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We describe the molecular identification of the M. tuberculosis complex DNA in bone tissue samples from recent and historic populations. In a first set, archival paraffin material from vertebral bodies of 12 recent cases with clinically/microbiologically proven tuberculosis was compared to 12 further cases without tuberculosis. While eight TB cases revealed a specific mycobacterial amplification product, none of the controls was positive. Interestingly, one case with tuberculous sepsis (Landouzy sepsis), five cases with tuberculous spread beyond the primarily affected organ (i.e., lymph node or miliar involvement), and also two of six cases with restricted pulmonary tuberculosis reacted positively in the vertebral specimens. This indicates that a molecular analysis can detect mycobacteria even in unremarkable bone tissue, proving that organ tuberculosis is present. In addition, the extent of spread is of high significance for the frequency of positive reactions. In addition, we investigated a series of vertebral samples coming from an Egyptian population of the necropolis of Thebes-West dating to approximately 1450-500 BC. In this group of 36 cases, three of five cases with typical macromorphological signs for tuberculous spondylitis, 2 of 12 cases with nonspecific alterations, and 2 of 19 cases without macroscopic pathology revealed a specific amplicon of the M. tuberculosis complex. This suggests a significant frequency of infected people in that ancient population. Finally, a fourth group of 51 long bone samples with pathological alterations coming form a southern German ossuary (between AD 1400-1800) was investigated, and 10 cases were positive for the M. tuberculosis complex. These studies of historic material clearly support the notion that tuberculous infections can be unequivocally identified by molecular techniques. The relatively high frequency of ancient bacterial DNA amplifications in unremarkable bone is well-explained by our analysis of the recent material. Our data form an important basis for the investigation of tuberculosis frequency and spread in historic periods.  相似文献   

The field of ancient DNA (aDNA) has rapidly accelerated in recent years as a result of new methods in next-generation sequencing, library preparation and targeted enrichment. Such research is restricted, however, by the highly variable DNA preservation within different tissues, especially when isolating ancient pathogens from human remains. Identifying positive candidate samples via quantitative PCR (qPCR) for downstream procedures can reduce reagent costs, increase capture efficiency and maximize the number of sequencing reads of the target. This study uses four qPCR assays designed to target regions within the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTBC) to examine 133 human skeletal samples from a wide geographical and temporal range, identified by the presence of skeletal lesions typical of chronic disseminated tuberculosis. Given the inherent challenges working with ancient mycobacteria, strict criteria must be used and primer/probe design continually re-evaluated as new data from bacteria become available. Seven samples tested positive for multiple MTBC loci, supporting them as strong candidates for downstream analyses. Using strict and conservative criteria, qPCR remains a fast and effective screening tool when compared with screening by more expensive sequencing and enrichment technologies.  相似文献   

林楠  周杰  周盈  汪世华 《微生物学通报》2014,41(5):1011-1019
【目的】结合现有数据,通过对两株临床超级广泛耐药的结核分枝杆菌全基因组的测序和分析,发现其型别相关的突变位点,解释发生广泛耐药的基因组突变机制。【方法】利用Solexa第二代测序技术对两株广泛耐药结核分枝杆菌(FJ05194和GuangZ0019)进行全基因组测序分析。以H37Rv为参考序列得到两株广泛耐药菌株的单核苷酸多态性(SNPs),构建系统发育树鉴定菌株型别,判断突变位点中型别相关和非型别相关的SNPs。定位SNPs所在的基因组区域,对型别相关的突变基因进行KEGG通路的富集分析,对非型别相关的突变基因和间隔区判断是否与耐药相关。【结果】两株广泛耐药菌株分别属于Lineage2和Lineage4型别,两菌株在碱基替换方面存在差异性,Lineage2型别相关的基因功能富集于ABC转运蛋白和核苷酸切除修复的通路。耐药方面,发现了已知的耐药相关基因的突变(rpoB、katG、rpsl、gyrA、gyrB、embB和ethA等),但卷曲霉素和卡那霉素相关的rrs、tlyA和eis启动子区域未发生突变,不足以解释其耐药性的产生。与最新报道的候选耐药基因比较,发现了卷曲霉素和卡那霉素相关的突变(Rv1393c、Rv0265c和narX等)和外排泵相关的pstB、Rv2333c和Rv2687c突变。【结论】结核分枝杆菌Lineage2型别相关的SNPs中含有影响结核分枝杆菌突变率和耐药性的突变。对于两株超级广泛耐药的结核菌,已知的激活药物或药靶相关的单耐药基因突变集合不能完全解释其广泛耐药性,还涉及新候选结核耐药基因、外排泵和补偿等其他潜在机制的相关基因突变。  相似文献   

