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Phylogenetic relationships of all genera of the fish leech subfamily Pontobdellinae were investigated using mitochondrial (12S rDNA, COI, tRNA-Leu, ND1) and nuclear (28S rDNA) DNA sequences under maximum likelihood, Bayesian inference and parsimony. All methods resulted in trees that corroborated the monophyly of the family Piscicolidae, but recovered their subfamily Pontobdellinae as non-monophyletic. Based on the basal position of the giant Antarctic Megaliobdella szidati , it is hypothesized that the putative ancestor of fish leeches was a free-ranging, large bodied, muscular leech. The next branch contains parasites of cartilaginous fishes, Pontobdella muricata and Pontobdella macrothela . Two remaining genera of the subfamily (the Arctic Oxytonostoma and the Antarctic Moorebdellina ) showed weak affinities to other piscicolid taxa. The obtained phylogenetic hypothesis suggests a possible transition from an ancestral free-ranging life style and temporary parasitism, to parasitism on cartilaginous fishes, followed by parasitism on bony fishes.  相似文献   

Marine fish from several locations along the west coast of Norway were examined for leeches. Seven leech species were detected, Calliobdella nodulifera (Malm, 1863) from codfish, flatfish and a ray, Calliobdella lophii van Beneden & Hesse, 1863 from Lophius piscatorius L., Platybdella anarrhichae (Diesing, 1859) on Anarhichas lupus L., Platybdella quadrioculata Malm, 1863 on Symphodus melops (L.), Oceanobdella sp. on Zeugopterus punctatus (Bloch), Malmiana brunnea (Johansson, 1896) on Myoxocephalus scorpius (L.) and Malmiana bubali Srivastava, 1966 on Taurulus bubalis (Euphrasen). Calliobdella nodulifera infected unrelated hosts (euryxenic); the others appeared to be host specialists (oio- or stenoxenic). Details on the occurrence of Calliobdella nodulifera on Enchelyopus cimbrius (L.) during 1 year are given, which together with other observations suggest that its life cycle exceeds a year. A brief account on the morphology of “Platybdellaquadrioculata is provided, justifying its transfer to the genus Oceanobdella Caballero, 1956 as O. quadrioculata comb. nov. With the new additions, the Norwegian marine piscicolid fauna contain 12 species. At least ten additional species, known from adjoining areas, also probably occur along the Norwegian coast.  相似文献   

The phylogeny of the Piscicolidae was analysed from combined 18S rDNA, cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (CO-I), nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide dehydrogenase subunit I (ND-I) and morphological data using parsimony. A worldwide distribution of Piscicolidae was represented for the first time. While the family Piscicolidae was supported as a monophyletic group, the traditional subfamilies based on morphology were not supported. The Platybdellinae was polyphyletic and formed four distinct clades, and Bathybdella sawyeri did not group with any other platybdellins. The Piscicolinae was also polyphyletic, also forming four distinct clades. The pontobdellin genus Stibarobdella was shown to be the basal taxon within the Piscicolidae; however, the Pontobdellinae was found to be paraphyletic if Oxytonostoma was included. The genera Aestabdella , Austrobdella, and Malmiana were found to be paraphyletic; the genera Calliobdella, Cystobranchus, and Platybdella were found to be polyphyletic. The species Myzobdella lugubris was not found to be monophyletic. It is proposed that Oxytonostoma be transferred out of the Pontobdellinae, that Aestabdella be synonymized with Pterobdella , that Calliobdella vivida be returned to Cystobranchus , that Gonimosobdella be synonymized with Cystobranchus , and that Piscicolaria be synonymized with Myzobdella . The synonymy of Malmiana and Heptacyclus is confirmed, with Heptacyclus having priority. Piscicola milneri is confirmed to be a separate species from Piscicola geometra .  相似文献   

