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Protein dynamics play a major role for the catalytic function of enzymes, the interaction of protein complexes or signal integration in regulatory proteins. In the context of multi-domain proteins involved in light-regulation of enzymatic effectors, the central role of conformational dynamics is well established. Light activation of sensory modules is followed by long-range signal transduction to different effectors; rather than domino-style structural rearrangements, a complex interplay of functional elements is required to maintain functionality. One family of such sensor-effector systems are red-light-regulated phytochromes that control diguanylate cyclases involved in cyclic-dimeric-GMP formation. Based on structural and functional studies of one prototypic family member, the central role of the coiled-coil sensor-effector linker was established. Interestingly, subfamilies with different linker lengths feature strongly varying biochemical characteristics. The dynamic interplay of the domains involved, however, is presently not understood. Here we show that the PHY domain dimer interface plays an essential role in signal integration, and that a functional coupling with the coiled-coil linker element is crucial. Chimaeras of two biochemically different family members highlight the phytochrome-spanning helical spine as an essential structural element involved in light-dependent upregulation of enzymatic turnover. However, isolated structural elements can frequently not be assigned to individual characteristics, which further emphasises the importance of global conformational dynamics. Our results provide insights into the intricate processes at play during light signal integration and transduction in these photosensory systems and thus provide additional guidelines for a more directed design of novel sensor-effector combinations with potential applications as optogenetic tools.  相似文献   

Quantification of viral replication underlies investigations into host-virus interactions. In Drosophila melanogaster, persistent infections with Drosophila C virus, Drosophila A virus, and Nora virus are commonly observed in nature and in laboratory fly stocks. However, traditional endpoint dilution assays to quantify infectious titers are not compatible with persistently infecting isolates of these viruses that do not cause cytopathic effects in cell culture. Here we present a novel assay based on immunological detection of Drosophila C virus infection that allows quantification of infectious titers for a wider range of Drosophila C virus isolates. We also describe strand specific RT-qPCR assays for quantification of viral negative strand RNA produced during Drosophila C virus, Drosophila A virus, and Nora virus infection. Finally, we demonstrate the utility of these assays for quantification of viral replication during oral infections and persistent infections with each virus.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) core is a highly conserved and multifunctional protein that forms the viral capsid, making it an attractive target for HCV detection and inhibition. Aptamers are in vitro selected, single-stranded nucleic acids (RNA or ssDNA) with growing applicability in viral diagnostics and therapy. We have carried out DNA and RNA in vitro selection against six different variants of HCV core protein: two versions of the full-length protein of genotype 1, and the hydrophilic domain of genotypes 1 to 4. The aptamer populations obtained were analyzed by means of Ultra-Deep Sequencing (UDS), the most abundant sequences were identified and a number of highly represented sequence motifs were unveiled. Affinity (measured as the dissociation constant, Kd) of the most abundant DNA and RNA aptamers were quantified using Enzyme-Linked OligoNucleotide Assay (ELONA)-based methods. Some aptamers with nanomolar or subnanomolar Kd values (as low as 0.4 nM) were the common outcome of DNA and RNA selections against different HCV core variants. They were tested in sandwich and competitive biosensor assays, reaching a limit of detection for HCV core of 2 pM. Additionally, the two most prevalent and high affinity aptamers were assayed in Huh-7.5 reporter cell lines infected with HCV, where they decreased both the viral progeny titer and the extracellular viral RNA level, while increasing the amount of intracellular viral RNA. Our results suggest that these aptamers inhibit HCV capsid assembly and virion formation, thus making them good candidate molecules for the design of novel therapeutic approaches for hepatitis C.  相似文献   

