卵在色调和色度上高度模拟强脚树莺的卵,但其亮度高于宿主卵,而且在人眼无法探测的紫外光部分存在差异.  相似文献   

了解杜鹃对其宿主的选择和寄生情况,能为两者间的协同进化研究提供重要的基础资料。2012和2013年每年的4~8月,在贵州宽阔水国家级自然保护区对不同生境类型中的鸟巢进行搜索监测,记录到4例中杜鹃(Cuculus saturatus)寄生繁殖现象,其宿主分别是暗绿绣眼鸟(Zosterops japonicus)、棕腹柳莺(Phylloscopus subaffinis)和黄喉鹀(Emberiza elegans),其中棕腹柳莺和暗绿绣眼鸟是首次记录到被中杜鹃寄生。中杜鹃卵重(2.39±0.14)g(n=3),体积(2.24±0.18)cm3(n=3),通过T检验方法发现中杜鹃卵极显著大于暗绿绣眼鸟和棕腹柳莺卵(P0.001),同时在形状上也与两者极不相似,中杜鹃卵呈明显的长椭圆形,与黄喉鹀的卵在大小上无显著差异(P=0.1)。反射光谱的分析结果发现,寄生于不同宿主巢的中杜鹃卵在背景色和斑点上都具有一定差异,这表明中杜鹃的卵可能存在基因族群的分化。  相似文献   

The red-chested cuckoo Cuculus solitarius parasitises many passerines in Africa, but some common species sympatric with this brood parasite are rarely used as hosts. We tested the responses of three turdid hosts to parasitism with artificial cuckoo eggs. The kurrichane thrush Turdus libonyana , which is not regularly parasitized by the cuckoo, rejected 60% of mimetic model eggs and 81% of non-mimetic eggs. We observed female thrush behaviour during the first visit after parasitism, and thrushes appeared to be initially fooled by mimetic eggs in completed clutches in all cases, and incubated. By contrast, in half of the experiments with non-mimetic eggs, these were ejected by the thrushes, with the host grasping the egg and flying away with it. The time spent nest checking prior to ejection was only one third of the time spent nest checking when females decided to incubate the clutch, suggesting that females were immediately aware of a foreign egg in the nest. By contrast, southern olive thrushes T. olivaceous rejected all non-mimetic and accepted all mimetic model eggs, whereas cape robins Cossypha caffra accepted all model eggs, irrespective of whether or not they were mimetic. Our results support the hypothesis that rejection behaviour in these two thrush species evolved as a defence against interspecific nest parasitism, with thrushes appearing to be ahead in this particular host-parasite arms race. The cape robin, by contrast, appears not to reject cuckoo eggs, either because it is to unable to recognize them, or because the costs associated with removal may be too high.  相似文献   

鸟类的巢寄生现象一直被作为生物协同演化的典型模式系统之一。对杜鹃选择宿主及其巢寄生情况进行调查和观测,能够为协同演化研究提供重要基础资料。2015年7月,我们在四川省雷波县发现一个被杜鹃寄生的鸟巢。通过野外观测和分子生物学检测,确定宿主为小鳞胸鹪鹛(Pnoepyga pusilla),而寄生者为小杜鹃(Cuculus poliocephalus)。  相似文献   

了解杜鹃(Cuculus spp.)对不同宿主鸟类的巢寄生,是研究杜鹃与其宿主之间协同进化的重要基础资料。大杜鹃(Cuculus canorus)和家燕(Hirundo rustica)分布遍及全国,且为同域分布,但两者之间的寄生现象尚未有过系统调查。2012年和2014年4~8月,对繁殖于吉林市昌邑区桦皮厂镇(34°58′44.18″N,126°13′26.83″E,海拔184 m)和海南岛的家燕种群进行调查,结果表明,吉林市昌邑区桦皮厂镇家燕种群的寄生率为2.4%(1/42),而在海南岛所调查的1 719个家燕巢未发现杜鹃寄生现象。同时在网络上搜集家燕巢寄生的报道案例,共记录到13巢家燕被大杜鹃寄生繁殖,均发生在北方的家燕种群。  相似文献   

Csaba Moskát  & Marcel Honza 《Ibis》2002,144(4):614-622
An unusually high frequency (64%) of European Cuckoo Cuculus canorus parasitism was found in Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus clutches in central Hungary. Sixty-four per cent of the parasitized clutches contained one Cuckoo egg, 23% contained two, 10% had three and 3% had four. This means that 58% of the Cuckoo eggs were found in multiply parasitized clutches. In multiple parasitism the laying second Cuckoo removed an egg from the clutch randomly, so preferred neither the host eggs, nor the concurrent Cuckoo egg. Host response towards the parasitic eggs showed 66% acceptance, 12% ejection, 20% desertion and 2% egg burial. We found great variation in both the host and the parasitic egg colour and pattern. This reduces the chance that the parasitic egg's appearance matched that of the hosts' but, in spite of this, almost perfect mimesis was found in 28% of the Cuckoo eggs. Poorly mimetic Cuckoo eggs were more frequently rejected by Great Reed Warblers than parasite eggs that were very similar to the host eggs. This high level of mimicry sometimes makes it difficult for the observer to identify the parasitic egg, especially when it is similar in size to the host eggs. It is also difficult for the host, as shown by the relatively high recognition error and ejection cost.  相似文献   

