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Sustainable electricity was generated from glucose in up-flow air-cathode microbial fuel cells (MFCs) with carbon cloth cathode and carbon granular anode. Plastic sieves rather than membrane were used to separate the anode and cathode. Based on 1g/l glucose as substrate, a maximum volumetric power density of 25+/-4 W/m(3) (89 A/m(3)) was obtained for the MFC with a sieve area of 30 cm(2) and 49+/-3 W/m(3) (215 A/m(3)) for the MFC with a sieve area of 60 cm(2). The increased power density with larger sieve area was mainly due to the decrease of internal resistance according to the electrochemistry impedance spectroscopy analysis. Increasing the sieve area from 30 cm(2) to 60 cm(2) resulted in a decrease of overall internal resistance from 41 ohm to 27.5 ohm and a decrease of ohmic resistance from 24.3 ohm to 14 ohm. While increasing operational recirculation ratio (RR) decreased internal resistance and increased power output at low substrate concentration, the effect of RR on cell performance was negligible at higher substrate concentration.  相似文献   

In a two-electrode system, freshwater sediment was used as a fuel to examine the relationship between current generation and organic matter consumption with different types of electrode. Sediment microbial fuel cells using porous electrodes showed a superior performance in terms of generating current when compared with the use of non-porous electrodes. The maximum current densities with thicker and thin porous electrodes were 45.4 and 37.6 mA m−2, respectively, whereas the value with non-porous electrodes was 13.9 mA m−2. The amount of organic matter removed correlated with the current produced. The redox potential in the anode area under closed-circuit conditions was +246.3 ± 67.7 mV, while that under open-circuit conditions only reached −143.0 ± 7.18 mV. This suggests that an application of this system in organic-rich sediment could provide environmental benefits such as decreasing organic matter and prohibiting methane emission in conjunction with electricity production via an anaerobic oxidation process.  相似文献   

Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering - Waters contaminated with naphthenic acids (NAs) and associated tailings are one of the major environmental challenges associated with the processing of oil...  相似文献   

Single-chamber microbial fuel cell (SMFC)-I consisted of 4 separator-electrode assemblies (SEAs) with two types of cation exchange membrane (CEM: Nafion and CMI 7000) and an anion exchange membrane (AEM: AMI 7001). SMFC-II consisted of 4 SEAs with Nafion and three types of nonwoven fabric. SMFC-I and -II were inoculated with anaerobic digested and activated sludge, respectively, and operated under fed-batch mode. In SMFC I, AEM-SEA showed a maximum power density (PDmax). Nafion-SEA showed a PDmax in SMFC II, which was similar to that of Nafion–SEA of SMFC I. Although different bacteria were developed in SMFC-I (Deltaproteobacteria and Firmicutes) and SMFC-II (Gammaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria and Bacteroidetes), the inoculum type little affects electricity generation. Variations of pH and oxygen in biofilm have influenced microbial community structure and electricity generation according to the electrode and separator material. Although the electricity generation of non-woven fabric-SEA was less than that of Nafion-SEA, the use of non-woven fabrics is expected to reduce the construction and operating costs of MFCs.  相似文献   

The alteration of the organic matter (OM) and the composition of bacterial community in microbial fuel cells (MFCs) supplied with soil (S) and a composted organic fertilizer (A) was examined at the beginning and at the end of 3 weeks of incubation under current-producing as well as no-current-producing conditions. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis revealed a significant alteration of the microbial community structure in MFCs generating electricity as compared with no-current-producing MFCs. The genetic diversity of cultivable bacterial communities was assessed by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis of 106 bacterial isolates obtained by using both generic and elective media. Sequencing of the 16S rRNA genes of the more representative RAPD groups indicated that over 50.4% of the isolates from MFCs fed with S were Proteobacteria, 25.1% Firmicutes, and 24.5% Actinobacteria, whereas in MFCs supplied with A 100% of the dominant species belonged to γ-Proteobacteria. The chemical analysis performed by fractioning the OM and using thermal analysis showed that the amount of total organic carbon contained in the soluble phase of the electrochemically active chambers significantly decreased as compared to the no-current-producing systems, whereas the OM of the solid phase became more humified and aromatic along with electricity generation, suggesting a significant stimulation of a humification process of the OM. These findings demonstrated that electroactive bacteria are commonly present in aerobic organic substrates such as soil or a fertilizer and that MFCs could represent a powerful tool for exploring the mineralization and humification processes of the soil OM.  相似文献   

