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Housing conditions affect animal physiology. We previously showed that the hypoxic ventilatory and thermoregulatory responses to hypoxia of adult male rats housed in triads during the juvenile period (postnatal day 21 to adulthood) were significantly reduced compared with animals housed in pairs. Because sex hormones influence development and responsiveness to environmental stressors, this study investigated the impact of housing on the respiratory and thermoregulatory physiology of female rats. Since neonatal stress attenuates the hypoxic ventilatory response (HVR) of female rats at adulthood, experiments were performed both on "control" (undisturbed) animals and rats subjected to neonatal maternal separation (NMS; 3 h/day, postnatal days 3-12). At adulthood, ventilatory activity was measured by whole body plethysmography under normoxic and hypoxic conditions [fraction of inspired oxygen (Fi(O(2))) = 0.12; 20 min]. The ventilatory and body temperature responses to hypoxia of female rats raised in triads were reduced compared with rats housed in pairs. Housing female rats in triads did not affect basal or hypoxic plasma corticosterone levels but did increase levels of estradiol significantly. We conclude that modest changes in housing conditions (pairs vs. triads) from weaning to adulthood does influence basic homeostatic functions such as temperature and respiratory regulation. Triad housing can reverse the manifestations of respiratory instability at adulthood induced by stressful neonatal treatments. This should raise awareness of the benefits of increasing social interactions in clinical settings but also caution researchers of the potential impact of such subtle changes on experimental protocols and interpretation of results.  相似文献   

Lactating rats were fed either the commercial diet (CO) or the low protein diet which induced symptoms of protein - energy deprivation (PD). They were housed in cages either individually (IH) together with eight offspring or in a large community cage (COM) shared by six dams and 48 youngs. After weaning all rats lived in cages by 4-5 animals. The PD terminated at the age of 49 days. Behaviour was tested on the 10th, 42nd and 150 th days of life. Body weight was recorded during nursing period both in dams and pups, after weaning in male rats. The low protein diet affected both body weight and maternal behaviour of the dams. In PD + IH pups growth as well as behavioural development was retarded. Behavioural alterations persisted even after the PD had been treated. The COM housing improved the body weight in the PD + COM dams, behaviour of both the PD + COM dams ond the pups was less affected than of the PD + IH group. The effect of the early housing was long lasting, manifested itself in elevated exploratory activity and in the decreased emotional responses in both the PD + COM and the CO + COM groups at the age of 42 and 150 days.  相似文献   

The effect of oral caffeine on resting ventilation (VE), ventilatory responsiveness to progressive hyperoxic hypercapnia (HCVR), isocapnic hypoxia (HVR), and moderate exercise (EVR) below the anaerobic threshold (AT) was examined in seven healthy adults. Ventilatory responses were measured under three conditions: control (C) and after ingestion of either 650 mg caffeine (CF) or placebo (P) in a double-blind randomized manner. None of the physiological variables of interest differed significantly for C and P conditions (P greater than 0.05). Caffeine levels during HCVR, HVR, and EVR were 69.5 +/- 11.8, 67.8 +/- 10.8, and 67.8 +/- 10.9 (SD) mumol/l, respectively (P greater than 0.05). Metabolic rate at rest and during exercise was significantly elevated during CF compared with P. An increase in VE from 7.4 +/- 2.5 (P) to 10.5 +/- 2.1 l/min (CF) (P less than 0.05) was associated with a decrease in end-tidal PCO2 from 39.1 +/- 2.7 (P) to 35.1 +/- 1.3 Torr (CF) (P less than 0.05). Caffeine increased the HCVR, HVR, and EVR slopes (mean increase: 28 +/- 8, 135 +/- 28, 14 +/- 5%, respectively) compared with P; P less than 0.05 for each response. Increases in resting ventilation, HCVR, and HVR slopes were associated with increases in tidal volume (VT), whereas the increase in EVR slope was accompanied by increases in both VT and respiratory frequency. Our results indicate that caffeine increases VE and chemosensitivity to CO2 inhalation, hypoxia, and CO2 production during exercise below the AT.  相似文献   

