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The response of peatlands to changes in the climatic water budget is crucial to predicting potential feedbacks on the global carbon (C) cycle. To gain insight on the patterns and mechanisms of response, we linked a model of peat accumulation to a model of peatland hydrology, then applied these models to empirical data spanning the past 5000 years for the large mire Store Mosse in southern Sweden. We estimated parameters for C sequestration and height growth by fitting the peat accumulation model to two age profiles. Then, we used independent reconstruction of climate wetness and model reconstruction of bog height to examine changes in peatland hydrology. Reconstructions of C sequestration showed two distinct patterns of behaviour: abrupt increases associated with major transitions in vegetation and dominant Sphagnum species (fuscum, rubellum–fuscum and magellanicum stages), and gradual decreases associated with increasing humification of newly formed peat. Carbon sequestration rate ranged from a minimum of 14 to a maximum of 72 g m?2 yr?1, with the most rapid changes occurring in the past 1000 years. Vegetation transitions were associated with periods of increasing climate wetness during which the hydrological requirement for increased seepage loss was met by rise of the water table closer to the peatland surface, with the indirect result of enhancing peat formation. Gradual decline in C sequestration within each vegetation stage resulted from enhanced litter decay losses from the near‐surface layer. In the first two vegetation stages, peatland development (i.e., increasing surface gradient) and decreasing climate wetness drove a gradual increase in thickness of the unsaturated, near‐surface layer, reducing seepage water loss and peat formation. In the most recent vegetation stage, the surface diverged into a mosaic of wet and dry microsites. Despite a steady increase in climate wetness, C sequestration declined rapidly. The complexity of response to climate change cautions against use of past rates to estimate current or to predict future rates of peatland C sequestration. Understanding interactions among hydrology, surface structure and peat formation are essential to predicting potential feedback on the global C cycle.  相似文献   

The rapid increase of atmospheric CO2 resulting from anthropogenic activites has stimulated a great deal of interest in the carbon cycle. Important decisions need to be made about future tolerable levels of atmospheric CO2 content, as well as the land and fossil fuel use strategies that will permit us to achieve these goals. The vast amount of new data on atmospheric CO2 content and ancillary properties that has become available during the last decade, and the development of models to interpret these data, have led to significant advances in our capacity to deal with such issues. However, a major continuing source of uncertainty is the role of photosynthesis in providing a sink for anthropogenic emissions. It is thus appropriate that a new evaluation of the status of our understanding of this issue should be made at this time.The aim of this paper is to provide a setting for the papers that follow by giving an overview of the role of carbon dioxide in climate, the biogeochemical processes that control its distribution, and the evolution of carbon dioxide through time from the origin of the earth to the present. We begin with a discussion of relevant processes. We then proceed to a more detailed discussion of the time periods that are best documented: the late Pleistocene (during which time large continental ice sheets waxed and waned) and the modern era of anthropogenic impact on the carbon cycle.  相似文献   

Algal carbon-to-nitrogen (C:N) and carbon-to-phosphorus (C:P) ratios are fundamental for understanding many oceanic biogeochemical processes, such as nutrient flux and climate regulation. We synthesized literature data (444 species, >400 locations) and collected original samples from Tasmania, Australia (51 species, 10 locations) to update the global ratios of seaweed carbon-to-nitrogen (C:N) and carbon-to-phosphorus (C:P). The updated global mean molar ratio for seaweed C:N is 20 (ranging from 6 to 123) and for C:P is 801 (ranging from 76 to 4102). The C:N and C:P ratios were significantly influenced by seawater inorganic nutrient concentrations and seasonality. Additionally, C:N ratios varied by phyla. Brown seaweeds (Ochrophyta, Phaeophyceae) had the highest mean C:N of 27.5 (range: 7.6–122.5), followed by green seaweeds (Chlorophyta) of 17.8 (6.2–54.3) and red seaweeds (Rhodophyta) of 14.8 (5.6–77.6). We used the updated C:N and C:P values to compare seaweed tissue stoichiometry with the most recently reported values for plankton community stoichiometry. Our results show that seaweeds have on average 2.8 and 4.0 times higher C:N and C:P than phytoplankton, indicating seaweeds can assimilate more carbon in their biomass for a given amount of nutrient resource. The stoichiometric comparison presented herein is central to the discourse on ocean afforestation (the deliberate replacement of phytoplankton with seaweeds to enhance the ocean biological carbon sink) by contributing to the understanding of the impact of nutrient reallocation from phytoplankton to seaweeds under large-scale seaweed cultivation.  相似文献   

