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Regulation of catabolic pathways in Pseudomonas   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  

Forty years ago, Coulter and Talalay (A. W. Coulter and P. Talalay, J. Biol. Chem. 243:3238-3247, 1968) established the oxygenase-dependent pathway for the degradation of testosterone by aerobes. The oxic testosterone catabolic pathway involves several oxygen-dependent reactions and is not available for anaerobes. Since then, a variety of anaerobic bacteria have been described for the ability to degrade testosterone in the absence of oxygen. Here, a novel, oxygenase-independent testosterone catabolic pathway in such organisms is described. Steroidobacter denitrificans DSMZ18526 was shown to be capable of degrading testosterone in the absence of oxygen and was selected as the model organism in this study. In a previous investigation, we identified the initial intermediates involved in an anoxic testosterone catabolic pathway, most of which are identical to those of the oxic pathway demonstrated in Comamonas testosteroni. In this study, five additional intermediates of the anoxic pathway were identified. We demonstrated that subsequent steps of the anoxic pathway greatly differ from those of the established oxic pathway, which suggests that a novel pathway for testosterone catabolism is present. In the proposed anoxic pathway, a reduction reaction occurs at C-4 and C-5 of androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione, the last common intermediate of both the oxic and anoxic pathways. After that, a novel hydration reaction occurs and a hydroxyl group is thus introduced to the C-1α position of C(19)steroid substrates. To our knowledge, an enzymatic hydration reaction occurring at the A ring of steroid compounds has not been reported before.  相似文献   

Regulation of catabolic pathways in Pseudomonas.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文

A pentachlorophenol (PCP)-mineralizing bacterium was isolated from polluted soil and identified as Pseudomonas sp. strain RA2. In batch cultures, Pseudomonas sp. strain RA2 used PCP as its sole source of carbon and energy and was capable of completely degrading this compound as indicated by radiotracer studies, stoichiometric release of chloride, and biomass formation. Pseudomonas sp. strain RA2 was able to mineralize a higher concentration of PCP (160 mg liter-1) than any previously reported PCP-degrading pseudomonad. At a PCP concentration of 200 mg liter-1, cell growth was completely inhibited and PCP was not degraded, although an active population of Pseudomonas sp. RA2 was still present in these cultures after 2 weeks. The inhibitory effect of PCP was partially attributable to its effect on the growth rate of Pseudomonas sp. strain RA2. The highest specific growth rate (mu = 0.09 h-1) was reached at a PCP concentration of 40 mg liter-1 but decreased at higher or lower PCP concentrations, with the lowest mu (0.05 h-1) occurring at 150 mg liter-1. Despite this reduction in growth rate, total biomass production was proportional to PCP concentration at all PCP concentrations degraded by Pseudomonas sp. RA2. In contrast, final cell density was reduced to below expected values at PCP concentrations greater than 100 mg liter-1. These results indicate that, in addition to its effect as an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation, PCP may also inhibit cell division in Pseudomonas sp. strain RA2.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

A pentachlorophenol (PCP)-mineralizing bacterium was isolated from polluted soil and identified as Pseudomonas sp. strain RA2. In batch cultures, Pseudomonas sp. strain RA2 used PCP as its sole source of carbon and energy and was capable of completely degrading this compound as indicated by radiotracer studies, stoichiometric release of chloride, and biomass formation. Pseudomonas sp. strain RA2 was able to mineralize a higher concentration of PCP (160 mg liter-1) than any previously reported PCP-degrading pseudomonad. At a PCP concentration of 200 mg liter-1, cell growth was completely inhibited and PCP was not degraded, although an active population of Pseudomonas sp. RA2 was still present in these cultures after 2 weeks. The inhibitory effect of PCP was partially attributable to its effect on the growth rate of Pseudomonas sp. strain RA2. The highest specific growth rate (mu = 0.09 h-1) was reached at a PCP concentration of 40 mg liter-1 but decreased at higher or lower PCP concentrations, with the lowest mu (0.05 h-1) occurring at 150 mg liter-1. Despite this reduction in growth rate, total biomass production was proportional to PCP concentration at all PCP concentrations degraded by Pseudomonas sp. RA2. In contrast, final cell density was reduced to below expected values at PCP concentrations greater than 100 mg liter-1. These results indicate that, in addition to its effect as an uncoupler of oxidative phosphorylation, PCP may also inhibit cell division in Pseudomonas sp. strain RA2.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The toxicokinetics and biotransformation of pentachlorophenol (PCP) were determined in the topsmelt (Atherinops affinis) In a static system, topsmelt (n = 9) were exposed to 50 μg/L of [U-14C]PCP for 24 hours to determine the absorption rate constant (Ka), the whole-body bio-concentration (at steady-state conditions), the elimination rate constant UQ, and the elimination half-life (t1/2). Kinetics were determined by direct quantitation of radioactivity in the exposure water. Following exposure, fish were placed in a flow-through metabolism chamber for 24 hours to allow depuration of retained residues, which were collected on XAD-4 resin. Excreted residues were identified and quantified by high-pressure liquid co-chromatography, fraction collection, and liquid scintillation counting. The Ka and Ke, calculated using a simplified model, were 0.012 M-1 0.005/h and 0.014±;0.003/h, respectively, while the 24 hour total concentration factor was 278.0×182.0 and the t1/2 was 52.7±;11.2. During 24 hours of exposure to dean seawater, topsmelt depurated 32.9% of retained residues, and while PCP was primarily excreted unchanged (64.9%), significant amounts of both pentachlorophenylsulfate (18.9%) and pentachloro-β-D-glucuronide (16.2%) were also formed.  相似文献   