The role of a sudden increase in brain perfusion on ventral medullary surface pH (Vm pH) and minute ventilation (VI) was assessed in anesthetized peripherally chemo denervated cats. Acute hypertension (AH), produced by rapid inflation of an aortic balloon, and hypoxemia, produced with either inhalation of 1% CO (COHx) or inhalation of a hypoxic gas (HHx), were used to increase brain blood flow. In the AH group, increasing arterial blood pressure (from 122 +/- 3 to 180 +/- 5 mmHg) caused a rapid (less than 5 s) increase in Vm pH in every trial (n = 18). Associated with the mean peak increases in Vm pH (0.003 +/- 0.0004 pH units) were significant decrease in tidal volume (7-9%). In the COHx group, 17% HbCO caused a significant increase in Vm pH (0.003 +/- 0.0005 pH unit) and diminution of VI (9%). Further increases in HbCO caused a progressive ventral medullary acidosis and greater reductions in VI. The results from the HHX group were qualitatively similar to the COHx group; there was a biphasic response of Vm pH, i.e., an initial increase in Vm pH (0.008 +/- 0.001) followed by a steady decrease in Vm pH, with reductions in VI associated with both phases. We conclude that hyperperfusion, per se, produces an increase in Vm pH and a reduction in VI equivalent in magnitude to that predicted from the CO2 stimulus-response curve; the alkalotic shift in Vm pH and concomitant diminution in VI associated with mild hypoxia is probably related to an increase in ventral medullary perfusion; and the ventilatory depression associated with the medullary acidosis of moderate brain hypoxia must be attributed to another mechanism.  相似文献   

Adenosine infusion (100 micrograms X kg-1 X min-1) in humans stimulates ventilation but also causes abdominal and chest discomfort. To exclude the effects of symptoms and to differentiate between a central and peripheral site of action, we measured the effect of adenosine infused at a level (70-80 micrograms X kg-1 X min-1) below the threshold for symptoms. Resting ventilation (VE) and progressive ventilatory responses to isocapnic hypoxia and hyperoxic hypercapnia were measured in six normal men. Compared with a control saline infusion given single blind on the same day, adenosine stimulated VE [mean increase: 1.3 +/- 0.8 (SD) l/min; P less than 0.02], lowered resting end-tidal PCO2 (PETCO2) (mean fall: -3.9 +/- 0.9 Torr), and increased heart rate (mean increase: 16.1 +/- 8.1 beats/min) without changing systemic blood pressure. Adenosine increased the hypoxic ventilatory response (control: -0.68 +/- 0.4 l X min-1 X %SaO2-1, where %SaO2 is percent of arterial O2 saturation; adenosine: -2.40 +/- 1.2 l X min-1 X %SaO2-1; P less than 0.01) measured at a mean PETCO2 of 38.3 +/- 0.6 Torr but did not alter the hypercapnic response. This differential effect suggests that adenosine may stimulate ventilation by a peripheral rather than a central action and therefore may be involved in the mechanism of peripheral chemoreception.  相似文献   

Acrylamide (AA) is a well-known industrial monomer with carcinogenic, mutagenic, neurotoxic and endocrine disruptive effects on living organisms. AA has been the subject of renewed interest owing to its presence in various food products. We investigated the potential adverse effects of oral AA treatment on the endocrine pancreas of juvenile rats using histochemical, immunohistochemical, stereological and biochemical methods. Thirty juvenile male Wistar rats were divided into one control and two AA treatment groups: one treated with 25 mg/kg AA and the other treated with 50 mg/kg AA for 21 days. We found a significant decrease in β-cell mass. The significant decrease in β-cell optical density and unchanged blood glucose levels indicate that normoglycemia in AA treated rats may result from intensive exocytosis of insulin-containing secretory granules. By contrast with β-cells, we observed increased α-cell mass. The slight increase in α-cell cytoplasmic volume suggests retention of glucagon in α-cells, which is consistent with the significant increase in α-cell optical density for AA treated animals. The number of islets of Langerhans did not change significantly in AA treated groups. Our findings suggest that AA treatment causes decreased β-cell mass and moderate α-cell mass increase in the islets of Langerhans of juvenile male Wistar rats.  相似文献   

