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The initiation of mitosis requires the activation of M-phase promoting factor (MPF). MPF activation and its subcellular localization are dependent on the phosphorylation state of its components, cdc2 and cyclin B1. In a two-hybrid screen using a bait protein to mimic phosphorylated cyclin B1, we identified a novel interaction between cyclin B1 and patched1 (ptc1), a tumor suppressor associated with basal cell carcinoma (BCC). Ptc1 interacted specifically with constitutively phosphorylated cyclin B1 derivatives and was able to alter their normal subcellular localization. Furthermore, addition of the ptc1 ligand, sonic hedgehog (shh), disrupts this interaction and allows cyclin B1 to localize to the nucleus. Expression of ptc1 in 293T cells was inhibitory to cell proliferation; this inhibition could be relieved by coexpression of a cyclin B1 derivative that constitutively localizes to the nucleus and that could not interact with ptc1 due to phosphorylation-site mutations to ALA: In addition, we demonstrate that endogenous ptc1 and endogenous cyclin B1 interact in vivo. The findings reported here demonstrate that ptc1 participates in determining the subcellular localization of cyclin B1 and suggest a link between the tumor suppressor activity of ptc1 and the regulation of cell division. Thus, we propose that ptc1 participates in a G(2)/M checkpoint by regulating the localization of MPF.  相似文献   

Blood vessel tubulogenesis requires the formation of stable cell-to-cell contacts and the establishment of apicobasal polarity of vascular endothelial cells. Cell polarity is regulated by highly conserved cell polarity protein complexes such as the Par3-aPKC-Par6 complex and the CRB3-Pals1-PATJ complex, which are expressed by many different cell types and regulate various aspects of cell polarity. Here we describe a functional interaction of VE-cadherin with the cell polarity protein Pals1. Pals1 directly interacts with VE-cadherin through a membrane-proximal motif in the cytoplasmic domain of VE-cadherin. VE-cadherin clusters Pals1 at cell–cell junctions. Mutating the Pals1-binding motif in VE-cadherin abrogates the ability of VE-cadherin to regulate apicobasal polarity and vascular lumen formation. In a similar way, deletion of the Par3-binding motif at the C-terminus of VE-cadherin impairs apicobasal polarity and vascular lumen formation. Our findings indicate that the biological activity of VE-cadherin in regulating endothelial polarity and vascular lumen formation is mediated through its interaction with the two cell polarity proteins Pals1 and Par3.  相似文献   

Store-operated calcium entry (SOCE) channels composed of Stim and Orai proteins play a critical role in diverse biological processes. Upon endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-mediated calcium (Ca2+) depletion, Stim proteins oligomerize with Orai to initiate Ca2+ influx across the plasma membrane. The ubiquitin-like (UBL) and ubiquitin-associated (UBA) domains of ubiquilin 1 are involved in the degradation of presenilin and polyglutamine proteins. Through screening of Orai1 interaction partner(s) that might have an effect on SOCE, ubiquilin 1 was identified as a target of Orai1. However, the UBL and UBA domains of ubiquilin 1 were dispensable for this interaction. Additionally, ubiquilin 1 and Orai1 colocalized in the cytosolic compartment. Ubiquilin 1 increased the ubiquitination of Orai1, resulting in the formation of a high-molecular-weight form. MG132, a proteasome inhibitor, failed to block the degradation of Orai1, whereas bafilomycin A, a lysosome inhibitor, prevented Orai1 degradation. Confocal microscopy studies demonstrated that a fraction of Orai1 colocalized with ubiquilin 1 and the autophagosomal marker LC3. Because Orai1 is a constituent of SOCE, we determined the effect of ubiquilin 1 on Orai1-mediated Ca2+ influx. As we expected, intracellular Ca2+ mobilization, a process normally potentiated by Orai1, was downregulated by ubiquilin 1. Taken together, these findings suggest that ubiquilin 1 downregulates intracellular Ca2+ mobilization and its downstream signaling by promoting the ubiquitination and lysosomal degradation of Orai1.  相似文献   

Autophagy is an evolutionarily conserved catabolic process and is involved in the regulation of programmed cell death during the plant immune response. However, mechanisms regulating autophagy and cell death are incompletely understood. Here, we demonstrate that plant Bax inhibitor-1 (BI-1), a highly conserved cell death regulator, interacts with ATG6, a core autophagy-related protein. Silencing of BI-1 reduced the autophagic activity induced by both N gene-mediated resistance to Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and methyl viologen (MV), and enhanced N gene-mediated cell death. In contrast, overexpression of plant BI-1 increased autophagic activity and surprisingly caused autophagy-dependent cell death. These results suggest that plant BI-1 has both prosurvival and prodeath effects in different physiological contexts and both depend on autophagic activity.  相似文献   

