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In sections of KMnO(4)-fixed, developing mouse sciatic nerves, the central gap of mesaxons in myelinating fibers is normally closed with close apposition of the outside approximately 20 A dense strata of the two approximately 75 A Schwann cell membranes. The two combined outside strata make the intraperiod line bisecting each myelin lamella. The approximately 150 A mesaxon is elaborated spirally around the axon in either a right hand or left hand spiral, and its inside (cytoplasmic) approximately 20 A strata in apposition form the major dense lines of myelin. In hypotonic solutions the lamellae of adult frog sciatic myelinated fibers split apart along the outside membrane strata apposed at the intraperiod line throughout the spiral. Under similar conditions the inside (cytoplasmic) strata of the membranes, in apposition at the major dense lines, do not separate. The approximately 150 A membranous structure resulting from this is called an "internal compound membrane." The double membranes of normal and control frog sciatic unmyelinated fibers have a central gap approximately 100 to 150 A wide. After soaking in 4 to 10 times normal strength Ringer solution or 10 N sucrose-Ringer solution, this gap closes and a membranous structure approximately 150 A wide resembling developing mouse mesaxons results. This is designated by the term "external compound membrane." The latter membranes resemble internal compound membranes, but their central dense zones, each consisting of two apposed outside membrane strata, are less dense.  相似文献   

The S334ter-line-3 rat is a transgenic model of retinal degeneration developed to express a rhodopsin mutation similar to that found in human retinitis pigmentosa (RP) patients. Previous studies have focused on physiological changes in retinal cells and higher centers of the visual system with this model of retinal degeneration. However, little is known about the morphological changes in retinal cells during the development of the S334ter-line-3 rat. In order to understand and aid vision-rescue strategies, our aim has been to describe the retinal degeneration pattern in this model. We focus on changes in the morphologies of horizontal, bipolar, and amacrine cells in developing S334ter-line-3 rat retinas. Degeneration of photoreceptors begins in the central retina and progresses toward the periphery. In retinas at post-natal day 15 (P15), horizontal and rod bipolar cells show normal morphology. However, at P21, horizontal and rod bipolar cells exhibit abnormal processes at the outer plexiform layer, whereas the outer nuclear layer is significantly thinner. A glial reaction occurs concomitantly. In contrast, modifications in cone-bipolar and amacrine cells are much slower and do not occur until P90 and P180, respectively. The density of horizontal and rod-bipolar cells significantly drops after P60. Overall, the S334ter-line-3 model exhibits the hallmarks of cellular remodeling caused by photoreceptor degeneration. Its moderately fast time course makes the S334ter-line-3 a good model for studying vision-rescue strategies.  相似文献   

V79 Chinese hamster cells were treated with hypertonic solutions of NaCl or KCl and irradiated rat various times before, during, or after exposure to the solution. In solutions of molarities between 0-2 and 0-5 M, the cellular radiosensitivity increases with the molarity of the bathing solution. At these molarities, the hypertonic solution need not be present during irradiation to sensitize cells. Furthermore, radiosensitivity of cells could be increased by exposing cells for longer times to the hypertonic solution before irradiation. At higher salt concentrations (at 1-5 to 1-8 M), significant radioprotection is observed. Survival curve data showed that this protection was characterized by an increase in DO and a decrease in n, while the survival curves of cells sensitized with 0-465 M NaCl or with lower concentrations exhibited mainly changes in DO. The 1-55 M NaCl solution must be present during radiation to give a protective effect. Prolonged exposure to the salt before irradiation reduced the amount of radioprotection afforded by the salt. The results are discussed in terms of the effects of ions on histones, cellular water structure and the cell-aging cycle.  相似文献   