Typhlonectes natans empty their lungs in a single extended exhalation and subsequently fill their lungs by using a series of 10-20 inspiratory buccal oscillations. These animals always use this breathing pattern, which effectively separates inspiratory and expiratory airflows, unlike most urodele and anuran amphibians that may use one to many buccal oscillations for lung inflation and typically mix expired and inspired gases. Aquatic hypoxia had no significant effect on the breathing pattern or mechanics in these animals. Aerial hypoxia stimulated ventilatory frequency and increased the number of inspiratory oscillations but had little effect on inspiratory and expiratory tidal volume. Aquatic hypercapnia elicited a large significant increase in air-breathing frequency and minute ventilation compared to the small stimulation of minute ventilation seen during aerial hypercapnia. Some animals responded to aquatic hypercapnia with a series of three or four closely spaced breaths separated by long nonventilatory periods. Overall, T. natans showed little capacity to modulate expiratory or inspiratory tidal volumes and depended heavily on changing air-breathing frequency to meet hypoxic and hypercapnic challenges. These responses are different from those of anurans or urodeles studied to date, which modulate both the number of ventilatory oscillations in lung-inflation cycles and the degree of lung inflation when challenged with peripheral or central chemoreceptor stimulation.  相似文献   

Plasma levels of corticosterone (C) and testosterone (T) increase after sexual activity in males of several species. However, the physiological significance of these increases has not been elucidated. In the present study, hormonal response to different conditions linked to sexual activity was assessed. In the first experiment, plasma levels of C and T were assessed both in sexually experienced and naive male rats after the following conditions: (A) control group, without sexual stimulation; (B) males exposed to ovariectomized females; (C) males exposed to intact, non-receptive females; (D) males exposed to receptive females with the vagina obstructed, to avoid intromission; (E) males exposed to receptive females: but separated by a grid that prevents physical contact; (F) males exposed to receptive females during 30 min. In a second experiment, experienced male rats were allowed to repeatedly copulate until reaching the criteria for sexual exhaustion, and 24 h later, they were allowed to copulate. Once sexually related conditions ended, males were killed and their blood was obtained. C and T plasma levels were assessed by HPLC with ultraviolet (UV) detection. Results indicate that T did not increase significantly in naive male in any sexual condition, while in the experienced males, significant increases were observed with the mere presence of a receptive female and also after ejaculation. These increases were significantly larger in experienced males. On the other hand, C also increased in all sexual conditions, both in experienced and naive rats; however, the increase observed was larger in experienced males. Regarding sexual satiety, both C and T increased after copulating ad libitum to satiety. T increased almost three-fold compared to control, while C increased two-fold. No significant changes were observed in either one of the steroids 24 h after sexual exhaustion, even though males remained with a receptive female during an hour. These results show that sexual experience has an important influence on the hormonal response to sexual activity. C rises could be directly related to sexual arousal involved in the different sexual conditions, while T rises seem to have a direct relationship with both the motivation and execution aspects of masculine sexual behavior.  相似文献   

