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The importance of allometry as an analytic tool is well recognized in the literature of primate morphology. However, a number of recent studies have illustrated how interpretive difficulties can arise when researchers confound different types of allometric data. Such confusion is due less to carelessness than to uncertainty about how different types of allometry are related. The present study examines the relationship between two types—ontogenetic and interspecific allometry–in the case of organ weight scaling in six species of Old World monkeys. Accepting the interpretation of interspecific allometry as a reflection of functional scaling constraints, the results of this analysis indicate how ontogenetic patterns have been modified in different-sized species to maintain compliance with these constraints. Specifically, for the heart and lungs it appears that vertical transpositions of individual species' ontogenies are dictated by isometric interspecific allometry, while in the case of the kidneys and liver, the relation of negative allometry across species entails alteration of the relative growth coefficients of the individual species. While these conclusions can at present only be applied to organ weight scaling, the approach of examining interspecific patterns in light of developmental differences between species should prove very helpful in our efforts to understand the phenomena of size and scaling.  相似文献   

Most studies of sexual dimorphism in mammals focus on overall body size. However, relatively little is known about the differences in growth trajectories that produce dimorphism in organ and muscle size. We weighed six organs and four muscles in Rattus norvegicus to determine what heterochronic and allometric scaling differences exist between the sexes. This cross-sectional growth study included 113 males and 109 females with ages ranging from birth to 200 days of age. All muscle and organ weights were ultimately greater in males than in females, because males grew for a longer period of time, had a greater maximum rate of growth, and spent more time near the maximum rate. No ontogenetic scaling differences existed between the sexes in organ weight except for lungs and gonads. During growth, organ weights were negatively allometric to body weight. No scaling differences relative to body weight existed between the sexes for muscles; however, there was variation in the allometric relations among muscles relative to body weight. Sexual dimorphism in muscles and organs appears to be a size difference resulting from differences in the duration and rates of growth.  相似文献   

Morphological traits often covary within and among species according to simple power laws referred to as allometry. Such allometric relationships may result from common growth regulation, and this has given rise to the hypothesis that allometric exponents may have low evolvability and constrain trait evolution. We formalize hypotheses for how allometry may constrain morphological trait evolution across taxa, and test these using more than 300 empirical estimates of static (within‐species) allometric relations of animal morphological traits. Although we find evidence for evolutionary changes in allometric parameters on million‐year, cross‐species time scales, there is limited evidence for microevolutionary changes in allometric slopes. Accordingly, we find that static allometries often predict evolutionary allometries on the subspecies level, but less so across species. Although there is a large body of work on allometry in a broad sense that includes all kinds of morphological trait–size relationships, we found relatively little information about the evolution of allometry in the narrow sense of a power relationship. Despite the many claims of microevolutionary changes of static allometries in the literature, hardly any of these apply to narrow‐sense allometry, and we argue that the hypothesis of strongly constrained static allometric slopes remains viable.  相似文献   

The critical problem confronting all allometric studies is the choice of an appropriate size variable, especially when body mass or some other measure of total size is unavailable. A method proposed by Jolicoeur (1963a,b) claims to generate an internal size variable by a principal components analysis of the covariance matrix of logarithmically transformed data, from which allometric coefficients can be computed. Despite the current popularity of this method, the precise relationship and degree of compatibility between such multivariate coefficients and the exponent of the bivariate power function (Y = βXα) is unknown. This study evaluates the comparability and interpretability of allometric values computed by Jolicoeur's procedure and by standard bivariate regressions (least squares and major axis). Two primate data sets with known measures of size were utilized for these purposes: (1) longitudinal growth data from radiographs of two species of capuchin monkeys, Cebus apella and Cebus albifrons; and (2) interspecific osteometric data from a series of adult lemurs, species of prosimians from Madagascar. Consistent differences exist between multivariate and bivariate allometric coefficients for both ontogenetic and static data sets. Multivariate analysis underestimated the coefficients in the former and overestimated them in the latter. The internal size variable generated by principal components analysis is clearly not equivalent to, and hence not a suitable substitute for, known measures of size. Moreover, multivariate coefficients are very sensitive to the composition of variables in a given data set; α values of a variable changed appreciably depending on the other variables included in the analysis. The multivariate coefficients are also sample-specific, and provide misleading biological information when compared between samples (e.g., between species of capuchin monkey). For allometric investigations designed to evaluate scaling parameters relative to total size, alternative analytical solutions to the Jolicoeur method should be considered.  相似文献   

