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Batoids differ from other elasmobranch fishes in that they possess dorsoventrally flattened bodies with enlarged muscled pectoral fins. Most batoids also swim using either of two modes of locomotion: undulation or oscillation of the pectoral fins. In other elasmobranchs (e.g., sharks), the main locomotory muscle is located in the axial myotome; in contrast, the main locomotory muscle in batoids is found in the enlarged pectoral fins. The pectoral fin muscles of sharks have a simple structure, confined to the base of the fin; however, little to no data are available on the more complex musculature within the pectoral fins of batoids. Understanding the types of fibers and their arrangement within the pectoral fins may elucidate how batoid fishes are able to utilize such unique swimming modes. In the present study, histochemical methods including succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) and immunofluoresence were used to determine the different fiber types comprising these muscles in three batoid species: Atlantic stingray (Dasyatis sabina), ocellate river stingray (Potamotrygon motoro) and cownose ray (Rhinoptera bonasus). All three species had muscles comprised of two muscle fiber types (slow-red and fast-white). The undulatory species, D. sabina and P. motoro, had a larger proportion of fast-white muscle fibers compared to the oscillatory species, R. bonasus. The muscle fiber sizes were similar between each species, though generally smaller compared to the axial musculature in other elasmobranch fishes. These results suggest that batoid locomotion can be distinguished using muscle fiber type proportions. Undulatory species are more benthic with fast-white fibers allowing them to contract their muscles quickly, as a possible means of escape from potential predators. Oscillatory species are pelagic and are known to migrate long distances with muscles using slow-red fibers to aid in sustained swimming.  相似文献   

During posthatching development the fins of fishes undergo striking changes in both structure and function. In this article we examine the development of the pectoral fins from larval through adult life history stages in the zebrafish (Danio rerio), describing in detail their pectoral muscle morphology. We explore the development of muscle structure as a way to interpret the fins' role in locomotion. Genetic approaches in the zebrafish model are providing new tools for examining fin development and we take advantage of transgenic lines in which fluorescent protein is expressed in specific tissues to perform detailed three-dimensional, in vivo fin imaging. The fin musculature of larval zebrafish is organized into two thin sheets of fibers, an abductor and adductor, one on each side of an endoskeletal disk. Through the juvenile stage the number of muscle fibers increases and muscle sheets cleave into distinct muscle subdivisions as fibers orient to the developing fin skeleton. By the end of the juvenile period the pectoral girdle and fin muscles have reoriented to take on the adult organization. We find that this change in morphology is associated with a switch of fin function from activity during axial locomotion in larvae to use in swim initiation and maneuvering in adults. The examination of pectoral fins of the zebrafish highlights the yet to be explored diversity of fin structure and function in subadult developmental stages. J. Morphol. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Benthic animals live at the juncture of fluid and solid environments, an interface that shapes many aspects of their behavior, including their means of locomotion. Aquatic walking and similar substrate-dependent forms of underwater propulsion have evolved multiple times in benthic invertebrate and vertebrate taxa, including batoid elasmobranchs. Skates (Rajidae) use the pelvic fins to punt across the substrate, keeping the pectoral fin disc still. Other batoids combine pelvic fin motions with pectoral fin undulation in augmented punting, but the coordination of these two modes has not been described. In this study of an augmented punter, the freshwater stingray Potamotrygon orbignyi, we demonstrate the synchrony of pelvic and pectoral fin cycles. The punt begins as the pelvic fins, held in an anterior position, are planted into the substrate and used to push the body forward. Meanwhile, a wave of pectoral fin undulation begins, increasing to maximum height just before the cycle's halfway point, when the pelvic fins reach their furthest posterior extension. The pectoral fin wave subsides as the pelvic fins return to their starting position for subsequent punts. Despite definitive links between pectoral and pelvic fin activity, we find no significant relationship between pectoral fin kinematics (frequency, wave height, and wave speed) and punt performance. However, slip calculations indicate that pectoral undulation can produce thrust and augment punting. Pelvic fin kinematics (frequency and duty factor) have significant effects, suggesting that while both sets of fins contribute to thrust generation, the pelvic fins likely determine punt performance.  相似文献   

