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Bananas are among the most widely consumed foods in the world. In Uganda, the country with the second largest banana production in the world, bananas are the most important staple food. The objective of this study was to analyze banana-associated microorganisms and to select efficient antagonists against fungal pathogens which are responsible for substantial yield losses. We studied the structure and function of microbial communities (endosphere, rhizosphere, and soil) obtained from three different traditional farms in Uganda by cultivation-independent (PCR-SSCP fingerprints of 16S rRNA/ITS genes, pyrosequencing of enterobacterial 16S rRNA gene fragments, quantitative PCR, fluorescence in situ hybridization coupled with confocal laser scanning microscopy, and PCR-based detection of broad-host-range plasmids and sulfonamide resistance genes) and cultivation-dependent methods. The results showed microhabitat-specific microbial communities that were significant across sites and treatments. Furthermore, all microhabitats contained a high number and broad spectrum of indigenous antagonists toward identified fungal pathogens. While bacterial antagonists were found to be enriched in banana plants, fungal antagonists were less abundant and mainly found in soil. The banana stem endosphere was the habitat with the highest bacterial counts (up to 10(9) gene copy numbers g(-1)). Here, enterics were found to be enhanced in abundance and diversity; they provided one-third of the bacteria and were identified by pyrosequencing with 14 genera, including not only potential human (Escherichia, Klebsiella, Salmonella, and Yersinia spp.) and plant (Pectobacterium spp.) pathogens but also disease-suppressive bacteria (Serratia spp.). The dominant role of enterics can be explained by the permanent nature and vegetative propagation of banana and the amendments of human, as well as animal, manure in these traditional cultivations.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the fecal microbiota of 12 healthy pet dogs and 12 pet cats using bacterial and fungal tag-encoded FLX-Titanium amplicon pyrosequencing. A total of 120,406 pyrosequencing reads for bacteria (mean 5017) and 5359 sequences (one pool each for dogs and cats) for fungi were analyzed. Additionally, group-specific 16S rRNA gene clone libraries for Bifidobacterium spp. and lactic acid-producing bacteria (LAB) were constructed. The most abundant bacterial phylum was Firmicutes, followed by Bacteroidetes in dogs and Actinobacteria in cats. The most prevalent bacterial class in dogs and cats was Clostridia, dominated by the genera Clostridium (clusters XIVa and XI) and Ruminococcus. At the genus level, 85 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were identified in dogs and 113 OTUs in cats. Seventeen LAB and eight Bifidobacterium spp. were detected in canine feces. Ascomycota was the only fungal phylum detected in cats, while Ascomycota, Basidiomycota, Glomeromycota, and Zygomycota were identified in dogs. Nacaseomyces was the most abundant fungal genus in dogs; Saccharomyces and Aspergillus were predominant in cats. At the genus level, 33 different fungal OTUs were observed in dogs and 17 OTUs in cats. In conclusion, this study revealed a highly diverse bacterial and fungal microbiota in canine and feline feces.  相似文献   

In the oceans and seas, environmental conditions change over multiple temporal and spatial scales. Here, we ask what factors affect the bacterial community structure across time, depth and size fraction during six seasonal cruises (2 years) in the ultra-oligotrophic Eastern Mediterranean Sea. The bacterial community varied most between size fractions (free-living (FL) vs. particle-associated), followed by depth and finally season. The FL community was taxonomically richer and more stable than the particle-associated (PA) one, which was characterized by recurrent ‘blooms’ of heterotrophic bacteria such as Alteromonas and Ralstonia. The heterotrophic FL and PA communities were also correlated with different environmental parameters: the FL population correlated with depth and phytoplankton, whereas PA bacteria were correlated primarily with the time of sampling. A significant part of the variability in community structure could, however, not be explained by the measured parameters. The metabolic potential of the PA community, predicted from 16S rRNA amplicon data using PICRUSt, was enriched in pathways associated with the degradation and utilization of biological macromolecules, as well as plastics, other petroleum products and herbicides. The FL community was enriched in predicted pathways for the metabolism of inositol phosphate, a potential phosphorus source, and of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.  相似文献   

Marine sponges are associated with a remarkable array of microorganisms. Using a tag pyrosequencing technology, this study was the first to investigate in depth the microbial communities associated with three Red Sea sponges, Hyrtios erectus, Stylissa carteri and Xestospongia testudinaria. We revealed highly diverse sponge-associated bacterial communities with up to 1000 microbial operational taxonomic units (OTUs) and richness estimates of up to 2000 species. Altogether, 26 bacterial phyla were detected from the Red Sea sponges, 11 of which were absent from the surrounding sea water and 4 were recorded in sponges for the first time. Up to 100 OTUs with richness estimates of up to 300 archaeal species were revealed from a single sponge species. This is by far the highest archaeal diversity ever recorded for sponges. A non-negligible proportion of unclassified reads was observed in sponges. Our results demonstrated that the sponge-associated microbial communities remained highly consistent in the same sponge species from different locations, although they varied at different degrees among different sponge species. A significant proportion of the tag sequences from the sponges could be assigned to one of the sponge-specific clusters previously defined. In addition, the sponge-associated microbial communities were consistently divergent from those present in the surrounding sea water. Our results suggest that the Red Sea sponges possess highly sponge-specific or even sponge-species-specific microbial communities that are resistant to environmental disturbance, and much of their microbial diversity remains to be explored.  相似文献   