We used a 694 bp length of the mitochondrial ND4 gene from 40 genera to infer phylogenetic relationships among colubroid snakes. The goals of this study were to identify conserved subsets of ND4 sequence data that could be used to address (1) which nominal higher-level colubroid taxa are monophyletic, and (2) the relationships among the monophyletic lineages identified. Use of transversions only proved the most reliable and efficient means of retrieving colubroid relationships. Transversion parsimony and neighbour-joining analyses identify similar monophyletic higher-level taxa, but relationships among these lineages differ considerably between the two analyses. These differences were affected by the inclusion/exclusion of (1) transitions, (2) autapomorphies, and (3) the boid outgroups. Saturation effects among the transitions, uninformativeness of autapomorphies for clustering taxa, and long-branch and base-compositional problems among the boids lead us to regard the tree resulting from transversion parsimony analysis rooted with Acrochordus as the best current estimate of colubroid phylogenetic relationships. However, several aspects of this proposed phylogeny need further testing (e.g. the apparent diphyly of Natricinae is especially controversial). Relationships retrieved using all colubroid taxa are not obtained when sparsely or unevenly sampled experimental subsets of taxa are used instead, suggesting that long-branch problems can severely compromise elucidation of colubroid relationships if limited taxonomic sampling strategies are followed. We discuss the importance of this finding for previous molecular attempts to assess colubroid relationships. Our analyses confirm the historical validity of several nominal colubroid families and subfamilies, establish polyphyly of a few, but generally fail to resolve relationships among the monophyletic taxa we identify. More conservative character information will be required to confidently resolve the last issue.  相似文献   

Hypodermic insemination occurs in piscicolid leeches (Hirudinea, Rhynchobdellida, Piscicolidae). The spermatophore is implanted in a specialized region of the leech body, the copulatory area. Just beneath the copulatory area, there is a specialized connective tissue (vector tissue) that is considered to guide the sperm toward the ovaries. In this study, we show that the vector tissue in the four species of the genus Piscicola is composed of a mass of cells located directly beneath the copulatory area, and two thin strands extend toward the ovaries. The ultrastructure of the vector tissue has been described for the first time. Four cell types were identified, constructing the vector tissue. The envelope of this tissue is made up of extracellular fibrous matrix and two types of cells: vesicular and flat envelope cells, which are embedded within the matrix. The rest of the tissue is formed of granular and plasmatic cells. Both of these last cell types have prominent cytoplasmic projections, filled with a filamentous material. However, only granular cells have numerous small electron-dense granules in their cytoplasm. The vector tissue was described prior, during and following copulation. Sperm passes within free spaces between the granular and plasmatic cells. Characteristic vector tissue cells also occur within the ovary wall and inside the ovary lumen. This supports earlier data, which postulated that the vector tissue appears to be an outgrowth of the ovary wall.  相似文献   



Phylogenetic relationships of the genus Hapalemur remains controversial, particularly within the Hapalemur griseus species group. In order to obtain more information on the taxonomic status within this genus, and particularly in the cytogenetic distinct subspecies group of Hapalemur griseus, 357 bp sequence of cytochrome b and 438 bp of 12S mitochondrial DNAs were analyzed on a sample of animals captured in areas extending from the north to the south-east of Madagascar. This sample covers all cytogenetically defined types recognized of the genus Hapalemur.  相似文献   