Many benthic batoids utilize their pectoral fins for both undulatory locomotion and feeding. Certain derived, pelagic species of batoids possess cephalic lobes, which evolved from the anterior pectoral fins. These species utilize the pectoral fins for oscillatory locomotion while the cephalic lobes are used for feeding. The goal of this article was to compare the morphology of the cephalic lobes and anterior pectoral fins in species that possess and lack cephalic lobes. The skeletal elements (radials) of the cephalic lobes more closely resembled the radials in the pectoral fin of undulatory species. Second moment of area (I), calculated from cephalic lobe radial cross sections, and the number of joints revealed greater flexibility and resistance to bending in multiple directions as compared to pectoral fin radials of oscillatory species. The cephalic lobe musculature was more complex than the anterior pectoral fin musculature, with an additional muscle on the dorsal side, with fiber angles running obliquely to the radials. In Rhinoptera bonasus, a muscle presumably used to help elevate the cephalic lobes is described. Electrosensory pores were found on the cephalic lobes (except Mobula japonica) and anterior pectoral fins of undulatory swimmers, but absent from the anterior pectoral fins of oscillatory swimmers. Pore distributions were fairly uniform except in R. bonasus, which had higher pore numbers at the edges of the cephalic lobes. Overall, the cephalic lobes are unique in their anatomy but are more similar to the anterior pectoral fins of undulatory swimmers, having more flexibility and maneuverability compared to pectoral fins of oscillatory swimmers. The maneuverable cephalic lobes taking on the role of feeding may have allowed the switch to oscillatory locomotion and hence, a more pelagic lifestyle. J. Morphol. 274:1070–1083, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The developmental sequence of morphological characteristics related to swimming and feeding functions was investigated in hatchery-reared larvae and juveniles ofSebastes schlegeli, a viviparous scorpaenid. The fish were extruded at an early larval stage, when the mean body size was 6.23 mm TL. Fin-ray rudiments became visible at 9.0 mm TL in the dorsal and anal fins, at 8.0 mm TL in the pectoral and pelvic fins and 6.0 mm TL (size at extrusion) in the caudal fin. Completion of segmentation of soft rays in the dorsal and anal fins was attained by 14 mm TL and in all fins by 17 mm TL. Branching of soft rays in the respective fins started and was completed considerably later than the completion of segmentation, as well as ossification of the fin-supports. Morphological transformation from larva to juvenile was apparently completed by about 17 mm TL. Although the completion of basic juvenile structures was attained by transformation at that body size, succeeding morphological changes occurred between 17 mm and 32 mm TL. Newly-extruded larvae possessed one or two teeth on the lower pharyngeal and pharyngobranchials 3 and 4, but lacked premaxillary, dentary, palatine and prevomer teeth. The fish attained full development of gill rakers and gill teeth by 15 mm TL, the upper and lower pharyngeal teeth subsequently developing into a toothplate. Development of the premaxillary, dentary and palatine teeth was completed at about 30 mm TL, by which time loop formation of the digestive canal and the number of pyloric caeca had attained the adult condition. The developmental sequence of swimming and feeding functions during larval and early juvenile periods appeared to proceed from primitive functions to advanced or complex ones, from the ability to produce propulsive force to that of swimming with high maneuverability and from development of the irreducible minimum function of passing food into the stomach to the ability to actively capture prey via passive food acquisition with the gill rakers and gill teeth. The relationship of morphological development to the behavior and feeding activity of artificially-produced hatchlings is also discussed.  相似文献   

Synopsis The early development of the southern mouthbrooder,Pseudocrenilabrus philander, is documented from activation until the early stages of the juvenile period. The duration of the embryonic period is about 14 days at 25°C. Development is direct and there is accelerated exogenous feeding into the embryonic period. The pattern of development and the timing of ontogenetic events and structure formation are a reflection of both internal and external environmental conditions. During mouthbrooding, oxygen uptake is facilitated by embryonic respiratory plexuses and flapping of the pectoral fins. At the time of first release from the buccal cavity, the embryos are in an advanced state of development. The switch-over from the temporary embryonic respiratory system to the adult branchial system has occurred. The yolksac serves as a supplemental source of nutrition as the embryos develop their external food-gathering abilities. The skeletal and sensory systems are sufficiently developed to allow the young to return to the safety of the female's buccal cavity. Pigmentation may provide disruptive colouration. The rate and pattern of development of another mouthbrooding cichlid,Oreochromis mossambicus, is similar to that ofP. philander despite their phylogenetic differences, and may be a consequence of similar life-history styles.  相似文献   