Temperate and boreal forest ecosystems contain a large part of the carbon stored on land, in the form of both biomass and soil organic matter. Increasing atmospheric [CO2], increasing temperature, elevated nitrogen deposition and intensified management will change this C store. Well documented single-factor responses of net primary production are: higher photosynthetic rate (the main [CO2] response); increasing length of growing season (the main temperature response); and higher leaf-area index (the main N deposition and partly [CO2] response). Soil organic matter will increase with increasing litter input, although priming may decrease the soil C stock initially, but litter quality effects should be minimal (response to [CO2], N deposition, and temperature); will decrease because of increasing temperature; and will increase because of retardation of decomposition with N deposition, although the rate of decomposition of high-quality litter can be increased and that of low-quality litter decreased. Single-factor responses can be misleading because of interactions between factors, in particular those between N and other factors, and indirect effects such as increased N availability from temperature-induced decomposition. In the long term the strength of feedbacks, for example the increasing demand for N from increased growth, will dominate over short-term responses to single factors. However, management has considerable potential for controlling the C store.  相似文献   

Climate-driven change represents the cumulative effect of global through local-scale conditions, and understanding their manifestation at local scales can empower local management. Change in the dominance of habitats is often the product of local nutrient pollution that occurs at relatively local scales (i.e. catchment scale), a critical scale of management at which global impacts will manifest. We tested whether forecasted global-scale change [elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) and subsequent ocean acidification] and local stressors (elevated nutrients) can combine to accelerate the expansion of filamentous turfs at the expense of calcifying algae (kelp understorey). Our results not only support this model of future change, but also highlight the synergistic effects of future CO2 and nutrient concentrations on the abundance of turfs. These results suggest that global and local stressors need to be assessed in meaningful combinations so that the anticipated effects of climate change do not create the false impression that, however complex, climate change will produce smaller effects than reality. These findings empower local managers because they show that policies of reducing local stressors (e.g. nutrient pollution) can reduce the effects of global stressors not under their governance (e.g. ocean acidification). The connection between research and government policy provides an example whereby knowledge (and decision making) across local through global scales provides solutions to some of the most vexing challenges for attaining social goals of sustainability, biological conservation and economic development.  相似文献   

The terrestrial carbon cycle plays a critical role in determining levels of atmospheric CO2 that result from anthropogenic carbon emissions. Elevated atmospheric CO2 is thought to stimulate terrestrial carbon uptake, through the process of CO2 fertilization of vegetation productivity. This negative carbon cycle feedback results in reduced atmospheric CO2 growth, and has likely accounted for a substantial portion of the historical terrestrial carbon sink. However, the future strength of CO2 fertilization in response to continued carbon emissions and atmospheric CO2 rise is highly uncertain. In this paper, the ramifications of CO2 fertilization in simulations of future climate change are explored, using an intermediate complexity coupled climate–carbon model. It is shown that the absence of future CO2 fertilization results in substantially higher future CO2 levels in the atmosphere, as this removes the dominant contributor to future terrestrial carbon uptake in the model. As a result, climate changes are larger, though the radiative effect of higher CO2 on surface temperatures in the model is offset by about 30% due to reduced positive dynamic vegetation feedbacks; that is, the removal of CO2 fertilization results in less vegetation expansion in the model, which would otherwise constitute an important positive surface albedo‐temperature feedback. However, the effect of larger climate changes has other important implications for the carbon cycle – notably to further weaken remaining carbon sinks in the model. As a result, positive climate–carbon cycle feedbacks are larger when CO2 fertilization is absent. This creates an interesting synergism of terrestrial carbon cycle feedbacks, whereby positive (climate–carbon cycle) feedbacks are amplified when a negative (CO2 fertilization) feedback is removed.  相似文献   

