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It has been suggested that the uniquely large gluteus maximus (GMAX) muscles were an important adaptation during hominin evolution based on numerous anatomical differences between humans and extant apes. GMAX electromyographic (EMG) signals have been quantified for numerous individual movements, but not across the range of locomotor gaits and speeds for the same subjects. Thus, comparing relative EMG amplitudes between these activities has not been possible. We assessed the EMG activity of the gluteal muscles during walking, running, sprinting, and climbing. To gain further insight into the function of the gluteal muscles during locomotion, we measured muscle activity during walking and running with external devices that increased or decreased the need to control either forward or backward trunk pitch. We hypothesized that 1) GMAX EMG activity would be greatest during sprinting and climbing and 2) GMAX EMG activity would be modulated in response to altered forward trunk pitch demands during running. We found that GMAX activity in running was greater than walking and similar to climbing. However, the activity during sprinting was much greater than during running. Further, only the inferior portion of the GMAX had a significant change with altered trunk pitch demands, suggesting that the hip extensors have a limited contribution to the control of trunk pitch movements during running. Overall, our data suggest that the large size of the GMAX reflects its multifaceted role during rapid and powerful movements rather than as a specific adaptation for a single submaximal task such as endurance running. Am J Phys Anthropol 153:124–131, 2014. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Pain-free normal Achilles tendons and chronic painful Achilles tendons were examined by the use of antibodies against a general nerve marker (protein gene-product 9.5, PGP9.5), sensory markers (substance P, SP; calcitonin gene-related peptide, CGRP), and immunohistochemistry. In the normal tendons, immunoreactions against PGP9.5 and against SP/CGRP were encountered in the paratendinous loose connective tissue, being confined to nerve fascicles and to nerve fibers located in the vicinity of blood vessels. To some extent, these immunoreactions also occurred in the tendon tissue proper. Immunoreaction against PGP9.5 and against SP/CGRP was also observed in the tendinosis samples and included immunoreactive nerve fibers that were intimately associated with small blood vessels. In conclusion, Mechanoreceptors (sensory corpuscles) were occasionally observed, nerve-related components are present in association with blood vessels in both the normal and the tendinosis tendon.  相似文献   

To elucidate compositional changes of the tendons with aging, the authors investigated age-related changes of element contents in the tendon of the iliopsoas muscle by inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry. The subjects consisted of 14 men and 14 women, ranging in age from 4 to 102 yr. The insertion tendons of the iliopsoas were removed from the cadavers after ordinary dissection and also surgically from patients with congenital dislocation of the hip. It was found that both Mg and P in the tendon of the iliopsoas muscle increased significantly with aging, but the other elements, such as S, Ca, Na, Zn, Fe, and Si, hardly changed with aging. With regard to the relationship among element contents, extremely significant correlations were found between P and S contents, between Mg and Na contents, and between S and Zn contents. In addition, very significant correlations were found between Si and either S or Zn contents. However, there was no significant correlation between Ca and P contents. These results revealed that with regard to age-related changes of element contents and the relationships among element contents, the tendon of the iliopsoas muscle was different from the Achilles tendon, in which both Mg and P decreased significantly with aging and there were significant correlations each other among the contents of S, Mg, and P.  相似文献   

MAK-VP-1/1, a proximal femur recovered from the Maka Sands (ca. 3.4 mya) of the Middle Awash, Ethiopia, and attributed to Australopithecus afarensis, is described in detail. It represents the oldest skeletal evidence of locomotion in this species, and is analyzed from a morphogenetic perspective. X-ray, CT, and metric data are evaluated, using a variety of methods including discriminant function. The specimen indicates that the hip joint of A. afarensis was remarkably like that of modern humans, and that the dramatic muscle allocation shifts which distinguish living humans and African apes were already present in a highly derived form in this species. Its anatomy provides no indication of any form of locomotion save habitual terrestrial bipedality, which very probably differed only trivially from that of modern humans.  相似文献   