Wang G  Huang L  Zhang Y 《Biotechnology letters》2008,30(11):1959-1966
A novel approach to Cr(VI)-contaminated wastewater treatment was investigated using microbial fuel cell technologies in fed-batch mode. By using synthetic Cr(VI)-containing wastewater as catholyte and anaerobic microorganisms as anodic biocatalyst, Cr(VI) at 100 mg/l was completely removed during 150 h (initial pH 2). The maximum power density of 150 mW/m2 (0.04 mA/cm2) and the maximum open circuit voltage of 0.91 V were generated with Cr(VI) at 200 mg/l as electron acceptor. This work verifies the possibility of simultaneous electricity production and cathodic Cr(VI) reduction.  相似文献   

Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are devices that use living microbes for the conversion of organic matter into electricity. MFC systems can be applied to the generation of electricity at water/sediment interfaces in the environment, such as bay areas, wetlands, and rice paddy fields. Using these systems, electricity generation in paddy fields as high as ~80 mW m?2 (based on the projected anode area) has been demonstrated, and evidence suggests that rhizosphere microbes preferentially utilize organic exudates from rice roots for generating electricity. Phylogenetic and metagenomic analyses have been conducted to identify the microbial species and catabolic pathways that are involved in the conversion of root exudates into electricity, suggesting the importance of syntrophic interactions. In parallel, pot cultures of rice and other aquatic plants have been used for rhizosphere MFC experiments under controlled laboratory conditions. The findings from these studies have demonstrated the potential of electricity generation for mitigating methane emission from the rhizosphere. Notably, however, the presence of large amounts of organics in the rhizosphere drastically reduces the effect of electricity generation on methane production. Further studies are necessary to evaluate the potential of these systems for mitigating methane emission from rice paddy fields. We suggest that paddy-field MFCs represent a promising approach for harvesting latent energy of the natural world.  相似文献   

In this work, sediment microbial fuel cell (SMFC) with granule activated carbon (GAC) cathode and stainless steel anode was constructed in laboratory tests and various factors on SMFC power output were investigated. The maximum power densities for the SMFC with GAC cathode was 3.5 mW m−2, it was much higher than SMFC with round stainless steel cathode. Addition of cellulose reduced the output power from SMFC at the beginning of experiments, while the output power was found to increase after adding cellulose to sediments on day 90 of operation. On 160 day, maximum power density from the SMFC with adding 0.2% cellulose reached to 11.2 mW m−2. In addition, the surface morphology of stainless steel anode on day 90 was analyzed by scanning electron microscope. It was found that the protection layer of the stainless steel as electrode in SMFCs was destroyed to some extent.  相似文献   

Tao HC  Li W  Liang M  Xu N  Ni JR  Wu WM 《Bioresource technology》2011,102(7):4774-4778
A membrane-free baffled microbial fuel cell (MFC) was developed to treat synthetic Cu(II) sulfate containing wastewater in cathode chamber and synthetic glucose-containing wastewater fed to anode chamber. Maximum power density of 314 mW/m3 with columbic efficiency of 5.3% was obtained using initial Cu2+ concentration of 6400 mg/L. Higher current density favored the cathodic reduction of Cu2+, and removal of Cu2+ by 70% was observed within 144 h using initial concentration of 500 mg/L. Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis indicated that the Cu2+ was reduced to Cu2O or Cu2O plus Cu which deposited on the cathode, and the deficient cathodic reducibility resulted in the formation of Cu4(OH)6SO4 at high initial Cu2+ concentration (500-6400 mg/L). This study suggested a novel low-cost approach to remove and recover Cu(II) from Cu2+-containing wastewater using MFC-type reactor.  相似文献   

