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9月的最后一周,我们终于接到了中心成立以来的第一千只猛禽——一只中毒垂危的纵纹腹小鹗。这是个令人欣喜却又伤悲的数字:欣喜的是我们接受和救助了这么多猛禽,它们每一只都那么珍贵;悲伤的是居然有这么多猛禽需要救助——它们原本都是天空的王者,但是因为各种各样的原因被送到了这里。与这只鸟同时到来的是北京的秋天。  相似文献   

中国的猎隼及其相关种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据查阅的文献资料,结合作者多年来非连续性的野外观察资料和研究结果,对珍稀濒危物种猎隼、阿尔泰隼、矛隼在有关地理分布、亚种划分、生活习性和繁殖行为等方面内容,进行了概括性叙述。  相似文献   

The numbers of Falco cherrug and Falco peregrinus trapped during their migration over the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) were investigated from published reports and through interviews with well-known trappers and dealers over several years (1989–2013). The number of trapped individuals increased for both species over a 23 year period, which is probably related to an enhanced trapping effort. Time series analysis suggests that the number of Saker Falcons being trapped is likely to be stable with annual fluctuations in the coming ten-year period, whereas the number of trapped Peregrine Falcons will probably decline with a small fluctuation initially. Using the population viability analysis suggests a high extinction rate for the Saker Falcon population migrating through KSA during the coming 10 and 20 years; whereas Peregrine Falcons probably take more than 100 years to reach the extinction threshold. However, the increase in the trapping period, especially in the spring, that has been observed during the last five years could increase the number of falcons trapped in the future. As both falcon species are migratory, implementing conservation actions across all range states is important to ensure a favourable conservation status for the Saker and Peregrine Falcons. Both species will benefit through the implementation of the Global Action Plan (GAP), developed by the Saker Falcon Task Force.  相似文献   

Previous breeding-season studies of threatened New Zealand falcons (Falco novaeseelandiae) in plantation forests have suggested that falcons benefit when harvesting creates a mosaic of differently aged stands, especially where young and mature tree stands are adjacent. Thus, changes in the rate and pattern of harvesting may affect habitat heterogeneity by altering the size and distribution of forest patches. We sought to determine guidelines for harvesting that would most benefit falcons by increasing the carrying capacity of the forest for falcons. We used radio-tracking to determine the home-range sizes of non-breeding falcons over 3 seasons and compared winter home-range overlap in the most-selected land cover types by falcons (mature-young edges and open patches) with other land cover types. The distribution of open patches and edges between mature stands and recently cleared areas affected falcon home ranges, home-range overlap, and the likelihood of nesting. Specifically, home ranges were smaller as the density of edges and percentage of open patch increased, and there was greater home-range overlap between individuals in the most-selected land cover types. Numbers of falcons decreased as the size of open patches increased, concomitant with a decrease in edge size, the number of edge borders, and the number of open patches. The likelihood of nesting also decreased as open patch size increased. Our results indicate that smaller open patches spread through a forest, maximizing the amount of mature-young edges, will favor smaller home ranges and therefore potentially greater numbers of falcons. We recommend harvesting protocols that ensure that open patches (0–3-yr-old stands) are <4 km2 in size and retain at least small stands of mature pine to maintain a high density of edges. Similar protocols may increase the carrying capacity for other species occurring in managed systems involving fragmented landscapes or small reserves. © 2021 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

猎隼、阿尔泰隼和矛隼的研究与保护   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据多年非连续性的野外观察、观察与有关文献资料,在饲养、环志和没收的隼科鸟类的基础上,进行了初步分类研究,对珍稀波涛 物种猪隼、阿尔泰隼、矛隼在地理分布、亚种划分、生活习性、繁殖行为,以及分类地位等方面进行概括性叙述,旨在为今后隼科鸟类的有关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

Andrew Jenkins 《Ostrich》2013,84(3-4):416-424
Jenkins, A.R. 2000. Choracteristics of Peregrine and Lanner Falcon nesting habitots in South Africa. Ostrich 71 (3&4): 416-424. Peregrine Falcon, Falco peregrinus, and Lanner Falcon, F. biarmicus, nesting habitats in South Africa are described in terms of nest ledge, nest cliff and scree slope parameters, ond the environmental context of each site. Data were collected in a tropical study area where Peregrines and Lannen occurred in sympatry, from an allopatric south temperate Peregrine population, and opportunistically for bath species from other sites throughout the country. Elevation, ledge size, cliff size ond vegetation structure accounted for about 80%of the variation in falcon nesting habitots between species and between populations within species. Peregrines used larger nest ledges on higher, more elevated cliffs than Lanners, overlooking mare open, structurally complex Vegetation. Temperate Peregrines used smaller ledges on lower cliffs, overlooking vegetation that provided less refuge for overflying prey than subtropical pairs. Temperote Peregrines selected nest sites to minimize the negative effects of spring roinfall. Tropical Peregrines may have selected sites to maximize hunting and provisioning efficiency.  相似文献   

Microtubule plus ends are dynamic ends that interact with other cellular structures. Microtubule plus end tracking proteins are considered to play important roles in the regulation of microtubule plus ends. Recent studies revealed that EB1 is the central regulator for microtubule plus end tracking proteins by recruiting them to microtubule plus ends through direct interaction. Here we report the identification of a novel Drosophila protein, which we call Kebab (kinetochore and EB1 associated basic protein), through in vitro expression screening for EB1-interacting proteins. Kebab fused to GFP shows a novel pattern of dynamic localisation in mitosis. It localises to kinetochores weakly in metaphase and accumulates progressively during anaphase. In telophase, it associates with microtubules in central-spindle and centrosomal regions. The localisation to kinetochores depends on microtubules. The protein has a domain most similar to the atypical CH domain of Ndc80, and a coiled-coil domain. The interaction with EB1 is mediated by two SxIP motifs but is not required for the localisation. Depletion of Kebab in cultured cells by RNA interference did not show obvious defects in mitotic progression or microtubule organisation. Generation of mutants lacking the kebab gene indicated that Kebab is dispensable for viability and fertility.  相似文献   

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