Saurischian dinosaurs evolved seven orders of magnitude in body mass, as well as a wide diversity of hip joint morphology and locomotor postures. The very largest saurischians possess incongruent bony hip joints, suggesting that large volumes of soft tissues mediated hip articulation. To understand the evolutionary trends and functional relationships between body size and hip anatomy of saurischians, we tested the relationships among discrete and continuous morphological characters using phylogenetically corrected regression. Giant theropods and sauropods convergently evolved highly cartilaginous hip joints by reducing supraacetabular ossifications, a condition unlike that in early dinosauromorphs. However, transitions in femoral and acetabular soft tissues indicate that large sauropods and theropods built their hip joints in fundamentally different ways. In sauropods, the femoral head possesses irregularly rugose subchondral surfaces for thick hyaline cartilage. Hip articulation was achieved primarily using the highly cartilaginous femoral head and the supraacetabular labrum on the acetabular ceiling. In contrast, theropods covered their femoral head and neck with thinner hyaline cartilage and maintained extensive articulation between the fibrocartilaginous femoral neck and the antitrochanter. These findings suggest that the hip joints of giant sauropods were built to sustain large compressive loads, whereas those of giant theropods experienced compression and shear forces.  相似文献   

Compared to other primates, modern humans face high rates of maternal and neonatal morbidity and mortality during childbirth. Since the early 20th century, this “difficulty” of human parturition has prompted numerous evolutionary explanations, typically assuming antagonistic selective forces acting on maternal and fetal traits, which has been termed the “obstetrical dilemma.” Recently, there has been a growing tendency among some anthropologists to question the difficulty of human childbirth and its evolutionary origin in an antagonistic selective regime. Partly, this stems from the motivation to combat increasing pathologization and overmedicalization of childbirth in industrialized countries. Some authors have argued that there is no obstetrical dilemma at all, and that the difficulty of childbirth mainly results from modern lifestyles and inappropriate and patriarchal obstetric practices. The failure of some studies to identify biomechanical and metabolic constraints on pelvic dimensions is sometimes interpreted as empirical support for discarding an obstetrical dilemma. Here we explain why these points are important but do not invalidate evolutionary explanations of human childbirth. We present robust empirical evidence and solid evolutionary theory supporting an obstetrical dilemma, yet one that is much more complex than originally conceived in the 20th century. We argue that evolutionary research does not hinder appropriate midwifery and obstetric care, nor does it promote negative views of female bodies. Understanding the evolutionary entanglement of biological and sociocultural factors underlying human childbirth can help us to understand individual variation in the risk factors of obstructed labor, and thus can contribute to more individualized maternal care.  相似文献   

Economy is a central principle for understanding animal locomotion. Yet, compared with theoretical predictions concerning economy, animals run with compliant legs that are energetically costly. Here, we address this apparent paradox, highlighting two factors that predict benefits for compliant gaits: (i) minimizing cost of work associated with bouncing viscera; and (ii) leg control for robust stability in uneven terrain. We show that consideration of the effects of bouncing viscera predicts an energetic optimum for relatively compliant legs. To compare stability in uneven terrain, we introduce the normalized maximum drop (NMD), a measure based on simple kinematics, which predicts that compliant legs allow negotiation of relatively larger terrain perturbations without failure. Our model also suggests an inherent trade-off in control of leg retraction velocity (ω) for stability: low ω allows higher NMD, reducing fall risk, whereas high ω minimizes peak forces with terrain drops, reducing injury risk. Optimization for one of these factors explicitly limits the other; however, compliant legs relax this trade-off, allowing greater stability by both measures. Our models suggest compromises in leg control for economy and stability that might explain why animals run with compliant legs.  相似文献   