The rhizosphere microbiome offers a range of ecosystem services to the plant, including nutrient acquisition and tolerance to (a)biotic stress. Here, analysing the data by Mendes et al. (2011), we show that short heat disturbances (50 or 80 °C, 1 h) of a soil suppressive to the root pathogenic fungus Rhizoctonia solani caused significant increase in alpha diversity of the rhizobacterial community and led to partial or complete loss of disease protection. A reassembly model is proposed where bacterial families that are heat tolerant and have high growth rates significantly increase in relative abundance after heat disturbance, while temperature‐sensitive and slow‐growing bacteria have a disadvantage. The results also pointed to a potential role of slow‐growing, heat‐tolerant bacterial families from Actinobacteria and Acidobacteria phyla in plant disease protection. In conclusion, short heat disturbance of soil results in rearrangement of rhizobacterial communities and this is correlated with changes in the ecosystem service disease suppression.  相似文献   

The correlation between the taxonomic composition of Alphaproteobacteria, Burkholderia and nitrogen fixers associated with the lichen Lobaria pulmonaria and the geographical distribution of the host was studied across four sites in Europe. Results proved that the diversity of Alphaproteobacteria is affected by geography, while those of Burkholderia and nitrogen fixers were mostly driven by local habitat. This difference indicates a higher stability of the association between Alphaproteobacteria and the lichen host.  相似文献   

Soil microorganisms play an essential role in soil ecosystem processes such as organic matter decomposition, nutrient cycling, and plant nutrient availability. The land use for greenhouse cultivation has been increasing continuously, which involves an intensive input of agricultural materials to enhance productivity; however, relatively little is known about bacterial communities in greenhouse soils. To assess the effects of environmental factors on the soil bacterial diversity and community composition, a total of 187 greenhouse soil samples collected across Korea were subjected to bacterial 16S rRNA gene pyrosequencing analysis. A total of 11,865 operational taxonomic units at a 97% similarity cutoff level were detected from 847,560 sequences. Among nine soil factors evaluated; pH, electrical conductivity (EC), exchangeable cations (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and K+), available P2O5, organic matter, and NO3-N, soil pH was most strongly correlated with bacterial richness (polynomial regression, pH: R2 = 0.1683, P < 0.001) and diversity (pH: R2 = 0.1765, P < 0.001). Community dissimilarities (Bray-Curtis distance) were positively correlated with Euclidean distance for pH and EC (Mantel test, pH: r = 0.2672, P < 0.001; EC: r = 0.1473, P < 0.001). Among dominant phyla (> 1%), the relative abundances of Proteobacteria, Gemmatimonadetes, Acidobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi, and Planctomycetes were also more strongly correlated with pH and EC values, compared with other soil cation contents, such as Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, and K+. Our results suggest that, despite the heterogeneity of various environmental variables, the bacterial communities of the intensively cultivated greenhouse soils were particularly influenced by soil pH and EC. These findings therefore shed light on the soil microbial ecology of greenhouse cultivation, which should be helpful for devising effective management strategies to enhance soil microbial diversity and improving crop productivity.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of pipe materials on biofilm accumulation and water quality, an annular reactor with the sample coupons of four pipe materials (steel, copper, stainless steel, and polyvinyl chloride) was operated under hydraulic conditions similar to a real plumbing system for 15 months. The bacterial concentrations were substantially increased in the steel and copper reactors with progression of corrosion, whereas those in stainless steel (STS) and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) reactors were affected mainly by water temperature. The heterotrophic plate count (HPC) of biofilms was about 100 times higher on steel pipe than other pipes throughout the experiment, with the STS pipe showing the lowest bacterial number at the end of the operation. Analysis of the 16S rDNA sequences of 176 cultivated isolates revealed that 66.5% was Proteobacteria and the others included unclassified bacteria, Actinobacteria, and Bacilli. Regardless of the pipe materials, Sphingomonas was the predominant species in all biofilms. PCR-DGGE analysis showed that steel pipe exhibited the highest bacterial diversity among the metallic pipes, and the DGGE profile of biofilm on PVC showed three additional bands not detected from the profiles of the metallic materials. Environmental scanning electron microscopy showed that corrosion level and biofilm accumulation were the least in the STS coupon. These results suggest that the STS pipe is the best material for plumbing systems in terms of the microbiological aspects of water quality.  相似文献   