We use data from the literature to compare two statistical procedures for estimating mass (or size) of quadrupedal dinosaurs and other extraordinarily large animals in extinct lineages. Both methods entail extrapolation from allometric equations fitted to data for a reference group of contemporary animals having a body form similar to that of the dinosaurs. The first method is the familiar one of fitting a straight line to logarithmic transformations, followed by back-transformation of the resulting equation to a two-parameter power function in the arithmetic scale. The second procedure entails fitting a two-parameter power function directly to arithmetic data for the extant forms by nonlinear regression. In the example presented here, the summed circumferences for humerus plus femur for 33 species of quadrupedal mammals was the predictor variable in the reference sample and body mass was the response variable. The allometric equation obtained by back-transformation from logarithms was not a good fit to the largest species in the reference sample and presumably led to grossly inaccurate estimates for body mass of several large dinosaurs. In contrast, the allometric equation obtained by nonlinear regression described data in the reference sample quite well, and it presumably resulted in better estimates for body mass of the dinosaurs. The problem with the traditional analysis can be traced to change in the relationship between predictor and response variables attending transformation, thereby causing measurements for large animals not to be weighted appropriately in fitting models by least squares regression. Extrapolations from statistical models obtained by back-transformation from lines fitted to logarithms are unlikely to yield reliable predictions for body size in extinct animals. Numerous reports on the biology of dinosaurs, including recent studies of growth, may need to be reconsidered in light of our findings.  相似文献   

James L. Maino  Michael R. Kearney 《Oikos》2015,124(12):1564-1570
The uptake of resources from the environment is a basic feature of all life. Consumption rate has been found to scale with body size with an exponent close to unity across diverse organisms. However, past analyses have ignored the important distinction between ontogenetic and interspecific size comparisons. Using principles of dynamic energy budget theory, we present a mechanistic model for the body mass scaling of consumption, which separates interspecific size effects from ontogenetic size effects. Our model predicts uptake to scale with surface‐area (mass2/3) during ontogenetic growth but more quickly (between mass3/4 and mass1) for interspecific comparisons. Available data for 41 insect species on consumption and assimilation during ontogeny provides strong empirical support for our theoretical predictions. Specifically, consumption rate scaled interspecifically with an exponent close to unity (0.89) but during ontogenetic growth scaled more slowly with an exponent of 0.70. Assimilation rate (consumption minus defecation) through ontogeny scaled more slowly than consumption due to a decrease in assimilation efficiency as insects grow. Our results highlight how body size imposes different constraints on metabolism depending on whether the size comparison is ontogenetic or inter‐specific. Synthesis One of the most robust patterns in biology is the effect of body size on metabolism – a relationship that underlies the rapidly emerging field of metabolic ecology. However, the precise energetic constraints imposed by body size have been notoriously difficult to entangle. Here we show that the constraints imposed on metabolism by body size are different depending on whether the size comparison is ontogenetic or interspecific. Using a single unifying theory of animal metabolism and a newly compiled data set on insect consumption and assimilation rates, we show that interspecific comparisons generally lead to the estimation of higher scaling exponents compared with ontogenetic comparisons. Our results help to explain large variation in estimated metabolic scaling exponents and will encourage future studies in metabolic ecology to make the important distinction between ontogenetic and evolutionary size changes.  相似文献   

