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《Molecular cell》2023,83(6):961-973.e7
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Protein translocation into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) constitutes the first step of protein secretion. ER protein import is essential in all eukaryotic cells and is particularly critical in fast‐growing tumour cells. Thus, the process can serve as target both for potential cancer drugs and for bacterial virulence factors. Inhibitors of protein transport across the ER membrane range from broad‐spectrum to highly substrate‐specific and can interfere with virtually any stage of this multistep process, and even with transport of endocytosed antigens into the cytosol for cross‐presentation.   相似文献   

内质网膜蛋白在参与信号序列的识别、新生肽链的修饰、转运通道的形成等生理过程中发挥重要作用.易位子相关蛋白(translocon-associated protein, TRAP)是广泛存在于高等真核生物中的一种膜蛋白,其作为信号序列的受体蛋白位于内质网膜上.该蛋白能选择性地识别信号序列,并与Sec61相互作用形成一个以Sec61为核心、TRAP侧向延伸的椭圆状转运通道,从而靶向新生肽链进入内质网腔.近来研究发现,TRAP与蛋白质构象病、神经退行性疾病、肿瘤转移等疾病的发病机制有关.本文将对TRAP各个亚基的最新研究及其功能作一综述.  相似文献   

In Gram-negative bacteria, periplasmic domains in inner membrane proteins are cotranslationally translocated across the inner membrane through the SecYEG translocon. To what degree such domains also start to fold cotranslationally is generally difficult to determine using currently available methods. Here, we apply Force Profile Analysis (FPA) – a method where a translational arrest peptide is used to detect folding-induced forces acting on the nascent polypeptide – to follow the cotranslational translocation and folding of the large periplasmic domain of the E. coli inner membrane protease LepB in vivo. Membrane insertion of LepB’s two N-terminal transmembrane helices is initiated when their respective N-terminal ends reach 45–50 residues away from the peptidyl transferase center (PTC) in the ribosome. The main folding transition in the periplasmic domain involves all but the ~15 most C-terminal residues of the protein and happens when the C-terminal end of the folded part is ~70 residues away from the PTC; a smaller putative folding intermediate is also detected. This implies that wildtype LepB folds post-translationally in vivo, and shows that FPA can be used to study both co- and post-translational protein folding in the periplasm.  相似文献   

The topology of helical membrane proteins is generally defined during insertion of the transmembrane helices, yet it is now clear that it is possible for topology to change under unusual circumstances. It remains unclear, however, if topology reorientation is part of normal biogenesis. For dual topology dimer proteins such as the multidrug transporter EmrE, there may be evolutionary pressure to allow topology flipping so that the populations of both orientations can be equalized. We previously demonstrated that when EmrE is forced to insert in a distorted topology, topology flipping of the first transmembrane helix can occur during translation. Here, we show that topological malleability also extends to the C‐terminal helix and that even complete topology inversion of the entire EmrE protein can occur after the full protein is translated and inserted. Thus, topology rearrangements are possible during normal biogenesis. Wholesale topology flipping is remarkable given the physical constraints of the membrane and expands the range of possible membrane protein folding pathways, both productive and detrimental.  相似文献   

The long‐standing paradigm that all peroxisomal proteins are imported post‐translationally into pre‐existing peroxisomes has been challenged by the detection of peroxisomal membrane proteins (PMPs) inside the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). In mammals, the mechanisms of ER entry and exit of PMPs are completely unknown. We show that the human PMP PEX3 inserts co‐translationally into the mammalian ER via the Sec61 translocon. Photocrosslinking and fluorescence spectroscopy studies demonstrate that the N‐terminal transmembrane segment (TMS) of ribosome‐bound PEX3 is recognized by the signal recognition particle (SRP). Binding to SRP is a prerequisite for targeting of the PEX3‐containing ribosome?nascent chain complex (RNC) to the translocon, where an ordered multistep pathway integrates the nascent chain into the membrane adjacent to translocon proteins Sec61α and TRAM. This insertion of PEX3 into the ER is physiologically relevant because PEX3 then exits the ER via budding vesicles in an ATP‐dependent process. This study identifies early steps in human peroxisomal biogenesis by demonstrating sequential stages of PMP passage through the mammalian ER.   相似文献   

