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The factor VIII (FVIII) crystal structure suggests a possible bonding interaction of His281 (A1 domain) with Ser524 (A2 domain), although the resolution of the structure (∼4 Å) does not firmly establish this bonding. To establish that side chains of these residues participate in an interdomain bond, we prepared and examined the functional properties of a residue swap variant (H281S/S524H) where His281 and Ser524 residues were exchanged with one another and a disulfide-bridged variant (H281C/S524C) where the two residues were replaced with Cys. The latter variant showed efficient disulfide bonding of the A1 and A2 domains. The swap variant showed WT-like FVIII and FVIIIa stability, which were markedly reduced for H281A and S524A variants in an earlier study. The disulfide-bridged variant showed ∼20% increased FVIII stability, and FVIIIa did not decay during the time course measured. This variant also yielded 35% increased thrombin peak values compared with WT in a plasma-based thrombin generation assay. Binding analyses of H281S-A1/A3C1C2 dimer with S524H-A2 subunit yielded a near WT-like affinity value, whereas combining the variant dimer or A2 subunit with the WT complement yielded ∼5- and ∼10-fold reductions, respectively, in affinity. Other functional properties including thrombin generation potential, FIXa binding affinity, Km for FX of FXase complexes, thrombin activation efficiency, and down-regulation by activated protein C showed similar results for the two variants compared with WT FVIII. These results indicate that the side chains of His281 and Ser524 are in close proximity and contribute to a bonding interaction in FVIII that is retained in FVIIIa.  相似文献   

Chitinase C from Ralstonia sp. A-471 (Ra-ChiC) has a catalytic domain sequence similar to goose-type (G-type) lysozymes and, unlike other chitinases, belongs to glycohydrolase (GH) family 23. Using NMR spectroscopy, however, Ra-ChiC was found to interact only with the chitin dimer but not with the peptidoglycan fragment. Here we report the crystal structures of wild-type, E141Q, and E162Q of the catalytic domain of Ra-ChiC with or without chitin oligosaccharides. Ra-ChiC has a substrate-binding site including a tunnel-shaped cavity, which determines the substrate specificity. Mutation analyses based on this structural information indicated that a highly conserved Glu-141 acts as a catalytic acid, and that Asp-226 located at the roof of the tunnel activates a water molecule as a catalytic base. The unique arrangement of the catalytic residues makes a clear contrast to the other GH23 members and also to inverting GH19 chitinases.  相似文献   

Despite the availability of several crystal structures of bacterial voltage-gated Na+ channels, the structure of eukaryotic Na+ channels is still undefined. We used predictions from available homology models and crystal structures to modulate an external access pathway for the membrane-impermeant local anesthetic derivative QX-222 into the internal vestibule of the mammalian rNaV1.4 channel. Potassium channel-based homology models predict amino acid Ile-1575 in domain IV segment 6 to be in close proximity to Lys-1237 of the domain III pore-loop selectivity filter. The mutation K1237E has been shown previously to increase the diameter of the selectivity filter. We found that an access pathway for external QX-222 created by mutations of Ile-1575 was abolished by the additional mutation K1237E, supporting the notion of a close spatial relationship between sites 1237 and 1575. Crystal structures of bacterial voltage-gated Na+ channels predict that the side chain of rNaV1.4 Trp-1531 of the domain IV pore-loop projects into the space between domain IV segment 6 and domain III pore-loop and, therefore, should obstruct the putative external access pathway. Indeed, mutations W1531A and W1531G allowed for exceptionally rapid access of QX-222. In addition, W1531G created a second non-selective ion-conducting pore, bypassing the outer vestibule but probably merging into the internal vestibule, allowing for control by the activation gate. These data suggest a strong structural similarity between bacterial and eukaryotic voltage-gated Na+ channels.  相似文献   