A model was developed to calculate carbon fluxes from agricultural soils. The model includes the effects of crop (species, yield and rotation), climate (temperature, rainfall and evapotranspiration) and soil (carbon content and water retention capacity) on the carbon budget of agricultural land. The changes in quality of crop residues and organic material as a result of changes in CO2 concentration and changed management were not considered in this model. The model was parameterized for several arable crops and grassland. Data from agricultural, meteorological, soil, and land use databases were input to the model, and the model was used to evaluate the effects of different carbon dioxide mitigation measures on soil organic carbon in agricultural areas in Europe. Average carbon fluxes under the business as usual scenario in the 2008–2012 commitment period were estimated at 0.52 tC ha?1 y?1 in grassland and ?0.84 tC ha?1 y?1 in arable land. Conversion of arable land to grassland yielded a flux of 1.44 tC ha?1 y?1. Farm management related activities aiming at carbon sequestration ranged from 0.15 tC ha?1 y?1 for the incorporating of straw to 1.50 tC ha?1 y?1 for the application of farmyard manure. Reduced tillage yields a positive flux of 0.25 tC ha?1 y?1. The indirect effect associated with climate was an order of magnitude lower. A temperature rise of 1 °C resulted in a ?0.05 tC ha?1 y?1 change whereas the rising CO2 concentrations gave a 0.01 tC ha?1 y?1 change. Estimates are rendered on a 0.5 × 0.5° grid for the commitment period 2008–2012. The study reveals considerable regional differences in the effectiveness of carbon dioxide abatement measures, resulting from the interaction between crop, soil and climate. Besides, there are substantial differences between the spatial patterns of carbon fluxes that result from different measures.  相似文献   

Coral reef ecosystems are under increasing pressure by multiple stressors that degrade reef condition and function. Although improved management systems have yielded benefits in many regions, broad‐scale declines continue and additional practical and effective solutions for reef conservation and management are urgently needed. Ecological interventions to assist or enhance ecosystem recovery are standard practice in many terrestrial management regimes, and they are now increasingly being implemented in the marine environment. Intervention activities in coral reef systems include the control of coral predators (e.g. crown‐of‐thorns starfish), substrate modification, the creation of artificial habitats and the cultivation, transplantation, and assisted recruitment of corals. On many coastal reefs, corals face competition and overgrowth by fleshy macroalgae whose abundance may be elevated due to acute disturbance events, chronic nutrient enrichment, and reduced herbivory. Active macroalgae removal has been proposed and trialed as a management tool to reduce competition between algae and corals and provide space for coral recruitment, in the hope of restoring the spatial dominance of habitat‐forming corals. However, macroalgae removal has received little formal attention as a method of reef restoration. This review synthesizes available knowledge of the ecological role of macroalgae on coral reefs and the potential benefits and risks associated with their active removal.  相似文献   

Climate change and invasive species are two of the most important ecological issues facing the world today. Yet, to date these two factors have largely been viewed independently. In order to prevent large-scale economic and environmental damage and as a first step towards predicting and preventing invasions, it is important to understand the factors affecting invasions. Here, we focus on insect herbivores and link the climate change and invasive research fields. We illustrate using existing published research that life history traits can be useful indicators of future invasive potential. However, climate change will also affect propagule pressure and the communities into which invaders will arrive. With the aid of a meta-analysis we show that climate-induced community changes are likely to increase niche-availability in the future, further exacerbating the problem of invasive species. It is timely and important that further research linking these two important ecological threats is undertaken.  相似文献   

Tea plantations are widely distributed and continuously expanding across subtropical China in recent years. However, carbon flux exchanges from tea plantation ecosystems are poorly understood at the ecosystem level. In this study, we use the eddy covariance technique to quantify the magnitude and temporal variations of the net ecosystem exchange (NEE) in tea plantation in Southeast China over four years (2014–2017). The result showed that the tea plantation was a net carbon sink, with an annual NEE that ranged from ?182.40 to ?301.51 g C/m2, which was a much lower carbon sequestration potential than other ecosystems in subtropical China. Photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) explained the highest proportion of the variation in NEE and gross primary productivity (GPP) (for NEE: F = 389.89, p < .01; for GPP: F = 1,018.04, p < .01), and air temperature (Ta) explained the highest proportion of the variation in ecosystem respiration (RE) (F = 13,141.81, p < .01). The strong pruning activity in April not only reduced the carbon absorption capacity but also provided many plant residues for respiration, which switched the tea plantation to a carbon source from April to June. Suppression of NEE at higher air temperatures was due to the decrease in GPP more than the decrease in RE, which indicated that future global warming may transform this subtropical tea plantation from a carbon sink to carbon source.  相似文献   

