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Abstract Effects of CO2 level (ambient vs. elevated) on the interactions among three cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) genotypes, the cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii Glover), and its hymenoptera parasitoid (Lysiphlebia japonica Ashrnead) were quantified. It was hypothesized that aphid‐parasitoid interactions in crop systems may be altered by elevated CO2, and that the degree of change is influenced by plant genotype. The cotton genotypes had high (M9101), medium (HZ401) and low (ZMS13) gossypol contents, and the response to elevated CO2 was genotype‐specific. Elevated CO2 increased the ratio of total non‐structural carbohydrates to nitrogen (TNC: N) in the high‐gossypol genotype and the medium‐gossypol genotype. For all three genotypes, elevated CO2 had no effect on concentrations of gossypol and condensed tannins. A. gossypii fitness declined when aphids were reared on the high‐gossypol genotype versus the low‐gossypol genotype under elevated CO2. Furthermore, elevated CO2 decreased the developmental time of L. japonica associated with the high‐gossypol genotype and the low‐gossypol genotype, but did not affect parasitism or emergence rates. Our study suggests that the abundance of A. gossypii on cotton will not be directly affected by increases in atmospheric CO2. We speculate that A. gossypii may diminish in pest status in elevated CO2 and high‐gossypol genotype environments because of reduced fitness to the high‐gossypol genotype and shorter developmental time of L. japonica.  相似文献   

Abstract Plant allocation to defensive compounds by elevated CO2‐grown non‐transgenic and transgenic Bt cotton in response to infestation by cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii (Glover) in open‐top chambers under elevated CO2 were studied. The results showed that significantly lower foliar nitrogen concentration and Bt toxin protein occurred in transgenic Bt cotton with and without cotton aphid infestation under elevated CO2. However, significantly higher carbon/nitrogen ratio, condensed tannin and gossypol were observed in transgenic Bt cotton “GK‐12” and non‐transgenic Bt cotton ‘Simian‐3’ under elevated CO2. The CO2 level and cotton variety significantly influenced the foliar nitrogen, condensed tannin and gossypol concentrations in the plant leaves after feeding by A. gossypii. The interaction between CO2 level × infestation time (24 h, 48 h and 72 h) showed a significant increase in cotton condensed tannin concentrations, while the interaction between CO2 level × cotton variety significantly decreased the true choline esterase (TChE) concentration in the body of A. gossypi. This study exemplified the complexities of predicting how transgenic and non‐transgenic plants will allocate defensive compounds in response to herbivorous insects under differing climatic conditions. Plant defensive compound allocation patterns and aphid enzyme changes observed in this study appear to be broadly applicable across a range of plant and herbivorous insect interactions as CO2 atmosphere rises.  相似文献   

Aphids commonly harbour facultative bacterial endosymbionts and may benefit from their presence through increased resistance to parasitoids. This has been demonstrated for Hamiltonella defensa and Serratia symbiotica, while a third common endosymbiont, Regiella insecticola, did not provide such protection. However, this symbiont was recently detected in a highly resistant clone of the peach-potato aphid, Myzus persicae, from Australia. To test if resistance was indeed conferred by the endosymbiont, we eliminated it from this clone with antibiotics, and we transferred it to two other clones of the same and one clone of a different aphid species (Aphis fabae). Exposing these lines to the parasitoid Aphidius colemani showed clearly that unlike other strains of this bacterium, this specific isolate of R. insecticola provides strong protection against parasitic wasps, suggesting that the ability to protect their host against natural enemies may evolve readily in multiple species of endosymbiotic bacteria.  相似文献   

