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1. Current formulations of functional responses assume that the prey is homogeneous and independent of intraspecific processes. Most prey populations consist of different coexisting size classes that often engage in asymmetrical intraspecific interactions, including cannibalism, which can lead to nonlinear interaction effects. This may be important as the size structure with the prey could alter the overall density-dependent predation rates. 2. In a field experiment with damselfly and dragonfly larvae, 16 treatments manipulated the density of a small prey stage, the presence of large conspecific prey and the presence of heterospecific predators. 3. Size structure in the prey (i.e. when both prey stages were present) decreased the impact of the predator on overall prey mortality by 25-48% at mid and high prey densities, possibly due to density-dependent size-structured cannibalism in the prey. The predation rates on small prey stages were determined by the interaction of large prey and predators. Predation rates increased with prey density in the absence of large prey, but predation rates were constant across densities when large conspecifics were present. 4. The functional response for unstructured prey followed a Holling type III model, but the predation rate for size-structured prey was completely different and followed a complex pattern that could not be explained with any standard functional response. 5. Using additional laboratory experiments, a mortality model was developed and parameterized. It showed that the overall prey mortality of size-structured prey can be adequately predicted with a composite functional response model that modelled the individual functional responses of each prey stage separately and accounted for their cannibalistic interaction. 6. Thus, treating a prey population as a homogeneous entity will lead to erroneous predictions in most real-world food webs. However, if we account for the effects of size structure and the intraspecific interactions on functional responses by treating size classes as different functional groups, it is possible to reliably predict the dynamics of size-structured predator-prey systems.  相似文献   

Extrapolation of predator functional responses from laboratory observations to the field is often necessary to predict predation rates and predator-prey dynamics at spatial and temporal scales that are difficult to observe directly. We use a spatially explicit individual-based model to explore mechanisms behind changes in functional responses when the scale of observation is increased. Model parameters were estimated from a predator-prey system consisting of the predator Delphastus catalinae (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and Bemisia tabaci biotype B (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) on tomato plants. The model explicitly incorporates prey and predator distributions within single plants, the search behavior of predators within plants, and the functional response to prey at the smallest scale of interaction (within leaflets) observed in the laboratory. Validation revealed that the model is useful in scaling up from laboratory observations to predation in whole tomato plants of varying sizes. Comparing predicted predation at the leaflet scale, as observed in laboratory experiments, with predicted predation on whole plants revealed that the predator functional response switches from type II within leaflets to type III within whole plants. We found that the magnitude of predation rates and the type of functional response at the whole plant scale are modulated by (1) the degree of alignment between predator and prey distributions and (2) predator foraging behavior, particularly the effect of area-concentrated search within plants when prey population density is relatively low. The experimental and modeling techniques we present could be applied to other systems in which active predators prey upon sessile or slow-moving species.  相似文献   

A predator''s functional response determines predator–prey interactions by describing the relationship between the number of prey available and the number eaten. Its shape and parameters fundamentally govern the dynamic equilibrium of predator–prey interactions and their joint abundances. Yet, estimates of these key parameters generally assume stasis in space and time and ignore the potential for local adaptation to alter feeding responses and the stability of trophic dynamics. Here, we evaluate if functional responses diverge among populations of spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) larvae that face antagonistic selection on feeding strategies based on their own risk of predation. Common garden experiments revealed that spotted salamander from ponds with varying predation risks differed in their functional responses, suggesting an evolutionary response. Applying mechanistic equations, we discovered that the combined changes in attack rates, handling times and shape of the functional response enhanced feeding rate in environments with high densities of gape-limited predators. We suggest how these parameter changes could alter community equilibria and other emergent properties of food webs. Community ecologists might often need to consider how local evolution at fine scales alters key relationships in ways that alter local diversity patterns, food web dynamics, resource gradients and community responses to disturbance.  相似文献   