The fossil record provides unique clues about the primitive pattern of lobed fins, the precursors of digit-bearing limbs. Such information is vital for understanding the evolutionary transition from fish fins to tetrapod limbs, and it guides the choice of model systems for investigating the developmental changes underpinning this event. However, the evolutionary preconditions for tetrapod limbs remain unclear. This uncertainty arises from an outstanding gap in our knowledge of early lobed fins: there are no fossil data that record primitive pectoral fin conditions in coelacanths, one of the three major groups of sarcopterygian (lobe-finned) fishes. A new fossil from the Middle-Late Devonian of Wyoming preserves the first and only example of a primitive coelacanth pectoral fin endoskeleton. The strongly asymmetrical skeleton of this fin corroborates the hypothesis that this is the primitive sarcopterygian pattern, and that this pattern persisted in the closest fish-like relatives of land vertebrates. The new material reveals the specializations of paired fins in the modern coelacanth, as well as in living lungfishes. Consequently, the context in which these might be used to investigate evolutionary and developmental relationships between vertebrate fins and limbs is changed. Our data suggest that primitive actinopterygians, rather than living sarcopterygian fishes and their derived appendages, are the most informative comparators for developmental studies seeking to understand the origin of tetrapod limbs.  相似文献   

In Polyodon spathula, the pectoral fin radials, with the exception of the metapterygium, are derived from the decomposition of a single continuous cartilage fin plate that is continuous with the scapulocoracoid. This cartilage sheet develops two interior splits to form three precursor pieces, and these decompose in a predictable way to generate the propterygium and radials. The metapterygium is an extension of the scapulocoracoid that segments off of it during early development. To our knowledge, this has not been reported for acipenserids or other basal actinopterygians. In teleosts, the proximal radials also develop from the "break up" of an initially continuous paddle-like sheet of cartilage along the posterior edge of the scapulocoracoid, and in Polypterus and sharks a similar pattern holds. Thus, the pattern observed in Polyodon may represent the basal developmental condition for the gnathostome pectoral fin. The process underlying development of the superficially similar cartilages of the pelvic and pectoral fins is different. In the pectoral fin, the metapterygium is segmented off of the scapulocoracoid and other radials form from the decomposition of the cartilage plate. In contrast, individual rod-like basipterygial elements form in a close one-to-one correspondence with the middle radials of the pelvic fin, but later fuse to form an anterior element that is branched in appearance. To evaluate further claims of similarity among the pectoral and pelvic fin elements of various fishes, the course of the development of these structures must be observed. The pectoral fin and girdle in Polyodon ossifies in a different sequence than that proposed as ancestral (and highly conserved) for actinopterygians: the supracleithrum ossifies significantly before the cleithrum. The later ossification of the cleithrum in Polyodon may be related to the primary use of the caudal fin vs. the pectoral fins in their locomotion.  相似文献   

In the present study, the morphology and behaviour of giant trahira Hoplias lacerdae larvae were investigated, from hatching to complete absorption of the yolk sac, under laboratory conditions. In the first day post‐hatching (dph), the larvae presented a big ovoid‐shaped yolk sac that underwent regression during larval ontogeny. The mouth opened 3 dph, when the pectoral fins were evident. From this day, the larvae were able to perform sudden bursts of activity and appear to be able to swim a few centimetres before sinking again. The branchial apparatus was defined at 5 dph, and by 6 dph the operculum was formed. The internal organs such as intestine, liver, kidney and external sensorial structures were present at 7 dph. The yolk sac remained until 7 dph.  相似文献   

Polypterids, the most basal actinopterygians, are a group of fish long-considered living fossils and holding a key position for understanding fish and tetrapod evolution. Knowledge of the natural history of Polypterus is limited, their having been studied in little detail since the early 1900s. The locomotory habits of wild Polypterus senegalus from Lake Albert, Uganda, were investigated in 2014. High-speed videography demonstrated the capability of large Polypterus to move overland successfully. Contrary to previous evidence, field observations found that terrestrial locomotion in Polypterus is not inherently restricted by body size. Evidence that Polypterus exhibit this behaviour as part of their natural life history can be found in the existence of environmental challenges and the presence of adaptations for amphibious life.  相似文献   