Ancient DNA has the potential of adding the dimension of time to genetic studies. With a suitable sample set it should be possible to follow genetic changes over time as they occur. To date, only a limited number of ancient DNA studies that cover a large time span have been published, and all of these studies have used mitochondrial DNA. Here, we explore SNP typing as a way to access ancient coding nuclear genes. By targeting fragments of minimal size, we typed three polymorphic sites in 111 ancient cattle remains spanning some 4000 years. We showed that there has been a decrease in heterozygosity over time, especially since the late Middle Ages. We conclude that SNPs can be used to generate a time series for nuclear markers from ancient material, and thereby to study selection on genes over time.  相似文献   

Ancient DNA recovered from 16 Jomon skeletons excavated from Funadomari site, Hokkaido, Japan was analyzed to elucidate the genealogy of the early settlers of the Japanese archipelago. Both the control and coding regions of their mitochondrial DNA were analyzed in detail, and we could securely assign 14 mtDNAs to relevant haplogroups. Haplogroups D1a, M7a, and N9b were observed in these individuals, and N9b was by far the most predominant. The fact that haplogroups N9b and M7a were observed in Hokkaido Jomons bore out the hypothesis that these haplogroups are the (pre-) Jomon contribution to the modern Japanese mtDNA pool. Moreover, the fact that Hokkaido Jomons shared haplogroup D1 with Native Americans validates the hypothesized genetic affinity of the Jomon people to Native Americans, providing direct evidence for the genetic relationships between these populations. However, probably due to the small sample size or close consanguinity among the members of the site, the frequencies of the haplogroups in Funadomari skeletons were quite different from any modern populations, including Hokkaido Ainu, who have been regarded as the direct descendant of the Hokkaido Jomon people. It appears that the genetic study of ancient populations in northern part of Japan brings important information to the understanding of human migration in northeast Asia and America.  相似文献   

[目的]柞蚕核型多角体病毒(Antheraea pernyi nucleopolyhedroviruses,AnpeNPV)能引起柞蚕脓病大面积暴发.尽管之前已完成了两株核型多角体病毒的基因组测序,但基于比较基因组的方法调查AnpeNPV间的遗传变异研究则相对较少.[方法]为了研究AnpeNPV不同地理株系间的遗传多样性,我们测序了1株从中国河南省分离的柞蚕NPV(AnpeNPV-H)基因组,并和之前从辽宁省分离的2株柞蚕NPV(AnpeNPV-L和AnpeNPV-Z)进行了比较基因组学分析.[结果]AnpeNPV-H的全基因组大小为125 605 bp,总共预测了146个开放阅读框(ORF),包括95个功能注释蛋白和51个假定蛋白.我们发现这3株AnpeNPV间的基因组成非常相似.在这3个AnpeNPV株系间,有6个开放阅读框存在碱基变异而导致基因的变短.并鉴定超过200个单核苷酸多态性(single nucleotide variations,SNVs),其中85%位于蛋白编码区.同时,odv-e56,p94-like和egt3个基因的非同义突变较高,表明这3个蛋白质编码基因可能经历了正向选择或纯化选择.我们发现在这3株AnpeNPV间一些基因的氨基酸发生变异,例如编码膜蛋白的基因、抑制凋亡和蜕皮的基因及与DNA复制相关的DNA聚合酶和解旋酶等基因.最后,展示了3株AnpeNPV间遗传重组的证据.[结论]本研究揭示了AnpeNPV种内水平的变异和株系内基因组的动态结构.  相似文献   