The evolutionary relationships of the extant species within the order Acipenseriformes are not well understood. Nucleotide sequences of four mitochondrial genes (12S rRNA, COII, tRNA(Phe), and tRNA(Asp) genes) in North American sturgeon and paddlefish were examined to reconstruct a phylogeny. Analysis of the combined gene sequences suggests a basal placement of the paddlefish with regard to the sturgeons. Nucleotide sequences of all four genes for the three Scaphirhynchus species were identical. The position of Scaphirhynchus based on our data was uncertain. Within the genus Acipenser, the two Acipenser oxyrinchus subspecies were very similar in sequence and found to be basal to the remaining Acipenser species examined. Based on our data, Acipenser transmontanus and Acipenser medirostris were sister taxa, as were Acipenser fulvescens and Acipenser brevirostrum. Comparison of our results with hypotheses of sturgeon relationships proposed by previous authors is presented. The sequence data presented here are phylogenetically useful and provide a solid foundation of genetic information for the North American Acipenseriformes that can be expanded to include Eurasian species to provide a global picture of sturgeon evolution.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of 36 nymphophiline species representing 10 genera were inferred from mtCOI sequence data and compared to recent morphology-based classifications of this group. Parsimony and maximum likelihood analyses of the molecular data set suggested monophyly of the North American nymphophilines and a sister or otherwise close relationship between this fauna and a European species assigned to the subfamily. Results also supported a previously hypothesized close relationship between the predominantly freshwater nymphophilines and the brackish-water genus Hydrobia . Our analyses resolved a North American nymphophiline subclade composed of Floridobia , Nymphophilus , and Pyrgulopsis , and depicted the remaining North American genera ( Cincinnatia , Marstonia , Notogillia , Rhapinema , Spilochlamys , Stiobia ) as either a monophyletic or paraphyletic group. Two of the large North American genera ( Floridobia , Marstonia ) were supported as monophyletic groups while monophyly of Pyrgulopsis , a western North American group containing > 100 species, was equivocal. North American nymphophiline phylogeny implies that vicariance of eastern and western North American groups was followed by a secondary invasion of eastern coastal areas from the west. We attribute this to dispersal of salt-tolerant progenitors along the Gulf of Mexico coast  相似文献   

Analysis of the nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial 12S ribosomal RNA gene of 27 species or sub-species of bitterlings showed that bitterlings comprise an Acheilognathus clade and a Tanakia-Rhodeus clade, partially supporting an earlier classification based on morphology and karyology. The monophyly of Acheilognathus is confirmed, but that of Tanakia and Rhodeus remains poorly resolved. Within the Tanakia–Rhodeus clade, all species or sub-species having a diploid chromosome number of 46 form a monophyletic group. Results support the hypothesis that evolutionary trends of bitterling karyotypes involve reduction from 2 n =48 to either 2 n =44 (by Robertsonian translocation) or 2 n =46 (by non-Robertsonian translocation).  相似文献   

The monophyly of Tetragnathidae including the species composition of the family (e.g., Are Nephila and their relatives part of this lineage?), the phylogenetic relationships of its various lineages, and the exact placement of Tetragnathidae within Araneoidea have been three recalcitrant problems in spider systematics. Most studies on tetragnathid phylogeny have focused on morphological and behavioral data, but little molecular work has been published to date. To address these issues we combine previous morphological and behavioral data with novel molecular data including nuclear ribosomal RNA genes 18S and 28S, mitochondrial ribosomal RNA genes 12S and 16S and protein‐coding genes from the mitochondrion [cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI)] and from the nucleus (histone H3), totaling ca. 6.3 kb of sequence data per taxon. These data were analyzed using direct optimization and static homology using both parsimony and Bayesian methods. Our results indicate monophyly of Tetragnathidae, Tetragnathinae, Leucauginae, the “Nanometa clade” and the subfamily Metainae, which, with the exception of the later subfamily, received high nodal support. Morphological synapomorphies that support these clades are also discussed. The position of tetragnathids with respect to the rest of the araneoid spiders remains largely unresolved but tetragnathids and nephilids were never recovered as sister taxa. The combined dataset suggests that Nephilidae is sister to Araneidae; furthermore, the sister group of Nephila is the clade composed by Herennia plus Nephilengys and this pattern has clear implications for understanding the comparative biology of the group. Tetragnathidae is most likely sister to some members of the “reduced piriform clade” and nephilids constitute the most‐basal lineage of araneids.  相似文献   