Aiming to provide data on the biology of Leiarius marmoratus, which will aid in its production in captivity, as well as in studies for its preservation in the environment, this work had as objectives: analyze and describe main morphological alterations during larval ontogeny of the species. We analyzed 205 individuals, obtained by induced reproduction (Colpani Pisciculture) and kept in CEPTA/ICMBIO, Pirassununga, São Paulo, Brazil. Analyses were performed from hatching moment to 30th day. The specimens were classified into two periods: larval (Stages: vitelline, pre‐flexion, flexion, post‐flexion) and juvenile. Hatched larvae showed ident chromatophores only at anterior and posterior extremities of yolk sac. The standard length ranged from 2.16 mm (yolk) to 28.84 mm (Youth). Dorsal fin rays were initially observed at flexion stage (12–14 rays). Major alterations occurred during post‐flexion/juvenile stage, when dorsal, pectoral, pelvic, anal, and caudal fins were observed and pigmentation intensified throughout the lateral region, forming bands in the body, one between the end of the head and beginning of dorsal to pelvic fin, and another one beginning at dorsal to caudal peduncle and four longitudinal at the head.  相似文献   

Summary The metabolic and structural differentiation of locomotory muscles of Notothenia rossii has been investigated. In this species sustained locomotion is achieved by sculling with enlarged pectoral fins (labriform locomotion), whilst the segmental myotomal muscle is reserved for burst activity. Red, white and subepidermal fibres can be distinguished in the trunk by histochemical and ultrastructural criteria. The main pectoral muscle (m. adductor profundus) consists entirely of red fibres. These three main fibres types show differences in histochemical staining profiles, capillarization, myofibril shape and packing, and lipid and mitochondrial content. The fractional volume of mitochondria amounts to 38% for pectoral, 30% for red myotomal and 1.9% for white myotomal fibres. Enzyme activities of red pectoral muscle are consistent with a higher potential for aerobic glucose and fatty acid oxidation than for the red myotomal fibres. Mg2+ Ca2+ -myofibrillar ATPase activities are similar for red pectoral and myotomal muscles and approximately half of those white fibres. Specialisations of N. rossii muscles associated with labriform swimming and locomotion at Antarctic temperatures are discussed.  相似文献   

The larval ultrastructure of Brycon gouldingi related to swimming and feeding from hatching to total yolk absorption is described from scanning electron micrographs. Newly hatched larvae (time zero) had no mouth opening, undefined optic vesicles, an olfactory plate visible as a shallow depression, rudimentary gill arches, neural groove, embryonic fin and a primary neuromast in the dorsal region of the head. At the time of yolk absorption, 55 h post hatching, the larvae presented an optic vesicle comprising an optic cup and crystalline lens; a mouth with tongue, tapered teeth and taste buds; a ciliated olfactory cavity; branched gill arches; filled neural groove signalling central nervous system development; caudal, pectoral, dorsal and anal fins; and neuromasts distributed throughout the head and body. These characters are related to prey capture and swimming ability, key aspects of survival during the larval stage. The results of this study provide important information for exploitation and aquaculture of B. gouldingi.  相似文献   