The intensity of selection exerted by brood parasites on their hosts depends on the proportion of nests that are parasitized and the fitness costs of parasitism. Nest detection by brood parasites influences the probability of parasitism, and we propose that the difficulty faced by brood parasites of finding nests on the ground may make ground‐nesting species subject to lower levels of parasitism, causing a reduction in levels of defence compared with species breeding in shrubs, trees and elsewhere above the ground. We tested the prediction that the rejection rate of Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus eggs by hosts is inversely related to the frequency with which they build nests on the ground, both at local and at continental scales. First, we used estimates of the rejection rate of non‐mimetic model eggs experimentally introduced into the nests of 26 potential host species breeding in the Sierra Nevada Mountains of southern Spain. Most species tested in the Sierra Nevada showed high rejection rates of both mimetic and non‐mimetic eggs, whereas the European Robin Erithacus rubecula, with a low rejection rate, was the only species that was regularly parasitized. At the continental scale we used all available published information on rejection rates of non‐mimetic models by European hosts of the Common Cuckoo. The frequency of ground‐nesting explained interspecific variation in rejection rate of non‐mimetic model eggs both for the species tested in the Sierra Nevada and for all European hosts after controlling for all other life‐history variables known to affect rejection rates. An effect of the abundance of trees in a particular habitat, previously shown to affect parasitism by the Common Cuckoo, was only apparent from analyses of continental‐scale data and not from the Sierra Nevada mountains, suggesting that particular properties of mountainous areas affect Common Cuckoo parasitism. Ground‐nesting species showed lower rejection rates than species breeding in bushes or trees. These results suggest that species nesting on the ground may have suffered lower parasitism pressures in their historical coevolutionary interactions with the Common Cuckoo.  相似文献   

Trichogramma spp. (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) only rarely parasitize eggs of Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millspaugh), while on other plants including sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.)) high parasitism levels of this host are found. In this study two strategies designed to increase the parasitoid activity on pigeonpea were tested in the field: intercropping pigeonpea with sorghum and mass-releasing T. chilonis Ishii. Neither strategy led to an increase in parasitism. On pigeonpea, H. armigera oviposited >74.8% of its eggs on calyxes and pods. Parasitism levels in host eggs collected from different plant structures varied significantly with 3.6, 0.3, and 40.7% of eggs on calyxes, pods, and leaves parasitized. Earlier studies have shown that calyxes and pods possess long glandular and non-glandular trichomes, and are covered by sticky trichome exudates which inhibit parasitoid searching behaviour. Parasitism levels between 27.9 and 100% were recorded from host eggs on the intercropped sorghum. Trichogramma chilonis was the dominant parasitoid species. The mean clutch size was 2.03, but up to six parasitoids emerged per egg. Progeny sex ratio (% females) decreased with clutch size, from 63.1% at a clutch size of one to 46.0% at a clutch size of five. Sticky trap catches showed that while the parasitoid population in sorghum increased when H. armigera started ovipositing, the population within pigeonpea did not benefit from either a high parasitoid population in sorghum or a high host egg density on pigeonpea. During one of five seasons studied, however, high parasitism levels (up to 73%) were recorded on pigeonpea. During this season, H. armigera oviposited on pigeonpea plants in the vegetative growth stage and a high proportion of eggs were collected from leaves. Parasitism levels were positively correlated with the percentage of eggs collected from leaves. This study shows that the parasitization efficiency of Trichogramma spp. on pigeonpea depends mainly on the location of the host eggs. This explains why parasitism levels of H. armigera eggs on pigeonpea did not increase when intercropped with sorghum or after mass-releasing T. chilonis.  相似文献   

The coevolutionary process among avian brood parasites and their hosts involves stepwise changes induced by the antagonistic selection pressures of one on the other. As long‐term data on an evolutionary scale is almost impossible to obtain, most studies can only show snapshots of such processes. Information on host behaviour, such as changes in egg rejection rates and the methods of rejection are scarce. In Hungary there is an interesting case between the common cuckoo Cuculus canorus and the great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus, where the level of parasitism is unusually high (around 50%). We compared host rejection rates and methods of rejection from within our own project to that of an early study carried out and published almost 70 yr ago in the same region. Our comparisons revealed high and stable rates of parasitism (range: 52–64%), and marked fluctuations in the ratio of multiply parasitized nests (range: 24–52%). No difference was revealed in egg rejection rates after 7 decades (34–39%). Linear mixed‐effects modelling revealed no year effect on the type host responses toward the parasitic egg(s) during the years of study (categorized as acceptance, ejection, burial, and nest desertion). Cuckoo egg rejection was primarily affected by the type of parasitism, as more cuckoo eggs were rejected during single parasitism than from multiply parasitized nests. Our comparison did not reveal any directional changes in this cuckoo–host relationship, except a slight decrease in the frequency of multiple parasitism, which is likely to be independent from coevolutionary processes.  相似文献   