Relationships among members representing each of the three subgenera of the Middle American rodent genus Orthogeomys (Rodentia: Geomyidae) were studied by comparing DNA sequence data from two regions of the mitochondrial genome. Results from 527 bp from the 16 S rDNA region and a 402-bp fragment of the cytochrome b gene indicate that the three subgenera are well differentiated genetically, with the subgenus Orthogeomys being distantly related to Macrogeomys and Heterogeomys, and Macrogeomys appearing as the most derived. Within the subgenus Macrogeomys, O. heterodus and O. cherriei form a distinct clade, as do O. dariensis and O. cavator. As with previous protein-electrophoretic studies, the placement of O. underwoodi could not be determined definitively within the subgenus Macrogeomys. We interpret our inability to determine phylogenetic relationships among these three clades as evidence for a rapid phyletic radiation within this subgenus. Sequence divergence estimates indicate that the Macrogeomys radiation took place following the time of completion of the Panamanian land bridge (1.9-2.9 mya). Additionally, the near identity of sequences of a newly described species, O. thaeleri, with those of O. dariensis (percentage sequence divergence = 0.3%) suggests that the two may be conspecific.  相似文献   

Entomopathogenic nematodes of the genus Steinernema are lethal parasites of insects that are used as biological control agents of several lepidopteran, dipteran and coleopteran pests. Phylogenetic relationships among 25 Steinernema species were estimated using nucleotide sequences from three genes and 22 morphological characters. Parsimony analysis of 28S (LSU) sequences yielded a well-resolved phylogenetic hypothesis with reliable bootstrap support for 13 clades. Parsimony analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences (12S rDNA and cox 1 genes) yielded phylogenetic trees with a lower consistency index than for LSU sequences, and with fewer reliably supported clades. Combined phylogenetic analysis of the 3-gene dataset by parsimony and Bayesian methods yielded well-resolved and highly similar trees. Bayesian posterior probabilities were high for most clades; bootstrap (parsimony) support was reliable for approximately half of the internal nodes. Parsimony analysis of the morphological dataset yielded a poorly resolved tree, whereas total evidence analysis (molecular plus morphological data) yielded a phylogenetic hypothesis consistent with, but less resolved than trees inferred from combined molecular data. Parsimony mapping of morphological characters on the 3-gene trees showed that most structural features of steinernematids are highly homoplastic. The distribution of nematode foraging strategies on these trees predicts that S. hermaphroditum, S. diaprepesi and S. longicaudum (US isolate) have cruise forager behaviours.  相似文献   

Entomopathogenic nematodes of the genus Steinernema are lethal parasites of insects that are used as biological control agents of several lepidopteran, dipteran and coleopteran pests. Phylogenetic relationships among 25 Steinernema species were estimated using nucleotide sequences from three genes and 22 morphological characters. Parsimony analysis of 28S (LSU) sequences yielded a well-resolved phylogenetic hypothesis with reliable bootstrap support for 13 clades. Parsimony analysis of mitochondrial DNA sequences (12S rDNA and cox 1 genes) yielded phylogenetic trees with a lower consistency index than for LSU sequences, and with fewer reliably supported clades. Combined phylogenetic analysis of the 3-gene dataset by parsimony and Bayesian methods yielded well-resolved and highly similar trees. Bayesian posterior probabilities were high for most clades; bootstrap (parsimony) support was reliable for approximately half of the internal nodes. Parsimony analysis of the morphological dataset yielded a poorly resolved tree, whereas total evidence analysis (molecular plus morphological data) yielded a phylogenetic hypothesis consistent with, but less resolved than trees inferred from combined molecular data. Parsimony mapping of morphological characters on the 3-gene trees showed that most structural features of steinernematids are highly homoplastic. The distribution of nematode foraging strategies on these trees predicts that S. hermaphroditum, S. diaprepesi and S. longicaudum (US isolate) have cruise forager behaviours.  相似文献   

A molecular phylogeny of the subfamily Antilopinae was determined using the two mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) genes cytochrome b and cytochrome c oxidase III. The tribe Antilopini is monophyletic with Antidorcas marsupialis and Litocranius walleri basal to the large genus Gazella. Antilope cervicapra falls within Gazella. This placement would either make Gazella paraphyletic or require that the genus name Gazella be changed to Antilope. Gazella thomsonii is supported as a subspecies of G. rufifrons. Most members of the tribe Neotragini are sister species to the Antilopini, but the Neotragini is rendered paraphyletic by a deep placement of Neotragus moschatus.  相似文献   

