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Summary Honeybee embryos were stained with a monoclonal antibody raised against the Drosophila engrailed protein. The antibody was found to label rows of nuclei in the transverse grooves that form the earliest external sign of metameric germ band organization. These grooves demarcate metameric units about seven cell rows wide, of which about three rows with reduced apical cell surfaces account for the grooves. The en stripes appear in the grooves as soon as these form and grow from one to about four cells in width and thus completely overlap the groove. During the rudimentary germ band retraction, the grooves shift slightly backwards relative to both the en stripes and the trachdeal pits. The spatio-temporal pattern by which the series of grooves and stripes arises is quite striking. Both become visible first in the gnathal and thoracic regions, then in the pregnathal parts of the head and in the abdomen. The stripes arise essentially in an antero-posterior sequence. In addition, the earliest stripes to form display a pattern of alternating intensities whereas the later stripes, those in the abdomen, arise with approximately equal strength. The latter trait was earlier observed in the grasshopper, while the former is known from Drosophila where, however, the strong stripes correspond to the weak stripes in the honeybee.  相似文献   

Malacostracan crustaceans have evolved a conserved stereotyped cell division pattern in the post-naupliar germ band. This cleavage pattern is unique in arthropods investigated so far, and allows a combined analysis of gene expression and cell lineage during segmentation and organ development at the level of individual cells. To investigate the cell lineage in the germ band of the isopod Porcellio scaber, we used a 4D-microscopy system, which enables us to analyse every cell event in the living embryo. The study was combined with the analysis of the expression of the gene engrailed (en) at different stages of germ band formation. Our findings confirm the results of earlier investigations of the cell division pattern in the posterior part of the isopod germ band. Furthermore, we can show that in the anterior region, in contrast to the posterior part, cleavage directions are variable and cell sorting takes place—similar to other arthropod germ bands. Additionally, the gene expression pattern of en in this region is not as regular as in the post-naupliar germ band, and only later becomes regulated into its characteristic stripe pattern. The comparison of the cell lineage of P. scaber with that of other malacostracan crustaceans shows an enhancement in the velocity of cell divisions relative to the arrangement of these cells in rows in the isopod germ band. The striking similarity of the formation of the genealogical units in the anterior part suggests a sister group relationship between the peracarid taxa Tanaidacea and Isopoda.Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

In Drosophila, maintenance of parasegmental boundaries and formation of segmental grooves depend on interactions between segment polarity genes. Wingless and Engrailed appear to have similar roles in both short and long germ segmentation, but relatively little is known about the extent to which Hedgehog signaling is conserved. In a companion study to the Tribolium genome project, we analyzed the expression and function of hedgehog, smoothened, patched, and cubitus interruptus orthologs during segmentation in Tribolium. Their expression was largely conserved between Drosophila and Tribolium. Parental RNAi analysis of positive regulators of the pathway (Tc-hh, Tc-smo, or Tc-ci) resulted in small spherical cuticles with little or no evidence of segmental grooves. Segmental Engrailed expression in these embryos was initiated but not maintained. Wingless-independent Engrailed expression in the CNS was maintained and became highly compacted during germ band retraction, providing evidence that derivatives from every segment were present in these small spherical embryos. On the other hand, RNAi analysis of a negative regulator (Tc-ptc) resulted in embryos with ectopic segmental grooves visible during germband elongation but not discernible in the first instar larval cuticles. These transient grooves formed adjacent to Engrailed expressing cells that encircled wider than normal wg domains in the Tc-ptc RNAi embryos. These results suggest that the en–wg–hh gene circuit is functionally conserved in the maintenance of segmental boundaries during germ band retraction and groove formation in Tribolium and that the segment polarity genes form a robust genetic regulatory module in the segmentation of this short germ insect.  相似文献   