The bouncing mechanism of human running is characterized by a shorter duration of the brake after ‘landing’ compared with a longer duration of the push before ‘takeoff’. This landing–takeoff asymmetry has been thought to be a consequence of the force–velocity relation of the muscle, resulting in a greater force exerted during stretching after landing and a lower force developed during shortening before takeoff. However, the asymmetric lever system of the human foot during stance may also be the cause. Here, we measure the landing–takeoff asymmetry in bouncing steps of running, hopping and trotting animals using diverse lever systems. We find that the duration of the push exceeds that of the brake in all the animals, indicating that the different lever systems comply with the basic property of muscle to resist stretching with a force greater than that developed during shortening. In addition, results show both the landing–takeoff asymmetry and the mass-specific vertical stiffness to be greater in small animals than in large animals. We suggest that the landing–takeoff asymmetry is an index of a lack of elasticity, which increases with increasing the role of muscle relative to that of tendon within muscle–tendon units.  相似文献   


Purpose: Muscle tendon vibration (MTV) strongly activates muscle spindles and can evoke kinaesthetic illusions. Although potentially relevant for sensorimotor rehabilitation in stroke, MTV is scarcely used in clinical practice, likely because of the absence of standardised procedures to elicit and characterise movement illusions. This work developed and validated a Standardised Kinaesthetic Illusion Procedure (SKIP) to favour the use of MTV-induced illusions in clinical settings.

Materials and methods: SKIP scores were obtained in 15 individuals with chronic stroke and 18 age- and gender-matched healthy counterparts. A further 13 healthy subjects were tested to provide more data with the general population. MTV was applied over the Achilles tendon and SKIP scoring system characterised the clearness and direction of the illusions of ankle dorsiflexion movements.

Results: All healthy and stroke participants perceived movement illusions. SKIP scores on the paretic side were significantly lower compared to the non paretic and healthy. Illusions were less clear and sometimes in unexpected directions with the impaired ankle, but still possible to elicit in the presence of sensorimotor deficits.

Conclusions: SKIP represents an ancillary and potentially useful clinical method to elicit and characterise illusions of movements induced by MTV. SKIP could be relevant to further assess the processing of proprioceptive afferents in stroke and their potential impact on motor control and recovery. It may be used to guide therapy and improve sensorimotor recovery. Future work is needed to investigate the metrological properties of our method (reliability, responsiveness, etc.), and also the neurophysiological underpinnings of MTV-induced illusions.  相似文献   

庄明浩  鲁玺  王艳芬  杨树 《生态学报》2023,43(5):1775-1783
探究家庭能源消费对生态环境和人体健康的研究是系统推进家庭能源绿色低碳转型和实现联合国2030可持续发展目标的关键。重点综述了目前家庭能源消费、影响因素及其对生态环境和居民健康影响的国际研究现状。目前研究不足主要聚焦在以下两个方面:一方面,影响家庭能源消费因素的贡献率和影响消费行为的驱动机制尚不清晰;另一方面,目前主要针对家庭能源消费或者生态系统或者环境或者居民健康其中的某一方面或者某两个方面开展研究,鲜有研究系统的考虑家庭能源消费对生态环境和人体健康影响的综合研究。基于上述研究现状,结合青藏高原的实际情况,提出未来需要在宏观层面和微观层面加强研究。宏观层面:(1)亟需厘清青藏高原家庭能源与生态环境和人体健康之间的内在联系与驱动机制,形成青藏高原牧区“家庭能源-生态效应-环境效应-健康效应”的理论分析框架;(2)构建模块化的牧区“能源-生态-环境-健康-经济”等多学科交叉的综合评估模型,形成完整的、系统的评估方法。微观层面:(1)迫切开展青藏高原家庭能源消费特征与变化规律的研究;(2)深入开展家庭能源消费特征和变化规律与生态系统的反馈机制与量化研究;(3)加强牧区室内空气污染物浓度测定,...  相似文献   