Pyrimidine biosynthesis in the nutritionally versatile bacterium Pseudomonas veronii ATCC 700474 appeared to be controlled by pyrimidines. When wild type cells were grown on glucose in the presence of uracil, four enzyme activities were depressed while all five enzyme activities increased in succinate-grown cells supplemented with uracil. Independent of carbon source, orotic acid-grown cells elevated aspartate transcarbamoylase, dihydroorotase, orotate phosphoribosyltransferase or OMP decarboxylase activity. Pyrimidine limitation of glucose-grown pyrimidine auxotrophic cells lacking OMP decarboxylase activity resulted in at least a doubling of the enzyme activities relative to their activities in uracil-grown cells. Less derepression of the enzyme activities was observed after pyrimidine limitation of succinate-grown mutant cells possibly due to catabolite repression. Aspartate transcarbamoylase activity in Ps. veronii was regulated at the level of enzyme activity since the enzyme was strongly inhibited by pyrophosphate, UDP, UTP, ADP, ATP and GTP. Overall, the regulation of pyrimidine biosynthesis in Ps. veronii could be used to differentiate it from other taxonomically related species of Pseudomonas.  相似文献   

Sterilised and non-sterilised soils contaminated with pentachlorophenol (PCP) were inoculated with solid substrate cultures of Lentinula edodes LE2 (“shiitake” mushroom) to simulate monoculture bioremediation treatments and treatments in which the fungus competes with natural microflora. With monocultures of L. edodes, rates of PCP depletion were rapid for the initial 4 weeks and, although thereafter the rate decreased, 99% biotransformation was obtained in 10 weeks. In mixed culture, PCP biotransformation by L.edodes was markedly slower and only 42% of the PCP was depleted after 10 weeks. Maximal rates of PCP transformation, biomass (ergosterol) accumulation and oxidative enzymes (phenol oxidase and manganese-peroxidase) production were observed after 2 weeks of incubation. In monocultures, phenol oxidase activity was 195.5 U g−1 and Mn-peroxidase 138.4 U g−1. In mixed cultures, fungal enzyme activities were markedly lower: 70.33 U g−1 for phenol oxidase and 85.0 g−1 for Mn-peroxidase. Analyses of soil metabolites after 10 weeks revealed that monocultures of L.edodes had eliminated both PCP and pentachloroanisole. Pentachloroanisole, however, was detected in soils with the mixed microflora. Both dechlorination and mineralisation of the xenobiotic compound were effected by L. edodes LE2. Received: 7 April 1997 / Accepted: 14 June 1997  相似文献   

A comparative study of the NAH and TOL catabolic plasmids was carried out to provide information for future genetic manipulation experiments involving these two plasmids. The plasmids were studied in a strain of P. putida and its mutant derivatives. The NAH and TOL plasmids were found to be incompatible. Under the conditions used in these experiments the TOL plasmid transferred into some strains into which NAH was unable to transfer. The use of mutants to remove certain catabolic activities encoded by the bacterial host cell facilitated the allocation of growth genotypes to the NAH and TOL plasmids. TOL encoded the degradation of benzoate, m-toluate and p-toluate, whereas NAH encoded the degradation of naphthalene and salicylate. The other plasmid-associated growth phenotypes were partly plasmid-specified and partly specified by the host cell. The pH optimum of the catechol 2,3-dioxygenase specified by the TOL plasmid was approximately 6.7, whereas that of the NAH-encoded enzyme was approximately 8.3.  相似文献   