In both vertebrates and invertebrates, homeotic selector genes confer morphological differences along the antero-posterior axis. However, insect wing development is independent of all homeotic gene functions, reflecting the ground plan of an ancestral pterygote, which bore wings on all segments. Dipteran insects such asDrosophila are characterized by a pair of wings in the mesothoracic segment. In all other segments, wing development is essentially repressed by different homeotic genes, although in the metathorax they are modified into a pair of halteres. This necessitates that during development all homeotic genes are to be maintained in a repressed state in wing imaginal discs. In this report we show that (i) the function of the segment polarity geneengrailed (en) is critical to keep the homeotic selector geneUltrabithorax (Ubx) repressed in wing imaginal discs, (ii) normal levels of En in the posterior compartment of haltere discs, however, are not enough to completely repressUbx, and (iii) the repression ofUbx byen is independent of Hedgehog signalling through which the long-range signalling ofen is mediated during wing development. Finally we provide evidence for a possible mechanism by whichen repressesUbx. On the basis of these results we propose thaten has acquired two independent functions during the evolution of dorsal appendages. In addition to its well-known function of conferring posterior fate and inducing long-range signalling to pattern the developing appendages, it maintains wing fate by keepingUbx repressed.  相似文献   

Summary We have raised antiserum against part of the Deformed (Dfd) protein of the honeybee and describe here the expression pattern of the Dfd protein during honeybee embryogenesis. Dfd protein is first stained in the prospective gnathal region of the cellular blastoderm. This circumferential band corresponds to the distribution of Dfd mRNA described earlier, and to the blastodermal Dfd expression pattern in Drosophila. Using an antibody against the engrailed (en) protein of Drosophila, we found that at the beginning of gastrulation Dfd expression in the honeybee, as in Drosophila, is restricted to the future intercalary, mandibular and maxillary segments. During gastrulation, the mesodermal nuclei loose the Dfd label gradually from anterior to posterior, and in the ectoderm the most posterior ventral cells loose Dfd while retaining en staining; thus, in contrast to what has been described for Drosophila, the posterior Dfd expression border seems to move forward ventrally to the parasegmental boundary within the maxillary segment. In the late germ band, the lateral tips of the Dfd-expressing band are connected across the dorsal side by a row of amnion cells with strongly staining large nuclei. After dorsal closure, a narrow stripe of Dfd-staining dorsal cells behind the neck region may indicate that the maxillary segment contributes to the dorsal body wall posterior to the head capsule. Thus, apart from some minor deviations, the Dfd expression pattern in the honeybee strongly resembles that in Drosophila prior to head involution. This is compatible with the assumption that head involution (which is a special adaption in higher dipterans) ensues after a rather conserved course of early head development in which Dfd appears to play a basic role. Offprint requests to: R. Fleig  相似文献   

Summary Embryos of Drosophila melanogaster were irradiated in the presumptive head region with a UV-laser microbeam of 20 m diameter at two developmental stages, the cellular blastoderm and the extended germ band. The ensuing defects were scored in the cuticle pattern of the head of the first-instar larva, which is described in detail in this paper. The defects caused by irradiating germ band embryos when morphologically recognisable lobes appear in the head region were used to establish the segmental origin of various head structures. This information enabled us to translate the spatial distribution of blastoderm defects into a fate map of segment anlagen. The gnathal segments derive from a region of the blastoderm between 60% and 70% egg length (EL) dorsally and 60% and 80% ventrally. The area anterior to the mandibular anlage and posterior to the stomodaeum is occupied by the small anlagen of the intercalary and antennal segments ventrally and dorsally, respectively. The labrum, which originates from a paired anlage dorsally at 90% EL, is separated from the remaining head segments by an area for which we did not observe cuticle defects following blastoderm irradiation, presumably because those cells give rise to the brain. The dorsal and lateral parts of the cephalo-pharyngeal skeleton appear to be the only cuticle derivatives of the non-segmental acron. These structures derive from a dorso-lateral area just behind the putative brain anlage and may overlap the latter. In addition to the segment anlagen, the regions of the presumptive dorsal pouch, anterior lobe and post-oral epithelium, whose morphogenetic movements during head involution result in the characteristic acephalic appearance of the larva, have been projected onto the blastoderm fate map. The results suggest that initially the head of the Drosophila embryo does not differ substantially from the generalised insect head as judged by comparison of fate map and segmental organisation.  相似文献   