As noted by previous researchers, the chimpanzee postcranial anatomy reflects a compromise between the competing demands of arboreal and terrestrial locomotion. In this study, we measured the distance climbed and walked per day in a population of wild chimpanzees and used published equations to calculate the relative daily energy costs. Results were used to test hypotheses regarding the arboreal-terrestrial tradeoff in chimpanzee anatomy, specifically whether arboreal adaptations serve to minimize daily locomotor energy costs by decreasing the energy spent climbing. Our results show that chimpanzees spend approximately ten-times more energy per day on terrestrial travel than on vertical climbing, a figure inconsistent with minimizing energy costs in our model. This suggests non-energetic factors, such as avoiding falls from the canopy, may be the primary forces maintaining energetically costly climbing adaptations. These analyses are relevant to anatomical comparisons with living and extinct hominoids.  相似文献   

The majority of studies of frontal bone morphology in paleoanthropology have analyzed the frontal squama and the browridge as a single unit, mixing information from different functional elements. Taking into account that the bulging of the frontal bone is often described as a species‐specific trait of Homo sapiens, in this article we analyze variation in the midsagittal profile of the genus Homo, focusing on the frontal squama alone, using landmark‐based superimpositions and principal components analysis. Our results demonstrate that anatomically modern humans are definitely separated from extinct human taxa on the basis of frontal bulging. However, there is minor overlap among these groups, indicating that it is necessary to exercise caution when using this trait alone to make taxonomic inferences on individual specimens. Early modern humans do not show differences with recent modern humans, and “transitional” individuals such as Jebel Irhoud 1, Maba, and Florisbad, show modern‐like frontal squama morphology. The bulging of the frontal squama in modern humans may represent a structural consequence of more general cranial changes, or it could be a response to changes in the morphology of the underlying prefrontal brain elements. A subtle difference between Neandertals and the Afro‐European Middle Pleistocene Homo sample is associated with flattening at bregma in the former group, a result that merits further investigation. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc  相似文献   

Japanese macaques that have been trained for monkey performances exhibit a remarkable ability to walk bipedally. In this study, we dynamically reconstructed bipedal walking of the Japanese macaque to investigate causal relationships among limb kinematics, speed, and energetics, with a view to understanding the mechanisms underlying the evolution of human bipedalism. We constructed a two-dimensional macaque musculoskeletal model consisting of nine rigid links and eight principal muscles. To generate locomotion, we used a trajectory-tracking control law, the reference trajectories of which were obtained experimentally. Using this framework, we evaluated the effects of changes in cycle duration and gait kinematics on locomotor efficiency. The energetic cost of locomotion was estimated based on the calculation of mechanical energy generated by muscles. Our results demonstrated that the mass-specific metabolic cost of transport decreased as speed increased in bipedal walking of the Japanese macaque. Furthermore, the cost of transport in bipedal walking was reduced when vertical displacement of the hip joint was virtually modified in the simulation to be more humanlike. Human vertical fluctuations in the body's center of mass actually contributed to energy savings via an inverted pendulum mechanism.  相似文献   

With the increasing intensity of global human activities, the ecosystem function, which is supported by the microbial community, will be dramatically changed and impaired. To investigate microbial resistance and resilience of microbial communities to human activities, we chose two typical types of human disturbances, urbanization, and reclamation under the higher intensity of human activities than the global average level. We examined microbial traits, including the abundance, diversity, phylogeny, and co‐occurrence interactions in soil microbial communities, together with the nitrification activities observed in the subtropical coastal ecosystem of the Pearl River Estuary and in soil microcosm experiments. Microbial communities were less resistant to the environmental changes caused by urbanization than to those caused by reclamation, which was significantly reflected in the nitrogen and/or carbon‐related patterns. However, most of the microbial traits could be recovered almost to the original level without significant differences in the microcosm after 40 days of incubation. The co‐occurrence interactions between nitrifiers and other microbial communities were dramatically changed and could not be completely recovered, but this change did not affect their nitrification activities for balancing the ammonium in the soil to the original level during the recovery stage, suggesting that the interactions between microbial communities might have fewer effects on their activities than previously thought. This study quantitatively demonstrated that microbial communities as a whole can recover to a status similar to the original state in a short time after the removal of stress at a large ecosystem scale even under the higher intensity of human activities than global average level in coastal ecosystems, which implied a strong recovery capacity of soil microbial community even after intense human disturbance.  相似文献   