D-Arginine dehydrogenase activity was discovered in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. This enzyme was inducible by its substrate, D-arginine, as well as by its product, 2-ketoarginine, but not by L-arginine. The enzyme activity was measured in vitro, in the presence of artificial electron acceptore (phenazine methosulphate and iodonitrotetrazolium chloride). 2-ketoarginine was catabolized further to 4-guanidinobutyraldehyde, 4-guanidinobutyrate and 4-aminobutyrate. Two enzymes involved, 4-guanidinobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase and guanidinobutyrase, were inducible by 2-ketoarginine; the latter enzyme was also strongly induced by 4-guanidinobutyrate. An arginine racemase activity was detected by an invivo test. E-Arginine had the potential to be catabolized via the D-arginine dehydrogenase pathway and, after racemization, via the three L-arginine catabolic pathyways previously demonstrated in P. aeruginosa. In mutants blocked in the L-arginine succinyltransferase pathway, but no in the wild-type, L-arginine was channelled partially into the D-arginine dehydrogenase pathway. Mutations in the kauB locus abolished growth of P. aeruginosa on 2-ketoarginine, agmatine and putrescine, and led to loss of 4-guanidinobutyraldehyde dehydrogenase and 4-aminobutyaldehyde dehydrogenase activites. Thus, these two activites appear to be due to one enzyme in P. aeruginosa. The kauB locus was mapped on the chromosome between lysA and argB and was not linked to known genes involved in the three L-arginine catabolic pathways. The existence of four arginine catabolic pathways illustrates the metabolic versatility of P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

An NADH-dependent l-xylulose reductase and the corresponding gene were identified from the yeast Ambrosiozyma monospora. The enzyme is part of the yeast pathway for l-arabinose catabolism. A fungal pathway for l-arabinose utilization has been described previously for molds. In this pathway l-arabinose is sequentially converted to l-arabinitol, l-xylulose, xylitol, and d-xylulose and enters the pentose phosphate pathway as d-xylulose 5-phosphate. In molds the reductions are NADPH-linked, and the oxidations are NAD(+)-linked. Here we show that in A. monospora the pathway is similar, i.e. it has the same two reduction and two oxidation reactions, but the reduction by l-xylulose reductase is not performed by a strictly NADPH-dependent enzyme as in molds but by a strictly NADH-dependent enzyme. The ALX1 gene encoding the NADH-dependent l-xylulose reductase is strongly expressed during growth on l-arabinose as shown by Northern analysis. The gene was functionally overexpressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the purified His-tagged protein characterized. The reversible enzyme converts l-xylulose to xylitol. It also converts d-ribulose to d-arabinitol but has no activity with l-arabinitol or adonitol, i.e. it is specific for sugar alcohols where, in a Fischer projection, the hydroxyl group of the C-2 is in the l-configuration and the hydroxyl group of C-3 is in the d-configuration. It also has no activity with C-6 sugars or sugar alcohols. The K(m) values for l-xylulose and d-ribulose are 9.6 and 4.7 mm, respectively. To our knowledge this is the first report of an NADH-linked l-xylulose reductase.  相似文献   

Ligninolytic activities in strains of Lentinula edodes were related to pentachlorophenol biotransformation in sterile soil and activities in L. lepideus. Strains of L. edodes secreting laccase and manganese peroxidase activities also metabolized pentachlorophenol (PCP) significantly ( P < 0.05). Strains of L. lepideus showed neither enzymic activities nor xenobiotic breakdown. Lentinula edodes strains inhibited by PCP at 5 mg 1-1 in agar, tolerated 200 mg kg-1 in soil. Strain LE2 metabolized more PCP in nitrogen-sufficient than nitrogen-limited culture: the reverse was observed with Phanerochaete chrysosporium BKM 1767. Relationships between ligninolytic activities and pentachlorophenol breakdown in L. edodes indicated a suitability for soil bioremediation treatments.  相似文献   