The centipede Strigamia maritima forms all of its segments during embryogenesis. Trunk segments form sequentially from an apparently undifferentiated disk of cells at the posterior of the germ band. We have previously described periodic patterns of gene expression in this posterior disc that precede overt differentiation of segments, and suggested that a segmentation oscillator may be operating in the posterior disc. We now show that genes of the Notch signalling pathway, including the ligand Delta, and homologues of the Drosophila pair-rule genes even-skipped and hairy, show periodic expression in the posterior disc, consistent with their involvement in, or regulation by, such an oscillator. These genes are expressed in a pattern of apparently expanding concentric rings around the proctodeum, which become stripes at the base of the germ band where segments are emerging. In this transition zone, these primary stripes define a double segment periodicity: segmental stripes of engrailed expression, which mark the posterior of each segment, arise at two different phases of the primary pattern. Delta and even-skipped are also activated in secondary stripes that intercalate between primary stripes in this region, further defining the single segment repeat. These data, together with observations that Notch mediated signalling is required for segment pattern formation in other arthropods, suggest that the ancestral arthropod segmentation cascade may have involved a segmentation oscillator that utilised Notch signalling.  相似文献   

Summary The peripheral nervous system of embryos homozygous for prd, ftz, en and bxd was examined for defects and transformations in the segment-specific pattern of sensilla and peripheral nerves. This analysis permitted me to assign a distinct subset of sensilla to any of the three genetically and morphologically defined compartments s, a and p of each segment. In the wild-type embryonic segments, sensory axons deriving from sensilla of different compartments form a part of the common peripheral nerves. In the composite segments of prd and ftz mutant embryos, subsets of sensilla of two neighbouring segments are combined. Nevertheless, the axons of sensilla of different segmental identity are able to fasciculate and to form afferent nerves, which connect in an apparently normal fashion to the central nervous system. It is concluded that in the Drosophila embryo compartmental and segmental identity of sensory organs has no influence on the trajectories of sensory axons.  相似文献   

The embryonic development of the primordia of the Drosophila head was studied by using an enhancer trap line expressed in these structures from embryonic stage 13 onward. Particular attention was given to the question of how the adult head primordia relate to the larval head segments. The clypeo-labral bud to the stage 13 embryo is located at a lateral position in the labrum adjacent to the labral sensory complex (epiphysis). Both clypeo-labral bud and sensory complex are located anterior to the engrailed-expression domain of the labrum. Throughout late embryogenesis and the larval period, the clypeo-labral bud forms integral part of the epithelium lining the roof of the atrium. The labial disc originates from the lateral labial segment adjacent to the labial sensory complex (hypophysis). It partially overlaps with the labial en-domain. After head involution, the labial disc forms a small pocket in the ventro-lateral wall of the atrium. The eye-antenna disc develops from a relatively large territory occupying the dorso-posterior part of the procephalic lobe, as well as parts of the dorsal gnathal segments. Cells in this territory are greatly reduced in number by cell death during stages 12–14. After head involution, the presumptive eye-antenna disc occupies a position in the lateral-posterior part of the dorsal pouch. Evagination of this tissue occurs during the first hours after hatching. In the embryo, no en-expression is present in the presumptive eye-antenna disc. en-expression starts in three separate regions in the third instar larva.  相似文献   

We describe the development of 20 sensory organs in the embryonic Drosophila head, which give rise to 7 sensory nerves of the peripheral nervous system (PNS), and 4 ganglia of the stomatogastric nervous system (SNS). Using these neural elements and the optic lobes as well as expression domains of the segment polarity gene engrailed in the wild-type head of Drosophila embryos as markers we examined the phenotype of different mutants which lack various and distinct portions of the embryonic head. In the mutants, distinct neural elements and engrailed expression domains, serving as segmental markers, are deleted. These mutants also affect the optic lobes to various degrees. Our results suggest that the optic lobes are of segmental origin and that they derive from the ocular segment anteriorly adjacent to the antennal segment of the developing head.  相似文献   