The equilibrium carbon storage capacity of the terrestrial biosphere has been investigated by running the Lund–Potsdam–Jena Dynamic Global Vegetation Model to equilibrium for a range of CO2 concentrations and idealized climate states. Local climate is defined by the combination of an observation-based climatology and perturbation patterns derived from a 4 × CO2 warming simulations, which are linearly scaled to global mean temperature deviations, Δ T glob. Global carbon storage remains close to its optimum for Δ T glob in the range of ±3°C in simulations with constant atmospheric CO2. The magnitude of the carbon loss to the atmosphere per unit change in global average surface temperature shows a pronounced nonlinear threshold behavior. About twice as much carbon is lost per degree warming for Δ T glob above 3°C than for present climate. Tropical, temperate, and boreal trees spread poleward with global warming. Vegetation dynamics govern the distribution of soil carbon storage and turnover in the climate space. For cold climate conditions, the global average decomposition rate of litter and soil decreases with warming, despite local increases in turnover rates. This result is not compatible with the assumption, commonly made in global box models, that soil turnover increases exponentially with global average surface temperature, over a wide temperature range.  相似文献   

Nitrogen deposition: a component of global change analyses   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

青藏高原草地生态系统对气候变化的响应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
青藏高原高寒草地生态系统对气候变化高度敏感,其如何响应和反馈气候变化一直以来受到极大关注.本文系统综述了近5年来有关青藏高原草地生态系统在物候、生产力、碳循环等方面对气候变化的响应过程以及应对气候变化的适应性管理的最新研究成果,发现气候变化对高寒草地生态系统的诸多影响还存在很大的不确定性.多数研究结果表明,增温使高寒草甸的植被物候提前和初级生产力水平提高,而高寒草原有相反的影响趋势,说明不同地域、不同群落类型对不同季节温度变化的响应模式不同.而气候变化对物种多样性和碳循环有关过程的影响结果尚没有一致的结论,时空尺度和方法上的差异可能是导致不同结果的主要原因.因此,建议在增强时空异质性的响应与反馈研究的同时,更需要加强生态过程和机理的研究.  相似文献   

The impacts of climate change in coastal marine systems   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Anthropogenically induced global climate change has profound implications for marine ecosystems and the economic and social systems that depend upon them. The relationship between temperature and individual performance is reasonably well understood, and much climate-related research has focused on potential shifts in distribution and abundance driven directly by temperature. However, recent work has revealed that both abiotic changes and biological responses in the ocean will be substantially more complex. For example, changes in ocean chemistry may be more important than changes in temperature for the performance and survival of many organisms. Ocean circulation, which drives larval transport, will also change, with important consequences for population dynamics. Furthermore, climatic impacts on one or a few 'leverage species' may result in sweeping community-level changes. Finally, synergistic effects between climate and other anthropogenic variables, particularly fishing pressure, will likely exacerbate climate-induced changes. Efforts to manage and conserve living marine systems in the face of climate change will require improvements to the existing predictive framework. Key directions for future research include identifying key demographic transitions that influence population dynamics, predicting changes in the community-level impacts of ecologically dominant species, incorporating populations' ability to evolve (adapt), and understanding the scales over which climate will change and living systems will respond.  相似文献   

A model of the interacting global carbon and nitrogen cycles (CQUESTN) is developed to explore the possible history of C-sequestration into the terrestrial biosphere in response to the global increases (past and possible future) in atmospheric CO2 concentration, temperature and N-deposition. The model is based on published estimates of pre-industrial C and N pools and fluxes into vegetation, litter and soil compartments. It was found necessary to assign low estimates of N pools and fluxes to be compatible with the more firmly established C-cycle data. Net primary production was made responsive to phytomass N level, and to CO2 and temperature deviation from preindustrial values with sensitivities covering the ranges in the literature. Biological N-fixation could be made either unresponsive to soil C:N ratio, or could act to tend to restore the preindustrial C:N of humus with different N-fixation intensities. As for all such simulation models, uncertainties in both data and functional relationships render it more useful for qualitative evaluation than for quantitative prediction.With the N-fixation response turned off, the historic CO2 increase led to standard-model sequestration into terrestrial ecosystems in 1995AD of 1.8 Gt C yr–1. With N-fixation restoring humus C:N strongly, C sequestration was 3 Gt yr–1 in 1995. In both cases C:N of phytomass and litter increased with time and these increases were plausible when compared with experimental data on CO2 effects. The temperature increase also caused net C sequestration in the model biosphere because decrease in soil organic matter was more than offset by the increase in phytomass deriving from the extra N mineralised. For temperature increase to reduce system C pool size, the biosphere leakiness to N would have to increase substantially with temperature. Assuming a constant N-loss coefficient, the historic temperature increase alone caused standard-model net C sequestration to be about 0.6 Gt C in 1995. Given the disparity of plant and microbial C:N, the modelled impact of anthropogenic N-deposition on C-sequestration depends substantially on whether the deposited N is initially taken up by plants or by soil microorganisms. Assuming the latter, standard-model net sequestration in 1995 was 0.2 Gt C in 1995 from the N-deposition effect alone. Combining the effects of the historic courses of CO2, temperature and N-deposition, the standard-model gave C-sequestration of 3.5 Gt in 1995. This involved an assumed weak response of biological N-fixation to the increased carbon status of the ecosystem. For N-fixation to track ecosystem C-fixation in the long term however, more phosphorus must enter the biological cycle. New experimental evidence shows that plants in elevated CO2 have the capacity to mobilize more phosphorus from so-called unavailable sources using mechanisms involving exudation of organic acids and phosphatases.  相似文献   

