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Forest–woodland–savannah mosaics are a common feature in the East African landscape. For the conservation of the woody species that occur in such landscapes, the species patterns and the factors that maintain it need to be understood. We studied the woody species distribution in a forest–woodland–savannah mosaic in Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda. The existing vegetation gradients were analyzed using data from a total of 591 plots of 400 or 500 m2 each. Remotely sensed data was used to explore current vegetation cover and the gradients there in for the whole area. A clear species gradient exists in the study area ranging from forest, where there is least disturbance, to wooded grassland, where frequent fire disturbance occurs. Most species are not limited to a specific part of the gradient although many show a maximum abundance at some point along the gradient. Fire and accessibility to the protected area were closely related to variation in species composition along the ordination axis with species like Cynometra alexandri and Uvariopsis congensis occurring at one end of the gradient and Combretum guenzi and Lonchocarpus laxiflorus at the other. The vegetation cover classes identified in the area differed in diversity, density and, especially, basal area. All vegetation cover classes, except open woodland, had indicator species. Diospyros abyssinica, Uvariopsis congensis, Holoptelea grandis and all Celtis species were the indicator species for the forest class, Terminalia velutina and Albizia grandbracteata for closed woodland, Grewia mollis and Combretum mole for very open woodland and Lonchocarpus laxiflorus, Grewia bicolor and Combretum guenzi for the wooded grassland class. Eleven of the species occurred in all cover classes and most of the species that occurred in more than one vegetation cover class showed peak abundance in a specific cover class. Species composition in the study area changes gradually from forest to savannah. Along the gradient, the cover classes are distinguishable in terms of species composition and vegetation structure. These classes are, however, interrelated in species composition. For conservation of the full range of the species within this East African landscape, the mosaic has to be managed as an integrated whole. Burning should be varied over the area with the forest not being burnt at all and the wooded grassland burnt regularly. The different vegetation types that occur between these two extremes should be maintained using a varied fire regime.  相似文献   


The extent of specialization/generalization continuum in fruit–frugivore interactions at the individual level remains poorly explored. Here, we investigated the interactions between the Neotropical treelet Miconia irwinii (Melastomataceae) and its avian seed dispersers in Brazilian campo rupestre. We built an individual-based network to derive plant degree of interaction specialization regarding disperser species. Then, we explored how intraspecific variation in interaction niche breadth relates to fruit availability on individual plants in varying densities of fruiting conspecific neighbors, and how these factors affect the quantity of viable seeds dispersed. We predicted broader interaction niche breadths for individuals with larger fruit crops in denser fruiting neighborhoods. The downscaled network included nine bird species and 15 plants, which varied nearly five-fold in their degree of interaction specialization. We found positive effects of crop size on visitation and fruit removal rates, but not on degree of interaction specialization. Conversely, we found that an increase in the density of conspecific fruiting neighbors both increased visitation rate and reduced plant degree of interaction specialization. We suggest that tracking fruit-rich patches by avian frugivore species is the main driver of density-dependent intraspecific variation in plants’ interaction niche breadth. Our study shed some light on the overlooked fitness consequences of intraspecific variation in interaction niches by showing that individuals along the specialization/generalization continuum may have their seed dispersed with similar effectiveness. Our study exemplifies how individual-based networks linking plants to frugivore species that differ in their seed dispersal effectiveness can advance our understanding of intraspecific variation in the outcomes of fruit–frugivore interactions.


Studying the genetics of development with small model organisms such as the zebrafish (Danio Rerio), the fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster), and the soil-dwelling nematode (Caenorhabditis elegans), provide unique opportunities for understanding related processes and diseases in humans. These model organisms also have potential for use in drug discovery and toxicity-screening applications. There have been sweeping developments in microfabrication and microfluidic technologies for manipulating and imaging small objects, including small model organisms, which allow high-throughput quantitative biological studies. Here, we review recent progress in microfluidic tools able to manipulate small organisms and project future directions and applications of these techniques and technologies.  相似文献   