Due to unique features, proline residues may control protein structure and function. Here, we investigated the role of 52PPQ54 residues, indicated by the recently established experimental 3D structure of bovine herpesvirus 1-encoded UL49.5 protein as forming a characteristic proline hinge motif in its N-terminal domain. UL49.5 acts as a potent inhibitor of the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP), which alters the antiviral immune response. Mechanisms employed by UL49.5 to affect TAP remain undetermined on a molecular level. We found that mutations in the 52PPQ54 region had a vast impact on its immunomodulatory function, increasing cell surface MHC class I expression, TAP levels, and peptide transport efficiency. This inhibitory effect was specific for UL49.5 activity towards TAP but not towards the viral glycoprotein M. To get an insight into the impact of proline hinge modifications on structure and dynamics, we performed all-atom and coarse-grained molecular dynamics studies on the native protein and PPQ mutants. The results demonstrated that the proline hinge sequence with its highly rigid conformation served as an anchor into the membrane. This anchor was responsible for the structural and dynamical behavior of the whole protein, constraining the mobility of the C-terminus, increasing the mobility of the transmembrane region, and controlling the accessibility of the C-terminal residues to the cytoplasmic environment. Those features appear crucial for TAP binding and inhibition. Our findings significantly advance the structural understanding of the UL49.5 protein and its functional regions and support the importance of proline motifs for the protein structure.  相似文献   

Fluoroquinolones (FQ) are antibiotics widely used in clinical practise, but the development of bacterial resistance to these drugs is currently a critical public health problem. In this context, ternary copper complexes of FQ (CuFQPhen) have been studied as a potential alternative. In this study, we compared the passive diffusion across the lipid bilayer of one of the most used FQ, ciprofloxacin (Cpx), and its ternary copper complex, CuCpxPhen, that has shown previous promising results regarding antibacterial activity and membrane partition. A combination of spectroscopic studies and molecular dynamics simulations were used and two different model membranes tested: one composed of anionic phospholipids, and the other composed of zwitterionic phospholipids. The obtained results showed a significantly higher membrane permeabilization activity, larger partition, and a more favourable free energy landscape for the permeation of CuCpxPhen across the membrane, when compared to Cpx. Furthermore, the computational results indicated a more favourable translocation of CuCpxPhen across the anionic membrane, when compared to the zwitterionic one, suggesting a higher specificity towards the former. These findings are important to decipher the influx mechanism of CuFQPhen in bacterial cells, which is crucial for the ultimate use of CuFQPhen complexes as an alternative to FQ to tackle multidrug-resistant bacteria.  相似文献   

The ribosomal stalk protein plays a crucial role in functional interactions with translational GTPase factors. It has been shown that the archaeal stalk aP1 binds to both GDP- and GTP-bound conformations of aEF1A through its C-terminal region in two different modes. To obtain an insight into how the aP1•aEF1A binding mode changes during the process of nucleotide exchange from GDP to GTP on aEF1A, we have analyzed structural changes in aEF1A upon binding of the nucleotide exchange factor aEF1B. The isolated archaeal aEF1B has nucleotide exchange ability in the presence of aa-tRNA but not deacylated tRNA, and increases activity of polyphenylalanine synthesis 4-fold. The aEF1B mutation, R90A, results in loss of its original nucleotide exchange activity but retains a remarkable ability to enhance polyphenylalanine synthesis. These results suggest an additional functional role for aEF1B other than in nucleotide exchange. The crystal structure of the aEF1A•aEF1B complex, resolved at 2.0 Å resolution, shows marked rotational movement of domain 1 of aEF1A compared to the structure of aEF1A•GDP•aP1, and this conformational change results in disruption of the original aP1 binding site between domains 1 and 3 of aEF1A. The loss of aP1 binding to the aEF1A•aEF1B complex was confirmed by native gel analysis. The results suggest that aEF1B plays a role in switching off the interaction between aP1 and aEF1A•GDP, as well as in nucleotide exchange, and promote translation elongation.  相似文献   

Pyroptosis is an inflammatory form of cell death executed by transmembrane pore-forming proteins known as gasdermins and can be activated in an inflammasome-dependent or -independent manner. Inflammasome-dependent pyroptosis is triggered in response to pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) or damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs) and has emerged as an important player in the pathogenesis of multiple inflammatory diseases, mainly by releasing inflammatory contents. More recently, numerous studies have revealed the intricate mechanisms of pyroptosis and its role in the development of neuroinflammation in central nervous system (CNS) diseases. In this review, we summarize current understandings of the molecular and regulatory mechanisms of pyroptosis. In addition, we discuss how pyroptosis can drive different forms of neurological diseases and new promising therapeutic strategies targeting pyroptosis that can be leveraged to treat neuroinflammation.  相似文献   