Protein translocons of the mammalian endoplasmic reticulum are composed of numerous functional components whose organization during different stages of the transport cycle in vivo remains poorly understood. We have developed generally applicable methods based on fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) to probe the relative proximities of endogenously expressed translocon components in cells. Examination of substrate-engaged translocons revealed oligomeric assemblies of the Sec61 complex that were associated to varying degrees with other essential components including the signal recognition particle receptor TRAM and the TRAP complex. Remarkably, these components not only remained assembled but also had a similar, yet distinguishable, organization both during and after nascent chain translocation. The persistence of preassembled and complete translocons between successive rounds of transport may facilitate highly efficient translocation in vivo despite temporal constraints imposed by ongoing translation and a crowded cellular environment.  相似文献   

Protein transport via the Sec translocon represents an evolutionary conserved mechanism for delivering cytosolically-synthesized proteins to extra-cytosolic compartments. The Sec translocon has a three-subunit core, termed Sec61 in Eukaryotes and SecYEG in Bacteria. It is located in the endoplasmic reticulum of Eukaryotes and in the cytoplasmic membrane of Bacteria where it constitutes a channel that can be activated by multiple partner proteins. These partner proteins determine the mechanism of polypeptide movement across the channel. During SRP-dependent co-translational targeting, the ribosome threads the nascent protein directly into the Sec channel. This pathway is in Bacteria mainly dedicated for membrane proteins but in Eukaryotes also employed by secretory proteins. The alternative pathway, leading to post-translational translocation across the Sec translocon engages an ATP-dependent pushing mechanism by the motor protein SecA in Bacteria and a ratcheting mechanism by the lumenal chaperone BiP in Eukaryotes. Protein transport and biogenesis is also assisted by additional proteins at the lateral gate of SecY/Sec61α and in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum or in the periplasm of bacterial cells. The modular assembly enables the Sec complex to transport a vast array of substrates. In this review we summarize recent biochemical and structural information on the prokaryotic and eukaryotic Sec translocons and we describe the remarkably complex interaction network of the Sec complexes.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli is the most widely used host for producing membrane proteins. Thus far, to study the consequences of membrane protein overexpression in E. coli, we have focussed on prokaryotic membrane proteins as overexpression targets. Their overexpression results in the saturation of the Sec translocon, which is a protein-conducting channel in the cytoplasmic membrane that mediates both protein translocation and insertion. Saturation of the Sec translocon leads to (i) protein misfolding/aggregation in the cytoplasm, (ii) impaired respiration, and (iii) activation of the Arc response, which leads to inefficient ATP production and the formation of acetate. The overexpression yields of eukaryotic membrane proteins in E. coli are usually much lower than those of prokaryotic ones. This may be due to differences between the consequences of the overexpression of prokaryotic and eukaryotic membrane proteins in E. coli. Therefore, we have now also studied in detail how the overexpression of a eukaryotic membrane protein, the human KDEL receptor, affects E. coli. Surprisingly, the consequences of the overexpression of a prokaryotic and a eukaryotic membrane protein are very similar. Strain engineering and likely also protein engineering can be used to remedy the saturation of the Sec translocon upon overexpression of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic membrane proteins in E. coli.  相似文献   

We characterized a complete Sec61 complex in Nosema bombycis, which has been shown to consist of Sec61alpha, Sec61beta, and Sec61gamma genes. Comparing the genomic regions that harbor the respective subunit genes between N. bombycis, Encephalitozoon cuniculi, and Antonospora locustae, we found that microsporidian genomes have high degree of synteny in short genomic fragment, and that this gene synteny in general might exist throughout microsporidian genomes.  相似文献   

In peroxisome formation, models of near‐autonomous peroxisome biogenesis with membrane protein integration directly from the cytosol into the peroxisomal membrane are in direct conflict with models whereby peroxisomes bud from the endoplasmic reticulum and receive their membrane proteins through a branch of the secretory pathway. We therefore reinvestigated the role of the Sec 61 complex, the protein‐conducting channel of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in peroxisome formation. We found that depletion or partial inactivation of Sec 61 in yeast disables peroxisome formation. The ER entry of the early peroxisomal membrane protein Pex 3 engineered with a glycosylation tag is reduced in sec61 mutant cells. Moreover, we were able to reconstitute Pex 3 import into ER membranes in vitro, and we identified a variant of a signal anchor sequence for ER translocation at the Pex 3 N‐terminus. Our findings are consistent with a Sec 61 requirement for peroxisome formation and a fundamental role of the ER in peroxisome biogenesis.  相似文献   