Patterns of genetic diversity within populations of human pathogens, shaped by the ecology of host-microbe interactions, contain important information about the epidemiological history of infectious disease. Exploiting this information, however, requires a systematic approach that distinguishes the genetic signal generated by epidemiological processes from the effects of other forces, such as recombination, mutation, and population history. Here, a variety of quantitative techniques were employed to investigate multilocus sequence information from isolate collections of Neisseria meningitidis, a major cause of meningitis and septicemia world wide. This allowed quantitative evaluation of alternative explanations for the observed population structure. A coalescent-based approach was employed to estimate the rate of mutation, the rate of recombination, and the size distribution of recombination fragments from samples from disease-associated and carried meningococci obtained in the Czech Republic in 1993 and a global collection of disease-associated isolates collected globally from 1937 to 1996. The parameter estimates were used to reject a model in which genetic structure arose by chance in small populations, and analysis of molecular variation showed that geographically restricted gene flow was unlikely to be the cause of the genetic structure. The genetic differentiation between disease and carriage isolate collections indicated that, whereas certain genotypes were overrepresented among the disease-isolate collections (the "hyperinvasive" lineages), disease-associated and carried meningococci exhibited remarkably little differentiation at the level of individual nucleotide polymorphisms. In combination, these results indicated the repeated action of natural selection on meningococcal populations, possibly arising from the coevolutionary dynamic of host-pathogen interactions.  相似文献   

Historically, king penguin populations on Macquarie Island have suffered greatly from human exploitation. Two large colonies on the island were drastically reduced to a single small colony as a result of harvesting for the blubber oil industry. However, recent conservation efforts have resulted in the king penguin population expanding in numbers and range to recolonize previous as well as new sites. Ancient DNA methods were used to estimate past genetic diversity and combined with studies of modern populations, we are now able to compare past levels of variation with extant populations on northern Macquarie Island. The ancient and modern populations are closely related and show a similar level of genetic diversity. These results suggest that the king penguin population has recovered past genetic diversity in just 80 years owing to conservation efforts, despite having seen the brink of extinction.  相似文献   

R. Qiao  X. Li  X. Han  K. Wang  G. Lv  G. Ren  X. Li 《Animal genetics》2019,50(3):262-265
To investigate the population structure and genetic diversity of Henan indigenous pig breeds, samples from a total of 78 pigs of 11 breeds were collected, including four pig populations from Henan Province, three Western commercial breeds, three Chinese native pig breeds from other provinces and one Asian wild boar. The genotyping datasets were obtained by genotyping‐by‐sequencing technology. We found a high degree of polymorphism and rapid linkage disequilibrium decay in Henan pigs. A neighbor‐joining tree, principal component analysis and structure analysis revealed that the Huainan and Erhualian pigs were clustered together and that the Queshan black pigs were clearly grouped together but that the Nanyang and Yuxi pigs were extensively admixed with Western pigs. In addition, heterozygosity values might indicate that Henan indigenous pigs, especially the Queshan black and Huainan pigs, were subjected to little selection during domestication. The results presented here indicate that Henan pig breeds were admixed from Western breeds, especially Nanyang and Yuxi pigs. Therefore, establishment of purification and rejuvenation systems to implement conservation strategies is urgent. In addition, it is also necessary to accelerate genetic resources improvement and utilization using modern breeding technologies, such as genomic selection and genome‐wide association studies.  相似文献   

A large number (265) of burials from 1731-1838 were discovered in sealed crypts of the Dominican Church, Vác, Hungary in 1994. Many bodies were naturally mummified, so that both soft tissues and bones were available. Contemporary archives enabled the determination of age at death, and the identification of family groups. In some cases, symptoms before death were described and, occasionally, occupation. Initial radiological examination of a small number of individuals had indicated calcified lung lesions and demonstrable acid-fast bacteria suggestive of tuberculosis infection. Tuberculosis was endemic in 18th-19th century Europe, so human remains should contain detectable Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTB) DNA, enabling comparisons with modern isolates. Therefore, a comprehensive examination of 168 individuals for the presence of MTB DNA was undertaken. Specific DNA amplification methods for MTB showed that 55% of individuals were positive and that the incidence varied according to age at death and sampling site in the body. Radiographs were obtained from 27 individuals and revealed an association between gross pathology and the presence of MTB DNA. There was an inverse relationship between PCR positivity and MTB target sequence size. In some cases, the preservation of MTB DNA was excellent, and several target gene sequences could be detected from the same sample. This information, combined with MTB DNA sequencing data and molecular typing techniques, will enable us to study the past epidemiology of TB infection, and extends the timeframe for studying changes in molecular fingerprints.  相似文献   