The searching behaviour of two aphid parasitoids, Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson) and Aphidius colemani Viereck (Hymenoptera, Aphidiidae), was analysed. Both species searched banana plants (Musa spec.) infested with the banana aphid Pentalonia nigronervosa Coq. in a different way. L. testaceipes restricted its search to open plant structures and avoided concealed areas. A. colemani partitioned its time spent on the plant between open and concealed areas. This general pattern was independent of aphid colony size and was also observed in the absence of aphids. As a consequence of these searching tactics, the borders of a host patch differed for both parasitoid species. For L. testaceipes, the patch consisted only of aphids feeding on open structures, while it comprised the whole aphid colony for A. colemani. The observed searching patterns resulted in a different exploitation of the aphid colonies.
Zusammenfassung Eine Analyse des Suchverhaltens der beiden Blattlausparasitoide Lysiphlebus testaceipes (Cresson) and Aphidius colemani Viereck zeigte, daß beide Arten Bananenpflanzen (Musa spec.), die von der Bananenblattlaus Pentalonia nigronervosa Coq. befallen waren, auf unterschiedliche Weise absuchten. L. testaceipes beschränkte seine Wirtssuche auf frei zugängliche Pflanzenteile und vermied ein Eindringen in geschützte Pflanzenstruckturen. Dagegen hielt sich A. colemani gleichermaßen häufig auf offenen und in geschützten Pflanzenteilen auf. Dieses generelle Suchmuster war unabängig von der Blattlauskoloniegröß und wurde auch beim Fehlen von Wirten beobachtet. Als Konsequenz aus diesem unterschiedlichen Suchverhalten ergaben sich verschiedene Patchgrenzen für beide Parasitoide. Für L. testaceipes bestand der Patch nur aus Blattläusen, die an frei zugänglichen Pflanzenstrukturen saugten, während der Patch für A. colemani alle Blattläuse einschließlich der Tiere umfaßte, die sich in geschützten Pflanzenteilen aufhielten. Damit führte dieses unterschiedliche Suchverhalten beider Parasitoidenarten zu einer unterschiedlichen Ausnutzung der Blattlauskolonien.

The Arabidopsis thaliana PHYTOALEXIN-DEFICIENT4 (PAD4) protein, which has homology to lipases, is required for phloem-based resistance against the green peach aphid (GPA; Myzus persicae Sülzer). PAD4 modulates antibiotic and antixenotic defenses against GPA. PAD4 in conjunction with its interacting partner ENHANCED DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY1 (EDS1) also functions in basal resistance to bacterial and oomycete pathogens by promoting salicylic acid (SA)-dependent and SA-independent defenses. By contrast, neither EDS1 nor SA is required for PAD4-controlled defense against GPA. Distinct molecular activities of PAD4 are involved in different aspects of Arabidopsis defense against GPA and pathogens. Histochemical analysis of plants containing a PAD4p:GUS chimera, which expresses the GUS reporter from the PAD4 promoter, indicated strong PAD4 promoter activity at the site of penetration of the vasculature by the insect stylet. GUS activity was also observed in non-vascular tissues of GPA-infested leaves, thus raising the possibility that a combination of distinct PAD4 activities in vascular and non-vascular tissues contribute to Arabidopsis defense against GPA.  相似文献   

Lee B  Lee S  Ryu CM 《Annals of botany》2012,110(2):281-290

Background and Aims

Plants modulate defence signalling networks in response to different biotic stresses. The present study evaluated the effect of a phloem-sucking aphid on plant defence mechanisms in pepper (Capsicum annuum) during subsequent pathogen attacks on leaves and rhizosphere bacteria on roots.


Plants were pretreated with aphids and/or the chemical trigger benzothiadiazol (BTH) 7 d before being challenged with two pathogenic bacteria, Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. vesicatoria (Xav) as a compatible pathogen and X. axonopodis pv. glycines (Xag) as an incompatible (non-host) pathogen.