More than a third of the European pool of human mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is fragmented into a number of subclades of haplogroup (hg) H, the most frequent hg throughout western Eurasia. Although there has been considerable recent progress in studying mitochondrial genome variation in Europe at the complete sequence resolution, little data of comparable resolution is so far available for regions like the Caucasus and the Near and Middle East-areas where most of European genetic lineages, including hg H, have likely emerged. This gap in our knowledge causes a serious hindrance for progress in understanding the demographic prehistory of Europe and western Eurasia in general. Here we describe the phylogeography of hg H in the populations of the Near East and the Caucasus. We have analyzed 545 samples of hg H at high resolution, including 15 novel complete mtDNA sequences. As in Europe, most of the present-day Near Eastern-Caucasus area variants of hg H started to expand after the last glacial maximum (LGM) and presumably before the Holocene. Yet importantly, several hg H subclades in Near East and Southern Caucasus region coalesce to the pre-LGM period. Furthermore, irrespective of their common origin, significant differences between the distribution of hg H sub-hgs in Europe and in the Near East and South Caucasus imply limited post-LGM maternal gene flow between these regions. In a contrast, the North Caucasus mitochondrial gene pool has received an influx of hg H variants, arriving from the Ponto-Caspian/East European area.  相似文献   

袁瑞玲  王晓渭  杨珊  陈鹏 《昆虫学报》2015,58(5):471-478
【目的】明确桔小实蝇Bactrocera dorsalis(Hendel)飞行肌对能源物质的利用。【方法】通过生化方法测定了能源物质代谢相关5种酶[3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶(GAPDH)、3-磷酸甘油脱氢酶(GDH)、乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)、柠檬酸合酶(CS)和3-羟酰辅酶A脱氢酶(HOAD)]活性的变化。【结果】桔小实蝇成虫中所测的5种酶活性随日龄的变化而变化,4日龄GAPDH,GDH,LDH和CS活性最高,20日龄HOAD活性最高。吊飞过程中,GAPDH,GDH和CS的活性变化基本一致,随吊飞时间的延长活性逐渐升高;LDH和HOAD的活性变化雌、雄虫完全不同。雄虫LDH活性除吊飞2 h外其他时间均高于静息状态,雌虫则始终低于静息状态;雄虫HOAD活性只有吊飞24 h低于静息状态水平,而雌虫吊飞后HOAD活性一直在静息状态水平及以下波动。【结论】桔小实蝇飞行所利用的能源物质包括糖类和脂肪,以糖类能源为主。吊飞过程中,雄虫除可以进行高速有氧代谢以外,还具备一定的无氧代谢能力,而雌虫只进行有氧代谢;雄虫能利用脂肪供给能量,雌虫则几乎不动用脂肪。研究结果为进一步阐明桔小实蝇的迁飞行为机制提供了依据。  相似文献   

The dynamic evolution of the PrP(C) from its NMR-derived conformation to a beta-sheet-rich, aggregation-prone conformation is studied through all-atom, explicit solvent molecular dynamics in different temperature and pH conditions. The trajectories are analyzed by means of a recently introduced energy decomposition approach aimed at identifying the key residues for the stabilization and folding of the protein. It is shown that under native conditions the stabilization energy is concentrated in regions of the helices H1 and H3, whereas under misfolding conditions (low pH, high temperature, or mutations in selected sites) it is spread out over helix H2. Misfolding appears to be a rearrangement of the chain that disrupts most of the native secondary structure of the protein, producing some beta-rich conformations with an energy distribution similar to that of the native state.  相似文献   