Stacking of microbial fuel cells (MFC) by connecting multiple small-sized units in a series is used for generating higher power from the MFCs. However, voltage reversal is a critical problem in a serially connected MFC unit. The voltage reversal often occurs when substrate concentration is relatively low in the anodic compartment. Two rectangular individual cells were stacked together in series: MFC1 was fed with 1?g?glucose?L?1 throughout the experiment while MFC2 was fed with various concentrations of glucose (0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5 and 0.8?g?L?1). Voltage reversal occurred when the stack configuration was performed using (1?+?0.1)?g?glucose?L?1. The stacked configurations with (1?+?0.2, 1?+?0.3, 1?+?0.5 and 1?+?0.8)?g?glucose?L?1 were operated successfully without the voltage reversal. The maximum powers of 1.88, 2.04, 3.6, 2.5 and 2.18?mW were obtained with the stacked configurations of (1?+?0.2), (1?+?0.3), (1?+?0.5), (1?+?0.8) and (1?+?1)?g?glucose?L?1, respectively. Except in the stacked configuration with (1?+?0.1)?g?glucose?L?1, the stacked voltages obtained were similar.  相似文献   

The effect of a magnetic field (MF) on electricity production and wastewater treatment in two-chamber microbial fuel cells (MFCs) has been investigated. Electricity production capacity could be improved by the application of a low-intensity static MF. When a MF of 50 mT was applied to MFCs, the maximum voltage, total phosphorus (TP) removal efficiency, and chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal efficiency increased from 523?±?2 to 553?±?2 mV, ~93 to ~96 %, and ~80 to >90 %, respectively, while the start-up time and coulombic efficiency decreased from 16 to 10 days and ~50 to ~43 %, respectively. The MF effects were immediate, reversible, and not long lasting, and negative effects on electricity generation and COD removal seemed to occur after the MF was removed. The start-up and voltage output were less affected by the MF direction. Nitrogen compounds in magnetic MFCs were nitrified more thoroughly; furthermore, a higher proportion of electrochemically inactive microorganisms were found in magnetic systems. TP was effectively removed by the co-effects of microbe absorption and chemical precipitation. Chemical precipitates were analyzed by a scanning electron microscope capable of energy-dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) to be a mixture of phosphate, carbonate, and hydroxyl compounds.  相似文献   

Effects of select electron mediators [9,10-anthraquinone-2,6-disulfonic acid disodium salt (AQDS), safranine O, resazurin, methylene blue, and humic acids] on metabolic end-products and current production from cellulose digestion by Clostridium cellulolyticum in microbial fuel cells (MFCs) were studied using capillary electrophoresis and traditional electrochemical techniques. Addition of the mediator resazurin greatly enhanced current production but did not appear to alter the examined fermentation end-products compared to MFCs with no mediator. Assays for lactate, acetate, and ethanol indicate that the presence of safranine O, methylene blue, and humic acids alters metabolite production in the MFC: safranine O decreased the examined metabolites, methylene blue increased lactate formation, and humic acids increased the examined metabolites. Mediator standard redox potentials (E 0) reported in the literature do not coincide with redox potentials in MFCs due presumably to the electrolytic complexity of media that supports bacterial survival and growth. Current production in MFCs: (1) can be effected by the mediator redox potential while in the media, which may be significantly shifted from E 0, and (2) depended on the ability of the mediator to access the bacterial electron source, which may be cytoplasmic. In addition, some electron mediators had significant effects on metabolic end-products and therefore the metabolism of the organism itself. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The electricity generation, electrochemical and microbial characteristics of five microbial fuel cells (MFCs) with different three-dimensional electrodes (graphite and carbon felt, 2mm and 5mm graphite granules and graphite wool) was examined in relation to the applied loading rate and the external resistance. The graphite felt electrode yielded the highest maximum power output amounting up to 386Wm(-3) total anode compartment (TAC). However, based on the continuous current generation, limited differences between the materials were registered. Doubling the loading rate to 3.3gCODL(-1)TACd(-1) resulted only in an increased current generation when the external resistance was low (10.5-25Omega) or during polarization. Conversely, lowering the external resistance resulted in a steady increase of both the kinetic capacities of the biocatalyst and the continuous current generation from 77 (50Omega) up to 253 (10.5Omega)Am(-3)TAC. Operating a MFC at an external resistance close to its internal resistance, allows to increase the current generation from enhanced loading rates while maximizing the power generation.  相似文献   

