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In fetal pneumocytes, increasing P(O(2)) can raise apical Na(+) conductance (G(Na(+))) and increase the abundance of epithelial Na(+) channel subunit (alpha-, beta-, and gamma-ENaC) mRNA, suggesting that the rise in G(Na(+)), which may be important to the perinatal maturation of the lung, reflects O(2)-evoked ENaC gene expression. However, we now show that physiologically relevant increases in P(O(2)) do not affect alpha-, beta-, and gamma-ENaC mRNA abundance in pneumocytes maintained (approximately 48 h) in hormone-free medium or in medium supplemented with dexamethasone and tri-iodothyronine, although the response does persist in cells maintained in medium containing a complex mixture of hormones/growth factors. However, parallel electrometric studies revealed clear increases in G(Na(+)) under all tested conditions and so it is now clear that O(2)-evoked increases in G(Na(+)) can occur without corresponding increases in ENaC mRNA abundance. It is therefore unlikely that this rise in G(Na(+)) is secondary to O(2)-evoked ENaC gene expression.  相似文献   

The ionic requirements for K+-evoked efflux of endogenous taurine from primary cerebellar astrocyte cultures were studied. The Ca2+ ionophore A23187 evoked taurine efflux in a dose-dependent fashion with a time-course identical to that of K+-induced efflux. The Ca2+-channel antagonist nifedipine had no effect upon efflux induced by 10 or 50 mM K+. In addition, verapamil did not antagonize 50 mM K+-evoked efflux except at high, non-pharmacological concentrations (>100 M), and preincubation with 2 M -conotoxin had no effect on 50 mM K+-evoked efflux. Similarly, preincubation with 1 mM ouabain had no effect on the amount of taurine released by K+ stimulation, but did accelerate the onset of efflux by 2–4 min. Although 2 M tetrodotoxin had no effect on K+-evoked release, replacing Na+ with choline abolished the taurine efflux seen in response to K+ stimulation. Together, these findings suggest that neuronal N- and L-type Ca2+- and voltage-dependent Na+-channels are not involved in the influx of Ca2+ which appears to be necessary for K+-evoked taurine efflux, and that in addition to Ca2+, extracellular Na+ is also required.  相似文献   

By analysis of whole cell membrane currents in Na(+)-absorbing H441 human airway epithelial cells, we have identified a K(+) conductance (G(K)) resistant to Ba(2+) but sensitive to bupivacaine or extracellular acidification. In polarized H441 monolayers, we have demonstrated that bupivacaine, lidocaine, and quinidine inhibit basolateral membrane K(+) current (I(Bl)) whereas Ba(2+) has only a weak inhibitory effect. I(Bl) was also inhibited by basolateral acidification, and, although subsequent addition of bupivacaine caused a further fall in I(Bl), acidification had no effect after bupivacaine, demonstrating that cells grown under these conditions express at least two different bupivacaine-sensitive K(+) channels, only one of which is acid sensitive. Basolateral acidification also inhibited short-circuit current (I(SC)), and basolateral bupivacaine, lidocaine, quinidine, and Ba(2+) inhibited I(SC) at concentrations similar to those needed to inhibit I(Bl), suggesting that the K(+) channels underlying I(Bl) are part of the absorptive mechanism. Analyses using RT-PCR showed that mRNA encoding several two-pore domain K(+) (K2P) channels was detected in cells grown under standard conditions (TWIK-1, TREK-1, TASK-2, TWIK-2, KCNK-7, TASK-3, TREK-2, THIK-1, and TALK-2). We therefore suggest that K2P channels underlie G(K) in unstimulated cells and so maintain the driving force for Na(+) absorption. Since this ion transport process is vital to lung function, K2P channels thus play an important but previously undocumented role in pulmonary physiology.  相似文献   