Although the majority of batoid elasmobranchs, skates and rays, are benthically associated, benthic locomotion has been largely overlooked in this group. Only skates have been previously described to perform a form of benthic locomotion termed “punting.” While keeping the rest of the body motionless, the skate's pelvic fins are planted into the substrate and then retracted caudally, which thrusts the body forward. In this study, we demonstrate that this form of locomotion is not confined to the skates, but is found across a range of phylogenetically and morphologically diverse batoid species. However, only the clearnose skate, Raja eglanteria, and the lesser electric ray, Narcine brasiliensis, performed “true punting,” in which only the pelvic fins were engaged. The yellow stingray, Urobatis jamaicensis, and the Atlantic stingray, Dasyatis sabina, performed “augmented punting,” in which pectoral fin movement was also used to generate thrust. Despite this supplemental use of pectoral fins, the augmented punters failed to exceed the punting capabilities of the true punters. The urobatid and the true punters all punted approximately half their disc length per punt, whereas the dasyatid punted a significantly shorter distance. The skate punted significantly faster than the other species. Examination of the pelvic fin musculature revealed more specialized muscles in the true punters than in the augmented punters. This concordance of musculature with punting ability provides predictive power regarding the punting kinematics of other elasmobranchs based upon gross muscular examinations. In contrast to previous assumptions, our results suggest that benthic locomotion is widespread among batoids. J. Morphol., 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2013,12(4):203-210
The present comparative histological study of the pectoral, caudal and anal fins of the polypterid Polypterus senegalus reveals the presence of a layer of dentine identified between the superficial ganoine patches and the bony part of the lepidotrichia in the three fins. Its extent varies depending on the fins. Similarly, the ganoine layer present at the surface of the proximal lepidotrichia shows fin-dependent differences in extent and distribution. The dentine layer is crossed by a system of thin worm-like vascular canaliculi that reach the ganoine layer and even penetrate within it as in the scales. In the lepidotrichia, the dentine lays directly on bone, which differs from the scales where dentine lies on isopedine, a plywood-like structure. Another difference between scales and lepidotrichia is the presence of actinotrichia that are unmineralised, fusiform rods of elastoidine located at the tip of the fins. Ontogenesis with differentiation of actinotrichia has no equivalent in scale formation. Although structural features are shared by lepidotrichia and scales in P. senegalus, observations on the scales and lepidotrichia support the hypothesis of Schaeffer (1977) that “scales and lepidotrichia are somewhat differently shaped manifestations of the same morphogenetic system”.  相似文献   

To date only few comparative approaches tried to reconstruct the ontogeny of the musculature in invertebrates. This may be due to the difficulties involved in reconstructing three dimensionally arranged muscle systems by means of classical histological techniques combined with light or transmission electron microscopy. Within the scope of the present study we investigated the myogenesis of premetamorphic, metamorphic, and juvenile developmental stages of the anaspidean opisthobranch Aplysia californica using fluorescence F‐actin‐labeling in conjunction with modern confocal laser scanning microscopy. We categorized muscles with respect to their differentiation and degeneration and found three true larval muscles that differentiate during the embryonic and veliger phase and degenerate during or slightly after metamorphosis. These are the larval retractor, the accessory larval retractor, and the metapodial retractor muscle. While the pedal retractor muscle, some transversal mantle fibers and major portions of the cephalopedal musculature are continued and elaborated during juvenile and adult life, the buccal musculature and the anterior retractor muscle constitute juvenile/adult muscles which differentiate during or after metamorphosis. The metapodial retractor muscle has never been reported for any other gastropod taxon. Our findings indicate that the late veliger larva of A. californica shares some common traits with veligers of other gastropods, such as a larval retractor muscle. However, the postmetamorphic stages exhibit only few congruencies with other gastropod taxa investigated to date, which is probably due to common larval but different adult life styles within gastropods. Accordingly, this study provides further evidence for morphological plasticity in gastropod myogenesis and stresses the importance of ontogenetic approaches to understand adult conditions and life history patterns. J. Morphol., 2008. © 2007 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Among osteichthyans, basal actinopterygian fishes (e.g. paddlefish and bowfins) have paired fins with three endoskeletal components (pro-, meso- and metapterygia) articulating with polybasal shoulder girdles, while sarcopterygian fishes (lungfish, coelacanths and relatives) have paired fins with one endoskeletal component (metapterygium) articulating with monobasal shoulder girdles. In the fin–limb transition, the origin of the sarcopterygian paired fins triggered new possibilities of fin articulation and movement, and established the proximal segments (stylopod and zeugopod) of the presumptive tetrapod limb. Several authors have stated that the monobasal paired fins in sarcopterygians evolved from a primitive polybasal condition. However, the fossil record has been silent on whether and when the inferred transition took place. Here we describe three-dimensionally preserved shoulder girdles of two stem sarcopterygians (Psarolepis and Achoania) from the Lower Devonian of Yunnan, which demonstrate that stem sarcopterygians have polybasal pectoral fin articulation as in basal actinopterygians. This finding provides a phylogenetic and temporal constraint for studying the origin of the stylopod, which must have originated within the stem sarcopterygian lineage through the loss of the propterygium and mesopterygium.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the aerial and aquatic visual abilities of juvenile grey bichir Polypterus senegalus, fish capable of terrestrial locomotion, by measuring the optokinetic response to stimuli of varying speed and spatial frequency. In water, fish tracked slow-moving (2° s−1) stimuli moderately well and fast-moving stimuli very poorly. Spatial acuity was very low compared with many other species, with maximum response observed at 0.05–0.075 stimulus cycles per degree of visual arc; however, it should be noted that adult fish, with their larger eyes, are likely to have somewhat improved spatial acuity. Low spatial acuity and limited stimulus tracking ability might be expected in a nocturnal ambush predator such as P. senegalus, where gaze stabilization may be less crucial and other sensory inputs may have greater importance in perception of the environment. In air, spatial and temporal acuity were both poorer by every measure, but some visual ability persisted. As the eye shows no anatomical specialization for aerial vision, poor vision was expected; however, the large decrease in saccade velocity observed in air trials was unexpected. Stimulus parameters typically have little effect on the characteristics of the saccade, so this finding may suggest that the function of the reflex system itself could be compromised in the aerial vision of some fishes capable of terrestrial locomotion.  相似文献   