Key Results

Disease severity was noticeably lower in aphid- and BTH + aphid-treated plants than in controls. Although treatment with BTH or aphids alone did not affect the hypersensitive response (HR) against Xag strain 8ra, the combination treatment had a synergistic effect on the HR. The aphid population was reduced by BTH pretreatment and by combination treatment with BTH and bacterial pathogens in a synergistic manner. Analysis of the expression of the defence-related genes Capsicum annum pathogenesis-related gene 9 (CaPR9), chitinase 2 (CaCHI2), SAR8·2 and Lipoxygenase1 (CaLOX1) revealed that aphid infestation resulted in the priming of the systemic defence responses against compatible and incompatible pathogens. Conversely, pre-challenge with the compatible pathogen Xav on pepper leaves significantly reduced aphid numbers. Aphid infestation increased the population of the beneficial Bacillus subtilis GB03 but reduced that of the pathogenic Ralstonia solanacearum SL1931. The expression of defence-related genes in the root and leaf after aphid feeding indicated that the above-ground aphid infestation elicited salicylic acid and jasmonic acid signalling throughout the whole plant.


The findings of this study show that aphid feeding elicits plant resistance responses and attracts beneficial bacterial populations to help the plant cope with subsequent pathogen attacks.  相似文献   

Novel adaptations often cause pleiotropic reductions in fitness. Under optimal conditions individual organisms may be able to compensate for, or reduce, these fitness costs. Declining environmental quality may therefore lead to larger costs. We investigated whether reduced plant quality would increase the fitness costs associated with resistance to Bacillus thuringiensis in two populations of the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella. We also measured the rate of decline in resistance on two host-plant (Brassica) species for one insect population (Karak). Population X plant species interactions determined the fitness costs in this study. Poor plant quality increased the fitness costs in terms of development time for both populations. However, fitness costs seen in larval survival did not always increase as plant quality declined. Both the fitness and the stability experiment indicated that fitness costs were higher on the most suitable plant for one population. Theoretically, if the fitness cost of a mutation interacts additively with environmental factors, the relative fitness of resistant insects will decrease with environmental quality. However, multiplicative costs do not necessarily increase with declining quality and may be harder to detect when fitness parameters are more subject to variation in poorer environments.  相似文献   

The parasitoid Aphidius colemani developed normally (approximately 90% adult emergence) when its cotton aphid (Aphis gossypii) host was treated with Verticillum lecanii conidia 5 or 7 days after parasitization. Fungus exposure 1 day before or up to 3 days after parasitization, however, reduced A. colemani emergence from 0 to 10%. Also, numbers of spores and mycelial fragments in aphid homogenates were much higher in aphids exposed to the fungus up to 3 days after parasitization than in aphids treated after 5 or 7 days. Our results suggest that the parasitoid and fungus may be used together for aphid biocontrol as long as fungus applications are timed to allow late-instar development of the parasitoid.  相似文献   

Shifts in prevalence and abundance of hymenopteran parasitoids and dipteran predators, Diuraphis noxia, and other aphids were measured in the west-central Great Plains of North America, April–September, in 2001 and 2002, corresponding to over a decade after first detection of D. noxia and first release of D. noxia enemies. Significant temporal shifts in enemy species prevalence and diversity were detected in this study and more broadly during an 11 year time span. At any given time, some species were relatively common. One parasitoid had been predominant throughout (Aphelinus albipodus), two had shifted in dominance (Lysiphlebus testaceipes and Diaeretiella rapae), three parasitoids had been detected infrequently (Aphidius avenaphis, Aphidius matricariae, and Aphelinus asychis), one parasitoid was detected in the 1990s but not during 2001 and 2002 (Aphelinus varipes), two predatory flies occurred at occasional significant levels (Leucopis gaimarii and Eupeodes volucris), and two parasitoids may have been minor members of the fauna (Aphidius ervi and Praon yakimanum). Aphid populations detected were usually very low or not detected, precluding estimation of percent parasitism. The best evidence of suppression was observations of parasitoids in the rare case of D. noxia exceeding economic thresholds, which complemented past studies using high aphid densities. The D. noxia enemies detected were primarily endemic or long-time residents derived from previous introductions. This enemy community may provide flexibility in responding to a future aphid invasion, allowing more strategic use of biological control and other pest management approaches.  相似文献   