To test the genetic capacity of the perinatal lung to respond to O(2) shifts that coincide with the first respiratory movements, rat fetal alveolar type II (fATII) epithelial cells were cultured at fetal distal lung PO(2) (23 Torr) and then exposed to postnatal (23 --> 76 Torr; mild hyperoxic shift), moderate (23 --> 152 Torr; moderate hyperoxic shift), or severe (23 --> 722 Torr; severe hyperoxic shift) oxygenation. Nuclear abundance and consensus binding characteristics of hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1alpha and nuclear factor (NF)-kappaB (Rel A/p65) plus glutathione biosynthetic capacity were determined. Maximal HIF-1alpha activation at 23 Torr was sustained over the postnatal shift in (Delta) PO(2) and was elevated in vivo throughout late gestation. NF-kappaB was activated by the acute postnatal DeltaPO(2) in fATII cells, becoming maximal with moderate and severe oxygenation in vitro and within 6 h of birth in vivo, declining thereafter. fATII cell and whole lung glutathione and GSH-to-GSSG ratio increased fourfold with a postnatal DeltaPO(2) and were matched by threefold activity increases in gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase and glutathione synthase. GSH concentration depletion by L-buthionine-(S, R)-sulfoximine abrogated both HIF-1alpha and NF-kappaB activation, with HIF-1alpha showing a heightened sensitivity to GSH concentration. We conclude that O(2)-linked genetic regulation in perinatal lung epithelium is responsive to developmental changes in glutathione biosynthetic capacity.  相似文献   

Rat hippocampal slices preloaded withd-[3H]aspartate, a non metabolizable analogue ofl-glutamate, were superfused with artifical CSF. Depolarization was induced by 53.5 mM K+, in the presence of Ca2+ (1.3 mM) or Mg2+ (5 mM) to determine the Ca2+ dependent release. Haloperidol added in the superfusion medium at 100 M reduced by about 60% the Ca2+ dependent release ofd-[3H]aspartate. This drug at 20 M or 100 M inhibited the non-activated glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) but had no effect on GDH activated by ADP (2 mM) or leucine (5 mM). In addition no effect was observed on phosphate activated glutaminase (PAG) in the presence either of 20 mM or 5 mM phosphate. These results indicate that the effect of haloperidol is exerted on presynaptic mechanisms regulating neurotransmitter release.  相似文献   

Summary The recent demonstration that the human colon adenocarcinoma cell line Caco-2 was susceptible to spontaneous enterocytic differentiation led us to consider the question as to whether Caco-2 cells would exhibit sodium-coupled transport of sugars. This problem was investigated using isotopic tracer flux measurements of the nonmetabolizable sugar analog -methylglucoside (AMG). AMG accumulation in confluent monolayers was inhibited to the same extent by sodium replacement, 200 m phlorizin, 1mm phloretin, and 25mm d-glucose, but was not inhibited further in the presence of both phlorizin and phloretin. Kinetic studies were compatible with the presence of both a simple diffusive process and a single, Na+-dependent, phlorizin-and phloretin-sensitive AMG transport system. These results also ruled out any interaction between AMG and a Na+-independent, phloretin-sensitive, facilitated diffusion pathway. The brush-border membrane localization of the Na+-dependent system was inferred from the observations that its functional differentiation was synchronous with the development of brush-border membrane enzyme activities and that phlorizin and phloretin addition 1 hr after initiating sugar transport produced immediate inhibition of AMG uptake as compared to ouabain. Finally, it was shown that brush-border membrane vesicles isolated from the human fetal colonic mucosa do possess a Na+-dependent transport pathway(s) ford-glucose which was inhibited by AMG and both phlorizin and phloretin. Caco-2 cells thus appear as a valuable cell culture model to study the mechanisms involved in the differentiation and regulation of intestinal transport functions.  相似文献   

Blocking either the Na+ channel or the Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE) has been shown to reduce Na+ and Ca2+ overload during myocardial ischemia and reperfusion, respectively, and to improve post-ischemic contractile recovery. The effect of combined blockade of both Na+ influx routes on ionic homeostasis is unknown and was tested in this study. [Na+]i, pHi and energy-related phosphates were measured using simultaneous 23Na- and 31P-NMR spectroscopy in isolated rat hearts. Eniporide (3 μM) and/or lidocaine (200 μM) were administered during 5 min prior to 40 min of global ischemia and 40 min of drug free reperfusion to block the NHE and the Na+ channel, respectively. Lidocaine reduced the rise in [Na+]i during the first 10 min of ischemia, followed by a rise with a rate similar to the one found in untreated hearts. Eniporide reduced the ischemic Na+ influx during the entire ischemic period. Administration of both drugs resulted in a summation of the effects found in the lidocaine and eniporide groups. Contractile recovery and infarct size were significantly improved in hearts treated with both drugs, although not significantly different from hearts treated with either one of them.  相似文献   