The majority of taxa grow significantly during life history, which often leads to individuals of the same species having different ecological roles, depending on their size or life stage. One aspect of life history that changes during ontogeny is mortality. When individual growth and development are resource dependent, changes in mortality can affect the outcome of size-dependent intraspecific resource competition, in turn affecting both life history and population dynamics. We study the outcome of varying size-dependent mortality on two life-history types, one that feeds on the same resource throughout life history and another that can alternatively cannibalize smaller conspecifics. Compensatory responses in the life history dampen the effect of certain types of size-dependent mortality, while other types of mortality lead to dramatic changes in life history and population dynamics, including population (de-)stabilization, and the growth of cannibalistic giants. These responses differ strongly among the two life-history types. Our analysis provides a mechanistic understanding of the population-level effects that come about through the interaction between individual growth and size-dependent mortality, mediated by resource dependence in individual vital rates.  相似文献   

EcoSim II uses results from the Ecopath procedure for trophic mass-balance analysis to define biomass dynamics models for predicting temporal change in exploited ecosystems. Key populations can be represented in further detail by using delay-difference models to account for both biomass and numbers dynamics. A major problem revealed by linking the population and biomass dynamics models is in representation of population responses to changes in food supply; simple proportional growth and reproductive responses lead to unrealistic predictions of changes in mean body size with changes in fishing mortality. EcoSim II allows users to specify life history mechanisms to avoid such unrealistic predictions: animals may translate changes in feeding rate into changes in reproductive rather than growth rates, or they may translate changes in food availability into changes in foraging time that in turn affects predation risk. These options, along with model relationships for limits on prey availability caused by predation avoidance tactics, tend to cause strong compensatory responses in modeled populations. It is likely that such compensatory responses are responsible for our inability to find obvious correlations between interacting trophic components in fisheries time-series data. But Ecosim II does not just predict strong compensatory responses: it also suggests that large piscivores may be vulnerable to delayed recruitment collapses caused by increases in prey species that are in turn competitors/predators of juvenile piscivores. Received 24 February 1999; accepted 3 August 1999.  相似文献   

The stability of ecological communities depends strongly on quantitative characteristics of population interactions (type‐II vs. type‐III functional responses) and the distribution of body masses across species. Until now, these two aspects have almost exclusively been treated separately leaving a substantial gap in our general understanding of food webs. We analysed a large data set of arthropod feeding rates and found that all functional‐response parameters depend on the body masses of predator and prey. Thus, we propose generalised functional responses which predict gradual shifts from type‐II predation of small predators on equally sized prey to type‐III functional‐responses of large predators on small prey. Models including these generalised functional responses predict population dynamics and persistence only depending on predator and prey body masses, and we show that these predictions are strongly supported by empirical data on forest soil food webs. These results help unravelling systematic relationships between quantitative population interactions and large‐scale community patterns.  相似文献   

A growing number of studies suggest ratio-dependence may be common in many predator–prey systems, yet in large mammal systems, evidence is limited to wolves and their prey in Isle Royale and Yellowstone. More importantly, the consequences of ratio-dependent predation have not been empirically examined to understand the implications for prey. Wolves recolonized Banff National Park in the early 1980s, and recovery was correlated with significant elk declines. I used time-series data of wolf kill rates of elk, wolf and elk densities in winter from 1985–2007 to test for support for prey-, ratio-, or predator dependent functional and numeric responses of wolf killing rate to elk density. I then combined functional and numeric responses to estimate the total predation response to identify potential equilibrium states. Evidence suggests wolf predation on elk was best described by a type II ratio-dependent functional response and a type II numeric response that lead to inversely density-dependent predation rate on elk. Despite support for ratio-dependence, like other wolf-prey systems, there was considerable uncertainty amongst functional response models, especially at low prey densities. Consistent with predictions from ratio-dependent models, however, wolves contributed to elk population declines of over 80 % in our Banff system. Despite the statistical signature for ratio-dependence, the biological mechanism remains unknown and may be related to multi-prey dynamics in our system. Regardless, ratio-dependent models strike a parsimonious balance between theory and empiricism, and this study suggests that large mammal ecologists need to consider ratio-dependent models in predator–prey dynamics.  相似文献   