IsdG and IsdI are paralogous heme degrading enzymes from the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus. Heme bound by these enzymes is extensively ruffled such that the meso-carbons at the sites of oxidation are distorted toward bound oxygen. In contrast, the canonical heme oxygenase family degrades heme that is bound with minimal distortion. Trp-66 is a conserved heme pocket residue in IsdI implicated in heme ruffling. IsdI variants with Trp-66 replaced with residues having less bulky aromatic and alkyl side chains were characterized with respect to catalytic activity, heme ruffling, and electrochemical properties. The heme degradation activity of the W66Y and W66F variants was approximately half that of the wild-type enzyme, whereas the W66L and W66A variants were inactive. A crystal structure and NMR spectroscopic analysis of the W66Y variant reveals that heme binds to this enzyme with less heme ruffling than observed for wild-type IsdI. The reduction potential of this variant (−96 ± 7 mV versus standard hydrogen electrode) is similar to that of wild-type IsdI (−89 ± 7 mV), so we attribute the diminished activity of this variant to the diminished heme ruffling observed for heme bound to this enzyme and conclude that Trp-66 is required for optimal catalytic activity.  相似文献   

The active site conformation of the mutagenic fluoroaminofluorene-deoxyguanine adduct (dG-FAF, N-(2′-deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-7-fluoro-2-aminofluorene) has been investigated in the presence of Klenow fragment of Escherichia coli DNA polymerase I (Kfexo) and DNA polymerase β (pol β) using 19F NMR, insertion assay, and surface plasmon resonance. In a single nucleotide gap, the dG-FAF adduct adopts both a major-groove- oriented and base-displaced stacked conformation, and this heterogeneity is retained upon binding pol β. The addition of a non-hydrolysable 2′-deoxycytosine-5′-[(α,β)-methyleno]triphosphate (dCMPcPP) nucleotide analog to the binary complex results in an increase of the major groove conformation of the adduct at the expense of the stacked conformation. Similar results were obtained with the addition of an incorrect dAMPcPP analog but with formation of the minor groove binding conformer. In contrast, dG-FAF adduct at the replication fork for the Kfexo complex adopts a mix of the major and minor groove conformers with minimal effect upon the addition of non-hydrolysable nucleotides. For pol β, the insertion of dCTP was preferred opposite the dG-FAF adduct in a single nucleotide gap assay consistent with 19F NMR data. Surface plasmon resonance binding kinetics revealed that pol β binds tightly with DNA in the presence of correct dCTP, but the adduct weakens binding with no nucleotide specificity. These results provide molecular insights into the DNA binding characteristics of FAF in the active site of DNA polymerases and the role of DNA structure and sequence on its coding potential.  相似文献   

Ectoine and its derivative 5-hydroxyectoine are compatible solutes that are widely synthesized by bacteria to cope physiologically with osmotic stress. They also serve as chemical chaperones and maintain the functionality of macromolecules. 5-Hydroxyectoine is produced from ectoine through a stereo-specific hydroxylation, an enzymatic reaction catalyzed by the ectoine hydroxylase (EctD). The EctD protein is a member of the non-heme-containing iron(II) and 2-oxoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase superfamily and is evolutionarily well conserved. We studied the ectoine hydroxylase from the cold-adapted marine ultra-microbacterium Sphingopyxis alaskensis (Sa) and found that the purified SaEctD protein is a homodimer in solution. We determined the SaEctD crystal structure in its apo-form, complexed with the iron catalyst, and in a form that contained iron, the co-substrate 2-oxoglutarate, and the reaction product of EctD, 5-hydroxyectoine. The iron and 2-oxoglutarate ligands are bound within the EctD active site in a fashion similar to that found in other members of the dioxygenase superfamily. 5-Hydroxyectoine, however, is coordinated by EctD in manner different from that found in high affinity solute receptor proteins operating in conjunction with microbial import systems for ectoines. Our crystallographic analysis provides a detailed view into the active site of the ectoine hydroxylase and exposes an intricate network of interactions between the enzyme and its ligands that collectively ensure the hydroxylation of the ectoine substrate in a position- and stereo-specific manner.  相似文献   

The pathogen Bacillus anthracis uses the Sortase A (SrtA) enzyme to anchor proteins to its cell wall envelope during vegetative growth. To gain insight into the mechanism of protein attachment to the cell wall in B. anthracis we investigated the structure, backbone dynamics, and function of SrtA. The NMR structure of SrtA has been determined with a backbone coordinate precision of 0.40 ± 0.07 Å. SrtA possesses several novel features not previously observed in sortase enzymes including the presence of a structurally ordered amino terminus positioned within the active site and in contact with catalytically essential histidine residue (His126). We propose that this appendage, in combination with a unique flexible active site loop, mediates the recognition of lipid II, the second substrate to which proteins are attached during the anchoring reaction. pKa measurements indicate that His126 is uncharged at physiological pH compatible with the enzyme operating through a “reverse protonation” mechanism. Interestingly, NMR relaxation measurements and the results of a model building study suggest that SrtA recognizes the LPXTG sorting signal through a lock-in-key mechanism in contrast to the prototypical SrtA enzyme from Staphylococcus aureus.  相似文献   