There exists an extensive literature that deals with interspecific allometry, eg, brain size-body size relationships among species. Yet comparatively little attention has been paid to intraspecific or static adult allometry. An intraspecfic allometric analysis was conducted on the complete permanent dentition of a prehistoric American Indian population (N = 156). Mesiodistal and buccolingual measurements were logarithmically transformed and regressed on log transformations of femur length, an estimate of body size. When measurements of antimeric teeth were introduced together into common regressions on femur length, 20 of the 32 slopes were significantly different from zero. Thirty-one of the slopes ranged between zero and one and clustered between 0.2 and 0.4. Hence, negative allometry describes the tooth size-body size association, ie, taller individuals in general possess absolutely but not relatively larger teeth than shorter individuals. In addition, no significant sex differences for the regression slopes were observed. Though significantly correlated, tooth size and body size variables are too weakly associated to permit accurate predictons from regression equations. Evolutionary implications of intraspecfic dental allometry are discussed.  相似文献   

Allometric scaling relationships enable exploration of animal space-use patterns, yet interspecific studies cannot address many of the underlying mechanisms. We present the first intraspecific study of home range (HR) allometry relative to energetic requirements over several orders of magnitude of body mass, using as a model the predatory fish, pike Esox lucius. Analogous with interspecific studies, we show that space use increases more rapidly with mass (exponent = 1.08) than metabolic scaling theories predict. Our results support a theory that suggests increasing HR overlap with body mass explains many of these differences in allometric scaling of HR size. We conclude that, on a population scale, HR size and energetic requirement scale allometrically, but with different exponents.  相似文献   

Comparative studies of chondrocranial morphology in larval anurans are typically qualitative in nature, focusing primarily on discrete variation or gross differences in the size or shape of individual structures. Detailed data on chondrocranial allometry are currently limited to only two species, Rana sylvatica and Bufo americanus. This study uses geometric morphometric and multivariate statistical analyses to examine interspecific variation in both larval chondrocranial shape and patterns of ontogenetic allometry among six species of Rana. Variation is interpreted within the context of hypothesized phylogenetic relationships among these species. Canonical variates analyses of geometric morphometric datasets indicate that species can be clearly discriminated based on chondrocranial shape, even when whole ontogenies are included in the analysis. Ordinations and cluster analyses based on chondrocranial shape data indicate the presence of three primary groupings (R. sylvatica; R. catesbeiana + R. clamitans; and R. palustris + R. pipiens + R. sphenocephala), and patterns of similarity closely reflect phylogenetic relationships. Analysis of chondrocranial allometry reveals that some patterns are conserved across all species (e.g., most measurements scale with negative allometry, those associated with the posterior palatoquadrate tend to scale with isometry or positive allometry). Ontogenetic scaling along similar allometric trajectories, lateral transpositions of individual trajectories, and variable allometric relationships all contribute to shape differences among species. Overall patterns of similarity among ontogenetic trajectories also strongly reflect phylogenetic relationships. Thus, this study demonstrates a tight link between ontogeny, phylogeny, and morphology, and highlights the importance of including both ontogenetic and phylogenetic data in studies of chondrocranial evolution in larval anurans.  相似文献   

