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The periodontal ligament (PDL) is a fibrous connective tissue that attaches the tooth to the alveolar bone. We previously demonstrated the ability of PDL fibroblast-like cells to construct an endothelial cell (EC) marker-positive blood vessel-like structure, indicating the potential of fibroblastic lineage cells in PDL tissue as precursors of endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) to facilitate the construction of a vascular system around damaged PDL tissue. A vascular regeneration around PDL tissue needs proliferation of vascular progenitor cells and the subsequent differentiation of the cells. Transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) is known as an inducer of endothelial-mesenchymal transition (EndMT), however, it remains to be clarified what kinds of TGF-β signals affect growth and mesenchymal differentiation of PDL-derived EPC-like fibroblastic cells. Here, we demonstrated that TGF-β1 not only suppressed the proliferation of the PDL-derived EPC-like fibroblastic cells, but also induced smooth muscle cell (SMC) markers expression in the cells. On the other hand, TGF-β1 stimulation suppressed EC marker expression. Intriguingly, overexpression of Smad7, an inhibitor for TGF-β-induced Smad-dependent signaling, suppressed the TGF-β1-induced growth inhibition and SMC markers expression, but did not the TGF-β1-induced downregulation of EC marker expression. In contrast, p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) inhibitor SB 203580 suppressed the TGF-β1-induced downregulation of EC marker expression. In addition, the TGF-β1-induced SMC markers expression of the PDL-derived cells was reversed upon stimulation with fibroblast growth factor (FGF), suggesting that the TGF-β1 might not induce terminal SMC differentiation of the EPC-like fibroblastic cells. Thus, TGF-β1 not only negatively controls the growth of PDL-derived EPC-like fibroblastic cells via a Smad-dependent manner but also positively controls the SMC-differentiation of the cells possibly at the early stage of the translineage commitment via Smad- and p38 MAPK-dependent manners.  相似文献   

The housekeeping sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca(2+) ATPase SERCA2b transports Ca(2+) across the endoplasmic reticulum membrane maintaining a vital Ca(2+) gradient. Compared with the muscle-specific isoforms SERCA2a and SERCA1a, SERCA2b houses an 11th transmembrane segment (TM11) and a short luminal extension (LE) at its C terminus (2b-tail). The 2b-tail imposes a 2-fold higher apparent Ca(2+) affinity and lower V(max). Previously, we assumed that LE is the sole functional region of the 2b-tail and that TM11 is a passive element providing an additional membrane passage. However, here we show that peptides corresponding to the TM11 region specifically modulate the activity of the homologous SERCA1a in co-reconstituted proteoliposomes and mimic the 2b-tail effect (i.e. lower V(max) and higher Ca(2+) affinity). Using truncated 2b-tail variants we document that TM11 regulates SERCA1a independently from LE, confirming that TM11 is a second, previously unrecognized functional region of the 2b-tail. A phylogenetic analysis further indicates that TM11 is the oldest and most conserved feature of the 2b-tail, found in the SERCA pump of all Bilateria, whereas LE is only present in Nematoda and vertebrates. Considering remarkable similarities with the Na(+),K(+)-ATPase α-β interaction, we now propose a model for interaction of TM11 with TM7 and TM10 in the anchoring subdomain of the Ca(2+) pump. This model involves a TM11-induced helix bending of TM7. In conclusion, more than just a passive structural feature, TM11 acts as a genuine regulator of Ca(2+) transport through interaction with the pump.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated calcium channels, which play key roles in many physiological processes, are composed of a pore-forming α1 subunit associated with up to three auxiliary subunits. In vertebrates, the role of auxiliary subunits has mostly been studied in heterologous systems, mainly because of the severe phenotypes of knock-out animals. The genetic model Caenorhabditis elegans has all main types of voltage-gated calcium channels and strong loss-of-function mutations in all pore-forming and auxiliary subunits; it is therefore a useful model to investigate the roles of auxiliary subunits in their native context. By recording calcium currents from channel and auxiliary subunit mutants, we molecularly dissected the voltage-dependent calcium currents in striated muscle of C. elegans. We show that EGL-19 is the only α1 subunit that carries calcium currents in muscle cells. We then demonstrate that the α2/δ subunit UNC-36 modulates the voltage dependence, the activation kinetics, and the conductance of calcium currents, whereas another α2/δ subunit TAG-180 has no effect. Finally, we characterize mutants of the two β subunits, CCB-1 and CCB-2. CCB-1 is necessary for viability, and voltage-dependent calcium currents are abolished in the absence of CCB-1 whereas CCB-2 does not affect currents. Altogether these results show that EGL-19, UNC-36, and CCB-1 underlie voltage-dependent calcium currents in C. elegans striated muscle.  相似文献   

The regulation of the cell cycle by the ubiquitin-proteasome system is dependent on the activity of E3 ligases. Skp2 (S-phase kinase associated protein-2) is the substrate recognition subunit of the E3 ligase that ubiquitylates the cell cycle inhibitors p21cip1 and p27kip1 thus promoting cell cycle progression. Increased expression of Skp2 is frequently observed in diseases characterized by excessive cell proliferation, such as cancer and neointima hyperplasia. The stability and cellular localization of Skp2 are regulated by Akt, but the molecular mechanisms underlying these effects remain only partly understood. The scaffolding protein Ezrin-Binding Phosphoprotein of 50 kDa (EBP50) contains two PDZ domains and plays a critical role in the development of neointimal hyperplasia. Here we report that EBP50 directly binds Skp2 via its first PDZ domain. Moreover, EBP50 is phosphorylated by Akt on Thr-156 within the second PDZ domain, an event that allosterically promotes binding to Skp2. The interaction with EBP50 causes cytoplasmic localization of Skp2, increases Skp2 stability and promotes proliferation of primary vascular smooth muscle cells. Collectively, these studies define a novel regulatory mechanism contributing to aberrant cell growth and highlight the importance of scaffolding function of EBP50 in Akt-dependent cell proliferation.  相似文献   