1. Body size is positively correlated with fecundity in various animals, but the factors that counterbalance the resulting selection pressure towards large size are difficult to establish. Positively size-dependent predation risk has been proposed as a selective factor potentially capable of balancing the fecundity advantage of large size.
2. To construct optimality models of insect body size, realistic estimates of size-dependent predation rates are necessary. Moreover, prey traits such as colouration should be considered, as they may substantially alter the relationship between body size and mortality risk.
3. To quantify mortality patterns, we conducted field experiments in which we exposed cryptic and conspicuous artificial larvae of different sizes to bird predators, and recorded the incidence of bird attacks.
4. The average daily mortality rate was estimated to vary between 4% and 10%. In both cryptic and conspicuous larvae, predation risk increased with prey size, but the increase tended to be steeper in the conspicuous group. No main effect of colour type was found. All the quantitative relationships were reasonably consistent across replicates.
5. Our results suggest that the size dependence of mortality risk in insect prey is primarily determined by the probability of being detected by a predator rather than by a size-dependent warning effect associated with conspicuous colouration. Our results therefore imply that warningly coloured insects do not necessarily benefit more than the cryptic species from large body size, as has been previously suggested.  相似文献   

We evaluated the utility of Ecosim for exploring interactions between cetacean predators, their prey, and fisheries. We formulated six Ecosim parameterizations, representing alternative hypotheses of feeding interactions (functional response) between cetaceans and their main fish prey, and examined differences in the predicted responses to simulated harvesting regimes for minke whales and their prey. Regardless of the type of function response formulated, intense fishing on the main fish prey of minke whales had a longer-lasting negative impact on minke whales than when minke whale biomass was removed directly by harvesting. Consumption rate, biomass, feeding time and mortality of minke whales were all sensitive to the type of functional response specified. Inclusion of "handling time" limited minke whales consumption at high prey densities and predicted higher consumption at low prey densities; features characteristic of a type II functional response. Predicted decline and recovery rates of minke whales were slower than when consumption rates were not limited. Addition of "foraging time" adjustments resulted in more conservative estimates of decline and recovery. However, when "other mortality" was linked to time spent foraging, exposure to higher mortality at low prey densities, and reduced mortality at high prey densities resulted in dramatic differences in predicted biomass trajectory. Sensitivity to the "other mortality" assumption is important for cetaceans whose predation mortality is only a small proportion of total mortality. Differences in the feeding and biomass dynamics were also observed when prey availability to predators was represented by changes in prey vulnerability, confirming earlier reports that Ecosim predictions are sensitive to this parameter.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Predation risk to insects is often size- or stage-selective and usually decreases as prey grow. Any factor, such as food quality, that accelerates developmental and growth rates is likely to reduce the period over which prey are susceptible to size-dependent predation.
2. Using field experiments, several hypotheses that assess growth, development, and egg production rates of the rangeland grasshopper Ageneotettix deorum (Scudder) were tested in response to combinations of food quality and predation risk from wolf spiders to investigate performance variation manifested through a behaviourally mediated path affecting food ingestion rates.
3. Grasshoppers with nutritionally superior food completed development ≈ 8–18% faster and grew 15–45% larger in the absence of spiders, in comparison with those subjected to low quality food exposed to spider predators. Growth and development did not differ for grasshoppers feeding on high quality food when predators were present in comparison with lower quality food unimpeded by predators. Responses indicated a compensatory relationship between resource quality and predation risk.
4. Surviving grasshoppers produced fewer eggs compared with individuals not exposed to spiders. Because no differences were found in daily egg production rate regardless of predation treatment, lower egg production was attributed to delayed age of first reproduction. Results compare favourably with responses observed in natural populations.
5. Risk of predation from spiders greatly reduced growth, development, and ultimately egg production. Increased food quality counteracts the impact of predation risk on grasshoppers through compensatory responses, suggesting that bottom-up factors mediate effects of spiders.  相似文献   

