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Three new full-length cDNAs coding for porcine somatotropin (PST) have been cloned. The sequence data indicate a high degree of polymorphism in the PST sequence. All six known PST sequences are different.  相似文献   

Porcine lipoprotein lipase (LPL) cDNA has been cloned and sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequence shows a high degree of identity to LPL from other species, and contains the Ser/His/Asp triade characteristic of serine proteases and esterases. A repetitive element is present in the 3'-untranslated region of the cDNA. A partial cDNA covering the coding region of LPL detects three restriction fragment length polymorphisms with HindIII. This represents the first marker assigned to porcine chromosome 14.  相似文献   

Aspartate129 in porcine somatotropin was converted into a cyclic imide residue (succinimide) under acidic solution conditions. Reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatography was utilized to isolate and quantitate this altered species, which accounted for approximately 30% of the total protein. The molecular mass of this modified species was determined by electrospray mass spectrometry to be 18 Da less than normal porcine somatotropin, indicative of a loss of 1 H2O molecule. Tryptic peptide mapping demonstrated that the peptide composed of residues 126-133 was altered in this modified protein. Amino acid analysis, amino acid sequencing, mass spectrometry, and capillary zone electrophoresis were used to demonstrate that aspartate129 in this peptide had been converted into a succinimide residue. Further confirmation that this peptide contained a succinimide was obtained by hydrolyzing the modified peptide at pH 9.0, which yielded both the aspartate and isoaspartate peptides.  相似文献   

Formation of isoaspartate 99 in bovine and porcine somatotropins   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Asparagine 99 in bovine (BST) and porcine somatotropins (PST) was converted to an isoaspartate residue during incubation at neutral or alkalinepH. Isoaspartate 99 BST or isoaspartate 99 PST was resolved from the normal somatotropin by reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The altered peptide of residues 96–108 which contains isoaspartate 99 was detected by tryptic peptide mapping of the modified BST or PST. Amino acid sequencing, amino acid analysis, mass spectrometry, and co-elution with a chemically synthesized peptide containing isoaspartate 99 were used to demonstrate the existence of isoaspartate in the modified peptides. Peptide bond cleavage between Asn 99 and Ser 100 also occurred during incubation of BST and PST at neutral or alkalinepH. This chemically cleaved product was resolved on reversed-phase HPLC from both the isoaspartate 99 and normal somatotropin molecules.  相似文献   

Existing data on the structure of human deoxycytidine kinase (dCK) diverge. A monomeric 60 kDa form has been isolated and the cloning of a cDNA coding for 626 amino acids corresponding to a 71 kDa protein has been reported. However, pure dCK isolated from leukemic spleen is a dimer of 30 kDa subunits. Amino acid sequences of peptides from digests of this protein are now presented. None of the peptide structures obtained correspond to the cDNA for the 71 kDa protein, but to a cDNA for a 30.5 kDa dCK recently cloned. Furthermore, homology of the peptide sequences of dCK to parts of thymidine kinases and protein-tyrosine kinases are detected.  相似文献   

The goal of this study was to identify and map genes expressed during the elongation phase of embryogenesis in swine. Expressed sequence tags were analysed from a previously described porcine cDNA library prepared from elongating swine embryos. Average insert length of randomly selected clones was approximately 600 bp, with a range from < 100 to > 2500 bp. Single-pass, coding strand sequences from 1132 independent clones were compared with the GenBank non-redundant (nr) database via BLASTN analysis to identify potential porcine homologous of known genes. Among these sequences, 781 (69%) showed significant (score > 300) homology to non- mitochondrial sequences previously deposited in GenBank. Sequences matching interleucin 1 beta and thymosin beta 10 were most frequently observed (24 and 18 clones, respectively), in addition to matches with 310 other distinct genes. No significant match in the GenBank nr database was obtained for 303 sequences. Analysis demonstrated that 151 (50%) had open reading frames (ORF) extending at least 50 codons from the first base of the clone insert. Genetic markers were developed and used to map a subset of 17 genes, selected on the basis of function or of the ability to design primers that successfully amplified porcine genomic DNA, to 10 different porcine chromosomes, providing a set of mapped markers corresponding to genes expressed during conceptus elongation.  相似文献   

Porcine calcium release channel (CRC) cDNA from skeletal muscle has been cloned and sequenced. The deduced amino acid sequence showed 97% identity to the corresponding rabbit and human sequences. Using oligonucleotide primers based on the nucleotide sequence, CRC cDNA fragments from seven pigs representing HALNN, HALNn and HALnn genotypes have been amplified. Sequencing and restriction digestion of the amplified cDNA confirm that the reported C----T mutation, which gives rise to Arg615----Cys615 change in the calcium release channel, is associated with the halothane sensitive allele in Norwegian Landrace pigs. The mutation may alter the reactivity of a neighbouring serine residue which is potentially phosphorylated.  相似文献   

The number Escherichia coli containing the porcine somatotropin (pST) gene cloned into plasmid pBR322 recovered from a laboratory-scale waste treatment microcosm decreased over a period of several days following their introduction. The pST gene was detected by hybridization analysis in these bacteria when recovered from authentic wastewater at 72 h after introduction, but the gene was not detected in bacteria recovered at 144 h. No significant difference in recovery, as judged by auxotrophic and antibiotic-resistance markers, was noted between the pST-containing strain and an isogenic E. coli without pST, indicating that presence of the pST gene confers no survival advantage or disadvantage on the bacterial host.  相似文献   

以加工番茄"87-5”为材料,采用反转录PCR(RT-PCR)技术将加工番茄PG基因的cDNA序列克隆到pGEM-T载体上,并进行了全序列测定分析.结果表明,加工番茄的PG基因的cDNA与国内外报道的番茄PG基因的cDNA,在碱基序列及氨基酸序列上均有差异.说明番茄的PG基因具有多态性.  相似文献   