We report that dermatopontin (DP), an abundant dermal extracellular matrix protein, is found in the fibrin clot and in the wound fluid, which comprise the provisional matrix at the initial stage of wound healing. DP was also found in the serum but at a lower concentration than that in wound fluid. DP co-localized with both fibrin and fibronectin on fibrin fibers and interacted with both proteins. Both normal fibroblast and HT1080 cell adhesion to the fibrin-fibronectin matrix were dose-dependently enhanced by DP, and the adhesion was mediated by α5β1 integrin. The cytoskeleton was more organized in the cells that adhered to the fibrin-fibronectin-DP complex. When incubated with DP, fibronectin formed an insoluble complex of fibronectin fibrils as visualized by electron microscopy. The interacting sites of fibronectin with DP were the first, thirteenth, and fourteenth type III repeats (III(1), III(13), and III(14)), with III(13) and III(14) assumed to be the major sites. The interaction between III(2-3) and III(12-14) was inhibited by DP, whereas the interaction between I(1-5) and III(12-14) was specifically and strongly enhanced by DP. Because the interaction between III(2-3) and III(12-14) is involved in forming a globular conformation of fibronectin, and that between I(1-5) and III(12-14) is required for forming fibronectin fibrils, DP promotes fibronectin fibril formation probably by changing the fibronectin conformation. These results suggest that DP has an accelerating role in fibroblast cell adhesion to the provisional matrix in the initial stage of wound healing.  相似文献   

Integrins link the extracellular matrix (ECM) to the cytoskeleton to control cell behaviors including adhesion, spreading and migration. Band 4.1 proteins contain 4.1, ezrin, radixin, moesin (FERM) domains that likely mediate signaling events and cytoskeletal reorganization via integrins. However, the mechanisms by which Band 4.1 proteins and integrins are functionally interconnected remain enigmatic. Here we have investigated roles for Band 4.1 proteins in integrin-mediated cell spreading using primary astrocytes as a model system. We demonstrate that Proteins 4.1B and 4.1G show dynamic patterns of sub-cellular localization in astrocytes spreading on fibronectin. During early stages of cell spreading Proteins 4.1B and 4.1G are enriched in ECM adhesion sites but become more diffusely localized at later stages of spreading. Combinatorial inactivation of Protein 4.1B and 4.1G expression leads to impaired astrocyte spreading. Furthermore, in exogenous expression systems we show that the isolated Protein 4.1 FERM domain significantly enhances integrin-mediated cell spreading. Protein 4.1B is dispensable for reactive astrogliosis in experimental models of cortical injury, likely due to functional compensation by related Protein 4.1 family members. Collectively, these findings reveal that Band 4.1 proteins are important intracellular components for integrin-mediated cell spreading.  相似文献   

PICK1 interacts with ABP/GRIP to regulate AMPA receptor trafficking   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Lu W  Ziff EB 《Neuron》2005,47(3):407-421
PICK1 and ABP/GRIP bind to the AMPA receptor (AMPAR) GluR2 subunit C terminus. Transfer of the receptor from ABP/GRIP to PICK1, facilitated by GluR2 S880 phosphorylation, may initiate receptor trafficking. Here we report protein interactions that regulate these steps. The PICK1 BAR domain interacts intermolecularly with the ABP/GRIP linker II region and intramolecularly with the PICK1 PDZ domain. Binding of PKCalpha or GluR2 to the PICK1 PDZ domain disrupts the intramolecular interaction and facilitates the PICK1 BAR domain association with ABP/GRIP. Interference with the PICK1-ABP/GRIP interaction impairs S880 phosphorylation of GluR2 by PKC and decreases the constitutive surface expression of GluR2, the NMDA-induced endocytosis of GluR2, and recycling of internalized GluR2. We suggest that the PICK1 interaction with ABP/GRIP is a critical step in controlling GluR2 trafficking.  相似文献   

Polarity is essential for diverse functions in many cell types. Establishing polarity requires targeting a network of specific signaling and cytoskeleton molecules to different subregions of the cell, yet the full complement of polarity regulators and how their activities are integrated over space and time to form morphologically and functionally distinct domains remain to be uncovered. Here, by using the model system Dictyostelium and exploiting the characteristic chemoattractant-stimulated translocation of polarly distributed molecules, we developed a proteomic screening approach, through which we identified a leucine-rich repeat domain–containing protein we named Leep1 as a novel polarity regulator. We combined imaging, biochemical, and phenotypic analyses to demonstrate that Leep1 localizes selectively at the leading edge of cells by binding to PIP3, where it modulates pseudopod and macropinocytic cup dynamics by negatively regulating the Scar/WAVE complex. The spatiotemporal coordination of PIP3 signaling, Leep1, and the Scar/WAVE complex provides a cellular mechanism for organizing protrusive structures at the leading edge.  相似文献   