Lymphostatin (LifA) is a 366 kDa protein expressed by attaching & effacing Escherichia coli. It plays an important role in intestinal colonisation and inhibits the mitogen- and antigen-stimulated proliferation of lymphocytes and the synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines. LifA exhibits N-terminal homology with the glycosyltransferase domain of large clostridial toxins (LCTs). A DTD motif within this region is required for lymphostatin activity and binding of the sugar donor uridine diphosphate N-acetylglucosamine. As with LCTs, LifA also contains a cysteine protease motif (C1480, H1581, D1596) that is widely conserved within the YopT-like superfamily of cysteine proteases. By analogy with LCTs, we hypothesised that the CHD motif may be required for intracellular processing of the protein to release the catalytic N-terminal domain after uptake and low pH-stimulated membrane insertion of LifA within endosomes. Here, we created and validated a C1480A substitution mutant in LifA from enteropathogenic E. coli strain E2348/69. The purified protein was structurally near-identical to the wild-type protein. In bovine T lymphocytes treated with wild-type LifA, a putative cleavage product of approximately 140 kDa was detected. Appearance of the putative cleavage product was inhibited in a concentration-dependent manner by bafilomycin A1 and chloroquine, which inhibit endosome acidification. The cleavage product was not observed in cells treated with the C1480A mutant of LifA. Lymphocyte inhibitory activity of the purified C1480A protein was significantly impaired. The data indicate that an intact cysteine protease motif is required for cleavage of lymphostatin and its activity against T cells.  相似文献   

Autoinhibition of p53 binding to MDMX requires two short-linear motifs (SLiMs) containing adjacent tryptophan (WW) and tryptophan-phenylalanine (WF) residues. NMR spectroscopy was used to show the WW and WF motifs directly compete for the p53 binding site on MDMX and circular dichroism spectroscopy was used to show the WW motif becomes helical when it is bound to the p53 binding domain (p53BD) of MDMX. Binding studies using isothermal titration calorimetry showed the WW motif is a stronger inhibitor of p53 binding than the WF motif when they are both tethered to p53BD by the natural disordered linker. We also investigated how the WW and WF motifs interact with the DNA binding domain (DBD) of p53. Both motifs bind independently to similar sites on DBD that overlap the DNA binding site. Taken together our work defines a model for complex formation between MDMX and p53 where a pair of disordered SLiMs bind overlapping sites on both proteins.  相似文献   

Biliverdin-binding serpins (BBSs) are proteins that are responsible for coloration in amphibians and fluoresce in the near-infrared (NIR) spectral region. Here we produced the first functional recombinant BBS of the polka-dot treefrog Boana punctata (BpBBS), assembled with its biliverdin (BV) chromophore, and report its biochemical and photochemical characterization. We determined the crystal structure of BpBBS at 2.05 Å resolution, which demonstrated its structural homology to the mammalian protease inhibitor alpha-1-antitrypsin. BV interaction with BpBBS was studied and it was found that the N-terminal polypeptide (residues 19–50) plays a critical role in the BV binding. By comparing BpBBS with the available NIR fluorescent proteins and expressing it in mammalian cells, we demonstrated its potential as a NIR imaging probe. These results provide insight into the non-inhibitory function of serpins, provide a basis for improving their performance in mammalian cells, and suggest possible paths for the development of BBS-based fluorescent probes.  相似文献   

Networks of scaffold proteins and enzymes assemble at the interface between the cytosol and specific sites of the plasma membrane, where these networks guide distinct cellular functions. Some of these plasma membrane–associated platforms (PMAPs) include shared core components that are able to establish specific protein–protein interactions, to produce distinct supramolecular assemblies regulating dynamic processes as diverse as cell adhesion and motility, or the formation and function of neuronal synapses. How cells organize such dynamic networks is still an open question. In this review we introduce molecular networks assembling at the edge of migrating cells, and at pre– and postsynaptic sites, which share molecular players that can drive the assembly of biomolecular condensates. Very recent experimental evidence has highlighted the emerging role of some of these multidomain/scaffold proteins belonging to the GIT, liprin-α and ELKS/ERC families as drivers of liquid–liquid phase separation (LLPS). The data point to an important role of LLPS: (i) in the formation of PMAPs at the edge of migrating cells, where LLPS appears to be involved in promoting protrusion and the turnover of integrin–mediated adhesions, to allow forward cell translocation; (ii) in the assembly of the presynaptic active zone and of the postsynaptic density deputed to the release and reception of neurotransmitter signals, respectively. The recent results indicate that LLPS at cytosol–membrane interfaces is suitable not only for the regulation of active cellular processes, but also for the continuous spatial rearrangements of the molecular interactions involved in these dynamic processes.  相似文献   

Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 (hnRNPA1) is a multifunctional RNA-binding protein that is associated with neurodegenerative diseases, such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and multisystem proteinopathy. In this study, we have used cryo-electron microscopy to investigate the three-dimensional structure of amyloid fibrils from full-length hnRNPA1 protein. We find that the fibril core is formed by a 45-residue segment of the prion-like low-complexity domain of the protein, whereas the remaining parts of the protein (275 residues) form a fuzzy coat around the fibril core. The fibril consists of two fibril protein stacks that are arranged into a pseudo-21 screw symmetry. The ordered core harbors several of the positions that are known to be affected by disease-associated mutations, but does not encompass the most aggregation-prone segments of the protein. These data indicate that the structures of amyloid fibrils from full-length proteins may be more complex than anticipated by current theories on protein misfolding.  相似文献   

The Petasis three-component reaction gives rise to diverse substituted α-aryl glycines from readily available amines, boronic acids and glyoxalic acid. Thus, this reaction is highly attractive for DNA-encoded small molecule screening library synthesis. The Petasis reaction is for instance promoted by a potentially DNA damaging copper(I)/bipyridine reagent system in dry organic solvents. We found that solid phase-coupled DNA strands tolerated this reagent system at elevated temperature allowing for synthesis of diverse substituted DNA-tagged α-aryl glycines from DNA-conjugated secondary amines.  相似文献   

Several molecular mechanisms are involved in the genetic code interpretation during translation, as codon degeneration for the incorporation of rare amino acids. One mechanism that stands out is selenocysteine (Sec), which requires a specific biosynthesis and incorporation pathway. In Bacteria, the Sec biosynthesis pathway has unique features compared with the eukaryote pathway as Ser to Sec conversion mechanism is accomplished by a homodecameric enzyme (selenocysteine synthase, SelA) followed by the action of an elongation factor (SelB) responsible for delivering the mature Sec-tRNASec into the ribosome by the interaction with the Selenocysteine Insertion Sequence (SECIS). Besides this mechanism being already described, the sequential events for Sec-tRNASec and SECIS specific recognition remain unclear. In this study, we determined the order of events of the interactions between the proteins and RNAs involved in Sec incorporation. Dissociation constants between SelB and the native as well as unacylated-tRNASec variants demonstrated that the acceptor stem and variable arm are essential for SelB recognition. Moreover, our data support the sequence of molecular events where GTP-activated SelB strongly interacts with SelA.tRNASec. Subsequently, SelB.GTP.tRNASec recognizes the mRNA SECIS to deliver the tRNASec to the ribosome. SelB in complex with its specific RNAs were examined using Hydrogen/Deuterium exchange mapping that allowed the determination of the molecular envelopes and its secondary structural variations during the complex assembly. Our results demonstrate the ordering of events in Sec incorporation and contribute to the full comprehension of the tRNASec role in the Sec amino acid biosynthesis, as well as extending the knowledge of synthetic biology and the expansion of the genetic code.  相似文献   

Checkpoint Kinase 1 (Chk1) prevents DNA damage by adjusting the replication choreography in the face of replication stress. Chk1 depletion provokes slow and asymmetrical fork movement, yet the signals governing such changes remain unclear. We sought to investigate whether poly(ADP-ribose) polymerases (PARPs), key players of the DNA damage response, intervene in the DNA replication of Chk1-depleted cells. We demonstrate that PARP inhibition selectively alleviates the reduced fork elongation rates, without relieving fork asymmetry in Chk1-depleted cells. While the contribution of PARPs to fork elongation is not unprecedented, we found that their role in Chk1-depleted cells extends beyond fork movement. PARP-dependent fork deceleration induced mild dormant origin firing upon Chk1 depletion, augmenting the global rates of DNA synthesis. Thus, we have identified PARPs as novel regulators of replication fork dynamics in Chk1-depleted cells.  相似文献   

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