猪Follistatin cDNA克隆及在大肠杆菌中的表达   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
提取猪卵巢总RNA,用RT-PCR方法克隆了猪FollistatincDNA的完整开放阅读框,长1038bp。将FollistatincDNA连接到原核表达载体pGEX-4T-3中,转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),以IPTG诱导,进行了GST-FS融合蛋白表达。用SDS-PAGE和Western杂交检测,结果显示在63kD处有特异性表达蛋白。  相似文献   

A sequence search of swine expressed sequence tags (EST) data in GenBank identified over 100 sequence files which contained a microsatellite repeat or simple sequence repeat (SSR). Most of these repeat motifs were dinucleotide (CA/GT) repeats; however, a number of tri-, tetra-, penta- and hexa-nucleotide repeats were also detected. An initial assessment of six dinucleotide and 14 higher-order repeat markers indicated that only dinucleotide markers yielded a sufficient number of informative markers (100% vs. 14% for dinucleotide and higher order repeats, respectively). Primers were designed for an additional 50 di- and one tri-nucleotide SSRs. Overall, 42 markers were polymorphic in the US Meat Animal Research Center (MARC) reference population, 17 markers were uninformative and 12 primer pairs failed to satisfactorily amplify genomic DNA. A comparison of di-nucleotide repeat vs. markers with repeat motifs of three to six bases demonstrated that 72% of dinucleotide markers were informative relative to only 7% of other repeat motifs. The difference was the result of a much higher percentage of monomorphic markers in the three to six base repeat motif markers than in the dinucleotide markers (64% vs. 14%). Either higher order repeat motifs are less polymorphic in the porcine genome or our selection criteria for repeat length of more than 17 contiguous bases was too low. The mapped microsatellite markers add to the porcine genetic map and provide valuable links between the porcine and human genome.  相似文献   

测定我国小型猪来源的猪内源性反转录病毒(PERV)3'LTR,以便于PERV全基因的克隆和分析。用cDNA末端快速扩增(RACE)技术,从五指山猪外周血淋巴细胞mRNA中扩增到PERV-3'LTR,并克隆入pGEM-Teasy载体,将阳性克隆进行序列测定和同源性分析。测序结果显示该克隆3'端的尾部有一个由12个A组成的poly(A)信号;其R区与PERV-MSL的R区(约64bp)基本一致,同源性分析表明其与PERV-MSL的3'LTR具有81%的序列同源性。说明成功扩增了我国五指山猪来源的PERV-3'LTR,将有利于PERV全基因的克隆。  相似文献   

猪肥胖基因cDNA的克隆与分析   总被引:33,自引:0,他引:33  
戴茹娟  李宁  吴常信 《遗传学报》2000,27(4):290-297
肥胖基因(ab)是近年刚被克隆的新基因,该基因产物Leptin是反映体内脂肪含量和调节体重的重信号因子,首次报道猪ob基因全长序列,并对不同种物ob基因的同源性进行了比较,以λUni-ZAP^TM为载体构建了猪脂肪cDNA文库,根据已知的人和鼠ob基因序列设计PCR引物,利用PCR法筛选猪脂肪cDNA文库,并用RT-PCR从脂肪RNA中扩增的366bp猪ob基因片段作探针,获得了全长3277bp的  相似文献   

cDNA末端快速扩增技术的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
cDNA末端快速扩增技术是一种基于多聚酶链式反应的技术 ,它的发展大大便利了应用其它方法获得的部分cDNA序列后克隆全长cDNA 5’和 3’末端的工作。不仅RACE方法能在短时间内得到完整的cDNA末端序列 ,而且一些截短的cDNA末端常常也能在RACE的过程中被扩增 ,而这些截短的产物破坏了全长cDNA克隆的获取。许多研究者对RACE的流程提出了改进方案 ,从而提高了该技术的效力。本文介绍了许多已发表的RACE技术关键步骤的改良 ,包括一些具体有效的操作流程 ,如RNA连接酶介导的RACE/连接锚定PCR等 ,还有其有效性的例证。  相似文献   

Summary We have sequenced cDNA clones representing each of the three distinct groups of storage proteins of the cotton seed. Characteristics of their mRNAs and derived proteins are given. Dot matrix analysis of the nucleotide and amino acid sequences shows that 2 of these groups of proteins have a great deal of vestigial homology at low stringency and should be considered subfamilies of a single storage protein gene family. The remaining group is quite distinct and should be considered a separate multigene family. It also can be divived into 2 subfamilies based on the presence or absence of glycosyl residues and other sequence differences.These proteins are processed to smaller species during embryogenesis, and all of the mature storage proteins of cotton can be traced back to these 2 gene families.In view of these relationships we propose that these 2 families be called the and globulins of cotton storage proteins, each comprised of an A and B subfamily.  相似文献   

We developed a new method for the preparation of normalized cDNA libraries enriched with full-length sequences. It is based on the properties of the recently characterized duplex-specific nuclease from the hepatopancreas of the Kamchatka crab. The duplex-specific nuclease is thermostable, effectively cleaves double-stranded DNA, and is inactive toward single-stranded DNA (Shagin et al., Genome Res., 2002, vol. 12, pp. 1935–1942). Our method enables the normalization of cDNA samples enriched with full-length sequences without use of laborious and ineffective stages of physical separation. The efficiency of the method was demonstrated in model experiments using cDNA samples from several human tissues.__________Translated from Bioorganicheskaya Khimiya, Vol. 31, No. 2, 2005, pp. 186–194.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Zhulidov, Bogdanova, Shcheglov, Shagina, Wagner, Khazpekov, Kozhemyako, Lukyanov, Shagin.  相似文献   

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