Electricity can be directly generated by bacteria in microbial fuel cells (MFCs) from a variety of biodegradable substrates, including cellulose. Particulate materials have not been extensively examined for power generation in MFCs, but in general power densities are lower than those produced with soluble substrates under similar conditions likely as a result of slow hydrolysis rates of the particles. Cellulases are used to achieve rapid conversion of cellulose to sugar for ethanol production, but these enzymes have not been previously tested for their effectiveness in MFCs. It was not known if cellulases would remain active in an MFC in the presence of exoelectrogenic bacteria or if enzymes might hinder power production by adversely affecting the bacteria. Electricity generation from cellulose was therefore examined in two-chamber MFCs in the presence and absence of cellulases. The maximum power density with enzymes and cellulose was 100 +/- 7 mW/m(2) (0.6 +/- 0.04 W/m(3)), compared to only 12 +/- 0.6 mW/m(2) (0.06 +/- 0.003 W/m(3)) in the absence of the enzymes. This power density was comparable to that achieved in the same system using glucose (102 +/- 7 mW/m(2), 0.56 +/- 0.038 W/m(3)) suggesting that the enzyme successfully hydrolyzed cellulose and did not otherwise inhibit electricity production by the bacteria. The addition of the enzyme doubled the Coulombic efficiency (CE) to CE = 51% and increased COD removal to 73%, likely as a result of rapid hydrolysis of cellulose in the reactor and biodegradation of the enzyme. These results demonstrate that cellulases do not adversely affect exoelectrogenic bacteria that produce power in an MFC, and that the use of these enzymes can increase power densities and reactor performance.  相似文献   

Six polyalcohols derived from lignocellulosic carbohydrates were investigated as carbon sources for electricity generation in single-chamber mediator-less microbial fuel cells (MFCs) for the first time. Electricity was directly generated from all polyalcohols tested, including pentitols (xylitol, arabitol, and ribitol) and hexitols (galactitol, mannitol, and sorbitol). Bacterial cultures initially enriched using acetate could be adapted to these substrates with varied adaptation times. The resultant maximum power density ranged from 1490+/-160 mW/m(2) to 2650+/-10 mW/m(2) at current densities between 0.58 mA/cm(2) and 0.78 mA/cm(2). Galactitol generated the highest maximum power density, while mannitol resulted in the lowest one. The estimated maximum voltage output at an external resistance of 120 Omega ranged between 0.24 V and 0.34 V with half saturation kinetic constants varied from 298 mg/L to 753 mg/L. The removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD) was above 91% for all polyalcohols except sorbitol (71%). Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene segments of the anode biofilms showed the influence of substrates (polyalcohols) on the anode microbial populations.  相似文献   