In this review and synthesis, new data from field and laboratory experiments on red drum, Sciaenops ocellatus , larvae as prey to larger fishes are presented to illustrate two approaches to the study of developmental effects on predation. Various sizes and species of predatory fishes imposed very different levels of mortality on experimental populations of red drum larvae. Differences in predator size explained little of the overall variation in mortality rates. In the laboratory, responsiveness of red drum to a single size and species of predatory fish was relatively low through much of the developmental period but increased steadily. Response effectiveness improved and the predator's capture success decreased once the prey exceeded 20 mm in length. General ontogenetic trends in the behavioural interaction of various larvae and their piscine predators are described by combining 22 data sets on a scale of roughly comparable ontogenetic state. This scale, together with absolute and relative measures of predator and prey size, are used to assess the roles of ontogeny and scaling in the predation interaction. Ontogeny is shown to be a significant contributor to changes in responsiveness, response effectiveness, and capture success. The influence of scaling always took the form of an interaction with ontogeny and not a main effect.  相似文献   

Nutritional ecological theory predicts that predators should adjust prey capture and consumption rates depending on the prey's nutritional composition. This would affect the predator's functional response, at least at high prey densities, i.e. near predator satiation. Using a simple fruitfly-wolf spider laboratory system in Petri dishes, we found that functional responses changed from day to day over a 7 day period. After 1 to 2 days of feeding, dome-shaped functional responses (i.e. reduced predation at highest prey densities) appeared in spiders fed nutritionally imbalanced prey, compared with steadily increasing or asymptotic functional responses with nutritionally near-optimal prey. Later again (days 5-7), the difference disappeared as the level of the functional response was reduced in both treatments. Experiments with adult females in spring and subadult spiders in autumn revealed opposite patterns: a dome-shaped response with high-lipid prey for reproductive females, for which protein-rich prey are optimal, and a dome-shaped (or simply reduced) response with high-protein prey for pre-winter subadults, for which high-lipid flies are the optimal prey. Our results have implications for predation theory and models of biological control that have, so far, neglected nutritional aspects; in particular, the dynamic nutritional state of the predators should be incorporated.  相似文献   

Analysis of predator–prey interactions is a core concept of animal ecology, explaining structure and dynamics of animal food webs. Measuring the functional response, i.e. the intake rate of a consumer as a function of prey density, is a powerful method to predict the strength of trophic links and assess motives of prey choice, particularly in arthropod communities. However, due to their reductionist set‐up, functional responses, which are based on laboratory feeding experiments, may not display field conditions, possibly leading to skewed results. Here, we tested the validity of functional responses of centipede predators and their prey by comparing them with empirical gut content data from field‐collected predators. Our predator–prey system included lithobiid and geophilomorph centipedes, abundant and widespread predators of forest soils and their soil‐dwelling prey. First, we calculated the body size‐dependent functional responses of centipedes using a published functional response model in which we included natural prey abundances and animal body masses. This allowed us to calculate relative proportions of specific prey taxa in the centipede diet. In a second step, we screened field‐collected centipedes for DNA of eight abundant soil‐living prey taxa and estimated their body size‐dependent proportion of feeding events. We subsequently compared empirical data for each of the eight prey taxa, on proportional feeding events with functional response‐derived data on prey proportions expected in the gut, showing that both approaches significantly correlate in five out of eight predator–prey links for lithobiid centipedes but only in one case for geophilomorph centipedes. Our findings suggest that purely allometric functional response models, which are based on predator–prey body size ratios are too simple to explain predator–prey interactions in a complex system such as soil. We therefore stress that specific prey traits, such as defence mechanisms, must be considered for accurate predictions.  相似文献   