We have isolated the ten Hox genes from the pill millipede Glomeris marginata (Myriapoda:Diplopoda). All ten genes are expressed in characteristic Hox-gene-like expression patterns. The register of Hox gene expression borders is conserved and the expression profiles show that the anterior-most limb-bearing segment in arthropods (antennal/cheliceral segment) does not express any Hox gene, while the next segment (intercalary/second-antennal/premandibular/pedipalpal segment) does express Hox genes. The Hox expression patterns in this millipede thus support the conclusion that all arthropods possess a deuterocerebral segment. We find that there is an apparent posterior shift of Hox gene expression domains dorsally relative to their ventral patterns, indicating that the decoupling of dorsal and ventral segmentation is not restricted to the level of segment polarity genes but apparently includes the Hox genes. Although the mechanism for the decoupling of dorsal and ventral segmentation remains unsolved, the decoupling must be at a level higher in the hierarchy than that of the segment polarity and Hox genes. The expression patterns of Ultrabithorax and abdominal-A suggest a correlation between the function of these genes and the delayed outgrowth of posterior trunk appendages. This delay may be caused by an assumed repressor function of Ultrabithorax, which might partially repress the activation of the Distal-less gene. The Glomeris fushi tarazu gene is expressed in a Hox-like domain and in the developing central nervous system, but not in segmental stripes such as has been reported in another myriapod species, the centipede Lithobius. In contrast to the Lithobius fushi tarazu gene, there is no indication for a role in segment formation for the millipede fushi tarazu gene, suggesting that fushi tarazu first acquired its segmentation function in the lineage of the insects.Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

The segment polarity geneswingless (wg) andengrailed (en) have been shown to play important roles in pattern formation at different stages ofDrosophila development in the thoracic imaginai discs. We have studied the patterns of expression of these genes in genital discs from wild type larvae, pupae and pharate adults and also from hetero-allelic mutant combinations of these genes. Our results suggest that these genes play vital roles in the normal development and differentiation of genital discs and gonads. In the absence of normalwg oren functions, the flies showed a complete lack of internal accessory reproductive organs and specific defects in the external genitalia. In addition, the testes in such males were small, rounded and with an abnormal cellular organization, although the ovaries in females appeared normal. Temperature shift experiments using the conditional mutant allele ofwg, (wg IL-114 ) indicated a requirement ofwg signaling from second instar onwards for normal development and differentiation of the accessory reproductive organs. Using a heat-shock allele (Hs-wg) we also show that the spatially regulated expression ofwg as a pre-requisite for normal development and differentiation. Based on the expression patterns ofen andhedgehog (hh) we suggest that even in the genital disc development and differentiation the action ofen is mediated throughhh.  相似文献   

The question of the degree of evolutionary conservation of the pair-rule patterning mechanism known from Drosophila is still contentious. We have employed chromophore-assisted laser inactivation (CALI) to inactivate the function of the pair-rule gene even skipped (eve) in the short germ embryo of the flour beetle Tribolium. We show that it is possible to generate pair-rule type phenocopies with defects in alternating segments. Interestingly, we find the defects in odd numbered segments and not in even numbered ones as in Drosophila. However, this apparent discrepancy can be explained if one takes into account that the primary action of eve is at the level of parasegments and that different cuticular markers are used for defining the segment borders in the two species. In this light, we find that eve appears to be required for the formation of the anterior borders of the same odd numbered parasegments in both species. We conclude that the primary function of eve as a pair rule gene is conserved between the two species.  相似文献   

The evolution of arthropod segmentation has been studied by comparing expression patterns of pair-rule and segment polarity genes in various species. In Drosophila, the formation and maintenance of the parasegmental boundaries depend on the interactions between the wingless (wg), engrailed (en) and hedgehog (hh) genes. Until now, the expression pattern of hh has not been analysed to such a great extent as en or wg. We report the cloning and expression analysis of hh genes from Euscorpius flavicaudis, a chelicerate, and Artemia franciscana, a branchiopod crustacean. Our data provide evidence that hh, being expressed in the posterior part of every segment, is a segment polarity gene in both organisms. Additional hh expression sites were observed in the rostrum and appendages of Euscorpius and in the gut of Artemia. From the available data on hh expression in various bilaterians, we review the various hypotheses on the evolution of hh function and we suggest an ancestral role of hh in proctodeum specification and gut formation.Edited by D. Tautz  相似文献   