Wolbachia are widespread endosymbionts that affect arthropod reproduction and fitness. Mostly maternally inherited, Wolbachia are occasionally transferred horizontally. Previously, two Wolbachia strains were reported at low prevalence and titres across seven Australian tephritid species, possibly indicative of frequent horizontal transfer. Here, we performed whole-genome sequencing of field-caught Wolbachia-positive flies. Unexpectedly, we found complete mitogenomes of an endoparasitic strepsipteran, Dipterophagus daci, suggesting that Wolbachia in the flies are linked to concealed parasitization. We performed the first genetic characterization of D. daci and detected D. daci in Wolbachia-positive flies not visibly parasitized, and most but not all Wolbachia-negative flies were D. daci-negative, presumably reflecting polymorphism for the Wolbachia infections in D. daci. We dissected D. daci from stylopized flies and confirmed that Wolbachia infects D. daci, but also found Wolbachia in stylopized fly tissues, likely somatic, horizontally transferred, non-heritable infections. Furthermore, no Wolbachia cif and wmk genes were detected and very low mitogenomic variation in D. daci across its distribution. Therefore, Wolbachia may influence host fitness without reproductive manipulation. Our study of 13 tephritid species highlights that concealed early stages of strepsipteran parasitization led to the previous incorrect assignment of Wolbachia co-infections to tephritid species, obscuring ecological studies of this common endosymbiont and its horizontal transmission by parasitoids.  相似文献   

Accurate species-level identifications underpin many aspects of basic and applied biology;however,identifications can be hampered by a lack of discriminating morphological characters,taxonomic expertise or time.Molecular approaches,such as DNA"barcoding"of the cytochrome c oxidase(COI)gene,are argued to overcome these issues.However,nuclear encoding of mitochondrial genes(numts)and poor amplification success of suboptimally preserved specimens can lead to erroneous identifications.One insect group for which these molecular and morphological problems are significant are the dacine fruit flies(Diptera:Tephritidae:Dacini).We addressed these issues associated with COI barcoding in the dacines by first assessing several"universal"COI primers against public mitochondrial genome and numt sequences for dacine taxa.We then modified a set of four primers that more closely matched true dacine COI sequence and amplified two overlapping portions of the COI barcode region.Our new primers were tested alongside universal primers on a selection of dacine species,including both fresh preserved and decades-old dry specimens.Additionally,Bactrocera tiyoni mitochondrial and nuclear genomes were compared to identify putative numts.Four numt clades were identified,three of which were amplified using existing universal primers.In contrast,our new primers preferentially amplified the"true"mitochondrial COI barcode in all dacine species tested.The new primers also successfully amplified partial barcodes from dry specimens for which full length barcodes were unobtainable.Thus we recommend these new primers be incorporated into the suites of primers used by diagnosticians and quarantine labs for the accurate identification of dacine species.  相似文献   

A study was made over 3 years to find out an optimum rate of Zn application for the maize–mungbean–rice cropping system in a calcareous soil of Bangladesh. Zinc application was made at 0, 2 and 4 kg ha−1 for maize (cv. Pacific 984, Thai hybrid) and at 0, 1 and 2 kg ha−1 for rice (cv. BRRI dhan33), with no Zn application for mungbean (cv. BARI mung5). Effect of Zn was evaluated in terms of yield and mineral nutrients contents (N, P, S and Zn). All the three crops responded significantly to Zn application. The optimum rate of Zn for the maize–mungbean–rice cropping system was found to be 4–0–2 kg ha−1 for the first year and 2–0–2 kg ha−1 for subsequent years particularly when mungbean residue was removed, and such rates for mungbean residue incorporation being 4–0–1 and 2–0–1 kg ha−1, respectively. For all crops, the Zn and N concentrations of grain were significantly increased with Zn application. For the case of grain-S, the concentration was significantly increased for maize and mungbean, but it remained unchanged for rice. The grain-P concentration on the other hand tended to decrease with Zn application. For maize, the grain-Zn concentration increased to 27.0 μg g−1 due to 2 kg Zn ha−1 treatment from 16.5 μg g−1 for Zn control and at higher Zn rate (4 kg Zn ha−1) the increment was very minimum. Another field experiment was performed over 3 years on the same soil to screen out maize varieties for Zn efficiency. Of the eight varieties tested, the BARI maize 6 and BARI hybrid maize 3 were found Zn in-responsive (Zn efficient) and the others Zn responsive (Zn-inefficient).  相似文献   