An inhibition of the Na(+)/K(+)ATPase was previously shown to accompany and potentiate apoptosis in different experimental models. Since TNF-alpha is known to be a pro and anti-apoptotic cytokine, this work was undertaken to study the effect of TNF-alpha on the Na(+)/K(+)ATPase in HepG2 cells and to determine the signaling pathway involved. Cells were incubated for 1 h with TNF-alpha in presence and absence of PDTC, SP600125 and FK009, respective inhibitors of NF-KB, c-JNK, and caspases. The activity of the pump was assayed by measuring the ouabain-inhibitable release of inorganic phosphate, and changes in its expression were monitored by western blot analysis. TNF-alpha decreased significantly the activity and protein expression of the Na(+)/K(+)ATPase. NF-kappaB and caspases were found to be the main effectors of the cytokine, mediating respectively down-regulation and up-regulation of the pump. Their activity was however modulated at 1 h by c-JNK, which stimulated the caspases and inhibited NF-kappaB, resulting in a net inhibition of the ATPase, and probably favoring the apoptotic pathway.  相似文献   

Four series of borosilicate glasses modified by alkali oxides and doped with Tb3+ and Sm3+ ions were prepared using the conventional melt quenching technique, with the chemical composition 74.5B2O3 + 10SiO2 + 5MgO + R + 0.5(Tb2O3/Sm2O3) [where R = 10(Li2O /Na2O/K2O) for series A and C, and R = 5(Li2O + Na2O/Li2O + K2O/K2O + Na2O) for series B and D]. The X‐ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of all the prepared glasses indicate their amorphous nature. The spectroscopic properties of the prepared glasses were studied by optical absorption analysis, photoluminescence excitation (PLE) and photoluminescence (PL) analysis. A green emission corresponding to the 5D47F5 (543 nm) transition of the Tb3+ ions was registered under excitation at 379 nm for series A and B glasses. The emission spectra of the Sm3+ ions with the series C and D glasses showed strong reddish‐orange emission at 600 nm (4G5/26H7/2) with an excitation wavelength λexci = 404 nm (6H5/24F7/2). Furthermore, the change in the luminescence intensity with the addition of an alkali oxide and combinations of these alkali oxides to borosilicate glasses doped with Tb3+ and Sm3+ ions was studied to optimize the potential alkali‐oxide‐modified borosilicate glass.  相似文献   

Na+/H+ exchangers (NHE) are ubiquitous transporters participating in regulation of cell volume and pH. Cell shrinkage, acidification, and growth factors activate NHE by increasing its sensitivity to intracellular H+ concentration. In this study, the kinetics were studied in dog red blood cells of Na+ influx through NHE as a function of external Na+ concentration ([Na+]o). In cells in isotonic media, [Na+]o inhibited Na+ influx >40 mM. Osmotic shrinkage activated NHE by reducing this inhibition. In cells in isotonic media + 120 mM sucrose, there was no inhibition, and influx was a hyperbolic function of [Na+]o. The kinetics of Na+-inhibited Na+ influx were analyzed at various extents of osmotic shrinkage. The curves for inhibited Na+ fluxes were sigmoid, indicating more than one Na+ inhibitory site associated with each transporter. Shrinkage significantly increased the Na+ concentration at half-maximal velocity of Na+-inhibited Na+ influx, the mechanism by which shrinkage activates NHE. erythrocytes; cell volume regulation; amiloride; kinetics of sodium ion influx  相似文献   

Using the whole-cell voltage-clamp technique, early embryonic tetrodotoxin (TTX) and Mn2+-insensitive slow Na+ current was detected in 10-22 week old fetal human heart cells as well as in 1-day-old and young cardiomyopathic hamster myocytes. This slow Na+ current in both heart cell preparations has the same kinetics and pharmacology. This type of slow Na+ current was absent in heart cells of newborn and young normal hamsters and became less present in myocytes of 19 and 22 week old human heart myocytes. Our results demonstrate that the slow Na+ channel does exist in early fetal human life and this type of channel continues to be functional after birth in myocytes of the hereditary cardiomyopathic hamster.  相似文献   

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