In vivo study of mastication in adult cercopithecine primates demonstrates a link between mandibular symphyseal form and resistance to “wishboning,” or lateral transverse bending. Mechanical consideration of wishboning at the symphysis indicates exponentially higher stresses along the lingual surface with increasing symphyseal curvature. Lengthening the anteroposterior width of the symphysis acts to resist these higher loads. Interspecific adult cercopithecine allometries show that both symphyseal curvature and symphyseal width exhibit positive allometry relative to body mass. The experimental and allometric data support an hypothesis that the cercopithecine mandibular symphysis is designed to maintain functional equivalence—in this case dynamic strain similarity—in wishboning stress and strain magnitudes across adult cercopithecines. We test the hypothesis that functional equivalence during masticatory wishboning is maintained throughout ontogeny by calculating relative stress estimates from morphometric dimensions of the mandibular symphysis in two cercopithecine primates, Macaca fascicularis and M. nemestrina. Results indicate no significant differences in relative stress estimates among the two macaque ontogenies and an interspecific sample of adult papionin primates. Further, relative stress estimates do not change significantly throughout ontogeny in either species. These results offer the first evidence for the maintenance of functional equivalence in stress and strain levels during postnatal growth in a habitually loaded cranial structure. Scaling analyses demonstrate significant slope differences for both symphyseal curvature and width between the ontogenetic and interspecific samples. The distinct interspecific cercopithecine slopes are realized by a series of ontogenetic transpositions in both symphyseal curvature and width. Throughout papionin ontogeny, symphyseal curvature increases with less negative allometry, while symphysis width increases with less positive allometry versus the interspecific pattern. As symphyseal curvature and width are inversely proportional to one another in estimating relative stresses, functionally equivalent stress levels are maintained both ontogenetically and interspecifically, because the relatively slower rate of allometric increase in symphyseal curvature during growth is compensated for by a slower rate of allometric increase in symphyseal width. These results indicate the primacy of maintaining functional equivalence during growth and the need for ontogenetic data in understanding the evolutionary processes that affect form–function relations as well as the interspecific patterning of adult form across a clade. J. Morphol. 235:157–175, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Allometric relationships describe the proportional covariation between morphological, physiological, or life‐history traits and the size of the organisms. Evolutionary allometries estimated among species are expected to result from species differences in ontogenetic allometry, but it remains uncertain whether ontogenetic allometric parameters and particularly the ontogenetic slope can evolve. In bovids, the nonlinear evolutionary allometry between horn length and body mass in males suggests systematic changes in ontogenetic allometry with increasing species body mass. To test this hypothesis, we estimated ontogenetic allometry between horn length and body mass in males and females of 19 bovid species ranging from ca. 5 to 700 kg. Ontogenetic allometry changed systematically with species body mass from steep ontogenetic allometries over a short period of horn growth in small species to shallow allometry with the growth period of horns matching the period of body mass increase in the largest species. Intermediate species displayed steep allometry over long period of horn growth. Females tended to display shallower ontogenetic allometry with longer horn growth compared to males, but these differences were weak and highly variable. These findings show that ontogenetic allometric slope evolved across species possibly as a response to size‐related changes in the selection pressures acting on horn length and body mass.  相似文献   

Comparative quantitative investigations of organs of Caviomorpha . The weights of the organs: heart, liver, lung, spleen, kidneys and stomach-intestines were measured in nine species of caviomorph rodents. The sizes of these organs were compared using allometry formulae calculated for each organ from the Caviomorpha to the allometric lines of mammals (mouse-to-elephant line). The slopes of the two sets were nearly equal, except for the lung/body slope. In organ sizes, independently from body size, most of the caviomorph species were found to be outlying with respect to the reference Mammalia. Thus, compared to the general mammalian-line the organ sizes of the caviomorph vary between an increase of 47% in the kidneys of Microcavia australis and a decrease of 68% in the spleen weight of Lagostomus maximus . It is argued that these differences in size suggest a strong correlation to the functional importance of the organs, and that the large range of variation in organ size is regarded as a process of functional adaptation to different life styles within caviomorph rodents.  相似文献   

The relationship between ontogenetic, static, and evolutionary levels of allometry is investigated. Extrapolation from relative size relationships in adults to relative growth in ontogeny depends on the variability of slopes and intercepts of ontogenetic vectors relative to variability in length of the vector. If variability in slopes and intercepts is low relative to variability in length, ontogenetic and static allometries will be similar. The similarity of ontogenetic and static allometries was tested by comparing the first principal component, or size vector, for correlations among 48 cranial traits in a cross-sectional ontogenetic sample of rhesus macaques from Cayo Santiago with a static sample from which all age- and sex-related variation had been removed. The vector correlation between the components is high but significantly less than one while two of three allometric patterns apparent in the ontogenetic component are not discernable in the static component. This indicates that there are important differences in size and shape relationships among adults and within ontogenies. Extrapolation from intra- or interspecific phenotypic allometry to evolutionary allometry is shown to depend on the similarity of genetic and phenotypic allometry patterns. Similarity of patterns was tested by comparing the first principal components of the phenotypic, genetic, and environmental correlation matrices calculated using standard quantitative genetic methods. The patterns of phenotypic, genetic, and environmental allometry are dissimilar; only the environmental allometries show ontogenetic allometric patterns. This indicates that phenotypic allometry may not be an accurate guide to patterns of evolutionary change in size and shape.  相似文献   