A full-length cDNA cloning and tissue distribution of epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) protein were studied during ontogeny by immunohistochemistry in the external gills, and the kidney, pronephros and mesonephros, of the Japanese black salamander, Hynobius nigrescens (Family Hynobiidae; a primitive caudate species). The amino acid sequence of Hynobius ENaCα is 64 and 63% identical to Bufo ENaCα and Rat ENaCα, respectively. In aquatic larva salamander at the digit differentiation stage, Hynobius ENaCα mRNA was expressed in the external gills and pronephros. In the adult, the mRNA was expressed in the skin and the mesonephros. In the larvae, juvenile, and adult specimens, Hynobius ENaCα immunoreactivity was observed at the apical cell membrane of the external gills, late parts of the distal tubules, and mesonephric duct in the kidney. Colocalization of the apical Hynobius ENaCα and the basolateral Na(+) ,K(+) -ATPase was observed in the tubular cells of pronephros and mesonephros. These results suggest that Hynobius ENaCα plays an important role in the regulation of sodium transport in the external gills and pronephros of aquatic larvae, and in the skin and mesonephros of terrestrial adult. This is the first study to indicate ENaC expression during ontogeny in amphibians. Since no orthologs or paralogs for ENaC have been found, so far, in databases of the genomes of teleosts, it is assumed that ENaC might have played a role in terrestriality during the evolution of early tetrapods, the origin of lissamphibians.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(3):418-442
The head is considered the major novelty of the vertebrates and directly linked to their evolutionary success. Its form and development as well as its function, for example in feeding, is of major interest for evolutionary biologists. In this study, we describe the skeletal development of the cranium and pectoral girdle in Siberian (Acipenser baerii ) and Russian sturgeon (A. gueldenstaedtii ), two species that are commonly farmed in aquaculture and increasingly important in developmental studies. This study comprises the development of the neuro‐, viscero‐ and dermatocranium and the dermal and chondral components of the pectoral girdle, from first condensation of chondrocytes in prehatchlings to the early juvenile stage and reveals a clear pattern in formation. The otic capsules, the parachordal cartilages, and the trabeculae cranii are the first centers of chondrification, at 8.4mm TL. These are followed by the mandibular, then the hyoid, and later the branchial arches. Teeth form early on the dentary, dermopalatine, and palatopterygoid, and then appear later in the buccal cavity as dorsal and ventral toothplates. With ongoing chondrification in the neurocranium a capsule around the brain and a strong rostrum are formed. Dermal ossifications start to form before closure of the dorsal neurocranial fenestrae. Perichondral ossification of cartilage bones occurs much later in ontogeny. Our results contribute data bearing on the homology of elements such as the lateral rostral canal bone that we regard homologous to the antorbital of other actinopterygians based on its sequence of formation, position and form. We further raise doubts on the homology of the posterior ceratobranchial among Actinopteri based on the formation of the hyoid arch elements. We also investigate the basibranchials and the closely associated unidentified gill‐arch elements and show that they are not homologous. J. Morphol. 278:418–442, 2017. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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