In this paper, we tested the hypothesis that exposure to estrogens of different source and estrogenic potency at early puberty could affect the development of socio-sexual behavior in the male rat. Puberty is regarded as a second stage of the ontogenetic period, in the sexual maturation of mammals, particularly sensitive to gonadal hormone milieu. We treated animals orally, from postnatal day 23 to 30, with an environmentally compatible dose of bisphenol A (BPA, 40 microg/kg/day) and with a dosage of ethinylestradiol (EE, 0.4 microg/kg/day) comparable to the human oral contraceptives. Exposure to EE altered the temporal pattern of male sexual activity, reducing performance, in the adult animals; slight modifications, in the same direction, were observed with BPA. Short-term behavioral effects were observed in the treated animals, both with BPA and EE: the exploratory drive, directed to a stimulus object and to the environment, as well as to conspecifics, was reduced in the juveniles. Modifications in the circulating T levels were observed after treatments: T was reduced in the juveniles, both with BPA and EE. The decrement persisted in the adult animals but reached significance only in the BPA group. On the whole, effects of pubertal exposure on behavior are more marked with EE than BPA. This can be due to the much higher estrogenic potency of EE; the direction of the behavioral effects of BPA, compared with EE, is however indicative of an estrogenic mechanism.  相似文献   

Effects of hypoxia on resting oxygen consumption (MO2), lung ventilation, and heart rate at different ambient PO2 were compared between lowland and high altitude populations of the toad, Bufo bankorensis. Resting MO2 decreased significantly in mild hypoxia (PO2 = 120 mm Hg) at 10 degrees C and in moderate hypoxia (PO2 = 80 mm Hg) at 25 degrees C in both altitudinal populations; however, resting MO2 did not differ significantly between the two populations. Numbers of lung ventilation periods (VP) and total inspired volume (VL) did not change with PO2 at 10 degrees C, but did increase at moderate and severe hypoxia (40 mm Hg), respectively, at 25 degrees C. Resting heart rates did not change during hypoxia and did not differ between altitude populations. The results suggest (1) the effect of PO2 change on MO2 should be considered in future studies involving transfer of anurans to a different altitude; and (2) the metabolic and ventilatory physiology in B. bankorensis does not compensate for the low temperature and PO2 at high altitude.  相似文献   

Intermittent high altitude hypoxia (8 hours a day, 5 days a week, stepwise up to the altitude of 7000 m, total number of exposures 24) induced in male and female rats, chronic pulmonary hypertension and right ventricular hypertrophy. No significant sex differences were found in both these parameters. A significant sex difference was demonstrated in the resistance of the cardiac muscle to acute anoxia in vitro: the myocardium of control female rats proved to be significantly more resistant to oxygen deficiency. Intermittent altitude hypoxia resulted in significantly enhanced resistance in both sexes, yet the sex difference was maintained. Sex differences were further observed in the growth response of experimental animals to the acclimatization process. Whereas the body weight of male rats exposed to intermittent altitude hypoxia was significantly lower, hypoxic females had body weights comparable to those of control animals.  相似文献   

Eight male subjects (24 +/- 1 years old) performed graded ergocycle exercises in normoxic (N) and acute hypoxic (H) conditions (14.5% O2). VO2max decreased from 55.5 +/- 1.3 to 45.8 +/- 1.4 ml . kg-1 . min-1 in H condition. Plasma glucose and free fatty acid concentrations remained unchanged throughout exercise in both conditions. Increase in blood lactate concentration was associated with relative workload in both conditions. At VO2max lactate concentrations were similar in the two conditions, plasma insulin, glucagon, and LH concentrations did not significantly change in either. Plasma delta 4-androstenedione and testosterone increased in a similar manner in both conditions. Finally plasma norepinephrine concentration reached at VO2max was significantly lower in hypoxia. These results suggest that acute moderate hypoxia does not affect metabolic and hormonal responses to short exercise performed at similar relative workloads, i.e. when the reduction of VO2max due to hypoxia is taken into consideration. The lower catecholamine response to maximal exercise under acute hypoxia might suggest that the sympathetic response could be related to relative as well as absolute workloads.  相似文献   