To clarify the colonizing process of East/Northeast Asia as well as the peopling of the Americas, identifying the genetic characteristics of Paleolithic Siberians is indispensable. However, no genetic information on the Paleolithic Siberians has hitherto been reported. In the present study, we analyzed ancient DNA recovered from Jomon skeletons excavated from the northernmost island of Japan, Hokkaido, which was connected with southern Siberia in the Paleolithic period. Both the control and coding regions of their mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) were analyzed in detail, and we confidently assigned 54 mtDNAs to relevant haplogroups. Haplogroups N9b, D4h2, G1b, and M7a were observed in these individuals, with N9b being the predominant one. The fact that all these haplogroups, except M7a, were observed with relatively high frequencies in the southeastern Siberians, but were absent in southeastern Asian populations, implies that most of the Hokkaido Jomon people were direct descendants of Paleolithic Siberians. The coalescence time of N9b (ca. 22,000 years) was before or during the last glacial maximum, implying that the initial trigger for the Jomon migration in Hokkaido was increased glaciations during this period. Interestingly, Hokkaido Jomons lack specific haplogroups that are prevailing in present-day native Siberians, implying that diffusion of these haplogroups in Siberia might have been after the beginning of the Jomon era, about 15,000 years before present.  相似文献   

Aims: Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is the most rapid and sensitive method for diagnosing mycobacterial infections and identifying the aetiological Mycobacterial species in order to administer the appropriate therapy and for better patient management. Methods and Results: Two hundred and thirty‐five samples from 145 clinically suspected cases of tuberculosis were processed for the detection of Mycobacterial infections by ZN (Ziehl Neelsen) smear examination, L‐J & BACTECTM MGIT‐960 culture and multiplex PCR tests. The multiplex PCR comprised of genus‐specific primers targeting hsp65 gene, Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex‐specific primer targeting cfp10 (Rv3875, esxB) region and Mycobacterium avium complex‐specific primer pairs targeting 16S–23S Internal Transcribed Spacer sequences. The multiplex PCR developed had an analytical sensitivity of 10 fg (3–4 cells) of mycobacterial DNA. The multiplex PCR test showed the highest (77·24%) detection rate, while ZN smear examination had the lowest (20%) detection rate, which was bettered by L‐J culture (34·4%) and BACTECTM MGIT‐960 culture (50·34%) methods. The mean isolation time for M. tuberculosis was 19·03 days in L‐J culture and 8·7 days in BACTECTM MGIT‐960 culture. Using the multiplex PCR, we could establish M. tuberculosis + M. avium co‐infection in 1·3% HIV‐negative and 2·9% HIV‐positive patients. The multiplex PCR was also highly useful in diagnosing mycobacteraemia in 38·09% HIV‐positive and 15·38% HIV‐negative cases. Conclusions: The developed in‐house multiplex PCR could identify and differentiate the M. tuberculosis and M. avium complexes from other Mycobacterial species directly from clinical specimens. Significance and Impact of the Study: The triplex PCR developed by us could be used to detect and differentiate M. tuberculosis, M. avium and other mycobacteria in a single reaction tube.  相似文献   

Several studies have suggested that genetic factors may affect the susceptibility of a population to tuberculosis, and it has been found that P2X7 is linked to an increased risk for tuberculosis in some West African, Southeast Asian, North American, and North European populations. To explore the potential role of P2X7 in the susceptibility to tuberculosis among members of the Chinese Han population, we evaluated the association of the 1513A→C and −762T→C polymorphisms in P2X7 with the risk for tuberculosis. PCR amplification of genomic DNA was followed by restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, and allele-specific PCR was used. We found no significant differences in the genotypic and allelic frequencies of 1513A→C polymorphisms in 96 patients with tuberculosis compared with 384 control subjects [ P =0.856 and 0.316, respectively; odds ratio (OR) for the C allele=0.976; 95% confidence interval (CI)=0.755–1.262]. Similarly, no significant association was found between the −762T→C polymorphism and tuberculosis ( P =0.102 and 0.095 for the patients and controls, respectively; OR for the C allele=0.924; 95% CI=0.847–1.010). Thus, our analysis of P2X7 showed that the 1513A→C and −762T→C polymorphisms did not appear to be associated with the susceptibility of the Chinese Han population to tuberculosis.  相似文献   