Auxin‐deprived, senescent, suspension‐cultured pear ( Pyrus communis cv. Passe Crassane) fruit cells that can be stimulated to produce ethylene were employed in the search for a possible interdependence between DNA methylation levels and ethylene production. Neither short‐term stimulation of ethylene production by CuCl2, nor longer‐term stimulation by auxin, nor the inhibition of ethylene biosynthesis had a significant effect on the cellular level of DNA methylation. However, short‐term exposure to S‐adenosylhomocysteine enhanced cellular ethylene production and long‐term exposure to azacytidine resulted in the reduction of both DNA methylation levels and stress‐induced ethylene production. These and other correlative findings, or lack thereof, are discussed in the context of ethylene physiology, DNA methylation/demethylation, and epigenetic control.  相似文献   

Ruiz-Mercado  Ilse  Masera  Omar 《EcoHealth》2015,12(1):42-56
EcoHealth - The implementation of clean fuel and stove programs that achieve sustained use and tangible health, environmental, and social benefits to the target populations remains a key challenge....  相似文献   

The sugars will eventually be exported transporters (SWEET) family of transporters in plants is identified as a novel class of sugar carriers capable of transporting sugars, sugar alcohols and hormones. Functioning in intercellular sugar transport, SWEETs influence a wide range of physiologically important processes. SWEETs regulate the development of sink organs by providing nutritional support from source leaves, responses to abiotic stresses by maintaining intracellular sugar concentrations, and host–pathogen interactions through the modulation of apoplastic sugar levels. Many bacterial and fungal pathogens activate the expression of SWEET genes in species such as rice and Arabidopsis to gain access to the nutrients that support virulence. The genetic manipulation of SWEETs has led to the generation of bacterial blight (BB)-resistant rice varieties. Similarly, while the overexpression of the SWEETs involved in sucrose export from leaves and pathogenesis led to growth retardation and yield penalties, plants overexpressing SWEETs show improved disease resistance. Such findings demonstrate the complex functions of SWEETs in growth and stress tolerance. Here, we review the importance of SWEETs in plant–pathogen and source–sink interactions and abiotic stress resistance. We highlight the possible applications of SWEETs in crop improvement programmes aimed at improving sink and source strengths important for enhancing the sustainability of yield. We discuss how the adverse effects of the overexpression of SWEETs on plant growth may be overcome.  相似文献   

Because of their widespread agricultural impact and rapid range expansions, true fruit flies (Tephritidae) are the subject of quarantine and control efforts worldwide. Among these flies, the pumpkin fruit fly Bactrocera depressa, which infests squash and other cucurbitaceous plants in Korea, Japan and Taiwan, was recently isolated from produce shipments entering Japan and identified as a regulatory target. This species was described in 1933 from collections in Japan and discovered in 1974 in Korea, suggesting that it may have recently invaded mainland Asia. We analysed the genetic structure of Asian populations of B. depressa using sequence variation for mitochondrial gene cytochrome-oxidase I and three nuclear loci: elongation factor 1alpha, tubulinbeta1 and tubulinbeta3, using frequency-based approaches, nested clade analysis and assignment tests. Contrary to the hypothesis of recent invasion, high levels of genetic subdivision were found among five Korean and three Japanese populations. Nested clade analysis suggested a variety of processes operating over different time scales, including ancient isolation between Korea and Japan and more recent range expansions within each country. Contrary to a priori expectations, the results also suggested the recent introduction of a mitochondrial haplotype into Yokohama, Japan that is related closely to a widespread haplotype found throughout Korea. Assignment tests also supported these conclusions. The combination of a genealogical approach and probabilistic assignments of individuals to populations of origin was able to provide statistical support for the identification of cryptic introductions within an otherwise widespread indigenous species.  相似文献   