Endonuclease digestion of isolated and unfixed mammalian metaphase chromosomes in vitro was examined as a means to study the higher-order regional organization of chromosomes related to banding patterns and the mechanisms of endonuclease-induced banding. Isolated mouse LM cell chromosomes, digested with the restriction enzymes AluI, HaeIII, EcoRI, BstNI, AvaII, or Sau96I, demonstrated reproducible G- and/or C-banding at the cytological level depending on the enzyme and digestion conditions. At the molecular level, specific DNA alterations were induced that correlated with the banding patterns produced. The results indicate that: (1) chromatin extraction is intimately involved in the mechanism of endonuclease induced chromosome banding. (2) The extracted DNA fragments are variable in size, ranging from 200 bp to more than 4 kb in length. (3) For HaeIII, there appears to be variation in the rate of restriction site cleavage in G- and R-bands; HaeIII sites appear to be more rapidly cleaved in R-bands than in G-bands. (4) AluI and HaeIII ultimately produce banding patterns that reflect regional differences in the distribution of restriction sites along the chromosome. (5) BstNI restriction sites in the satellite DNA of constitutive heterochromatin are not cleaved intrachromosomally, probably reflecting an inaccessibility of the BstNI sites to enzyme due to the condensed nature of this chromatin or specific DNA-protein interactions. This implies that some enzymes may induce banding related to regional differences in the accessibility of restriction sites along the chromosome. (6) Several specific nonhistone protein differences were noted in the extracted and residual chromatin following an AluI digestion. Of these, some nonhistones were primarily detected in the extracted chromatin while others were apparently resistant to extraction and located principally in the residual chromatin. (7) The chromatin in constitutive heterochromatin is transiently resistant to cleavage by micrococcal nuclease.  相似文献   

Olfactory receptor neurons employ a diversity of signaling mechanisms for transducing and encoding odorant information. The simultaneous activation of subsets of receptor neurons provides a complex pattern of activation in the olfactory bulb that allows for the rapid discrimination of odorant mixtures. While some transduction elements are conserved among many species, some species-specificity occurs in certain features that may relate to their particular physiology and ecological niche. However, studies of olfactory transduction have been limited to a relatively small number of vertebrate and invertebrate species. To better understand the diversity and evolution of olfactory transduction mechanisms, we studied stimulus-elicited calcium fluxes in olfactory neurons from a previously unstudied mammalian species, the domestic cat. Isolated cells from cat olfactory epithelium were stimulated with odorant mixtures and biochemical agents, and cell responses were measured with calcium imaging techniques. Odorants elicited either increases or decreases in intracellular calcium; odorant-induced calcium increases were mediated either by calcium fluxes through the cell membrane or by mobilization of intracellular stores. Individual cells could employ multiple signaling mechanisms to mediate responses to different odorants. The physiological features of these olfactory neurons suggest greater complexity than previously recognized in the role of peripheral neurons in encoding complex odor stimuli. The investigation of novel and unstudied species is important for understanding the mechanisms of odorant signaling that apply to the olfactory system in general and suggests both broadly conserved and species-specific evolutionary adaptations.  相似文献   

Recent data in invertebrates demonstrated that huntingtin (htt) is essential for fast axonal trafficking. Here, we provide direct and functional evidence that htt is involved in fast axonal trafficking in mammals. Moreover, expression of full-length mutant htt (mhtt) impairs vesicular and mitochondrial trafficking in mammalian neurons in vitro and in whole animals in vivo. Particularly, mitochondria become progressively immobilized and stop more frequently in neurons from transgenic animals. These defects occurred early in development prior to the onset of measurable neurological or mitochondrial abnormalities. Consistent with a progressive loss of function, wild-type htt, trafficking motors, and mitochondrial components were selectively sequestered by mhtt in human Huntington's disease-affected brain. Data provide a model for how loss of htt function causes toxicity; mhtt-mediated aggregation sequesters htt and components of trafficking machinery leading to loss of mitochondrial motility and eventual mitochondrial dysfunction.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine (ACh) responses were elicited by ionophoresis from neurons, located in the medial pontine reticular formation, which were antidromically identified as having axons projecting in the reticulospinal tracts. Most neurons were silent at rest and could be caused to discharge at a regular, slow rate by a constant application of glutamate. ACh altered this slow rate of firing in 28 of 29 cells but showed three different patterns of effect: approximately one-third were excited, one-third were inhibited, and one-third showed biphasic inhibition-excitation. The ACh responses were not sensitive to atropine. These observations suggest that reticulospinal neurons have ACh receptors mediating both inhibition and excitation, perhaps located on different portions of the same neuron.  相似文献   

Midbrain dopamine (DA) neurons play an essential role in modulating motor control, and their degeneration is the hallmark feature of Parkinson's disease (PD). In vitro production of DA neurons provides insight into the mechanisms that control cell fate choice, and offers an alternative to the use of fetal tissue for experimental cell replacement in PD. Here we will review the advantages and disadvantages of the various renewable cell sources and protocols tested, and discuss their relevance for basic studies and for cell therapy.  相似文献   