R. B. Payne  K. Payne 《Ostrich》2013,84(2):135-143
There is currently no reliable, affordable method of sexing Mauritius Fodies in their first non-breeding season. Ringed immature fodies from a released population on an offshore island were caught in April and May 2005 and sexed in later breeding seasons. Males had longer wing lengths and tarsi than females, with no overlap in wing length between sexes. Males in their first breeding season could usually be differentiated from older males by the paleness and completeness of their breeding plumage. Two adult females grew red feathers characteristic of breeding males in the winter of 2006. It is possible to sex Mauritius Fodies using wing length and separate immature males from adults using the darkness of the bill in the non-breeding season. It is not possible to separate unringed adult and immature females following the postjuvenile and postbreeding moults using current knowledge.  相似文献   



Antagonistic species often interact via matching of phenotypes, and interactions between brood parasitic common cuckoos (Cuculus canorus) and their hosts constitute classic examples. The outcome of a parasitic event is often determined by the match between host and cuckoo eggs, giving rise to potentially strong associations between fitness and egg phenotype. Yet, empirical efforts aiming to document and understand the resulting evolutionary outcomes are in short supply.

Methods/Principal Findings

We used avian color space models to analyze patterns of egg color variation within and between the cuckoo and two closely related hosts, the nomadic brambling (Fringilla montifringilla) and the site fidelic chaffinch (F. coelebs). We found that there is pronounced opportunity for disruptive selection on brambling egg coloration. The corresponding cuckoo host race has evolved egg colors that maximize fitness in both sympatric and allopatric brambling populations. By contrast, the chaffinch has a more bimodal egg color distribution consistent with the evolutionary direction predicted for the brambling. Whereas the brambling and its cuckoo host race show little geographical variation in their egg color distributions, the chaffinch''s distribution becomes increasingly dissimilar to the brambling''s distribution towards the core area of the brambling cuckoo host race.


High rates of brambling gene flow is likely to cool down coevolutionary hot spots by cancelling out the selection imposed by a patchily distributed cuckoo host race, thereby promoting a matching equilibrium. By contrast, the site fidelic chaffinch is more likely to respond to selection from adapting cuckoos, resulting in a markedly more bimodal egg color distribution. The geographic variation in the chaffinch''s egg color distribution could reflect a historical gradient in parasitism pressure. Finally, marked cuckoo egg polymorphisms are unlikely to evolve in these systems unless the hosts evolve even more exquisite egg recognition capabilities than currently possessed.  相似文献   

This study is based on continuous video recordings made at 53 Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus nests each day during the laying period. Egg-laying by the Common Cuckoo Cuculus canorus was recorded in 14 (26.4%) of these nests. By analysing the activity of the host birds around and at the nest, we found that this is probably not the only cue used by the Common Cuckoo when locating suitable nests to parasitize. Furthermore, in most cases there was no significant difference between the length of time the host birds spent at the nest in the morning and afternoon, thus providing little support for the hypothesis that the Common Cuckoo lays in the afternoon because it is less likely to be seen by the nest owners then. Parasitized Reed Warblers rejected the Common Cuckoo egg more frequently when they observed the parasite at their nests. However, contrary to what should be expected, most Common Cuckoos laid their eggs in the presence of the host(s), and in general their egg-laying behaviour (for example duration of stay at the nest) was less secretive than described earlier. When partially depredating host clutches, Cuckoos showed the same behavioural pattern at parasitized and unparasitized nests, indicating that the latter may act as a potential reserve for egg-laying.  相似文献   

Egg rejection behaviour towards parasitic eggs was studied in a great reed warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus population in central Hungary, which was heavily (about 65%) parasitised by the common cuckoo Cuculus canorus . Clutches were experimentally parasitised during the egg-laying period with artificial, moderately mimetic cuckoo eggs or with conspecific eggs that were good mimics of the hosts' eggs. Great reed warblers rejected 76.2% of the artificial cuckoo eggs, mainly by ejection, but accepted most of the conspecific eggs (87.5%). Cuckoo eggs in naturally parasitised clutches were rejected at a lower rate (32%). When, in addition to the egg mimicry experiments, a stuffed cuckoo was placed near the nest, accompanied by the recording of a female cuckoo call, hosts' rejection rate of the artificial cuckoo egg increased from 76% to 96%. The sight of the cuckoo, on the other hand, did not influence host's rejection behaviour when a conspecific egg was used in the experiment. A stuffed collared dove Streptopelia decaocto , accompanied by its call, was used as a control, and did not cause any increased rejection. Great reed warblers were more aggressive towards the cuckoo than to the dove dummy. When the cuckoo eggs in naturally parasitised clutches were exchanged with artificial cuckoo eggs, we observed no increase in the rejection rate. We conclude that great reed warblers in our heavily parasitised population are capable of detecting brood parasitism in their clutch by identifying the parasitic egg. The efficiency of this identification depends mainly on the mimicry of the foreign egg. The sight of the cuckoo at the nest may increase rejection rate by stimulus summation, and this conditional effect is mainly affected by the degree of mimicry of the parasitic egg.  相似文献   

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