Vascular cross-clamping is applied in many cardiovascular surgeries such as coronary bypass, aorta repair and valve procedures. Experimental studies have found that clamping of various degrees caused damage to arteries. This study examines the effects of popular clamps on vessel wall. Models of the aorta and clamp were created in Computer Assisted Design and Finite Element Analysis packages. The vessel wall was considered as a non-linear anisotropic material while the fluid was simulated as Newtonian with pulsatile flow. The clamp was applied through displacement time function. Fully coupled two-way solid–fluid interaction models were developed. It was found that the clamp design significantly affected the stresses in vessel wall. The clamp with a protrusion feature increased the overall Von Mises stress by about 60% and the compressive stress by more than 200%. Interestingly, when the protrusion clamp was applied, the Von Mises stress at the lumen (endothelium) side of artery wall was about twice that of the outer wall. This ratio was much higher than that of the plate-like clamp which was about 1.3. The flow reversal process was demonstrated during clamping. Vibrations, flow and wall shear stress oscillations were detected immediately before total vessel occlusion. The commonly used protrusion clamp increased stresses in vessel wall, especially the compressive stress. This design also significantly increased the stresses on endothelium, detrimental to vessel health. The present findings are relevant to surgical clamp design as well as the transient mechanical loading on the endothelium and potential injury. The deformation and stress analysis may provide valuable insights into the mode of tissue injury during cross-clamping.  相似文献   

In this study we report the synthesis and activity against bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) of a novel series of bicycle δ-sultones containing γ-lactones. BVDV is responsible for major losses in cattle. Some of the synthesized δ-sultones showed pronounced anti-BVDV activity with EC50 values of 0.12–1.0 μM and no significant cytotoxicity. Among them, the ortho bromosubstituted derivative 4f (EC50 = 0.12 μM) showed better antiviral activity than other derivatives and was 10 fold more that of than positive control ribavirin (EC50 = 1.3 μM). BVDV is also considered to be a valuable surrogate for the hepatitis C virus (HCV) in antiviral drug studies. The above results provided a novel candidate for the development of anti-HCV agents.  相似文献   

The ‘somnus’ passion fruit tree (Passiflora setacea) is native to the ‘Cerrado’ and ‘Caatinga’ biomes in Brazil and possesses agrobiological and commercial traits of interest. Studies examining the nature of genetic variability in natural populations are important for the utilization of these traits in conservation and breeding programs. In this study, we analyzed 12 populations of P. setacea from different locations distributed in three agro-ecological zones within the Bahia state of Brazil. Eleven ISSR primers and four pairs of RGA primers were used to assay 109 and 49 unique and reproducible loci, of which 108 (99%) and 49 (100%) were polymorphic. Although the level of genetic diversity in ‘somnus’ passion fruit trees was greater than that observed for other species of the same genus, preferential collection of certain populations, such as those located in the cities of Vitória da Conquista and Licinio de Almeida, is important when considering the fact that ‘somnus’ passion fruit trees occur in areas that are highly disturbed. This disturbance is primarily due to the deployment of pasture, predatory extraction and accelerated urban expansion. An analysis of molecular variance revealed a balance between the estimated genetic variation within and among populations. These data may be useful for developing strategies for preservation of this species in the Cerrado.  相似文献   

A molecular study was carried out to incriminate sand fly vectors of cutaneous leishmaniasis (CL) in rural areas of Sarakhs district, Khorassane-Razavi Province, northeastern Iran, in 2011. Sand flies of Sergentomyia with three species and Phlebotomus with six species respectively comprised 73.3% and 26.7% of the specimens. Phlebotomus papatasi was the most common Phlebotomine species in outdoor and indoor resting places. Leishmania infection was found at least in 17 (22%) specimens including Ph. papatasi (n = 9 pool samples), Phlebotomus caucasicus (n = 6), Phlebotomus alexandri (n = 1), and Sergentomyia sintoni (n = 1). The parasites were found comprised Leishmania major (n = 5), Leishmania turanica (n = 10), and Leishmania gerbilli (n = 4). Infection of Ph. papatasi with both L. major and L. turanica supporting the new suggestion indicating that it is not restricted only with L. major. Circulation of L. major by Ph. alexandri, and both L. gerbilli and L. turanica by Ph. caucasicus, in addition to previous data indicating the ability of Ph. alexandri to circulate Leishmania infantum and Leishmania donovani, and Ph. caucasicus to circulate L. major, suggests that these two species can be permissive vectors. The results suggest that Ph. papatasi and Ph. alexandri are the primary and secondary vectors of CL where circulating L. major between human and reservoirs, whereas Ph. caucasicus is circulating L. turanica and L. gerbilli between the rodents in the region.  相似文献   