Factor VIII (FVIII) consists of a heavy (A1A2B domains) and light chain (A3C1C2 domains), whereas the contiguous A1A2 domains are separate subunits in the cofactor, FVIIIa. FVIII x-ray structures show close contacts between A1 and C2 domains. To explore the role of this region in FVIII(a) stability, we generated a variant containing a disulfide bond between A1 and C2 domains by mutating Arg-121 and Leu-2302 to Cys (R121C/L2302C) and a second variant with a bulkier hydrophobic group (A108I) to better occupy a cavity between A1 and C2 domains. Disulfide bonding in the R121C/L2302C variant was >90% efficient as judged by Western blots. Binding affinity between the A108I A1 and A3C1C2 subunits was increased ~3.7-fold in the variant as compared with WT as judged by changes in fluorescence of acrylodan-labeled A1 subunits. FVIII thermal and chemical stability were monitored following rates of loss of FVIII activity at 57 °C or in guanidinium by factor Xa generation assays. The rate of decay of FVIIIa activity was monitored at 23 °C following activation by thrombin. Both R121C/L2302C and A108I variants showed up to ~4-fold increases in thermal stability but minimal improvements in chemical stability. The purified A1 subunit of A108I reconstituted with the A3C1C2 subunit showed an ~4.6-fold increase in thermal stability, whereas reconstitution of the variant A1 with a truncated A3C1 subunit showed similar stability values as compared with WT A1. Together, these results suggest that altering contacts at this A1-C2 junction by covalent modification or increasing hydrophobicity increases inter-chain affinity and functionally enhances FVIII stability.  相似文献   

Fructosyltransferases catalyze the transfer of a fructose unit from one sucrose/fructan to another and are engaged in the production of fructooligosaccharide/fructan. The enzymes belong to the glycoside hydrolase family 32 (GH32) with a retaining catalytic mechanism. Here we describe the crystal structures of recombinant fructosyltransferase (AjFT) from Aspergillus japonicus CB05 and its mutant D191A complexes with various donor/acceptor substrates, including sucrose, 1-kestose, nystose, and raffinose. This is the first structure of fructosyltransferase of the GH32 with a high transfructosylation activity. The structure of AjFT comprises two domains with an N-terminal catalytic domain containing a five-blade β-propeller fold linked to a C-terminal β-sandwich domain. Structures of various mutant AjFT-substrate complexes reveal complete four substrate-binding subsites (−1 to +3) in the catalytic pocket with shapes and characters distinct from those of clan GH-J enzymes. Residues Asp-60, Asp-191, and Glu-292 that are proposed for nucleophile, transition-state stabilizer, and general acid/base catalyst, respectively, govern the binding of the terminal fructose at the −1 subsite and the catalytic reaction. Mutants D60A, D191A, and E292A completely lost their activities. Residues Ile-143, Arg-190, Glu-292, Glu-318, and His-332 combine the hydrophobic Phe-118 and Tyr-369 to define the +1 subsite for its preference of fructosyl and glucosyl moieties. Ile-143 and Gln-327 define the +2 subsite for raffinose, whereas Tyr-404 and Glu-405 define the +2 and +3 subsites for inulin-type substrates with higher structural flexibilities. Structural geometries of 1-kestose, nystose and raffinose are different from previous data. All results shed light on the catalytic mechanism and substrate recognition of AjFT and other clan GH-J fructosyltransferases.  相似文献   

Angiotensin-I-converting enzyme (ACE) plays a critical role in the regulation of blood pressure through its central role in the renin-angiotensin and kallikrein-kinin systems. ACE contains two domains, the N and C domains, both of which are heavily glycosylated. Structural studies of ACE have been fraught with severe difficulties because of surface glycosylation of the protein. In order to investigate the role of glycosylation in the N domain and to create suitable forms for crystallization, we have investigated the importance of the 10 potential N-linked glycan sites using enzymatic deglycosylation, limited proteolysis, and mass spectrometry. A number of glycosylation mutants were generated via site-directed mutagenesis, expressed in CHO cells, and analyzed for enzymatic activity and thermal stability. At least eight of 10 of the potential glycan sites are glycosylated; three C-terminal sites were sufficient for expression of active N domain, whereas two N-terminal sites are important for its thermal stability. The minimally glycosylated Ndom389 construct was highly suitable for crystallization studies. The structure in the presence of an N domain-selective phosphinic inhibitor RXP407 was determined to 2.0 Å resolution. The Ndom389 structure revealed a hinge region that may contribute to the breathing motion proposed for substrate binding.  相似文献   