Lakes have a central role in the carbon cycle of the boreal landscape. These systems typically stratify in summer and their hypolimnetic microbial communities influence burial of biogenic organic matter in sediments. The composition of bacterial communities in these suboxic habitats was studied by pyrosequencing of 16S rRNA amplicons from five lakes with variable dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentrations. Bacterioplankton communities in the hypolimnetic waters were clearly different from the surface layer with candidate division OD1, Chlorobi and Bacteroidetes as dominant community members. Several operational taxonomic units (OTUs) affiliated with candidate division OD1 were abundant and consistently present in the suboxic hypolimnion in these boreal lakes. The overall representation of this group was positively correlated with DOC and methane concentrations. Network analysis of time-series data revealed contrasting temporal patterns but suggested similar ecological roles among the abundant OTUs affiliated with candidate division OD1. Together, stable isotope data and taxonomic classification point to methane oxidation and autotrophic denitrification as important processes in the suboxic zone of boreal lakes. Our data revealed that while hypolimnetic bacterial communities are less dynamic, they appear to be more diverse than communities from the oxic surface layer. An appreciable proportion of the hypolimnetic bacteria belong to poorly described phyla.  相似文献   

Microbiological and geochemical surveys were conducted at three hot springs (Obsidian Pool, Sylvan Spring, and ‘Bison Pool’) in Yellowstone National Park (Wyoming, USA). Microbial community structure was investigated by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of 16S rRNA gene sequences from DNA extracted from sediments of each hot spring, followed by molecular cloning. Both bacterial and archaeal DNA was retrieved from all samples. No Euryarchaea were found, but diverse Crenarchaea exist in all three pools, particularly affiliating with deep‐branching, but uncultivated organisms. In addition, cloned DNA affiliating with the Desulphurococcales and Thermoproteales was identified, but the distribution of taxa differs in each hot spring. The bacterial community at all three locations is dominated by members of the Aquificales and Thermodesulfobacteriales, indicating that the ‘knallgas’ reaction (aerobic hydrogen oxidation) may be a central metabolism in these ecosystems. To provide geochemical context for the microbial community structures, energy‐yields for a number of chemolithoautotrophic reactions are provided for >80 sampling sites in Yellowstone, including Obsidian Pool, Sylvan Spring, and ‘Bison Pool’. This energy profile shows that the knallgas reaction is just one of many exergonic reactions in the Yellowstone hot springs, that energy‐yields for certain reactions can vary substantially from one site to the next, and that few of the demonstrated exergonic reactions are known to support microbial metabolism.  相似文献   

Studying patterns of species distributions along elevation gradients is frequently used to identify the primary factors that determine the distribution, diversity and assembly of species. However, despite their crucial role in ecosystem functioning, our understanding of the distribution of below‐ground fungi is still limited, calling for more comprehensive studies of fungal biogeography along environmental gradients at various scales (from regional to global). Here, we investigated the richness of taxa of soil fungi and their phylogenetic diversity across a wide range of grassland types along a 2800 m elevation gradient at a large number of sites (213), stratified across a region of the Western Swiss Alps (700 km2). We used 454 pyrosequencing to obtain fungal sequences that were clustered into operational taxonomic units (OTUs). The OTU diversity–area relationship revealed uneven distribution of fungal taxa across the study area (i.e. not all taxa are everywhere) and fine‐scale spatial clustering. Fungal richness and phylogenetic diversity were found to be higher in lower temperatures and higher moisture conditions. Climatic and soil characteristics as well as plant community composition were related to OTU alpha, beta and phylogenetic diversity, with distinct fungal lineages suggesting distinct ecological tolerances. Soil fungi, thus, show lineage‐specific biogeographic patterns, even at a regional scale, and follow environmental determinism, mediated by interactions with plants.  相似文献   