不同生物型棉蚜对夏寄主葫芦科作物的选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肖云丽  印象初  刘同先 《生态学报》2013,33(12):3706-3711
于2008、2009年连续两年采用模拟田间自然扩散法,系统地研究了棉花型棉蚜和甜瓜型棉蚜有翅蚜对11种夏寄主的选择性.结果表明,棉花型棉蚜对杂交葫芦、小西葫芦表现出强选择性及适应性,而对香瓜、黄瓜、西瓜及甜瓜均不选择,或即使选择其若蚜在其上也不能存活;甜瓜型棉蚜对甜瓜、香瓜、南瓜、黄西葫芦、大西葫芦、杂交葫芦等均表现较强选择性,而对棉花及小西葫芦表现不选择.但是,甜瓜型棉蚜在小西葫芦上也能产若蚜并存活.从而证明小西葫芦是两种寄主型棉蚜的共同寄主,有可能成为两者相互转换的桥梁寄主.  相似文献   

The life cycles of many organisms are constrained by the seasonality of resources. This is particularly true for leaf-mining herbivorous insects that use deciduous leaves to fuel growth and reproduction even beyond leaf fall. Our results suggest that an intimate association with bacterial endosymbionts might be their way of coping with nutritional constraints to ensure successful development in an otherwise senescent environment. We show that the phytophagous leaf-mining moth Phyllonorycter blancardella (Lepidoptera) relies on bacterial endosymbionts, most likely Wolbachia, to manipulate the physiology of its host plant resulting in the ‘green-island’ phenotype—photosynthetically active green patches in otherwise senescent leaves—and to increase its fitness. Curing leaf-miners of their symbiotic partner resulted in the absence of green-island formation on leaves, increased compensatory larval feeding and higher insect mortality. Our results suggest that bacteria impact green-island induction through manipulation of cytokinin levels. This is the first time, to our knowledge, that insect bacterial endosymbionts have been associated with plant physiology.  相似文献   

Background and Aims There is still debate regarding the direction and strength of plant interactions under intermediate to high levels of stress. Furthermore, little is known on how disturbance may interact with physical stress in unproductive environments, although recent theory and models have shown that this interplay may induce a collapse of plant interactions and diversity. The few studies assessing such questions have considered the intensity of biotic interactions but not their importance, although this latter concept has been shown to be very useful for understanding the role of interactions in plant communities. The objective of this study was to assess the interplay between stress and disturbance for plant interactions in dry calcareous grasslands. Methods A field experiment was set up in the Dordogne, southern France, where the importance and intensity of biotic interactions undergone by four species were measured along a water stress gradient, and with and without mowing disturbance. Key Results The importance and intensity of interactions varied in a very similar way along treatments. Under undisturbed conditions, plant interactions switched from competition to neutral with increasing water stress for three of the four species, whereas the fourth species was not subject to any significant biotic interaction along the gradient. Responses to disturbance were more species-specific; for two species, competition disappeared with mowing in the wettest conditions, whereas for the two other species, competition switched to facilitation with mowing. Finally, there were no significant interactions for any species in the disturbed and driest conditions. Conclusions At very high levels of stress, plant performances become too weak to allow either competition or facilitation and disturbance may accelerate the collapse of interactions in dry conditions. The results suggest that the importance and direction of interactions are more likely to be positively related in stressful environments.  相似文献   

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) identifies ten infectious agents (viruses, bacteria, parasites) able to induce cancer disease in humans. Among parasites, a carcinogenic role is currently recognized to the digenetic trematodes Schistosoma haematobium, leading to bladder cancer, and to Clonorchis sinensis or Opisthorchis viverrini, which cause cholangiocarcinoma. Furthermore, several reports suspected the potential association of other parasitic infections (due to Protozoan or Metazoan parasites) with the development of neoplastic changes in the host tissues. The present work shortly reviewed available data on the involvement of parasites in neoplastic processes in humans or animals, and especially focused on the carcinogenic power of Cryptosporidium parvum infection. On the whole, infection seems to play a crucial role in the etiology of cancer.  相似文献   