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) synthesizes polymethylated polysaccharides that form complexes with long chain fatty acids. These complexes, referred to as methylglucose lipopolysaccharides (MGLPs), regulate fatty acid biosynthesis in vivo, including biosynthesis of mycolic acids that are essential for building the cell wall. Glucosyl-3-phosphoglycerate phosphatase (GpgP, EC, encoded by Rv2419c gene, catalyzes the second step of the pathway for the biosynthesis of MGLPs. The molecular basis for this dephosphorylation is currently not understood. Here, we describe the crystal structures of apo-, vanadate-bound, and phosphate-bound MtbGpgP, depicting unliganded, reaction intermediate mimic, and product-bound views of MtbGpgP, respectively. The enzyme consists of a single domain made up of a central β-sheet flanked by α-helices on either side. The active site is located in a positively charged cleft situated above the central β-sheet. Unambiguous electron density for vanadate covalently bound to His11, mimicking the phosphohistidine intermediate, was observed. The role of residues interacting with the ligands in catalysis was probed by site-directed mutagenesis. Arg10, His11, Asn17, Gln23, Arg60, Glu84, His159, and Leu209 are important for enzymatic activity. Comparison of the structures of MtbGpgP revealed conformational changes in a key loop region connecting β1 with α1. This loop regulates access to the active site. MtbGpgP functions as dimer. L209E mutation resulted in monomeric GpgP, rendering the enzyme incapable of dephosphorylation. The structures of GpgP reported here are the first crystal structures for histidine-phosphatase-type GpgPs. These structures shed light on a key step in biosynthesis of MGLPs that could be targeted for development of anti-tuberculosis therapeutics.  相似文献   

The disulfide bond forming DsbA enzymes and their DsbB interaction partners are attractive targets for development of antivirulence drugs because both are essential for virulence factor assembly in Gram-negative pathogens. Here we characterize PmDsbA from Proteus mirabilis, a bacterial pathogen increasingly associated with multidrug resistance. PmDsbA exhibits the characteristic properties of a DsbA, including an oxidizing potential, destabilizing disulfide, acidic active site cysteine, and dithiol oxidase catalytic activity. We evaluated a peptide, PWATCDS, derived from the partner protein DsbB and showed by thermal shift and isothermal titration calorimetry that it binds to PmDsbA. The crystal structures of PmDsbA, and the active site variant PmDsbAC30S were determined to high resolution. Analysis of these structures allows categorization of PmDsbA into the DsbA class exemplified by the archetypal Escherichia coli DsbA enzyme. We also present a crystal structure of PmDsbAC30S in complex with the peptide PWATCDS. The structure shows that the peptide binds non-covalently to the active site CXXC motif, the cis-Pro loop, and the hydrophobic groove adjacent to the active site of the enzyme. This high-resolution structural data provides a critical advance for future structure-based design of non-covalent peptidomimetic inhibitors. Such inhibitors would represent an entirely new antibacterial class that work by switching off the DSB virulence assembly machinery.  相似文献   

Protein engineering experiments have recently yielded hyperstable variants of the thermolysin-like protease from Bacillus stearothermophilus (TLP-ste). These variants contain mutations suggested by comparison of TLP-ste with its more thermostable counterpart thermolysin, as well as rationally designed mutations. The key to the successful stabilization strategy was the identification of a “weak” region that is involved in early unfolding events (“unfolding region”). Mutations in this region had large effects on stability, whereas mutations in other parts of the protein generally had minor effects. The mutational strategies that were used as well as characteristics of the engineered hyperstable biocatalysts are reviewed below.  相似文献   