上海城市绿地植物群落降噪功能及其影响因子   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
利用因子分析法,对上海19类绿地植物群落30m宽度的噪声相对衰减量与8个群落结构因子的关系进行了分析.结果表明:绿地群落的降噪效果明显,其与草坪的降噪效果存在极显著差异(P<0.01),声波在绿地中有额外的声衰减.3组不同降噪能力绿地群落的30m噪声相对衰减量分别为≥10dB(A)、6~10dB(A)和?6dB(A);影响绿地群落降噪效果的结构因子为叶面积指数、群落平均枝下高、平均高度、盖度和平均冠幅,它们与噪声相对衰减量的相关系数分别为0.343、0.318、0.285、0.226和0.193.结构因子的累积贡献率达65.47%.在降噪绿地设计中应着重考虑这5个结构因子.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲植物群落分布格局及其影响因素   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
利用双向指示种分析和去趋势典范对应分析的方法,对典型河口滨海湿地黄河三角洲植物群落类型和结构进行了分析,并探讨了植物群落分布格局及其影响因素。结果表明:134个样方可划分为7个群系,即刺槐群落(Form. Robinia pseucdoacacia)、荻群落(Form. Miscanthus saccharifleus)、翅碱蓬群落(Form. Suaeda heteroptera)、獐毛群落(Form. Aeluropus sinensis)、芦苇群落(Form. Phragmites communis)、柽柳群落(Form. Tamarix chinensis)和白茅群落(Form. Imperata cylindrica)。群落类型的划分主要反映了微地貌所决定的地下水埋深及土壤盐分含量的变化。在影响植物群落分布格局的因素中,环境因子解释的部分占45.2%,空间因子解释的部分占11.8%,空间因子和环境因子交互作用解释的部分占2.23%,空间因子和环境因子未能解释的部分占40.8%,这部分主要反映了群落自身互作及人类活动对群落的影响。  相似文献   

Fungi represent a group of eukaryotic microorganisms that are an important part of the plant microbiome. They produce a vast array of metabolites, including fungal volatile organic compounds (fVOCs). However, the diversity and biological activities of fVOCs emitted by the mycobiota of plants native to arid and semi-arid environments remain under-explored. We characterized the chemical diversity of fVOCs produced by 22 representative members of the microbiome of agaves and cacti using SPME-GC–MS. We further tested the effects of pure compounds on the growth and development of Arabidopsis thaliana and host plants. Members of the Sordariomycetes (nine strains), Eurotiomycetes (three), Dothideomycetes (eight), Saccharomycetes (one) and Mucoromycetes (one) were included in our study. We identified 94 fungal organic volatiles classified into nine chemical classes. Terpenes showed the greatest chemical diversity, followed by alcohols and aliphatic compounds. We discovered that camphene and benzyl benzoate, together with the widely distributed and already tested benzyl alcohol, 2-phenylethyl alcohol and 3-methyl-1-butanol, improved plant growth and development of A. thaliana, Agave tequilana and Agave salmiana. Our studies on the fungal VOCs from desert plants underscore an untapped chemical diversity with promising biotechnological applications.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(2):101884
The Asian citrus psyllid (Diaphorina citri) is a major pest of the citrus industry and is also the vector for Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (CLas), a destructive Huanglongbing (HLB) disease of citrus trees. Insect endosymbionts and gut bacteria play important roles in vector-pathogen interactions and host immunity. Thus, our aim was to evaluate the correlation between CLas infection and the microbiome in D. citri by conducting 16S rRNA amplification sequencing on insects successfully and unsuccessfully infected with CLas (CLas-infected and non-infected). Genera Candidatus Profftella, Wolbachia, and Candidatus Carsonella were highly abundant genera in all tested samples. Compared with the non-infected and control groups, CLas-infected samples harboured more observed OTUs and showed higher alpha diversity metrics. Principal coordinate analysis based on beta-diversity metrics indicated two distinct clusters between the CLas-infected samples and non-infected/control samples. Subsequent LEfSe analysis revealed that Candidatus Profftella was more abundant in the non-infected group than in the control and CLas-infected groups. The interaction network also indicated a co-exclusion relationship between Candidatus Profftella and CLas, while CLas co-existed with Wolbachia, several Enterobacteriaceae spp., and multiple other bacteria. Our study provides insight into the interaction between the microbiome community in D. citri and CLas, which can facilitate the management of this pest and its associated pathogen.  相似文献   

Restored habitats require long-term management to maintain biodiversity and ensure ecosystem functions. Management strategies are often developed for plant communities, including through seeding and disturbance management, but these actions are taken with a focus on plant dynamics and with little knowledge of the effects on non-plant organisms. Wild bees are often expected to respond to such management actions via their effects on local floral resource availability, but management may also affect bees by altering survival and nesting independently of plant community responses. Working in restoration plantings within a large, actively managed tallgrass prairie preserve, we separated the effects of management and landscape context on bee community abundance and richness from the effects of these covariates on bees mediated through the abundance and richness of the local flowering plant community. We found that bees responded primarily to disturbance management (via bison) and the amount of prairie and forest habitat in the landscape, indicating that across landscapes with relatively abundant flowers and nest-sites, these landscape-level resources are more important than local floral resources for structuring bee communities. In contrast, floral communities responded to restoration age and prescribed burning. Because bees respond to different factors and at a different landscape scale than local plant communities, we conclude that management designed for plants is not sufficient for pollinators. Landscape level restoration may therefore require targeted habitat design and management to successfully restore functionally important animals.  相似文献   

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