There is a widely held assumption that skeletal weights of mammals increase disproportionately with increased body size. Recent empirical studies have supported this assumption, and it has been suggested that this might account for the fact that metabolic rate scales to body weight with a negative allometry. Other studies, however, have suggested that skeletal weight in primates is directly proportionate to body weight. The results of this study support this latter interpretation and also indicate that the same is true for two other orders of mammals that were a part of the earlier allometric studies. The evidence suggests that skeletal weight scales isometricallywith body weight within individual mammalian orders. From this it is concluded that skeletal weight does not play any part in determining the negatively allometric scaling of metabolic rate.  相似文献   

Brain size is strongly associated with body size in all vertebrates. This relationship has been hypothesized to be an important constraint on adaptive brain size evolution. The essential assumption behind this idea is that static (i.e., within species) brain–body allometry has low ability to evolve. However, recent studies have reported mixed support for this view. Here, we examine brain–body static allometry in Lake Tanganyika cichlids using a phylogenetic comparative framework. We found considerable variation in the static allometric intercept, which explained the majority of variation in absolute and relative brain size. In contrast, the slope of the brain–body static allometry had relatively low variation, which explained less variation in absolute and relative brain size compared to the intercept and body size. Further examination of the tempo and mode of evolution of static allometric parameters confirmed these observations. Moreover, the estimated evolutionary parameters indicate that the limited observed variation in the static allometric slope could be a result of strong stabilizing selection. Overall, our findings suggest that the brain–body static allometric slope may represent an evolutionary constraint in Lake Tanganyika cichlids.  相似文献   

A problematic aspect of brain/body allometry is the frequency of interspecific series which exhibit allometry coefficients of approximately 0.33. This coefficient is significantly lower than the 0.66 value which is usually taken to be the interspecific norm. A number of explanations have been forwarded to account for this finding. These include (1) intraspecificallometry explanations, (2) nonallometric explanations, and (3) Jerison’s “extraneurons” hypothesis, among others. The African apes, which exhibit a lowered interspecific allometry coefficient, are used here to consider previous explanations. These are found to be inadequate in a number of ways, and an alternative explanation is proposed. This explanation is based on patterns of brain and body size change during ontogeny and phytogeny. It is argued that the interspecific allometry coefficient in African apes parallels the intraspecific one because similar ontogenetic modifications of body growth separate large and small forms along each curve. In both cases, body size differences are produced primarily by growth in later postnatal periods, during which little brain growth occurs. Data on body growth, neonatal scaling, and various lifehistory traits support this explanation. This work extends previous warnings that sizecorrected estimates of relative brain size may not correspond very closely to our understanding of the behavioral capacities of certain species in lineages characterized by rapid change in body size.  相似文献   

We explored the ontogenetic dynamics of the morphological and allometric disparity in the cranium shapes of twelve lacertid lizard species. The analysed species (Darevskia praticola, Dinarolacerta mosorensis, Iberolacerta horvathi, Lacerta agilis, L. trilineata, L. viridis, Podarcis erhardii, P. melisellensis, P. muralis, P. sicula, P. taurica and Zootoca vivipara) can be classified into different ecomorphs: terrestrial lizards that inhabit vegetated habitats (habitats with lush or sparse vegetation), saxicolous and shrub‐climbing lizards. We observed that there was an overall increase in the morphological disparity (MD) during the ontogeny of the lacertid lizards. The ventral cranium, which is involved in the mechanics of jaw movement and feeding, showed higher levels of MD, an ontogenetic shift in the morphospace planes and more variable allometric patterns than more conserved dorsal crania. With respect to ecology, the allometric trajectories of the shrub‐climbing species tended to cluster together, whereas the allometric trajectories of the saxicolous species were highly dispersed. Our results indicate that the ontogenetic patterns of morphological and allometric disparity in the lacertid lizards are modified by ecology and functional constraints and that the identical mechanisms that lead to intraspecific morphological variation also produce morphological divergence at higher taxonomic levels.  相似文献   