One‐third of the world's humans has latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI), representing a large pool of potentially active TB. Recent LTBI carries a higher risk of disease progression than remote LTBI. Recent studies suggest important roles of antibodies in TB pathology, prompting us to investigate serum antibody profiles in a cohort with LTBI. In this single‐center prospective observational study, we analyzed IgG‐antibody concentrations against five major Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) antigens (including 6 kDa early secretory antigenic target (ESAT6), CFP10, and antigen 85A, which are expressed mainly in the growth phase; and mycobacterial DNA‐binding protein 1 (MDP1) and alpha‐crystallin like protein (Acr), which are expressed in the dormant phases) in individuals with recent (n=13) or remote (n=12) LTBI, no Mtb infection (n=19), or active TB (n=15). Antibody titers against ESAT6 and MDP1 were significantly higher in individuals with recent LTBI than in those with no Mtb infection or remote LTBI. All pairwise antibody titers against these five major antigens were significantly correlated throughout the stages of Mtb infection. Five individuals with recent LTBI had significantly higher antibody titers against ESAT6 (P = 0.03), Ag85A (P = 0.048), Acr (P = 0.057), and MDP1 (P = 0.0001) than in individuals with remote LTBI; they were also outside the normal range (+2 SDs). One of these individuals was diagnosed with active pulmonary TB at 18‐month follow‐up examination. These findings indicated that concentrations of antibodies against both multiplying and dormant Mtb are higher in recent LTBI and that individuals with markedly higher antibody titers may be appropriate candidates for prophylactic therapy.  相似文献   

Ecotypes of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A phylogeny of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex has recently shown that the animal-adapted strains are found in a single lineage marked by the deletion of chromosomal region 9 (RD9) [Brosch et al., 2002. A new evolutionary scenario for the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 99 (6), 3684-3689]. We have obtained the spoligotype patterns of the RD9 deleted strains used to generate this new evolutionary scenario and we show that the presence of spoligotype spacers 3, 9, 16, 39, and 40-43 is phylogenetically informative in this lineage. We have used the phylogenetically informative spoligotype spacers to screen a database of spoligotype patterns and have identified further members of a group of strains apparently host-adapted to antelopes. The presence of the spoligotype spacers is congruent with the phylogeny generated by chromosomal deletions, suggesting that recombination is rare or absent between strains of this lineage. The phylogenetically informative spacers, in concert with the previously identified single nucleotide mutations and chromosomal deletions, can be used to identify a series of clades in the RD9 deleted lineage each with a separate host preference. Finally, we discuss the application of the ecotype concept to this series of clades and suggest that the M. tuberculosis complex may best be described as a series of host-adapted ecotypes.  相似文献   

Climate is one of the most important drivers of local adaptation in forest tree species. Standing levels of genetic diversity and structure within and among natural populations of forest trees are determined by the interplay between climatic heterogeneity and the balance between selection and gene flow. To investigate this interplay, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were genotyped in 24 to 37 populations from four subalpine conifers, Abies alba Mill., Larix decidua Mill., Pinus cembra L. and Pinus mugo Turra, across their natural ranges in the Italian Alps and Apennines. Patterns of population structure were apparent using a Bayesian clustering program, STRUCTURE, which identified three to five genetic groups per species. Geographical correlates with these patterns, however, were only apparent for P. cembra. Multivariate environmental variables [i.e. principal components (PCs)] were subsequently tested for association with SNPs using a Bayesian generalized linear mixed model. The majority of the SNPs, ranging from six in L. decidua to 18 in P. mugo, were associated with PC1, corresponding to winter precipitation and seasonal minimum temperature. In A. alba, four SNPs were associated with PC2, corresponding to the seasonal minimum temperature. Functional annotation of those genes with the orthologs in Arabidopsis revealed several genes involved in abiotic stress response. This study provides a detailed assessment of population structure and its association with environment and geography in four coniferous species in the Italian mountains.  相似文献   

In the present study, nuclear (autosomal and Y-chromosome short tandem repeats) and mitochondrial (hypervariable region I) ancient DNA data previously obtained from a 2,300-year-old Xiongnu population of the Egyin Gol Valley (south of Lake Baikal in northern Mongolia) (Keyser-Tracqui et al. 2003 Am. J. Hum. Genet. 73:247-260) were compared with data from two contemporary Mongolian populations: one from the same location (Egyin Gol Valley plus a perimeter of less than 100 km around the valley), and one from the whole of Mongolia. The principal objective of this comparative analysis was to assess the likelihood that genetic continuity exists between ancient and present-day Mongolian populations. Since the ancient Xiongnu sample might have been composed of some of the ancestors of the present-day Yakuts, data from a present-day Yakut population, as well as published data from Turkish populations, were also included in the comparative analysis. The main result of our study was the genetic similarity observed among Mongolian samples from different periods and geographic areas. This result supports the hypothesis that the succession over time of different Turkic and Mongolian tribes in the current territory of Mongolia resulted in cultural rather than genetic exchanges. Furthermore, it appears that the Yakuts probably did not find their origin among the Xiongnu tribes, as we previously hypothesized.  相似文献   