We tested whether hyperbaric O2 (HBO) has an adverse effect on the hypoxic ventilatory drive. Four groups of rats were exposed for 550 min to O2 at 1.67, 1.90, and 2.15 ATA and to air at 1.90 ATA, respectively. Ventilatory parameters (frequency, tidal volume, and minute ventilation) were measured using whole-body plethysmography, before the hyperbaric exposure, immediately after the exposure, and up to 20 days after the exposure. Resting ventilation was not affected after exposure at 1.90 ATA to air or at 1.67 ATA to O2. HBO at 1.90 and 2.15 ATA caused a reduction of frequency and an elevation of tidal volume at different inspired gases: air, 5% CO2 balance O2, 80% O2, and 4.5% O2. However, minute ventilation on the day after the hyperoxic exposure was not different from the control at either air, 5% CO2, or 80% O2 but was markedly attenuated on the first three breaths at 4.5% O2. The hypoxic ventilation decreased to 48 +/- 13 (SD) and 32 + 11% after 1.90 and 2.15 ATA, respectively. The ventilatory parameters recovered in the days after HBO. We conclude that HBO reversibly depresses the hypoxic ventilatory drive, most probably by a direct effect on the carotid O2 chemoreceptors.  相似文献   

The present study was performed to investigate the effects of a combination of intermittent exposure to hypoxia during exercise training for short periods on ventilatory responses to hypoxia and hypercapnia (HVR and HCVR respectively) in humans. In a hypobaric chamber at a simulated altitude of 4,500 m (barometric pressure 432 mmHg), seven subjects (training group) performed exercise training for 6 consecutive days (30 min · day−1), while six subjects (control group) were inactive during the same period. The HVR, HCVR and maximal oxygen uptake (O2 max) for each subject were measured at sea level before (pre) and after exposure to intermittent hypoxia. The post exposure test was carried out twice, i.e. on the 1st day and 1 week post exposure. It was found that HVR, as an index of peripheral chemosensitivity to hypoxia, was increased significantly (P < 0.05) in the control group after intermittent exposure to hypoxia. In contrast, there was no significant increase in HVR in the training group after exposure. The HCVR in both groups was not changed by intermittent exposure to hypoxia, while O2 max increased significantly in the training group. These results would suggest that endurance training during intermittent exposure to hypoxia depresses the increment of chemosensitivity to hypoxia, and that intermittent exposure to hypoxia in the presence or absence of exercise training does not induce an increase in the chemosensitivity to hypercapnia in humans. Accepted: 18 March 1998  相似文献   

Ten women [mean maximal O2 uptake (VO2max), 2.81 l X min-1] exercised for 15 min on a cycle ergometer in the middle of the luteal phase (L) and in the early follicular phase (F) of the menstrual cycle at the same constant work rates (mean 122 W) and an ambient temperature of 18 degrees C. Serum progesterone averaged 44.7 nmol X l-1 in L and 0.7 nmol X l-1 in F. After a 4-h resting period, exercise was performed between 3 and 4 A.M., when the L-F core temperature difference is maximal. Preexercise esophageal (Tes), tympanic (Tty), and rectal (Tre) temperatures averaged 0.6 degrees C higher in L. During exercise Tes, Tty, and Tre averaged 0.5 degrees C higher. The thresholds for chest sweating and cutaneous vasodilation (heat clearance technique) at the thumb and forearm were elevated in L by an average of 0.47 degrees C, related to mean body temperature (Tb(es) = 0.87Tes + 0.13Tskin), Tes, Tty, or Tre. The above-threshold chest sweat rate and cutaneous heat clearances were also increased in L. The mean exercise heart rate was 170.0 beats X min-1 in L and 163.8 beats X min-1 in F. The mean exercise VO2 in L (2.21 l X min-1) was 5.2% higher than in F (2.10 l X min-1), the metabolic rate was increased in L by 5.6%, but the net efficiency was 5.3% lower. No significant L-F differences in the respiratory exchange ratio and postexercise plasma lactate were demonstrated.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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