Rossi  A.  Kay  L.  Saks  V. 《Molecular and cellular biochemistry》1998,184(1-2):401-408
Our aim was to carefully analyse the time-dependent changes that affect the mitochondrial function of myocardial cells during and after an ischemic episode. To this end, variables characterizing mitochondrial function have been evaluated on myocardial samples from isolated rat hearts subjected to different conditions of ischemia. The technique of permeabilized fibers was used in order to evaluate the mitochondrial function whilst retaining intracellular structure.The earliest alteration that could be detected was a decrease in the stimulatory effect of creatine on mitochondrial respiration. This alteration became more pronounced as the severity (or duration) of the ischemia increased. Afterwards, a significant decrease in the apparent Km of mitochondrial respiration for ADP also appeared, followed by a diminution of the maximal respiration rate which was partly restored by adding cytochrome c. Finally, for the most severe conditions of ischemia, the basal respiratory rate also increased. These observations are indicative of a sequence of alterations affecting first the intermembrane space, then the outer mitochondrial membrane, and finally the inner membrane. The discussion is focused on the very early alterations, that could not be detected using the conventional techniques of isolated mitochondria. We postulate that these alterations to the intermembrane space and outer mitochondrial membrane can induce disturbances both in the channelling of energy from the mitochondria, and on the signalling towards the mitochondria. The potential consequences on the regulation of the production of energy (ATP, PC) by the mitochondria are evoked.  相似文献   

The accurate measurement of the morphological characteristics of cells with nonuniform conformations presents difficulties. We report here a straightforward method using immunofluorescent staining and the commercially available imaging program Adobe Photoshop, which allows objective and precise information to be gathered on irregularly shaped cells. We have applied this measurement technique to the analysis of human muscle cells and their immunologically marked intracellular constituents, as these cells are prone to adopting a highly branched phenotype in culture. Use of this method can be used to overcome many of the long-standing limitations of conventional approaches for quantifying muscle cell size in vitro. In addition, wider applications of Photoshop as a quantitative and semiquantitative tool in immunocytochemistry are explored.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to characterize the function of mitochondria and main energy fluxes in human colorectal cancer (HCC) cells. We have performed quantitative analysis of cellular respiration in post-operative tissue samples collected from 42 cancer patients. Permeabilized tumor tissue in combination with high resolution respirometry was used.Our results indicate that HCC is not a pure glycolytic tumor and the oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) system may be the main provider of ATP in these tumor cells. The apparent Michaelis–Menten constant (Km) for ADP and maximal respiratory rate (Vm) values were calculated for the characterization of the affinity of mitochondria for exogenous ADP: normal colon tissue displayed low affinity (Km = 260 ± 55 μM) whereas the affinity of tumor mitochondria was significantly higher (Km = 126 ± 17 μM). But concurrently the Vm value of the tumor samples was 60–80% higher than that in control tissue. The reason for this change is related to the increased number of mitochondria. Our data suggest that in both HCC and normal intestinal cells tubulin β-II isoform probably does not play a role in the regulation of permeability of the MOM for adenine nucleotides.The mitochondrial creatine kinase energy transfer system is not functional in HCC and our experiments showed that adenylate kinase reactions could play an important role in the maintenance of energy homeostasis in colorectal carcinomas instead of creatine kinase.Immunofluorescent studies showed that hexokinase 2 (HK-2) was associated with mitochondria in HCC cells, but during carcinogenesis the total activity of HK did not change. Furthermore, only minor alterations in the expression of HK-1 and HK-2 isoforms have been observed.Metabolic Control analysis showed that the distribution of the control over electron transport chain and ATP synthasome complexes seemed to be similar in both tumor and control tissues. High flux control coefficients point to the possibility that the mitochondrial respiratory chain is reorganized in some way or assembled into large supercomplexes in both tissues.  相似文献   

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