This report provides a synopsis of the esterase processing of short chain fatty acid (SCFA)-derivatized hexosamine analogs used in metabolic glycoengineering by demonstrating that the extracellular hydrolysis of these compounds is comparatively slow (e.g., with a t1/2 of ~4 h to several days) in normal cell culture as well as in high serum concentrations intended to mimic in vivo conditions. Structure–activity relationship (SAR) analysis of common sugar analogs revealed that O-acetylated and N-azido ManNAc derivatives were more refractory against extracellular inactivation by FBS than their butanoylated counterparts consistent with in silico docking simulations of Ac4ManNAc and Bu4ManNAc to human carboxylesterase 1 (hCE1). By contrast, all analogs tested supported increased intracellular sialic acid production within 2 h establishing that esterase processing once the analogs are taken up by cells is not rate limiting.  相似文献   

Rivers and estuaries transport organic carbon (C) from terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems to the marine environment. During this transit, bacteria actively utilize and transform organic C, but few studies have measured detailed spatial variation in rates of bacterial respiration (BR) and production (BP). We measured BP at 39 stations and BR at 12 stations at monthly intervals along a 200-km reach of the tidal Hudson River. We observed strong repeatable spatial patterns for both BP and BR, with rates declining in the downstream direction. Bacterial Production had much greater dynamic range of spatial variation than BR. We used the detailed seasonal and spatial data on BP and BR to measure the total C demand of bacteria at several scales. We calculated volumetric and areal rates for 12 sections of the Hudson, as well as the total C utilization. Volumetric BR averaged 20 g-C-m–3 y–1, but it was highest in the most upstream section at 30 g C m–3 y–1. Areal rates averaged over the entire river were 174 g C m–2 y–1, but they were 318 g C m–2 y–1 in the deepest section of the river, indicating the importance of morphometric variation. Total bacterial C demand increased downriver with increasing total volume. Overall, bacteria in the freshwater section of the river consumed approximately 18–25.5 × 109 g C y–1, about 20% of the total organic C load.  相似文献   

A table of molar absorptivity and A1%1cm values for more than 220 proteins is given. The conditions used to obtain these values and references to the original literature are also given.  相似文献   

Based on former studies showing an antagonism between angiopoietin-2 (Ang-2) and bacterial endotoxins (LPS), we investigated the role of Ang-2 as immunomodulatory treatment. At first, kinetics of circulating LPS in Gram-negative pyelonephritis developing after urinary obstruction was studied. Serum LPS, interleukin (IL)-6 and Ang-2 were measured in 25 patients with acute pyelonephritis and sepsis before and after removal of the obstruction performed either with insertion of a pigtail catheter (n = 12) or percutaneous drainage (n = 13). At a second stage, Ang-2 was given as anti-inflammatory treatment in 40 rabbits one hour after induction of acute pyelonephritis by ligation of the ureter at the level of pelvo-ureteral junction and upstream bacterial inoculation. Survival was recorded; blood mononuclear cells were isolated and stimulated for the production of tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNFα). The decrease in circulating LPS was significantly greater among patients undergoing drainage than pigtail insertion. This was accompanied by reciprocal changes of Ang-2 and IL-6. Treatment with Ang-2 prolonged survival from Escherichia coli pyelonephritis despite high levels of circulating LPS. When Ang-2 was given as treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa pyelonephritis, sepsis-induced decrease of TNFα production by circulating mononuclear cells was reversed without an effect on tissue bacterial overgrowth. It is concluded that Ang-2 and LPS follow reverse kinetics in acute pyelonephritis. When given as experimental treatment, Ang-2 prolongs survival through an effect on mononuclear cells.  相似文献   

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