We have carried out detailed statistical analyses of integral membrane proteins of the helix-bundle class from eubacterial, archaean, and eukaryotic organisms for which genome-wide sequence data are available. Twenty to 30% of all ORFs are predicted to encode membrane proteins, with the larger genomes containing a higher fraction than the smaller ones. Although there is a general tendency that proteins with a smaller number of transmembrane segments are more prevalent than those with many, uni-cellular organisms appear to prefer proteins with 6 and 12 transmembrane segments, whereas Caenorhabditis elegans and Homo sapiens have a slight preference for proteins with seven transmembrane segments. In all organisms, there is a tendency that membrane proteins either have many transmembrane segments with short connecting loops or few transmembrane segments with large extra-membraneous domains. Membrane proteins from all organisms studied, except possibly the archaeon Methanococcus jannaschii, follow the so-called "positive-inside" rule; i.e., they tend to have a higher frequency of positively charged residues in cytoplasmic than in extra-cytoplasmic segments.  相似文献   

M13 procoat protein was one of the first model proteins used to study bacterial membrane protein insertion. It contains a signal peptide of 23 amino acid residues and is not membrane targeted by the signal recognition particle. The translocation of its periplasmic domain is independent of the preprotein translocase (SecAYEG) but requires electrochemical membrane potential and the membrane insertase YidC of Escherichia coli. We show here that YidC is sufficient for efficient membrane insertion of the purified M13 procoat protein into energized YidC proteoliposomes. When no membrane potential is applied, the insertion is substantially reduced. Only in the presence of YidC, membrane insertion occurs if bilayer integrity is preserved and membrane potential is stable for more than 20 min. A mutant of the M13 procoat protein, H5EE, with two additional negatively charged residues in the periplasmic domain inserted into YidC proteoliposomes and SecYEG proteoliposomes with equal efficiencies. We conclude that the protein can use both the YidC-only pathway and the Sec pathway. This poses the questions of how procoat H5EE is inserted in vivo and how insertion pathways are selected in the cell.  相似文献   

The thylakoid DeltapH-dependent/Tat pathway is a novel system with the remarkable ability to transport tightly folded precursor proteins using a transmembrane DeltapH as the sole energy source. Three known components of the transport machinery exist in two distinct subcomplexes. A cpTatC-Hcf106 complex serves as precursor receptor and a Tha4 complex is required after precursor recognition. Here we report that Tha4 assembles with cpTatC-Hcf106 during the translocation step. Interactions among components were examined by chemical cross-linking of intact thylakoids followed by immunoprecipitation and immunoblotting. cpTatC and Hcf106 were consistently associated under all conditions tested. In contrast, Tha4 was only associated with cpTatC and Hcf106 in the presence of a functional precursor and the DeltapH. Interestingly, a synthetic signal peptide could replace intact precursor in triggering assembly. The association of all three components was transient and dissipated upon the completion of protein translocation. Such an assembly-disassembly cycle could explain how the DeltapH/Tat system can assemble translocases to accommodate folded proteins of varied size. It also explains in part how the system can exist in the membrane without compromising its ion and proton permeability barrier.  相似文献   

电子顺磁共振(EPR)技术具有高灵敏度、高分辨率的特性,通过自旋标记方法,可以用来研究膜蛋白质拓扑学、膜蛋白间相互作用、膜蛋白与磷脂膜相互作用过程中膜蛋白的结构变化以及细胞膜的流动性。在膜脂和膜蛋白的细胞生物学研究中具有广阔的应用前景。现对EPR技术在细胞膜研究中的应用进展做一综述。  相似文献   