The effect of physiological state (hunger) and experience on the responsiveness of the aphid parasitoid, Lysiphlebus testaceipes(Cresson), to clean and honeydew-contaminated host plants was investigated in laboratory bioassays. Both fed and unfed parasitoids spent significantly longer examining honeydew-contaminated plants compared to uncontaminated controls, but the presence of honeydew did not influence attack latency (i.e., the speed with which naive parasitoids found and attacked hosts). Hunger, however, had a significant negative effect on attack latency, presumably as a result of a physiologically based shift from host- to food-location behavior in starved parasitoids. The parasitoid 's response to clean plants was significantly increased as a result of classical conditioning procedures, whereas the response to honeydew-contaminated plants was not.  相似文献   

To date, it remains unclear how herbivore-induced changes in plant primary and secondary metabolites impact above-ground and below-ground herbivore interactions. Here, we report effects of above-ground (adult) and below-ground (larval) feeding by Bikasha collaris on nitrogen and secondary chemicals in shoots and roots of Triadica sebifera to explain reciprocal above-ground and below-ground insect interactions. Plants increased root tannins with below-ground herbivory, but above-ground herbivory prevented this increase and larval survival doubled. Above-ground herbivory elevated root nitrogen, probably contributing to increased larval survival. However, plants increased foliar tannins with above-ground herbivory and below-ground herbivory amplified this increase, and adult survival decreased. As either foliar or root tannins increased, foliar flavonoids decreased, suggesting a trade-off between these chemicals. Together, these results show that plant chemicals mediate contrasting effects of conspecific larval and adult insects, whereas insects may take advantage of plant responses to facilitate their offspring performance, which may influence population dynamics.  相似文献   

Root-knot nematodes (RKN) are highly specialized, obligatory plant parasites. These animals reprogram root cells to form large, multinucleate, and metabolically active feeding cells (giant cells) that provide a continuous nutrient supply during 3–6 weeks of the nematode’s life. The establishment and maintenance of physiologically fully functional giant cells are necessary for the survival of these nematodes. As such, giant cells may be useful targets for applying strategies to reduce damage caused by these nematodes, aiming the reduction of their reproduction. We have recently reported the involvement of cell cycle inhibitors of Arabidopsis, named Kip-Related Proteins (KRPs), on nematode feeding site ontogeny. Our results have demonstrated that this family of cell cycle inhibitors can be envisaged to efficiently disrupt giant cell development, based on previous reports which showed that alterations in KRP concentration levels can induce cell cycle transitions. Herein, we demonstrated that by overexpressing KRP genes, giant cells development is severely compromised as well as nematode reproduction. Thus, control of root-knot nematodes by modulating cell cycle-directed pathways through the enhancement of KRP protein levels may serve as an attractive strategy to limit damage caused by these plant parasites.  相似文献   

Pesticide mixtures can reduce the rate at which insects evolve pesticide resistance. However, with live biopesticides such as the naturally abundant pathogen Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), a range of additional biological considerations might affect the evolution of resistance. These can include ecological interactions in mixed infections, the different rates of transmission post-application and the impact of the native biodiversity on the frequency of mixed infections. Using multi-generation selection experiments, we tested how applications of single and mixed strains of Bt from diverse sources (natural isolates and biopesticides) affected the evolution of resistance in the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella, to a focal strain. There was no significant difference in the rate of evolution of resistance between single and mixed-strain applications although the latter did result in lower insect populations. The relative survivorship of Bt-resistant genotypes was higher in the mixed-strain treatment, in part owing to elevated mortality of susceptible larvae in mixtures. Resistance evolved more quickly with treatments that contained natural isolates, and biological differences in transmission rate may have contributed to this. Our data indicate that the use of mixtures can have unexpected consequences on the fitness of resistant and susceptible insects.  相似文献   