以干热河谷6种草本植物为对象,研究了水分、养分、刈割对生物量在根、茎、叶的分配及异速生长关系的影响.结果表明:刈割处理叶生物量质量分数从25.1%显著增加到31.2%,茎生物量质量分数从43.7%显著降低到34.2%;养分添加处理根生物量质量分数从34.0%显著降低到30.8%;水分处理对生物量分配没有显著影响.物种对根、茎、叶生物量分配有显著影响,适应贫瘠土壤的物种将更多生物量分配给叶和根,对茎生物量的分配相对较低.物种与环境因子存在显著的互作效应,表明环境因子对不同物种的生物量分配影响不同.适应贫瘠土壤的物种叶-茎标度指数和异速生长常数大于其他物种,而茎-根标度指数和异速生长常数小于其他物种.养分显著增加了叶-茎和叶-根的异速生长常数,刈割显著降低了茎-根的标度指数,水分处理则没有显著效应.环境因素对器官间异速生长关系的影响存在种间差异.生物量分配的种间差异及其对环境因素的响应特征可能对植物适应环境变化产生重要影响.  相似文献   

Allometric methods can be used to test quantitative theories of the relationship between brain size and body size across species, and to search for ecological, behavioural, life history, and ontogenetic correlates of brain size. Brain size scales with an allometric exponent of around 0.75 against body size across mammals, but is closer to 0.56 for birds and for reptiles. The slope of the allometric line often varies depending upon the taxonomic level of analysis. However, this phenomenon, at least in mammals, may be a statistical artifact. Brain size for a given body size (relative brain size) varies among orders in birds and mammals, and some dietary associations with relative brain size have been found in particular taxa. Developmental status at birth is the most consistent correlate of relative brain size: precocial neonates have larger brains for a given maternal size than altricial neonates in both birds and mammals. Altricial neonates, however, have more brain growth following birth, and in birds also have larger relative adult brain sizes. Energetic explanations for differences in neonatal brain growth, although attractive on theoretical grounds, have largely failed to stand up to empirical tests.  相似文献   

The relationship between body size and basal metabolic rate (BMR) in homeotherms has been treated in the literature primarily by comparison between species of mammals or birds. This paper focuses on the intraindividual changes in BMR when body mass (W) varies with different maintenance regimens. BMR varied in individual kestrels in proportion to W1.67, which is considerably steeper than the mass exponents for homomorphic change (0.667; Heusner, 1984) for interspecific comparison among all birds (0.677) or raptors (0.678), for interindividual comparison of kestrels on ad libitum maintenance regimens (0.786), and for mass proportionality (1.00). The circadian range of telemetered core temperature also varied more strongly with intraindividual than with interspecific (Aschoff, 1981a) variation in mass. This was due to reduced nocturnal core temperature at low-maintenance regimens, which was, however, insufficient to account for the excessive reduction in BMR. kidney lean mass at Carcass analysis of eight birds sacrificed revealed a disproportionate reduction in heart and kidney lean mass at low-maintenance regimens. We surmise that variation in BMR primarily reflects variation in these metabolically highly active tissues. This may account for positive correlations found between heart, kidney, and BMR residuals relative to interspecific allometric prediction, and between alpha and rho residuals, as expected on the basis of the constant excess of BMR during alpha above BMR during rho (Aschoff & Pohl, 1970a).  相似文献   

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