A simple procedure to detect the switching on and off of catabolic promoters of Pseudomonas putida, at the level of single cells based on the immunodetection of a reporter epitope expressed on the surface of bacterial cells, has been developed. To do this, the antigenic sequence Asp-Leu-Pro-Pro-Asn-Ser-Asp-Val-Val-Asp, from a coronavirus, was inserted genetically in the permissive site around amino acid position 153 of the LamB protein (maltose and lambda phage receptor) of Escherichia coli. When the hybrid lamB gene is transcribed, the epitope becomes presented on the surface of the bacterial cells in a configuration available to specific antibodies. To validate this notion in nonenteric bacteria, the expression and correct processing of LamB were confirmed by coupling the lamB gene to the salicylate-responsive Psa1 promoter of the NAH7 (naphthalene degradation) plasmid in Pseudomonas putida. Subsequently, a hybrid lamB gene carrying the sequence of the coronavirus antigen was placed downstream of the m-toluate-responsive Pm promoter of the TOL (toluene degradation) plasmid. Exposure of the epitope on the Pseudomonas cell surface was monitored through fluorescence of whole cells treated with a monoclonal antibody against the heterologous antigen. Fluorescence emission was dependent on the presence of m-toluate in the medium, thus permitting detection of the Pm promoter switching on by simple optical inspection of individual cells, even in situations when these are a very minor component of a complex bacterial community.  相似文献   

 The influences of temperature, soil moisture potential and initial pH on the biotransformation of pentachlorophenol (PCP) by the lignicolous fungi Lentinula edodes and Phanerochaete chrysosporium were examined. At 10°C, L. edodes was more effective in degrading PCP (P<0.05) than P. chrysosporium. At 15°C similar results were obtained for the two fungi. The highest levels of degradation occurred for both fungi at 25°C. With P. chrysosporium, the extent of PCP elimination was directly related to soil moisture content and optimal at approximately 47%. With L. edodes, in contrast, the process was inversely related to moisture content and maximal at 26%. The initial soil pH also had a marked influence, and pH 4.0 was optimal for both fungi. Received: 7 August 1995/Accepted: 22 August 1995  相似文献   

The catabolism of 4-hydroxyacetophenone in Pseudomonas fluorescens ACB is known to proceed through the intermediate formation of hydroquinone. Here, we provide evidence that hydroquinone is further degraded through 4-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde and maleylacetate to beta-ketoadipate. The P. fluorescens ACB genes involved in 4-hydroxyacetophenone utilization were cloned and characterized. Sequence analysis of a 15-kb DNA fragment showed the presence of 14 open reading frames containing a gene cluster (hapCDEFGHIBA) of which at least four encoded enzymes are involved in 4-hydroxyacetophenone degradation: 4-hydroxyacetophenone monooxygenase (hapA), 4-hydroxyphenyl acetate hydrolase (hapB), 4-hydroxymuconic semialdehyde dehydrogenase (hapE), and maleylacetate reductase (hapF). In between hapF and hapB, three genes encoding a putative intradiol dioxygenase (hapG), a protein of the Yci1 family (hapH), and a [2Fe-2S] ferredoxin (hapI) were found. Downstream of the hap genes, five open reading frames are situated encoding three putative regulatory proteins (orf10, orf12, and orf13) and two proteins possibly involved in a membrane efflux pump (orf11 and orf14). Upstream of hapE, two genes (hapC and hapD) were present that showed weak similarity with several iron(II)-dependent extradiol dioxygenases. Based on these findings and additional biochemical evidence, it is proposed that the hapC and hapD gene products are involved in the ring cleavage of hydroquinone.  相似文献   

Abstract The 2,3-butanediol dehydrogenase and the acetoin-cleaving system were simultaneously induced in Pseudomonas putida PpG2 during growth on 2,3-butanediol and on acetoin. Hybridization with a DNA probe covering the genes for the E1 subunits of the Alcaligenes eutrophus acetoin cleaving system and nucleotide sequence analysis identified acoA (975 bp), acoB (1020 bp), acoC (1110 bp), acoX (1053 bp) and adh (1086 bp) in a 6.3-kb genomic region. The amino acid sequences deduced from acoA , acoB , and acoC for E1α ( M r 34639), E1β ( M r 37268), and E2 ( M r 39613) of the P. putida acetoin cleaving system exhibited striking similarities to those of the corresponding components of the A. eutrophus acetoin cleaving system and of the acetoin dehydrogenase enzyme system of Pelobacter carbinolicus and other bacteria. Strong sequence similarities of the adh translational product (2,3-butanediol dehydrogenase, M r 38361) were obtained to various alcohol dehydrogenases belonging to the zinc- and NAD(P)-dependent long-chain (group I) alcohol dehydrogenases. Expression of the P. putida ADH in Escherichia coli was demonstrated. The aco genes and adh constitute presumably one single operon which encodes all enzymes required for the conversion of 2,3-butanediol to central metabolites.  相似文献   

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