Epistasis (gene-gene interaction) is a ubiquitous component of the genetic architecture of complex traits such as susceptibility to common human diseases. Given the strong negative correlation between circulating adiponectin and resistin levels, the potential intermolecular epistatic interactions between ADIPOQ (SNP+45T > G, SNP+276G > T, SNP+639T > C and SNP+1212A > G) and RETN (SNP-420C > G and SNP+299G > A) gene polymorphisms in the genetic risk underlying type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and metabolic syndrome (MS) were assessed. The potential mutual influence of the ADIPOQ and RETN genes on their adipokine levels was also examined. The rare homozygous genotype (risk alleles) of SNP-420C > G at the RETN locus tended to be co-inherited together with the common homozygous genotypes (protective alleles) of SNP+639T > C and SNP+1212A > G at the ADIPOQ locus. Despite the close structural relationship between the ADIPOQ and RETN genes, there was no evidence of an intermolecular epistatic interaction between these genes. There was also no reciprocal effect of the ADIPOQ and RETN genes on their adipokine levels, i.e., ADIPOQ did not affect resistin levels nor did RETN affect adiponectin levels. The possible influence of the ADIPOQ gene on RETN expression warrants further investigation.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Green roofs are constructed ecosystems where plants perform valuable services, ameliorating the urban environment through roof temperature reductions and stormwater interception. Plant species differ in functional characteristics that alter ecosystem properties. Plant performance research on extensive green roofs has so far indicated that species adapted to dry conditions perform optimally. However, in moist, humid climates, species typical of wetter soils might have advantages over dryland species. In this study, survival, growth and the performance of thermal and stormwater capture functions of three pairs of dryland and wetland plant species were quantified using an extensive modular green roof system.


Seedlings of all six species were germinated in a greenhouse and planted into green roof modules with 6 cm of growing medium. There were 34 treatments consisting of each species in monoculture and all combinations of wet- and dryland species in a randomized block design. Performance measures were survival, vegetation cover and roof surface temperature recorded for each module over two growing seasons, water loss (an estimate of evapotranspiration) in 2007, and albedo and water capture in 2008.

Key Results

Over two seasons, dryland plants performed better than wetland plants, and increasing the number of dryland species in mixtures tended to improve functioning, although there was no clear effect of species or habitat group diversity. All species had survival rates >75 % after the first winter; however, dryland species had much greater cover, an important indicator of green roof performance. Sibbaldiopsis tridentata was the top performing species in monoculture, and was included in the best treatments.


Although dryland species outperformed wetland species, planting extensive green roofs with both groups decreased performance only slightly, while increasing diversity and possibly habitat value. This study provides further evidence that plant composition and diversity can influence green roof functions.  相似文献   

Parasitoids are an important mortality factor for insects. Susceptibility to parasitoids should thus be under strong negative selection. Nevertheless, ample genetic variation for susceptibility to parasitoids is commonly observed in natural populations, suggesting that trade-offs may constrain the evolution of reduced susceptibility. This can be studied by assessing genetic variation for susceptibility and its covariation with other components of fitness. In a set of 17 clones of the peach potato aphid, Myzus persicae, for which good estimates of heritable variation for life-history traits were available, we found significant clonal variation for susceptibility to two of their common parasitoids: Aphidius colemani and Diaeretiella rapae. One clone, the only one harbouring a facultative endosymbiotic bacterium, Regiella insecticola, was entirely resistant to both parasitoids. Susceptibilities to the two parasitoids exhibited a positive genetic correlation close to unity, implying a general mechanism of defence. However, the susceptibility to parasitoids was uncorrelated to the clones' fecundity or rate of increase, providing no evidence for costs of the ability to resist parasitoids.  相似文献   

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