It is now widely accepted that boreal rivers and streams are regionally significant sources of carbon dioxide (CO2), yet their role as methane (CH4) emitters, as well as the sensitivity of these greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to climate change, are still largely undefined. In this study, we explore the large‐scale patterns of fluvial CO2 and CH4 partial pressure (pCO2, pCH4) and gas exchange (k) relative to a set of key, climate‐sensitive river variables across 46 streams and rivers in two distinct boreal landscapes of Northern Québec. We use the resulting models to determine the direction and magnitude of C‐gas emissions from these boreal fluvial networks under scenarios of climate change. River pCO2 and pCH4 were positively correlated, although the latter was two orders of magnitude more variable. We provide evidence that in‐stream metabolism strongly influences the dynamics of surface water pCO2 and pCH4, but whereas pCO2 is not influenced by temperature in the surveyed streams and rivers, pCH4 appears to be strongly temperature‐dependent. The major predictors of ambient gas concentrations and exchange were water temperature, velocity, and DOC, and the resulting models indicate that total GHG emissions (C‐CO2 equivalent) from the entire network may increase between by 13 to 68% under plausible scenarios of climate change over the next 50 years. These predicted increases in fluvial GHG emissions are mostly driven by a steep increase in the contribution of CH4 (from 36 to over 50% of total CO2‐equivalents). The current role of boreal fluvial networks as major landscape sources of C is thus likely to expand, mainly driven by large increases in fluvial CH4 emissions.  相似文献   

Climate change is having a significant impact on ecosystem services and is likely to become increasingly important as this phenomenon intensifies. Future impacts can be difficult to assess as they often involve long timescales, dynamic systems with high uncertainties, and are typically confounded by other drivers of change. Despite a growing literature on climate change impacts on ecosystem services, no quantitative syntheses exist. Hence, we lack an overarching understanding of the impacts of climate change, how they are being assessed, and the extent to which other drivers, uncertainties, and decision making are incorporated. To address this, we systematically reviewed the peer‐reviewed literature that assesses climate change impacts on ecosystem services at subglobal scales. We found that the impact of climate change on most types of services was predominantly negative (59% negative, 24% mixed, 4% neutral, 13% positive), but varied across services, drivers, and assessment methods. Although uncertainty was usually incorporated, there were substantial gaps in the sources of uncertainty included, along with the methods used to incorporate them. We found that relatively few studies integrated decision making, and even fewer studies aimed to identify solutions that were robust to uncertainty. For management or policy to ensure the delivery of ecosystem services, integrated approaches that incorporate multiple drivers of change and account for multiple sources of uncertainty are needed. This is undoubtedly a challenging task, but ignoring these complexities can result in misleading assessments of the impacts of climate change, suboptimal management outcomes, and the inefficient allocation of resources for climate adaptation.  相似文献   

土壤线虫对气候变化的响应研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋敏  刘银占  井水水 《生态学报》2015,35(20):6857-6867
全球变化对陆地生态系统功能具有重要而深远的影响。陆地生态系统地下部分具有重要的生态功能,其组成及结构对气候变化的响应将进一步减缓或加剧全球化进程。土壤线虫在各类生态系统中分布十分广泛,是地下食物网的重要组分,在维持土壤生物多样性及营养物质循环过程中发挥重要作用,其组成及结构对不同气候变化驱动因子的响应机制与模式不尽相同。增温及降水格局变化主要是通过改变线虫生境而直接影响其种群密度与结构,两者通常表现为正效应且作用效果随处理时间的延长而增强。CO2与大气氮沉降主要是通过影响地上植被,凋落物质量,土壤理化性质等间接过程影响土壤线虫。同时,不同的全球变化因子之间存在着复杂的交互作用,深入理解这些因子之间交互作用对线虫群落的影响模式与机制对于探讨未来气候变化情景下生态统生物多样性及养分循环过程具有重要的理论指导意义。  相似文献   

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