ARF6 and Rac1 are small GTPases known to regulate remodelling of the actin cytoskeleton. Here, we demonstrate that these monomeric G proteins are sequentially activated when HEK 293 cells expressing the angiotensin type 1 receptor (AT(1)R) are stimulated with angiotensin II (Ang II). After receptor activation, ARF6 and Rac1 transiently form a complex. Their association is, at least in part, direct and dependent on the nature of the nucleotide bound to both small G proteins. ARF6-GTP preferentially interacts with Rac1-GDP. AT(1)R expressing HEK293 cells ruffle, form membrane protrusions, and migrate in response to agonist treatment. ARF6, but not ARF1, depletion using small interfering RNAs recapitulates the ruffling and migratory phenotype observed after Ang II treatment. These results suggest that ARF6 depletion or Ang II treatment are functionally equivalent and point to a role for endogenous ARF6 as an inhibitor of Rac1 activity. Taken together, our findings reveal a novel function of endogenously expressed ARF6 and demonstrate that by interacting with Rac1, this small GTPase is a central regulator of the signaling pathways leading to actin remodeling.  相似文献   

The anosmin-1 protein family regulates cell migration, axon guidance, and branching, by mechanisms that are not well understood. We show that the C. elegans anosmin-1 ortholog KAL-1 promotes migrations of ventral neuroblasts prior to epidermal enclosure. KAL-1 does not modulate FGF signaling in neuroblast migration and acts in parallel to other neuroblast migration pathways. Defects in heparan sulfate (HS) synthesis or in specific HS modifications disrupt neuroblast migrations and affect the KAL-1 pathway. KAL-1 binds the cell surface HS proteoglycans syndecan/SDN-1 and glypican/GPN-1. This interaction is mediated via HS side chains and requires specific HS modifications. SDN-1 and GPN-1 are expressed in ventral neuroblasts and have redundant roles in KAL-1-dependent neuroblast migrations. Our findings suggest that KAL-1 interacts with multiple HSPGs to promote cell migration.  相似文献   

In Escherichia coli, FtsEX, a member of the ABC transporter superfamily, is involved in regulating the assembly and activation of the divisome to couple cell wall synthesis to cell wall hydrolysis at the septum. Genetic studies indicate FtsEX acts on FtsA to begin the recruitment of the downstream division proteins but blocks septal PG synthesis until a signal is received that divisome assembly is complete. However, the details of how FtsEX localizes to the Z ring and how it interacts with FtsA are not clear. Our results show that recruitment of FtsE and FtsX is codependent and suggest that the FtsEX complex is recruited through FtsE interacting with the conserved tail of FtsZ (CCTP), thus adding FtsEX to a growing list of proteins that interacts with the CCTP of FtsZ. Furthermore, we find that the N‐terminus of FtsX is not required for FtsEX localization to the Z ring but is required for its functions in cell division indicating that it interacts with FtsA. Taken together, these results suggest that FtsEX first interacts with FtsZ to localize to the Z ring and then interacts with FtsA to promote divisome assembly and regulate septal PG synthesis.  相似文献   

The Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome-related protein WAVE2 promotes Arp2/3-dependent actin polymerization downstream of Rho-GTPase activation. The Abelson-interacting protein-1 (Abi-1) forms the core of the WAVE2 complex and is necessary for proper stimulation of WAVE2 activity. Here we have shown that the Abl-tyrosine kinase interacts with the WAVE2 complex and that Abl kinase activity facilitates interaction between Abl and WAVE2 complex members. We have characterized various interactions between Abl and members of the WAVE2 complex and revealed that Abi-1 promotes interaction between Abl and WAVE2 members. We have demonstrated that Abl-dependent phosphorylation of WAVE2 is necessary for its activation in vivo, which is highlighted by the findings that RNA interference of WAVE2 expression in Abl/Arg-/- cells has no additive effect on the amount of membrane ruffling. Furthermore, Abl phosphorylates WAVE2 on tyrosine 150, and WAVE2-deficient cells rescued with a Y150F mutant fail to regain their ability to ruffle and form microspikes, unlike cells rescued with wild-type WAVE2. Together, these data show that c-Abl activates WAVE2 via tyrosine phosphorylation to promote actin remodeling in vivo and that Abi-1 forms the crucial link between these two factors.  相似文献   