Christopher Jones 《Oikos》2003,102(1):57-66
New Zealand's native avifauna is threatened by introduced mammalian predators. Native species are often not the primary prey of these predators, which depend on introduced mice and rabbits as their primary food source. Theoretical models predict that predation risk for a subsidiary, or "secondary" prey species is inversely proportional to its population size. This prediction was tested by a quasi-natural experiment in which four different sized prey "colonies" were constructed at four existing sooty shearwater breeding sites. Domestic hens' eggs were placed in shearwater burrows immediately following the shearwater breeding season and egg predation rates monitored at five, ten and fifteen days. Treatments were switched between sites and the experiment run for a second time after a two-week stand-down period. The net effect of increasing colony size was to lower individual risk of predation. The larger number of individuals present served to effectively "buffer," or dilute, per-capita predation risk from predators whose numbers are fixed by extraneous factors: chiefly the abundance of their primary prey. Although eggs were removed more slowly from smaller colonies than from larger ones, each loss had a greater per-capita effect on individual mortality risk. The inverse density dependent relationship found between colony size and predation risk implies that predator population dynamics are largely independent of secondary prey numbers. Abundant introduced predators can therefore easily drive a small secondary prey population to extinction. Control of primary prey populations may be an important management tool in these circumstances.  相似文献   

Predation is a key process driving coral reef fish population dynamics, with higher per capita prey mortality rates on reefs with more predators. Reef predators often forage together, and at high densities, they may either cooperate or antagonize one another, thereby causing prey mortality rates to be substantially higher or lower than one would expect if predators did not interact. However, we have a limited mechanistic understanding of how prey mortality rates change with predator densities. We re-analyzed a previously published observational dataset to investigate how the foraging response of the coney grouper (Cephalopholis fulva) feeding on the bluehead wrasse (Thalassoma bifasciatum) changed with shifts in predator and prey densities. Using a model-selection approach, we found that per-predator feeding rates were most consistent with a functional response that declines as predator density increases, suggesting either antagonistic interactions among predators or a shared antipredator behavioral response by the prey. Our findings suggest that variation in predator density (natural or anthropogenic) may have substantial consequences for coral reef fish population dynamics.  相似文献   

1. The effects of resource availability during ontogeny on subsequent feeding performance were investigated in larvae of the small-mouthed salamander ( Ambystoma texanum ).
2. Salamander larvae were reared individually in either high or low prey density treatments for 7 weeks prior to intermediate prey density foraging trials. Larvae from the low prey density treatment were on average 35% smaller in body size than individuals from the high prey density treatment.
3. Resource availability during development influenced larval feeding rates and altered the relationship between body size and three feeding performance measures (attack rates, capture success and feeding rates). Feeding rates in predation trials were also positively correlated with growth rate early in the larval period (until the end of week 5).
4. These results suggest that the environment to which developing organisms are exposed can have significant effects on subsequent behaviour, and that small-mouthed salamander larvae may show state-dependent changes in feeding behaviour in response to differences in long-term feeding history. Additionally, differences in feeding performance may influence the probability of survival to the adult stage for organisms that utilize ephemeral habitats.  相似文献   

In positive frequency-dependent predation, predation risk of an individual prey correlates positively with the frequency of that prey type. In a number of small-scale experiments individual predators have shown frequency-dependent behaviour, often leading to the conclusion that a population of such predators could maintain prey polymorphism. Using simulations, I studied the dynamics of frequency-dependent predation and prey polymorphism. The model suggests that persistence of prey polymorphism decreases with increasing number of predators that show frequency-dependent behaviour, questioning conclusions about polymorphism based on experiments with few predators. In addition, prey population size, prey crypsis, difference in crypsis between prey morphs and the way the behaviour was adjusted affected the persistence of polymorphism. Under some circumstances prey population remained polymorphic for a shorter time under frequency-dependent than under frequency-independent predation. This suggests that although positive frequency-dependent predator behaviour may maintain prey polymorphism, it is not a sufficient condition for persistent prey polymorphism.  相似文献   