Insulin provides a model for the therapeutic application of protein engineering. A paradigm in molecular pharmacology was defined by design of rapid-acting insulin analogs for the prandial control of glycemia. Such analogs, a cornerstone of current diabetes regimens, exhibit accelerated subcutaneous absorption due to more rapid disassembly of oligomeric species relative to wild-type insulin. This strategy is limited by a molecular trade-off between accelerated disassembly and enhanced susceptibility to degradation. Here, we demonstrate that this trade-off may be circumvented by nonstandard mutagenesis. Our studies employed LysB28, ProB29-insulin (“lispro”) as a model prandial analog that is less thermodynamically stable and more susceptible to fibrillation than is wild-type insulin. We have discovered that substitution of an invariant tyrosine adjoining the engineered sites in lispro (TyrB26) by 3-iodo-Tyr (i) augments its thermodynamic stability (ΔΔGu 0.5 ±0.2 kcal/mol), (ii) delays onset of fibrillation (lag time on gentle agitation at 37 °C was prolonged by 4-fold), (iii) enhances affinity for the insulin receptor (1.5 ± 0.1-fold), and (iv) preserves biological activity in a rat model of diabetes mellitus. 1H NMR studies suggest that the bulky iodo-substituent packs within a nonpolar interchain crevice. Remarkably, the 3-iodo-TyrB26 modification stabilizes an oligomeric form of insulin pertinent to pharmaceutical formulation (the R6 zinc hexamer) but preserves rapid disassembly of the oligomeric form pertinent to subcutaneous absorption (T6 hexamer). By exploiting this allosteric switch, 3-iodo-TyrB26-lispro thus illustrates how a nonstandard amino acid substitution can mitigate the unfavorable biophysical properties of an engineered protein while retaining its advantages.  相似文献   

In mediating protein folding, chaperonin GroEL and cochaperonin GroES form an enclosed chamber for substrate proteins in an ATP-dependent manner. The essential role of the double ring assembly of GroEL is demonstrated by the functional deficiency of the single ring GroEL(SR). The GroEL(SR)-GroES is highly stable with minimal ATPase activity. To restore the ATP cycle and the turnover of the folding chamber, we sought to weaken the GroEL(SR)-GroES interaction systematically by concatenating seven copies of groES to generate groES(7). GroES Ile-25, Val-26, and Leu-27, residues on the GroEL-GroES interface, were substituted with Asp on different groES modules of groES(7). GroES(7) variants activate ATP activity of GroEL(SR), but only some restore the substrate folding function of GroEL(SR), indicating a direct role of GroES in facilitating substrate folding through its dynamics with GroEL. Active GroEL(SR)-GroES(7) systems may resemble mammalian mitochondrial chaperonin systems.  相似文献   

We have demonstrated that phospholipase D2 (PLD2) is a guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) for Rac2 and determined the PLD2 domains and amino acid site(s) responsible for its GEF activity. Experiments using GST fusion proteins or GST-free counterparts, purified proteins revealed that the PX domain is sufficient to exert GEF activity similar to full-length PLD2. The PLD2-GEF catalytic site is formed by a hydrophobic pocket of residues Phe-107, Phe-129, Leu-166, and Leu-173, all of which are in the PX domain. A nearby Arg-172 is also important in the overall activity. PX mutants altering any of those five amino acids fail to have GEF activity but still bind to Rac2, while their lipase activity was mostly unaffected. In addition to the PX domain, a region in the pleckstrin homology domain (Ile-306–Ala-310) aids in the PX-mediated GEF activity by providing a docking site to hold Rac2 in place during catalysis. We conclude that PLD2 is a unique GEF, with the PX being the major catalytic domain for its GEF activity, whereas the pleckstrin homology domain assists in the PX-mediated activity. The physiological relevance of this novel GEF in cell biology is demonstrated here in chemotaxis and phagocytosis of leukocytes, as the specific PX and PH mutants abolished cell function. Thus, this study reveals for the first time the catalytic site that forms the basis for the mechanism behind the GEF activity of PLD2.  相似文献   