Ataxia telangiectasia (A-T) is a pleiotropic disease, with a characteristic hypersensitivity to ionizing radiation that is caused by biallelic mutations in A-T mutated (ATM), a gene encoding a protein kinase critical for the induction of cellular responses to DNA damage, particularly to DNA double strand breaks. A long known characteristic of A-T cells is their ability to synthesize DNA even in the presence of ionizing radiation-induced DNA damage, a phenomenon termed radioresistant DNA synthesis. We previously reported that ATM kinase inhibition, but not ATM protein disruption, blocks sister chromatid exchange following DNA damage. We now show that ATM kinase inhibition, but not ATM protein disruption, also inhibits DNA synthesis. Investigating a potential physical interaction of ATM with the DNA replication machinery, we found that ATM co-precipitates with proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) from cellular extracts. Using bacterially purified ATM truncation mutants and in vitro translated PCNA, we showed that the interaction is direct and mediated by the C terminus of ATM. Indeed, a 20-amino acid region close to the kinase domain is sufficient for strong binding to PCNA. This binding is specific to ATM, because the homologous regions of other PIKK members, including the closely related kinase A-T and Rad3-related (ATR), did not bind PCNA. ATM was found to bind two regions in PCNA. To examine the functional significance of the interaction between ATM and PCNA, we tested the ability of ATM to stimulate DNA synthesis by DNA polymerase δ, which is implicated in both DNA replication and DNA repair processes. ATM was observed to stimulate DNA polymerase activity in a PCNA-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The Drosophila melanogaster protein sprouty is induced upon fibroblast growth factor (FGF)- and epidermal growth factor (EGF)-receptor tyrosine kinase activation and acts as an inhibitor of the ras/MAP kinase pathway downstream of these receptors. By differential display RT-PCR of activated vs. resting umbilical artery smooth muscle cells (SMCs) we detected a new human sprouty gene, which we designated human sprouty 4 (hspry4) based on its homology with murine sprouty 4. Hspry4 is widely expressed and Northern blots indicate that different isoforms of hspry4 are induced upon cellular activation. The hspry4 gene maps to 5q31.3. It encodes a protein of 322 amino acids, which, in support of a modulating role in signal transduction, contains a prototypic cysteine-rich region, three, potentially Src homology 3 (SH3) binding, proline-rich regions and a PEST sequence. This new sprouty orthologue can suppress the insulin- and EGF-receptor transduced MAP kinase signaling pathway, but fails to inhibit MAP kinase activation by constitutively active V12 ras. Hspry4 appears to impair the formation of active GTP-ras and exert its activity at the level of wild-type ras or upstream thereof. In a yeast two-hybrid screen, using hspry4 as bait, testicular protein kinase 1 (TESK1) was identified from a human fetal liver cDNA library as a partner of hspry4. The hspry4-TESK1 interaction was confirmed by coimmunoprecipitation experiments and increases by growth factor stimulation. The two proteins colocalize in apparent cytoplasmic vesicles and do not show substantial translocation to the plasma membrane upon receptor tyrosine kinase stimulation.  相似文献   

The integrin alpha 8 subunit, isolated by low stringency hybridization, is a novel integrin subunit that associates with beta 1. To identify ligands, we have prepared a function-blocking antiserum to the extracellular domain of alpha 8, and we have established by transfection K562 cell lines that stably express alpha 8 beta 1 heterodimers on the cell surface. We demonstrate here by cell adhesion and neurite outgrowth assays that alpha 8 beta 1 is a fibronectin receptor. Studies on fibronectin fragments using RGD peptides as inhibitors show that alpha 8 beta 1 binds to the RGD site of fibronectin. In contrast to the endogenous alpha 5 beta 1 fibronectin receptor in K562 cells, alpha 8 beta 1 not only promotes cell attachment but also extensive cell spreading, suggesting functional differences between the two receptors. In chick embryo fibroblasts, alpha 8 beta 1 is localized to focal adhesions. We conclude that alpha 8 beta 1 is a receptor for fibronectin and can promote attachment, cell spreading, and neurite outgrowth on fibronectin.  相似文献   

M N Wu  T Fergestad  T E Lloyd  Y He  K Broadie  H J Bellen 《Neuron》1999,23(3):593-605
Biochemical studies suggest that syntaxin 1A participates in multiple protein-protein interactions in the synaptic terminal, but the in vivo significance of these interactions is poorly understood. We used a targeted mutagenesis approach to eliminate specific syntaxin binding interactions and demonstrate that Drosophila syntaxin 1A plays multiple regulatory roles in neurotransmission in vivo. Syntaxin mutations that eliminate ROP/Munc-18 binding display increased neurotransmitter release, suggesting that ROP inhibits neurosecretion through its interaction with syntaxin. Syntaxin mutations that block Ca2+ channel binding also cause an increase in neurotransmitter release, suggesting that syntaxin normally functions in inhibiting Ca2+ channel opening. Additionally, we identify and characterize a syntaxin Ca2+ effector domain, which may spatially organize the Ca2+ channel, cysteine string protein, and synaptotagmin for effective excitation-secretion coupling in the presynaptic terminal.  相似文献   

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