Fei Zhang  Zhen He 《Process Biochemistry》2012,47(12):2146-2151
This study presented a dual-cathode microbial fuel cell (MFC) that was designed to accomplish nitrification in its outer cathode and denitrification in the inner cathode. The MFC was continuously operated for more than 150 days and achieved organic removal of 85–99% in the anode, depending on the initial organic loading rates. More than 96% of the ammonium was removed, while the total nitrogen removal was between 66.7 and 89.6%, largely affected by the remaining nitrate in the effluent of the inner cathode. The coulombic efficiency suggested that the nitrate was primarily removed by bioelectrochemcial denitrification in the inner cathode, especially at the low nitrogen loading rates. However, a higher nitrogen loading rate encouraged nitrate migration through the anion exchange membrane, thereby being removed by conventional denitrification. The preliminary energy analysis suggested that the energy production in the dual-cathode MFC could potentially support its pumping system. To achieve an energy-neutral system, aeration must be omitted in the future design and passive oxygen supply should be considered with a proper design of the outer cathode. Those results demonstrated the feasibility of using a tubular dual-cathode MFC to remove both organics and nitrogen while producing electricity.  相似文献   

A single-compartmented microbial fuel cell composed of a graphite felt anode modified with Neutral Red (NR-anode) and a porous Fe(II)-carbon cathode (FeC-cathode) were compared for electricity generation from Microbacterium sp. and Pseudomonas sp. under identical conditions. Pseudomonas sp. was more than four times the size of Microbacterium sp. based on SEM images. In cyclic voltammetry, the redox reaction between Microbacterium sp and electrode was three times the rate observed between Pseudomonas sp. and the electrode based on the Y-axis (current) variation of cyclic voltammogram. The electric power generated by Microbacterium sp. was approx 3–4 times higher than that with Pseudomonas sp. during incubation for more than 150 days in the fuel cell.  相似文献   

Two different microbial fuel cell (MFC) configurations were investigated for electricity production from ethanol and methanol: a two-chambered, aqueous-cathode MFC; and a single-chamber direct-air cathode MFC. Electricity was generated in the two-chamber system at a maximum power density typical of this system (40+/-2 mW/m2) and a Coulombic efficiency (CE) ranging from 42% to 61% using ethanol. When bacteria were transferred into a single-chamber MFC known to produce higher power densities with different substrates, the maximum power density increased to 488+/-12 mW/m2 (CE = 10%) with ethanol. The voltage generated exhibited saturation kinetics as a function of ethanol concentration in the two-chambered MFC, with a half-saturation constant (Ks) of 4.86 mM. Methanol was also examined as a possible substrate, but it did not result in appreciable electricity generation. Analysis of the anode biofilm and suspension from a two-chamber MFC with ethanol using 16S rDNA-based techniques indicated that bacteria with sequences similar to Proteobacterium Core-1 (33.3% of clone library sequences), Azoarcus sp. (17.4%), and Desulfuromonas sp. M76 (15.9%) were significant members of the anode chamber community. These results indicate that ethanol can be used for sustained electricity generation at room temperature using bacteria on the anode in a MFC.  相似文献   

Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) have been shown to be capable of clean energy production through the oxidation of biodegradable organic waste using various bacterial species as biocatalysts. In this study we found Saccharomyces cerevisiae, previously known electrochemcially inactive or less active species, can be acclimated with an electron mediator thionine for electrogenic biofilm formation in MFC, and electricity production is improved with facilitation of electron transfer. Power generation of MFC was also significantly increased by thionine with both aerated and non-aerated cathode. With electrochemically active biofilm enriched with swine wastewater, MFC power increased more significantly by addition of thionine. The optimum mediator concentration was 500 mM of thionine with S. cerevisae in MFC with the maximum voltage and current generation in the microbial fuel cell were 420 mV and 700 mA/m(2), respectively. Cyclic voltametry shows that thionine improves oxidizing and reducing capability in both pure culture and acclimated biofilm as compared to non-mediated cell. The results obtained indicated that thionine has great potential to enhance power generation from unmediated yeast or electrochemically active biofilm in MFC.  相似文献   

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