Activated protein C (APC) down-regulates thrombin formation through proteolytic inactivation of factor Va (FVa) by cleavage at Arg506 and Arg306 and of factor VIIIa (FVIIIa) by cleavage at Arg336 and Arg562. To study substrate recognition by APC, active site-mutated APC (APC(S360A)) was used, which lacks proteolytic activity but exhibits anticoagulant activity. Experiments in model systems and in plasma show that APC(S360A), and not its zymogen protein C(S360A), expresses anticoagulant activities by competing with activated coagulation factors X and IX for binding to FVa and FVIIIa, respectively. APC(S360A) bound to FVa with a KD of 0.11 ± 0.05 nm and competed with active site-labeled Oregon Green activated coagulation factor X for binding to FVa. The binding of APC(S360A) to FVa was not affected by protein S but was inhibited by prothrombin. APC(S360A) binding to FVa was critically dependent upon the presence of Arg506 and not Arg306 and additionally required an active site accessible to substrates. Inhibition of FVIIIa activity by APC(S360A) was >100-fold less efficient than inhibition of FVa. Our results show that despite exosite interactions near the Arg506 cleavage site, binding of APC(S360A) to FVa is almost completely dependent on Arg506 interacting with APC(S360A) to form a nonproductive Michaelis complex. Because docking of APC to FVa and FVIIIa constitutes the first step in the inactivation of the cofactors, we hypothesize that the observed anticoagulant activity may be important for in vivo regulation of thrombin formation.  相似文献   

The structures of the native Saccharomyces cerevisiae proteinase A have been solved by molecular replacement in the monoclinic and trigonal crystal forms and refined at 2.6-2.7A resolution. These structures agree overall with those of other uninhibited aspartic proteinases. However, an unusual orientation for the side chain of Tyr75, a conserved residue on the flexible "flap" that covers the active site and is important for the activity of these enzymes, was found in the trigonal crystals. A similar conformation of Tyr75 occupying the S1 substrate-binding pocket was previously reported only for chymosin (where it was interpreted as representing a "self-inhibited" state of the enzyme), but for no other aspartic proteinases. Since this orientation of Tyr75 has now been seen in the structures of two members of the family of aspartic proteinases, it might indicate that the placement of that residue in the S1 substrate-binding pocket might have some functional significance, analogous to what was seen for self-inhibited structures of serine proteinases.  相似文献   

Yersinia pestis produces and secretes a toxin named pesticin that kills related bacteria of the same niche. Uptake of the bacteriocin is required for activity in the periplasm leading to hydrolysis of peptidoglycan. To understand the uptake mechanism and to investigate the function of pesticin, we combined crystal structures of the wild type enzyme, active site mutants, and a chimera protein with in vivo and in vitro activity assays. Wild type pesticin comprises an elongated N-terminal translocation domain, the intermediate receptor binding domain, and a C-terminal activity domain with structural analogy to lysozyme homologs. The full-length protein is toxic to bacteria when taken up to the target site via the outer or the inner membrane. Uptake studies of deletion mutants in the translocation domain demonstrate their critical size for import. To further test the plasticity of pesticin during uptake into bacterial cells, the activity domain was replaced by T4 lysozyme. Surprisingly, this replacement resulted in an active chimera protein that is not inhibited by the immunity protein Pim. Activity of pesticin and the chimera protein was blocked through introduction of disulfide bonds, which suggests unfolding as the prerequisite to gain access to the periplasm. Pesticin, a muramidase, was characterized by active site mutations demonstrating a similar but not identical residue pattern in comparison with T4 lysozyme.  相似文献   

The phosphobase methylation pathway catalyzed by the phosphoethanolamine methyltransferase in Plasmodium falciparum (PfPMT), the malaria parasite, offers an attractive target for anti-parasitic drug development. PfPMT methylates phosphoethanolamine (pEA) to phosphocholine for use in membrane biogenesis. Quantum mechanics and molecular mechanics (QM/MM) calculations tested the proposed reaction mechanism for methylation of pEA involving the previously identified Tyr-19–His-132 dyad, which indicated an energetically unfavorable mechanism. Instead, the QM/MM calculations suggested an alternative mechanism involving Asp-128. The reaction coordinate involves the stepwise transfer of a proton to Asp-128 via a bridging water molecule followed by a typical Sn2-type methyl transfer from S-adenosylmethionine to pEA. Functional analysis of the D128A, D128E, D128Q, and D128N PfPMT mutants shows a loss of activity with pEA but not with the final substrate of the methylation pathway. X-ray crystal structures of the PfPMT-D128A mutant in complex with S-adenosylhomocysteine and either pEA or phosphocholine reveal how mutation of Asp-128 disrupts a hydrogen bond network in the active site. The combined QM/MM, biochemical, and structural studies identify a key role for Asp-128 in the initial step of the phosphobase methylation pathway in Plasmodium and provide molecular insight on the evolution of multiple activities in the active site of the PMT.  相似文献   

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