Miscanthus is a perennial C4 grass that has recently become an important bioenergy crop. The efficiency of breeding improved Miscanthus biomass cultivars could be greatly increased by marker‐assisted selection. Thus, a high‐density genetic map is critical to Miscanthus improvement. In this study, a mapping population of 261 F1 progeny was developed from a cross between two diploid M. sinensis cultivars, ‘Strictus’ and ‘Kaskade’. High‐density genetic maps for the two parents were produced with 3044 newly developed single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) obtained from restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing, and 138 previously mapped GoldenGate SNPs. The female parent (‘Strictus’) map spanned 1599 cM, with 1989 SNPs on 19 linkage groups, and an average intermarker spacing of 0.8 cM. The length of the male parent (‘Kaskade’) map was 1612 cM, with 1821 SNPs, and an average intermarker spacing of 0.9 cM. The utility of the map was confirmed by locating quantitative trait loci (QTL) for the zebra‐striped trait, which was segregating in this population. Three QTL for zebra‐striped presence/absence (zb1, zb2 on LG 7, and zb3 on LG 10) and three for zebra‐striped intensity (zbi1, zbi2, zbi3 on LGs 7, 10, 3) were identified. Each allele that caused striping was recessive. Incomplete penetrance was observed for each zb QTL, but penetrance was greatest when two or more zb QTL were homozygous for the causative alleles. Similarly, the intensity of striping was greatest when two or more zbi QTL were homozygous for alleles that conferred the trait. Comparative mapping indicated putative correspondence between zb3 and/or zbi2 on LG 10 to previously sequenced genes conferring zebra stripe in maize and rice. These results demonstrate that the new map is useful for identifying marker–trait associations. The mapped markers will become a valuable community resource, facilitating comparisons among studies and the breeding of Miscanthus.  相似文献   

Various studies on ancient DNA have attempted to reconstruct population movement in Asia, with much interest focused on determining the arrival of European lineages in ancient East Asia. Here, we discuss our analysis of the mitochondrial DNA of human remains excavated from the Yu Hong tomb in Taiyuan, China, dated 1400 years ago. The burial style of this tomb is characteristic of Central Asia at that time. Our analysis shows that Yu Hong belonged to the haplogroup U5, one of the oldest western Eurasian-specific haplogroups, while his wife can be classified as haplogroup G, the type prevalent in East Asia. Our findings show that this man with European lineage arrived in Taiyuan approximately 1400 years ago, and most probably married a local woman. Haplogroup U5 was the first west Eurasian-specific lineage to be found in the central part of ancient China, and Taiyuan may be the easternmost location of the discovered remains of European lineage in ancient China.  相似文献   

牛大彦  严卫丽 《遗传》2015,37(12):1204-1210
心血管疾病、2型糖尿病、原发性高血压、哮喘、肥胖、肿瘤等复杂疾病在全球范围内流行,并成为人类死亡的主要原因。越来越多的人开始关注遗传易感性在复杂疾病发病机制中的作用。至今,与复杂疾病相关的易感基因和基因序列变异仍未完全清楚。人们希望通过遗传关联研究来阐明复杂疾病的遗传基础。近年来,全基因组关联研究和候选基因研究发现了大量与复杂疾病有关的基因序列变异。这些与复杂疾病有因果和(或)关联关系的基因序列变异的发现促进了复杂疾病预测和防治方法的产生和发展。遗传风险评分(Genetic risk score,GRS)作为探索单核苷酸多态(Single nucleotide polymorphisms,SNPs)与复杂疾病临床表型之间关系的新兴方法,综合了若干SNPs的微弱效应,使基因多态对疾病的预测性大幅度提升。该方法在许多复杂疾病遗传学研究中得到成功应用。本文重点介绍了GRS的计算方法和评价标准,简要列举了运用GRS取得的系列成果,并对运用过程中所存在的局限性进行了探讨,最后对遗传风险评分的未来发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

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