In yeast, Tsc10p catalyzes reduction of 3-ketosphinganine to dihydrosphingosine. In mammals, it has been proposed that this reaction is catalyzed by FVT1, which despite limited homology and a different predicted topology, can replace Tsc10p in yeast. Silencing of FVT1 revealed a direct correlation between FVT1 levels and reductase activity, showing that FVT1 is the principal 3-ketosphinganine reductase in mammalian cells. Localization and topology studies identified an N-terminal membrane-spanning domain in FVT1 (absent in Tsc10p) oriented to place it in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) lumen. In contrast, protease digestion studies showed that the N terminus of Tsc10p is cytoplasmic. Fusion of the N-terminal domain of FVT1 to green fluorescent protein directed the fusion protein to the ER, demonstrating that it is sufficient for targeting. Although both proteins have two predicted transmembrane domains C-terminal to a cytoplasmic catalytic domain, neither had an identifiable lumenal loop. Nevertheless, both Tsc10p and the residual fragment of FVT1 produced by removal of the N-terminal domain with factor Xa protease behave as integral membrane proteins. In addition to their topological differences, mutation of conserved catalytic residues had different effects on the activities of the two enzymes. Thus, while FVT1 can replace Tsc10p in yeast, there are substantial differences between the two enzymes that may be important for regulation of sphingolipid biosynthesis in higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Membrane fusion requires priming, the disassembly of cis-SNARE complexes by the ATP-driven chaperones Sec18/17p. Yeast vacuole priming releases Vam7p, a soluble SNARE. Vam7p reassociation during docking allows trans-SNARE pairing and fusion. We now report that recombinant Vam7p (rVam7p) enters into complex with other SNAREs in vitro and bypasses the need for Sec17p, Sec18p, and ATP. Thus, the sole essential function of vacuole priming in vitro is the release of Vam7p from cis-SNARE complexes. In 'bypass fusion', without ATP but with added rVam7p, there are sufficient unpaired vacuolar SNAREs Vam3p, Vti1p, and Nyv1p to interact with Vam7p and support fusion. However, active SNARE proteins are not sufficient for bypass fusion. rVam7p does not bypass requirements for Rho GTPases,Vps33p, Vps39p, Vps41p, calmodulin, specific lipids, or Vph1p, a subunit of the V-ATPase. With excess rVam7p, reduced levels of PI(3)P or functional Ypt7p suffice for bypass fusion. High concentrations of rVam7p allow the R-SNARE Ykt6p to substitute for Nyv1p for fusion; this functional redundancy among vacuole SNAREs may explain why nyv1delta strains lack the vacuole fragmentation seen with mutants in other fusion catalysts.  相似文献   

A topology map of a membrane protein defines the location of transmembrane helices and the orientation of soluble domains relative to the membrane. In the absence of a high-resolution structure, a topology map is an essential guide for studying structure-function relationships. Although these maps can be predicted directly from amino acid sequence, the predictions are more accurate if combined with experimental data, which are usually obtained by fusing a reporter protein to the C-terminus of the protein. However, as reporter proteins are large, they cannot be used to report on the cytoplasmic/periplasmic location of the N-terminus of a protein. Here, we show that the bimolecular split-green fluorescent protein complementation system can overcome this limitation and can be used to determine the location of both the N- and C-termini of inner membrane proteins in Escherichia coli.  相似文献   

The third complementarity-determining regions (CDR3s) of antibodies and T cell receptors (TCRs) have been shown to play a major role in antigen binding and specificity. Consistent with this notion, we demonstrated previously that high-affinity, peptide-specific TCRs could be generated in vitro by mutations in the CDR3alpha region of the 2C TCR. In contrast, it has been argued that CDR1 and CDR2 are involved to a greater extent than CDR3s in the process of MHC restriction, due to their engagement of MHC helices. Based on this premise, we initiated the present study to explore whether higher affinity TCRs generated through mutations in these CDRs or other regions would lead to significant reductions in peptide specificity (i.e. the result of greater binding energy gained through interactions with major histocompatibility complex (MHC) helices). Yeast-display technology and flow sorting were used to select high-affinity TCRs from libraries of CDR mutants or random mutants. High-affinity TCRs with mutations in the first residue of the Valpha, CDR1, CDR2, or CDR3 were isolated. Unexpectedly, every TCR mutant, including those in CDR1 and CDR2, retained remarkable peptide specificity. Molecular modeling of various mutants suggested that such exquisite specificity may be due to: (1) enhanced electrostatic interactions with key peptide or MHC residues; or (2) stabilization of CDRs in specific conformations. The results indicate that the TCR is positioned so that virtually every CDR can contribute to the antigen-specificity of a T cell. The conserved diagonal docking of TCRs could thus orient each CDR loop to sense the peptide directly or indirectly through peptide-induced effects on the MHC.  相似文献   

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