Summary Mutations of the homeotic gene fork head (fkh) of Drosophila transform the non-segmented terminal regions of the embryonic ectoderm into segmental derivatives: Pre-oral head structures and the foregut are replaced by post-oral head structures which are occasionally associated with thoracic structures. Posterior tail structures including the hindgut and the Malpighian tubules are replaced by post-oral head structures associated with anterior tail structures. The fkh gene shows no maternal effect and is required only during embryogenesis. The phenotypes of double mutants indicate that fkh acts independently of other homeotic genes (ANT-C, BX-C, spalt) and caudal. In addition, the fkh domains are not expanded in Polycomb (Pc) group mutant embryos. Ectopic expression of the homeotic selector genes of the ANT-C and BX-C in Pc group mutant embryos causes segmental transformations in terminal regions of the embryo only in the absence of fkh gene activity. Thus, fkh is a region-specific homeotic rather than a selector gene, which promotes terminal as opposed to segmental development. Offprint requests to: Institut für Biologie II (Genetik), Universität Tübingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 28, D-7400 Tübingen, Federal Republic of Germany  相似文献   

Embryonic expression of a Zic homologue (Ttu-Zic) was examined in the oligochaete annelid Tubifex tubifex. The body plan of T. tubifex is characterized by obvious segmentation in the ectoderm and mesoderm. Ttu-Zic expression is detected in the mesodermal germ band and a subset of micromere descendants. Ttu-Zic is transiently expressed in primary m-blast cells (i.e., founder cells of mesodermal segments) as early as the time of their birth from M teloblasts. During its development, each mesodermal segment experiences two additional phases of Ttu-Zic expression. Ttu-Zic expression in micromere descendants is seen on the anterior surfaces of embryos undergoing teloblastogenesis; subsequently, these cells proliferate to form bilateral clusters, which then become internalized. Finally, clusters of Ttu-Zic-expressing cells are found in the center of the prostomium, corresponding to the cerebral ganglion. The Ttu-Zic expression profile in the early embryogenesis of T. tubifex may be homologous to those of evolutionarily distant animals.  相似文献   

Summary Segment polarity genes define the cell states that are required for proper organization of each metameric unit of the Drosophila embryo. Among these, the gooseberry locus has been shown to be composed of two closely related genes which are expressed in an overlapping single-segment periodicity. We have used specific antibodies raised against the protein product of the gooseberry proximal (gsb-p) gene to determine the spatial distribution of this antigen in wild type embryos, and to monitor the effects of segment polarity mutants on the pattern of the gsb-p protein distribution. We find that the gsb-p protein accumulates beneath each posterior axonal commissure in the progeny of neuroblasts deriving from the epidermal compartments of wingless (wg) and engrailed (en) expression. The results of this analysis support the idea that gsb-p has a specific role in the control of cell fates during neurogenesis, and indicate that en and wg provide critical positional cues to define the domain in which gsbp will be activated. Furthermore, these data suggest that, in order to be expressed in the embryonic CNS, gsb-p may preliminarily require activity of the gooseberry-distal gene in the epidermis. Offprint requests to: S. Côté  相似文献   

The evolution of larval head morphology in holometabolous insects is characterized by reduction of antennal appendages and the visual system components. Little insight has been gained into molecular developmental changes underlying this morphological diversification. Here we compare the expression of the segment polarity gene wingless (wg) in the pregnathal head of fruit fly, flour beetle and grasshopper embryos. We provide evidence that wg activity contributes to segment border formation, and, subsequently, the separation of the visual system and protocerebrum anlagen in the anterior procephalon. In directly developing insects like grasshopper, seven expression domains are formed during this process. The activation of four of these, which correspond to polar expression pairs in the optic lobe anlagen and the protocerebral ectoderm, has shifted to postembryonic stages in flour beetle and Drosophila. The remaining three domains map to the protocerebral neuroectoderm, and form by disintegration of a large precursor domain in flour beetle and grasshopper. In Drosophila, the precursor domain remains intact, constituting the previously described “head blob”. These data document major changes in the expression of an early patterning gene correlated with the dramatic evolution of embryonic visual system development in the Holometabola.  相似文献   

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