The relationships of eight extant species of sea eagles (genus Haliaeetus ) and some potentially related Accipitrid genera were investigated. A phylogenetic hypothesis is developed based on morphological characters and allozyme data, which is then contrasted with a reconstruction based on 1071 nucleotides of mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome b and part of one tRNA gene). Phylogenies derived from the three data sets are largely congruent, although several aspects are supported by only one kind of evidence (but not contradicted by the others). Only with regard to the position of south-east Asian H. leucogaster and its closely related sister species H. sanfordi was there conflict between allozyme and mtDNA data. The position of H. pelagicus relative to H. leucoryphus or H. albicilla/leucocephalus could not be resolved with the mtDNA sequence data, suggesting that some speciation events occurred in relatively quick succession during the early Pliocene or late Miocene periods. Available evidence suggests that extant sea eagles originated at tropical latitudes, the northernmost species appearing most derived.  相似文献   

Most species of freshwater bryozoans (Ectoprocta: Phylactolaemata) have few morphological distinctions, and within phylactolaemates, the morphology of the statoblast has been used to determine evolutionary relationships. Here, two controversial phylogenies have been proposed for phylactolaemates with regard to the relationship of Lophopodidae to other families. Two plumatellid genera, Gelatinella and Hyalinella , are candidates for the ancestral type of lophopodids. In addition, the coexistence of spines on the surfaces of the statoblast has led to the suggestion that lophopodids are closely related to the family Cristatellidae. In this study, we analysed mitochondrial DNA sequences of the 12S and 16S rDNA genes of 10 phylactolaemate species. Our results suggest that plumatellids may not be a direct ancestral group of lophopodids and that cristatellids are not a sister group of lophopodids. Fredericella , which was previously thought to be an ancestral group, was revealed to be derived. In addition, our results suggest that Stephanella is the most basal phylactolaemate. Mapping morphological characteristics onto the sequence-based phylogenetic tree revealed convergent evolution of statoblast characters.  相似文献   

Bulbuls (Aves: Pycnonotidae) are a fairly speciose (ca. 130 sp.) bird family restricted to the Old World. Family limits and taxonomy have been revised substantially over the past decade, but a comprehensive molecular phylogeny for the family has not been undertaken. Using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences, we reconstructed a well-supported phylogenetic hypothesis for the bulbuls. Three basal lineages were identified: a large African clade, a large Asian clade that also included African Pycnonotus species, and the monotypic African genus Calyptocichla. The African clade was sister to the other two lineages, but this placement did not have high branch support. The genus Pycnonotus was not monophyletic because three species (eutilotus, melanoleucos, and atriceps) were highly diverged from the other species and sister to all other Asian taxa. Additional taxon sampling is needed to further resolve relationships and taxonomy within the large and variable Hypsipetes complex.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of all 10 recognized taxa of the genus Monanthes which is endemic to the Canary Islands and Salvage Islands, were investigated using the four data sets: morphology, sequences of the chloroplast DNA trnL (UAA) — trnF (GAA) intergenic spacer, ITS2 sequences of the nuclear ribosomal region and Random Amplified Polymorphic DNAs (RAPDs). In contrast to the molecular data, the morphological data were internally inconsistent which probably resulted from parallel or convergent evolution of morphological characters. The molecular data sets indicated that the genus is not monophyletic due to inclusion of the annual M. icterica which is the putative sister taxon of Aichryson, that M. polyphylla is the sister taxon of the perennial species of the genus, that M. muralis from Hierro is of allotetraploid origin and that M. lowei, M. minima, M. brachycaulos, M. laxiflora, M. anagensis and M. muralis from La Palma are closely related. Combined ITS2 sequences, trnL — trnF sequences and morphological data indicated that the relationships among three types of perennial growth forms, i.e. tiny rosettes, small, branched shrubs and diffuse branches shrublets, are highly dependent on the outgroup used. After deletion of the most distant outgroup and a taxon of alleged hybrid origin (M. muralis) relationships among the growth forms of Monanthes still could not be consistently resolved.  相似文献   

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