1. The resistance of different mammalian red blood cells (RBCs) to hyperosmotic environments was studied. RBCs of six mammalian species were exposed to 10 increasingly hyperosmotic NaCl solutions for 24 hr at 5 degrees C. 2. The osmolality at which the amount of liberated haemoglobin reached a preset level (e.g. 3-4% of the total haemoglobin) showed a linear correlation with negative slope with RBC volume. This indicates that small RBCs are more resistant to hyperosmotic milieu than large ones. 3. A similar relation can be found from literature data when maximal urinary tonicities are plotted as a function of RBC volume, i.e. animals with the ability to produce highly concentrated urine have small RBCs. 4. RBC volume and maximal urinary tonicity in mammals are therefore tightly linked. Future research will have to show whether this correlation is fortuitous or not and whether, as can be speculated, RBC size is directly or indirectly regulated by the kidney.  相似文献   

The adipose tissue-derived hormone leptin regulates energy balance through catabolic effects on central circuits, including proopiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons. Leptin activation of POMC neurons increases thermogenesis and locomotor activity. Protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B (PTP1B) is an important negative regulator of leptin signaling. POMC neuron-specific deletion of PTP1B in mice results in reduced high-fat diet-induced body weight and adiposity gain due to increased energy expenditure and greater leptin sensitivity. Mice lacking the leptin gene (ob/ob mice) are hypothermic and cold intolerant, whereas leptin delivery to ob/ob mice induces thermogenesis via increased sympathetic activity to brown adipose tissue (BAT). Here, we examined whether POMC PTP1B mediates the thermoregulatory response of CNS leptin signaling by evaluating food intake, body weight, core temperature (T(C)), and spontaneous physical activity (SPA) in response to either exogenous leptin or 4-day cold exposure (4°C) in male POMC-Ptp1b-deficient mice compared with wild-type controls. POMC-Ptp1b(-/-) mice were hypersensitive to leptin-induced food intake and body weight suppression compared with wild types, yet they displayed similar leptin-induced increases in T(C). Interestingly, POMC-Ptp1b(-/-) mice had increased BAT weight and elevated plasma triiodothyronine (T(3)) levels in response to a 4-day cold challenge, as well as reduced SPA 24 h after cold exposure, relative to controls. These data show that PTP1B in POMC neurons plays a role in short-term cold-induced reduction of SPA and may influence cold-induced thermogenesis via enhanced activation of the thyroid axis.  相似文献   

Mancozeb, ethylene(bis)dithiocarbamate fungicides, has been well documented in the literature as a multipotent carcinogen, but the underlying mechanism remains unrevealed. Thus, mancozeb has been selected in this study with the objective to decipher the molecular mechanism that culminates in carcinogenesis. We employed two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and mass spectrometry to generate a comparative proteome profile of control and mancozeb (200?mg/kg body weight) exposed mouse skin. Although many differentially expressed proteins were found, among them, two significantly upregulated proteins, namely, S100A6 (Calcyclin) and S100A9 (Calgranulin-B), are known markers of keratinocyte differentiation and proliferation, which suggested their role in mancozeb-induced neoplastic alterations. Therefore, we verified these alterations in the human system by using HaCaT cells as an in vitro model for human skin keratinocyte carcinogenesis. Upregulation of these two proteins upon mancozeb (0.5?μg/mL) exposure in HaCaT cells indicated its neoplastic potential in human skin also. This potential was confirmed by increase in number of colonies in colony formation and anchorage-independent growth assays. Modulation of S100A6/S100A9 targets, elevated phosphorylation of extracellular signal regulated kinase (ERK1/2), Elk1, nuclear factor- kappa B and cell division cycle 25 C phosphatase, and cyclin D1 and cyclooxygenase-2 upregulation was seen. In addition, PD98059 (ERK1/2 inhibitor) reduced cell proliferation induced by mancozeb, confirming the involvement of ERK1/2 signaling. Conclusively, we herein present the first report asserting that the mechanism involving S100A6 and S100A9 regulated ERK1/2 signaling underlies the mancozeb-induced neoplastic potential in human skin.  相似文献   

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