Food-web population models are rather sensitive to parameterization of functional response in predation terms. Theoretical studies predict enhancing of ecosystems’ stability for a functional response of sigmoid type (Holling type III). The choice of a correct type of response is especially important for modelling outcome of grazing control of algal blooms by zooplankton in nutrient-rich ecosystems. Extensive experiments on zooplankton feeding in laboratories show non-sigmoid nature of response for most herbivorous zooplankton species. As a consequence, there is a strong opinion in literature that the implementation of Holling III type grazing in plankton models is biologically meaningless. I argue, however, that such an ‘evident’ claim might be wrong and sigmoid functional responses in real plankton communities would emerge more often than was suggested earlier. Especially, this concerns plankton models without vertical resolution, which ignore heterogeneity in vertical distribution of species. Having conducted extensive literature search of data on zooplankton feeding in situ, I show that vertical heterogeneity in food distribution as well as active food searching behaviour of zooplankton can modify the type of functional response. In particular, the rate of food intake by the whole zooplankton population in the column, as a function of total amount of food, often exhibits a sigmoid behaviour, instead of a non-sigmoid one postulated previously based on laboratory experiments. This conceptual discrepancy is due to the ability of zooplankton to feed mostly in layers with high algal density. I propose a generic model explaining the observed alteration of type between overall and local functional responses. I show that emergence of Holling type III in plankton systems is due to mechanisms different from those well known in the ecological literature (e.g. food search learning, existence of alternative food, refuge for prey).  相似文献   

1. The effects of resource availability during ontogeny on subsequent feeding performance were investigated in larvae of the small-mouthed salamander ( Ambystoma texanum ).
2. Salamander larvae were reared individually in either high or low prey density treatments for 7 weeks prior to intermediate prey density foraging trials. Larvae from the low prey density treatment were on average 35% smaller in body size than individuals from the high prey density treatment.
3. Resource availability during development influenced larval feeding rates and altered the relationship between body size and three feeding performance measures (attack rates, capture success and feeding rates). Feeding rates in predation trials were also positively correlated with growth rate early in the larval period (until the end of week 5).
4. These results suggest that the environment to which developing organisms are exposed can have significant effects on subsequent behaviour, and that small-mouthed salamander larvae may show state-dependent changes in feeding behaviour in response to differences in long-term feeding history. Additionally, differences in feeding performance may influence the probability of survival to the adult stage for organisms that utilize ephemeral habitats.  相似文献   

Predators commonly share prey with human exploiters, intuitively suggesting that there is an inherent human–predator conflict through competition for prey. Here we studied the effects of fishing and predation mortality on biomass distributions and yields of shared prey using a size‐structured model of competing populations, describing the life histories of Baltic Sea sprat and herring. Whereas both species responded in a similar fashion to increased fishing mortality, with decreasing juvenile and adult biomasses, we found that responses to predation mortality differed between species. Sprat only display weak compensatory responses with increasing predation mortality, while over a substantial range of mortalities there was a strong increase in adult (and total) herring biomass, i.e. overcompensation. The observed biomass overcompensation results from relaxed intraspecific competition as predation mortality increased, allowing for faster individual growth rates that in turn lead to a change in population composition (juvenile:adult biomass ratio). Our results suggest that the potential for biomass overcompensation is higher for species exhibiting substantial growth after maturation. Differences in size‐selectivity of predators and fishing mortality resulted in a positive effect of predation mortality on fisheries yields, which can be explained by an overcompensatory response in adult herring biomass. Thus, somewhat counter intuitive, our results suggest that fishermen, depending on prey life history, may actually benefit from allowing for a higher abundance of predators, despite competing for shared prey.  相似文献   

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