Decorin is a small proteoglycan, composed of 12 leucine-rich repeats (LRRs) that modulates the activity of transforming growth factor type β (TGF-β) and other growth factors, and thereby influences proliferation and differentiation in a wide array of physiological and pathological processes, such as fibrosis, in several tissues and organs. Previously we described two novel modulators of the TGF-β-dependent signaling pathway: LDL receptor-related protein (LRP-1) and decorin. Here we have determined the regions in decorin that are responsible for interaction with LRP-1 and are involved in TGF-β-dependent binding and signaling. Specifically, we used decorin deletion mutants, as well as peptides derived from internal LRR regions, to determine the LRRs responsible for these decorin functions. Our results indicate that LRR6 and LRR5 participate in the interaction with LRP-1 and TGF-β as well as in its dependent signaling. Furthermore, the internal region (LRR6i), composed of 11 amino acids, is responsible for decorin binding to LRP-1 and subsequent TGF-β-dependent signaling. Furthermore, using an in vivo approach, we also demonstrate that the LRR6 region of decorin can inhibit TGF-β mediated action in response to skeletal muscle injury.  相似文献   

Homer proteins are scaffold molecules with a domain structure consisting of an N-terminal Ena/VASP homology 1 protein-binding domain and a C-terminal leucine zipper/coiled-coil domain. The Ena/VASP homology 1 domain recognizes proline-rich motifs and binds multiple Ca2+-signaling proteins, including G protein-coupled receptors, inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptors, ryanodine receptors, and transient receptor potential channels. However, their role in Ca2+ signaling in nonexcitable cells is not well understood. In this study, we investigated the role of Homer2 on Ca2+ signaling in parotid gland acinar cells using Homer2-deficient (Homer2−/−) mice. Homer2 is localized at the apical pole in acinar cells. Deletion of Homer2 did not affect inositol 1,4,5-triphosphate receptor localization or channel activity and did not affect the expression and activity of sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase pumps. In contrast, Homer2 deletion markedly increased expression of plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase (PMCA) pumps, in particular PMCA4, at the apical pole. Accordingly, Homer2 deficiency increased Ca2+ extrusion by acinar cells. These findings were supported by co-immunoprecipitation of Homer2 and PMCA in wild-type parotid cells and transfected human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK293) cells. We identified a Homer-binding PPXXF-like motif in the N terminus of PMCA that is required for interaction with Homer2. Mutation of the PPXXF-like motif did not affect the interaction of PMCA with Homer1 but inhibited its interaction with Homer2 and increased Ca2+ clearance by PMCA. These findings reveal an important regulation of PMCA by Homer2 that has a central role on PMCA-mediated Ca2+ signaling in parotid acinar cells.  相似文献   

The large conductance voltage- and Ca2+-activated K+ channel (MaxiK, BKCa, BK) is composed of four pore-forming α-subunits and can be associated with regulatory β-subunits. One of the functional roles of MaxiK is to regulate vascular tone. We recently found that the MaxiK channel from coronary smooth muscle is trans-inhibited by activation of the vasoconstricting thromboxane A2 prostanoid receptor (TP), a mechanism supported by MaxiK α-subunit (MaxiKα)-TP physical interaction. Here, we examined the role of the MaxiK β1-subunit in TP-MaxiK association. We found that the β1-subunit can by itself interact with TP and that this association can occur independently of MaxiKα. Subcellular localization analysis revealed that β1 and TP are closely associated at the cell periphery. The molecular mechanism of β1-TP interaction involves predominantly the β1 extracellular loop. As reported previously, TP activation by the thromboxane A2 analog U46619 caused inhibition of MaxiKα macroscopic conductance or fractional open probability (FPo) as a function of voltage. However, the positive shift of the FPo versus voltage curve by U46619 relative to the control was less prominent when β1 was coexpressed with TP and MaxiKα proteins (20 ± 6 mV, n = 7) than in cells expressing TP and MaxiKα alone (51 ± 7 mV, n = 7). Finally, β1 gene ablation reduced the EC50 of the U46619 agonist in mediating aortic contraction from 18 ± 1 nm (n = 12) to 9 ± 1 nm (n = 12). The results indicate that the β1-subunit can form a tripartite complex with TP and MaxiKα, has the ability to associate with each protein independently, and diminishes U46619-induced MaxiK channel trans-inhibition as well as vasoconstriction.  相似文献   

Saccharomyces cerevisiae Kre6 is a type II membrane protein with amino acid sequence homology with glycoside hydrolase and is essential for β-1,6-glucan synthesis as revealed by the mutant phenotype, but its biochemical function is still unknown. The localization of Kre6, determined by epitope tagging, is a matter of debate. We raised anti-Kre6 rabbit antiserum and examined the localization of Kre6 and its tagged protein by immunofluorescence microscopy, subcellular fractionation in sucrose density gradients, and immunoelectron microscopy. Integration of the results indicates that the majority of Kre6 is in the endoplasmic reticulum; however, a small but significant portion is also present in the secretory vesicle-like compartments and plasma membrane. Kre6 in the latter compartments is observed as strong signals that accumulate at the sites of polarized growth by immunofluorescence. The truncated Kre6 without the N-terminal 230-amino acid cytoplasmic region did not show this polarized accumulation and had a severe defect in β-1,6-glucan synthesis. This is the first evidence of a β-1,6-glucan-related protein showing the polarized membrane localization that correlates with its biological function.  相似文献   

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